GHSA 4A State Championships 2023

Albany, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coleman, Jace 10.57 Stephenson High School
Dargan, Ali 10.60 Miller Grove High School
Hewlett, Lassale 10.61 Hampton HS
Richardson, Corey 10.72 Whitewater High School
Carter, Ahmad 10.72 Perry High School
Dave, Jordan 10.72 Luella High school
Harris, Tae 10.73 Cedartown
Northington, Dominiq 10.74 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Coleman, Curtis 10.79 Southeast Bulloch
Ingram, Devin 10.81 Stephenson High School
Kennedy, Joe 10.83 Whitewater High School
Diamond, Harlem 10.85 Cedartown
Scott, Cassie 10.92 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Collins, Tumari 11.01 Cedar Shoals
Sajous, Guensley 11.10 Hardaway
Dyous, Z'Kwon 11.14 Baldwin High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Isaiah 14.14 Southwest Dekalb
Kelly, Markel 14.50 Burke County
Northington, Dominiq 14.53 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Watkins, Jesse 15.13 Southeast Whitfield High School
Craft, Bryson 15.18 Miller Grove High School
Dorsey, Quan 15.23 Cedartown
MCCORD, TRENT 15.27 Spalding High School
Weaver, Jace 15.40 Bainbridge High School
Turner, Astin 15.41 Cedartown
Graham, Alexander 15.54 Hardaway
Brown, Cooper 15.75 Chestatee
Rice, Jackson 15.77 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Sabino, Courtland 15.91 Whitewater High School
Donaldson, Damion 15.99 Southeast Bulloch
Baugh, Turner 16.29 McDonough
Grissom, Trey 16.41 Stockbridge High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sapone, Joe 4:08.91 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Jacquot, Joseph 4:19.59 Westminster School
Arrambide, Alex 4:20.68 East Forsyth High School
Daya, Esfan 4:22.48 Westminster School
Best, Gabriel 4:23.47 Whitewater High School
Roach, Bankson 4:29.30 Starrs Mill High School
Retana, Aaron 4:29.48 Chestatee
Wells, Matthew 4:29.62 Pace Academy
Oates, Denver 4:30.88 Starrs Mill High School
Young, Bryant 4:31.46 North Hall
Hicks, Henry 4:31.62 Lovett
Ferguson, Parker 4:32.83 Central High School
Benefield, Dalton 4:33.76 Cedartown
Thornton, Casey 4:34.34 Central High School
Woellore, Abenezer 4:34.40 Clarkston
Dixon, Emanuel 4:35.52 Baldwin High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hewlett, Lassale 21.28 Hampton HS
Kennedy, Joe 21.47 Whitewater High School
Dargan, Ali 21.52 Miller Grove High School
Coleman, Curtis 21.57 Southeast Bulloch
Gituku, William 21.83 Westminster School
Coleman, Jace 21.83 Stephenson High School
Whatley, Trennedy 21.93 Fayette County
Dave, Jordan 21.96 Luella High school
Northington, Dominiq 22.00 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Conix, Kevin 22.00 Stockbridge High School
Brown, Prince 22.08 Miller Grove High School
Carter, Ahmad 22.16 Perry High School
Frazier, Chris 22.24 Benedictine Military School
Diamond, Harlem 22.25 Cedartown
Walton, Jonaz 22.41 Central High School
Boone, Jaylen 22.43 Baldwin High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Isaiah 37.39 Southwest Dekalb
Taylor, Xzaviah 37.85 Southwest Dekalb
Bryant, Rodney 39.06 Perry High School
Kelly, Markel 39.45 Burke County
Dorsey, Quan 39.49 Cedartown
Parker, Joshua 39.91 McDonough
Johnson, Ryan 40.07 Stockbridge High School
Craft, Bryson 40.43 Miller Grove High School
Weaver, Jace 40.48 Bainbridge High School
Sikes, Nate 40.74 Whitewater High School
Flowers, Kwabena 40.82 Stephenson High School
Sabino, Courtland 40.93 Whitewater High School
Watkins, Jesse 41.11 Southeast Whitfield High School
Hansen, Connor 41.27 East Forsyth High School
Cheek, Alvinno 41.29 Stockbridge High School
Barch, Ryan 42.21 Starrs Mill High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thornton, Casey 10:06.09 Central High School
Chavez, Kevyn 10:28.70 Southeast Whitfield High School
Sapone, Joe 9:15.14 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Arrambide, Alex 9:36.31 East Forsyth High School
Jacquot, Joseph 9:40.16 Westminster School
Daya, Esfan 9:41.98 Westminster School
Best, Gabriel 9:44.64 Whitewater High School
Dougher, Grant 9:46.30 Starrs Mill High School
Retana, Aaron 9:49.81 Chestatee
Dodson, John 9:51.72 Benedictine Military School
Ferguson, Parker 9:52.43 Central High School
Young, Bryant 9:53.14 North Hall
Peters, Noah 9:53.49 Chestatee
Hajiani, Iliyan 9:54.16 Pace Academy
Jacquot, Jacob 9:54.30 Westminster School
Benefield, Dalton 9:54.91 Cedartown
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kennedy, Joe 47.60 Whitewater High School
Ofosu-Kwarteng, Braeden 47.61 Whitewater High School
Gituku, William 47.92 Westminster School
Taylor, Xzaviah 47.96 Southwest Dekalb
Conix, Kevin 48.21 Stockbridge High School
Alexander III, Therrian 48.38 Southwest Dekalb
Wright-Goss, Christopher 48.83 Luella High school
Seals, Collin 49.01 Stephenson High School
Warner, Justin 49.13 Fayette County
Taylor, Jmar 49.53 Luella High school
Mclloyd, Jaylan 50.13 Westover High School
White, Jerrod 50.21 Starrs Mill High School
Davis , Kywon 50.42 Spalding High School
McNealy, Jadan 50.77 Baldwin High School
Ledbetter, Drew 50.81 Cedartown
Jackson, Demond 50.83 Burke County
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.35 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 41.41 Hampton HS
Relay Team A 41.64 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 41.69 Southwest Dekalb
Relay Team A 41.94 Fayette County
Relay Team A 42.16 Wayne County
Relay Team A 42.56 Central High School
Relay Team A 42.68 Hardaway
Relay Team A 42.68 Luella High school
Relay Team A 42.76 Griffin
Relay Team A 42.89 Cairo
Relay Team A 42.89 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 42.90 Burke County
Relay Team A 42.90 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 43.00 Westover High School
Relay Team A 43.11 Baldwin High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:26.38 Southwest Dekalb
Relay Team A 1:27.30 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:27.40 Luella High school
Relay Team A 1:27.95 Cedar Shoals
Relay Team A 1:28.26 Wayne County
Relay Team A 1:28.60 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 1:28.80 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 1:29.66 Westminster School
Relay Team A 1:29.71 McDonough
Relay Team A 1:30.28 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 1:30.54 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 1:30.69 Cedartown
Relay Team A 1:31.47 Cairo
Relay Team A 1:32.16 Lovett
Relay Team A 1:32.26 West Laurens High School
Relay Team A 1:32.63 Perry High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:11.41 Southwest Dekalb
Relay Team A 3:19.31 Fayette County
Relay Team A 3:19.53 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 3:19.81 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 3:22.46 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 3:22.94 Westminster School
Relay Team A 3:23.58 Cedar Shoals
Relay Team A 3:24.11 Luella High school
Relay Team A 3:25.48 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 3:29.42 Cedartown
Relay Team A 3:29.63 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 3:29.85 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 3:30.27 Madison County
Relay Team A 3:32.56 West Laurens High School
Relay Team A 3:32.98 Sonoraville HS
Relay Team A 3:34.26 Westover High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:08.51 Westminster School
Relay Team A 8:10.78 Southwest Dekalb
Relay Team A 8:13.85 Druid Hills
Relay Team A 8:18.63 Lovett
Relay Team A 8:25.06 East Forsyth High School
Relay Team A 8:25.51 Cedartown
Relay Team A 8:28.50 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 8:28.77 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 8:29.10 Fayette County
Relay Team A 8:29.54 North Oconee
Relay Team A 8:32.06 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 8:35.69 Madison County
Relay Team A 8:36.88 Southeast Whitfield High School
Relay Team A 8:47.68 Northwest Whitfield High School
Relay Team A 8:47.80 Shaw High School
Relay Team A 8:48.52 Heritage HS, Catoosa
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Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gazula, Rohan 1:56.30 Westminster School
Eskridge, Derrick 1:56.70 Southwest Dekalb
Warner, Justin 1:59.78 Fayette County
Aguilera-Morton, Ethan 1:59.89 Starrs Mill High School
Duncan, David 2:00.40 North Oconee
Sulton, Allen 2:01.05 Fayette County
Oates, Denver 2:01.70 Starrs Mill High School
Ajuzie, David 2:02.60 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Mandel, Willem 2:02.71 Westminster School
Dixon, Emanuel 2:03.22 Baldwin High School
Pederson, Thomas 2:04.30 East Forsyth High School
Taylor, Jmar 2:04.40 Luella High school
Ollis, Gavin 2:05.65 Northwest Whitfield High School
Guzman, Uriel 2:06.06 Cedartown
Paredes, Jorge 2:08.30 Southeast Whitfield High School
Rivera, Christian 2:08.53 Southeast Whitfield High School
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Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Phillips 162-5 Westminster School
Moore, Jared 162-2 Starrs Mill High School
McMillian, Quintez 153-10 Southeast Bulloch
Lane, Nicholas 152-9 Westover High School
Blige, Elijah 151-3 New Hampstead HS
Aguilar, Julian 148-9 Sonoraville HS
Irvin, Cedric 146-10 Stockbridge High School
Fraley, Omarion 143-10 Baldwin High School
McDonald, Rhett 141-10 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Mallard, Morgan 141-6 Madison County
Reeves, Isaiah 139-10 Southwest Dekalb
Oliver, T.J. 139-9 Sonoraville HS
Massey, Malaki 138-11 Central High School
Butler, Yashawn 138-2 LaGrange High School
McClary, Isaiah 136-4 Johnson HS
Phifer, Josh 134-4 Starrs Mill High School
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Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington, Tymone 6-2 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Alofe, Tito 6-2 Starrs Mill High School
Melton, Luke 6-2 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Reid, Antwan 6-2 Madison County
Zelnak, William 6-2 Lovett
Sink, Henry 6-2 Benedictine Military School
Justice, Jhace 6-2 Cherokee Bluff High School
Rayner, Isaiah 6-0 Westover High School
Hibberts, Ethan 6-0 Sonoraville HS
Joseph, Jaelin 6-0 Stephenson High School
Scott, Terrell 6-0 Miller Grove High School
Voyles, Gage 6-0 Northwest Whitfield High School
Barch, Ryan 6-0 Starrs Mill High School
Black, JD 5-10 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Turner, Kade 5-10 Central High School
Walker, Caleb 5-10 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
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Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ofosu-Kwarteng, Braeden 23-1.25 Whitewater High School
Rayner, Isaiah 23-1 Westover High School
Ingram, Devin 22-7 Stephenson High School
Haire, Porter 22-6.75 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Justice, Jhace 22-6.75 Cherokee Bluff High School
Alofe, Tito 22-2.75 Starrs Mill High School
Keniye, Michael 21-11.25 Fayette County
Peoples, Terrance 21-10 Cairo
Thomas, CJ 21-9.5 Pace Academy
Dorbin, David 21-8 North Oconee
Teal, Octavian 21-7 Cairo
Hester, Devin 21-7 Cedar Shoals
Powell, Damian 21-5 Clarkston
Davis, Khamarion 21-4 Cedartown
Davis , Kywon 21-3.5 Spalding High School
Gardner, Demarcus 21-3 Cedartown
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilkinson, Owen 12-0 Central High School
White, Connor 12-0 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Walsh, Patrick 11-6 Westminster School
Parikh, Luke 11-0 Westminster School
Carnes, Noah 11-0 Central High School
Harris, John 11-0 North Oconee
Wilbanks, Matthew 11-0 North Hall
Necessary, Blake 11-0 Starrs Mill High School
Wilson, Hayes 11-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Ross, Jackson 11-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dalton, Drake 11-0 North Oconee
Andrews, Nicholas 11-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Wilson, Wyatt 11-0 North Oconee
Cheatwood, Tyler 10-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Smith, Daelin 10-6 Central High School
Wilson, Jayden 10-6 West Laurens High School
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Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Phillips 58-7 Westminster School
Moore, Jared 55-2 Starrs Mill High School
Joseph, Greigh 54-0.5 Starrs Mill High School
Horton, Michael 52-7 Westside, Macon
Claxton, Noah 50-4.25 Lovett
Agyeman, Ivan 49-11.5 Whitewater High School
Walton, Juliuz 49-10 Central High School
Clark, Quentin 48-0 West Laurens High School
Gibbons, Michael 47-10.5 Cedartown
Oliver, T.J. 47-6 Sonoraville HS
Ingram, Grayson 47-5.75 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Blige, Elijah 46-9.5 New Hampstead HS
Smith, Grant 46-4.25 Walnut Grove HS
Moore, Jacob 46-2 Southwest Dekalb
McDonald, Rhett 46-2 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Irvin, Cedric 45-4.25 Stockbridge High School
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rayner, Isaiah 45-11.25 Westover High School
Simmons, Tavares 45-10.25 Perry High School
Alofe, Tito 45-10 Starrs Mill High School
Bomar, Drew 45-8.25 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Goggins, Cameron 45-1.25 Hampton HS
Priester, Brent 44-7.25 Luella High school
Evans, Mo 44-1 LaGrange High School
Zelnak, William 44-0.5 Lovett
Davis, Khamarion 43-8.5 Cedartown
Hamilton, Rodrick 43-6.25 Bainbridge High School
Bonner, Dontavious 43-6 Burke County
Justice, Jhace 43-5 Cherokee Bluff High School
Johnson, Kavon 43-2 Westover High School
Kinley, Alex 43-0 Walnut Grove HS
Thompson, Rodrigues 42-5.5 Griffin
Peoples, Terrance 42-4.5 Cairo
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frederick, Sanaa 11.77 Druid Hills
Blocker, Nya 11.92 Bainbridge High School
Palmer, Marissa 11.93 New Hampstead HS
Lacey, Nevaeh 12.03 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Powell, Maniah 12.19 Stephenson High School
Brown, Akira 12.21 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Smith, Grace 12.24 Westminster School
Matar-Lee, Amani 12.24 Luella High school
Fonfield, Micyah 12.30 Spalding High School
Johnson, Jaylyn 12.33 Seckinger High School
Castlin , Qitarah 12.34 Spalding High School
Owens, Olivia 12.46 Cherokee Bluff High School
McFadden, Ryan 12.47 Westminster School
Adams, Janea 12.48 Central High School
Guyton, Nadia 12.54 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Weyer, Haley 12.56 East Forsyth High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rapier, Nafer 14.33 Baldwin High School
Harris, Alina 14.77 Griffin
Smith, Grace 14.88 Westminster School
Cheek, Hannah 14.92 Cherokee Bluff High School
Rowell, Mattison 15.19 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Thompson, Zy 15.29 Griffin
Chambers, Kelsey 15.35 Westminster School
Johnson, Ariel 15.36 Fayette County
Kidd, Jillian 15.47 Miller Grove High School
Webb, Dymon 15.58 Burke County
Goode, Bella 15.66 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Love, Destiny 15.74 Westover High School
Thompson, CeCe 15.87 Starrs Mill High School
Freeman, Skylin 16.38 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Hines, Alexys 16.71 Southeast Whitfield High School
Parrott, Jada 17.05 Seckinger High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hood, Caroline 5:01.12 Pace Academy
Walstad, Palmer 5:09.37 Westminster School
Myers, Adison 5:15.11 Cherokee Bluff High School
Tarpley, Taylor 5:16.42 Whitewater High School
Blaha, Harriet 5:18.23 Pace Academy
O'Bryant, Clodagh 5:21.82 North Hall
Miller, Ana 5:26.91 Starrs Mill High School
McKinnis, Tatum 5:27.14 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Caldwell, Ava 5:29.16 North Oconee
Martz, Harley 5:29.21 Druid Hills
Johnson, Lucy 5:29.31 Westminster School
Bernal, Zahara 5:34.33 Pace Academy
Barker, Lucy 5:37.07 Central High School
Daugherty, Lorelei 5:41.74 Central High School
Blanton, Alivia 5:41.93 Perry High School
Carlisle, Mya 5:59.92 Griffin
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frederick, Sanaa 23.58 Druid Hills
Frederick, Sole 23.92 Druid Hills
Blocker, Nya 24.64 Bainbridge High School
Bryan, Kennedi 24.99 Stockbridge High School
Lacey, Nevaeh 25.14 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Dozier, Nina 25.18 McDonough
Castlin , Qitarah 25.21 Spalding High School
Brown, Mia 25.34 Starrs Mill High School
Powell, Maniah 25.36 Stephenson High School
Jackson, Kennedy 25.49 Seckinger High School
Robinson, Lydia 25.54 East Forsyth High School
Brown, Akira 25.66 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Singleton, Taylor 25.66 Westover High School
Weyer, Haley 25.67 East Forsyth High School
Quarterman, Camille 25.76 Westminster School
Mitchell, Madison 25.77 Westover High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Grace 44.69 Westminster School
Harris, Alina 45.84 Griffin
Hight, Caseyona 46.44 Stephenson High School
Rapier, Nafer 46.48 Baldwin High School
Kidd, Jillian 46.99 Miller Grove High School
Heard, Brandi 47.02 Spalding High School
Freeman, Skylin 47.40 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Cheek, Hannah 47.92 Cherokee Bluff High School
Fung Chung, Brooke 48.01 Pace Academy
Craig , Tayla 48.47 Howard High School
Gore, Ana 48.66 Lovett
Arnold, Emma 48.70 Starrs Mill High School
Mckenna, Kierra 48.89 Clarkston
Harris, Emily 49.28 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Johnson, Ariel 50.45 Fayette County
Thompson, CeCe 50.76 Starrs Mill High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hood, Caroline 11:02.46 Pace Academy
Walstad, Palmer 11:27.41 Westminster School
O'Bryant, Clodagh 11:28.84 North Hall
Myers, Adison 11:30.03 Cherokee Bluff High School
Blaha, Harriet 11:36.36 Pace Academy
Moore, Allison 11:37.13 Starrs Mill High School
Bernal, Zahara 11:42.28 Pace Academy
Tarpley, Taylor 11:46.58 Whitewater High School
Caldwell, Ava 11:56.27 North Oconee
McKinnis, Tatum 12:13.96 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Daugherty, Lorelei 12:16.06 Central High School
Martz, Harley 12:16.83 Druid Hills
Barker, Lucy 12:19.13 Central High School
Bloom, Eloisa 13:02.88 Westminster School
Bowen, Karley 13:24.06 Central High School
Perez, Yessica 13:45.98 Cedartown
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Jayda 1:00.72 Whitewater High School
Davis, Asia 1:00.98 Luella High school
Lindley, Jamea 1:01.00 Southwest Dekalb
Ingram, Kennedy 1:01.06 Westover High School
Hightower, Zykierra 1:01.50 Cairo
Birts, Quenteria 55.88 Stockbridge High School
Frederick, Sole 57.10 Druid Hills
Quarterman, Camille 57.20 Westminster School
Bolden, Jadyn 57.30 Druid Hills
Brown, Mia 58.00 Starrs Mill High School
Robinson, Lydia 58.38 East Forsyth High School
Blocker, Nya 58.63 Bainbridge High School
Jackson, Kennedy 58.97 Seckinger High School
Toussaint, Makayla 59.37 Griffin
Copeland, Kirah 59.60 Stockbridge High School
Kutob, Raegan 59.73 Fayette County
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.27 Druid Hills
Relay Team A 47.81 Spalding High School
Relay Team A 47.84 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 48.45 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 48.49 Westover High School
Relay Team A 48.59 Westminster School
Relay Team A 48.92 New Hampstead HS
Relay Team A 48.92 Griffin
Relay Team A 49.04 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 49.24 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 49.27 Burke County
Relay Team A 49.33 Seckinger High School
Relay Team A 49.38 Cairo
Relay Team A 49.55 McDonough
Relay Team A 49.79 Miller Grove High School
Relay Team A 50.19 Fayette County
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:41.27 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 1:43.36 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 1:43.68 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:43.94 Cairo
Relay Team A 1:43.98 Westminster School
Relay Team A 1:44.00 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 1:44.01 Westover High School
Relay Team A 1:45.62 Walnut Grove HS
Relay Team A 1:46.32 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:46.32 Seckinger High School
Relay Team A 1:47.99 Miller Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:48.32 Central High School
Relay Team A 1:48.66 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 1:48.76 Perry High School
Relay Team A 1:49.16 Burke County
Relay Team A 1:51.13 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:56.36 Druid Hills
Relay Team A 3:57.59 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 3:59.28 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 4:00.26 Griffin
Relay Team A 4:03.32 Westminster School
Relay Team A 4:05.05 East Forsyth High School
Relay Team A 4:05.36 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 4:05.70 North Oconee
Relay Team A 4:08.67 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 4:09.90 Walnut Grove HS
Relay Team A 4:11.29 Pace Academy
Relay Team A 4:12.19 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 4:13.03 Chestatee
Relay Team A 4:15.56 Westover High School
Relay Team A 4:17.61 Miller Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:19.42 Sonoraville HS
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:01.37 North Oconee
Relay Team A 10:06.61 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 10:07.28 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 10:09.79 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 10:16.34 Lovett
Relay Team A 10:17.21 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 10:32.80 Westminster School
Relay Team A 10:35.67 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Relay Team A 11:06.00 Griffin
Relay Team A 11:08.32 Central High School
Relay Team A 11:15.56 Westover High School
Relay Team A 11:16.74 Druid Hills
Relay Team A 11:22.24 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 11:22.46 Southeast Whitfield High School
Relay Team A 9:52.05 Pace Academy
Relay Team A 9:58.11 North Hall
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Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ivaska, Kendra 2:19.59 Starrs Mill High School
Walstad, Palmer 2:20.30 Westminster School
Moore, Abi 2:20.78 North Hall
O'Bryant, Clodagh 2:21.10 North Hall
Resnick, Olivia 2:21.56 Pace Academy
Prell, Ansleigh 2:23.59 North Oconee
Issac, Breona 2:25.12 Stephenson High School
Birts, Quenteria 2:25.58 Stockbridge High School
Walraven, Brynley 2:27.37 Sonoraville HS
Wilson, Rayondra 2:27.44 Fayette County
Smith, MaryPoole 2:27.93 Lovett
Johnson, Lucy 2:29.71 Westminster School
Martz, Harley 2:30.72 Druid Hills
Wilson, Lena 2:37.34 Bainbridge High School
Ingram, Kennedy 2:37.63 Westover High School
Ramos, Sandybel 2:40.37 Southeast Whitfield High School
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Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrison, Avah 125-9 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Register, MaKayla 113-8 West Laurens High School
Jenkins, Treasure 111-9 Bainbridge High School
Atkins, Daynejia 110-6 Stockbridge High School
Lane, Emily 106-5 Northwest Whitfield High School
Lawson, Tejah 104-4 Westover High School
Egure, Onoyeme 102-2 Fayette County
Miller, Kayli 102-0 Central High School
Covin, Zion 101-11 West Laurens High School
Ruff, Morgan 100-5 Baldwin High School
Gore, Ana 98-6 Lovett
Hill, Makayla 98-0 Luella High school
Bond, Kaleigh 91-9 North Oconee
Page, Deondra 90-11 Burke County
Jordan, Skylar 89-7 North Oconee
Adewusi, Adefolake 89-0 Whitewater High School
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Zy 5-2 Griffin
Rapier, Nafer 5-2 Baldwin High School
Chambers, Kelsey 5-2 Westminster School
Chennault, Harmony 5-2 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
Horst, Janine 5-0 Westminster School
Thurston, Rayven 5-0 Westover High School
Walker, Jazmine 5-0 Baldwin High School
Berry, Lexi 5-0 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fung Chung, Brooke 5-0 Pace Academy
Taylor, Eve 5-0 North Hall
Foreman, Emalee 5-0 Chestatee
Brown, Akira 5-0 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Malone, Madison 5-0 East Forsyth High School
Reed, Jamiya 5-0 Troup Co.
Smith, Emily 5-0 North Oconee
Webb, Dymon 5-0 Burke County
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Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spencer, Anna 18-5 Cairo
Fung Chung, Brooke 18-4.75 Pace Academy
Smith, Grace 18-3.5 Westminster School
Chambers, Kelsey 17-11 Westminster School
Goode, Bella 17-10 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dozier, Nina 17-8 McDonough
Thurston, Rayven 17-7 Westover High School
Bolden, Jadyn 17-2 Druid Hills
Johnson, Angel 17-1.75 Fayette County
McFadden, Ryan 17-0.5 Westminster School
Taylor, Eve 17-0 North Hall
Castlin , Qitarah 16-11 Spalding High School
Blocker, Nya 16-8 Bainbridge High School
Clark, Jayla 16-5.5 Stockbridge High School
Kutob, Raegan 16-3.5 Fayette County
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 16-1.5 Starrs Mill High School
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Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Madison 10-0 Westminster School
Farley-Allen, Sabrina 9-6 Westminster School
Horst, Genae 9-6 Westminster School
Jones, Em 9-6 Central High School
Arnold, Sadie 9-6 North Oconee
Yeager, Emma Kate 9-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Nguyen, Gabby 9-6 North Oconee
McDonald, Caroline 9-0 North Oconee
DeLaere, Julianna 9-0 Starrs Mill High School
Allmon, Malia 9-0 Lovett
Seid, Rachael 9-0 North Hall
Collier, Camille 8-6 Lovett
Wilkinson, Lucy 7-6 Central High School
Hamilton, Caroline 7-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cochran, Savannah 7-6 Sonoraville HS
Kavuri, Sophie 7-6 West Laurens High School
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Register, MaKayla 39-1.25 West Laurens High School
Egure, Onoyeme 38-9.5 Fayette County
Atkins, Daynejia 37-9.25 Stockbridge High School
Jenkins, Treasure 37-1.5 Bainbridge High School
Morrison, Avah 36-3.75 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ruff, Morgan 36-3.25 Baldwin High School
Schreane, Taliyah 35-8.5 Shaw High School
Clark, Jalen 34-2.25 Miller Grove High School
Goss, Izzy 34-0.75 Sonoraville HS
Jordan, Skylar 33-11.75 North Oconee
Mellon, Maikayla 33-2.75 Stockbridge High School
Adewusi, Adefolake 33-2.25 Whitewater High School
Baidoo, Hillary 33-0.75 Starrs Mill High School
Lawson, Tejah 33-0 Westover High School
Wilson, Halle 32-7.25 Cherokee Bluff High School
Hill, Makayla 32-4 Luella High school
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Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunter, Jazmine 37-6 Sonoraville HS
Goode, Bella 36-10 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Johnson, Angel 36-9 Fayette County
Thurston, Rayven 36-8.5 Westover High School
Garrett, Ty'Kira 36-7 Stephenson High School
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 36-5 Starrs Mill High School
Chambers, Kelsey 36-4.5 Westminster School
Rhaney, Alyssa 35-5 LaGrange High School
Singleton, Taylor 35-1.5 Westover High School
Lee, Jayla 33-10.25 Stockbridge High School
Plair, Damaia 33-8.5 Mount Zion High School
Mckenna, Kierra 33-7 Clarkston
Taylor, Eve 33-6.75 North Hall
Parrott, Jada 33-4 Seckinger High School
Tchamnakouna, Josefa 33-2.75 Baldwin High School
Losin, Emma 33-0 Holy Innocents' Episcopal School
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