Flying Biscuit Cafe HS Invitational 2023

Bogart, GA
Hosted by North Oconee
Timing/Results Fast Feet Timing

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 5000 Meter Run 192 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bair, Aiden Clarke Central
Stagl, Jacob Hebron Christian
Lightsey, Davin White County High School
Siple, Matthew Westminster Christian Academy
Magnuson, Matthew Grovetown HS
Melton, Barrett Bethlehem Christian
Sharp, Justin Walnut Grove HS
Aguilar, Jared Habersham Central High School
Johnson, Johnny Morgan County HS
Black, Charlie Clarke Central
Prezzano, Colin Hebron Christian
Sloan, Noah Bethlehem Christian
Peacock, Jake Westminster Christian Academy
Reesman, Nathen Oglethorpe County HS
Taylor, Aiden Franklin County High School
Driver, Jacob North Oconee
Garcia, Deigo Chestatee
Rodriguez, Fabian Hart County
Seabolt, Jace White County High School
Steadham, Bryson North Oconee
Lopez, Javi Cherokee Bluff High School
Chester, NIcholas Athens Academy
Harvey, Jesse Oconee County High School
Prezzano, Dylan Hebron Christian
Cash, Tanner White County High School
Welch, Brooks Bethlehem Christian
McCurdy, Mason Athens Academy
Hassemer, Rowen North Oconee
Estala, Sergio Chestatee
Taylor, Steven White County High School
Booth, Elijah Walnut Grove HS
Mancini, William Hart County
Duvall, Peyton Oglethorpe County HS
Kelly, Kaden Monroe Area High School
Araujo, Brando Chestatee
Reilley, Matthew Athens Academy
Cope, Nikola Clarke Central
Gatti, Sam White County High School
Bedard, Henry Peachtree Ridge High School
Magazin, Dominik Westminster Christian Academy
Haupt, Ian Bethlehem Christian
Thrift, Noam Athens Academy
Middleton, Ben North Oconee
Milton, Jax Cherokee Bluff High School
Kaufman, Joshua Chestatee
Stagl, James Hebron Christian
Degroff, Kyler Walnut Grove HS
McGarvey, Kieran Habersham Central High School
Alexander, Sumit Athens Academy
Woitkovich, Lucas Oconee County High School
Gomez-Rodriguez, Jorge Hart County
Meadows, Evan Bethlehem Christian
Young, Josiah Oglethorpe County HS
Acebo, Aiden Grovetown HS
Worley, Corrigan Monroe Area High School
Ramsey, Bryan Lakeview Academy
Grobe, Dagan Franklin County High School
Casas Ibarra, Kevin North Oconee
May, Riley Cherokee Bluff High School
Benna, Zac Chestatee
Blose, Champ 17:12.10 Oconee County High School
Hostetter, Spencer 17:41.15 Oconee County High School
Vasquez, Wally 18:27.52 Peachtree Ridge High School
Adkins, Trey 18:27.80 Jefferson High School
Thornton, Jacob 18:36.45 Oconee County High School
Reed, Timothy 18:51.20 Archer HS
Johns, Dylan 18:53.44 Jefferson High School
Miles, Asaru 18:54.98 Grovetown HS
Cooper, Tate 18:56.81 North Hall
Young, Kellice 19:00.34 North Hall
Arnest, Jacob 19:02.28 North Oconee
Perkins, Ivory 19:08.16 Archer HS
Seuser, Andrew 19:15.27 Oconee County High School
Borg, Michael 19:15.75 North Hall
Smith, Dylan 19:19.30 Morgan County HS
Schmidt, Ryan 19:21.27 Jefferson High School
Hoopaugh, Jayden 19:21.70 Jefferson High School
Nunnally, Ben 19:22.66 Jefferson High School
Marley, Ryland 19:25.54 Athens Academy
Allen, Patrick 19:28.60 Clarke Central
Valente, Gael 19:33.77 Morgan County HS
Garcia, Kody 19:35.20 Chestatee
Hale, Hudson 19:38.67 Oconee County High School
Brantley, Tyler 19:44.25 Oconee County High School
Enterline, Parker 19:48.40 East Forsyth High School
Wood, James 19:52.03 North Hall
Heaton, Joshua 20:03.06 Archer HS
Anwar, Ethan 20:10.80 North Oconee
Wiedower, Cade 20:12.42 Oconee County High School
Avinger, Gavin 20:23.96 North Oconee
Robertson, Max 20:25.50 Archer HS
Bray, Brockton 20:31.69 Jefferson High School
Carter, Kaiden 20:32.13 Hart County
Robertson, Emory 20:34.20 Archer HS
Bell, Jacob 20:38.42 Archer HS
Matyszewski, Briton 20:40.20 Morgan County HS
Tous, Xavier 20:42.06 Archer HS
Wall, Cain 20:42.98 Jefferson High School
Blair, Nathan 20:52.82 Peachtree Ridge High School
Stephens, Tyler 20:53.20 Chestatee
Hanson, Aidan 20:58.80 North Hall
Botero, Thomas 20:59.96 Archer HS
Walsh, Kaeleb 21:05.62 Archer HS
Whaley, Isaac 21:07.99 East Forsyth High School
Scruggs, Henry 21:10.95 Athens Academy
Lowery, Zarion 21:16.67 Archer HS
Flores, Carlos 21:26.70 Clarke Central
McCurley, Torin 21:28.78 Hart County
Patel, Preyat 21:29.48 Peachtree Ridge High School
Gabriel, Gage 21:31.56 Grovetown HS
Malinen, Jacob 21:33.51 East Forsyth High School
Boulware, William 21:34.39 Morgan County HS
Singleton, Sevyn 21:35.85 Hart County
Holbrooks, Luke 21:37.34 Oglethorpe County HS
Duncan, Alex 21:39.10 Peachtree Ridge High School
Bongart, Thomas 21:43.20 Peachtree Ridge High School
Silcox, Hayden 21:47.65 Lakeview Academy
Ikirt, Issac 21:47.72 Jefferson High School
Smith, Ethan 21:48.11 East Forsyth High School
Kim, Matt 21:52.26 Clarke Central
Carter, Jackson 21:52.34 Hart County
Cohen, Malcolm 21:53.93 Oconee County High School
Ray, Sawyer 21:57.46 North Hall
Parker, Chase 21:58.27 North Oconee
McCleary, Will 22:00.10 Athens Academy
Acquah, Kodwo-Raymond 22:00.67 Peachtree Ridge High School
Smith, Skye 22:00.90 Peachtree Ridge High School
Fernandez, Colin 22:07.40 White County High School
Peacock, Will 22:08.29 Westminster Christian Academy
Tatum, Logan 22:10.91 Oglethorpe County HS
O'Lenick, Conner 22:15.40 Jefferson High School
Pearson, Coleman 22:20.40 North Oconee
Crist, Patrick 22:21.90 Hebron Christian
Colegrove, Brayden 22:27.37 North Hall
Martin, Jack 22:27.79 Cherokee Bluff High School
Guerrero, Aiden 22:31.01 Grovetown HS
Anderson, Uriah 22:40.80 Jefferson High School
Hovater, Silas 22:47.19 Westminster Christian Academy
Yeager, Matthew 22:48.50 East Forsyth High School
Glenn, Zach 22:55.65 White County High School
Gregory, Carter 22:57.31 Cherokee Bluff High School
Chiang, Powell 22:58.19 Hart County
Higgley, Travis 23:02.02 Grovetown HS
Froyen, Hayden 23:02.26 Habersham Central High School
Muxlow, Carson 23:08.86 North Hall
Sawyer, Jackson 23:09.47 East Forsyth High School
Cook, Eli 23:15.70 Clarke Central
Street, Derron 23:21.31 Athens Academy
Brown, Ryan 23:22.00 East Forsyth High School
Jarrett, Grayson 23:28.30 Morgan County HS
Hall, Maddox 23:28.50 East Forsyth High School
Newton, Jackson 23:28.86 Lakeview Academy
Rothwell, Walker 23:29.39 Hebron Christian
Wall, Miles 23:32.20 Hebron Christian
Spivey, Noah 23:36.33 Prince Avenue Christian School
Wentworth, Landon 23:37.42 Cherokee Bluff High School
Kim, Ben 23:48.20 Clarke Central
Quazi, Sahil 23:55.90 Peachtree Ridge High School
Dean, Camron 23:56.14 Prince Avenue Christian School
Dubay, Logan 23:58.73 Grovetown HS
Anaya, Malachi 24:03.92 Lakeview Academy
Pratt, Noah 24:07.03 Morgan County HS
Blakey, Tyler 24:07.60 Peachtree Ridge High School
Lima, Andrew 24:22.49 Johnson HS
Boot, Nathan 24:30.34 Hebron Christian
Mora, Pablo 24:45.39 Johnson HS
Vonier, Jackson 24:50.22 Habersham Central High School
Vinson, Addison 24:51.30 Cherokee Bluff High School
Blackburn, Eli 24:57.50 Chestatee
Raffray, Caleb 24:59.92 North Hall
Bunner, Brody 25:11.70 Hart County
Page, Will 25:17.29 Grovetown HS
Hicks, Bennett 25:21.68 Prince Avenue Christian School
Boyles, Corbin 25:32.41 Grovetown HS
Baldwin, Liam 25:35.98 Grovetown HS
Can, Matt 25:38.74 Athens Academy
Rojas, Isai 25:50.16 Clarke Central
McMillan, Tyler 26:05.20 Chestatee
Hopkins, Avery 26:18.30 Hebron Christian
King, Dylan 26:50.92 Westminster Christian Academy
Johnson, Elijah 27:02.33 Morgan County HS
Haney, Nolan 27:05.00 Bethlehem Christian
Broome, Caleb 27:05.75 Habersham Central High School
Barwick, Mason 27:08.80 Bethlehem Christian
Ordonez, Gerson 27:13.28 Johnson HS
Camacho, Pedro 27:13.66 Johnson HS
Pendley, Quinn 27:22.30 Clarke Central
Wells, Malachi 27:57.05 Hart County
Jeffries, James 29:12.07 Morgan County HS
Olawale, Temi 29:48.19 Hebron Christian
Dubnik, James 37:33.00 Lakeview Academy
Bahnsen, Whit 40:46.01 Prince Avenue Christian School
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JV Girls 5000 Meter Run 134 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dorsey, Jane Athens Academy
Cruz, Leslie Chestatee
Booth, Hannah Walnut Grove HS
Free, Molly White County High School
Smith, John Habersham Central High School
Kresin, Kathryn Oconee County High School
Swancey, Paola Jefferson High School
Mills, Charlotte Westminster Christian Academy
Jowers, Leighanna Monroe Area High School
Domingo, Beberly Chestatee
Patton, Violet Jefferson High School
Hernandez, Katherine Johnson HS
Angeles-Sanchez, Zurisadai Grovetown HS
Doyne, Eva Cherokee Bluff High School
Gonzalez, Isabella Chestatee
Page, Mayce Walnut Grove HS
Kelley, Alexis White County High School
Kyle, Emmie Habersham Central High School
Kubala, Maddie North Hall
Taylor, Isabel Oconee County High School
Mundy, Josiphene Jefferson High School
Byrd, Parish Lakeview Academy
Parham, Sarah Kate Westminster Christian Academy
Walker, Samyrah Monroe Area High School
Manickam, Shakthi Peachtree Ridge High School
Lombardo, Kloe Grovetown HS
Moreno, Lailani Chestatee
Jones, Alana Monroe Area High School
Birdwell, Peyton Jefferson High School
Madrid, Naydelin Johnson HS
Bhagat, Jiya Peachtree Ridge High School
Kamiyama, Ayane North Oconee
Karoly, Taylor Cherokee Bluff High School
Lovell, Kelsey White County High School
Moore, Amelia North Hall
Hale, Sadie Oconee County High School
Kegreiss, Franziska Jefferson High School
Masso, Kivana Lakeview Academy
Varon, Leah Peachtree Ridge High School
Stewart, Jane Grovetown HS
Horton, Emilia Lakeview Academy
Ogburn, Selah Athens Academy
Smith, Mallori Chestatee
Bondy, Susanna Walnut Grove HS
Burke, Jazzlyn Habersham Central High School
Wright, Darla White County High School
Rutledge, Nina Athens Academy
Gilmore, Reagan Oconee County High School
mcLeroy, zoe Monroe Area High School
Nosal, Violet Jefferson High School
Baricevic, Alyssa Cherokee Bluff High School
Ceballos-Benitez, Melanie Chestatee
Land, Julia Athens Academy
Jackson, Jakeria Monroe Area High School
Baker, Kelly Peachtree Ridge High School
Moore, Ali 21:38.27 North Hall
Keese, Cadence 22:34.60 Oconee County High School
Baker, Elzie 22:41.80 Oconee County High School
Jones, Allie 22:43.75 North Hall
Purdy, Jalyn 23:13.79 Lakeview Academy
Dillon, Ella 23:56.26 Athens Academy
Tymchuk, Mary-Eloise 23:59.70 North Hall
Matthews, Samantha 24:06.15 Oconee County High School
Peng, Emily 24:08.56 Oconee County High School
Reddy, Pavani 24:16.32 Lakeview Academy
Fuller, Josie 24:21.07 Jefferson High School
Smith, Macy 24:24.60 Habersham Central High School
Card, Gabriella 24:25.17 North Oconee
Roark, Avery 24:27.17 Athens Academy
Smith, Alyssa 24:38.50 North Oconee
Mooney, Addison 24:59.89 Oconee County High School
Millwood, Alyssa 25:12.34 Franklin County High School
Lasley, Ava 25:18.70 North Oconee
Moran, Kellis 25:35.98 Oconee County High School
Scott, Reece 25:42.40 Habersham Central High School
Purdy, Jayci 25:43.90 Lakeview Academy
Halferty, Hannah 25:52.60 Jefferson High School
Marks, Jodi 25:57.90 Walnut Grove HS
McWhorter, Kathryn 26:26.65 Lakeview Academy
Mazzawi, Margaret 26:31.20 North Oconee
Brislin, Jae 26:43.81 North Oconee
Graham, Addi 26:44.18 Lakeview Academy
Castrejon, Fatima 26:47.10 North Hall
Cowart, Coco 26:52.46 Athens Academy
Stancil, Mary Martin 26:59.10 North Oconee
Mingledorff, Bella 27:07.50 North Oconee
Wiant, Fulton 27:10.48 Athens Academy
Bilhovde, Brianna 27:40.00 White County High School
St. Onge, Audrey 27:51.87 Clarke Central
Carrion, Tianna 27:54.05 Peachtree Ridge High School
Bradford, Jessica 27:56.10 Walnut Grove HS
Lerch, Kimsey 27:56.33 North Oconee
Kelnhofer, Dottie 28:05.47 North Oconee
Attaway, Camille 28:05.81 Clarke Central
Davis, Penn 28:15.45 Athens Academy
Ivester, Ember 28:27.79 Habersham Central High School
Sesmas-Mondragon, Briceyda 28:34.59 Clarke Central
Carty, Sam 28:37.39 Prince Avenue Christian School
Gatti, Sophia 28:38.06 White County High School
Halstead, Rebekah 28:44.20 North Hall
Timms, Gabi 28:54.61 Prince Avenue Christian School
Thomas, Ella 29:01.91 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bythewood, Grace 29:05.80 White County High School
Victoria, Mariana 29:11.74 Morgan County HS
McCurdy, Bailey 29:12.71 Athens Academy
Ward, Lyla 29:30.66 Prince Avenue Christian School
Graham, Morgan 29:33.22 Monroe Area High School
Cortez, Kimberly 29:37.43 Clarke Central
Ramirez, Titania 29:39.77 Habersham Central High School
Sanford, Mariel 29:56.55 Clarke Central
Brambhett, Yunie 30:05.58 Prince Avenue Christian School
Otero, Yamilex 30:09.92 Habersham Central High School
Otero, Kailey 30:17.12 Habersham Central High School
Doster, Maggie 30:39.23 North Hall
Lei Bonny, Kyndra 30:50.15 Peachtree Ridge High School
Brown, Kendall 31:18.89 Hebron Christian
Diaz, Yazmeilyn 31:38.00 Jefferson High School
King, Katie 31:52.92 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hopkins, Hannah 32:12.60 Hebron Christian
Graham, Sadie 32:50.07 Hebron Christian
Willis, Tira 33:15.26 Franklin County High School
Killen, Scarlet 33:17.10 Franklin County High School
Serrano, Kathryn 33:33.68 Hart County
Forbes, Skylar 33:40.38 Hart County
Tanner, Mandy 33:43.70 Franklin County High School
Boulware, Kate 33:56.34 Morgan County HS
Ramirez, Rubi 34:03.98 Johnson HS
Redrick, Hayley 34:09.30 Hebron Christian
Lester, Emma 34:23.96 Westminster Christian Academy
Bright, Alexis 34:25.97 Grovetown HS
Haynie, Sadie 34:37.19 White County High School
Hernandez, Elena 34:41.90 Johnson HS
Robinson, Sarah 34:58.87 Hebron Christian
Maturino, MaryJane 36:41.41 Habersham Central High School
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Mixed Open JV 5000 Meter Run 178 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clarke, Winter Archer HS
Talbert, Michael North Oconee
Self, Kinsley North Oconee
Chandler, Orrin Athens Academy
Olson, Alexander Grovetown HS
Westrich, Clara Clarke Central
Taylor, Zion Archer HS
Ware, Matthew White County High School
Lee, Dominik Clarke Central
Stewart, Olivia North Oconee
Ashmore, Lincoln Grovetown HS
Clerizier, Gabriella Archer HS
Haines, Joshua North Oconee
Gaillard, Anna North Oconee
Dorsey, Jane Athens Academy
Jennings, Brandon Grovetown HS
Balde, Aminata Archer HS
Saraf, Eva Athens Academy
Nugent, Trevor Oconee County High School
Hewell, Christopher White County High School
Starling, Jasmine Johnson HS
Rodriguez-Solis, Bryan Clarke Central
Binosa, Matthew Peachtree Ridge High School
Edwards, Shanai Archer HS
Pattavina, Adam Clarke Central
Pisano, Alyssa North Oconee
Hendrix, Kyler Jefferson High School
Tonge, Carson North Oconee
Watson, Bella Madison County
Kane, Connor Athens Academy
Parker, Jackson North Oconee
Weiner, Preston Archer HS
Pierce, Carter White County High School
Burford, Kendall Archer HS
White, Grady Clarke Central
Hareb, Heba North Oconee
Horna, Angelo Grovetown HS
Reeves, Jonah North Oconee
Mallory, Anna North Oconee
Wicker, Rachel Athens Academy
Coker, Gabriel Grovetown HS
Pruitt, Seth White County High School
Landry, Benjamin Clarke Central
Brewer, William Peachtree Ridge High School
Fennell, Saiya Archer HS
Trotter, Torin Clarke Central
Thomas, Skyler North Oconee
Copeland, Hunter Grovetown HS
Cobb, Knox North Oconee
Marchant, Reid Oconee County High School
Bright, Luke Athens Academy
Souza, Mia North Oconee
Warner, Ben Athens Academy
Brooks, Brady White County High School
Varughese, Ethan Peachtree Ridge High School
Bergman, Isaac Clarke Central
Propes, Autumn North Oconee
Rizvi, Shaheer North Oconee
Mallory, Eva North Oconee
Harriman, Hayes Athens Academy
Woody, Sarah Athens Academy
Smith, Quincy Archer HS
Park, Joel Peachtree Ridge High School
Hutchens, Joshua Clarke Central
Butler, Addison North Oconee
Tollison-Summers, Casen Grovetown HS
Ekwegh, Davina Archer HS
Gottschalk, Lilly North Oconee
Drudge, Shya North Oconee
Radu, Stefan Athens Academy
Bruce, Carson White County High School
Henderson, Dashiell Clarke Central
Hall, Lucas 19:02.47 Oconee County High School
Brown, Logan 19:51.22 Madison County
York, Alex 20:17.39 Oconee County High School
Smalls, Kauli 20:39.43 Archer HS
Metz, Lourmel 20:50.41 Archer HS
Mohan, Vicky 20:52.00 North Oconee
Botero, Thomas 20:59.96 Archer HS
Ni, Enwei 21:13.70 Peachtree Ridge High School
Baptiste Jr., Darren 21:14.40 Archer HS
Gregory, Edward 21:17.24 Oconee County High School
Lott, Tyler 21:27.84 Oconee County High School
Anderson, Lucien 21:29.82 Archer HS
Bradberry, Brooks 21:59.30 Madison County
Cohen, Samuel 22:01.37 Oconee County High School
Reeves, Nate 22:11.60 North Oconee
Blackmon, Will 22:13.13 Oconee County High School
Yin, William 22:27.10 Oconee County High School
Wood, Samuel 22:41.10 North Oconee
Boyles, Tyler 22:50.50 North Oconee
Hicks, Greyson 22:53.93 Oconee County High School
Mixon, Rylan 22:55.53 Oconee County High School
Clottey, Emmanuel 22:55.94 Peachtree Ridge High School
Harris, Tyler 22:57.04 Oconee County High School
Mize, Kelson 23:01.89 Oconee County High School
Dunagan, Wyatt 23:05.59 Jefferson High School
Powell, Michael 23:18.30 Jefferson High School
Brown, Maurice 23:25.99 Archer HS
Cuenca, Ethan 23:28.17 Grovetown HS
Haroon, Jibran 23:28.82 Archer HS
Ertel, Brian 23:30.41 Jefferson High School
Hoang, Kenney 23:50.80 Peachtree Ridge High School
Weaver, Christopher 23:55.93 Archer HS
Roy, Tyler 23:56.07 Archer HS
Schoenfeld, Ryan 24:08.02 Oconee County High School
Harris, Luke 24:21.60 North Oconee
Purvis, Brant 24:22.50 Grovetown HS
Brown, Jordan 24:24.93 North Oconee
Cooper, Luke 24:30.68 Athens Academy
Fisher, Evan 24:34.76 Grovetown HS
Smith, Micah 24:35.30 Peachtree Ridge High School
Cunningham, Jack 24:41.20 Madison County
Goring, Ethan 24:46.83 Archer HS
Patel, Ayaan 24:47.15 Peachtree Ridge High School
Hetsko, Dillon 25:02.14 Oconee County High School
Davis, Noah 25:21.83 Archer HS
Robinson, Bryant 25:22.10 Madison County
Swann, Price 25:22.32 Athens Academy
Babatunde, Joshua 25:22.35 Peachtree Ridge High School
Williams, Ananias 25:34.30 Archer HS
Arnold, John 25:41.89 Athens Academy
McMahon, Connor 25:44.07 Oconee County High School
Clarke, Kingston 25:51.36 Archer HS
Kinsler, Camp 26:12.65 Athens Academy
Khan, Aryan 26:15.09 Peachtree Ridge High School
Fyffe, Matthew 26:28.51 Archer HS
Smart, Julia 26:32.01 Athens Academy
Sial, Harris 26:32.80 North Oconee
Nguyen, Khang 26:41.86 Grovetown HS
James, Mark 26:41.93 Peachtree Ridge High School
Rutledge, Marie 27:02.27 Athens Academy
Holmes, James 27:08.43 Oconee County High School
Giles, Derrick 27:09.34 Archer HS
CrespoMontes, Marcos 27:21.26 Oconee County High School
Williamson, Sarah 27:32.57 Archer HS
Honeycutt, Jacob 27:38.30 North Oconee
Liu, David 27:41.79 Archer HS
Yarbrough, William 27:50.02 Oconee County High School
Hicks, Shaun 27:57.92 Grovetown HS
Matthews, Becca 28:03.19 Oconee County High School
Patel, Niti 28:08.10 North Oconee
Cooley, Evan 28:13.60 White County High School
Hansen, Arik 28:31.82 North Oconee
Bartlett, Kaitlyn 28:32.39 North Oconee
Sesmas-Mondragon, Briceyda 28:34.59 Clarke Central
Waldron, Olivia 28:47.80 North Oconee
Bhagat, Krishna 29:12.60 Peachtree Ridge High School
Land, Emmeline 29:21.13 Athens Academy
Crowe, Lily 29:21.69 Madison County
Munoz, Evelysse 29:23.10 Oconee County High School
Bauries, Meredith 29:25.50 Archer HS
Shadrix, Eliza 29:38.16 Madison County
Williams, Bay 29:49.33 Athens Academy
Sanford, Mariel 29:56.55 Clarke Central
Ward, Sean 30:10.39 Archer HS
Koroma, Jenis 30:16.07 Archer HS
Dimo, Ayen 30:43.48 Archer HS
Gowda, Vibha 30:59.00 Athens Academy
Dekle, Clara 31:03.10 Athens Academy
Richardson, Logan 31:24.96 Jefferson High School
Farmer, Kate 31:46.55 Athens Academy
Lee, Mia 32:04.75 Athens Academy
Crumley, Bethany 32:24.10 North Oconee
Campbell, Charlotte 32:41.12 Athens Academy
Mao, Tristan 32:49.41 Peachtree Ridge High School
Yoo, Jennice 32:54.69 Peachtree Ridge High School
Dixon, Katherine 32:56.78 Madison County
Padilla, Fernanda 33:33.11 Oconee County High School
Bronner, Jordynne 33:41.79 Peachtree Ridge High School
Poole, Brandon 33:52.85 Peachtree Ridge High School
Blakey, Taysha 34:50.47 Peachtree Ridge High School
Hernandez-Palafox, Alexa 36:00.49 Peachtree Ridge High School
Kim, Tiffany 36:31.53 Peachtree Ridge High School
Hambrick, Bella Grace 37:52.41 Madison County
Hon, James 40:02.68 Oconee County High School
Bustamante, Esmeralda 40:09.03 Johnson HS
Bouges, Bianca 42:31.51 Archer HS
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Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run 178 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zamudio, Denny Chestatee
Holder, Jack Monroe Area High School
Holcombe, Lucas Bethlehem Christian
Nelson, Charlie Monroe Area High School
Zamudio, Jeff Chestatee
Watson, Ian Walnut Grove HS
Frost, Caden White County High School
Ervin, Quenton Monroe Area High School
Chay, Brent Walnut Grove HS
Lankford, Josh White County High School
Ponce, Dallas Bethlehem Christian
Poindexter, Sean Monroe Area High School
Whitlark, Dawson White County High School
Tremblay, Andrew Cherokee Bluff High School
Miller, Jackson Chestatee
Vasquez, Cesar Johnson HS
Grantham, Cole Westminster Christian Academy
Morrison, Donovan Monroe Area High School
McDuffie, Grant Cherokee Bluff High School
Johnson, Eli Bethlehem Christian
Kirkpatrick, Silas Westminster Christian Academy
Wilburn, C.J. Monroe Area High School
Davis, Ben 15:33.38 Jefferson High School
Timberman, Cooper 15:50.21 Oconee County High School
Brush, Brock 16:01.22 Jefferson High School
Rebollar, Javier 16:24.70 Chestatee
Click, Austin 16:29.02 Jefferson High School
Young, Bryant 16:29.30 North Hall
Wineland, Josh 16:33.67 East Forsyth High School
Graham, Patterson 16:41.18 Oconee County High School
DeLoach, Will 16:44.90 Athens Academy
Daniel, James 16:46.00 Clarke Central
Genchi, Luis 16:46.72 Hart County
Knight, William 16:52.50 East Forsyth High School
Thaxton, Aiden 16:53.07 Habersham Central High School
Lee, Garrison 16:55.87 Jefferson High School
Jeffords, Cj 16:56.11 Jefferson High School
Woods, Robbie 16:57.74 Franklin County High School
Lane, Braydon 16:58.16 Hart County
Cygan, Derek 17:03.45 Archer HS
Gagnon, Owen 17:04.68 Grovetown HS
Adams, Moses 17:08.66 Archer HS
Marshall, Ryan 17:10.40 Clarke Central
Bell, Daniel 17:12.24 Archer HS
Susanto, Rexy 17:15.20 Peachtree Ridge High School
Wakeman, Finn 17:16.57 Jefferson High School
Scheuer, Noah 17:19.80 Oconee County High School
Harris, Nate 17:22.42 Hart County
Wagner, Jaycob 17:23.66 North Hall
Vaughn, Waylon 17:26.36 Clarke Central
Ferguson, Jonah 17:27.21 Oconee County High School
Chaffin, Eli 17:28.20 Chestatee
Ecker, Hunter 17:28.85 North Oconee
Gebora, Connor 17:34.35 Habersham Central High School
Young, Max 17:36.27 North Hall
Hequembourg, Walter 17:37.80 Athens Academy
Smith, Maverick 17:39.69 North Hall
Gipson, Will 17:40.45 Franklin County High School
Ritzler, Karl 17:43.95 Clarke Central
Mathias, Anderson 17:48.74 Hebron Christian
Hardman, Ben 17:49.39 Franklin County High School
Glover, Hayden 17:49.96 North Hall
Goss, Zeno 17:50.91 Archer HS
Griffin, Everett 17:52.81 Hebron Christian
Kilpatrick, Noah 17:52.91 Clarke Central
Mallonee, Landon 17:53.72 Oglethorpe County HS
Mullis, Brennan 17:55.05 Oconee County High School
Bettes, Cole 17:55.10 East Forsyth High School
Franklin, Bryce 17:57.60 North Oconee
Holland, Ryder 17:59.68 East Forsyth High School
Goss, Aspen 17:59.69 Archer HS
Duncan, David 18:03.10 North Oconee
Kazienko, Cameron 18:05.89 Jefferson High School
Toliver, Chase 18:07.84 Peachtree Ridge High School
Brannon, Alex 18:08.45 White County High School
Dixon, Noah 18:11.05 Oconee County High School
White, Taylor 18:12.90 Cherokee Bluff High School
Bacon, Derek 18:13.00 Grovetown HS
Graves, Joshua 18:16.12 Hebron Christian
Fisher, Sean 18:16.60 Peachtree Ridge High School
Bell, Brandon 18:16.72 Archer HS
Pickett, Aiden 18:17.38 White County High School
Crow, Damion 18:17.49 Habersham Central High School
Tomlinson, Cohen 18:19.75 Athens Academy
Hill, Mason 18:23.37 Archer HS
Weeks, Sean 18:29.09 Peachtree Ridge High School
Hill, Mason 18:29.79 North Hall
Waye, Lawson 18:30.32 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hansen, Dylan 18:31.40 Grovetown HS
McFarland, Mac 18:31.55 North Oconee
Wilson, Dalton 18:34.81 Peachtree Ridge High School
Denly, Collin 18:37.76 East Forsyth High School
Silva, Javier 18:38.64 Hebron Christian
Mitchum, Jacob 18:41.46 North Oconee
Nash, Graham 18:42.29 North Hall
Pilgrim, Wyatt 18:44.51 White County High School
Ibarra, Nathan 18:45.80 Chestatee
Pederson, Thomas 18:46.95 East Forsyth High School
Boers, Greyling 18:47.34 Peachtree Ridge High School
McGuirt, Tison 18:48.01 Prince Avenue Christian School
Locke, Evan 18:48.60 Franklin County High School
Hunt, Harrison 18:48.66 East Forsyth High School
Neal, Elijah 18:56.05 Madison County
Jarzen, Will 18:58.90 Walnut Grove HS
McClain, Luke 19:01.23 Morgan County HS
Hollingsworth, Tom 19:04.68 Athens Academy
Johnson, Javon 19:11.40 Madison County
Krause, Harrison 19:11.87 Hart County
Garrard, Henry 19:12.70 Athens Academy
Kennedy, Colt 19:12.72 Madison County
Lott, Seth 19:14.08 Oconee County High School
Taylor, Nathan 19:15.70 Walnut Grove HS
Hawk, Dylan 19:20.04 Morgan County HS
Rowell, Harper 19:21.50 Clarke Central
Tucubal, Donald 19:22.30 Johnson HS
Ivey, Joshua 19:25.43 Madison County
Coker, Garrett 19:29.33 Grovetown HS
Piscitelli, Dominic 19:30.41 Oglethorpe County HS
Childress, Damian 19:39.16 Hart County
Cousins, Brady 19:39.39 Morgan County HS
Smith, Jonathan 19:39.70 Chestatee
Parson, Harel 19:41.03 Peachtree Ridge High School
Walton, Charlie 19:45.71 Athens Academy
Grunduski, Jacob 19:46.70 Cherokee Bluff High School
Myers, Christopher 19:49.72 Walnut Grove HS
McLean, Ethan 19:50.47 Oglethorpe County HS
Paine, CJ 19:51.38 Morgan County HS
Kirk, Matthew 19:53.07 Hebron Christian
Smith, Caleb 19:53.11 Prince Avenue Christian School
Stewart, Avery 19:54.60 White County High School
Stovall, Ethan 19:54.61 Hart County
Sampson, Riley 19:55.23 Morgan County HS
Perez, Selvin 19:55.39 Johnson HS
Lombardo, Kaden 20:03.26 Grovetown HS
Dodd, Ethan 20:06.61 Oglethorpe County HS
Paramore, Bryce 20:09.83 Athens Academy
Kajder, Brennan 20:12.42 North Oconee
Leavitt, Gavin 20:17.28 North Oconee
Paradise, Phil 20:20.66 Oglethorpe County HS
Wiley, Alexander 20:26.86 Habersham Central High School
Bates, Eli 20:27.83 Westminster Christian Academy
Haney, Weston 20:28.92 Bethlehem Christian
Perez, Marco 20:32.22 Hebron Christian
McConnell, Will 20:32.58 Franklin County High School
Hughes, Marcus 20:43.59 Madison County
St. Onge, Nate 20:46.40 Clarke Central
Furlow, Timothy 20:47.54 Prince Avenue Christian School
Wells, Isaac 20:50.26 Grovetown HS
Durling, Daniel 20:59.06 Westminster Christian Academy
Powell, Thomas 20:59.69 Bethlehem Christian
Tillman, Cory 21:00.74 Oglethorpe County HS
Grier, Logan 21:01.38 Oglethorpe County HS
McDougal, Isaac 21:05.00 Habersham Central High School
Mitchell, Preston 21:10.73 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mattox, Rylan 21:13.93 Bethlehem Christian
Henkel, Jacob 21:17.98 Franklin County High School
Williams, Franklin 21:20.64 Morgan County HS
Simmons, Zachary 21:27.70 Hart County
Serrano, Rafael 21:28.51 Johnson HS
Barefoot-Archie, Issac 21:36.71 Westminster Christian Academy
Johnson, Mark 21:41.18 Cherokee Bluff High School
Lonberger, Landon 21:49.31 Cherokee Bluff High School
Chandler, Caleb 21:54.56 Morgan County HS
Rodriguez, Nathan 21:55.18 Johnson HS
Dunker, Gavin 21:55.20 Hebron Christian
Buffa, Stephen 21:56.72 Westminster Christian Academy
Head, Jonathan 21:57.71 Cherokee Bluff High School
Benavidez, Angel 22:21.29 Johnson HS
Ballesteros, Daniel 22:32.20 Habersham Central High School
Dixon, Riordan 22:34.26 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mobley, Aidan 22:43.70 Walnut Grove HS
Gentry, Jack 23:03.30 Bethlehem Christian
Austin, Jesse 23:07.17 Monroe Area High School
Lopez, Ezequiel 23:07.36 Johnson HS
King, Jordan 23:26.48 Grovetown HS
Brown, Ben 23:32.44 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bailey, Peter 24:07.67 Westminster Christian Academy
Raney, Jayden 24:18.16 Walnut Grove HS
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Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run 158 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hammond, Natalie Cherokee Bluff High School
Milton, Viktoria White County High School
Wilkerson, Kimberly Grovetown HS
Owensby, Ella Bethlehem Christian
Moss, Asia White County High School
Black, Madi White County High School
Gomez, Aubrey Madison County
Mattox, Emalyn Bethlehem Christian
Huff, London Cherokee Bluff High School
Amis, Riley Bethlehem Christian
Anglin, Maggie White County High School
McBride, Kayleigh Chestatee
Wells, Kayleigh Monroe Area High School
Rivera, Lizbeth Johnson HS
Jordan, Alaina Cherokee Bluff High School
Nix, Josie North Oconee
Burke, Josselyn White County High School
Hernandez-Boyzo, Lurdes Oglethorpe County HS
Hill, Samara Monroe Area High School
Mathis, Katie Franklin County High School
Buday, Ansley Cherokee Bluff High School
Youngers, Lucy Bethlehem Christian
O'Bryant, Clodagh 18:48.56 North Hall
Hotard, Audrey 19:05.94 Habersham Central High School
Davis, Maya 19:24.86 Athens Academy
Smith, Harleigh 19:26.80 North Hall
Moore, Abi 19:30.83 North Hall
Melton, Layla 19:58.89 Hebron Christian
Henderson, Sydnie 20:05.11 Oglethorpe County HS
Ellis, Adelaide 20:08.10 Athens Academy
Hightower, Megan 20:38.77 Franklin County High School
Bull, Caroline 20:42.90 Chestatee
Patterson, Ellen 20:47.53 Oconee County High School
Black, Annalise 20:49.10 Cherokee Bluff High School
Jones, MaKayla 20:52.83 North Hall
Wintermantel, Izzy 20:53.30 Chestatee
Windham, Emma 21:00.70 White County High School
James, Kate 21:05.93 Jefferson High School
Matthews, Mary 21:09.57 Oconee County High School
Smith, Molly 21:14.15 Athens Academy
Hotard, Abigail 21:21.43 Habersham Central High School
Schroeder, Hannah 21:22.73 Jefferson High School
Warren, Anna 21:23.32 Archer HS
Wiktorski, Annabelle 21:29.30 Oconee County High School
Hailey, Lauren 21:42.96 Jefferson High School
Gabriel, Giana 21:46.01 Grovetown HS
Buchanan, Lindsay 21:47.81 Hebron Christian
Edwards, Ella 21:51.47 North Hall
Waters, Audrey 21:52.57 North Oconee
Smith, Ashlyn 22:00.61 Prince Avenue Christian School
Gaddy, Lily 22:05.80 Jefferson High School
Janning, Lily 22:06.97 Jefferson High School
Palmer, Harper 22:08.82 Oglethorpe County HS
Blomberg, Melody 22:14.21 Hart County
Fisher, Sydney 22:14.74 Cherokee Bluff High School
Kelly, Anna Kate 22:18.30 Cherokee Bluff High School
Tan, Alissa 22:18.64 Oconee County High School
Nimmons, Mylee 22:20.61 Oglethorpe County HS
Murray, Morgan 22:22.68 Oconee County High School
Morgan, Lily Kate 22:23.87 North Hall
Garrett, Brenna 22:32.35 Morgan County HS
Currie, Isabelle 22:33.30 North Oconee
Thomason, Sasha 22:35.85 Jefferson High School
Donaldson, Kezia 22:38.73 Peachtree Ridge High School
Parsons, Allie 22:40.20 Oconee County High School
Figueroa, Amerlin 22:45.04 Grovetown HS
Castillo, Maleena 22:46.41 Archer HS
Beedle, Ellie 22:48.81 Westminster Christian Academy
Hovater, Ansley 22:51.81 Westminster Christian Academy
Culpepper, Leah 22:54.50 Habersham Central High School
Mitchell, Annslee 22:55.37 Westminster Christian Academy
Mauricio, Margalit 22:56.54 Athens Academy
Wade, Rebecca 22:58.40 East Forsyth High School
Pruitt, Taylor 23:00.42 Madison County
Krumm, Caitlynn 23:03.24 Oconee County High School
Palmer, Megan 23:05.20 North Oconee
Paine, Ari 23:06.46 Morgan County HS
Ivy, Raleigh 23:07.42 North Hall
Evans, Maddie 23:10.10 White County High School
Anderson, Emma 23:12.52 Grovetown HS
Turner, Elin 23:16.81 Oglethorpe County HS
Fisher, Melissa 23:18.43 North Oconee
Bowling, Sarah 23:22.50 Chestatee
Ramsey, Riley 23:31.60 Clarke Central
Williams, Alaina 23:32.10 Chestatee
Boers, Aletta 23:32.52 Peachtree Ridge High School
Nunez, Susan 23:37.06 Chestatee
Lopez, Joselin 23:38.99 Peachtree Ridge High School
Bledsoe, Naomi 23:40.13 Prince Avenue Christian School
Stevens, Kira 23:41.35 Jefferson High School
McClain, Katelyn 23:42.54 Hart County
Rohani, Sophie 23:44.10 Clarke Central
Crowe, Kadyn 23:44.88 Franklin County High School
Self, Kearsen 23:46.74 North Oconee
Dean, Jocelyn 23:49.98 Franklin County High School
Davis, Audrey 23:53.83 Athens Academy
Chen, Nichole 23:56.69 Peachtree Ridge High School
Canalis, Nora 24:01.80 North Oconee
Sullivan, Kate 24:12.77 Athens Academy
Harper, Addie 24:21.92 Morgan County HS
Wilson, Erika 24:30.60 Peachtree Ridge High School
Hodges, Ella 24:45.03 Franklin County High School
Brooks, Bree 24:46.00 Archer HS
Stewart, Ava 24:47.37 Grovetown HS
Trujillo-Limas, Lucia 24:50.78 Franklin County High School
Bennett, Chloe 24:55.91 Hart County
Smith, Maedie 25:06.67 Morgan County HS
Barnett, Aubrey 25:09.44 Walnut Grove HS
Smith, Amber 25:11.70 Hebron Christian
Blakey, Trinity 25:12.30 Peachtree Ridge High School
Bell, Isla 25:14.25 Hart County
Carabello, Vivian 25:24.52 Clarke Central
Wright, Kara 25:25.81 Archer HS
Watson, Mary Grace 25:28.00 Madison County
Myers, Madison 25:29.40 Walnut Grove HS
Neal, Averi 25:34.20 Archer HS
McPherson, Reese 25:40.83 Morgan County HS
Wicker, Mary 25:44.84 Clarke Central
Jackson, Kaylin 25:45.38 Archer HS
Stroud, Cate 25:45.90 Madison County
Murthy, Nora 25:46.80 Clarke Central
Stephens, Isabelle 25:50.55 Westminster Christian Academy
Patterson, Mia 25:54.92 Franklin County High School
Cochran, Savannah 26:01.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hinger, Kate 26:06.93 Clarke Central
Whaley, Nicole 26:12.70 Hart County
Jimenez, Alexa 26:14.70 Peachtree Ridge High School
McKee, Madison 26:16.55 Morgan County HS
Chafin, Ashlyn 26:21.35 Walnut Grove HS
Hopkins, Hailey 26:24.32 Hebron Christian
Williams, Brinkley 26:33.29 Athens Academy
Parker, McKenna 26:36.30 Walnut Grove HS
Howell, Lily 26:48.26 Madison County
See, Marijane 26:51.40 Johnson HS
Holder, Lily Kate 27:03.50 Walnut Grove HS
Dyson, Kate 27:07.25 Hebron Christian
Spires, Camden 27:08.00 Prince Avenue Christian School
Elrod, Whitney 27:18.44 Prince Avenue Christian School
Kirkland, Colleen 27:19.09 Hebron Christian
McCain, Isobel 27:19.50 Johnson HS
Jimenez, Reneya 27:26.14 Archer HS
Anglin, Lilli 27:27.05 Prince Avenue Christian School
Norris, Ansley 27:32.12 Westminster Christian Academy
Sommers, Hannah 27:35.58 Hebron Christian
Irwin, Ailynn 27:52.40 Clarke Central
Boyd, Kailey 27:55.19 Grovetown HS
Troutman, Alexis 27:58.10 East Forsyth High School
Casey, Christina 28:08.86 Walnut Grove HS
Hou, Sophia 28:10.06 Prince Avenue Christian School
Tran, Ashley 28:19.80 Johnson HS
Walton, Savannah 28:48.84 Morgan County HS
Kenney, Madison 29:52.60 East Forsyth High School
McLeroy, Willow 29:53.28 Monroe Area High School
Gordy, Marintha 30:23.26 Hart County
Brown, Olivia 30:38.10 East Forsyth High School
Muse, Paige 31:25.20 East Forsyth High School
Wilson, Kinley 31:45.42 Monroe Area High School
Koziatek, Elle 33:46.84 Bethlehem Christian
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