GHSA State Cross Country Championships 1992 vs GHSA State Cross Country Championships 1990

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -401 419 820
Overall Average -32.26 21:16.37 21:48.62
1st-10th Place +13.09 16:25.79 16:12.70
1st-25th Place +22.46 16:48.94 16:26.48
1st-50th Place +22.86 17:06.38 16:43.52
1st-100th Place +20.02 17:29.60 17:09.58
Common Athletes -- -- 58
Ran Faster 6 32 26
Ran Season Best -- 58 58
Average Time -21.32 21:11.71 21:33.03
Median Time -50.70 20:14.30 21:05.00
Middle 80% Times -27.17 21:03.99 21:31.17
Top 10% Times -22.68 16:25.48 16:48.17
Top 25% Times -28.77 17:26.49 17:55.27
Top 50% Times -27.26 18:29.33 18:56.59
Bottom 50% Times -15.38 23:54.10 24:09.48
Bottom 25% Times -2.33 25:45.47 25:47.80
Bottom 10% Times +33.80 27:48.80 27:15.00
Average Difference -21.32 -- --
Median Difference +10.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -27.89 -- --
Top 10% Difference -18.37 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.27 -- --
Top 25% Difference -23.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.27 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -18.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5.45 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +46.88 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ben Boyd Lassiter High School -40.20 15:28.80 16:09.00
Jason Murphy Lovejoy -1:05.20 16:05.80 17:11.00
Jon Holland Dunwoody -18.50 16:17.50 16:36.00
Darin Wasileski South Gwinnett +3.30 16:40.30 16:37.00
Jackson Miranda Darlington School +9.70 16:49.70 16:40.00
Christopher Carter Brookwood -26.20 17:10.80 17:37.00
Derek Duplessis St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School -59.30 17:33.70 18:33.00
Thomas Stone Colquitt County +0.70 17:36.70 17:36.00
Mark Dorough Decatur High School -1:11.90 17:36.10 18:48.00
William Callis Colquitt County -1:27.40 17:46.60 19:14.00
Sam Gray Brookstone +59.90 18:58.90 17:59.00
Gary Nottingham Northside, Warner Robins -31.00 18:14.00 18:45.00
Johnny Holley Tift County High School -21.00 18:21.00 18:42.00
Jesse Walker Lovejoy -1:59.90 18:27.10 20:27.00
Brent Cochran Calhoun -41.60 18:36.40 19:18.00
Jay Averett Brookstone -53.10 18:52.90 19:46.00
Roy Henley Tift County High School -6.50 19:05.50 19:12.00
Matt Ragan Brookstone -41.70 19:07.30 19:49.00
Brian Wood Southeast Bulloch +8.60 19:18.60 19:10.00
Jason Somers St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School -2.50 19:14.50 19:17.00
John O'Brien Tift County High School +13.10 19:38.10 19:25.00
Tara Merritt Brookwood +23.40 19:49.40 19:26.00
Perry Sheffield Roswell High School -52.40 19:36.60 20:29.00
Ross Mims Southeast Bulloch -3.80 19:49.20 19:53.00
Dan Hunter Brookstone +1.90 19:53.90 19:52.00
Mary Harp Brookstone -3:03.10 19:55.90 22:59.00
Amber Isak South Gwinnett -44.20 19:57.80 20:42.00
Susan Wells Athens Academy -1:04.70 20:03.30 21:08.00
Steven Everett Southeast Bulloch -23.90 20:04.10 20:28.00
Sarah Martin Rabun Gap -2:05.70 20:14.30 22:20.00
Nicole Lukash Douglas County -2:00.40 20:34.60 22:35.00
Elisha Gray Lassiter High School +50.50 21:29.50 20:39.00
Shannon Spicher Chamblee +1:05.20 22:06.20 21:01.00
Erin Horney Pace Academy -1:08.30 21:02.70 22:11.00
Kaylyn Crissman Brookwood +1:12.10 22:17.10 21:05.00
Tammy Teal Glynn Academy -2:29.80 21:14.20 23:44.00
Joy Chapman South Gwinnett +10.00 21:35.00 21:25.00
Laurie Bizzell Pace Academy -1:09.40 21:31.60 22:41.00
Amy Reeves Troup Co. +1:05.90 22:59.90 21:54.00
Robyn Hatfield Pace Academy +8.40 22:25.40 22:17.00
Farrah Johnston Brookstone -3:20.70 22:27.30 25:48.00
Robin Arrendale Athens Academy +18.40 23:31.40 23:13.00
Mary Beth Waldron Athens Academy +1:02.40 24:17.40 23:15.00
Michiyo Goto Rabun Gap +1.70 23:17.70 23:16.00
Benetta Chester Northeast Macon +24.00 23:43.00 23:19.00
Marlene Aguirre St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School -54.00 23:59.00 24:53.00
Amber Joel Brunswick -5:21.40 24:11.60 29:33.00
Leslie O'Dell Athens Academy +2.90 24:20.90 24:18.00
Laura Bozeman Colquitt County -1:02.60 24:24.40 25:27.00
Jennifer Jones St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School -2:16.50 24:34.50 26:51.00
Alison Williams Glascock County HS +30.30 25:05.30 24:35.00
Wendy Teston Glynn Academy +1:35.10 26:14.10 24:39.00
Maree Suggs Colquitt County -1:39.90 24:53.10 26:33.00
Pam Ray Metter +2:33.80 27:39.80 25:06.00
Mandy Beckworth Glascock County HS +3:51.20 29:08.20 25:17.00
Mandy Burbage Athens Academy +1:37.10 27:05.10 25:28.00
Mary M Isaac Glascock County HS +1:01.20 27:16.20 26:15.00
Robyn Green Metter +59.40 29:29.40 28:30.00