Parkview Distance Kickoff (HS meet w/ MS mile!) 2022

Lilburn, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 1600 Meter Run 158 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salzinger, Phillip Paideia
Walsh, Kaeleb Archer HS
Easley, Luca Decatur High School
Schmidt, Ryan Jefferson High School
Gonzalez, Juan Archer HS
Kane, Noah Archer HS
Zapata, Francisco Loganville HS
Messonnier, Louis Decatur High School
Bray, Brockton Jefferson High School
Bell, Jacob Archer HS
Higareda, Alejandro South Effingham High School
Chatham-Stephens, Kai Decatur High School
Hill, Mason Archer HS
Jones, Jailyn Decatur High School
Nunnaly, Ben Jefferson High School
Cygan, Derek Archer HS
West, Nathaniel South Effingham High School
Sandage, Nathan Decatur High School
Nguyen, Grant Paideia
Glover, Nicholas Archer HS
Johns, Dylan Jefferson High School
Hall, Caden 4:25.29 Parkview High School
Schroeder, Matthew 4:25.48 Jefferson High School
McCartney, Steven 4:26.00 Archer HS
Churchwell, Luke 4:29.03 Bleckley County High School
Sipes, Joshua 4:30.58 Carrollton High School
Howard, Cailan 4:31.55 South Effingham High School
Carlton, William 4:32.84 Decatur High School
Westing, Jake 4:32.87 Decatur High School
Jessup, John 4:34.34 Gainesville High School
Robles, Martin 4:38.28 Parkview High School
Gallagher, Danial 4:39.20 Gainesville High School
Taylor, Jackson 4:39.44 Southwest Dekalb
Davis, Ben 4:39.91 Jefferson High School
Niswonger, Brian 4:40 Hillgrove
Scholl, Martin 4:40 Decatur High School
Neill, Daniel 4:42.97 Carrollton High School
Holcomb, Jack 4:44.86 Parkview High School
Szanti, Zach 4:47 Archer HS
Harper, Cole 4:47.83 Paideia
Hilimire, Zac 4:48.00 Paideia
Szanti, Alex 4:49 Archer HS
Ayala, Aiden 4:49.01 Gainesville High School
Ellis, Noah 4:50 Decatur High School
Migliore, Connor 4:50 Hillgrove
Abdulahi, Zakariye 4:50 Decatur High School
Ervin, Will 4:50 Hillgrove
Ibrahim, Ahmed 4:50.00h Veterans HS
Moseley, Nathan 4:52.23 Carrollton High School
Cripps, Sawyer 4:52.82 Evans High School
Ranalli, Luke 4:54.53 Jefferson High School
Dominy, Briggs 4:54.71 Bleckley County High School
Lee, Jackson 4:55 Decatur High School
Beson, Michael 4:57.00 Archer HS
Bejar, Raul 4:57.48 Gainesville High School
DeStefano, Marco 4:57.51 Paideia
Brooks, Joseph 4:57.70 Hillgrove
Tobias, Owen 4:58.00 Paideia
Ewers, George Henry 4:58.86 Gainesville High School
Ferguson, Jonah 5:00.00 Archer HS
Wagner, Jaycob 5:00.3 North Hall
Davis, Karson 5:00.82 Carrollton High School
Werner, Abraham 5:03 Decatur High School
Young, Bryant 5:04.0 North Hall
Granger, Shea 5:05.00 Archer HS
Brinkman, Fletcher 5:05.00h Evans High School
Ferguson, Nate 5:06.57 Jefferson High School
Leatherwood, Trey 5:10 Hillgrove
Sokoloff, Noah 5:10.00 Galloway
Matelic, Max 5:10.00 Galloway
Staley, Gunner 5:10.00 Archer HS
Ko, Andrew 5:10.00h Parkview High School
Howard, Julian 5:10.26 South Effingham High School
Islas, David 5:12.40 Gainesville High School
Braun, Davis 5:12.64 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Loveless, Cole 5:13.00 Carrollton High School
Proffitt, Conner 5:13.65 Gainesville High School
Morales, Ben 5:13.99 Jefferson High School
Maxwell, Caleb 5:14.62 Jefferson High School
Wrye, Gabriel 5:15 Veterans HS
Bell, Daniel 5:15.00 Archer HS
Davis, Braven 5:15.69 Carrollton High School
Wall, Sam 5:17.06 Jefferson High School
Day, Zachary 5:18.24 Jefferson High School
Bennett, James 5:19.00 North Hall
Jenkins, Ayaan 5:19.19 Parkview High School
Collins, Nigel 5:19.48 Gainesville High School
Nguyen, Janson 5:19.63 Parkview High School
Cosmano, Charlie 5:19.66 Jefferson High School
Kindt, Sawyer 5:20 Hillgrove
Bruening, Jackson 5:20 Hillgrove
Smith, Avery 5:20 Loganville HS
Gardner, Christian 5:20 Hillgrove
Gray, Jaden 5:20 Hillgrove
Arnott, Dylan 5:20 Hillgrove
Kibret, Abraham 5:20.13 Decatur High School
Razo-Lopez, Daniel 5:22.24 Gainesville High School
Pacheco, Alan 5:22.72 Gainesville High School
Mason, Caiden 5:23.00 South Effingham High School
Brooks, Braylen 5:23.29 Archer HS
Bek, Brendan 5:25 Hillgrove
Joyner, Gavin 5:28.23 Archer HS
Dykes, Wilson 5:28.41 Bleckley County High School
Camp, Logan 5:29.65 Bleckley County High School
Boyett, Tyler 5:30 Loganville HS
Raffield, Ayden 5:30.00h Parkview High School
Garrison, Will 5:30.1 North Hall
Banegas, Joseph 5:30.72 Carrollton High School
Daniel, Wesley 5:32.05 Gainesville High School
Echols, Jackson 5:33.69 Archer HS
Martinez, Cesar 5:38.00 South Effingham High School
Scribner, James 5:38.26 Paideia
Rubio, Miller 5:40 Loganville HS
Orellana, Junior 5:41.00 Archer HS
Hofmeister, Raja 5:41.48 Paideia
Drummond, Henry 5:42.00 Paideia
Genson, Zach 5:43.50 Archer HS
Eberenz, Adam 5:44.7 North Hall
Harper, Greyson 5:44.72 Carrollton High School
James, Connor 5:45 Veterans HS
DeSantis, Keegan 5:45 Hillgrove
Ellsworth, Kyle 5:45 Hillgrove
Badendyck, Hayden 5:45 Loganville HS
LaRou, Peter 5:47.72 Archer HS
Darsey, Caleb 5:48.65 Bleckley County High School
Brock, Brenton 5:48.68 Bleckley County High School
Moreno, Jose 5:49.22 Paideia
Jones, Jacob 5:50.00 Galloway
Tesfaye, Kaleb 5:50.00h Parkview High School
Johnson, Saul 5:50.00h Calvary Christian School
Hernandez, Joshua 5:53.21 Gainesville High School
HALLOWELL, GEORGE 5:55.00 Galloway
Isenberg, Jared 5:55.00 Galloway
Keathley, Andy 6:00 Loganville HS
Ioannides, Nicholas 6:00.00 Galloway
Bizu, Abel 6:00.00h Parkview High School
Cooper, Tate 6:01.0 North Hall
Rameriz, Ullyses 6:02.65 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Street, Owen 6:04.65 Decatur High School
Vipperman, Gus 6:04.82 Jefferson High School
Whitman, Aidan 6:07.60 Archer HS
Beasley, Andrew 6:08.91 Carrollton High School
Benyak, Patrick 6:15 Loganville HS
Lourie, Isaac 6:15.00 Galloway
O'Kelly, Ethan 6:15.00 Galloway
Jayroe, Caleb 6:19.00 South Effingham High School
Horton, Benjamin 6:20 Veterans HS
Lipham, Will 6:30.00 Calvary Christian School
Haile, Felix 6:30.00h Parkview High School
Joyce, John 6:30.00h Parkview High School
Agborsangaya, Ebot 6:34.89 Gainesville High School
Long, Caleb 6:35.65 Bleckley County High School
Price, Jared 6:45 Loganville HS
Tekle, Robel 6:45.00h Parkview High School
Scott, Will 7:01.76 Bleckley County High School
Mahoney, Aidan 7:15.00 Galloway
Waits, Dylan 7:30 Veterans HS
Graham, Ben 7:45 Loganville HS
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mason, Caiden South Effingham High School
Walton-Scott, Ben Paideia
Walton-Scott, Matt Paideia
Russell, Hagan 10:04.95 Carrollton High School
Holcomb, Jack 10:10.00 Parkview High School
Jackson, Jeb 10:11.33 Carrollton High School
Taylor, Jackson 10:13.45 Southwest Dekalb
Martinson, Noah 10:14.47 Carrollton High School
Leveille, Krish 10:20.00 Paideia
Dominy, Briggs 10:45.82 Bleckley County High School
Wagner, Jaycob 10:49.00 North Hall
Figgins, Brayden 10:51.27 Evans High School
Young, Bryant 11:04.7 North Hall
Abdulahi, Zakariye 11:07.45 Decatur High School
Lee, Jackson 11:08.96 Decatur High School
Dykes, Wilson 11:13.49 Bleckley County High School
Camp, Logan 11:13.91 Bleckley County High School
Braun, Davis 11:20.57 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Nabor, Diego 11:25.17 Gainesville High School
Van Leuven, Brett 12:00 Veterans HS
Johnson, Saul 12:30.0 Calvary Christian School
Raffield, Ayden 12:30.00 Parkview High School
Labbe, Norman 13:25.69 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Rameriz, Ullyses 13:25.89 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Carlton, William 9:33 Decatur High School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phillips, Tyler South Effingham High School
Le, Chris Gainesville High School
Graves, Glenn 16:30 Evans High School
Millwood, Peyton 16:30 Evans High School
Yates, Noah 17:00 Hillgrove
Garcia, David 17:01.00 Parkview High School
Niswonger, Brian 18:45 Hillgrove
Ervin, Will 18:45 Hillgrove
Migliore, Connor 18:45 Hillgrove
Turner, Xavier 18:56.88 Parkview High School
McGee, Collin 19:05.42 Loganville HS
Thompson, Sam 20:00.00 Parkview High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 117 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robbins, Conner Archer HS
Nunnaly, Ben Jefferson High School
Easley, Luca Decatur High School
Ferguson, Jonah Archer HS
Bell, Jacob Archer HS
Johns, Dylan Jefferson High School
Islas, David Gainesville High School
Kane, Noah Archer HS
Messonnier, Louis Decatur High School
Byrd, Myles Loganville HS
Cygan, Derek Archer HS
Schmidt, Ryan Jefferson High School
Nguyen, Grant Paideia
Orellana, Junior Archer HS
Higareda, Alejandro South Effingham High School
Chatham-Stephens, Kai Decatur High School
Hill, Mason Archer HS
Gonzalez, Juan Archer HS
Walsh, Kaeleb Archer HS
Bray, Brockton Jefferson High School
Butts, Jeremiah Paideia
Sandage, Nathan Decatur High School
Allgood, Graylon Gainesville High School
Glover, Nicholas Archer HS
Bell, Daniel Archer HS
Jones, Jailyn Decatur High School
Schroeder, Matthew 1:57.97 Jefferson High School
Jessup, John 1:58.64 Gainesville High School
Hall, Caden 1:59.32 Parkview High School
Robles, Martin 1:59.58 Parkview High School
Westing, Jake 2:01.43 Decatur High School
Davis, Ben 2:02.71 Jefferson High School
Kennedy, Kamren 2:03.19 Veterans HS
Gallagher, Danial 2:05.23 Gainesville High School
Scholl, Martin 2:06 Decatur High School
Ibrahim, Ahmed 2:07.31 Veterans HS
Cripps, Sawyer 2:08.08 Evans High School
Howard, Cailan 2:08.18 South Effingham High School
Churchwell, Luke 2:08.30 Bleckley County High School
Ranalli, Luke 2:08.69 Jefferson High School
Wolf, Grant 2:11.34 Loganville HS
Ayala, Aiden 2:11.86 Gainesville High School
Brooks, Joseph 2:13 Hillgrove
Beson, Michael 2:13.03 Archer HS
Ferguson, Nate 2:13.21 Jefferson High School
Harris, Ian 2:13.57 North Hall
Serrano, Richard 2:14.70 Gainesville High School
Werner, Abraham 2:15 Decatur High School
Leatherwood, Trey 2:15 Hillgrove
Barker, Dontavious 2:15.00h Carrollton High School
Ko, Andrew 2:15.00h Parkview High School
Bejar, Raul 2:15.58 Gainesville High School
Dominy, Briggs 2:16.58 Bleckley County High School
Kollman, Charlie 2:17.43 Jefferson High School
Ewers, George Henry 2:18.05 Gainesville High School
Edgeworth, Connor 2:18.70h North Hall
Bek, Brendan 2:19.11 Hillgrove
Morales, Ben 2:19.23 Jefferson High School
Brooks, Braylen 2:19.72 Archer HS
Ellis, Noah 2:20 Decatur High School
Rogers, Brady 2:20.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Brinkman, Fletcher 2:20.00h Evans High School
Hang, Timothy 2:20.40 Loganville HS
Wall, Sam 2:20.88 Jefferson High School
Kibret, Abraham 2:20.91 Decatur High School
Maxwell, Caleb 2:20.97 Jefferson High School
Proffitt, Conner 2:20.99 Gainesville High School
Martinez, Cesar 2:21.00 South Effingham High School
Nazim, Nour 2:21.00h Carrollton High School
Day, Zachary 2:21.66 Jefferson High School
Daniel, Wesley 2:22.02 Gainesville High School
Collins, Nigel 2:22.08 Gainesville High School
Granger, Shea 2:22.26 Archer HS
Nazim, Kareem 2:22.98 Carrollton High School
Joyner, Gavin 2:23.10 Archer HS
Bruening, Jackson 2:25 Hillgrove
Gardner, Christian 2:25 Hillgrove
DeSantis, Keegan 2:25 Hillgrove
Gray, Jaden 2:25 Hillgrove
Kindt, Sawyer 2:25 Hillgrove
Jenkins, Ayaan 2:25.49 Parkview High School
Staley, Gunner 2:25.80 Archer HS
Scribner, James 2:26.06 Paideia
Echols, Jackson 2:26.15 Archer HS
Richardson, Eric 2:27.02 Archer HS
Braun, Davis 2:27.14 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Darsey, Caleb 2:27.28 Bleckley County High School
Cosmano, Charlie 2:28.33 Jefferson High School
Camp, Logan 2:28.43 Bleckley County High School
Pacheco, Alan 2:29.28 Gainesville High School
Arnott, Dylan 2:30 Hillgrove
Tesfaye, Kaleb 2:30.00h Parkview High School
Black, Jace 2:30.00h Carrollton High School
Massey, Jeremiah 2:30.74 Gainesville High School
Nguyen, Janson 2:31.50 Parkview High School
Castro, Erick 2:32.00 Carrollton High School
Salzinger, Phillip 2:33.63 Paideia
Waweru, Joshua 2:33.86 Carrollton High School
LaRou, Peter 2:33.89 Archer HS
Dykes, Wilson 2:37.36 Bleckley County High School
Cox, Griffin 2:38.86 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hernandez, Joshua 2:39.37 Gainesville High School
Vipperman, Gus 2:41.67 Jefferson High School
Stewart, Nolan 2:42.30 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Genson, Zach 2:43.31 Archer HS
Whitman, Aidan 2:44.83 Archer HS
Ellsworth, Kyle 2:50 Hillgrove
Lipham, Will 2:50.00 Calvary Christian School
Keepfer, Walt 2:50.00h Calvary Christian School
Agborsangaya, Ebot 2:50.43 Gainesville High School
Brock, Brenton 2:51.65 Bleckley County High School
Street, Owen 2:52.62 Decatur High School
Jayroe, Caleb 2:55.77 South Effingham High School
Long, Caleb 2:57.97 Bleckley County High School
Watson, Matthias 3:00 Veterans HS
Williams, Amari 3:01.12 Loganville HS
Scott, Will 3:25.82 Bleckley County High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 100 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanFleet, Jocelynn Jefferson High School
Gomez, Jazz Archer HS
Morgan, Magdeline South Effingham High School
Turner, Bianca Archer HS
Mejia-Martinez, Joselyn Gainesville High School
Camden, Anna Beth Jefferson High School
Azcarate, Isabella Archer HS
Silva, Jaretzy Gainesville High School
Young, Ximena Jefferson High School
Gibbons, Christina South Effingham High School
Heim, Victoria Gainesville High School
Etris, Audrey Jefferson High School
Rojas, Simone 5:05.34 Evans High School
Thompson, Ashley 5:08.50 Gainesville High School
Rice, Emma 5:20 Veterans HS
Crosby, Tristen 5:24.59 Bleckley County High School
Geaney, Emma 5:25 Parkview High School
Moore, Abi 5:25.2 North Hall
O'Bryant, Clodagh 5:26.50h North Hall
Malerba, Gabriella 5:28.92 Decatur High School
Cragin, Emily 5:30.66 Archer HS
Blaich, Anna 5:34.14 Decatur High School
Ryan, Cheyenne 5:34.24 South Effingham High School
D'Elena, Sophie 5:35.00 Decatur High School
Chen, Jaimie 5:35.36 Parkview High School
Florence, Helena 5:39.75 Decatur High School
Brooks, Yolanda 5:40 Hillgrove
Debebe, Abi 5:40.25 Parkview High School
Rooks, Jaylyn 5:45.67 Carrollton High School
Simpson, Piper 5:47.13 Bleckley County High School
Osborn, Grace 5:49.52 Decatur High School
Bailey, Aubrey 5:50.00h Parkview High School
Diaz, Citlali 5:50.67 Parkview High School
Barber, Brianna 5:52.64 South Effingham High School
Byrd, Emily 5:54.52 Jefferson High School
Brown, Talia 5:55 Hillgrove
Wall, Tallulah 5:55.00h Decatur High School
Noori, Georgia 5:55.40 Carrollton High School
Brooks, Kaeleigh 6:00 Hillgrove
Harcourt, Michelle 6:00.00h Parkview High School
Bautista, Vialy 6:00.00h Parkview High School
Whipple, Emily 6:00.06 Carrollton High School
Sherwood, Kate 6:01.00h Decatur High School
Bowen, Johna 6:02.46 Bleckley County High School
Hailey, Lauren 6:03.64 Jefferson High School
Hartman, Samantha 6:04.18 Gainesville High School
Hastings, Zoe 6:05.00h Decatur High School
Jones, MaKayla 6:07.9 North Hall
Sanders, Katie 6:08.54 Decatur High School
Freeman, Olivia 6:09.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Bonilla, Katie 6:11.47 Archer HS
Graciano, Josabeth 6:13.57 Gainesville High School
Thurmond, Layla 6:15 Hillgrove
Hall, Isabelle 6:15 Hillgrove
Armstrong, Kayslen 6:16.87 Bleckley County High School
Edwards, Ella 6:18.00h North Hall
Ware, Anna Kate 6:18.30 Carrollton High School
Long, Mai Lei 6:18.88 Bleckley County High School
Fegan, Emma 6:20 Hillgrove
Zambrano, Valeria 6:20 Hillgrove
Flanagan, Lauren 6:20 Hillgrove
Ervie, Kayla 6:20 Hillgrove
Seymour, Jordan 6:20.00h Parkview High School
Pierson, Emma 6:20.01 South Effingham High School
Hofmeister, Anika 6:21.24 Paideia
Maxineau, Zhari 6:21.56 Parkview High School
Kitchens, Lauren 6:27.03 Bleckley County High School
Mejia-Martinez, Emely 6:27.22 Gainesville High School
Glass, Kennedy 6:30 Hillgrove
Calderon, Emily 6:30.67 Gainesville High School
Rosebrock, Annemarie 6:31.44 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Bower, Evie 6:31.66 Hillgrove
Schmittel, Lilly 6:31.99 Bleckley County High School
Elkinson, Sisi 6:35.00 Paideia
Rotenberg, Lucy 6:36.00 Paideia
Pompa, Maycie 6:38.44 Bleckley County High School
Woods, Anna 6:39.13 Parkview High School
Baker, Olaleye 6:43.56 Parkview High School
Jessup, Laura 6:45 Loganville HS
Dameron, Ella 6:47.00 Paideia
Raley, Anna Katherine 6:47.00 South Effingham High School
Hoyos, Alexa 6:48.15 Gainesville High School
Young, Kaelyn 6:49.50 Archer HS
Young, Erin 6:58.76 Archer HS
Dawson, Abigail 7:00 Loganville HS
Andrews, Makenzie 7:00 Veterans HS
Garcia, Yesica 7:00.00h Parkview High School
Greenberg, Jules 7:05.00 Galloway
Ko, Annette 7:15.00h Parkview High School
Espinoza, Sky 7:19.37 Veterans HS
Sweeney, Nora 7:30.00 Galloway
Mendoza Briceno, Genesis 7:30.00h Parkview High School
Curcio, Giavana 7:30.00h Loganville HS
Todd, Kaytlyn 7:30.00h Parkview High School
Williams, Aria 7:30.00h Parkview High School
Reddock, Danica 7:40 Hillgrove
Popp, Olivia 7:50.00h Loganville HS
Russell, Anna 8:20 Hillgrove
Martin, Maselah 8:35 Veterans HS
Rabel, Sarah 8:40 Veterans HS
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Magdeline South Effingham High School
Raley, Anna Katherine South Effingham High School
Rojas, Simone 11:13.63 Evans High School
Malerba, Gabriella 11:56.50 Decatur High School
Powell, Kiley 11:56.93 Jefferson High School
Smith, Harleigh 12:28.65 North Hall
Walter, Alexia 12:36.74 Carrollton High School
Rogers, MaryPayton 12:56.00 Carrollton High School
McDonald, Lily 12:58.46 South Effingham High School
Bowen, Johna 13:22.86 Bleckley County High School
Long, Mai Lei 13:24.65 Bleckley County High School
Tinker, Lilly 13:28.28 Parkview High School
Hales, McKinley 13:29.00 Paideia
Kitchens, Lauren 13:32.63 Bleckley County High School
Armstrong, Kayslen 13:38.53 Bleckley County High School
Caldwell, Ava 14:06.18 Carrollton High School
Batts, Allison 14:09.42 Carrollton High School
Browning, Audrey 14:21.25 Carrollton High School
Young, Ryann 14:59.23 Carrollton High School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marrufo, April Gainesville High School
Law, Katherine Jefferson High School
Kennedy, Madison 18:30 Evans High School
Osornio, Gabriela 18:45.00 Hillgrove
Terza, Reese 18:45.00 Hillgrove
Brooks, Ava 18:45.00 Hillgrove
Flanagan, Meghan 18:45.00 Hillgrove
Long, Mai Lei 22:01.53 Bleckley County High School
Kitchens, Lauren 24:38.28 Bleckley County High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Etris, Audrey Jefferson High School
Gomez, Jazz Archer HS
Ferguson, Audrey Paideia
Mejia-Martinez, Joselyn Gainesville High School
Price, Gabrielle Loganville HS
Turner, Bianca Archer HS
Martinez, Amilia South Effingham High School
VanFleet, Jocelynn Jefferson High School
Azcarate, Isabella Archer HS
Edge, Emma Paideia
Silva, Jaretzy Gainesville High School
Byrd, Emily Jefferson High School
Hennington, Isabella Paideia
Mejia, Kayleen Gainesville High School
Marshall, Jackson Paideia
Taylor, Kira Holy Spirit Preparatory
Heim, Victoria Gainesville High School
Huff, Madelynn Paideia
Moore, Abi 2:22.97 North Hall
O'Bryant, Clodagh 2:24.0 North Hall
Walker, Lauryn 2:25.00 Evans High School
Thompson, Ashley 2:26.08 Gainesville High School
Simpson, Piper 2:27.76 Bleckley County High School
Cragin, Emily 2:27.77 Archer HS
Ryan, Cheyenne 2:28.39 South Effingham High School
Rice, Emma 2:30.00h Veterans HS
Kennedy, Madison 2:30.04 Evans High School
Dishman, Aubrey 2:32.18 Carrollton High School
Blaich, Anna 2:35.00h Decatur High School
McNally, Mei 2:35.04 Decatur High School
Crosby, Tristen 2:37.43 Bleckley County High School
Maxineau, Zhari 2:37.78 Parkview High School
Hailey, Lauren 2:37.90 Jefferson High School
Fitzpatrick, Mia 2:38.12 South Effingham High School
Barber, Brianna 2:39.03 South Effingham High School
Brooks, Yolanda 2:40 Hillgrove
Bethel, Da'Viana 2:40 Loganville HS
Sandidge, Paige 2:40.00 Loganville HS
Sherwood, Kate 2:40.00h Decatur High School
Graciano, Josabeth 2:44.83 Gainesville High School
Bonilla, Katie 2:44.83 Archer HS
Byrd, Keighley 2:45 Loganville HS
Brooks, Kaeleigh 2:45 Hillgrove
D'Elena, Sophie 2:45.00h Decatur High School
Wall, Tallulah 2:45.00h Decatur High School
Bailey, Aubrey 2:45.00h Parkview High School
Osborn, Grace 2:45.00h Decatur High School
Florence, Helena 2:45.00h Decatur High School
Hartman, Samantha 2:45.43 Gainesville High School
Price, Sophia 2:46.41 Loganville HS
Sanders, Katie 2:46.54 Decatur High School
Hodge, Madison 2:47.62 South Effingham High School
Stewart, Leah 2:49.23 Loganville HS
Mejia-Martinez, Emely 2:49.53 Gainesville High School
Bowen, Johna 2:49.65 Bleckley County High School
Brown, Talia 2:50 Hillgrove
Hastings, Zoe 2:50.00h Decatur High School
Bautista, Vialy 2:50.00h Parkview High School
Sipos, Ava 2:54.23 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Thurmond, Layla 2:55 Hillgrove
Hall, Isabelle 2:55 Hillgrove
Baker, Olaleye 2:55.09 Parkview High School
Armstrong, Kayslen 2:55.21 Bleckley County High School
Young, Kaelyn 2:55.58 Archer HS
Long, Mai Lei 2:55.60 Bleckley County High School
Ballard, Avery 2:56.03 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Tinker, Lilly 2:56.45 Parkview High School
Bower, Evie 2:59.11 Hillgrove
Muhammad, Zoe 3:00.00 Carrollton High School
Espinoza, Sky 3:00.00h Veterans HS
Andrews, Makenzie 3:00.00h Veterans HS
Seymour, Jordan 3:00.00h Parkview High School
Reifschneider, Emerson 3:00.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Kitchens, Lauren 3:01.33 Bleckley County High School
Pompa, Maycie 3:01.42 Bleckley County High School
Schmittel, Lilly 3:01.65 Bleckley County High School
Zambrano, Valeria 3:05 Hillgrove
Estrada-Carranza, Kimberly 3:05.15 Carrollton High School
Hoyos, Alexa 3:06.35 Gainesville High School
Calderon, Emily 3:07.29 Gainesville High School
Young, Erin 3:08.46 Archer HS
Dufresne, Laura 3:10 Hillgrove
Fegan, Emma 3:10 Hillgrove
Flanagan, Lauren 3:10 Hillgrove
Ervie, Kayla 3:10 Hillgrove
Hill, Kaleriah 3:14.72 Carrollton High School
Glass, Kennedy 3:15 Hillgrove
Young, Ximena 3:15.45 Jefferson High School
Reddock, Danica 3:30 Hillgrove
Jessop, kiera 3:30.40 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Gibbons, Christina 3:32.00 South Effingham High School
Russell, Anna 3:35 Hillgrove
Camden, Anna Beth 3:43.83 Jefferson High School
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High School Boys 4x400m 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A South Effingham High School
Relay Team C Paideia
Relay Team B South Effingham High School
Relay Team A Paideia
Relay Team B Paideia
Relay Team A Loganville HS
Relay Team A 3:38.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 3:45.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Carrollton High School
Relay Team B 3:49.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team C 3:50.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Carrollton High School
Relay Team D 3:54.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team C 3:55.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 4:03.17 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Veterans HS
Relay Team B 4:40.00 Veterans HS
Relay Team C 4:45.00 Veterans HS
Relay Team D 4:55.00 Veterans HS
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High School Boys 4x800m 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C Decatur High School
Relay Team B Paideia
Relay Team A Veterans HS
Relay Team B Veterans HS
Relay Team A Decatur High School
Relay Team A Loganville HS
Relay Team B Decatur High School
Relay Team A 8:10.00 Archer HS
Relay Team A 8:23.00h South Effingham High School
Relay Team A 8:35.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team A 8:43.82 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 8:55.00 Paideia
Relay Team A 9:10.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 9:10.08 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 9:15.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 9:17.00h North Hall
Relay Team B 9:30.00h Carrollton High School
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High School Girls 4x400m 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Loganville HS
Relay Team B South Effingham High School
Relay Team C South Effingham High School
Relay Team A Paideia
Relay Team B Paideia
Relay Team A South Effingham High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Carrollton High School
Relay Team B 4:20.00h Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 4:23.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 4:40.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team B 4:40.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team C 4:50.00h Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 4:54.81 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 5:25.00 Veterans HS
Relay Team B 5:55.00 Veterans HS
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High School Girls 4x800m 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Paideia
Relay Team B Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 10:15.00 Parkview High School
Relay Team A 10:25.00 Decatur High School
Relay Team B 10:59.00 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 11:02.00 North Hall
Relay Team A 11:15.64 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 11:40.00 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 11:45.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Veterans HS
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MS 1600m Boys 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Singletary, Barbary Trickum Middle School
Jack, Noah Gainesville High School
AhmannLloyd, John Henry Paideia
White, Quin Trickum Middle School
Emery, Oscar Paideia
Elbeiti, Mojtaba Trickum Middle School
Duffield, Tadd Trickum Middle School
Cheng, Hudson Paideia
Mares, Salem Trickum Middle School
Ashe, Oscar Paideia
Rouk, Drew Trickum Middle School
Pae, Aaron Trickum Middle School
Fooshee, Bob Paideia
Hoopaugh, Jayden Jefferson Middle School
Castaneda, Nicolas Trickum Middle School
McCarthy, Ben Paideia
Garcia, Moises Trickum Middle School
Nguyen, Carter Paideia
Smith, Maverick 4:58.0 North Hall
Wakeman, Finn 5:18.16 Jefferson Middle School
Edmunds, Logan 5:18.92 Jefferson Middle School
Malueg, William 5:22.65 Jefferson Middle School
Hill, Mason 5:29.0 North Hall
Glover, Hayden 5:30.0 North Hall
Nash, Graham 5:32.0 North Hall
Borg, Michael 5:32.0 North Hall
Schroeder, Ben 5:46.54 Jefferson Middle School
Adams, Zack 5:50.0 Calvary Christian School
Stewart, Nolan 5:58.22 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Craig, Evan 5:58.22 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Lein, Gabriel 6:00 Evans MS
Houston, Tyler 6:03.30 Evans MS
Jarrett, William "Steele" 6:05.34 Evans MS
Lazenby, Sawyer 6:15.00h North Hall
Brooks, Bradley 6:30.00h Calvary Christian School
Borg, Isaac 6:32.0 North Hall
Walker, Duncan 7:25.78 Paideia
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MS 1600m Girls 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Debebe, Meron Trickum Middle School
Wethington-Mercer, Lily Trickum Middle School
Robinson, Lillie Trickum Middle School
Duarte-Robles, Yicelh Trickum Middle School
Barnett, Sarah Trickum Middle School
Nabor, Melissa Gainesville High School
Huynh, Alexandra Paideia
Gibbs, Ella 5:09.86 Bleckley Co. MS
Beemer, Liliana 5:20 Evans MS
Deal, Estella 5:45 Evans MS
Hewitt, Anastasia 5:55 Evans MS
Farrell, Lily 5:55.93 Bleckley Co. MS
Schroeder, Hannah 6:02.27 Jefferson Middle School
Bunn, Sophia 6:02.56 Jefferson Middle School
Forman, Allison 6:05.00h North Hall
Kitchens, Natalie 6:12.39 Bleckley Co. MS
Moreno, Jelaena 6:16.07 Paideia
Herrington, Ava 6:17.28 Bleckley Co. MS
Pennington, Caroline 6:20.04 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Hoyos, Arianny 6:20.70 Gainesville High School
Mason, Nora 6:30.00 South Effingham High School
Backlund, Patricia 6:40.00 South Effingham High School
Hales, Kathryn 6:43.11 Paideia
Martinez, Jade 6:45.25 Holy Spirit Preparatory
Graciano, Jeny 6:53.87 Gainesville High School
Miller, Ellie 8:00.0 Calvary Christian School
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