GHSA 3A State Championships 2024

Carrollton, GA

GHSA 3A State Championships 2024 vs GHSA State Cross Country Championships 4A 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -282 326 608
Overall Average +45.36 22:49.47 22:04.10
1st-10th Place +37.98 16:54.48 16:16.50
1st-25th Place +50.58 17:27.95 16:37.37
1st-50th Place +1:06.13 18:03.16 16:57.03
1st-100th Place +1:31.04 18:55.05 17:24.01
Common Athletes -- -- 72
Ran Faster 6 39 33
Ran Season Best 1 2 1
Average Time -18.83 22:47.60 23:06.42
Median Time -31.74 21:41.91 22:13.65
Middle 80% Times -4.56 22:45.50 22:50.06
Top 10% Times -5.16 17:38.71 17:43.87
Top 25% Times -0.94 18:30.94 18:31.87
Top 50% Times -8.32 19:42.25 19:50.57
Bottom 50% Times -29.33 25:52.94 26:22.28
Bottom 25% Times -44.70 27:53.69 28:38.39
Bottom 10% Times -1:58.12 29:29.72 31:27.84
Average Difference -18.83 -- --
Median Difference -1:18.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1.05 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2.55 -- --
Top 25% Difference -4.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2.55 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -35.10 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -36.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:06.81 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Bryant Young North Hall +10.36 16:20.55 16:10.19
Maverick Smith North Hall +32.62 18:02.93 17:30.31
Hayden Glover North Hall -9.32 17:38.84 17:48.16
Max Young North Hall +0.44 17:40.79 17:40.35
Levi Dailey West Laurens High School +8.04 17:48.87 17:40.83
Allen Israel Sulton IV Fayette County -54.47 17:46.06 18:40.53
Graham Nash North Hall -35.49 17:47.31 18:22.80
Hyrum Smartt Heritage HS, Catoosa +1.01 18:04.37 18:03.36
Landon Hoover Heritage HS, Catoosa -31.64 18:16.71 18:48.35
Mason Hill North Hall -19.94 18:18.30 18:38.24
Austin Chrouch Whitewater High School -51.00 18:22.06 19:13.06
Trey Sirmans Southeast Bulloch +1:08.54 19:43.53 18:34.99
Seth Redman Southeast Bulloch +4.52 19:09.39 19:04.87
Zackery Valadao Whitewater High School +1:33.67 20:39.01 19:05.34
Tyler Wendt Whitewater High School -26.57 19:09.22 19:35.79
Clodagh O'Bryant North Hall +39.40 20:07.90 19:28.50
Garner Pitts Southeast Bulloch +40.94 20:11.32 19:30.38
Kyle Gehman Fayette County -25.41 19:33.75 19:59.16
Dalton Oxford West Laurens High School +19.42 19:57.11 19:37.69
Noah Burnham Southeast Bulloch -1:22.66 19:39.75 21:02.41
Luke Balsam Fayette County +1:35.75 21:20.85 19:45.10
Riley Womack Heritage HS, Catoosa -3.21 19:57.36 20:00.57
Joshua Taylor Whitewater High School -30.34 20:23.90 20:54.24
Evie Robison Heritage HS, Catoosa -3:46.92 20:25.41 24:12.33
Le'Tuan Howard Bainbridge High School -1:29.58 20:27.91 21:57.49
Harleigh Smith North Hall +26.85 20:56.75 20:29.90
Gambler Dollar Bainbridge High School -50.46 20:30.23 21:20.69
Aaron Glover Whitewater High School +15.44 20:46.45 20:31.01
Za'marion Hill Cairo -22.36 20:55.52 21:17.88
Mitchell Carter Bainbridge High School -1:03.09 20:56.10 21:59.19
Nelson Kirkland Southeast Bulloch +13.91 21:20.28 21:06.37
Ralph Conyers Cairo -25.13 21:07.52 21:32.65
Jacob Sims Whitewater High School +33.02 21:41.91 21:08.89
Angel Batista Cairo -1:18.50 21:21.71 22:40.21
Lily Kate Morgan North Hall -30.79 21:26.60 21:57.39
Detric Burden Bainbridge High School -2:09.37 21:28.61 23:37.98
Deon Leatherwood Fayette County -8.82 21:37.96 21:46.78
Ella Edwards North Hall +43.53 22:38.12 21:54.59
Bach Bui Cairo +4:32.48 26:34.84 22:02.36
Olivia Leskusky Whitewater High School +20.97 22:34.62 22:13.65
Izzy Wintermantel Chestatee +1:22.44 24:01.98 22:39.54
Sadie Edris Islands High School +18.25 23:09.14 22:50.89
Sarah Bowling Chestatee +1:08.82 24:30.14 23:21.32
Kayleigh McBride Chestatee -1:01.98 23:25.21 24:27.19
Tori Epps Heritage High School +2:04.37 25:35.88 23:31.51
Madison Kellerman Whitewater High School -46.06 23:49.44 24:35.50
Charlotte Thaxton Whitewater High School -19.93 24:00.83 24:20.76
Grace Johnson LaGrange High School -2.23 24:01.08 24:03.31
Ansley Burnham Southeast Bulloch -2:46.37 24:03.35 26:49.72
Paola Gomez Ochoa Cairo -2:34.31 24:12.79 26:47.10
Kalynne Ehret LaGrange High School -1:43.34 24:14.01 25:57.35
Aurora Collins Whitewater High School -35.42 24:15.44 24:50.86
Ansley Buday Cherokee Bluff High School -50.71 24:16.98 25:07.69
Anna Kate Kelly Cherokee Bluff High School -1:51.32 24:23.62 26:14.94
Natalie Hammond Cherokee Bluff High School -59.85 25:05.89 26:05.74
Amelia Gale LaGrange High School +2:54.28 28:03.49 25:09.21
Melannie Salomon LaGrange High School +1:44.30 26:59.30 25:15.00
London Huff Cherokee Bluff High School -1:14.73 25:15.02 26:29.75
Bella LaPlante Islands High School +55.16 26:10.98 25:15.82
Bryleigh Henderson Heritage HS, Catoosa -30.10 25:29.66 25:59.76
Emily Damron Heritage High School +45.31 26:23.55 25:38.24
Ava McGarrah Cairo +1:01.36 27:14.05 26:12.69
Ella Faith Rountree Southeast Bulloch -10:01.25 26:20.44 36:21.69
Eliza Bell Cairo +2:03.84 28:25.32 26:21.48
Laila Martin LaGrange High School +1:06.11 27:55.94 26:49.83
Elana Sheffield Bainbridge High School +29.05 27:29.44 27:00.39
Enajiya Marcus Bainbridge High School +2:23.78 29:37.84 27:14.06
Karina Diaz-Diaz Cairo -2:33.97 27:50.56 30:24.53
Jazmine Wilson Southeast Bulloch -4:24.74 28:35.25 32:59.99
Madeline Langes Southeast Bulloch -3:09.75 30:35.43 33:45.18
Justine Wu Southeast Bulloch +27.85 31:19.72 30:51.87
Amanda Brinck Islands High School -1:40.20 31:24.79 33:04.99