Meet Information
LIVE Results
Saturday, Nov. 16th, 2019
7:15am Packet Pick-up Opens and Course Open for Warm-ups
8:30am Course Closes for Warm-ups
8:45am Boys - Open
9:10am Girls - Open
9:45am Boys Meet of Champions Race - by invitation only
10:30am Girls Meet of Champions Race - by invitation only
11:00am Awards
WHERE: Heritage Christian Church (Starrs Mill home course) - Large venue, great footing/scenic, spectator friendly
2130 Redwine Road, Fayetteville, GA 30215, just outside of Peachtree City, GA
Who is invited: Teams
The top 25 boys teams and top 25 girls teams in the state of Georgia
Each team can enter up to 7 runners *Must be from list of 12 submitted to GHSA to compete in Region/State
1st place team from each of the 8 classifications will automatically get an invitation (8 teams)
The Next best teams will be invited /selected based on selection criteria utilized by the Coaches on the selection committee; If any of those teams decline, we may extend an invitation to the next highest performing team.
Who is invited: Individuals
Top 2 Individuals who are not on winning teams across all 8 classifications will get automatic invitations (16 runners)
The next best 9-14 individuals not on selected teams will be invited based on selection criteria used by selection committee. Performances will be based on the entire season, not just one meet.
If any of those individuals decline, we may extend an invitation to the next highest performing individual, but we don't necessarily have to have 25-30 individuals.
Race Size: 180-200 runners on the line for each race
Teams must compete as Club teams; these do not need to be official USATF clubs; Teams do NOT compete for their High School;
Teams must be from the same high schools, no all-star teams.
Uniforms: We will follow GHSA rules regarding post season competition, including athletes will not wear their high school uniforms; Teams should try to wear similar uniforms.
Top 20 individuals.
Top 3 teams - each member of top 3 teams receive a Meet of Champions medal.
All athletes invited and who race will receive exclusive Meet of Champions shirt
Cost to Enter
No cost for Invited Teams or to Invited individuals to participate in the Georgia HS Cross Country Meet of Champions. Thanks to USATF- Georgia for supporting the Meet of Champopms
Entry Procedures and timeline:
Sunday Nov3/Monday Nov 4 AM- an email goes out to all invitees with passcode to the race.
Wednesday November 6 by 6pm- coaches decline or accept. and send in t-shirt sizes
Wednesday November 6 by 7pm- the next wave of invites go out based on the number of declines. If spots free up, additional invites to teams/individuals on the "watch list" will go out.
Meet entries on MileSplit Close Wednesday Nov. 13 at Midnight.
Entry Procedures:
Go to Meet of Champions Milesplit Page and use your MileSplit account to enter your team or individuals.
you use the pass code provided by the selection committee to enter this meet
Your team name will be high school + Track Club
Parking Fee: $5 per car
All parking fees go to this charity- Compassional International, which provides educational and food support to children in developing countries. Heritage Christian Church provides the use of this course to the running community for free; Supporting this charity is a way to help an important charity to the church.
Parking Lots: There are 5 parkign lots available: 2 paved lots, 2 grass fields, and 1 gravel lot; volunteers will be directing traffic into lot.
Packet Pick up: is up by the starting at a table that says packet pick-up
Two Tent Areas:
Area 1: tents and teams will be in the wooded section between the finish line and starting line.
Area 2: tents and teams will go parallel to the finish line and basketball courts
No tents to be set -up in the finish/ awards field this is Open for Spectators
Bathrooms: there will be plenty of portable toilets
The bathrooms at the start line are intended for athletes who are about to start their race and coaches.
The buildings are not open to any athlete or spectators.
Starting Line:
The starting area is roped off for coaches and athletes only, please help us keep spectators/parents out of this area as we begin to get ready to start the races.
Uniforms: matching singlet or tops for each team are encourage but not required. Shorts do not need to match.
We will be using timing chips for the races. The chips need to be distributed to the runner that they have been assigned to and placed on their shoe using the bread/zip tie.
Please remind them to make sure that the bread/zip tie is on correctly and does not simply slip back off. If a chip is lost it will cost $20 per chip, the timing company will contact you for the lost chips.
As they cross the finish line we will have volunteers cutting the chips off and returning them to the timing company.
If a runner has zipped the tie too tight on their shoe string the workers will cut a shoe string to remove the chip.
Lastly, if you have runners that did not race, be sure to return those chips to the timing table as well. If not returned your team will be assessed $20 per chip.
As we receive the results, announcements will be made and they will be posted on the big blue board by the awards area.
Please check the results as soon as possible so that if any corrections need to be made we can make them early before the awards ceremony.
Award Ceremony at Approximate 11:00 am:
Will be held after the final race. No awards will be given out prior to the ceremony. The order of the awards will be the same as the athletes raced in.
Please make sure to check the results prior to the awards ceremony to make sure no corrections need to be made. Once the ceremony is started the results are final.
During the races we may opt to play music and many of your athletes may provide their own music as well. Please talk to the athletes about taking into consideration the loudness, content and subject matter of the music.
The meet takes place on church property that they are graciously allowing us to use. We are just asking that the music choices show a sense of respect to the church members, the spectators and the neighborhoods that are nearby.
Starting Box Assignments:
Invited Teams will be in alphabetical order based on high school team name (copy given out at packet pick-up)
Invited Meet of Champions Individuals will be assigned to boxes next to the teams.