GHSA 6A - Region 7 2024

Roswell, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Mehkai 10.77 Sprayberry High School
Pratikakis, Manoli 10.80 Lassiter High School
Robinson, Gerell 10.87 Alpharetta
Eason, Sean 11.04 Alpharetta
Williams, Aiden 11.19 Sprayberry High School
White, Nicco 11.26 Sprayberry High School
Bradley, Joshua 11.29 Pope High School
Aku, Ibibra 11.31 Alpharetta
Stevens, Ashton 11.34 Roswell High School
Wooley, Jason 11.45 Roswell High School
Robertson, Daniel 11.53 Pope High School
Thigpen, Sabien 11.68 Lassiter High School
Alterman, Ethan 11.69 Pope High School
Whitt, Cylan 11.70 Johns Creek HS
Sivy, Lucas 11.75 Blessed Trinity
Epling, Corey 11.78 Lassiter High School
Eatz, Josh 11.79 Blessed Trinity
Akintunde, Aaron 11.86 Roswell High School
Byrd, Elijah 11.88 Johns Creek HS
Mikolajek, Noah 11.93 Blessed Trinity
Tooley, Mikhel 12.01 Johns Creek HS
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruelle, Chase Johns Creek HS
Williams, Joseph 14.56 Alpharetta
Nnanna, Vincent 14.58 Alpharetta
Jackson, Brandyn 15.04 Lassiter High School
Williams, Marcus 15.09 Sprayberry High School
Njoroge, Ethan 16.02 Lassiter High School
Garcia, Travis 16.06 Lassiter High School
Louis, Ty 16.65 Roswell High School
Garcia, Juan Pablo 16.98 Blessed Trinity
Bartel, Riley 17.01 Sprayberry High School
Sandy, Cj 17.14 Pope High School
Combs, Nigel 18.27 Pope High School
Lee, Han 18.71 Johns Creek HS
Mitchell, Hasan 18.95 Roswell High School
Thomas, Cooper 19.01 Pope High School
Tiggs, Dexter 20.32 Alpharetta
Marchman, Andre 20.35 Sprayberry High School
Czohara, Gavin 20.45 Blessed Trinity
Heron-Vanta, Jason 21.89 Blessed Trinity
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maloney, Dermot 4:16.01 Pope High School
Jimenez, Christian 4:22.09 Roswell High School
Sewczwicz, Ryan 4:22.30 Blessed Trinity
Kohrman, Loden 4:24.71 Blessed Trinity
Jimenez, Ethan 4:31.21 Roswell High School
Cole, Timothy 4:34.17 Blessed Trinity
Connelly, Justin 4:34.76 Johns Creek HS
Judge, Jake 4:35.08 Lassiter High School
Pokorney, JP 4:46.25 Lassiter High School
Rowan, Peyton 4:49.21 Johns Creek HS
Laughlin, David 4:50.64 Johns Creek HS
Sayani, Ahad 4:50.77 Alpharetta
Williams, Kaleb 4:51.91 Pope High School
Miller, Tommy 4:51.91 Alpharetta
Maloney, Rowen 4:52.71 Pope High School
Villanueva, Micah 4:53.05 Lassiter High School
Etheridge, Bennett 4:55.78 Alpharetta
Lynch, Garrett 4:56.29 Sprayberry High School
Olson, Hunter 4:57.72 Roswell High School
Parker, Aiden 5:19.81 Sprayberry High School
Mujaahid, Mustafah 6:01.90 Sprayberry High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Mehkai 21.48 Sprayberry High School
Robinson, Gerell 22.17 Alpharetta
Eason, Sean 22.19 Alpharetta
Pratikakis, Manoli 22.24 Lassiter High School
Montoro, Alexander 22.33 Blessed Trinity
Rose, Elijah 22.40 Alpharetta
Williams, Aiden 22.72 Sprayberry High School
Sanguinetti, Ryan 22.76 Johns Creek HS
Bradley, Joshua 22.78 Pope High School
White, Nicco 22.84 Sprayberry High School
Daniels, Jeffrey 22.91 Blessed Trinity
Dison, Will 22.93 Pope High School
Ponchot, Huxley 22.95 Pope High School
Sparks, Ahmed 23.11 Lassiter High School
Kowalczyk, Logan 23.35 Johns Creek HS
Akintunde, Aaron 23.72 Roswell High School
Wooley, Jason 23.77 Roswell High School
Souther, Aiden 23.84 Roswell High School
Sivy, Lucas 23.88 Blessed Trinity
Hopkins, Zay 24.05 Lassiter High School
Byrd, Elijah 24.40 Johns Creek HS
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marchman, Andre Sprayberry High School
Nnanna, Vincent 38.20 Alpharetta
Williams, Joseph 38.51 Alpharetta
Jackson, Brandyn 41.70 Lassiter High School
Njoroge, Ethan 42.23 Lassiter High School
Louis, Ty 42.34 Roswell High School
Williams, Marcus 42.44 Sprayberry High School
Garcia, Juan Pablo 42.73 Blessed Trinity
Kloiber, Will 43.21 Johns Creek HS
Sandy, Cj 43.71 Pope High School
Benders, Jaden 44.42 Lassiter High School
Bartel, Riley 44.49 Sprayberry High School
Shaffer, Chase 44.89 Roswell High School
Mitchell, Hasan 45.32 Roswell High School
Combs, Nigel 45.54 Pope High School
Lee, Han 45.67 Johns Creek HS
Ruelle, Chase 46.32 Johns Creek HS
Thomas, Cooper 48.05 Pope High School
Czohara, Gavin 49.11 Blessed Trinity
Heron-Vanta, Jason 52.87 Blessed Trinity
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rothering, William 10:02.48 Blessed Trinity
Beach, Callum 10:06.54 Blessed Trinity
Villanueva, Micah 10:24.25 Lassiter High School
Maloney, Rowen 10:30.37 Pope High School
Sayani, Ahad 10:34.29 Alpharetta
Quintero, Zach 10:35.60 Lassiter High School
Williams, Kaleb 10:35.68 Pope High School
Rowan, Peyton 10:40.00 Johns Creek HS
Pokorney, JP 10:42.20 Lassiter High School
Lynch, Garrett 10:42.53 Sprayberry High School
Olson, Hunter 11:04.05 Roswell High School
Jones, Stryder 11:17.12 Johns Creek HS
Schellhous, Jacob 11:28.49 Alpharetta
Christensen, Wyatt 11:43.75 Alpharetta
Maloney, Dermot 9:15.36 Pope High School
Jimenez, Christian 9:17.30 Roswell High School
Kohrman, Loden 9:27.26 Blessed Trinity
Connelly, Justin 9:56.34 Johns Creek HS
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Milman, Luke Lassiter High School
Glover, Yoel 49.89 Alpharetta
Montoro, Alexander 49.97 Blessed Trinity
Roner, Luke 50.45 Alpharetta
Malloy, Chase 51.10 Blessed Trinity
Woods, Jason 51.12 Lassiter High School
Kloiber, Will 51.51 Johns Creek HS
Washington, Justin 51.88 Sprayberry High School
Ponchot, Huxley 52.63 Pope High School
Francis, Brennan 53.08 Alpharetta
Stevens, Ashton 53.32 Roswell High School
Loehrer, Henry 53.49 Blessed Trinity
Wells, Carter 53.68 Pope High School
Nwizubo, Akachi 53.70 Johns Creek HS
Dittmore, Ryan 54.09 Roswell High School
Sparks, Ahmed 54.59 Lassiter High School
Gillis, Jayden 56.25 Sprayberry High School
Linton, Patrick 56.27 Pope High School
Mehta, Ayaan 56.46 Johns Creek HS
Spivey, Kevin 56.48 Sprayberry High School
Fashola, George 57.30 Roswell High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.25 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 42.60 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 43.65 Pope High School
Relay Team A 44.34 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 44.35 Johns Creek HS
Relay Team A 44.86 Roswell High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:25.53 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 1:29.92 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:31.07 Johns Creek HS
Relay Team A 1:31.99 Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:32.27 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 1:32.54 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 1:34.00 Roswell High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:14.75 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 3:33.63 Pope High School
Relay Team A 3:33.63 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 3:35.72 Johns Creek HS
Relay Team A 3:36.19 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:41.97 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 3:42.78 Sprayberry High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:13.10 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 8:16.37 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 8:26.39 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 8:56.96 Johns Creek HS
Relay Team A 9:02.15 Pope High School
Relay Team A 9:51.28 Sprayberry High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sewczwicz, Ryan 1:57.13 Blessed Trinity
Maloney, Dermot 1:58.06 Pope High School
Judge, Jake 2:00.15 Lassiter High School
Cole, Timothy 2:01.57 Blessed Trinity
Palmer, Sully 2:02.64 Alpharetta
Isaacs, Daniel 2:02.93 Pope High School
Tribick, Will 2:03.41 Roswell High School
Soricelli, Isaac 2:04.51 Blessed Trinity
Stowers, Parker 2:04.81 Roswell High School
Henry, Benjamin 2:04.82 Roswell High School
Miller, Tommy 2:08.40 Alpharetta
Etheridge, Bennett 2:09.06 Alpharetta
Cloud, Bert 2:09.51 Pope High School
Wheatly, Reid 2:09.52 Johns Creek HS
Laughlin, David 2:09.94 Johns Creek HS
Carr, Noel 2:12.20 Lassiter High School
Thompson, Zack 2:12.98 Lassiter High School
Canizzaro, Maxim 2:15.32 Johns Creek HS
Parker, Aiden 2:23.67 Sprayberry High School
Mujaahid, Mustafah 2:27.00 Sprayberry High School
Spivey, Kevin 2:33.92 Sprayberry High School
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Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McClellan, Michael 156-2 Johns Creek HS
Hill, Ben 146-1 Blessed Trinity
Ciul, Rylan 135-0 Johns Creek HS
Smith, Brice 130-0 Sprayberry High School
Waldroup, Ethan 128-4 Roswell High School
Wright, Ashton 120-3 Sprayberry High School
House, Brian 117-7 Roswell High School
Oliver, Mason 116-11 Alpharetta
Seals, Samuel 109-5 Alpharetta
Whigham, Shelton 107-10 Roswell High School
Thomas, Zayden 98-7 Sprayberry High School
O'Brien, Aidan 96-3 Lassiter High School
Khaja, Rohaan 93-6 Lassiter High School
Landeck, Thomas 93-3 Johns Creek HS
Reida, Andrew 88-7 Pope High School
Stephens, Anderson 87-11.5 Lassiter High School
Lynch, Andrew 84-9 Pope High School
Sivy, Christopher 84-0 Blessed Trinity
Lynch, Connor 83-5 Pope High School
Chastain, Thomas 80-6 Blessed Trinity
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Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nwizubo, Nonso 6-4 Johns Creek HS
Salvadori, Nicolas 6-2 Roswell High School
Trawick, Jacob 6-2 Johns Creek HS
Shaffer, Chase 6-0 Roswell High School
Gutzmer, Jared 6-0 Pope High School
German, Stanton 6-0 Pope High School
Abedi, Parsa 6-0 Pope High School
Haru, Kai 5-8 Blessed Trinity
Chastain, Thomas 5-6 Blessed Trinity
Steele, Ryan 5-6 Johns Creek HS
Flicker, Benjamin 5-5 Sprayberry High School
Chege, J 5-5 Lassiter High School
Travis, Nathan 5-4 Roswell High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
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Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Demetrius 21-3 Sprayberry High School
Jackson, Brandyn 21-2.25 Lassiter High School
Tushabe, Alex 20-11 Pope High School
Garcia, Travis 20-7.5 Lassiter High School
Griffin, Davis 20-6.25 Pope High School
Jones, Cameron 20-5.25 Alpharetta
Nwizubo, Nonso 20-5 Johns Creek HS
Pitts Jr., Jason 20-2 Sprayberry High School
Whitt, Cylan 20-2 Johns Creek HS
Souther, Aiden 20-2 Roswell High School
Benders, Jaden 19-11 Lassiter High School
Romero, Daniel 19-9.5 Blessed Trinity
Gutzmer, Jared 19-6.5 Pope High School
EDWARDS, Jace 19-6 Alpharetta
Shaffer, Chase 19-3 Roswell High School
Steele, Ryan 18-10 Johns Creek HS
Mitchell, Carl 18-9.75 Alpharetta
Cole, Bruno 18-3 Roswell High School
MacAvoy, Aidan 17-5.5 Blessed Trinity
Johnson II, Reggie 17-4.25 Blessed Trinity
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
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Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vickers, Gavin 12-2 Roswell High School
Hudson, Luke 11-11 Blessed Trinity
Basile, Scott 11-2 Pope High School
Melson, Connor 10-8 Pope High School
DeCamp, Carson 10-6 Blessed Trinity
Lee, Han 10-6 Johns Creek HS
Clark, Logan 10-2 Pope High School
Kowalczyk, Logan 10-0 Johns Creek HS
Landeck, Nathan 10-0 Johns Creek HS
Bomeli, Alec 9-6 Roswell High School
Piper, Jack 9-4 Blessed Trinity
Hansen, Jack 8-8 Lassiter High School
Whelan, Tyler 8-0 Lassiter High School
Philpott, Jacob 8-0 Lassiter High School
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Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holland, Chris 50-5.5 Roswell High School
Smith, Brice 45-11.5 Sprayberry High School
McClellan, Michael 45-5.25 Johns Creek HS
Seals, Samuel 45-4.4 Alpharetta
Wright, Ashton 43-9 Sprayberry High School
Oliver, Mason 42-9 Alpharetta
Edmondson, Layton 41-10 Johns Creek HS
Rex, Colin 41-3 Lassiter High School
Lucas, Alexander 40-1 Roswell High School
Clarke, Gabe 39-10 Sprayberry High School
Whigham, Shelton 39-5.5 Roswell High School
O'Brien, Aidan 38-11 Lassiter High School
Smalls-Allen, Lucas 38-8 Blessed Trinity
Artusio, Aiden 38-5 Blessed Trinity
Blumen, Larry 38-5 Johns Creek HS
Wolfe, Christian 38-4 Blessed Trinity
Woodcock, Dylan 36-5 Pope High School
Stephens, Anderson 34-1.5 Lassiter High School
Miles-Threat, Maddox 33-9 Pope High School
Loveless, Cole 33-2 Pope High School
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Boys Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Brandyn 43-6 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jared 43-4.5 Pope High School
Chege, J 42-8 Lassiter High School
Steele, Ryan 42-2 Johns Creek HS
Nwizubo, Nonso 41-2.5 Johns Creek HS
Benders, Jaden 40-9 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jelani 40-9 Pope High School
Hudkins, Creighton 40-3 Blessed Trinity
Abedi, Parsa 39-4.5 Pope High School
Ladapo, Dayo 37-3.75 Johns Creek HS
Cole, Bruno 37-0 Roswell High School
Romero, Daniel 36-8 Blessed Trinity
EDWARDS, Jace 36-7.25 Alpharetta
Hicks, Tom 34-1.75 Blessed Trinity
Vickers, Gavin 33-1.5 Roswell High School
Brown, Demetrius Sprayberry High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
Pitts Jr., Jason Sprayberry High School
Goins, PJ Alpharetta
Shaffer, Chase Roswell High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richard, Sophia 11.88 Alpharetta
Hamilton, Clark 12.47 Blessed Trinity
DeCamp, Madison 12.55 Blessed Trinity
Washington, Jordyn 12.65 Sprayberry High School
Newell, Jenai 12.67 Alpharetta
Smith, Summerlyn 12.72 Roswell High School
Thompson, Kennedy 12.87 Sprayberry High School
Evans, Kiara 13.13 Lassiter High School
Harvin, Milly 13.18 Roswell High School
Carson, Ava 13.19 Sprayberry High School
Hewitt, Anna Beth 13.38 Lassiter High School
Gaye, Leah 13.42 Pope High School
Mills, Amarie 13.45 Alpharetta
Collins, Addison 13.46 Pope High School
Jenkins, Savannah 13.49 Johns Creek HS
Salmon, Campbell 13.55 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Rachel 13.62 Roswell High School
Storr, Kate 13.80 Pope High School
Quinnelly, Berklie 13.85 Blessed Trinity
Gurley, Ryland 14.20 Johns Creek HS
Rehal, Amrit 14.27 Johns Creek HS
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stembridge, Lyric Sprayberry High School
Berry, Jolie Roswell High School
McEachin, Brooklyn Sprayberry High School
Whalen, Grace 15.22 Lassiter High School
Woodall, Lauren 15.27 Pope High School
Metzger, Marissa 15.86 Roswell High School
Cooper, Charlotte 16.08 Blessed Trinity
Weitzel, Hailey 16.52 Johns Creek HS
Hayes, Aleeya 16.84 Alpharetta
Scales, Avery 16.87 Pope High School
Irby, Makayla 18.17 Roswell High School
Cryer, Isabella 18.93 Blessed Trinity
Norouzinia, Sara 19.02 Lassiter High School
Van Dillen , Sydney 19.51 Lassiter High School
Davis, Laylah 19.56 Sprayberry High School
Harvey, Lynden 22.79 Pope High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waltz, Evangeline .Evie Sprayberry High School
Petersen, Claire 5:00.44 Blessed Trinity
Hutchinson, Josie 5:05.62 Pope High School
Dunn, Aislynn 5:07.81 Pope High School
Lo Faro, Lidia 5:19.05 Alpharetta
Forkey, Reagan 5:21.33 Johns Creek HS
Stamey, Elizabeth 5:21.82 Roswell High School
Ray, London 5:25.30 Blessed Trinity
Reazin, Camlin 5:26.07 Lassiter High School
Gibbs, Mary Elizabeth 5:27.68 Blessed Trinity
Cummings, Chloe 5:33.67 Lassiter High School
Hicks, Ahna 5:34.43 Pope High School
Hung, Allie 5:36.70 Johns Creek HS
McCord, Anna Claire 5:40.26 Lassiter High School
Khodakaram, Auva 5:48.72 Johns Creek HS
Saraswat, Pia 5:55.31 Alpharetta
McCauley, Grace 6:02.74 Roswell High School
Gibbons, Erin 6:04.07 Roswell High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richard, Sophia 24.11 Alpharetta
Mitchell, Kiley 24.44 Alpharetta
Scales, Lane 25.22 Pope High School
DeCamp, Madison 25.81 Blessed Trinity
Washington, Jordyn 25.86 Sprayberry High School
Getahun, Naomi 26.19 Pope High School
Newell, Jenai 26.45 Alpharetta
Young, Caroline 26.95 Lassiter High School
Miller, Neva 27.00 Blessed Trinity
Kopach, Julianne 27.17 Pope High School
Smith, Summerlyn 27.35 Roswell High School
Carson, Ava 27.97 Sprayberry High School
Jenkins, Savannah 28.15 Johns Creek HS
Huston, Hailey 28.31 Johns Creek HS
Hewitt, Anna Beth 28.35 Lassiter High School
McDonald, Emma 28.43 Roswell High School
Thompson, Kennedy 28.44 Sprayberry High School
Or, Shira 28.46 Lassiter High School
Souther, Marissa 28.59 Roswell High School
Smith, Claire 28.62 Blessed Trinity
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mullins, Marley Sprayberry High School
Agard, Kya Sprayberry High School
Woodall, Lauren 44.95 Pope High School
Whalen, Grace 45.68 Lassiter High School
Metzger, Marissa 46.24 Roswell High School
Cooper, Charlotte 46.99 Blessed Trinity
Patel, Syra 49.58 Pope High School
Gray, Georgia 49.59 Johns Creek HS
Cryer, Isabella 49.80 Blessed Trinity
Scales, Avery 50.10 Pope High School
Hayes, Aleeya 50.83 Alpharetta
Robb, Kaitlyn 51.21 Johns Creek HS
Crenshaw, Niya 52.09 Roswell High School
Irby, Makayla 52.27 Roswell High School
Grindle, Addison 53.16 Johns Creek HS
Davis, Laylah 54.89 Sprayberry High School
Balot, Bethanie 57.05 Lassiter High School
Norouzinia, Sara 57.49 Lassiter High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waltz, Evangeline .Evie Sprayberry High School
Petersen, Claire 10:41.59 Blessed Trinity
Hutchinson, Josie 10:52.15 Pope High School
Ray, London 11:17.87 Blessed Trinity
Stamey, Elizabeth 11:23.87 Roswell High School
Papera, Nicole 11:36.85 Roswell High School
Lo Faro, Lidia 11:41.38 Alpharetta
Forkey, Reagan 11:48.19 Johns Creek HS
Cummings, Chloe 11:54.00 Lassiter High School
Hung, Allie 11:56.22 Johns Creek HS
Reazin, Camlin 11:57.61 Lassiter High School
Mackenzie, Kaitlyn 12:05.37 Blessed Trinity
Khodakaram, Auva 12:25.84 Johns Creek HS
Hicks, Ahna 12:37.15 Pope High School
Morris, Sophie 12:47.66 Pope High School
Saraswat, Pia 12:54.38 Alpharetta
Luce, Avery 13:07.79 Roswell High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Laylah Sprayberry High School
Delfavero, Korin 1:01.40 Johns Creek HS
Darrisaw, Caylin 1:01.54 Sprayberry High School
Mullins, Marley 1:01.85 Sprayberry High School
Misirly, Leah 1:02.27 Roswell High School
Bernot, Ramona 1:03.85 Pope High School
Thomas, Paris 1:03.98 Alpharetta
Phillips, Kate 1:05.01 Roswell High School
Sheahan, Andie 1:05.03 Blessed Trinity
Rasmusson, Rubi 1:05.19 Pope High School
Alston, Kerri 1:05.20 Roswell High School
Mamir, Ayen 1:05.73 Blessed Trinity
Mroz, Jennifer 1:06.15 Lassiter High School
Cole, Clare 1:09.21 Blessed Trinity
Mitchell, Kiley 55.32 Alpharetta
Fragala, Kelsey 58.91 Pope High School
Murphy, Chandler 59.67 Alpharetta
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.86 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 49.83 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 49.86 Pope High School
Relay Team A 50.16 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 50.16 Roswell High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:41.89 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 1:41.93 Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:45.96 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:47.07 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 1:47.81 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 1:51.00 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 1:52.34 Johns Creek HS
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 3:59.30 Pope High School
Relay Team A 4:06.07 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 4:16.79 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 4:18.97 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:20.45 Johns Creek HS
Relay Team A 4:20.84 Roswell High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:05.92 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 10:26.12 Alpharetta
Relay Team A 9:48.36 Blessed Trinity
Relay Team A 9:54.61 Pope High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunn, Aislynn 2:16.73 Pope High School
Hutchinson, Josie 2:18.77 Pope High School
Wilson, Addy 2:23.03 Blessed Trinity
Reazin, Camlin 2:24.76 Lassiter High School
Carter, Alayna 2:26.56 Blessed Trinity
Ryan, Ava 2:26.61 Blessed Trinity
Hartigan, Claire 2:26.82 Roswell High School
Aguado, Mafer 2:27.99 Alpharetta
McCord, Anna Claire 2:28.21 Lassiter High School
Richard, Hailey 2:28.82 Alpharetta
Liwani, Simi 2:29.16 Pope High School
Brady, Amalia 2:29.61 Alpharetta
Mulkey, Mary Harms 2:30.66 Roswell High School
Uhlmeyer, Emma 2:31.49 Roswell High School
Miller, Caroline 2:31.66 Lassiter High School
Swift, Sydney 2:32.14 Johns Creek HS
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Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fleck, Ally 114-11 Blessed Trinity
Dailey, Ruby 100-3 Alpharetta
Holloman, Ciara 92-5 Pope High School
Paulk, Peyton 91-6 Blessed Trinity
Metzger, Marissa 88-10 Roswell High School
Melson, Audrey 85-5 Pope High School
Thomas, Lauren 84-8 Johns Creek HS
Davis, Bridget 83-9 Blessed Trinity
Zeches, Isabel 82-7 Roswell High School
Donaldson, Analee 77-9 Roswell High School
Kim, Ellen 72-9 Johns Creek HS
Holota, Charlyne 68-9 Johns Creek HS
Bowling , Piper 63-11 Lassiter High School
Uribe, Alexandria 59-0 Pope High School
Lavin, Hailey 47-9 Sprayberry High School
Elamin, Oula Sprayberry High School
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Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gipson, Loni 5-2 Alpharetta
Rehal, Amrit 5-2 Johns Creek HS
Hardnock, Madison 4-11 Roswell High School
Trotter, Brannan 4-11 Roswell High School
Scales, Avery 4-10 Pope High School
Harvey, Lynden 4-10 Pope High School
Kopriva, Claire 4-9 Lassiter High School
Moss, Maggie 4-6 Pope High School
Huston, Hailey 4-6 Johns Creek HS
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Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scales, Lane 17-9 Pope High School
Young, Caroline 17-0 Lassiter High School
Gaye, Leah 16-11.5 Pope High School
Hayes, Aleeya 16-6.75 Alpharetta
Getahun, Naomi 16-1.5 Pope High School
Evans, Kiara 15-3.75 Lassiter High School
Mitra, Sahana 15-1.5 Alpharetta
Hardnock, Madison 15-1 Roswell High School
Gurley, Ryland 15-1 Johns Creek HS
Soriano, Ava 14-8 Roswell High School
Harvin, Milly 14-7 Roswell High School
Weitzel, Hailey 14-6.5 Johns Creek HS
Thomas, Paris 14-5 Alpharetta
Johnson, Cecilia 14-5 Lassiter High School
Scobee, Lauren 13-8.5 Blessed Trinity
Jamison, Zion 13-7 Sprayberry High School
Thompson, Kennedy 12-9 Sprayberry High School
Prasad, Malika 12-3 Johns Creek HS
McCrossan, Marin 12-0 Blessed Trinity
Mullins, Marley Sprayberry High School
Garcia, Sofi Blessed Trinity
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Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acker, Julia 11-4 Pope High School
Gutman, Zoe 10-2 Pope High School
Altman, Allison 10-0 Roswell High School
Tapasak, Libby 9-0 Blessed Trinity
Sims, Caitlin 9-0 Pope High School
Soriano, Ava 8-0 Roswell High School
Montes, Cassidy 8-0 Blessed Trinity
Damas, Isabella 8-0 Blessed Trinity
Delfavero, Korin 7-6 Johns Creek HS
Metzger, Morgan 7-0 Roswell High School
Snaith, Lucy 7-0 Johns Creek HS
Adler, Ella 7-0 Johns Creek HS
Gregory, Kaitlyn 6-6 Lassiter High School
Dibbern, Kate 6-0 Lassiter High School
Gregory, Samantha 5-6 Lassiter High School
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Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holloman, Ciara 34-7.5 Pope High School
Beam, Navaeh 31-5 Roswell High School
Melson, Audrey 29-8 Pope High School
Lewis, Freedom 29-2 Pope High School
Paulk, Peyton 28-0 Blessed Trinity
Dailey, Ruby 27-6 Alpharetta
Donaldson, Analee 27-4 Roswell High School
Collier, Jamiya 27-1 Roswell High School
Starratt, Collette 26-0 Johns Creek HS
Macke, Ellie 25-4 Blessed Trinity
Bowling , Piper 24-9.5 Lassiter High School
Holota, Charlyne 24-5 Johns Creek HS
Wiley, May 24-1.5 Johns Creek HS
Lavin, Hailey 22-6 Sprayberry High School
Updyke, Grace 21-5 Blessed Trinity
Elamin, Oula Sprayberry High School
Sams, Bianca Alpharetta
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Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Kiara 36-5.5 Lassiter High School
Kopach, Julianne 35-5.5 Pope High School
Gutman, Zoe 34-10.5 Pope High School
Patel, Syra 34-4.75 Pope High School
Johnson, Cecilia 33-8.25 Lassiter High School
Weitzel, Hailey 32-9.5 Johns Creek HS
Mitra, Sahana 30-11 Alpharetta
Gurley, Ryland 30-11 Johns Creek HS
Hardnock, Madison 28-3 Roswell High School
Prasad, Malika 28-1 Johns Creek HS
Bitterman, Lily 28-0 Roswell High School
Jamison, Zion 27-6 Sprayberry High School
Altman, Allison 27-5 Roswell High School
McEachin, Brooklyn Sprayberry High School
Wickremesekera, Addison Blessed Trinity
Akpovo, Marilyn Blessed Trinity
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