Meet Information
Johns Creek High School
5575 State Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30022
GoFan Link for pre buying tickets
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
All spectators arriving from 1-4PM need to use the stadium entrance on the State Bridge side (front) of the school.
Day 1 Friday April 21st
1:00 Coaches Meeting
1:15 Implement Weigh-in
1:30 Girl's Long Jump, Boy's
Triple Jump, Boy's Pole Vault,Girl'sShot Put; Girl's High Jump, Girl'sShot Put, Girl's High Jump, Boy's Discus
3:30 4 X 800 Varsity Final
Running Starts or after
Conclusion of Field Events
4:00 Girl's
100m Hurdles /Boy's 110 Hurdles
4:20 100 M
4:40 4x200 Relay Varsity Final
5:05 1600 Girl's Final
5:25 400
5:45 300 H
6:05 800
6:25 200
6:45 3200 Boy's Final
Day 2 Monday April 24th
Coaches Meeting
1:15 Implement Weigh-in
1:30Boy's Long Jump, Girl's
Triple Jump, Girl's Pole Vault, Boy'sShot Put; Boy's High Jump, Girl's
Track Will Be Open for relay
Running Or Conclusion of Field
3:00 Girl's 100m Hurdles /Boy's 110 Hurdles
3:20 100 M Final
3:45 1600 Boy's Final
4:05 4x100 Relay Final
4:25 400 Final
4:45 300 H Final
5:05 800Final
5:25 200 Final
5:40 3200 Girl's Final
6:00 4x400 Final
Region Champions Crowned.