Friday Night Lights at Starr's Mill 2024

Fayetteville, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 4x100 - Throwers 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Carrollton High School
Relay Team A McIntosh High School
Relay Team A Douglas County
Relay Team A Northside Columbus
Relay Team A Decatur High School
Relay Team A Alexander
Relay Team A Whitewater High School
Relay Team A Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A Creekside
Relay Team A Central High School
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 48.50h Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 55.00h Franklin
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Girls 4x100 - Throwers 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Decatur High School
Relay Team A Whitewater High School
Relay Team A Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A Creekside
Relay Team A Central High School
Relay Team A Carrollton High School
Relay Team A McIntosh High School
Relay Team A Douglas County
Relay Team A Fayette County
Relay Team A 55.00 Franklin
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miles, Taariq 10.59 Carrollton High School
Richardson, Corey 10.72 Whitewater High School
Williams, Mehkai 10.77 Sprayberry High School
Ajie, Aaron 10.80 McIntosh High School
Ingram, Devin 10.81 Stephenson High School
Cochran, Elijah 10.84h Franklin
Walton, Jonaz 10.85 Central High School
Whatley, Trennedy 10.90 Fayette County
McCrary, Ricky 10.93 Creekside
Cunningham, Billy 10.94 Richmond Hill
Mitchell, Kobe 10.98 Richmond Hill
Scott, Daylen 10.98 Alexander
Perry, Andrew 11.00 Stephenson High School
McMillan, Shem 11.17 Carrollton High School
McCrary, Roderick 11.20 Creekside
Williams, Jayce 11.20 Alexander
Farmer, Kimauri 11.21 Carrollton High School
Williams, Aiden 11.23 Sprayberry High School
Ward, Evan 11.23 McIntosh High School
Broughton, Jeremiah 11.23 Douglas County
Battle, Blake 11.27 Whitewater High School
Campbell, Xavier 11.28 Northside Columbus
Rivers, Kingston 11.30 Northside Columbus
Hunte, Xavier 11.30 Stephenson High School
Carter, James 11.32 Decatur High School
Stokes, Brian 11.36 Parkview High School
McKoy, Raymond 11.37 Alexander
Williams, Sean 11.39 Creekside
Johnson, Josh 11.40 Central High School
Elston, Braeden 11.41 Decatur High School
Joiner, Jaren 11.43 Northside Columbus
Scott, Jorden 11.44 Starrs Mill High School
Dalton, Jordon 11.44 Whitewater High School
Eberle, Cian 11.44 Starrs Mill High School
Wentworth, Clayton 11.48 Decatur High School
White, Nicco 11.52 Sprayberry High School
Green, Mason 11.55 McIntosh High School
Hence, Eric 11.55 Fayette County
Smith, Donovan 11.58 Richmond Hill
Kindred, Karson 11.60 Douglas County
Clark, Terrell 11.61 Douglas County
Riley, Terrell 11.65 Fayette County
Tanner, Avery 11.89 Central High School
Call, Zachary 12.09 Franklin
Smith, Dane 12.13 Starrs Mill High School
Dewhurst, Aaron 12.85 Franklin
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gray, Kevon 14.97 Creekside
Alston Jr, Timothy 15.15 Richmond Hill
Cochran, Elijah 15.25 Franklin
Whitehead, Mason 15.34 Alexander
Williams, Marcus 15.43 Sprayberry High School
Thomas, Mike 15.61 Douglas County
Boube, Mamadou 15.71 McIntosh High School
Ulrich, Joshua 15.73 Richmond Hill
Davies, Destin 15.78 Stephenson High School
Sabino, Courtland 15.79 Whitewater High School
Saunders, Chandler 15.85 Northside Columbus
Gary, Dwayne 15.89 Creekside
Etheridge, Cantrell 15.99 Alexander
Waters, Tayten 16.04 Fayette County
Cooper, Conner 16.12 Stephenson High School
Loyd, Jesiah 16.42 Starrs Mill High School
Harper, Jaiden 16.59 Northside Columbus
Tavarez, Hamza 16.96 Carrollton High School
Dezarn, Braylen 17.07 Franklin
Riddick-Seals, Bryson 17.27 Decatur High School
Reading, Drederious 17.44 Douglas County
Ruppert, Liam 17.47 Starrs Mill High School
Long, Jarell 17.82 Central High School
Guerrieri, Isaiah 17.84 Decatur High School
Campbell, Tristan 17.86 McIntosh High School
Bartel, Riley 17.93 Sprayberry High School
Watson, Ayden 18.08 Carrollton High School
Talley, Marcellus 18.95 Central High School
Dunn, Keegan 20.10 Whitewater High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Drake, Davis 4:24.67 Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Russo, Logan 4:27.90 Franklin
Davis, Braven 4:27.94 Carrollton High School
Ferguson, Parker 4:28.99 Central High School
Lane, Nolan 4:30.57 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Stork, Barrett 4:31.40 Franklin
Thornton, Casey 4:33.66 Central High School
Fitts, Elijah 4:34.09 Richmond Hill
Howell, Eddie 4:35.50 Richmond Hill
Mussie, Solomon 4:35.98 Parkview High School
McFall, Cannon 4:36.29 Starrs Mill High School
Tesfaye, Kaleb 4:36.35 Parkview High School
Sulton IV, Allen Israel 4:36.48 Fayette County
Njoroge, Alex 4:38.14 Douglas County
Albertson, Trey 4:38.47 Alexander
Kish, David 4:38.47 Alexander
Thompson, Clark 4:39.39 McIntosh High School
Chikhliker, Nikhil 4:39.60 McIntosh High School
Jones, Gene 4:40.35 Stephenson High School
Hammond, Trey 4:41.71 Starrs Mill High School
Corso, Sam 4:43.96 Decatur High School
Burnett, Ethan 4:44.58 Valwood School
Clisham, Landon 4:45.96 McIntosh High School
Chrouch, Austin 4:46.36 Whitewater High School
Gray, Charles 4:46.36 Decatur High School
Crabtree, Reed 4:47.85 Alexander
Will, Brandon 4:48.01 McIntosh High School
Sandel, Jack 4:50.62 Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Leavey, Ben 4:52.60 Decatur High School
Lynch, Garrett 4:56.29 Sprayberry High School
Baka, Matthew 4:56.54 Northside Columbus
White, Charlie 4:58.05 Alexander
Muniz, Aaron 4:58.46 Northside Columbus
Hoehn, Christopher 4:59.01 Carrollton High School
Baldizon, Josiah 4:59.71 Carrollton High School
Chambers, Laton 4:59.74 Central High School
Terwilliger, Logan 4:59.79 Northside Columbus
Mason, Bradley 5:02.51 Creekside
Chatham-Stephens, Kai 5:03.09 Decatur High School
Wilson, Shade 5:05.33 Starrs Mill High School
Kerrane, Braeden 5:05.87 Starrs Mill High School
Taylor, David 5:07.21 Central High School
Shepherd, Evan 5:07.37 Northside Columbus
Balsam, Luke 5:08.53 Fayette County
John, Keion 5:09.01 Whitewater High School
Jones, Samario 5:09.06 Stephenson High School
Beasley, Andrew 5:10.45 Carrollton High School
Mason, Dylan 5:10.61 Creekside
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horton, Marshun Central High School
Brown, Steven 21.66 Stephenson High School
Williams, Mehkai 21.70 Sprayberry High School
Nombre, Isaiah 21.84 Creekside
Whatley, Trennedy 21.93 Fayette County
Richardson, Corey 22.01 Whitewater High School
Smiley, William 22.04 Decatur High School
Lucas, Ca'Von 22.05 Stephenson High School
Ajie, Aaron 22.16 McIntosh High School
Walton, Jonaz 22.26 Central High School
Smith, Dashawn 22.27 Alexander
Ward, Evan 22.44 McIntosh High School
Williams, Jayce 22.48 Alexander
Miller, Sean 22.69 Whitewater High School
Williams, Aiden 22.72 Sprayberry High School
Powell, Jayden 22.77 Stephenson High School
Cunningham, Billy 22.80 Richmond Hill
Rodriguez, Justin 22.83 Franklin
White, Nicco 22.84 Sprayberry High School
Wentworth, Clayton 22.90 Decatur High School
Rio, Santonio 22.94 Richmond Hill
Brooks, Darnell 23.02 Northside Columbus
Elston, Braeden 23.11 Decatur High School
Carter, Marcus 23.11 Douglas County
Scott, Jorden 23.15 Starrs Mill High School
Messer, Peyton 23.15 Alexander
Campbell, Xavier 23.18 Northside Columbus
McMillan, Shem 23.18 Carrollton High School
Graham, Javon 23.24 Fayette County
Thornton, Kameron 23.27 Carrollton High School
Hill, Ajani 23.29 Douglas County
Hence, Eric 23.30 Fayette County
Eberle, Cian 23.30 Starrs Mill High School
Slappey, Eli 23.38 Carrollton High School
Mitchell, Kobe 23.40 Richmond Hill
Clark, Terrell 23.40 Douglas County
Williams, Sean 23.54 Creekside
Paul, Eric 23.77 Creekside
Scott, Devaughn 23.78 Northside Columbus
Urugutia, Angel 23.79 Whitewater High School
Kienast, David 23.82 McIntosh High School
Tanner, Avery 23.98 Central High School
Call, Zachary 24.31 Franklin
Pfister, John 25.40 Starrs Mill High School
Stewart, Eli 26.00h Franklin
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cochran, Elijah 39.34 Franklin
Alston Jr, Timothy 40.29 Richmond Hill
Boube, Mamadou 40.63 McIntosh High School
Gray, Kevon 40.72 Creekside
Whitehead, Mason 40.73 Alexander
Sabino, Courtland 40.93 Whitewater High School
Thornton, Kameron 41.29 Carrollton High School
Saunders, Chandler 41.50 Northside Columbus
Awe, Sam 41.78 Richmond Hill
Davies, Destin 42.34 Stephenson High School
Long, Jarell 42.56 Central High School
Dezarn, Braylen 42.62 Franklin
Wilkinson, Owen 42.65 Central High School
Loyd, Jesiah 42.70 Starrs Mill High School
Cooper, Conner 42.75 Stephenson High School
Williams, Marcus 42.78 Sprayberry High School
Waters, Tayten 42.93 Fayette County
Gelsey, Avery 43.16 Creekside
Thomas, Mike 43.31 Douglas County
Jahns, Conner 43.32 Carrollton High School
Buchanan, Landyn 43.48 Alexander
Reading, Drederious 44.20 Douglas County
Ruppert, Liam 44.25 Starrs Mill High School
Willingham, JJ 44.28 McIntosh High School
Hughes, Andrew 44.46 Northside Columbus
Bartel, Riley 44.76 Sprayberry High School
Dunn, Keegan 46.44 Whitewater High School
Ahmed, Samir 48.88 Decatur High School
Holloman, Josiah 50.63 Decatur High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dieterich, Carter 10:04.46 Richmond Hill
Stork, Barrett 10:08.44 Franklin
Burnett, Ethan 10:09.56 Valwood School
Clisham, Landon 10:11.43 McIntosh High School
Griswold, Chase 10:12.36 Starrs Mill High School
Sandel, Jack 10:27.94 Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Will, Brandon 10:30.34 McIntosh High School
Jones, Gene 10:30.50 Stephenson High School
Njoroge, Alex 10:33.09 Douglas County
Muniz, Aaron 10:37.37 Northside Columbus
Chrouch, Austin 10:41.03 Whitewater High School
Clement, Alex 10:42.95 Decatur High School
Rogers, Will 10:45.22 Carrollton High School
Shepherd, Evan 10:46.47 Northside Columbus
Baka, Matthew 10:48.72 Northside Columbus
Gehman, Kyle 10:49.19 Fayette County
Terwilliger, Logan 10:51.31 Northside Columbus
Lester, Drew 10:53.20 Alexander
Rudenko, Maksim 10:54.14 Alexander
Tyler, Cooper 10:56.29 Franklin
Chambers, Laton 10:58.02 Central High School
Lynch, Garrett 11:04.91 Sprayberry High School
Martinson, Noah 9:13.85 Carrollton High School
Rich, Memphis 9:20.08 Richmond Hill
Roach, Bankson 9:32.10 Starrs Mill High School
Sybert, Noah 9:36.14 Richmond Hill
Elrod, Walker 9:37.48 Grace Christian Academy
Ramos, Diego 9:40.03 Starrs Mill High School
Ferguson, Parker 9:48.88 Central High School
Pacetti, Nate 9:49.09 Starrs Mill High School
Porter, Zachary 9:51.73 Alexander
Thornton, Casey 9:54.02 Central High School
Hall, Benjamin 9:54.13 Richmond Hill
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warner, Justin 48.57 Fayette County
Adewusi, Ademola 49.05 Whitewater High School
Smiley, William 49.81 Decatur High School
Rodriguez, Justin 50.25 Franklin
Smith, Dashawn 50.62 Alexander
Vick, Elijah 50.89 Alexander
Miller, Sean 50.90 Whitewater High School
Ackey, Jason 51.02 Carrollton High School
Slappey, Eli 51.87 Carrollton High School
Ercole, Nick 51.91 Starrs Mill High School
Harmon, Xavion 51.94 Stephenson High School
Clarke, Chris 52.01 Starrs Mill High School
Solida, Joshua 52.07 Douglas County
Joshua, Kendrick 52.10 Richmond Hill
Washington, Justin 52.16 Sprayberry High School
Paul, Eric 52.19 Creekside
Horton, Marshun 52.21 Central High School
Barrs, Bryson 52.37 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Harper, Fenix 52.41 Creekside
Harmon, Marvon 53.02 Stephenson High School
Davis, Jordan 53.31 Richmond Hill
Person, Zyleigh 53.39 Central High School
Hopper, Kahlil 53.43 Fayette County
Carrino, Nick 53.67 McIntosh High School
Lewis, Jaycob 53.86 McIntosh High School
Hill, Ajani 53.89 Douglas County
Phillips, Jonas 54.22 Franklin
Adams, Miyon 54.30 Northside Columbus
DeGrammont, Jaden 54.33 Decatur High School
Luttrell, Ja Corey 55.78 Northside Columbus
Gillis, Jayden 56.25 Sprayberry High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.18 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 42.03 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 42.03 Creekside
Relay Team A 42.60 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 42.73 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 42.80 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 43.01 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 43.45 Douglas County
Relay Team A 43.58 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 43.60 Alexander
Relay Team A 43.92 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 43.95 Central High School
Relay Team A 44.77 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 45.30 Franklin
Relay Team A 46.41 Fayette County
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:28.01 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 1:28.68 Alexander
Relay Team A 1:29.19 Creekside
Relay Team A 1:29.57 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 1:29.92 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:30.10 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 1:30.62 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 1:30.97 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:31.00 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 1:31.14 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 1:31.46 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 1:31.67 Central High School
Relay Team A 1:31.71 Douglas County
Relay Team A 1:33.62 Franklin
Relay Team A 1:36.30 McIntosh High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 3:20.90 Alexander
Relay Team A 3:21.22 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 3:24.27 Creekside
Relay Team A 3:26.71 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 3:27.51 Franklin
Relay Team A 3:27.88 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 3:29.64 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 3:30.09 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 3:30.44 Fayette County
Relay Team A 3:32.73 Douglas County
Relay Team A 3:39.49 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 3:47.50 Central High School
Relay Team A 4:09.07 Whitewater High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 7:53.68 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 8:07.67 Alexander
Relay Team A 8:08.43 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 8:14.00h Franklin
Relay Team A 8:18.86 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 8:20.01 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 8:33.87 Douglas County
Relay Team A 8:36.89 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 8:49.11 Fayette County
Relay Team A 8:50.00h Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 8:52.69 Central High School
Relay Team A 8:55.67 Creekside
Relay Team A 9:19.92 McIntosh High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Markham, Ben 1:53.02 Decatur High School
Warner, Justin 1:53.44 Fayette County
Russo, Logan 1:56.63 Franklin
Nazim, Nour 1:59.05 Carrollton High School
Sulton IV, Allen Israel 1:59.28 Fayette County
Burton, Todd 1:59.93 Stephenson High School
Neill, Daniel 2:01.09 Carrollton High School
Martinson, Noah 2:01.22 Carrollton High School
Drake, Davis 2:01.32 Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Post, Matheson 2:02.10 Franklin
Chikhliker, Nikhil 2:02.30 McIntosh High School
Thompson, Clark 2:02.49 McIntosh High School
Pue, Shannon 2:05.00 Fayette County
Mares, Gabe 2:05.60 Parkview High School
Corso, Sam 2:06.96 Decatur High School
Williams, Kori 2:07.05 Stephenson High School
Bryan, Logan 2:07.12 Northside Columbus
Li, Jason 2:07.46 Starrs Mill High School
Harmon, Xavion 2:07.62 Stephenson High School
Chambers, Laton 2:08.14 Central High School
Mason, Bradley 2:08.19 Creekside
Howell, Eddie 2:08.59 Richmond Hill
Miller, Braden 2:09.13 Decatur High School
Kish, David 2:09.15 Alexander
Elrod, Brayden 2:09.53 Alexander
Wilson, Richard 2:09.70 Douglas County
Campbell, Aidan 2:09.72 Northside Columbus
Williams, Ian 2:09.87 Douglas County
Albertson, Trey 2:09.88 Alexander
Sandel, Jack 2:09.91 Johnson Ferry Christian Academy
Williams, Miles 2:10.09 Douglas County
Shively, Jack 2:10.63 Starrs Mill High School
Wheat, Antron 2:12.37 Central High School
Trotti, Matthew 2:12.55 Central High School
Dutcher, Corbin 2:12.56 McIntosh High School
Bauer, Adam 2:13.70 Starrs Mill High School
Glover, Aaron 2:13.91 Whitewater High School
Gelsey, Andre 2:14.55 Creekside
Bizu, Abel 2:15.22 Parkview High School
John, Keion 2:15.92 Whitewater High School
Abdallah, Omar 2:18.43 Northside Columbus
Mason, Dylan 2:18.59 Creekside
Sims, Jacob 2:20.54 Whitewater High School
Parker, Aiden 2:28.54 Sprayberry High School
Mujaahid, Mustafah 2:32.68 Sprayberry High School
Spivey, Kevin 2:36.36 Sprayberry High School
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HS Boys Discus 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Jared 177-5 Starrs Mill High School
Gamble, C.j. 152-5 Carrollton High School
Gilmore, Matthew 149-9 Whitewater High School
Spratling, Kadan 148-7 Carrollton High School
Andrews, Marcus 148-2 Stephenson High School
Bailey, Asa 139-5 Decatur High School
Stroman, O'Shea 135-0 Stephenson High School
Wilcher, Kyan 134-1 Whitewater High School
Eads, Grant 132-0 Richmond Hill
Spivey, Brooklyn 131-6 Douglas County
McCurry, Jackson 130-8 McIntosh High School
Black, Robert 130-1 Alexander
Jackson, Jordan 128-4 Douglas County
English Jr, Dante 127-4 Decatur High School
Smith, Brice 126-9 Sprayberry High School
Taylor, Kyle 123-7 Northside Columbus
Wright, Ashton 120-3 Sprayberry High School
McFaddin, Henry 118-6 Starrs Mill High School
Bass, Marcus 117-6 Northside Columbus
Barnard, Jaleal 116-10 Richmond Hill
Gilbert, Breylen 110-3 Creekside
Blevins, Isaac 109-11 McIntosh High School
Thomasson, Jayden 109-11 Central High School
Hobbs, Ben 108-7 Central High School
Lord, MyKah 106-1 Alexander
Horton-Holmes, Caleb 91-9 Creekside
Norman, Brady 90-3 Franklin
Maxson, Wesley 88-11 Franklin
Osemwenkhae, Isaiah 77-2 Fayette County
Andrews JR, Christopher 63-1 Fayette County
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HS Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
North, Chace 6-6 Central High School
McKoy, Raymond 6-4 Alexander
Joseph, Jaelin 6-4 Stephenson High School
Wimberly, Izear 6-2.75 Carrollton High School
McLean, Javon 6-2 Carrollton High School
Cochran, Khaven 6-2 Central High School
Thomas, Kaden 6-0 Whitewater High School
Hud III, Jihad 6-0 Northside Columbus
Cooper, Conner 6-0 Stephenson High School
Campbell, Tristan 5-10 McIntosh High School
Deal, Braxton 5-10 Franklin
Morales, Jacob 5-10 Franklin
Oguneye, Laolu 5-10 Decatur High School
Miller, Sean 5-10 Whitewater High School
Barrett, Justin 5-10 Creekside
Strickland, Jordan 5-8 Creekside
Leverette, Perryton 5-8 Northside Columbus
Barber, Roderick "RJ" 5-7.75 McIntosh High School
Flicker, Benjamin 5-6 Sprayberry High School
Thompson, Xavier 5-6 Starrs Mill High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
Moore, Christian Alexander
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HS Boys Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ingram, Devin 22-9 Stephenson High School
Terrell, Travis 22-7.5 Creekside
Cunningham, Billy 22-6.5 Richmond Hill
Pinkard, Khalen 21-10 Carrollton High School
Atik, Mohamed 21-6 Decatur High School
Simpson, Shakur 21-5.5 McIntosh High School
Cochran, Elijah 21-3.5 Franklin
Honea, Andy 21-3 Carrollton High School
Pitts Jr., Jason 20-11.75 Sprayberry High School
Brown, Demetrius 20-9 Sprayberry High School
Hunte, Xavier 20-9 Stephenson High School
Hinton, Demetri 20-7 Richmond Hill
Deriso, Kelsey 20-5.5 Whitewater High School
Adegunloye, Royal 20-4 Fayette County
Ringer, Tariq 20-4 Douglas County
Dezarn, Braylen 20-3.5 Franklin
Kienast, David 20-0.5 McIntosh High School
Hence, Eric 20-0 Fayette County
Hubbs, Harlan 19-9 Decatur High School
Palmer, Manny 19-8.75 Central High School
Jackson, Jaiden 19-8 Northside Columbus
Jackson, Jai 19-7 Northside Columbus
Battle, Blake 19-5 Whitewater High School
Burch, Cadence 19-5 Creekside
Brady, Michael 19-3 Alexander
Thomas, Antravian 19-3 Central High School
Morgan, Cameron 18-11.5 Alexander
Scott, Jorden 18-9.75 Starrs Mill High School
Eberle, Cian 18-3.5 Starrs Mill High School
Alexander, Da'Shon 18-3 Douglas County
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HS Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilkinson, Owen 14-6 Central High School
Rogers, Adam 14-0 Franklin
Jennings, Aaron 13-6 Franklin
Rolek, Connor 13-6 Carrollton High School
Albertson, Trey 13-0 Alexander
Mcdade, Garret 13-0 Richmond Hill
Necessary, Blake 12-6 Starrs Mill High School
Hughes, Andrew 12-6 Northside Columbus
Ward, Nathan 11-0 Alexander
Crawford, Roderrick 11-0 Richmond Hill
Smedley, Curtis 10-0 McIntosh High School
Beutin, Barrett 10-0 Northside Columbus
Maxwell, Huck 10-0 Central High School
McFaddin, Henry 9-0 Starrs Mill High School
Patrie, Joseph 8-0 McIntosh High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Jared 56-9.5 Starrs Mill High School
Gamble, C.j. 51-10 Carrollton High School
Spivey, Brooklyn 51-3.5 Douglas County
Agyeman, Ivan 51-1.25 Whitewater High School
Barnard, Jaleal 46-11 Richmond Hill
Walton, Jonaz 46-9 Central High School
Hastie, Mike 46-6 Douglas County
Eads, Grant 46-5 Richmond Hill
Sizemore, R.J. 46-3 Carrollton High School
Gilmore, Matthew 45-10 Whitewater High School
Smith, Brice 45-9 Sprayberry High School
Cardentey, Super 45-5.25 Creekside
Bailey, Asa 45-4 Decatur High School
Zdravkov, Boris 43-9.75 McIntosh High School
Gilbert, Khameron 43-6 Fayette County
Burnette, Caleb 43-4.25 Starrs Mill High School
Willaims, Brian 43-3 Creekside
Andrews, Marcus 42-9.5 Stephenson High School
Hud III, Jihad 42-7.5 Northside Columbus
Wright, Ashton 41-10 Sprayberry High School
Homan, Westen 41-4.75 McIntosh High School
Thomasson, Jayden 40-5 Central High School
Black, Robert 40-0.5 Alexander
Griffin, Ty 39-7 Alexander
Bass, Marcus 39-1 Northside Columbus
Biggers, Jordan 38-4 Decatur High School
Um'Rani, Isaiah 37-8 Stephenson High School
Wall, Carlos 37-7.75 Fayette County
Maxson, Wesley 35-5.5 Franklin
Norman, Brady 34-4.5 Franklin
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HS Boys Triple Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pinkard, Khalen 45-11.25 Carrollton High School
Fields, Trent 44-5 Stephenson High School
Waters, Tayten 44-4 Fayette County
Joseph, Jaelin 44-3.5 Stephenson High School
Ringer, Tariq 43-5.25 Douglas County
Palmer, Manny 43-5 Central High School
Barber, Roderick "RJ" 43-4 McIntosh High School
Deriso, Kelsey 43-3.5 Whitewater High School
Hinton, Demetri 43-1 Richmond Hill
Dugger, Aaron 42-4 Alexander
Reading, Drederious 41-9 Douglas County
Urugutia, Angel 41-8 Whitewater High School
Cochran, Khaven 41-2 Central High School
Deal, Braxton 41-0 Franklin
Barber, Rahtrez 40-11 McIntosh High School
Wilson, Seth 40-7 Decatur High School
Pugh, Walter 40-6 Richmond Hill
Gary, Dwayne 40-1 Creekside
Strickland, Jordan 39-10.5 Creekside
Swope, Elijah 39-1 Parkview High School
Spratling, Kadan 38-1 Carrollton High School
Guerrieri, Isaiah 38-1 Decatur High School
Pitts Jr., Jason 38-0.5 Sprayberry High School
Bellamy, Patrick 37-9 Northside Columbus
Mughnee, Ghayth 37-7 Alexander
Hughes, Andrew 37-3.5 Northside Columbus
Koch, Tyler 36-11 Franklin
Brown, Demetrius Sprayberry High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Osayi, Jessica 12.12 McIntosh High School
Smith, Hope 12.14h Franklin
Daniel, Sidni 12.29 Decatur High School
Covarrubias, Laura 12.45 Franklin
Washington, Jordyn 12.70 Sprayberry High School
Williams, Makenzie 12.84 Creekside
Ware, Angel 12.84 Carrollton High School
Bradford, Raniya 12.86 Fayette County
James, Arissa 12.89 Douglas County
Strozier, Stacia 12.89 Northside Columbus
Pritchett, Maleaha 12.89 Richmond Hill
Thompson, Kennedy 12.92 Sprayberry High School
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 12.94 Starrs Mill High School
Somers, Armani 12.95 Douglas County
Pelletier, Kai 12.95 Franklin
Freeman, TyOnna 12.97 Creekside
Willingham, Morgan 12.97 Alexander
Dickinson, London 13.00 Northside Columbus
Moreno, Amanda 13.03 Whitewater High School
Padgett, Kelsi 13.09 McIntosh High School
Goode, Erin 13.10 Decatur High School
Irons, Jasmine 13.13 Decatur High School
Johnson, Daysiah 13.14 Carrollton High School
Judge, Amaya 13.14 Creekside
Lawhorn, Jayla 13.17 Whitewater High School
Adams, Aja 13.18 Stephenson High School
Hart, Megan 13.19 Douglas County
Carson, Ava 13.21 Sprayberry High School
Bell, Khyla 13.28 Central High School
Gentle, Kaileh 13.28 Richmond Hill
Munerlyn, Marissa 13.30 Stephenson High School
Battle, Zariya 13.35 Northside Columbus
Williams, Enice 13.37 Alexander
McGhie, Sabrina 13.47 Whitewater High School
Ardoin, Jae 13.47 Starrs Mill High School
Davison, Olivia 13.50 Starrs Mill High School
Bruce, Brooklyn 13.51 Central High School
Huguley, Kenya 13.55 Fayette County
Dobbin, Arianna 13.69 Carrollton High School
Powers, Chancie 13.77 Central High School
Scott, Grace 13.80 McIntosh High School
Laguna, Chelsea 13.84 Alexander
Bollar, London 14.19 Stephenson High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Inyang, Mmekom 14.61 Richmond Hill
Covarrubias, Laura 15.00 Franklin
Sconyers, Marzani 15.67 Fayette County
Pare-Bryant, Tanaysha 16.39 Creekside
Tucker, Maddy 16.64 Central High School
Kinsland, Talley 16.83 Franklin
Blackmon, Zenia 16.88 Carrollton High School
Olaoye, Eniola 17.00 Douglas County
Oliver, Kaliyah 17.28 Carrollton High School
Somers, Armani 17.44 Douglas County
Arnold, Emma 17.52 Starrs Mill High School
Lee, Syniah 18.41 Creekside
Kluttz, Brooklyn 18.44 Starrs Mill High School
Bell, Mary Frances 19.01 Decatur High School
North, Sarah 19.31 Central High School
Holmes, Kierra 19.56 Northside Columbus
Washington, Morgan 20.02 Alexander
Dennis, Alexandra 20.32 Stephenson High School
Agard, Kya 23.21 Sprayberry High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
D'Elena, Sophie 5:03.56 Decatur High School
Tarpley, Taylor 5:04.25 Whitewater High School
Ward, Effie 5:10.12 Harris Co. High School
Anastasio, Julia 5:12.31 Richmond Hill
Helmers, Georgy 5:16.05 St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School
McDonald, Emily 5:16.73 Alexander
Miller, Ana 5:22.49 Starrs Mill High School
Crabtree, Brooklyn 5:23.58 Alexander
Rose, Kirsten 5:24.74 McIntosh High School
Abbott, Madeline 5:25.48 McIntosh High School
Rooks, Jaylyn 5:26.09 Carrollton High School
Sullivan, Noelle 5:26.29 McIntosh High School
Mitchell, Jolee 5:27.21 Richmond Hill
Barker, Lucy 5:27.65 Central High School
Crowe, Mackenzie 5:28.67 Alexander
Sawyer, Olivia 5:35.02 Decatur High School
Cress, Morgan 5:35.81 Franklin
Burnett, Ella 5:38.27 Valwood School
Daugherty, Lorelei 5:39.67 Central High School
Mendoza Lopez, Amy 5:40.37 Franklin
Rogers, MaryPayton 5:40.82 Carrollton High School
Kitchens-Hayes, Kyle 5:42.99 Richmond Hill
Valadao, Brianna 5:43.88 Whitewater High School
Rachal, Julianna 5:47.31 Alexander
Leskusky , Olivia 5:49.34 Whitewater High School
Curley, Isabelle 5:49.50 Starrs Mill High School
Browning, Blythe 5:49.65 Carrollton High School
Goebel, Penelope 5:50.94 Decatur High School
Garcia, Yesica 5:52.75 Parkview High School
Harvey, Jadeyn 5:55.76 McIntosh High School
Bailey, Aubrey 5:56.18 Decatur High School
Tran, Nhi 5:59.71 Fayette County
Barthel, Kate 5:59.79 Starrs Mill High School
Bowen, Karley 6:00.68 Central High School
Eley, Laura 6:01.72 Northside Columbus
Johnson, Arnetta 6:04.84 Creekside
Kluttz, Addison 6:08.68 Starrs Mill High School
Collins, Aurora 6:09.40 Whitewater High School
Pendergrass, Breanna 6:09.71 Franklin
Battles, Ella 6:21.10 Carrollton High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKinley, Jenna Central High School
Brown, Mia 25.18 Starrs Mill High School
Osayi, Jessica 25.68 McIntosh High School
Smith, Hope 26.12 Franklin
Washington, Jordyn 26.13 Sprayberry High School
Wood, Jasmine 26.20 Richmond Hill
Lowe, Aliyah 26.22 Alexander
Dix, Kamariona 26.45 Carrollton High School
James, Arissa 26.48 Douglas County
Daniel, Sidni 26.52 Decatur High School
Smith, Jayda 26.61 Whitewater High School
Freeman, TyOnna 26.68 Creekside
Bradford, Raniya 26.73 Fayette County
Ortega, Michelle 26.94h Franklin
Williams, Makenzie 26.97 Creekside
Johnson, Daysiah 27.02 Carrollton High School
Darrisaw, Caylin 27.04 Sprayberry High School
Adams, Aja 27.09 Stephenson High School
Freeman, Briann 27.23 Fayette County
Irons, Jasmine 27.24 Decatur High School
Moreno, Amanda 27.30 Whitewater High School
Lawhorn, Jayla 27.34 Whitewater High School
Gorman, Bella 27.35 Starrs Mill High School
Padgett, Kelsi 27.37 McIntosh High School
Gentle, Kaileh 27.40 Richmond Hill
Gresham, Zamya 27.51 Northside Columbus
Goode, Erin 27.62 Decatur High School
Ealey, Katelynn 27.63 Douglas County
Laguna, Chelsea 27.69 Alexander
Ijiwoye, Maya 27.74 Fayette County
Hart, Megan 27.80 Douglas County
Bradford, Justus 27.86 Franklin
Dickinson, London 27.86 Northside Columbus
Daniels, Melihya 27.89 Alexander
Carson, Ava 27.97 Sprayberry High School
Lovett, Aanyah 28.02 Central High School
Ware, Angel 28.12 Carrollton High School
Ugbajah, Oluchi 28.18 McIntosh High School
Bollar, London 28.23 Stephenson High School
Sills, Ellie 28.36 Starrs Mill High School
Bruce, Brooklyn 28.37 Central High School
Snellings, Rainey 29.11 Northside Columbus
Judge, Amaya 31.57 Creekside
Hatchett, Sheridan 36.42 Stephenson High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mullins, Marley Sprayberry High School
Agard, Kya 1:10.53 Sprayberry High School
Covarrubias, Laura 44.65 Franklin
Lawrence, Jayla 44.84 Richmond Hill
Pritchett, Maleaha 47.26 Richmond Hill
Sconyers, Marzani 48.17 Fayette County
Arnold, Emma 48.28 Starrs Mill High School
Freeman, TyOnna 48.45 Creekside
Oliver, Kaliyah 49.63 Carrollton High School
Pare-Bryant, Tanaysha 50.13 Creekside
Rogers, Juno 50.18 Decatur High School
Holmes, Kierra 50.48 Northside Columbus
McQuade, Kali 51.46 Starrs Mill High School
Gibson-Peyton, Courtlynn 52.24 Alexander
Kinsland, Talley 52.41 Franklin
Diaz, Amaya 52.85 McIntosh High School
McQuien, Katie 53.08 Northside Columbus
Tavarez-Baker, Kamila 53.93 Carrollton High School
Lucas, Claudia 54.21 Central High School
Baca, Maggie 54.23 Decatur High School
Washington, Morgan 55.68 Alexander
Warren, Addison 56.57 Central High School
Dennis, Alexandra 57.76 Stephenson High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Helmers, Georgy 10:51.54 St. Anne Pacelli Catholic School
Blaich, Anna 11:10.01 Decatur High School
McDonald, Emily 11:11.53 Alexander
Crabtree, Brooklyn 11:20.13 Alexander
Sullivan, Noelle 11:33.58 McIntosh High School
Tarpley, Taylor 11:35.68 Whitewater High School
Cress, Morgan 11:38 Franklin
Barker, Lucy 11:42.06 Central High School
Wilson, Julia 11:44.53 Richmond Hill
Stoots, Madison 11:54.81 McIntosh High School
Welp, Margaret 11:56.25 Decatur High School
Whipple, Emily 12:00.20 Carrollton High School
Daugherty, Lorelei 12:05.30 Central High School
Althen, Adeline 12:06.32 Richmond Hill
Ramos, Andrea 12:07.07 Starrs Mill High School
Kitchens-Hayes, Kyle 12:10.23 Richmond Hill
Macoy, Kaylee 12:18.77 Starrs Mill High School
Chatham-Stephens, Sage 12:22.15 Decatur High School
Batts, Allison 12:31.41 Carrollton High School
Bowen, Karley 13:01.94 Central High School
Dahn, Karissa 13:02.68 Starrs Mill High School
Collins, Aurora 13:09.33 Whitewater High School
Eley, Laura 13:19.57 Northside Columbus
Harvey, Jadeyn 13:37.81 McIntosh High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schofield, Journee Central High School
Smith, Hope 1:00.13 Franklin
Ray, Laney 1:00.17 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Harvey, Kiana 1:00.39 Creekside
Sulivan, Zahriya 1:01.01 Whitewater High School
Wedderburn, Natasha 1:02.21 Stephenson High School
Cassada, Rylee 1:02.83 Franklin
Gorman, Bella 1:02.90 Starrs Mill High School
Mullins, Marley 1:03.34 Sprayberry High School
Spier, Piper 1:03.42 Carrollton High School
Taylor-Felton, Channing 1:03.69 Decatur High School
Darrisaw, Caylin 1:03.76 Sprayberry High School
Cooper, Ia 1:04.15 Northside Columbus
Brown, Alecia 1:04.31 Carrollton High School
Jones, Taelor 1:04.64 Alexander
Daniels, Melihya 1:05.38 Alexander
Wingfield, Alaina 1:05.40 Douglas County
Carter, Shavonne 1:05.50 Decatur High School
McKinley, Jenna 1:05.91 Central High School
Ajayi, Harmony 1:06.09 McIntosh High School
Harrison, Mikaylah 1:06.22 McIntosh High School
Thomas, Kynedie 1:06.32 Douglas County
Snellings, Rainey 1:06.96 Northside Columbus
Mcpherson, Amaya 1:07.52 Stephenson High School
Brown, Mia 56.81 Starrs Mill High School
Gibson, Kinley 56.96 Richmond Hill
Moore, Liza 57.79 Creekside
Kutob, Raegan 58.31 Fayette County
Heileman, Kalyn 58.82 Richmond Hill
Smith, Jayda 59.78 Whitewater High School
Wilson, Rayondra 59.91 Fayette County
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.46 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 49.40 Creekside
Relay Team A 49.50 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 49.73 Franklin
Relay Team A 50.42 Douglas County
Relay Team A 50.50 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 50.67 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 50.96 Fayette County
Relay Team A 51.08 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 51.11 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 51.12 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 51.49 Alexander
Relay Team A 51.81 Central High School
Relay Team A 57.10 McIntosh High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Douglas County
Relay Team A 1:41.78 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 1:45.14 Alexander
Relay Team A 1:45.25 Creekside
Relay Team A 1:46.33 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:46.87 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 1:47.54 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:47.90 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 1:48.50h Franklin
Relay Team A 1:49.45 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 1:50.34 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 1:50.48 Central High School
Relay Team A 1:51.66 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 2:00.12 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 2:01.38 McIntosh High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 3:59.04 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 4:03.97 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 4:08.12 Franklin
Relay Team A 4:08.38 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 4:09.77 Creekside
Relay Team A 4:12.25 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 4:16.03 Alexander
Relay Team A 4:20.73 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 4:27.41 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 4:30.40 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 4:34.71 Douglas County
Relay Team A 4:37.81 Central High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Douglas County
Relay Team A 10:14.00 Franklin
Relay Team A 10:25.39 Alexander
Relay Team A 10:28.24 Stephenson High School
Relay Team A 10:39.17 Carrollton High School
Relay Team A 10:41.06 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 10:47.15 Central High School
Relay Team A 10:47.17 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 10:50.37 Creekside
Relay Team A 11:10.00 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 9:42.46 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 9:50.74 Richmond Hill
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swain, Zuriel Douglas County
Adams, Cortney 2:14.49 Alexander
Ivaska, Kendra 2:16.79 Starrs Mill High School
Dishman, Aubrey 2:20.85 Carrollton High School
Courtney, Somaria 2:21.47 Richmond Hill
Rose, Kirsten 2:22.05 McIntosh High School
Ward, Effie 2:22.87 Harris Co. High School
Wilson, Rayondra 2:23.70 Fayette County
Roach, Gabriella 2:25.63 Starrs Mill High School
Mitchell, Jolee 2:26.58 Richmond Hill
Colorado, Marisol 2:26.72 Carrollton High School
Baptiste, Tatyana 2:27.99 Stephenson High School
Abbott, Madeline 2:28.07 McIntosh High School
Aguilera-Morton, Emily 2:28.35 Starrs Mill High School
Fouse , Jayla 2:28.41 Whitewater High School
Mendoza Lopez, Amy 2:29.59 Franklin
McAdams, Aubree 2:29.93 Alexander
Claiborne, Kylie 2:30.11 Carrollton High School
Ayers, Aliyah 2:30.74 Central High School
Burnett, Ella 2:30.94 Valwood School
Will, Maddie 2:31.58 McIntosh High School
Powers, Sydney 2:32.08 Decatur High School
Pope, Abigail 2:32.12 Franklin
Johnson, Arnetta 2:32.68 Creekside
Smith, Madison 2:33.72 Alexander
Lopez, Karen 2:34.71 Northside Columbus
Miller, Jessica 2:35.11 Central High School
Holbrooks, Mindi 2:38.00 Franklin
Hill, Amaiyah 2:39.45 Northside Columbus
Hill, Taylor 2:40.40 Northside Columbus
Goebel, Penelope 2:41.13 Decatur High School
Leskusky , Olivia 2:42.25 Whitewater High School
Tran, Nhi 2:42.26 Fayette County
Howard, Adrianna 2:44.05 Stephenson High School
Valadao, Brianna 2:44.72 Whitewater High School
Mata, Mayte 2:47.31 Central High School
Wright, Kayla 2:47.38 Stephenson High School
Herman, Ily 2:49.24 Decatur High School
Green, Jailynne 3:01.87 Douglas County
John, Kyllie 3:07 Creekside
Thomas, Taylor 3:10.96 Douglas County
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HS Girls Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jada 118-1 Richmond Hill
Beverage, Ella 110-2 Alexander
Ramsey, Jasmine 108-0 Alexander
Cosby, Zion 107-6 Northside Columbus
Seagle, Charley 102-5 Franklin
Daniel, Mariah 102-1 Carrollton High School
Ballard, Claire 102-0 Franklin
Brown, Emari 98-9 Richmond Hill
Smoot, Mya 97-1 Stephenson High School
Quick, Ellie 93-4 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Paris, London 92-5 Northside Columbus
Jones, Destiny 91-8 Carrollton High School
Adewusi, Adefolake 89-0 Whitewater High School
Ziegler, Skyla 88-0 McIntosh High School
Gaines, Addison 85-5 McIntosh High School
Bruijn, Anna 84-5.5 Starrs Mill High School
Brooks, Kennedy 83-10 Fayette County
Lewis, Symantha 81-8 Fayette County
Campbell, Ella 81-8 Starrs Mill High School
Diallo, Hassatou 81-5 Whitewater High School
Harris, Ciera 70-5 Central High School
Watts, Ansley 67-9 Central High School
Pittman, Juliana 64-8 Decatur High School
Broaddus, Alexandria 61-8 Stephenson High School
Young, Charla 53-7.5 Douglas County
Day, MaKenzie 44-9 Decatur High School
Lavin, Hailey 41-10 Sprayberry High School
Leaks, Jala Sprayberry High School
Freeman, Reagan Douglas County
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HS Girls High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ugbajah, Oluchi 5-6 McIntosh High School
Rogers, Juno 5-4 Decatur High School
Tucker, Maddy 5-2 Central High School
Bradford, Justus 5-1 Franklin
Olaoye, Eniola 5-0 Douglas County
Shope, Isabella 5-0 Franklin
Pritchett, Maleaha 5-0 Richmond Hill
Scott, Grace 4-10 McIntosh High School
Oliver, Kaliyah 4-10 Carrollton High School
Carter, Shavonne 4-8 Decatur High School
Harvey, Kiana 4-8 Creekside
Hill, Kaylin 4-8 Carrollton High School
Wood, Jasmine 4-8 Richmond Hill
Somers, Armani 4-7 Douglas County
Holmes, Kierra 4-6 Northside Columbus
Dunbar, Amari 4-6 Creekside
McGhie, Sabrina 4-4 Whitewater High School
Pool, Phoenix 4-4 Whitewater High School
Dennis, Alexandra 4-4 Stephenson High School
Strickland, Ella 4-4 Starrs Mill High School
Schofield, Journee Central High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willingham, Morgan 18-3.75 Alexander
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 17-11.75 Starrs Mill High School
Johnson, Angel 17-8.25 Fayette County
Covarrubias, Laura 17-8 Franklin
Bell, Khyla 17-4 Central High School
Strozier, Stacia 17-2 Northside Columbus
Brown, Alecia 17-1.5 Carrollton High School
Judge, Amaya 16-7 Creekside
Hamlin, Alexa 16-6.75 Richmond Hill
Rucker, Zoe 16-5 Fayette County
Williams, Enice 16-2 Alexander
Kinsland, Talley 16-1 Franklin
Schofield, Journee 16-0.5 Central High School
Adams, Aja 15-8 Stephenson High School
Enterkin, Anna 15-2.25 Whitewater High School
Wedderburn, Natasha 15-0 Stephenson High School
Lemons, Layla 14-3 Starrs Mill High School
Reshetov, Nadya 14-2.5 McIntosh High School
Dennis, C'india 14-2 Creekside
Snellings, Rainey 14-1.5 Northside Columbus
Marshall, Sanai 13-11 Decatur High School
Shahriari, Meagan 13-9.75 Decatur High School
Jamison, Zion 13-7 Sprayberry High School
Green, Kaylen 13-3 Carrollton High School
Thompson, Kennedy 12-9 Sprayberry High School
Boyd, Ashley 11-4 McIntosh High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stringer, Boston 11-0 Franklin
Ray, Laney 9-6 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Faulise, Jackie 9-6 Starrs Mill High School
McAdams, Aubree 9-0 Alexander
McAdams, Anabelle 8-6 Alexander
Davis, Hannah 8-6 Starrs Mill High School
Brown, Isabella 8-6 Richmond Hill
Citron, Reesa 8-3 Decatur High School
McQuien, Katie 8-3 Northside Columbus
Vetter, Sydney 7-6 McIntosh High School
Lewis, Leah 7-0 McIntosh High School
Green, Kaylen 7-0 Carrollton High School
Covey, Jayden 7-0 Central High School
Roberts, Mya 6-9 Northside Columbus
Lyle, Alyssa 6-1 Central High School
Pool, Phoenix Whitewater High School
Tart, Jayden Carrollton High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Kinsley 40-0 Alexander
Brown, Jada 39-8.5 Richmond Hill
Seagle, Charley 38-1 Franklin
Inyang, Mmekom 36-6.5 Richmond Hill
Hawkins, Tatiyanna 35-5 Carrollton High School
Ramsey, Jasmine 34-8 Alexander
Adewusi, Adefolake 34-2 Whitewater High School
Brooks, Kennedy 34-1 Fayette County
Johnson, Amira 34-0 Carrollton High School
Watts, Ansley 32-11 Central High School
Grier, Kera 32-10.5 McIntosh High School
Davis, Ariana 32-8.5 Douglas County
Lewis, Symantha 32-2 Fayette County
Black, Annaliese 32-0.75 McIntosh High School
Smoot, Mya 31-2 Stephenson High School
Cosby, Zion 30-7 Northside Columbus
Sinkfield, Xyan 29-11 Whitewater High School
Campbell, Ella 29-2.25 Starrs Mill High School
Quick, Ellie 28-9.25 Trinity Dublin Christian School
DeGroot, Emilia 27-2 Northside Columbus
Morales, Alexa 26-10 Franklin
Bruijn, Anna 26-8 Starrs Mill High School
Pittman, Juliana 26-7 Decatur High School
Morales, Isabelle Morales 24-7.25 Central High School
Young, Charla 24-5 Douglas County
Broaddus, Alexandria 24-5 Stephenson High School
Marshall, London 21-11.5 Decatur High School
Lavin, Hailey 21-3.25 Sprayberry High School
Jamison, Zion Sprayberry High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Angel 37-10.5 Fayette County
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 36-9 Starrs Mill High School
Wood, Jasmine 35-3 Richmond Hill
Olaoye, Eniola 35-1.5 Douglas County
Willingham, Morgan 34-4.5 Alexander
Brown, Emari 34-2 Richmond Hill
Rucker, Zoe 33-0 Fayette County
Smith, Shonte 32-11 Carrollton High School
Powers, Chancie 32-9.25 Central High School
Tucker, Maddy 32-6 Central High School
Reshetov, Nadya 32-0 McIntosh High School
Butler, Ahnyah 29-7 Northside Columbus
Jamison, Zion 27-6 Sprayberry High School
Parks, Alayana 26-9 Carrollton High School
Shahriari, Meagan 25-11 Decatur High School
Blake, Naheema Sprayberry High School
Harvey, Kiana Creekside
Dennis, C'india Creekside
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