GHSA 5A Sectional A - Regions 1,2,3,4 2023

McDonough, GA
Timing/Results First Call Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ragins, Zion 10.72 Jones County High School
Henry, Benjamin 10.74 Arabia Mountain HS
Dixon, Tyler 10.77 Dutchtown High School
Harper, Justin 10.77 Dutchtown High School
Sanders, Ethan 10.79 Tucker
Stewart, Tyler 10.82 Jones County High School
Mikell, Kamron 10.86 Statesboro High School
Whitmore, Christian 10.98 Tucker
Woodgett, Tyrese 11.06 Coffee
Bowles, Victor 11.13 Decatur High School
Hosley, Malachi 11.22 Northside Columbus
Eason, AJ 11.28 Statesboro High School
Moffat, Matthew 11.36 Greenbrier High School
Ajie, Aaron 11.48 McIntosh High School
Rivers, Kingston 11.48 Northside Columbus
Durham, Ty'ontez 11.62 Harris Co. High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Nasia 14.20 Dutchtown High School
Rolen Jr, Markese 15.15 Dutchtown High School
Davis, Julien 15.24 Union Grove HS
Thomas, Gabe 15.28 Union Grove HS
Wilson, Bryce 15.36 MLK
Johnson, Ethan 15.37 Decatur High School
Johnson, Billy 15.48 HV Jenkins
Davis, Kajuan 15.81 Charles Drew HS
Thomas, Tyler 15.86 MLK
White, Amarion 15.98 Northgate
James, Jarrad 16.44 Coffee
Williams, Justin 16.66 MLK
Fields, Christofer 16.81 Greenbrier High School
Saunders, Chandler 17.00 Northside Columbus
Boube, Mamadou 17.07 McIntosh High School
Sabb, Alton 17.09 HV Jenkins
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carlton, William 4:18.69 Decatur High School
Westing, Jake 4:28.24 Decatur High School
Elder, William 4:29.73 Chamblee
Abdulahi, Zakariye 4:31.18 Decatur High School
Pearson, Jake 4:35.10 Locust Grove High School
McCarthy, Johnny 4:36.38 Union Grove HS
Klein, Cavan 4:36.48 Harris Co. High School
Brandon, Thomas 4:37.45 Northgate
Thompson, Clark 4:39.39 McIntosh High School
Macias, Vincent 4:39.59 Union Grove HS
Chikhliker, Nikhil 4:39.60 McIntosh High School
Musto, Jackson 4:42.08 Greenbrier High School
Castello, Alex 4:42.21 Union Grove HS
Blanding, Gabriel 4:44.14 Greenbrier High School
Swanson, Nevin 4:47.16 Coffee
Tedder, Leo 4:49.64 HV Jenkins
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Benjamin 21.45 Arabia Mountain HS
Harper, Justin 21.63 Dutchtown High School
Ragins, Zion 21.81 Jones County High School
Dixon, Tyler 21.92 Dutchtown High School
Whitmore, Christian 22.12 Tucker
Jones, Laron 22.14 Arabia Mountain HS
Burch, Tyler 22.16 Dutchtown High School
Smiley, William 22.21 Decatur High School
Mikell, Kamron 22.45 Statesboro High School
Flagg, James 22.97 Statesboro High School
Hosley, Malachi 22.97 Northside Columbus
Neal, Jabarri 23.08 Bradwell Institute
Ajie, Aaron 23.12 McIntosh High School
Blake, Undraye 23.14 Northgate
Campbell, Xavier 23.53 Northside Columbus
Moffat, Matthew 23.59 Greenbrier High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Nasia 38.71 Dutchtown High School
Obermuller, Dejon 39.88 Union Grove HS
Johnson, Ethan 40.15 Decatur High School
Blouin, Paul 40.34 Locust Grove High School
Wilson, Bryce 40.35 MLK
Davis, Julien 40.51 Union Grove HS
Thomas, Tyler 40.83 MLK
Jovanovic, Nathan 41.01 Chamblee
Nobles, Daniel 42.28 Harris Co. High School
Johnson, Billy 42.40 HV Jenkins
Martin, Randall 42.54 Ware County High School
Williams, Jeremiah 42.54 Charles Drew HS
Saunders, Chandler 42.58 Northside Columbus
White, Amarion 43.02 Northgate
Huitt, Jayden 43.52 Greenbrier High School
Fields, Christofer 45.36 Greenbrier High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kerebo, Abdeleselam 10:01.82 Tucker
Coates, Matthew 10:05.18 Chamblee
Klein, Cavan 10:09.11 Harris Co. High School
Tedder, Leo 10:15.90 HV Jenkins
Williams, Caden 10:16.75 Greenbrier High School
McCarthy, Johnny 10:16.81 Union Grove HS
Macias, Vincent 10:16.96 Union Grove HS
Parker, Nolan 10:21.36 Greenbrier High School
Sullivan, Austin 10:22.01 Jones County High School
Pearson, Jake 10:22.02 Locust Grove High School
Simpkins, Taylor 10:23.87 Greenbrier High School
Clisham, Landon 10:24.75 McIntosh High School
Lowell, Gavin 10:34.97 Harris Co. High School
Muniz, Aaron 10:40.49 Northside Columbus
Carlton, William 9:47.06 Decatur High School
Abdulahi, Zakariye 9:48.39 Decatur High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, Mekhi 49.38 Dutchtown High School
Markham, Ben 49.63 Decatur High School
Thompson, Christian 49.67 Dutchtown High School
Smiley, William 50.04 Decatur High School
Addison, Zechariah 50.08 Locust Grove High School
Hardy, Caleb 50.32 Eagle's Landing High School
Saunders, Jordan 50.78 MLK
Jones, Laron 50.84 Arabia Mountain HS
Blake, Undraye 51.20 Northgate
Carter, Jacobi 51.38 Charles Drew HS
Potts, Tramaine 51.95 Harris Co. High School
Campbell, Xavier 51.97 Northside Columbus
Martin, Aziriah 53.05 Greenbrier High School
Pugh, Michael 53.22 Greenbrier High School
Moffat, Matthew 53.46 Greenbrier High School
Palmer, Tajh 53.72 Statesboro High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.53 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 41.71 Tucker
Relay Team A 42.44 Jones County High School
Relay Team A 42.44 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 42.87 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 42.96 Coffee
Relay Team A 43.38 Ware County High School
Relay Team A 43.74 Warner Robins
Relay Team A 43.81 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 44.07 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 44.27 HV Jenkins
Relay Team A 44.39 Lithonia High School
Relay Team A 44.46 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 44.60 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 44.60 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 45.48 Harris Co. High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:27.37 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 1:29.49 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 1:29.50 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 1:29.92 MLK
Relay Team A 1:30.31 Tucker
Relay Team A 1:30.64 Coffee
Relay Team A 1:30.85 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 1:31.40 Bradwell Institute
Relay Team A 1:32.00 Jones County High School
Relay Team A 1:32.40 Warner Robins
Relay Team A 1:33.45 Ware County High School
Relay Team A 1:33.90 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 1:34.35 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 1:34.99 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 1:35.64 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 1:38.28 Northgate
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:22.93 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 3:24.17 Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A 3:24.71 Tucker
Relay Team A 3:26.43 Locust Grove High School
Relay Team A 3:26.44 MLK
Relay Team A 3:27.51 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 3:31.20 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 3:31.34 Lithonia High School
Relay Team A 3:33.05 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 3:37.80 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 3:38.87 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 3:39.67 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 3:40.21 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 3:41.47 Ware County High School
Relay Team A 3:45.65 HV Jenkins
Relay Team A 3:51.41 Northside Columbus
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:15.56 Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A 8:16.82 MLK
Relay Team A 8:18.70 Tucker
Relay Team A 8:28.76 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 8:29.58 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 8:29.58 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 8:32.37 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 8:37.11 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 8:39.39 Jones County High School
Relay Team A 8:40.94 Northgate
Relay Team A 8:47.77 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 8:49.10 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 8:49.62 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 8:52.05 Chamblee
Relay Team A 8:55.88 HV Jenkins
Relay Team A 9:18.09 Ware County High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sawyer, Omari 1:57.47 MLK
Alibey, Jeremiah 1:57.73 Tucker
Elder, William 1:58.27 Chamblee
Grant, Altaveon 1:58.48 Eagle's Landing High School
Westing, Jake 1:58.96 Decatur High School
Belvin, Nyciem 1:59.79 Eagle's Landing High School
White, Delton 2:00.65 Eagle's Landing High School
Mays, Julian 2:00.86 Union Grove HS
Rickard, Mason 2:02.83 Harris Co. High School
Chikhliker, Nikhil 2:03.03 McIntosh High School
Brandon, Thomas 2:03.24 Northgate
Haselwood, Zander 2:03.27 McIntosh High School
Swanson, Nevin 2:04.05 Coffee
Musto, Jackson 2:04.09 Greenbrier High School
Blanding, Gabriel 2:06.73 Greenbrier High School
Simpkins, Taylor 2:06.93 Greenbrier High School
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Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dixon, Christian 172-3 Dutchtown High School
Pacely, John 157-3 Tucker
Hanks, Austin 147-8 Jones County High School
Butts, Ethan 143-10 Jones County High School
Watson, Camren 142-7 Union Grove HS
Key, Demarcus 140-10 MLK
Whaley, Connor 140-10 Tucker
Bailey, Asa 139-5 Decatur High School
Cowling, Eric 132-11 Northside Columbus
Horton, Mitchell 128-10 Greenbrier High School
Hughes, Tyrell 125-7 Statesboro High School
Holmes, Jabare 118-10 Northside Columbus
Lattimer, Kahlil 117-5 Bradwell Institute
Hawk, Elijah 117-4 Greenbrier High School
Knowlton, Jaden 114-8 Charles Drew HS
Quinn, Samuel 113-7 Northgate
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Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Jayshon 6-6 Harris Co. High School
Hodge, Ian 6-6 Tucker
Washington, Royal 6-4 Decatur High School
Petty, Taybrean 6-2 MLK
Oliver, Mekhi 6-2 Dutchtown High School
Kirkland, Cameron 6-0 Greenbrier High School
Hubbard, Jayden 6-0 Charles Drew HS
Hambrick, Keyontae 6-0 Lithonia High School
Birden, Dewayne 6-0 Ware County High School
Shareef, Muhammad 5-10 Statesboro High School
Blouin, Paul 5-10 Locust Grove High School
Hunley, Ryland 5-10 Locust Grove High School
Brown, Shaihi 5-10 Eagle's Landing High School
Young, Sanjay 5-6 Northside Columbus
Kienast, David 5-6 McIntosh High School
Baldwin, Bryce 5-0 Ware County High School
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Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Darryon 22-11.75 Locust Grove High School
Sykes, Hasaan 22-5.25 Tucker
Barthell, Davarri 22-3.25 Dutchtown High School
Shields, Braylin 22-3 HV Jenkins
Mizell, Sherrod 22-0 Warner Robins
Carline, Micah 21-6 Union Grove HS
Johnson, Darius 21-4 Harris Co. High School
Harden, Seth 21-3.25 Tucker
Neal, Jabarri 20-11 Bradwell Institute
Jarra, Marcus 20-8 Charles Drew HS
Mays, Oc'Curion 20-7 Bradwell Institute
Thomas, Bernard 20-7 Ware County High School
Cubas, Israel 20-5.75 MLK
Coer, Jayden 20-4.75 Decatur High School
Simpson, Shakur 20-3.5 McIntosh High School
Hubbard, Jayden 20-2 Charles Drew HS
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKinney, Ryan 14-0 Greenbrier High School
Hanson, Peyton 14-0 Greenbrier High School
Grayer, Isaiah 12-6 Ware County High School
Hearn, Wesson 11-6 Northside Columbus
Muchison, David 11-0 Ware County High School
Groover, Hudson 11-0 Union Grove HS
Brannan, Hayden 10-6 Northside Columbus
Johnson, Brock 10-6 Harris Co. High School
Hughes, Andrew 10-6 Northside Columbus
Murrell, Dezmond 10-6 MLK
Faulkner, Malik 9-6 MLK
Rozier, Xavier 9-6 Warner Robins
Hunley, Ryland 9-6 Locust Grove High School
Velezquez, Jairo 9-0 Union Grove HS
Jacobs, Eli 8-6 Chamblee
Williams, Brandon 5-0 MLK
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Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill Jr., Lamone 54-2.5 Dutchtown High School
Pacely, John 51-8.5 Tucker
Dixon, Christian 51-8 Dutchtown High School
Spurrier, Nakobi 47-8 Tucker
Lockett, Markese 47-0 MLK
Cari, Hector 46-9 Dutchtown High School
Mizell, Tetric 45-10 Charles Drew HS
Cowling, Eric 45-5 Northside Columbus
Russell, Kwamie 45-2 Ola High School
Hawk, Elijah 44-3 Greenbrier High School
Mohamed, Yousef 44-2.25 Greenbrier High School
Whaley, Connor 44-0 Tucker
Harvey, Lorenzo 43-4 Coffee
Birden, Jamar 43-2 Ware County High School
Zdravkov, Boris 41-9.5 McIntosh High School
Hud III, Jihad 40-10 Northside Columbus
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Darryon 44-9.5 Locust Grove High School
Brown, Rico 43-9 Harris Co. High School
Hambrick, Keyontae 43-9 Lithonia High School
Sadiq, Abdul 43-1 Charles Drew HS
Shareef, Muhammad 42-11.5 Statesboro High School
Solomon, Jaivon 42-11 Jones County High School
Washington, Royal 42-9.5 Decatur High School
Jovanovic, Nathan 42-8.75 Chamblee
Powell, Elijah 42-5.25 Chamblee
Durham, Ty'ontez 42-3.5 Harris Co. High School
Kirksey, Cannon 42-1 Eagle's Landing High School
Barber, Roderick "RJ" 42-0 McIntosh High School
Mizell, Sherrod 42-0 Warner Robins
Sanders, Robert 41-6 HV Jenkins
Shipman, Chance 41-3 Bradwell Institute
Thomas, Bernard 41-1.75 Ware County High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fagan, Davenae 11.83 Arabia Mountain HS
Graham, Anetra 12.39 Greenbrier High School
Lewis, Nijah 12.40 Tucker
Johnson, Kenidi 12.45 Arabia Mountain HS
Barkley, Amari 12.56 Dutchtown High School
Osayi, Jessica 12.57 McIntosh High School
David, Alauni 12.60 Union Grove HS
Daniel, Sidni 12.60 Decatur High School
Clayton, Blaiklyn 12.64 Ola High School
Martin, Candace 12.66 Greenbrier High School
Whiteside, KaiEmoni 12.74 Eagle's Landing High School
Leonard, Jacoria 12.86 Bradwell Institute
Burns, Amarie 12.86 Greenbrier High School
Muldrow, Morgan 13.10 McIntosh High School
Mosley, Jamelaah 13.29 Northside Columbus
Padgett, Kelsi 13.29 McIntosh High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stowe, Laila 14.76 Union Grove HS
Thorpe, India 14.84 MLK
Maxey, Madison 14.87 Chamblee
Jackson, Lauren 14.88 Union Grove HS
Favors, Shaniya 14.95 Eagle's Landing High School
Wimberly, Janarria 15.11 Statesboro High School
Amey, Ava 15.15 Arabia Mountain HS
Annan, Naa Adua 15.50 Chamblee
Diogo, Blessed 15.64 HV Jenkins
Kendrick, Lamaesia 15.86 Northside Columbus
Williams, Angelina 16.33 Locust Grove High School
Garrison, LaNeeya 16.72 Ware County High School
Coleman, Kennedy 17.35 Northside Columbus
Jefferson, Mariya 17.40 Bradwell Institute
Sparks, Savannah 17.46 Harris Co. High School
Diaz, Amaya 18.33 McIntosh High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Effie 5:21.69 Harris Co. High School
D'Elena, Sophie 5:23.09 Decatur High School
Blaich, Anna 5:24.75 Decatur High School
Abbott, Madeline 5:25.48 McIntosh High School
Malerba, Gabriella 5:25.83 Decatur High School
Munro, Caleigh 5:27.24 Greenbrier High School
Rose, Kirsten 5:29.51 McIntosh High School
Quick, Millie 5:31.57 Greenbrier High School
Jeswald, Eva 5:31.76 Harris Co. High School
Merritt, Kate 5:35.75 Coffee
Holloway, Keeli 5:42.94 Ware County High School
Pendleton, Talley 5:51.35 Chamblee
Lawrence, Jade 6:07.79 Ola High School
Robinson, Albany 6:13.28 Union Grove HS
Sandle, Trinity 6:16.18 Dutchtown High School
Adrine, Marlee 6:16.88 Dutchtown High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fagan, Davenae 24.37 Arabia Mountain HS
Graham, Anetra 25.44 Greenbrier High School
Johnson, Kenidi 25.53 Arabia Mountain HS
Clayton, Blaiklyn 25.63 Ola High School
Martin, Candace 25.63 Greenbrier High School
Lewis, Nijah 25.88 Tucker
Balfour, Trinity 25.88 Arabia Mountain HS
Anderson, Ta'tyana 25.93 Bradwell Institute
Cosby, Olivia 26.08 Northside Columbus
Staples, London 26.09 Locust Grove High School
Hall, Ivey 26.12 HV Jenkins
Davis, D'Mija 26.27 Eagle's Landing High School
Osayi, Jessica 26.37 McIntosh High School
Monroe, Kyla 26.56 Ola High School
Muldrow, Morgan 26.81 McIntosh High School
Turner, Italia 27.09 Charles Drew HS
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thorpe, India 44.83 MLK
Amey, Ava 45.77 Arabia Mountain HS
Maxey, Madison 45.82 Chamblee
Jackson, Lauren 46.53 Union Grove HS
Cooper, Jillian 46.92 Ola High School
Annan, Naa Adua 46.92 Chamblee
Stevens, Carrington 46.92 Dutchtown High School
Diogo, Blessed 47.24 HV Jenkins
Favors, Shaniya 48.08 Eagle's Landing High School
Kendrick, Lamaesia 48.67 Northside Columbus
Jefferson, Mariya 50.04 Bradwell Institute
Coleman, Kennedy 50.64 Northside Columbus
Garrison, LaNeeya 50.75 Ware County High School
LeClaire, Megan 50.90 McIntosh High School
Simpkins, Isley 50.91 Statesboro High School
Watts, A'Myah 52.27 Harris Co. High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blaich, Anna 11:43.04 Decatur High School
Quick, Millie 11:45.97 Greenbrier High School
Malerba, Gabriella 11:51.25 Decatur High School
Merritt, Kate 11:51.47 Coffee
Sidley, Allison 11:57.59 Greenbrier High School
Ward, Effie 12:10.53 Harris Co. High School
Pendleton, Talley 12:10.57 Chamblee
Howell, Gwen 12:14.76 Greenbrier High School
Anderson, Margaret 12:29.63 Harris Co. High School
Welp, Margaret 12:31.92 Decatur High School
Sullivan, Noelle 12:33.73 McIntosh High School
Palmer, Lilly 12:47.80 Jones County High School
Wommack, Camryn 12:48.40 Jones County High School
Stoots, Madison 12:50.71 McIntosh High School
Atkinson, Nyla 14:01.20 Eagle's Landing High School
Trujillo, Karlie 14:13.28 Locust Grove High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maender, Leanna 1:01.10 Chamblee
Payne, Kendra 1:01.30 Statesboro High School
Manahan, Cai 1:01.32 Ola High School
Lee, Day 1:01.41 Dutchtown High School
Hollis, Kylie 1:01.53 Harris Co. High School
Lake, Aniah 1:01.71 MLK
Chambers, Gabriel 1:02.25 Charles Drew HS
Henderson, Ky'Ann 1:02.27 Northside Columbus
Charles, Mikylah 1:02.39 Union Grove HS
Fagan, Davenae 55.34 Arabia Mountain HS
Hall, Ivey 57.28 HV Jenkins
Harvey, Ja'Maria 58.30 Coffee
McDonald, Kennedy 58.98 Greenbrier High School
Cosby, Olivia 59.02 Northside Columbus
Balfour, Trinity 59.21 Arabia Mountain HS
Staples, London 59.95 Locust Grove High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.39 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 48.86 Bradwell Institute
Relay Team A 49.39 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 49.47 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 49.74 Lithonia High School
Relay Team A 49.89 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 49.99 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 50.14 Chamblee
Relay Team A 50.39 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 50.46 Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A 50.52 Ola High School
Relay Team A 50.54 Ware County High School
Relay Team A 51.08 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 51.85 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 51.87 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 52.12 Northside Columbus
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.89 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 1:44.07 Bradwell Institute
Relay Team A 1:44.74 Locust Grove High School
Relay Team A 1:45.05 Chamblee
Relay Team A 1:45.23 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 1:45.35 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 1:46.46 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 1:47.42 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 1:47.55 Lithonia High School
Relay Team A 1:47.70 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 1:48.01 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 1:49.92 Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A 1:49.94 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 1:50.11 Coffee
Relay Team A 1:51.02 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 1:52.47 McIntosh High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:07.36 MLK
Relay Team A 4:08.22 Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 4:09.83 Charles Drew HS
Relay Team A 4:09.98 Locust Grove High School
Relay Team A 4:10.63 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 4:11.67 Chamblee
Relay Team A 4:12.60 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 4:13.48 Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 4:13.91 Ola High School
Relay Team A 4:15.31 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 4:15.75 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 4:17.75 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 4:23.89 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 4:29.60 Statesboro High School
Relay Team A 4:33.18 Bradwell Institute
Relay Team A 4:35.18 HV Jenkins
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:11.96 Chamblee
Relay Team A 10:25.86 Greenbrier High School
Relay Team A 10:31.10 Jones County High School
Relay Team A 10:31.73 Decatur High School
Relay Team A 10:33.81 McIntosh High School
Relay Team A 10:43.02 Ola High School
Relay Team A 10:45.69 Locust Grove High School
Relay Team A 10:46.47 Northside Columbus
Relay Team A 10:47.33 Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A 10:53.82 Arabia Mountain HS
Relay Team A 10:56.57 Tucker
Relay Team A 10:57.42 Northgate
Relay Team A 10:58.80 Ware County High School
Relay Team A 11:06.80 Harris Co. High School
Relay Team A 11:17.91 Bradwell Institute
Relay Team A 11:27.96 HV Jenkins
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Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
D'Elena, Sophie 2:13.77 Decatur High School
Sawyer, Olivia 2:22.52 Decatur High School
Sherwood, Kate 2:23.21 Decatur High School
Fagan, Shea 2:24.80 Chamblee
Rose, Kirsten 2:28.83 McIntosh High School
Munro, Caleigh 2:29.18 Greenbrier High School
Soroka, Katerina 2:29.87 McIntosh High School
Abbott, Madeline 2:30.50 McIntosh High School
Ali, Maleia 2:30.51 Eagle's Landing High School
Robinson, Addison 2:34.39 Jones County High School
Ray, Cherish 2:34.42 Statesboro High School
Stewart, Clara 2:35.34 Greenbrier High School
Lawrence, Suri 2:35.41 Ola High School
Deal, Caroline 2:35.66 Statesboro High School
Gilbert, Annaliese 2:36.18 Union Grove HS
Jeswald, Eva 2:36.39 Harris Co. High School
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Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Katelyn 121-5 Tucker
Wilson, Nyla 120-10 Eagle's Landing High School
Simmons, Kristan 120-9 Tucker
Blouin, Taya 106-6 Locust Grove High School
Miller, Natalya 103-4 Ware County High School
Matthews, Kamryn 102-9 Dutchtown High School
Johnson, Jacquelyn 98-11 Statesboro High School
Green-Wade, Trinity 96-9 Dutchtown High School
Jamison, Quintashia 93-8 Bradwell Institute
Cosby, Zion 91-0 Northside Columbus
Wizzart, Aaron 89-5 Greenbrier High School
Govan, Jermani 88-3.5 Arabia Mountain HS
Ziegler, Skyla 88-0 McIntosh High School
Hollis, Kaniah 86-9 Harris Co. High School
DeGroot, Emilia 84-7 Northside Columbus
Euler, Marissa 82-3 MLK
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ugbajah, Oluchi 5-4 McIntosh High School
Rogers, Juno 5-4 Decatur High School
Anderson, Ta'tyana 5-2 Bradwell Institute
Milbry, Morgan 5-1 Ola High School
Garrison, LaNeeya 5-0 Ware County High School
Sparks, Savannah 5-0 Harris Co. High School
McNair, Dee 4-10 Ware County High School
Bell, Olivia 4-10 Chamblee
Thorpe, India 4-10 MLK
Billingsley, Angelina 4-10 Arabia Mountain HS
Blake, Ari 4-10 Locust Grove High School
Jennings, Katelyn 4-8 Greenbrier High School
Padgett, Kelsi 4-8 McIntosh High School
Rodgers, Bailey 4-8 Union Grove HS
Robinson, Kyndle 4-6 Harris Co. High School
Dantes, Zaiah 4-6 Warner Robins
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Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Annan, Naa Adua 18-1.5 Chamblee
Lewis, Nijah 17-10.5 Tucker
Leonard, Jacoria 17-0 Bradwell Institute
Sarago, Kate 16-9 Chamblee
Parker, Courtney 16-6 Locust Grove High School
Wesley, Kalayah 16-6 Dutchtown High School
Sparks, Savannah 16-5 Harris Co. High School
Anderson, Mya 16-4.5 Jones County High School
Rodgers, Bailey 16-2.5 Union Grove HS
Coleman, Kennedy 16-1 Northside Columbus
Billingsley, Angelina 16-0 Arabia Mountain HS
Sheffield, Jai 15-11.75 Greenbrier High School
Williams, Gisele 15-8.5 HV Jenkins
Hamilton, Za'Riyah 15-6 Bradwell Institute
Ruffin, Mikayla 15-4 Northside Columbus
Ligon, Morgan 15-3.5 Harris Co. High School
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Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sarago, Emi 10-8 Chamblee
Brown, Evie 9-6 Ware County High School
Bowles, Trinity 9-0 Greenbrier High School
Swogger, Adelyn 8-6 Greenbrier High School
Deweese, Amelia 8-6 Chamblee
Sanders, Treasure 7-6 Ware County High School
Watton, Sydney 7-6 McIntosh High School
Wingenbach, Alexis 7-6 Northgate
Anderson, Holly 7-0 Harris Co. High School
Rickard, Molly 7-0 Harris Co. High School
Charles, Mikylah 7-0 Union Grove HS
Martin, Ashley 6-9 Tucker
Saddler, Dajhnae 6-6 Union Grove HS
Huynh, Hannah 6-0 Union Grove HS
Jacobs, Kennedy Warner Robins
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Nyla 39-0.5 Eagle's Landing High School
Walker, Jamyiah 37-6 Dutchtown High School
Simmons, Kristan 37-4 Tucker
Blouin, Taya 36-9.75 Locust Grove High School
Mendoza, Katelyn 36-2.5 Tucker
Ekpe, Favour 35-11 Eagle's Landing High School
Hollis, Kaniah 33-4 Harris Co. High School
Miller, Natalya 33-0.25 Ware County High School
Grier, Kera 32-10.5 McIntosh High School
Jamison, Quintashia 31-8 Bradwell Institute
Lampkin, Jillian 30-1 Greenbrier High School
Bello, Ayomide 30-1 Charles Drew HS
Cosby, Zion 30-0 Northside Columbus
Johnson, Jacquelyn 29-3 Statesboro High School
Govan, Jermani 28-3 Arabia Mountain HS
Moore, Nia 26-11 MLK
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Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diogo, Blessed 37-4 HV Jenkins
Lewis, Nijah 36-6.5 Tucker
Jackson, Lauren 36-4 Union Grove HS
Mosley, Jamelaah 36-3 Northside Columbus
Wesley, Kalayah 36-0 Dutchtown High School
Garrison, LaNeeya 35-10.5 Ware County High School
Sarago, Kate 35-5 Chamblee
Milbry, Morgan 34-10.5 Ola High School
Hamilton, Za'Riyah 34-9.5 Bradwell Institute
Fung, Shaequan 34-8 Lithonia High School
Graham, K.mya 34-2.5 Bradwell Institute
Ford, Jayla 33-9.25 Tucker
Robinson, Kyndle 32-9.5 Harris Co. High School
Garrett, Camille 32-7.5 McIntosh High School
Abram, Ielle 32-2.5 Union Grove HS
McCory, Autumn 30-0.5 Harris Co. High School
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