Pickens & Grinnin’ Invitational 2020

Jasper, GA
Hosted by Pickens
Timing/Results Olympia Resources

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 5,000 Meter Run 667 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDonald, Evan Campbell High School
Moss, Blake Pickens County
Norment, Moziah Grady
Butler, Nic Cedartown
James, Wesley Campbell High School
Mellen, Ashton Mount Bethel Christian
Tanturri, Kain Woodland
Dakshina, Aiden Grady
Speer, Carson Riverwood International Charter
White, Sean Mount Bethel Christian
Maloch, Jake Centennial
Wolf, Kyle Pinecrest Academy
Zhang, Andrew Northview High School
Lewis, Andres Grady
Hernandez, Joshua Gainesville High School
Cloud, Jackson Riverwood International Charter
Guzman, Oscar Cedartown
Van der Blom, Peter Pinecrest Academy
Oluwatomisin, Gbayilo Mount Bethel Christian
Aryafar, Arman River Ridge HS
Forsyth, Andy Woodland
Jin, Ben Northview High School
Hernandez, Juan Campbell High School
Williams, Wright Mount Bethel Christian
Hills, Charlton Riverwood International Charter
Butcher, Ben 15:55.45 Dacula
Doty, Tyler 16:11.99 West Forsyth High School
White, Seth 16:15.70 Pickens County
Archer, Bill 16:18.85 Cartersville High School
Jessup, John 16:21.31 Gainesville High School
Gates, Bryson 16:22.10 Creekview
Stegall, Sidney 16:24.36 Cartersville High School
Faubert, Steve 16:29.92 Flowery Branch
Bell, Trent 16:32.90 West Forsyth High School
Kerstine, Riley 16:33.10 Kennesaw Mountain
Squires, Hayden 16:34.40 Dacula
McKee, Ryan 16:34.96 Kennesaw Mountain
Rios, Alex 16:37.10 Cartersville High School
Dennis, Wiley 16:37.20 Dawson County
Grater, Gavin 16:41.00 Chestatee
Griffin, Paul 16:42.18 West Forsyth High School
Nunez, Johnny 16:44.16 Gainesville High School
Adams, Chris 16:45.30 Creekview
Hamby, Luke 16:45.80 Dawson County
Torres Cruz, Jonathan 16:46.80 Chestatee
Marshall, Donangelo 16:47.40 Gainesville High School
Moran, Jack 16:47.95 Forsyth Central
Payne, Zach 16:49.47 Forsyth Central
Jones, Tyler 16:51.35 Woodland
Peters, Sam 16:51.86 Cartersville High School
Gallagher, Danial 16:52.00 Gainesville High School
Haskett, Rylan 16:55.30 River Ridge HS
Smith, Ethan 16:55.60 Dawson County
Hedgpeth, Connor 16:57.10 Pickens County
Bollwerk, Patrick 16:58.64 Woodland
O'Sullivan, Brendan 16:59.18 Forsyth Central
McCann, Colin 17:00.26 Cartersville High School
Crosby, Ethan 17:00.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Ewers, George Henry 17:02.38 Gainesville High School
Grater, Garrett 17:03.80 Chestatee
Booth, Levi 17:05.22 Cartersville High School
Swafford, Brendan 17:11.10 Dawson County
Vos, Joey 17:12.72 West Forsyth High School
Schroeder, Everett 17:13.00 Grady
Conner, Will 17:13.31 West Forsyth High School
Ayala, Aiden 17:13.41 Gainesville High School
Ford, Mason 17:13.60 Pickens County
Gruss, Kyle 17:15.30 Flowery Branch
Lee, Gavin 17:15.92 Gainesville High School
Trute, Michael 17:16.07 Centennial
Portelli, Aidan 17:18.40 West Forsyth High School
Martin, Jordan 17:18.83 Hiram High School
Ramsey, Jack 17:19.76 Flowery Branch
Retana, Aaron 17:21.50 Chestatee
Ruehle, Adam 17:23.04 Campbell High School
McCarthy, Jack 17:23.73 Campbell High School
Zimmer, Colin 17:24.83 Lassiter High School
Forsyth, John 17:25.63 Woodland
Chappell, McKinley 17:26.63 Woodland
Rodriguez, Carlos 17:27.36 Flowery Branch
Islas, David 17:27.55 Gainesville High School
Jordan, Jack 17:28.81 Centennial
Cockrell, Brennen 17:32.30 Lassiter High School
Ball, Riley 17:35.80 Creekview
Rebollar, Javier 17:36.00 Chestatee
Leeuwenburg, Preston 17:36.60 Lassiter High School
Poellnitz, David 17:36.68 Hiram High School
Hulsey, Sam 17:37.20 Dawson County
Glaze, Andrew 17:37.92 Cass High School
Wilson, Banks 17:38.77 Cartersville High School
Sewczwicz, Ryan 17:39.00 River Ridge HS
Murray, Aidan 17:39.20 West Forsyth High School
Gage, Carson 17:39.66 Cartersville High School
Berger, Dillon 17:42.64 Creekview
Skelton, Thomas 17:42.90 Forsyth Central
Martin, Kei 17:42.94 Flowery Branch
Hoppenfeld, Ryan 17:43.85 Riverwood International Charter
Cunningham, Joseph 17:44.48 Northview High School
Ramsey, TJ 17:45.40 Flowery Branch
Burt, Arrington 17:46.94 Campbell High School
Herrera, Matias 17:47.16 Lassiter High School
Turner, Nathaniel 17:47.64 South Paulding HS
Wilson, Matthew 17:49.35 Cartersville High School
Griffis, Kaden 17:49.61 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Moore, Zeller 17:49.80 Kell High School
Rodriguez, Ryan 17:50.90 Lassiter High School
Gianturco, Carr 17:51.70 King's Ridge Christian School
Vance, Luke 17:52.29 McEachern High School
Ruehle, Brooks 17:52.66 Campbell High School
Ead, Sam 17:53.90 Centennial
Tandoh, Mcdonald 17:55.29 Dacula
Vosburgh, Malachi 17:56.65 Cartersville High School
Schmidt, Luke 17:56.70 West Forsyth High School
Vincent, Gabriel 17:57.43 Kennesaw Mountain
Johnson, Jacob 17:57.81 Riverwood International Charter
James, Eugene 17:59.06 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Nabor, Diego 18:01.78 Gainesville High School
Bergey, Connor 18:02.05 Creekview
Ead, Jay 18:02.40 Centennial
Williams, Andrew 18:02.90 Pickens County
Gearhart, Critton 18:03.00 Cass High School
Shah, Samay 18:03.20 Northview High School
Chappell, Kameron 18:04.18 Woodland
Hoffman, Anthony 18:07.94 Hiram High School
Skeens, Andrew 18:08.00 Northview High School
Clay, Noah 18:08.54 Gainesville High School
Garcia, Angel 18:09.86 Southeast Whitfield High School
Gavin, Andrew 18:10.40 Northview High School
Van Order, Ian 18:11.30 Woodland
Malone, Austin 18:11.85 Forsyth Central
Thayer, Drew 18:12.28 Woodland
Hernandez-Santos, Omar 18:12.80 Cartersville High School
Peters, Noah 18:14.30 Chestatee
Serrato-Macedo, Michael 18:14.62 Gainesville High School
Brunson, Luke 18:14.70 Kennesaw Mountain
Leanos, Edwin 18:14.74 Flowery Branch
McCracken, Dillon 18:15.31 Lassiter High School
Dixon, Jacob 18:16.14 Flowery Branch
Grinage, Colin 18:16.21 Cartersville High School
Cooper, Riley 18:16.55 Riverwood International Charter
Hyman, Paul 18:16.91 Cartersville High School
Lackey, Harrison 18:17.32 Flowery Branch
Brennan, Jackson 18:17.54 Cartersville High School
Brown, Tyson 18:17.54 Dacula
Cortes, Alan 18:17.55 Flowery Branch
Roth, Callen 18:18.43 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Andrews, Will 18:19.72 Forsyth Central
Honeycutt, Christian 18:21.47 Jackson County
Danyo, Evan 18:21.70 King's Ridge Christian School
Blomgren, Daniel 18:22.20 Dacula
Stuler, Andrew 18:22.38 West Forsyth High School
Martin, Isaac 18:22.60 King's Ridge Christian School
Dowling, Brody 18:23.62 Grady
Mejia, Drissten 18:23.98 McEachern High School
Balga, Nicholas 18:24.56 Riverwood International Charter
Spangler, Zachary 18:25.19 Grady
Hall, Will 18:25.30 Pickens County
McLendon, Oliver 18:25.56 Riverwood International Charter
Jones, Noah 18:25.70 Pickens County
Burt, Ellis 18:25.88 Lassiter High School
Repke, Truman 18:26.65 Flowery Branch
Bejar, Raul 18:27.08 Gainesville High School
Hansraj, Daniel 18:27.10 River Ridge HS
Johnson, Ryan 18:27.30 Cartersville High School
Ratchford, Jalen 18:28.02 McEachern High School
Aguilar, Noah 18:28.25 Southeast Whitfield High School
Guzman, Uriel 18:28.69 Cedartown
Palmer, William 18:28.70 Grady
Koller, Mason 18:28.82 Creekview
Sherrill, Ben 18:30.80 Lumpkin Co. High School
Wright, Jackson 18:30.85 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Patel, Prem 18:32.30 Cass High School
Schmoyer, Cole 18:32.70 West Forsyth High School
McCarthy, Pierce 18:32.77 Campbell High School
Baxter, Britt 18:34.80 Cedartown
Rose, Sam 18:36.81 Grady
Fernandes, Diego 18:37.00 West Forsyth High School
King, LJ 18:38.55 Centennial
Harris, Jones 18:38.60 Lumpkin Co. High School
Guinter, Caleb 18:38.70 West Forsyth High School
Barefoot, CJ 18:38.87 Dacula
McGinnis, Ryan 18:39.30 Dawson County
Dodson, Will 18:39.33 Pickens County
Cappon, Jake 18:39.43 West Forsyth High School
Tenbrink, Andrew 18:39.80 Northview High School
Whitaker, Lucas 18:40.10 Fannin County HS
Wolfe, Justin 18:40.77 West Forsyth High School
Benefield, Dalton 18:43.97 Cedartown
Dugger, Brayden 18:44.66 Riverwood International Charter
Ollis, Gavin 18:45.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Lindler, Ethan 18:45.45 Kennesaw Mountain
Masaschi, Jake 18:45.75 Centennial
Kerstine, Max 18:46.11 Kennesaw Mountain
Cato, Garrett 18:47.16 West Forsyth High School
Moraitakis, Aubrey 18:47.41 Fellowship Christian School
Blair, Jacob 18:48.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Proffitt, Conner 18:48.17 Gainesville High School
Pokorny, Andrew 18:48.58 Lassiter High School
Ruth, Kyle 18:48.95 Hiram High School
Koller, Robert 18:48.96 Creekview
Johnson, Marcus 18:49.90 Grady
Moore, Jonathan 18:50.97 Lassiter High School
Beane, Brady 18:51.20 Northview High School
Tomsic, Sebastian 18:54.47 Northwest Whitfield High School
Reppe, Spencer 18:55.61 River Ridge HS
Vaughn, Evan 18:55.95 Creekview
Gonzalez, Jonathan 18:56.46 Flowery Branch
Harris, Henry 18:56.50 Creekview
Cushmeer, Joaquin 18:56.64 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Chase, Parker 18:56.80 West Forsyth High School
Keller, Nick 18:57.75 Kennesaw Mountain
Wilson, Elijah 18:58.40 West Forsyth High School
Lengefeld, Garrett 18:59.59 Fellowship Christian School
Gonzalez Escobar, Giovanni 18:59.93 Riverwood International Charter
Lawson, Jim 19:00.13 Gainesville High School
Renai, Xen 19:00.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Jones, Jacob 19:01.40 Fannin County HS
Morales, Pedro 19:05.41 Southeast Whitfield High School
Giles, Pierce 19:06.10 Kennesaw Mountain
Kiggins, Jackson 19:06.13 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Rainwater, Clint 19:06.45 Central High School
Welch, Andrew 19:06.60 Campbell High School
Prater, Zechariah 19:06.90 Fannin County HS
Shephard, Gabe 19:07.13 Woodland
Crowder, Cainen 19:08.04 Cartersville High School
Massey, Lon 19:08.19 Flowery Branch
Dover, Camden 19:08.90 Lumpkin Co. High School
Segura, Leo 19:08.91 Cedartown
Romero, Nicolas 19:09.79 River Ridge HS
Pullen, Jacob 19:10.05 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Witt, Ben 19:10.30 Hiram High School
Hunsinger, Dalton 19:10.49 Jackson County
Kelley, Scott 19:11.91 Riverwood International Charter
Omoteso, Timi 19:12.60 Kennesaw Mountain
Vagner, Jackson 19:13.30 West Forsyth High School
Williamson, Jaret 19:13.42 Central High School
Knight, Chris 19:14.60 Pickens County
Subramanian, Ateendra 19:16.35 Northview High School
Farris, Tyler 19:18.35 Dacula
O'Hegarty, Neil 19:18.89 Campbell High School
King, Bennett 19:19.20 Lassiter High School
Woolard, Weston 19:19.50 Forsyth Central
Rhodes, Teagan 19:20.10 Dawson County
McDonald, Nate 19:20.48 Cartersville High School
Gooch, Sam 19:20.60 Lumpkin Co. High School
Fincher, Michael 19:21.01 Lassiter High School
Cartrett, Jake 19:21.92 Fellowship Christian School
Martinez, Aaron 19:21.93 West Forsyth High School
Triana, Mateo 19:22.04 Southeast Whitfield High School
Eubanks, Eli 19:22.10 Pickens County
Edwards, Will 19:23.90 Lumpkin Co. High School
Wright, Jake 19:24.90 Cass High School
Pina, Daniel 19:25.29 Cartersville High School
Kalac, Alen 19:25.96 Jackson County
Mack, William 19:28.90 Kell High School
Anderson, Noah 19:29.22 Forsyth Central
Carrol, Colby 19:29.37 Northview High School
Pan, Jonathan 19:29.90 Campbell High School
Head, Corbin 19:30.40 Fannin County HS
Powell, Oliver 19:31.32 Riverwood International Charter
Ramos, Brandon 19:32.10 Cedartown
Stahl, Weston 19:32.83 West Forsyth High School
Corona, Gilberto 19:33.20 Gainesville High School
Floyd, Brice 19:33.80 King's Ridge Christian School
Klementzos, Nico 19:33.95 Creekview
Link, Duncan 19:34.05 Riverwood International Charter
Roeder, Daniel 19:35.12 River Ridge HS
Shirmeyer, Preston 19:35.35 Centennial
Patibandla, Amith 19:37.08 Northview High School
Schmittou, Jacob 19:37.15 Central High School
Dennis, Donovan 19:37.54 Cartersville High School
Davis, Jack 19:39.32 Northview High School
Naporano, Tommy 19:39.80 Creekview
Halicki, Harrison 19:40.10 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cofield, Chase 19:40.30 Dawson County
Moore, Luke 19:40.83 Centennial
Greenwell, Tyler 19:41.11 Fellowship Christian School
Sandoval, Carlos 19:41.36 Northview High School
Smith, Elijah 19:41.50 Dawson County
Smith, Brennan 19:41.66 Northview High School
Parsons, Riley 19:41.96 Mount Bethel Christian
Bloch, Benjamin 19:43.00 Fannin County HS
Ladera, Diego 19:43.12 River Ridge HS
Looney, Patrick 19:43.20 Grady
Droegemueller, Jacob 19:44.27 Forsyth Central
Altman, Walker 19:44.46 Central High School
Sullivan, Timothy 19:44.50 West Forsyth High School
Arriola, Fernando 19:45.70 Creekview
Spalding, Mathew 19:46.50 Centennial
Southern, Matthew 19:46.90 Centennial
Brown, Isaac 19:46.93 Dacula
Pacheco, Alan 19:47.80 Gainesville High School
Desai, Shivan 19:49.00 Northview High School
Dopson, Morris 19:49.68 Kell High School
Scepaniak, Wyatt 19:49.85 River Ridge HS
Green, Austin 19:50.60 Kell High School
Reichner, Ryan 19:50.62 West Forsyth High School
Statham, Will 19:51.09 Cedartown
Lowery, Blake 19:51.09 Campbell High School
Conner, Sam 19:51.22 West Forsyth High School
Babcock, Will 19:51.26 Kell High School
Gray, Easton 19:52.27 Northwest Whitfield High School
Shannon, Wesley 19:53.20 Kell High School
McDowell, Quinn 19:53.46 Flowery Branch
Harder, Dolan 19:53.60 Lumpkin Co. High School
Lorenzo, Benny 19:53.91 Fellowship Christian School
Chavez, Kevyn 19:54.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Jennings, Brooks 19:55.10 Forsyth Central
Pinchok, Blake 19:55.20 Forsyth Central
Knight, Devin 19:55.80 Dawson County
Martin, Blake 19:57.10 Jackson County
Gallagher, Jack 19:58.40 Kell High School
Jurgens, Luke 19:58.75 King's Ridge Christian School
Lejia, Jesus 19:59.30 McEachern High School
Nabor, Randy 19:59.90 Gainesville High School
Gillespie, Silas 20:00.10 Jackson County
Pugh, Shelton 20:00.80 Dawson County
Avila, Pablo 20:01.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Roden, Tyler 20:01.13 Central High School
Elder, James 20:02.69 Jackson County
Zhang, Tyler 20:02.84 Northview High School
Shah, Bhavin 20:03.25 Northview High School
McSwain, Landon 20:03.64 Woodland
Benedict, Jacob 20:04.34 Kennesaw Mountain
Massey, Jeremiah 20:06.90 Gainesville High School
Economopoulos, Aiden 20:07.10 Kell High School
Knapp, Brody 20:07.19 West Forsyth High School
Turner, Samuel 20:07.29 Central High School
Cortez, Alexis 20:07.43 Gainesville High School
McElwee, Ethan 20:09.32 Cedartown
Smith, Chris 20:09.57 Southeast Whitfield High School
Oluwatomisin, Loleyi 20:09.90 Mount Bethel Christian
Bizer, Jonathan 20:09.90 Hiram High School
Benitez, Joey 20:11.51 Gainesville High School
Knapp, Griffin 20:13.06 West Forsyth High School
Pender, Jaylin 20:13.38 Jackson County
Walters, Logan 20:13.64 Cedartown
Mulhall, Emerson 20:13.68 West Forsyth High School
Ruiz, Cristian 20:14.00 Central High School
Bowen, Ethan 20:14.82 Jackson County
Lowe, Luke 20:15.40 Dawson County
Callihan, Luke 20:16.50 Fannin County HS
Mitchell, Colin 20:16.60 Kell High School
Grant, Will 20:16.88 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Johnson, Ethan 20:17.49 Grady
Granthem, Lucas 20:17.53 Campbell High School
McGruder, Case 20:18.00 King's Ridge Christian School
Tangel, Tyler 20:18.10 Dawson County
Tucker, Luke 20:19.60 Northview High School
Nigussie, Yonatan 20:19.70 Forsyth Central
Dameron, Aaron 20:19.70 King's Ridge Christian School
VanHooser, Trey 20:21.42 Flowery Branch
Pokorny, John Paul 20:22.84 Lassiter High School
Carter, Samuel 20:23.58 Riverwood International Charter
Zogby, Luke 20:23.71 Lassiter High School
Bradley, Hunter 20:24.09 Lassiter High School
Jones, Will 20:24.10 Creekview
Edwardson, Colin 20:24.70 Lumpkin Co. High School
Wright, Trent 20:24.80 Forsyth Central
Hewins, Jordan 20:25.09 Kennesaw Mountain
Astoul, Patrick 20:25.79 Grady
Hugg, Nick 20:26.13 Kennesaw Mountain
Kelley, Peter 20:26.40 Riverwood International Charter
Raatjes, Sam 20:26.67 Flowery Branch
Daniel, Wesley 20:26.80 Gainesville High School
Frias Ramirez, Josh 20:28.50 Jackson County
Serrano, Richard 20:28.54 Gainesville High School
Schwartz, Noah 20:29.15 Lassiter High School
Wright, Matthew 20:29.80 Centennial
Lamphier, Ethan 20:29.89 Campbell High School
Wellman, Marc 20:29.89 Lassiter High School
Pintado-Flores, Alexander 20:30.20 Gainesville High School
Beatty, Matt 20:31.23 Lassiter High School
Roesch, Jacob 20:31.60 West Forsyth High School
Walls, Owen 20:31.90 Dawson County
Collins, Nigel 20:32.90 Gainesville High School
Razo-Lopez, Daniel 20:33.40 Gainesville High School
Koontz, Knox 20:34.28 Woodland
Herlihy, Lance 20:34.80 West Forsyth High School
Segura, Ricky 20:35.00 Lumpkin Co. High School
Simpson, Elijah 20:35.14 Kennesaw Mountain
Juarez, Hermene 20:35.22 Cedartown
Janco, Luke 20:35.32 Centennial
McGruder, Smith 20:35.80 King's Ridge Christian School
Szczupak, Adam 20:39.27 Lassiter High School
Heuermann, Tag 20:39.46 Forsyth Central
Lamb, Brandon 20:39.50 Lassiter High School
Jobburn, Leyton 20:40.70 Lassiter High School
James, Knox 20:40.72 Cedartown
Arguelles, Reuben 20:41.68 Kell High School
Romero, Martin 20:41.80 Chestatee
Rodriguez, Javier 20:42.00 Central High School
Parker, Garrett 20:42.18 Campbell High School
Barajas, Leo 20:43.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Enzor, Jacob 20:43.65 Flowery Branch
Harrison, Aiden 20:44.90 Dawson County
Stover, Will 20:46.07 Campbell High School
Rabun, Candler 20:46.69 River Ridge HS
Meersman, Colin 20:48 Pinecrest Academy
Strickland, Jack 20:48.20 King's Ridge Christian School
Rzasa, Scott 20:48.59 Kell High School
Thompson, Jesse 20:48.69 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Sheffield, Trey 20:49.90 Centennial
Dickinson, Griffin 20:50.25 Riverwood International Charter
Yernini, Sriram 20:52.00 Northview High School
Haralson, Benjamin 20:52.13 Central High School
Sheppard, Donovan 20:52.43 Northview High School
Ball, Norman 20:52.70 Creekview
Ramirez, Young 20:54.05 Cedartown
Hand, Cael 20:54.80 Dawson County
Taff, Owen 20:57.97 Cartersville High School
Pierce, Adam 20:58.20 Cass High School
Patel, Arjun 20:58.29 Northview High School
Beldick, Jacob 20:58.50 Riverwood International Charter
Girard, Jack 20:59.48 Centennial
Carroll, Jack 20:59.90 Lumpkin Co. High School
Darling, Max 21:00.10 Jackson County
Reid, Liam 21:00.51 Jackson County
Willoughby, Nathaniel 21:01.36 Creekview
Allen, Shaun 21:04.00 Forsyth Central
Southivong, Alex 21:04.20 Jackson County
Geshay, Nicholas 21:04.68 Fellowship Christian School
Bagley, Chandler 21:06.80 Dawson County
Smith, James 21:07.00 Fellowship Christian School
Meyer, Ryan 21:07.68 Forsyth Central
Mrus, Adam 21:08.60 Centennial
Jabaley, Sam 21:08.60 Fannin County HS
Martinez, Jonathan 21:10.00 Central High School
Morales, Steven 21:10.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Rodriguez, Jonathan 21:11.02 McEachern High School
Childers, Evan 21:11.23 Creekview
Grant, Jacob 21:14.09 Riverwood International Charter
English, Reece 21:16.21 Lassiter High School
Segoviano, Hector - Daniel 21:16.46 Southeast Whitfield High School
Garcia, Daniel 21:17.00 Fannin County HS
Shell, Hunter 21:17.50 Cedartown
Elderdice, Trey 21:18.29 Central High School
Baldivid, Bodee 21:19.50 Northwest Whitfield High School
Johnson, Trey 21:20.73 Centennial
Hene, Marshall 21:23.19 King's Ridge Christian School
Reese, Sahalae 21:25.27 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Bai, Randy 21:25.90 Northview High School
Korowotny, Alex 21:26.06 Pickens County
Macheers, Michael 21:26.40 River Ridge HS
Mitchell, Blake 21:26.60 River Ridge HS
Schmidt, Clay 21:27.14 River Ridge HS
OBriant, Patrick 21:27.20 Creekview
Luong, Simon 21:27.56 Pinecrest Academy
Ornelas, Miguel 21:27.84 Cedartown
Turpin, Noah 21:29.56 Cedartown
Anulewicz, Adam 21:29.83 Campbell High School
Hilburn, L 21:30.30 Gainesville High School
Kyle, James 21:33.60 Fannin County HS
Le, Chris 21:34.10 Gainesville High School
Saladin, Cash 21:37.97 Creekview
Davis, Tanner 21:38.54 Central High School
Sincerbeaux, Dylan 21:40.45 Hiram High School
Berzynski, Gus 21:40.87 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Hendrix, Chase 21:41.00 Cass High School
Stafford, Padon 21:42.00 Centennial
Holley, Dylan 21:43.96 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Simon, Anthony 21:44.28 West Forsyth High School
Lopez-Gueta, Devani 21:44.58 McEachern High School
Bryan, Michael 21:45.60 Northview High School
Hansen, Carter 21:46.90 River Ridge HS
Marshall, Luke 21:50.34 Northview High School
Bumgarner, Aiden 21:54.43 Northview High School
Dameron, Ben 21:55.20 King's Ridge Christian School
Keppel, Jacob 21:55.70 Fannin County HS
Milam, Tommy 21:55.96 Mount Bethel Christian
Im, Jaehyun 21:56.44 Northview High School
Gandy, Charlie 21:57.70 Fellowship Christian School
Harwell, Jackson 21:57.72 Cartersville High School
Sullens, Bryson 21:57.80 Lumpkin Co. High School
Jones, John Patrick 22:00.22 Campbell High School
Chundro, Gilly 22:01.30 Kell High School
Hendrix, Austin 22:04.53 Creekview
Rogers, Jack 22:05.02 Campbell High School
Salgado, Bradley 22:05.59 Centennial
Vincent, Noah 22:07.36 Woodland
Stone, Dylan 22:07.46 Lassiter High School
Goldstein, Harrison 22:07.60 Centennial
Turley, Ryan 22:08.00 Cass High School
Martin, Noah 22:09.00 Centennial
Toscano, Armondo 22:10.77 Campbell High School
Wolfe, Kaleb 22:11.22 Cartersville High School
Borgerding, Henry 22:12 Pinecrest Academy
Kirk, Charlie 22:13.78 Mount Bethel Christian
Smith, Noah 22:14.10 Dawson County
Morgan, Austin 22:14.60 Cedartown
Anderson, Kai 22:14.71 Grady
Provenzano, Caleb 22:15.47 Fellowship Christian School
Adams, Jackson 22:17.17 Cartersville High School
Fields, Peyton 22:18.40 Gainesville High School
Service, Owen 22:19.00 West Forsyth High School
Morris, Will 22:19.63 Fellowship Christian School
Henderson, Elijah 22:20.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Massey, Isaac 22:20.20 Gainesville High School
Hays, Jake 22:20.79 Lassiter High School
Macdonald, Evan 22:21.33 Campbell High School
Ryan, Patrick 22:24.49 Mount Bethel Christian
Martin, Kyle 22:24.80 River Ridge HS
Martin, Ethan 22:24.88 River Ridge HS
Dole, Shawn 22:25 Pinecrest Academy
Corcoran, Jack 22:25.00 Cartersville High School
Morales-Avalos, Anthony 22:25.22 Cartersville High School
Rajeev, Anish 22:26.22 Northview High School
Rosen, Jack 22:26.76 Grady
Shen, Shawn 22:27.63 Northview High School
Ramirez, Diego 22:28.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Bunde, Liam 22:28.51 Mount Bethel Christian
Reyna, Jacob 22:32.35 Jackson County
Young, Andrew 22:32.51 Kennesaw Mountain
Keith, Brice 22:32.90 Cass High School
Hammock, David 22:37.76 Creekview
Cousins, Matthew 22:38.66 River Ridge HS
Markley, Bradley 22:41.00 River Ridge HS
Martin, Ryan 22:41.05 Northview High School
Stewart, Brayden 22:42.50 Jackson County
hembree, bailey 22:44.00 Cass High School
Duval, Landon 22:45.23 Creekview
Lappin, Alex 22:45.47 Pinecrest Academy
Finlayson, Samuel 22:46.47 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Stoller, Brock 22:47.24 Fellowship Christian School
Hall, Landon 22:48.10 Hiram High School
Taylor, David 22:49.40 Central High School
Ramos, Braxton 22:49.59 Cedartown
Paul, Reid 22:49.80 Kell High School
Kieffer, Ryan 22:50.86 Pinecrest Academy
Chatman, CJ 22:53.00 Cass High School
Parker, Austin 22:53.63 Woodland
Sun, Daniel 22:54.04 Cedartown
Bergiel, Rowen 22:55.00 Central High School
Harpine, Jackson 22:56.50 Kennesaw Mountain
Green, Dylan 22:58.60 Dawson County
Vitak, Ethan 22:58.80 Creekview
Gouteix, Jeremy 22:59.62 Campbell High School
Elrod, Bryson 23:02.00 Cass High School
Denkman, William 23:03.90 Forsyth Central
Cleek, Ben 23:05.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Lennox, Ethan 23:05.08 Kennesaw Mountain
Bittenbender, David 23:05.29 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Ortega, Juan 23:06.55 Central High School
Lipke, Nicholas 23:06.77 Centennial
Munshi, Kaif 23:08.10 Lumpkin Co. High School
Pedarre, Zachariah 23:08.70 West Forsyth High School
Naarding, Stijn 23:09.91 Northview High School
Christopher, Nicholas 23:10.20 King's Ridge Christian School
Morales, Marcileno 23:13.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Altermatt, Paul 23:14.30 King's Ridge Christian School
Simmons, Jonathan 23:15.30 Fellowship Christian School
Borgerding, Gregory 23:19 Pinecrest Academy
Binns, Kyle 23:21.16 Kennesaw Mountain
Wheat, Antron 23:23.00 Central High School
McClain, Drew 23:23.24 Cedartown
Kiser, Mason 23:23.90 King's Ridge Christian School
Arrelano, Cesar 23:27.80 Gainesville High School
Rehberger, Brad 23:29.50 Centennial
Friday, Zach 23:30.70 Dawson County
Souza, Jonatas 23:30.80 Lassiter High School
Avalos, Kevin 23:36.50 Gainesville High School
Bhatt, Vedant 23:37.10 West Forsyth High School
Kiser, Andrew 23:38.00 King's Ridge Christian School
Mazeall, Daniel 23:42.77 Centennial
Miller, Ben 23:43.50 Gainesville High School
Rodriguez, Mike 23:43.69 Central High School
Soundararajan, Noah 23:46.40 West Forsyth High School
Galyean, Peter 23:48.62 Mount Bethel Christian
Hall, Brandon 23:48.83 Creekview
Baer, Noah 23:49.54 Woodland
Benefield, Bailey 23:51.21 Cedartown
Rohrer, Holden 23:52.42 Centennial
Alford, Ryan 23:53.49 Kennesaw Mountain
Romero, Chewy 23:54.60 Chestatee
Hunnicutt, Myles 23:57.20 Hiram High School
Blackmon, Brodie 23:57.44 Cedartown
Noble, Jake 23:59.08 Cartersville High School
McKinney, Parker 24:00.19 Northview High School
Hardison, Reagan 24:03.11 Pickens County
Daar, Gray 24:03.19 Jackson County
Clay, Matthew 24:04.76 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Murray, Jay 24:08.00 Lassiter High School
Decker, Drew 24:08.00 King's Ridge Christian School
Sears, Max 24:09.00 Fellowship Christian School
Aquarian, Aldon 24:09.68 Cass High School
Armistead, Avery 24:10.20 Creekview
Calvert, Ian 24:14.82 Centennial
Hernandez, Adolfo 24:15.92 Southeast Whitfield High School
Daves, Devin 24:16.70 West Forsyth High School
Azuka, Emmanuel 24:17.76 McEachern High School
Trotti, Matthew 24:18.47 Central High School
Bullard, Caden 24:18.78 Fellowship Christian School
Picha, Jacob 24:18.96 Flowery Branch
Fouts, Jesse 24:19.30 Lumpkin Co. High School
Mount, Dylan 24:19.86 Central High School
King, Brady 24:20.41 Kell High School
Caraballo, Diego 24:21.23 Pinecrest Academy
Walker, William 24:21.85 Centennial
Harrington, Chase 24:23.96 River Ridge HS
Bradley, Samuel 24:24.20 Northview High School
Hilburn, Rex 24:26.19 Gainesville High School
Reedy, Owen 24:26.38 Fellowship Christian School
Bevins, Waylon 24:27.50 Cedartown
Ortiz, Aaron 24:31.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Gankofskie, Paul 24:32.00 Kell High School
Dunkin, Jackson 24:32.60 Kennesaw Mountain
Alley, Thatcher 24:36.67 Creekview
Johnson, Griffin 24:38.10 King's Ridge Christian School
Smith, Tommy 24:39.70 King's Ridge Christian School
Soto, Joshua 24:40.60 Southeast Whitfield High School
Velasaquez, Marvel 24:49.00 Cartersville High School
Griffin, Ben 24:52.17 West Forsyth High School
Hoffman, George 24:52.63 Fellowship Christian School
Eubanks, Tyler 24:53.37 Flowery Branch
Gould, Jackson 24:54.65 Campbell High School
Goldberg, Kade 24:55.20 Kell High School
Gooby, Nathan 24:56.40 Lumpkin Co. High School
Slutzky, Gabe 24:57.16 Campbell High School
Reid, Preston 24:58.70 King's Ridge Christian School
Shirmeyer, Corbin 24:59.71 Centennial
Gleichweit, Luke 25:00.26 Kell High School
Prouty, Jacob 25:00.80 West Forsyth High School
Upchurch, Cole 25:04.20 Fellowship Christian School
Smith, Grant 25:04.57 Jackson County
Chapman, Andy 25:05.00 Fellowship Christian School
Barry, Colin 25:09.59 River Ridge HS
Byun, James 25:10.22 Northview High School
Sutton, Lucas 25:12.20 Forsyth Central
Velasquez, Lucas 25:16.90 Fellowship Christian School
Forrester, Carter 25:17.10 Chestatee
Alarcon, Samuel 25:18.15 Mount Bethel Christian
Frazier, Wyatt 25:22.14 Kennesaw Mountain
Vosejpka, Max 25:27.00 Cass High School
Olivo, Brogan 25:29.30 Northview High School
Hidgon, Cael 25:31.81 Woodland
Reyna, Eli 25:33.07 Jackson County
Kennedy, Elijah 25:33.42 Fellowship Christian School
Rogers, Michael 25:40.90 King's Ridge Christian School
Parker, Justin 25:42.18 Woodland
Guy, Miller 25:45.61 Mount Bethel Christian
Adkins, Evan 25:47.14 Northview High School
Neubert, Jake 25:50.20 Kell High School
Mathis, Denzil 25:50.40 Grady
Surdykowski, Ben 25:50.96 Mount Bethel Christian
Guiney, Sean 25:52.75 Centennial
Ortiz, Christian 25:56.07 River Ridge HS
Hobbs, Luke 25:57.20 Central High School
Carlan, Ethan 25:58.78 Pickens County
Denney, Sachal 26:06.38 Central High School
Ramirez, John 26:09.00 Central High School
Arocho, Cason 26:18.10 Lassiter High School
Youngblood, Conor 26:34.00 Fellowship Christian School
Hinkson, Brian 26:49.08 Kell High School
Jackman, Jude 27:09.19 Pinecrest Academy
Keenem, Ethan 27:17.05 River Ridge HS
Crean, Alex 27:20.73 Centennial
Schneider, Augustus 27:26.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Perez, Juan-Damian 27:29.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Rocha, Aaron 27:40.16 Chestatee
Roman, Kelven 27:41.90 Hiram High School
Peek, Alex 28:21.79 Central High School
Gilligan, Kyle 28:38.45 Centennial
Thomas, Luke 28:50.90 Centennial
Navarro, Gavin 30:08.15 Central High School
Hunt, James 31:15.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Bandlamudi, Charan 32:02.97 Northview High School
Crow, Reid 36:54.92 Central High School
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High School Girls 5,000 Meter Run 495 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cohn, Dana Riverwood International Charter
Hoyos, Alexa Gainesville High School
Satterfield, Autumn Pickens County
Ely, Keira Grady
Klemke, Ariana Cedartown
Moreno, Denise Southeast Whitfield High School
Gosch, Hannah Riverwood International Charter
Linder, Elizabeth Mount Bethel Christian
Garvalena, C Gainesville High School
Owen, Ava Pickens County
Malone, Bailes Campbell High School
Alarcon, Ellie Mount Bethel Christian
Lenhart, Sophia Grady
Meeks, Katherine Pinecrest Academy
Malko, Grace Riverwood International Charter
Alanis, Samantha Northwest Whitfield High School
Goss, Kaitlyn Pickens County
Sullivan, Alyse Centennial
Gant, Madison Mount Bethel Christian
Boykin, McKenna McEachern High School
McDonald, Reese River Ridge HS
Mezzio, Sofia Riverwood International Charter
Page, Jordyn Northview High School
Graciano, Josabeth Gainesville High School
Mikus, Aden-Eliz Grady
Hoyos, Arianny Gainesville High School
Morris, Lilly Pickens County
Diaz, Maureen Pinecrest Academy
Fields, Kaitlan Cedartown
Berman, Flora Tess Riverwood International Charter
Lazo, Areli Gainesville High School
Sofia, Rios Campbell High School
Moehler, Keegan Mount Bethel Christian
Goodwin, Fiona Lassiter High School
Roberts, Hana Central High School
Graves, Sarah Riverwood International Charter
Graciano, Jeny Gainesville High School
Santos, Maricela Pickens County
Prevost, Sarah Grady
Christian, Ava Cedartown
Ajayi, Sharon Riverwood International Charter
Marzetta, Olivia Mount Bethel Christian
Garcia, Andrea Gainesville High School
Imbriano, Dylan Pickens County
Fox, Annie River Ridge HS
Bray, Fiona Grady
Gates, Makena 17:36.30 Creekview
Thompson, Ashley 18:17.17 Gainesville High School
Evans, Rylee 18:24.95 Woodland
Mezzio, Elle 18:44.62 Riverwood International Charter
Sosa, Ashley 19:09.70 Gainesville High School
Hoppenfeld, Alexa 19:20.20 Riverwood International Charter
Rodney, Karsyn 19:24.56 Dacula
Brick, Bella 19:30.40 Flowery Branch
Crismon, Cayden 19:32.40 River Ridge HS
Krogman, Ava 19:33.94 West Forsyth High School
Murray, Rachel 19:37.77 West Forsyth High School
Knor, Ansley 19:42.30 Kell High School
Ouellette, Nina 19:58.57 Riverwood International Charter
Simon, Brooke 19:59.89 West Forsyth High School
Williams, Lily 20:02.45 Centennial
Bedell, Sarah 20:07.74 Campbell High School
Miles, Ciara 20:14.68 River Ridge HS
Strickland, Kirsten 20:15.98 Centennial
Fath, Lauren 20:17.50 Creekview
Cushenberry, Taylor 20:21.10 Lassiter High School
Spinks, McKinsey 20:22.95 Cartersville High School
Hilchie, Abbie 20:26.10 Lumpkin Co. High School
Spears, Ellie 20:29.33 Grady
Merkel, Cami 20:30.70 West Forsyth High School
McTyre, Kate 20:31.50 Creekview
Shugart, Amelia 20:32.00 Lassiter High School
Bowles, Marlee 20:33.97 Woodland
Vlassis, Avery 20:34.10 Gainesville High School
Steigerwalt, Bella 20:38.44 West Forsyth High School
Anderson, Audrey 20:38.59 West Forsyth High School
Nelson, Elizabeth 20:38.92 Cartersville High School
Hustead, Julia 20:39.25 West Forsyth High School
Thayer, Danielle 20:39.68 Woodland
Aromin, Samantha 20:44.00 Lassiter High School
Tillery, Hannah 20:49.07 West Forsyth High School
Rairigh, Caroline 20:50.90 Lumpkin Co. High School
Frederick, Meg 20:51.04 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Browder, Susie 20:55.74 Northview High School
Slavov, Sophia 20:56.00 West Forsyth High School
Leffler, Allison 20:56.05 Riverwood International Charter
Weinrobe, Emilia 20:56.45 Grady
Boatner, Erica 20:59.53 Woodland
Schurman, Hannah 21:00.45 Centennial
Murphy, Allison 21:02.96 McEachern High School
Barker, Lucy 21:03.35 Central High School
Ordway, Zoe 21:05.51 West Forsyth High School
DeLuca, Virginia 21:07.14 West Forsyth High School
Strickland, Jillian 21:08.40 Centennial
Jocke, Adrienne 21:11.10 Creekview
Martinez, Guadalupe 21:11.10 Southeast Whitfield High School
Miles, Kelly 21:12.17 River Ridge HS
Tallman, Claire 21:14.90 Kennesaw Mountain
Burrow, Jenna 21:16.81 West Forsyth High School
Moore, Brighton 21:17.20 Kell High School
Iyer, Poorvi 21:17.63 Northview High School
Haakmeester, Skyler 21:18.80 Lassiter High School
Smith, Anjali 21:19.46 Northview High School
Atkins, Trinity 21:20.02 Cartersville High School
Segars, Emma 21:21.80 Woodland
Maddox, Peyton 21:22.30 Forsyth Central
Calderon, Emily 21:24.50 Gainesville High School
Slocumb, Knyesha 21:25.48 Campbell High School
Dembski, Emery 21:25.91 Campbell High School
Silva, Ami 21:26.64 Gainesville High School
Chan, Zoe 21:28.28 Grady
Jones, Ryann 21:30.10 Lumpkin Co. High School
Miller, Hailey 21:30.75 Campbell High School
LeCave, Anna 21:31.50 Dawson County
Watson, Sadie 21:32.40 Flowery Branch
Sheppard, Kayla 21:35.00 Jackson County
Heath, Ashley 21:39.32 Flowery Branch
Betancourt, Jaxiry 21:40.81 Cartersville High School
Linton, Shelby 21:41.22 Forsyth Central
Waddell, Brianna 21:41.30 Kell High School
Bradley, Hailey 21:45.50 Lassiter High School
Solomon, Blake 21:46.10 Riverwood International Charter
Gaines, Meredith 21:46.93 Cartersville High School
Maddox, Reese 21:47.60 Forsyth Central
Lanaghan, Claire 21:49.40 Kell High School
Pillai, Navya 21:51.00 Lassiter High School
Berry, Olivia 21:52.79 Woodland
Novotny, Olivia 21:53.03 Riverwood International Charter
Wade, Becca 21:54.40 Forsyth Central
Delucca, Izzy 21:54.41 Kennesaw Mountain
Hubert, Elena 21:56.51 Grady
Beltran, Stephanie 21:59.80 Dacula
Seeber, Skyler 22:00.10 Flowery Branch
Makarevic, Sarah 22:00.20 Dacula
Penado, Jessica 22:00.50 Gainesville High School
Brock, Lily 22:01.60 Northview High School
Escamilla, Valery 22:01.70 Gainesville High School
Ayers, Anna 22:03.68 Central High School
Johnson, Gabriela 22:04.87 River Ridge HS
Smith, Rachel 22:05.50 King's Ridge Christian School
Day, Isabelle 22:06.39 Kennesaw Mountain
Trask, Malia 22:07.75 Lassiter High School
Paez, Marlene 22:07.79 Southeast Whitfield High School
Johnson, Caitlin 22:08.36 River Ridge HS
Terry, Alice 22:09.51 Cartersville High School
Berman, Brooke 22:10.03 Lassiter High School
Yang, Grace 22:10.40 Northview High School
Mejia-Martinez, Emely 22:10.50 Gainesville High School
Malone, Cami 22:11.40 Forsyth Central
Williamson, Angel 22:15.60 Cass High School
Hartman, Samantha 22:16.31 Gainesville High School
Smith, Emma 22:16.90 King's Ridge Christian School
Phillips, Jules 22:17.10 Dawson County
Chandler, Grace 22:18.05 River Ridge HS
Leetch, Amelia 22:20.59 Flowery Branch
Carrera, Samantha 22:21.10 Dacula
Bonja, Fenneth 22:22.20 Kennesaw Mountain
Vann, Adriana 22:23.84 Pickens County
Perlman, Katherine 22:26.00 Forsyth Central
Knight, Elizabeth 22:27.10 Dawson County
Henderson, Adie 22:30.14 Campbell High School
Wise, Bekah 22:30.40 Pickens County
LaCotti, Addie 22:30.72 West Forsyth High School
Hargrove, Julia 22:31.40 Flowery Branch
Martinez, Jailyne 22:32.11 Northwest Whitfield High School
Hills, Marin 22:33.05 Riverwood International Charter
Reazin, Camlin 22:37.00 Lassiter High School
Denney, Sinclaire 22:38.14 Central High School
Townsend, Elizabeth 22:38.46 Centennial
Lynch, Lauren 22:39.79 Northview High School
Smith, Zoe 22:40.34 Central High School
Bollwerk, Erin 22:40.69 Woodland
Wood, Marie 22:41.26 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Daugherty, Lorelei 22:41.71 Central High School
Walsh, Ellie 22:42.94 Forsyth Central
Cook, Abby 22:43.51 Central High School
Kilgore, Cadie 22:43.77 Central High School
Harris, Emmye 22:45.46 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Thigpen, Hannah 22:46.00 Flowery Branch
Farmer, Shahani 22:47.03 Kennesaw Mountain
Hu, Anna 22:47.32 Northview High School
Shipp, Kelsey 22:49.20 Centennial
Herrera, Samantha 22:52.83 Cartersville High School
Keels, Alyse 22:54.00 Kell High School
Holly, Tiffany 22:54.10 Jackson County
Parker, Sydney 22:55.90 Northview High School
Schulz, Natalie 22:58.10 Centennial
Shade, Kendal 22:58.19 West Forsyth High School
Pineda, Allison 22:58.75 Gainesville High School
Bewley, Reagan 23:00.90 Jackson County
Rodriguez, Simone 23:01.11 Kennesaw Mountain
Cliche, Hailey 23:04.60 Chestatee
Paul, Emilie 23:05.10 Forsyth Central
Marlowe, Jamie 23:05.74 Grady
Palam, Krista 23:11.29 Centennial
Vidal, Natalia 23:12.40 Dacula
Salter, Lily 23:12.72 Chestatee
Taylor, Emily 23:13.05 Riverwood International Charter
Goins, Simone 23:14.10 River Ridge HS
Ellis, Joy 23:15.80 Jackson County
Riley, Annie Kate 23:17.30 Jackson County
Crosby, Isabel 23:17.83 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Denney, Kayla 23:18.85 Forsyth Central
King, Lindsey 23:19.70 Kell High School
Brown, Cara 23:20.29 West Forsyth High School
Webb, Aidan 23:20.60 Creekview
Wallis, Catherine 23:21.09 Lassiter High School
Smith, Grace 23:21.92 Cartersville High School
Mayes, Aubrey 23:22.05 Lassiter High School
Siegwarth, Jordan 23:22.80 Centennial
Worful, Alaina 23:23.20 West Forsyth High School
Howard, Zoe 23:24.00 Pickens County
Payne, Anna 23:24.65 Woodland
Vadillo, Ana 23:25.43 Kennesaw Mountain
Bryan, Payton 23:26.60 Central High School
Muse, Mia 23:27.50 Centennial
Gilchrist, Delaney 23:28.94 Kell High School
Howard, Sydney 23:29.10 Creekview
Siglin, Kate 23:29.20 Kennesaw Mountain
Bailey, Kaitlyn 23:29.70 Kell High School
DeLima, Trinity 23:30.67 Creekview
Martinez, Erica 23:30.74 Chestatee
Parrish, Akilah 23:31.94 Campbell High School
Darsey, Elana 23:32.00 Kell High School
Ayers, Aliyah 23:35.78 Central High School
Taylor, Madelyn 23:36.58 Flowery Branch
Caimano, Kyla 23:36.60 Lassiter High School
Lamphier, Lauren 23:38.26 Campbell High School
Abernathy, Bella 23:38.97 Central High School
Calderon, Kimberly 23:39.60 Gainesville High School
Shanklin, Emma 23:40.50 Kell High School
Salmon, Bradyn 23:40.57 Lassiter High School
Gilleland, Avery 23:41.10 Fellowship Christian School
Finelli, Zoe 23:43.17 Gainesville High School
Harris, Nina 23:43.20 Kell High School
Wood, Elizabeth 23:45.60 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Smolarsky, Samantha 23:45.80 Dacula
Kopkas, Grace 23:47.35 Campbell High School
Hernandez, Karla 23:48.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Bartik, Meghan 23:50.10 Lassiter High School
Moore, Ava 23:50.53 Riverwood International Charter
Fulton, Samantha 23:52.91 Lassiter High School
Peterson, Eliza 23:53.08 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Clifford, Nina 23:53.87 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Medlin-Hall, Macy 23:53.93 Riverwood International Charter
Hoying, Alli 23:59.30 Lassiter High School
Camara, Mary Kate 23:59.80 Woodland
Gonzalez, Marissa 24:00.10 Southeast Whitfield High School
Denning, Mia 24:00.90 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Phillips, Lauren 24:01.74 River Ridge HS
Klug, Nina 24:07.00 Riverwood International Charter
Schultz, Megan 24:10.16 Woodland
Jocke, Marlene 24:13.37 Creekview
Rose, Emma 24:13.79 Lassiter High School
Sandoval, Paula 24:14.68 Northview High School
Jung, Katie 24:15.37 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Kiara 24:20.47 River Ridge HS
Minchew, Emily 24:23.27 Centennial
Cosentino, Monica 24:24.50 Fannin County HS
Vadillo, Sofia 24:24.81 Kennesaw Mountain
Lengefeld, Reagan 24:25.96 Fellowship Christian School
Rose, Mallory 24:31.65 Central High School
Penaloza, Lizbeth 24:32.00 Gainesville High School
Williams, Molly 24:32.72 Woodland
Savage, Hannah 24:33.45 West Forsyth High School
Turner, Josie 24:36.73 Cartersville High School
Hobgood, Penelope 24:37.07 Pickens County
Lueder, Brigette 24:37.75 Pinecrest Academy
Butler, McKenzie 24:37.90 Cedartown
Davila, Amy 24:40.16 Chestatee
Opsahl, Maggie 24:40.20 Grady
Vasquez, Perla 24:40.50 Chestatee
Collins, Sarah-Corrine 24:44.35 Forsyth Central
Gloeckner, Katie 24:44.80 Dawson County
Guzman, Clarissa 24:49.92 Forsyth Central
Lyon, Lexi 24:50.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Zukowsky, Jessica 24:50.02 Cass High School
Tapley, Emily 24:50.30 Lumpkin Co. High School
Massie, Mia 24:50.30 Northview High School
Naish, Lauren 24:51.00 Centennial
Patel, Isha 24:51.01 Kennesaw Mountain
Jossart, Rebekah 24:51.20 Jackson County
Coulter, Tatum 24:51.30 Lumpkin Co. High School
Widmann, Ally 24:51.40 Centennial
Pacheco, Yuleidy 24:51.98 Cartersville High School
Dorsey, Amberlee 24:52.66 Creekview
Hu, Emma 24:55.20 Northview High School
Kelley, Laura 24:56.95 Riverwood International Charter
Gloeckner, Annie 25:01.10 Dawson County
Garrett, Savannah 25:01.28 Lassiter High School
Street, Sarah 25:04.47 Dacula
Csontos, Laura 25:06.06 Dacula
Bowers, Maia 25:06.86 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Griffith, Madeline 25:07.10 Campbell High School
Antinozzi, Mia 25:08.40 Pickens County
Britton, Elizabeth 25:10.97 Centennial
Babcock, Anna 25:13.64 Kell High School
Gildea, Elise 25:13.92 Campbell High School
Garrett, Kayla 25:14.20 Kennesaw Mountain
Farmer, Ava 25:15.00 Lassiter High School
Chahboune, Leila 25:21.40 Northview High School
Hill, Samantha 25:22.83 West Forsyth High School
Moye, Madeline 25:24.25 Grady
Marrufo, April 25:26.55 Gainesville High School
Nusalim, Livia 25:29.00 Centennial
Finesilver, Julia 25:29.40 Lumpkin Co. High School
Owens, Bella 25:30.76 Cedartown
Wilson, Addy 25:33.00 Centennial
Ruiz, Jessica 25:34.06 Southeast Whitfield High School
Strain, Ansley 25:37.00 Centennial
Vaupel, Riley 25:37.13 Kennesaw Mountain
Cruz, Johana 25:38.01 Gainesville High School
Cartmill, Ella 25:38.99 Jackson County
Soto, Sara 25:39.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Moor, Grace 25:39.65 Lassiter High School
Cousins, Caroline 25:39.80 River Ridge HS
Escutia, Lusero 25:40.54 Cedartown
Cangelosi, Anna 25:40.80 Centennial
Somerville, Leila 25:40.97 Campbell High School
Christopher, Mary 25:43.40 King's Ridge Christian School
Dunn, Carmella 25:45.35 Centennial
Rhodes, Isabell 25:45.98 Lassiter High School
Balaganesh, Anjali 25:46.06 Kennesaw Mountain
Milian, Sophie 25:47.50 Lassiter High School
Barrero, Ivana 25:48.90 Flowery Branch
Mendez, Kaedee 25:49.17 Campbell High School
Bolden, Grace 25:55.73 Central High School
Forrester, Emma 25:55.90 Lumpkin Co. High School
Bolden, Elise 26:00.41 Centennial
Holder, Briley 26:00.51 Mount Bethel Christian
Bishop, Kate 26:02.84 Cartersville High School
Duarte, Karen 26:03.42 Gainesville High School
Odister, Rachel 26:03.76 Campbell High School
Taylor, Kylie 26:04.48 West Forsyth High School
Blanc, Katie 26:06.60 Kell High School
McCusker, Alexandria 26:07.03 Gainesville High School
Ruiz, Juliana 26:09.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Cannon, Mary 26:10.47 Kennesaw Mountain
DiSalle, Rachel 26:11.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Sailers, Christa 26:11.40 Chestatee
Walker, Morgan 26:12.02 Cartersville High School
Keith, Kelley 26:13.33 Mount Bethel Christian
Fausset, Eliza 26:14.82 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Warren, Gracie 26:14.93 Central High School
Meeks, Mary 26:19.10 Pinecrest Academy
Diaz, Kameron 26:19.11 Woodland
Escutia, Noelia 26:22.40 Cedartown
Decker, Emma 26:23.20 King's Ridge Christian School
Cathy, Jenna 26:28.77 Lassiter High School
Klements, Lydia 26:28.94 Creekview
Gates, Emily 26:30.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Green, Henley 26:31.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Valentino, Gabby 26:31.10 Northview High School
Bravo, Emily 26:31.70 Gainesville High School
Worthan, Rileigh 26:33.99 Cartersville High School
Hanna, Destiny 26:35.00 Hiram High School
Kovacic, Kathryn 26:37.00 Woodland
Mannam, Jayani 26:38.16 Northview High School
Holsenbeck, Raven 26:43.70 Pickens County
Quinn, Alanna 26:44.83 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Pintor, Daisy 26:45.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Velsaco, Stephany 26:45.02 River Ridge HS
Smith, Mary King 26:46.40 King's Ridge Christian School
Marhino, Isabella 26:50.26 Lassiter High School
Gravley, Kilie 26:51.50 Pickens County
Castro, Lily 26:52.01 Creekview
Ramirez, Jessica 26:52.70 Lumpkin Co. High School
Patelczyk, Shaynna 26:53.70 Forsyth Central
Black, Makenzie 26:55.50 Pickens County
Hewett, Laura 26:55.70 Kennesaw Mountain
Aguilar, Diana 26:56.36 Flowery Branch
Wright, Lynzie 26:59.20 Creekview
Medlin-Hall, Maya 26:59.29 Riverwood International Charter
Lako, Amanda 27:00.10 Mount Bethel Christian
Dominguez, Tania 27:07.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Garcia, Michelle 27:08.10 Southeast Whitfield High School
Jung, Anna 27:09.00 Lassiter High School
Eslinger, Ashley 27:09.70 West Forsyth High School
Carroll, Cameron 27:11.72 Lassiter High School
Martinez, Mariza 27:15.30 Cass High School
Shanmugam, Naveena 27:15.91 Northview High School
Heath, Lauren 27:16.47 Central High School
Lozano, Eslendy 27:17.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Thakkar, Vanessa 27:18.85 West Forsyth High School
Thomas, Charleigh 27:24.00 Lumpkin Co. High School
Jogiekar, Aashvi 27:25.69 Northview High School
Kindler, Addie 27:25.94 Kennesaw Mountain
Shively, Keira 27:30.17 Lassiter High School
Hack, Alyssa 27:31.12 Central High School
Bowen, Karley 27:33.00 Central High School
Khan, Zara 27:33.90 Campbell High School
La Coco, Katie 27:34.30 Creekview
Liberman, Alyssa 27:37.45 Riverwood International Charter
Pruitt, Gracie 27:37.48 Cartersville High School
Hale, Scarlett 27:37.80 Cass High School
Johnson, Lillyan 27:42.00 West Forsyth High School
Frias, Karelly 27:43.10 Jackson County
Pape, Sierra 27:45.39 Grady
Rhodes, Sydney 27:45.63 Cartersville High School
McCrorie, Abbie 27:46.59 Mount Bethel Christian
Mac Au, Jaella 27:46.63 West Forsyth High School
Toomey, Emma 27:47.45 Lassiter High School
Fallon, Alyssa 27:48.38 River Ridge HS
Krall, Lily 27:49.02 Kennesaw Mountain
Aldridge, Sarah 27:50.60 West Forsyth High School
Soh, Sharon 27:55.33 Kennesaw Mountain
Sovero, Emily 27:56.30 Centennial
Soosaidas, Riona 27:59.40 West Forsyth High School
Sharp, Alex 28:00.20 West Forsyth High School
Paladines, Valaria 28:01.29 Kennesaw Mountain
Motes, Bailee 28:01.45 Woodland
Marshall, Grace 28:03.73 Lassiter High School
Mildenhall, Rosie 28:06.11 Lassiter High School
Naarding, Emma 28:06.90 Northview High School
Bae, Cindy 28:06.94 Hiram High School
Dorsett, Sydney 28:13.79 King's Ridge Christian School
Hernandez, Daisy 28:19.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Turner, Alexia 28:24.63 McEachern High School
Hold, Madison 28:29.14 Cartersville High School
Souther, Haley 28:29.30 Lumpkin Co. High School
Christman, Mallary 28:29.60 King's Ridge Christian School
Moran, Ellie 28:32.10 King's Ridge Christian School
Cruz, Jocelyn 28:34.00 Cass High School
Loftin, Cooper 28:34.80 Campbell High School
Haakmeester, Jenna 28:37.90 Lassiter High School
McClure, Riley 28:38.04 Kell High School
Fort, Mary 28:39.11 Lassiter High School
Gourisankar, Krithi 28:41.06 Campbell High School
Heredia, Jennifer 28:45.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
McCloud, Eliza 28:45.64 Northview High School
Wade, Leila 28:53.80 Jackson County
Whittier, Hannah 29:06.30 Centennial
Bates, Lezlie 29:15.38 Cedartown
Sathish Kumar, Kaliga 29:15.64 Kennesaw Mountain
Langley, Marissa 29:20.09 River Ridge HS
DeYoung, Sophie 29:23.60 Northview High School
Polk, Emery 29:24.29 River Ridge HS
Fettinger, Grace 29:25.99 River Ridge HS
Hernandez, Joanna 29:30.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Palmer, Meadow 29:37.60 Pickens County
Davis, Nicole 29:39.00 Cass High School
Kosasi, Jocelyn 29:39.10 West Forsyth High School
Escutia, Jimena 29:43.90 Cedartown
Farley, Paige 29:45.00 Chestatee
Shea, Annie 29:48.70 Centennial
Mroz, Jennifer 29:49.95 Lassiter High School
Rodriguez, Valerie 29:54.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Wang, Sophia 29:55.60 Grady
Gururaj, Sudha 29:57.89 Campbell High School
Barlow, Ava 29:59.56 Northwest Whitfield High School
Smith, Nora 30:00.00 Hiram High School
Holland, Addi 30:06.80 Flowery Branch
Christofil, Georgiana 30:16.29 River Ridge HS
Charron, Cecile 30:17.57 Riverwood International Charter
Girardin, Zoe 30:20.50 Hiram High School
Sobrevilla, Sophia 30:24.54 River Ridge HS
Doty, Kelsey 30:25.17 West Forsyth High School
Mayfield, Hannah 30:29.00 River Ridge HS
Skarda, Jaycie 30:29.30 Creekview
Lowery, Mikayla 30:33.88 Cartersville High School
STANFIELD, Jaden 30:40.83 Pickens County
Heyns, Abbey 30:50.60 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cheng, Chloe 30:59.07 Centennial
Gan, Terri 30:59.60 Northview High School
Ray, Jennings 31:00.61 Mount Bethel Christian
Garrett, Maggie 31:00.94 Lassiter High School
Vo, Olivia 31:01.90 Centennial
Carson, Carly 31:02.45 Hiram High School
Roark, Annalise 31:03.62 Flowery Branch
Herrera-Candanedo, Fernada 31:26.42 Kell High School
Dalton, Stella 31:31.28 Central High School
Alligood, Caroline 31:34.57 Lassiter High School
brock, jordan 31:36.00 Cass High School
Steckbauer, Jessica 31:40.80 Kell High School
Hoebe, Natalia 31:55.15 Centennial
Mack, Katrina 32:04.50 Kell High School
Underhill, Abbey 32:07.14 Centennial
Howard, Ella 32:10.40 Creekview
Russo, Nicole 32:13.90 West Forsyth High School
Romero, Leslie 32:14.60 Gainesville High School
Marx, Avery 32:31.10 Flowery Branch
Balderas, Melanie 33:01.61 Cartersville High School
Davis, Madeline 33:08.45 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Folk, Mika 33:23.70 Kennesaw Mountain
Drueke, Sarah 33:24.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Hartbank, Olivia 33:30.50 Cass High School
Brown, Alaya 33:37.60 Hiram High School
Garcia, Reyna 33:37.81 Cass High School
Brodmyer, Paige 35:03.59 Lassiter High School
Rousch, Kaley 35:39.68 West Forsyth High School
Mesidor, Grace 37:26.20 Gainesville High School
Upton, MeKayla 37:37.90 Northview High School
Kaluri, Sonlai 37:47.96 Northview High School
Alton, Eliza 38:45.40 Northview High School
Bandlamudi, Shraddha 45:12.08 Northview High School
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