1st Annual Bleckley Co. Runnin' Royal Distance Carnival 2024

Cochran, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:33.00h Mary Persons
Relay Team A 3:35.00 Vidalia
Relay Team A 3:41.73 Tift County High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Jeff Davis
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Vidalia
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Warner Robins
Relay Team D 4:00.00 Vidalia
Relay Team A 4:02.46 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team B 4:03.87 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team B 4:05.88 Tift County High School
Relay Team B 4:10.00 Jeff Davis
Relay Team C 4:10.00h Vidalia
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Coffee HS
Relay Team A 4:35.00h ACE Charter
Relay Team D 4:37.01 Tift County High School
Relay Team E 4:37.01 Tift County High School
Relay Team C 4:37.01 Tift County High School
Relay Team C 4:38.32 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team B 4:40.00 Coffee HS
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Northside, Warner Robins
Relay Team B 4:55.00h Northside, Warner Robins
Relay Team B 5:00.00h ACE Charter
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HS Coed 1600 Meter Run 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Darsey, Caleb 4:26.12 Bleckley County High School
Lane, Nolan 4:33.50 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Miller, Jack 4:36.81 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Hodges, Andrew 4:42.93 Vidalia
Camp, Logan 4:46.82 Bleckley County High School
Harrell, Jack 4:51.08 Bleckley County High School
Rogers, Harrison 4:55.21 Bleckley County High School
Gibbs, Ella 4:57.83 Bleckley County High School
Gutierrez, Jesus 5:00 Northside, Warner Robins
Jackson, Nate 5:00 Northside, Warner Robins
Golden, Blair 5:01.21 Tift County High School
Bulharowski, Garrett 5:04 Northside, Warner Robins
Driggers, Cash 5:08.06 Vidalia
Tunnell, Alexander 5:08.20 ACE Charter
Benton, Russ 5:09.05 Tift County High School
Knowles, Grayson 5:10.00 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Davies, Owen 5:11.12 Tift County High School
Battles, Cole 5:11.76 Mary Persons
Roeser, Mac 5:12.81 Mary Persons
Garrett, Ryder 5:13.95 Bleckley County High School
Mackinnon, Angus 5:14 Northside, Warner Robins
Barragan, Jovani 5:17.00 Jeff Davis
Trejo, Eric 5:20.00 Jeff Davis
Toussaint, Justin 5:22.00 Warner Robins
Rutledge, Anthony 5:24.51 Bleckley County High School
Farrell, Lily 5:26.02 Bleckley County High School
Vega, Kevin 5:27.00 Jeff Davis
Arnold, Seth 5:33.20 Bleckley County High School
Franco, Mario 5:35.00 Jeff Davis
Hoover, Gabriella 5:37.93 Mary Persons
Woodard, John 5:40.31 Bleckley County High School
Mcmichael, Thomas 5:41.47 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Strickland, Dylan 5:44.02 Bleckley County High School
Armstrong, Kayslen 5:45.43 Bleckley County High School
Meredith, Georgia 5:46.22 Vidalia
Yarberry, Dillon 5:47.00 Coffee HS
Garvin, Walt 5:47.14 Bleckley County High School
Wood, Alanna 5:49.90 Mary Persons
Bernabe, Tony 5:54.47 Warner Robins
Diaz, Mario 5:55.00h Warner Robins
Barlow, Christopher 5:57.42 Bleckley County High School
Lynch, Claira 5:57.43 Bleckley County High School
Thompson, Faith 5:58 Northside, Warner Robins
Swanson, Hatcher 6:00.55 Tift County High School
Fair, Grant 6:00.77 Mary Persons
Cairney, James 6:00.87 Bleckley County High School
Crawford, Caroline 6:05.00 Coffee HS
Jones, Raymond 6:08.57 ACE Charter
Lopez, Franklin 6:10 Northside, Warner Robins
Kitchens, Natalie 6:10.54 Bleckley County High School
Whitest, Jordan 6:15 Northside, Warner Robins
Birdsong, Alex 6:15.87 Tift County High School
Wilson, Ava 6:16.87 Tift County High School
Sanders, Kelsey 6:17.14 Bleckley County High School
Sorensen, Eliza 6:18.34 Bleckley County High School
Crawford, Ensley 6:20.00 Coffee HS
Kitchens, Lauren 6:21.65 Bleckley County High School
Totty, Scout 6:22.15 Bleckley County High School
Tanaka, Tomoki 6:30 Northside, Warner Robins
Copeland, Chandler 6:30 Northside, Warner Robins
Haley, Avery 6:30.00 Jeff Davis
Reardin, Rose 6:36.10 Bleckley County High School
Lukas, Emmalyn 6:44.20 Tift County High School
Powell, Marley 6:45.00 Jeff Davis
Rivas, Alisson 6:45.00 Coffee HS
Siegmund, Sadie 6:55.00h Vidalia
Becker, Sarah 6:56.42 Bleckley County High School
Royal, Camore 7:00 Northside, Warner Robins
Smith, Madison 7:00.00 Coffee HS
Wilcox, Christina 7:05.00 Jeff Davis
Hussey, Judith 7:20.00h Vidalia
Bryant, Reese 7:53.05 Bleckley County High School
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HS Coed 3200 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bagwell, Will 10:15.00 Coffee HS
Gibbs, Ella 10:23.44 Bleckley County High School
Harrell, Jack 10:54.60 Bleckley County High School
Roeser, Mac 10:57.37 Mary Persons
Rogers, Harrison 10:57.73 Bleckley County High School
Fair, Grant 12:00.00 Mary Persons
Jackson, Nate 12:10 Northside, Warner Robins
Farrell, Lily 12:15.43 Bleckley County High School
Mackinnon, Angus 12:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Abuazizah, Yaser 12:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Bernabe, Tony 12:42.51 Warner Robins
Meredith, Georgia 12:47.56 Vidalia
Lott, Josie 13:10.00 Coffee HS
Anderson, Henry 13:20.33 Tift County High School
Horner, Kason 13:20.33 Tift County High School
Diaz, Mario 13:30.00 Warner Robins
Reynolds, Lola 13:49.50 Tift County High School
Thompson, Faith 13:50 Northside, Warner Robins
Colley, Lily 13:50.00 Mary Persons
Tanner, Olivia 13:56.99 Mary Persons
Siegmund, Sadie 14:00.00 Vidalia
Hussey, Judith 14:30.00 Vidalia
Whitest, Jordan 14:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Gibbs, Keira 14:44.76 Tift County High School
Patel, Yug 9:30.00h ACE Charter
Darsey, Caleb 9:49.15 Bleckley County High School
Gutierrez, Jesus 9:53 Northside, Warner Robins
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HS Coed 800 Meter Run 88 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Savalia, Riya 10:41.00 ACE Charter
Driggers, Cash 2:03.02 Vidalia
Hodges, Andrew 2:03.79 Vidalia
Camp, Logan 2:05.87 Bleckley County High School
Parlor, Pierce 2:09.12 Jeff Davis
Battles, Cole 2:09.18 Mary Persons
Bulharowski, Garrett 2:10 Northside, Warner Robins
Barrs, Bryson 2:10.00 Trinity Dublin Christian School
Garrett, Ryder 2:10.32 Bleckley County High School
Jones, Jabari 2:12.37 Tift County High School
Sayles, Austin 2:15 Northside, Warner Robins
Ryals, D.J. 2:15.00 Jeff Davis
Miller, Jalon 2:15.98 Tift County High School
Cairney, James 2:16.87 Bleckley County High School
Toussaint, Justin 2:17.88 Warner Robins
Cribb, Joshua 2:18.00 Coffee HS
LeBrocq, Liam 2:18.00 Coffee HS
Johnson, Jordan 2:18.00h Vidalia
Abuazizah, Yaser 2:20 Northside, Warner Robins
Lopez, Franklin 2:20 Northside, Warner Robins
Tate Jr., Robert 2:20 Northside, Warner Robins
Franklin, Tavarius 2:20.00 Vidalia
Stafford, Brian 2:21.00 Coffee HS
Journey, Jazzlyn 2:25 Northside, Warner Robins
Kirce, Ja'sai 2:26.35 Warner Robins
Arnold, Seth 2:27.55 Bleckley County High School
Tanaka, Tomoki 2:30 Northside, Warner Robins
Yawn, Carter 2:30.00 Jeff Davis
Bennett, Jaden 2:30.00h Vidalia
Rutledge, Anthony 2:30.27 Bleckley County High School
Hoover, Gabriella 2:32.08 Mary Persons
Parker, Noah 2:33.30 Jeff Davis
Glover, Freder 2:35 Northside, Warner Robins
Marchant, Ellie Kate 2:35.00 Jeff Davis
Smith, Thomas 2:35.00h Warner Robins
Rankin, Myles 2:35.01 Mary Persons
Lynch, Claira 2:35.54 Bleckley County High School
Lewis, Ali 2:36.00 Jeff Davis
Barlow, Christopher 2:37.25 Bleckley County High School
Lopez, Rebecca 2:38.00 Jeff Davis
Woodard, John 2:38.32 Bleckley County High School
Armstrong, Kayslen 2:39.53 Bleckley County High School
Patel, Darshan 2:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Heller, Kaylen 2:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Royal, Camore 2:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Copeland, Chandler 2:40 Northside, Warner Robins
Lewis, Regina "Gigi" 2:40.00 Coffee HS
Hughes, Riley 2:40.00 Jeff Davis
Wood, Alanna 2:40.01 Mary Persons
Falotico, Anthony 2:40.88 Tift County High School
Hughes, Jaxson 2:40.88 Tift County High School
Relihan, Lily 2:42.30 Jeff Davis
Meredith, Georgia 2:42.59 Vidalia
Kitchens, Lauren 2:44.32 Bleckley County High School
Garvin, Walt 2:44.45 Bleckley County High School
Fonguin, Bruce 2:45 Northside, Warner Robins
Totty, Scout 2:46.81 Bleckley County High School
Myers, Amaya 2:47.43 Warner Robins
Kitchens, Natalie 2:49.54 Bleckley County High School
Allen, Bryan 2:50 Northside, Warner Robins
Brown, Caleb 2:50 Northside, Warner Robins
Perez, Denise 2:50.00 Coffee HS
Smith, Madison 2:50.00 Coffee HS
Strickland, Dylan 2:50.14 Bleckley County High School
Sorensen, Eliza 2:51.09 Bleckley County High School
Sanders, Kelsey 2:52.85 Bleckley County High School
Rivas, Alisson 2:53.97 Coffee HS
Powell, Marley 2:55.00 Jeff Davis
Ray, Laney 2:55.00h Trinity Dublin Christian School
Riley, Aaron 2:57.57 Warner Robins
Ingram, Caleb 3:00 Northside, Warner Robins
Minor, Gabe 3:00.00h Warner Robins
Graham, Nairobi 3:00.43 Tift County High School
Driggers, Aidyn 3:00.45 Vidalia
Wilcox, Christina 3:00.50 Jeff Davis
Cleveland, Ilianna 3:00.56 Tift County High School
Reardin, Rose 3:02.89 Bleckley County High School
Becker, Sarah 3:06.39 Bleckley County High School
Bower, Gage 3:07.00h ACE Charter
Martinez-Camacho, Johanna 3:12.28 Tift County High School
Martinez, Jazlin 3:15.34 Tift County High School
Hawsey, Savannah 3:15.78 Tift County High School
Jackson, Shameka 3:18 Northside, Warner Robins
Bryant, Reese 3:28.63 Bleckley County High School
Lockett, Aziyah 3:30.55 Tift County High School
Chatham, Cole 3:33.34 ACE Charter
Mintz, Invy 4:12.00h ACE Charter
Banister, Braniya 4:50.00h ACE Charter
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:07.54 Tift County High School
Relay Team B 4:07.54 Tift County High School
Relay Team A 4:28.74 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Jeff Davis
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Vidalia
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Coffee HS
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Northside, Warner Robins
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Coffee HS
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Jeff Davis
Relay Team B 5:00.00h Northside, Warner Robins
Relay Team B 5:01.65 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team B 5:05.00h Vidalia
Relay Team C 5:11.87 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h ACE Charter
Relay Team B 5:50.00h ACE Charter
Relay Team C 6:45.00h ACE Charter
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:30.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Jeff Davis MS
Relay Team B 4:45.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Relay Team C 5:00.21 Bleckley Co. MS
Relay Team B 5:05.00h Jeff Davis MS
Relay Team A 5:40.00h ACE Charter
Relay Team B 6:50.00h ACE Charter
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MS Coed 1600 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbs, Brody 4:52.44 Bleckley Co. MS
Lynch, Elliott 5:15.33 Bleckley Co. MS
Lynch, Anna 5:46.46 Bleckley Co. MS
Garrett, Tyce 5:47.43 Bleckley Co. MS
Smith, Kellah 5:48.94 Coffee Middle School
Foskey, Beau 5:59.94 Bleckley Co. MS
Arnold, Cole 6:00.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Fordham, Benji 6:07.68 Bleckley Co. MS
Baker, Annaclaire 6:10.00 Coffee Middle School
Punnuri, Saanvi 6:10.00h ACE Charter
Webb, Aaliyah 6:15.67 Bleckley Co. MS
Arnold, Haley 6:18.81 Bleckley Co. MS
Watts, Tanner 6:20.00 Hounds Distance Company
Barnwell, Mary 6:20.00h Hounds Distance Company
Knox, Josh 6:25.21 Bleckley Co. MS
Baker, Hayden 6:32.12 Bleckley Co. MS
Worthington, Mattie Claire 6:38.00 Jeff Davis MS
Mincey, Duke 6:40.00 Jeff Davis MS
Yank, Tucker 6:40.60 Bleckley Co. MS
Roberts, Kobe 6:42.00 Bleckley Co. MS
Brock, Bailey 6:42.45 Tift Middle Schools
Roberts, Karrington 6:45.10 Bleckley Co. MS
Relihan, Luke 6:45.90 Jeff Davis MS
Hughes, Chase 6:47.00 Jeff Davis MS
Fuller, Nolan 6:50.00h Hounds Distance Company
Gibbs, Chloe 6:50.87 Tift Middle Schools
Marshall, Madison 7:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Schomber, Lane 7:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Myers, Catelen 7:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Franco, Jade 7:05.00 Jeff Davis MS
Galvan, Jesse 7:05.00 Jeff Davis MS
Avila, Josemar 7:30.00 Jeff Davis MS
Johnson, Nathan 8:02.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Worthington, Myla 8:20.00 Jeff Davis MS
Lopez, Evelyn 9:00.00 Jeff Davis MS
Marshall, Kennedy 9:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Bass, Lily 9:35.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Smith, Connor 9:37.87 Bleckley Co. MS
O'Neal, Elias 9:56.54 Bleckley Co. MS
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MS Coed 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lynch, Elliott 11:56.78 Bleckley Co. MS
Lynch, Anna 12:31.23 Bleckley Co. MS
Foskey, Beau 13:25.76 Bleckley Co. MS
Fordham, Benji 13:28.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Baker, Hayden 13:37.64 Bleckley Co. MS
Johnson, Angeline 13:40.00 Coffee Middle School
Webb, Aaliyah 13:45.76 Bleckley Co. MS
Arnold, Cole 13:50.54 Bleckley Co. MS
Roberts, Karrington 13:56.98 Bleckley Co. MS
Arnold, Haley 14:38.41 Bleckley Co. MS
Queensbourrow, Shiloh 16:11.00 ACE Charter
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MS Coed 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbs, Brody 2:21.17 Bleckley Co. MS
Adams, Matthew 2:28.51 Bleckley Co. MS
Smith, Kellah 2:35.58 Coffee Middle School
Pineda, Angel 2:40.00 Jeff Davis MS
Hamilton, Peyton 2:42.10 Jeff Davis MS
Baker, Annaclaire 2:45.00h Coffee Middle School
Ragle, Sydney 2:46.00h Coffee Middle School
Harrell, Gabriel 2:48.00 Jeff Davis MS
Garrett, Tyce 2:48.76 Bleckley Co. MS
Barnwell, Mary 2:49.22 Hounds Distance Company
Watts, Tanner 2:50.22 Hounds Distance Company
Williams, Abby 2:52.00 Jeff Davis MS
Girtman, Zoey 2:53.00 Jeff Davis MS
Roberts, Kobe 2:54.67 Bleckley Co. MS
Yank, Tucker 2:56.98 Bleckley Co. MS
Castro, Brandy 2:57.00 Jeff Davis MS
Myers, Catelen 2:58.77 Hounds Distance Company
Lewis, Graysie 2:59.90 Jeff Davis MS
Hughes, Haley 2:59.99 Jeff Davis MS
Hutchinson, Abby 3:00.00 Jeff Davis MS
Fuller, Nolan 3:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Marshall, Madison 3:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Schomber, Lane 3:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Marshall, Kennedy 3:00.00h Hounds Distance Company
Tornero, Yamilet 3:01.00 Jeff Davis MS
Knox, Josh 3:04.54 Bleckley Co. MS
Andablo, Melissa 3:05.00 Jeff Davis MS
Rewis, Blake 3:10.00 Jeff Davis MS
Johnson, Harleigh 3:22.00h ACE Charter
Lord, Jackson 3:45.00h ACE Charter
Johnson, Nathan 3:54.54 Bleckley Co. MS
Stokes, Jonathon 4:00.00h ACE Charter
Smith, Connor 4:05.43 Bleckley Co. MS
Mathis, Camila 4:20.00h ACE Charter
Bass, Lily 4:20.54 Bleckley Co. MS
O'Neal, Elias 4:20.87 Bleckley Co. MS
Ceranic, Alek 5:15.00h ACE Charter
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Jeff Davis MS
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Hounds Distance Company
Relay Team A 4:55.00 Coffee Middle School
Relay Team B 5:10.00h Jeff Davis MS
Relay Team A 5:10.65 Bleckley Co. MS
Relay Team C 5:25.00 Jeff Davis MS
Relay Team A 5:48.00h ACE Charter
Relay Team B 6:55.00h ACE Charter
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