GHSA 4A Sectional B - Regions 3,4,5,8 2023

Fayetteville, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coleman, Curtis 10.55 Southeast Bulloch
Fuller, Matthew 10.79 Wayne County
Collins, Tumari 10.80 Cedar Shoals
Frazier, Chris 10.80 Benedictine Military School
Hewlett, Lassale 10.85 Hampton HS
Kennedy, Joe 10.85 Whitewater High School
Richardson, Corey 10.86 Whitewater High School
Conliff, Hutch 10.93 North Oconee
Whatley, Trennedy 10.98 Fayette County
Dave, Jordan 11.00 Luella High school
Hall, Julian 11.04 Fayette County
Simpson, Perry 11.06 Wayne County
Northington, Dominiq 11.11 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Scott, Cassie 11.13 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Bolton, Toby 11.16 Cedar Shoals
Titshaw, Tate 11.21 North Oconee
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelly, Markel 14.46 Burke County
Northington, Dominiq 15.17 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Schivera, Chapman 15.34 Benedictine Military School
Brown, Cooper 15.56 Chestatee
Rice, Jackson 15.88 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Johnson, JJ 16.18 LaGrange High School
Hansen, Connor 16.27 East Forsyth High School
Birdsong, Qua 16.37 Troup Co.
Raney, Jayden 16.41 Walnut Grove HS
Sabino, Courtland 16.45 Whitewater High School
Baugh, Turner 16.54 McDonough
Harper, Devin 16.59 Cedar Shoals
Mirtzine, Jahmon 16.68 Luella High school
Donaldson, Damion 17.09 Southeast Bulloch
McCullen, Ersell 17.10 New Hampstead HS
Grissom, Trey 17.29 Stockbridge High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arrambide, Alex 4:17.08 East Forsyth High School
Best, Gabriel 4:23.65 Whitewater High School
Oates, Denver 4:28.03 Starrs Mill High School
Retana, Aaron 4:31.36 Chestatee
Young, Bryant 4:31.45 North Hall
Duncan, David 4:32.34 North Oconee
Roach, Bankson 4:33.47 Starrs Mill High School
McMurry, Christian 4:35.13 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Wells, Matthew 4:37.74 Pace Academy
Hicks, Henry 4:38.49 Lovett
Strong, Kristopher 4:40.00 Stockbridge High School
Hajiani, Iliyan 4:41.24 Pace Academy
Dodson, John 4:47.16 Benedictine Military School
O'dowd, Davis 5:00.24 Southeast Bulloch
Smith, Caleb 5:01.76 Islands High School
Sirmans, Trey 5:04.95 Southeast Bulloch
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hewlett, Lassale 21.62 Hampton HS
Kennedy, Joe 21.79 Whitewater High School
Coleman, Curtis 22.00 Southeast Bulloch
Whatley, Trennedy 22.05 Fayette County
Northington, Dominiq 22.07 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Dave, Jordan 22.22 Luella High school
Frazier, Chris 22.26 Benedictine Military School
Conix, Kevin 22.36 Stockbridge High School
Northern, Justice 22.37 Fayette County
Ofosu-Kwarteng, Braeden 22.37 Whitewater High School
Ferguson, Roland 22.38 Islands High School
Fullbright, Draden 22.58 Wayne County
Conliff, Hutch 22.70 North Oconee
Riley, Hunter 23.02 North Hall
Davis, De'Antonio 23.11 Madison County
Titshaw, Tate 23.45 North Oconee
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Ryan 39.94 Stockbridge High School
Kelly, Markel 40.11 Burke County
Parker, Joshua 40.26 McDonough
Sikes, Nate 41.24 Whitewater High School
Sabino, Courtland 41.27 Whitewater High School
Schivera, Chapman 41.47 Benedictine Military School
Stanford, Josh 41.77 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Hansen, Connor 41.84 East Forsyth High School
Cheek, Alvinno 41.99 Stockbridge High School
Loyd, Jesiah 42.37 Starrs Mill High School
Barch, Ryan 42.41 Starrs Mill High School
Kinley, Alex 42.82 Walnut Grove HS
Lay, Tybais 43.00 Cedar Shoals
Allen, Micah 43.04 North Oconee
McCullen, Ersell 43.76 New Hampstead HS
Williams, Jeremiah 44.09 Southeast Bulloch
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Nat 10:06.89 Starrs Mill High School
Elsas, Chase 10:07.91 Lovett
Hajiani, Iliyan 10:08.21 Pace Academy
Strong, Kristopher 10:13.07 Stockbridge High School
Ramos, Diego 10:13.90 Starrs Mill High School
Porter, William 10:18.91 Lovett
Dodson, John 10:24.78 Benedictine Military School
Redman, Seth 11:12.10 Southeast Bulloch
Steele, Samuel 11:14.52 Wayne County
Montavon, Harrison 12:00.41 Benedictine Military School
Arrambide, Alex 9:25.05 East Forsyth High School
Best, Gabriel 9:38.84 Whitewater High School
Retana, Aaron 9:48.52 Chestatee
Dougher, Grant 9:53.11 Starrs Mill High School
Young, Bryant 9:54.14 North Hall
Peters, Noah 9:58.85 Chestatee
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ofosu-Kwarteng, Braeden 48.34 Whitewater High School
Kennedy, Joe 48.68 Whitewater High School
Conix, Kevin 48.95 Stockbridge High School
Warner, Justin 49.20 Fayette County
Wright-Goss, Christopher 49.51 Luella High school
White, Jerrod 49.72 Starrs Mill High School
Taylor, Jmar 49.97 Luella High school
Samuel, Na'Seir 50.65 Benedictine Military School
Holness, Rohan 51.43 Luella High school
Jackson, Demond 51.60 Burke County
Larned, Corbin 51.69 Chestatee
Strachan, Deleano 52.06 Seckinger High School
Kenton, Ian 52.26 Seckinger High School
Williams, Jonathon 52.60 East Forsyth High School
Johnson, Kaden 52.93 Benedictine Military School
Tallevast, Bo 53.14 Benedictine Military School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.81 Hampton HS
Relay Team A 42.05 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 42.44 Wayne County
Relay Team A 42.78 Luella High school
Relay Team A 42.96 Fayette County
Relay Team A 43.27 Burke County
Relay Team A 43.29 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 43.33 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 43.52 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 43.56 Benedictine Military School
Relay Team A 43.76 LaGrange High School
Relay Team A 43.80 New Hampstead HS
Relay Team A 44.09 North Oconee
Relay Team A 44.60 Madison County
Relay Team A 44.94 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 45.58 Chestatee
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:27.98 Cedar Shoals
Relay Team A 1:28.36 Luella High school
Relay Team A 1:28.55 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:29.20 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 1:30.09 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 1:30.57 Wayne County
Relay Team A 1:32.40 North Oconee
Relay Team A 1:32.67 McDonough
Relay Team A 1:32.71 Chestatee
Relay Team A 1:33.07 New Hampstead HS
Relay Team A 1:33.41 Lovett
Relay Team A 1:33.48 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:33.77 LaGrange High School
Relay Team A 1:33.94 Southeast Bulloch
Relay Team A 1:34.14 Benedictine Military School
Relay Team A 1:35.64 Whitewater High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:22.76 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 3:25.32 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 3:27.12 Luella High school
Relay Team A 3:28.36 Fayette County
Relay Team A 3:28.43 Benedictine Military School
Relay Team A 3:28.96 Cedar Shoals
Relay Team A 3:29.77 Burke County
Relay Team A 3:30.03 East Forsyth High School
Relay Team A 3:30.66 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 3:31.28 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 3:34.28 Madison County
Relay Team A 3:34.76 Seckinger High School
Relay Team A 3:35.18 Lovett
Relay Team A 3:42.96 LaGrange High School
Relay Team A 3:46.53 Wayne County
Relay Team A 3:50.00 Southeast Bulloch
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:16.43 East Forsyth High School
Relay Team A 8:21.20 Lovett
Relay Team A 8:28.03 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 8:29.24 North Oconee
Relay Team A 8:31.84 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 8:31.96 Luella High school
Relay Team A 8:32.57 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 8:33.36 North Hall
Relay Team A 8:34.49 Madison County
Relay Team A 8:36.35 Fayette County
Relay Team A 8:43.04 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 8:50.51 Riverdale High School
Relay Team A 8:56.53 Southeast Bulloch
Relay Team A 9:04.06 Benedictine Military School
Relay Team A 9:27.91 Wayne County
Relay Team A 9:39.62 New Hampstead HS
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Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguilera-Morton, Ethan 1:58.35 Starrs Mill High School
Warner, Justin 1:58.37 Fayette County
Oates, Denver 1:59.79 Starrs Mill High School
Pederson, Thomas 1:59.79 East Forsyth High School
Sulton, Allen 2:01.74 Fayette County
Hicks, Henry 2:02.66 Lovett
Simmons, Cameron 2:02.97 Stockbridge High School
Holland, Ryder 2:03.05 East Forsyth High School
Taylor, Jmar 2:03.24 Luella High school
Ajuzie, David 2:03.49 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Jackson, Demond 2:04.34 Burke County
O'dowd, Davis 2:04.40 Southeast Bulloch
Duncan, David 2:04.60 North Oconee
Dodson, John 2:06.25 Benedictine Military School
Giles, Caleb 2:06.33 Cherokee Bluff High School
Sirmans, Trey 2:07.65 Southeast Bulloch
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Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Irvin, Cedric 157-5 Stockbridge High School
Cook, Jonathan 148-2 Hampton HS
Moore, Jared 144-10 Starrs Mill High School
McMillian, Quintez 141-2 Southeast Bulloch
Blige, Elijah 139-5 New Hampstead HS
Mallard, Morgan 139-2 Madison County
Gilmore, Matthew 137-7.5 Whitewater High School
Claxton, Noah 136-5.5 Lovett
Scott, Aaziah 134-1.5 New Hampstead HS
Phifer, Josh 133-10 Starrs Mill High School
Green, Thomas 133-0 North Hall
McClary, Isaiah 132-8 Johnson HS
Scroggins III, Herbert 132-4 Benedictine Military School
Butler, Yashawn 130-9.5 LaGrange High School
Pressley, Justin 129-3 Walnut Grove HS
Hedgemon, Theodore 127-9 Lovett
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Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rhodes, Christopher 6-4 Madison County
Reid, Antwan 6-4 Madison County
Washington, Tymone 6-4 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Alofe, Tito 6-4 Starrs Mill High School
Burgest, Devante 6-2 Mount Zion High School
Zelnak, William 6-2 Lovett
Melton, Luke 6-2 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dorbin, David 6-0 North Oconee
Justice, Jhace 6-0 Cherokee Bluff High School
Barch, Ryan 6-0 Starrs Mill High School
Sink, Henry 6-0 Benedictine Military School
Mirtzine, Jahmon 5-10 Luella High school
Smith, Sam 5-10 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Ruesch, Carter 5-10 Islands High School
Reed Jr., Quentin 5-10 Southeast Bulloch
Darden, Ahmir 5-8 Wayne County
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Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ofosu-Kwarteng, Braeden 22-11.5 Whitewater High School
Alofe, Tito 22-9 Starrs Mill High School
Justice, Jhace 22-8 Cherokee Bluff High School
Priester, Brent 22-7.5 Luella High school
Keniye, Michael 22-6 Fayette County
Haire, Porter 22-4 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Richards, Christian 22-0 Luella High school
Dorbin, David 21-11.5 North Oconee
Robinson, The Saviour 21-7 Stockbridge High School
Thomas, CJ 21-4 Pace Academy
Hester, Devin 21-3.5 Cedar Shoals
Ford, Zackary 21-1.5 Walnut Grove HS
Booker, Shabrun 20-8 Wayne County
Golphin, Jaylen 20-5.5 Burke County
Ruesch, Carter 19-8 Islands High School
Rooks, Corey 19-4 Wayne County
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dalton, Drake 12-6 North Oconee
Ross, Jackson 12-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Wilson, Wyatt 12-0 North Oconee
Wilbanks, Matthew 12-0 North Hall
Andrews, Nicholas 12-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Harris, John 11-6 North Oconee
Wilson, Hayes 11-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Mitchell, Harrison 10-6 Lovett
Necessary, Blake 10-6 Starrs Mill High School
Bowen, Matt 10-0 Southeast Bulloch
Battleson, Brooks 9-6 Lovett
Mattos, Riley 9-0 Southeast Bulloch
Scarlett, Xavier 8-6 Mount Zion High School
Kunda, Timothy 8-6 Wayne County
Hackney, Kai 8-0 Lovett
Holley, Kempton 7-0 Southeast Bulloch
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Boys Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Jared 51-11.75 Starrs Mill High School
Joseph, Greigh 50-11.75 Starrs Mill High School
Claxton, Noah 49-0 Lovett
Agyeman, Ivan 48-10.75 Whitewater High School
Ingram, Grayson 48-6.75 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Blige, Elijah 47-3.5 New Hampstead HS
West, Kylere 45-4.5 Wayne County
McIntosh, Jordan 44-11 Chestatee
Reaves, Antonio 44-9 Wayne County
Smith, Grant 44-6.5 Walnut Grove HS
McMillian, Quinton 43-11 Southeast Bulloch
Irvin, Cedric 43-8 Stockbridge High School
Pressley, Justin 43-6 Walnut Grove HS
McClary, Isaiah 42-9 Johnson HS
Crumbsy, Ethan 41-1 Stockbridge High School
Prince, Adam 40-10 Stockbridge High School
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zelnak, William 45-1 Lovett
Alofe, Tito 45-1 Starrs Mill High School
Priester, Brent 44-8 Luella High school
Waters, Tayten 44-4 Fayette County
Evans, Mo 44-4 LaGrange High School
Goggins, Cameron 44-2 Hampton HS
Rozier, Kelvin 43-10 Mount Zion High School
Justice, Jhace 42-8.5 Cherokee Bluff High School
Chay, Brent 42-7 Walnut Grove HS
Kinley, Alex 42-6.25 Walnut Grove HS
Scott, Nyzian 42-6 North Clayton High School
Rucker, Chase 42-3.25 Cedar Shoals
Jackson, Demond 42-2 Burke County
Walker, Elijah 41-10 New Hampstead HS
Bonner, Dontavious 40-8.5 Burke County
Sink, Henry 39-2.5 Benedictine Military School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmer, Marissa 11.82 New Hampstead HS
Johnson, Jaylyn 12.42 Seckinger High School
Owens, Olivia 12.46 Cherokee Bluff High School
Weyer, Haley 12.56 East Forsyth High School
Jones, Jakedra 12.65 Burke County
Wicks, Whitney 12.73 Seckinger High School
Brown, Akira 12.73 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Guyton, Nadia 12.74 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Lacey, Nevaeh 12.76 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Jones, Jasmine 12.76 Burke County
Matar-Lee, Amani 12.79 Luella High school
Bradford, Raniya 12.86 Fayette County
Coleman, Taylor 12.91 Southeast Bulloch
Davison, Olivia 12.94 Starrs Mill High School
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 13.05 Starrs Mill High School
Bady, Jada 13.27 Riverdale High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cheek, Hannah 14.66 Cherokee Bluff High School
Johnson, Ariel 15.25 Fayette County
Webb, Dymon 16.01 Burke County
Thompson, CeCe 16.11 Starrs Mill High School
Goode, Bella 16.31 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Parrott, Jada 16.56 Seckinger High School
Rowell, Mattison 16.65 Woodland HS Stockbridge
McDonald, Sofia 16.99 East Forsyth High School
Benna, Brooke 17.07 Chestatee
Harris, Emily 17.57 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Andino, Gabriella 17.59 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Freeman, Skylin 17.62 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Richburg, Jessica 18.54 Stockbridge High School
Smith, Kinshasa 19.09 Wayne County
Bowman, A'liyah 19.12 New Hampstead HS
Burnsed, Kayleigh 20.44 Southeast Bulloch
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hood, Caroline 5:01.91 Pace Academy
Moore, Abi 5:12.86 North Hall
O'Bryant, Clodagh 5:15.10 North Hall
Myers, Adison 5:18.40 Cherokee Bluff High School
Miller, Ana 5:24.50 Starrs Mill High School
Caldwell, Ava 5:26.01 North Oconee
Tarpley, Taylor 5:26.07 Whitewater High School
Bernal, Zahara 5:30.16 Pace Academy
Moore, Allison 5:32.23 Starrs Mill High School
Haefner, Mia 5:40.58 Starrs Mill High School
Blaha, Harriet 5:43.32 Pace Academy
Moses, Camille 5:50.54 Luella High school
Kachmar, Holly 6:16.04 Islands High School
Ingram, Maylasia 6:16.79 Wayne County
Conley, Nia 6:19.54 Islands High School
Kalloniatis, Addie 6:35.73 Southeast Bulloch
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Mia 25.46 Starrs Mill High School
Robinson, Lydia 25.51 East Forsyth High School
Bryan, Kennedi 25.51 Stockbridge High School
Lacey, Nevaeh 25.65 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Jackson, Kennedy 25.68 Seckinger High School
Dozier, Nina 25.69 McDonough
Brown, Akira 25.76 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Owens, Olivia 25.94 Cherokee Bluff High School
Weyer, Haley 26.01 East Forsyth High School
Smith, Jayda 26.61 Whitewater High School
Jones, Jakedra 26.69 Burke County
Bradford, Raniya 26.73 Fayette County
Summers, Aerin 26.98 North Clayton High School
Headman, Taliyah 27.05 New Hampstead HS
Coleman, Taylor 27.07 Southeast Bulloch
Mobley, Destiny 27.24 New Hampstead HS
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Webb, Dymon 1:00.20 Burke County
Gore, Ana 47.59 Lovett
Freeman, Skylin 47.66 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Lee, Jayla 48.20 Stockbridge High School
Fung Chung, Brooke 48.43 Pace Academy
Cheek, Hannah 48.87 Cherokee Bluff High School
Wilson, Hannah 49.06 East Forsyth High School
Johnson, Ariel 49.19 Fayette County
Harris, Emily 49.36 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Arnold, Emma 49.58 Starrs Mill High School
Benna, Brooke 50.17 Chestatee
Wright, Charlie 50.70 North Oconee
Thompson, CeCe 50.84 Starrs Mill High School
Rivers, Ariyon 55.76 Burke County
Kachmar, Holly 56.91 Islands High School
Bowman, A'liyah 57.19 New Hampstead HS
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hood, Caroline 10:38.42 Pace Academy
O'Bryant, Clodagh 11:37.03 North Hall
Myers, Adison 11:41.96 Cherokee Bluff High School
Moore, Allison 11:43.72 Starrs Mill High School
Tarpley, Taylor 11:56.33 Whitewater High School
Bernal, Zahara 12:01.06 Pace Academy
Caldwell, Ava 12:04.82 North Oconee
Graddy, Ansley 12:06.32 Whitewater High School
Smith, Harleigh 12:09.68 North Hall
Blaha, Harriet 12:23.64 Pace Academy
Ramos, Andrea 12:26.08 Starrs Mill High School
Newton, Abby 13:23.84 Lovett
Edris, Sadie 13:46.15 Islands High School
Conley, Nia 13:47.85 Islands High School
Kalloniatis, Addie 14:30.76 Southeast Bulloch
Strickland, Emmery 14:31.82 Southeast Bulloch
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gorman, Bella 1:00.24 Starrs Mill High School
Smith, Jayda 1:00.31 Whitewater High School
Kutob, Raegan 1:00.37 Fayette County
Booker, Miley 1:00.73 Luella High school
Copeland, Kirah 1:01.65 Stockbridge High School
Davis, Asia 1:01.78 Luella High school
Perry, Lauryn 1:02.23 Cherokee Bluff High School
Jenkins Todd, Nia 1:04.58 Seckinger High School
Dixon, Aniya 1:04.95 New Hampstead HS
Brown, Leandra 1:05.53 Islands High School
Palmer, Marissa 1:06.86 New Hampstead HS
Walker, Nazari 1:07.22 Burke County
Robinson, Lydia 57.14 East Forsyth High School
Birts, Quenteria 57.97 Stockbridge High School
Brown, Mia 58.26 Starrs Mill High School
Jackson, Kennedy 58.67 Seckinger High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.63 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 49.08 New Hampstead HS
Relay Team A 49.10 Burke County
Relay Team A 49.67 Seckinger High School
Relay Team A 49.98 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 50.30 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 50.86 McDonough
Relay Team A 50.88 Walnut Grove HS
Relay Team A 50.90 Pace Academy
Relay Team A 51.16 Fayette County
Relay Team A 51.51 Chestatee
Relay Team A 51.75 Riverdale High School
Relay Team A 52.64 Cedar Shoals
Relay Team A 53.50 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 55.53 Wayne County
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:42.00 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 1:43.07 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 1:45.28 Luella High school
Relay Team A 1:46.73 Walnut Grove HS
Relay Team A 1:47.72 Lovett
Relay Team A 1:49.72 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 1:49.73 Fayette County
Relay Team A 1:50.16 Chestatee
Relay Team A 1:51.00 Seckinger High School
Relay Team A 1:51.20 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 1:51.46 Burke County
Relay Team A 1:52.04 Riverdale High School
Relay Team A 1:53.86 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 1:54.64 Wayne County
Relay Team A 1:55.36 New Hampstead HS
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:01.24 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 4:05.69 East Forsyth High School
Relay Team A 4:07.87 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 4:08.81 Luella High school
Relay Team A 4:10.23 Walnut Grove HS
Relay Team A 4:10.33 Pace Academy
Relay Team A 4:11.57 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 4:11.87 North Oconee
Relay Team A 4:14.21 Chestatee
Relay Team A 4:20.52 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 4:21.40 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 4:21.51 Riverdale High School
Relay Team A 4:39.91 Burke County
Relay Team A 4:42.20 Islands High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:21.84 Stockbridge High School
Relay Team A 10:22.41 North Oconee
Relay Team A 10:25.00 Starrs Mill High School
Relay Team A 10:29.23 Whitewater High School
Relay Team A 10:30.75 Cherokee Bluff High School
Relay Team A 10:41.57 Fayette County
Relay Team A 10:43.25 Lovett
Relay Team A 10:48.40 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Relay Team A 10:49.00 Chestatee
Relay Team A 10:49.28 Riverdale High School
Relay Team A 11:08.13 Islands High School
Relay Team A 11:27.64 Wayne County
Relay Team A 12:40.98 Burke County
Relay Team A 12:40.98 Southeast Bulloch
Relay Team A 9:58.70 North Hall
Relay Team A 9:59.02 Pace Academy
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Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Birts, Quenteria 2:19.79 Stockbridge High School
Ivaska, Kendra 2:20.97 Starrs Mill High School
Moore, Abi 2:21.02 North Hall
Miller, Ana 2:22.45 Starrs Mill High School
O'Bryant, Clodagh 2:23.12 North Hall
Resnick, Olivia 2:24.47 Pace Academy
Smith, MaryPoole 2:25.16 Lovett
Turner, Sarah 2:25.27 Lovett
Wilson, Rayondra 2:25.30 Fayette County
Prell, Ansleigh 2:28.40 North Oconee
Fouse , Jayla 2:28.41 Whitewater High School
Dubnik, Jessie 2:31.56 North Hall
Silvoy, Aimee 2:38.28 Islands High School
Bonds, Kya 2:43.91 Islands High School
Woullard, Saniyah 2:46.31 Southeast Bulloch
Wallace, Anaya 2:47.01 Wayne County
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Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkins, Daynejia 122-2 Stockbridge High School
Egure, Onoyeme 100-4 Fayette County
Gore, Ana 98-8 Lovett
Hill, Makayla 96-11 Luella High school
Mellon, Maikayla 93-2.5 Stockbridge High School
Cone, Lizzy 92-0.5 Southeast Bulloch
Jordan, Skylar 91-8 North Oconee
Clark, Kassidy 91-0 Southeast Bulloch
Page, Deondra 90-10 Burke County
Bond, Kaleigh 89-8 North Oconee
Dallas, Elly 88-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Reeves, Anna 88-3 North Hall
Tillman, Alyssa 86-4 Wayne County
Brooks, Kennedy 80-8 Fayette County
Adewusi, Adefolake 80-0 Whitewater High School
Williams, Isabelle 78-7 Madison County
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Eve 5-4 North Hall
Smith, Emily 5-2 North Oconee
Fung Chung, Brooke 5-2 Pace Academy
Williams, Kirsten 5-2 Wayne County
Foreman, Emalee 5-0 Chestatee
Malone, Madison 5-0 East Forsyth High School
Brown, Akira 5-0 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Clark, Jayla 5-0 Stockbridge High School
Reed, Jamiya 4-10 Troup Co.
Webb, Dymon 4-10 Burke County
Howard, Destynie 4-8 Stockbridge High School
Rhaney, Alyssa 4-8 LaGrange High School
Bordes-Steed, Sophia 4-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Jackson, Taylor 4-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Brown, Leandra 4-6 Islands High School
Rivers, Ariyon 4-5 Burke County
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Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dozier, Nina 18-2 McDonough
Goode, Bella 18-1.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Johnson, Angel 17-8.25 Fayette County
Clark, Jayla 17-2 Stockbridge High School
Taylor, Eve 17-1 North Hall
Strickland, Destiny 17-0.5 Cedar Shoals
Fung Chung, Brooke 17-0 Pace Academy
Owens, Olivia 16-10 Cherokee Bluff High School
Campbell, Ania 16-9 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 16-8.5 Starrs Mill High School
Kutob, Raegan 16-8.25 Fayette County
Mobley, Destiny 16-2 New Hampstead HS
Jones, Treyonna 15-9.5 Burke County
Silos, Kaithlyn 15-6 North Hall
Jones, Jasmine 15-3 Burke County
Adams, Sameria 15-1 Burke County
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Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nguyen, Gabby 11-0 North Oconee
Arnold, Sadie 10-6 North Oconee
Seid, Rachael 10-0 North Hall
McDonald, Caroline 9-6 North Oconee
Jaje, Anna 8-6 Lovett
Allmon, Malia 8-6 Lovett
DeLaere, Julianna 8-6 Starrs Mill High School
Davis, Hannah 8-6 Starrs Mill High School
Collier, Camille 8-0 Lovett
Ohmsieder, Caroline 8-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Bennett, Emma 8-0 Southeast Bulloch
Evans, Bailey 6-6 Southeast Bulloch
Burnsed, Kayleigh 6-6 Southeast Bulloch
Yeager, Emma Kate Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Egure, Onoyeme 39-8 Fayette County
Atkins, Daynejia 37-2 Stockbridge High School
Adewusi, Adefolake 34-0.75 Whitewater High School
Baidoo, Hillary 32-1.75 Starrs Mill High School
Jordan, Skylar 31-11 North Oconee
Reddish, Cayla 31-5.5 Wayne County
Gatson, A'Lasia 30-10 Riverdale High School
Hill, Makayla 30-8 Luella High school
Wilson, Halle 30-7.5 Cherokee Bluff High School
Page, Deondra 30-7 Burke County
Hale, Chloe 30-6 Stockbridge High School
Sewell, Iriyana 29-7 Cedar Shoals
Reed, Quentrell 29-6.5 Southeast Bulloch
Clark, Kassidy 29-2.5 Southeast Bulloch
Mellon, Maikayla 29-2 Stockbridge High School
Jones, Grace 28-9.5 Chestatee
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Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Angel 36-7.5 Fayette County
Goode, Bella 36-7 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Alofe, Tanijoluwa 36-3.75 Starrs Mill High School
Carter, Jordan 34-9 Mount Zion High School
Plair, Damaia 34-7 Mount Zion High School
Taylor, Eve 34-4 North Hall
Massey, Logan 34-2 Woodland HS Stockbridge
Rhaney, Alyssa 33-7.5 LaGrange High School
Lee, Jayla 33-6 Stockbridge High School
Parrott, Jada 33-5.25 Seckinger High School
Strickland, Destiny 33-5 Cedar Shoals
Williams, Mia 33-4.75 Cherokee Bluff High School
Jones, Treyonna 30-10 Burke County
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