9th Annual Marietta Distance Carnival w/ STEEPLECHASE 2022

Marietta, GA

Meet Information

Registration help: http://ga.milesplit.com/pages/Online_Meet_Reg_Instructions



Marietta Track and Field will be hosting the 9th Annual Marietta Distance Carnival. The meet will be on Saturday Feb. 19th and will have the following events:

1500 Meter Run, 4x800 Meter Relay, 800 Meter Run, 3200 Meter Run, & 2000 Meter Steeplechase.  There will be unlimited entries in individual running events with seeding based on time. Only one relay team per school for 4x800 meter relay.

Entry fee is $175 per school (Both girls & boys) or $100 per boys or girls team.

The cost for Individual athletes is $15 per person.

First place trophy for winning team,

medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall in individuals running events and winning relay teams.

Registration is on MileSplit.

Meet Manager: Nick Houstoulakis

nhoustoulakis@marietta-city.k12.ga.us/ 734-718-8609

Entry Fee:$175 per school or $100 per Boys or Girls teams (One team only)$15 per Individual Entry

Gate Admission: $5 for all spectators/ GoFan.co; https://gofan.co/app/events/547293?schoolId=GA5145

Payments Make Checks out to:

Marietta High School FINISH LINE CLUB

Mail Checks to:

Nick Houstoulakis

1171 Whitlock Ave

Marietta, GA 30064

Stadium Opens: 7:00am

Coaches Meeting: 8:00am

Start time 8:30am w/ rolling schedule:

Event Order: 1500, 4x800, 800, 3200, Steeplechase