Fast Break Challenge: NGXCL Meet #5 2021

Ringgold, GA

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 143 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Little, Ty Heritage Middle School
Kestila, Ethan Silverdale Baptist Academy
Chaney, Rock Dade County HS
Taylor, Kaden Heritage Middle School
Elben, Isaiah Christian Heritage School
Hammel, Davy Silverdale Baptist Academy
McDowell, Trendon LaFayette High School
Billups, Logan McMinn County High School
Wynne, Andrew Heritage Middle School
Poarch, Mason Northwest Whitfield High School
Hackett, Kaden Christian Heritage School
Cruz, Miguel Coahulla Creek HS
Elam, Bryant Heritage Middle School
Woodall, Josh Silverdale Baptist Academy
McDowell, Trever LaFayette High School
Hoover, Landon Heritage Middle School
Miller, Tanner Dade County HS
Tate, Brady Coahulla Creek HS
Wilson, Banks 17:38.77 Cartersville High School
Richards, Bryce 18:15.45 Cartersville High School
Grinage, Colin 18:16.21 Cartersville High School
Landaverde, Alfonso 18:48.35 Dalton High School
Germain, AJ 19:10.53 Coahulla Creek HS
Pina, Daniel 19:24.00 Cartersville High School
Smith, Chris 19:25.30 Southeast Whitfield High School
Barajas, Leo 19:35.70 Southeast Whitfield High School
Ramirez, Jimmy 19:40.44 Dalton High School
Waldrop, Will 19:47.91 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ludwick, Brailin 19:55.01 Cartersville High School
Hernandez, Eduardo 19:57.74 Cartersville High School
Rodriguez, Arturo 19:59.14 Dalton High School
Hurtado, Jose 20:02.22 Dalton High School
DANIELL, David 20:07.00 Dalton High School
Pina, Omar 20:10.21 Cartersville High School
Taff, Owen 20:15.26 Cartersville High School
Cruz, Ulises 20:26.78 Dalton High School
Morales, Steven 20:27.80 Southeast Whitfield High School
Perez, Christian 20:32.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Barrera, Fer 20:34.00 Dalton High School
Albright, Landon 20:45.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Bryant, Isaiah 20:45.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Newton, Jacob 20:46.40 Dalton High School
Ortiz, Eddie 20:48.84 Dalton High School
Chavarria, Gavin 20:49.13 Dalton High School
Clure, Benjamin 20:59.30 Coahulla Creek HS
Cannon, Taylor 21:08.82 Walker Valley High School
Jackson, Jace 21:13.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Mullinax, Pearse 21:15.47 Cartersville High School
Hughes, Eric 21:17.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Perez, Samuel 21:18.40 Walker Valley High School
Blackwell, Issac 21:36.49 Walker Valley High School
Hammel, Bing 21:42.07 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Wilson, Blayne 21:52.39 Trion
Harwell, Jackson 21:57.72 Cartersville High School
Breedlove, Ben 21:59.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Henderson, Elijah 21:59.40 Southeast Whitfield High School
Pullen, Sam 21:59.50 Gordon Lee High School
Johnston, Ben 22:08.00 Gordon Lee High School
Ledford, Will 22:10.99 Coahulla Creek HS
Newton, Luke 22:16.45 Dalton High School
Adams, Jackson 22:17.17 Cartersville High School
Sherrets, Hudson 22:18.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Silverio, Johnny 22:23.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Corcoran, Jack 22:25.00 Cartersville High School
Parton, Logan 22:29.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Upton, Gideon 22:31.79 McMinn County High School
Smack, Jared 22:32.35 McMinn County High School
Guthrie, Landon 22:35.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Jenkins, Cooper 22:36.33 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Tatum, Gavin 22:39.00 Adairsville High School
Smith, Micah 22:39.60 Coahulla Creek HS
Giles, Ben 22:46.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Berry, Micah 22:46.59 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ferebee, Drew 22:46.80 Christian Heritage School
Simpson, Noah 22:48.35 Christian Heritage School
Calderon, Fabian 22:55.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Cortez, Will 23:01.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Knoll, Jackson 23:02.00 Walker Valley High School
Christiansen, Everett 23:10.00 Dade County HS
Green, Kelson 23:12.35 Northwest Whitfield High School
Morales, Marcileno 23:13.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Bell, Will 23:13.87 Collegedale Academy
Betanzos, Michael 23:21.00 Adairsville High School
Commons, Gavin 23:27.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Jung, Avery 23:27.72 Collegedale Academy
Brown, Will 23:28.00 Christian Heritage School
Pelchat, Chris 23:40.00 Adairsville High School
Tracy, Cooper 23:43.14 Collegedale Academy
Sinha, Andrew 23:48.45 Collegedale Academy
Tate, Fisher 23:57.72 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Paredes, Jorge 24:00.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Frazier, Ty 24:02.14 Grace Baptist Academy
Faulkner, Travis 24:06.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Carter, Russell 24:07.25 McMinn County High School
Newman, Bryson 24:08.00 McMinn County High School
Santana, Deigo 24:11.00 The Dalton Academy
Parker, Jake 24:14.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Lewis, Jace 24:17.22 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fields, Peyton 24:21.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Mendoza, Diego 24:29.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Ortiz, Aaron 24:31.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Walden, Kael 24:33.85 McMinn County High School
Anderson, Jace 24:38.00 Dade County HS
Soto, Joshua 24:40.60 Southeast Whitfield High School
Christiansen, Carter 24:48.00 Dade County HS
Ridley, Cole 24:58.00 Christian Heritage School
Wilson, Cooper 25:00.00 East Hamilton High School
Newsome, Eli 25:00.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Smith, Israel 25:22.80 Coahulla Creek HS
Coley, Sawyer 25:28.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Alvarez, Fernando 25:29.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Alfaro, Jose 25:39.00 The Dalton Academy
Melendez, Austen 25:40.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Greear, Braden 25:50.77 Walker Valley High School
Frazier, Nicoli 26:10.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Jin, Daniel 26:21.00 Christian Heritage School
Peterson, Bradley 26:22.48 Collegedale Academy
Nuckols, Cameron 26:37.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Gilbreath, Jacob 26:43.00 LaFayette High School
Hayes, Landon 27:10.00 McMinn County High School
Navarro, Diego 27:20.20 Trion
Perez, Juan-Damian 27:29.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Ledesman, Chase 27:32.11 Dade County HS
Mitchell, Kemarie 28:01.82 Cartersville High School
Davidson, Blake 28:02.00 Ringgold High School
Ojeda, Jose 28:15.00 Christian Heritage School
Plahtinsky, Luke 28:26.79 Collegedale Academy
Aviles, Angel 29:04.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Alvarez, Giovanni 29:15.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Miranda, David 29:15.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Rafael, Leo 29:17.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Landon, Daniel 29:28.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Abernathy, Jordan 29:34.00 North Murray High School
Henry, Lucas 29:48.00 Adairsville High School
Lee, Simon 29:51.12 Collegedale Academy
Bradford, Jessee 30:23.00 LaFayette High School
Stinson, Blake 30:45.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Braccini, Carson 32:28.00 LaFayette High School
Patel, Love 32:52.99 McMinn County High School
Phillips, Christian 34:34.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Stamper, Alex 34:47.93 Coahulla Creek HS
Beardon, Aaron 34:56.00 Ringgold High School
Holloway, Daniel 54:06.00 LaFayette High School
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JV Girls 61 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bulmer, Hannah Heritage Middle School
Medina, Yasmin Southeast Whitfield High School
Deusch, Emily Adairsville High School
Davis, Katelyn Christian Heritage School
Boehm, Kellie Heritage Middle School
Ramirez, Callie Southeast Whitfield High School
Engelbrecht, Cloe Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Hurtado, Briana Southeast Whitfield High School
Talley, Olivia Heritage Middle School
Hurtado, Noely Southeast Whitfield High School
Collins, Piper Heritage Middle School
Ojeda, Jasmin Southeast Whitfield High School
Angelats, Nathalya The Dalton Academy
Mores, Aileen Southeast Whitfield High School
Gonzalez, Monica Southeast Whitfield High School
Robison, Sadie Heritage Middle School
Wheeler, Farah Adairsville High School
Ray, Gracie Christian Heritage School
Smith, Maya Southeast Whitfield High School
Betancourt, Jaxiry 21:40.81 Cartersville High School
Smith, Grace 23:21.92 Cartersville High School
Earwood, Violet 24:14.53 Cartersville High School
Crum, Jenny 24:50.36 Cartersville High School
Barkley, Kendall 25:11.00 Walker Valley High School
Daniell, Claire 25:26.00 Christian Heritage School
Ellis, Molly 25:32.80 Gordon Lee High School
Blazowich, Marina 25:59.00 East Hamilton High School
Bishop, Kate 26:02.84 Cartersville High School
Albright, Lydia 26:14.10 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Worthan, Rileigh 26:33.99 Cartersville High School
Heredia, Jennifer 26:55.80 Southeast Whitfield High School
Hold, Madison 27:07.98 Cartersville High School
Maldonado, Allison 27:20.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Baylog, Jessica 27:35.73 McMinn County High School
Cooper, Natashia 27:37.00 LaFayette High School
Pruitt, Gracie 27:37.48 Cartersville High School
Ojeda, Melanie 27:42.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Rhodes, Sydney 27:45.63 Cartersville High School
Karson, Hannah 27:55.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hernandez, Joanna 27:59.10 Southeast Whitfield High School
Laslie, Eva 27:59.33 Walker Valley High School
Arriola, Jenny 28:04.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Damron, Emily 28:11.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hurt, Addison 29:15.00 LaFayette High School
Stallings, Reagan 29:29.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Mims, Kayleigh 29:57.00 Adairsville High School
Reyes, Paola 30:09.43 Southeast Whitfield High School
Kelman, Bethany 30:32.00 East Hamilton High School
King, Octavia 31:10.56 McMinn County High School
Adamyan, Ani 31:54.16 McMinn County High School
Lopez, Maribel 32:45.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Liberty, Kaliona 35:00.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Cornejo, Olivia 35:36.00 LaFayette High School
Jones, Starr 36:44.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Johnson, Miranda 36:46.00 Adairsville High School
Pickett, Kaylee 37:11.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Perez, Jackie 38:47.00 The Dalton Academy
Ohaver, Stevie 39:16.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
VanPelt, Kylia 40:04.00 LaFayette High School
Patel, Vidhi 44:13.12 McMinn County High School
Massey, Mattilee 46:50.00 LaFayette High School
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Varsity Boys 203 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowman, Chase Chattooga HS
Castillo, Diego Southeast Whitfield High School
Bowers, Joey Gordon Lee High School
Adams, Hayden Northwest Whitfield High School
Humble, Nate Northwest Whitfield High School
Salenda, Carlo Notre Dame High School
Wofford, Harrison Ringgold High School
Davis, Gavin Fannin County HS
Dennett, Brody Silverdale Baptist Academy
Sylor, Braydon Ringgold High School
Chistopher, Troy Chattooga HS
Hampton, Elijah Silverdale Baptist Academy
Chandler, Gavin 16:50.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Peters, Sam 16:51.86 Cartersville High School
Brown, Jake 16:56.26 Walker Valley High School
Carroll, Chase 16:56.72 Walker Valley High School
Booth, Levi 17:05.22 Cartersville High School
Underwood, Chance 17:06.00 Ooltewah High School
Valdez, Bruno 17:12.83 Dalton High School
Placer, Gabe 17:18.24 Silverdale Baptist Academy
AVILA, Andre 17:20.31 Dalton High School
King, Ethan 17:23.79 Walker Valley High School
Clotfelter, Owen 17:29.10 Bremen High School
Vosburgh, Malachi 17:31.85 Cartersville High School
Justice, Davis 17:33.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Crowder, Cainen 17:34.52 Cartersville High School
Bowers, Tyler 17:40.78 McMinn County High School
Henderson, Tucker 17:47.00 LaFayette High School
Garcia, Anthony 17:50.62 Dalton High School
Breeden, Andy 17:54.90 Dade County HS
Stamper, Andrew 17:56.87 Coahulla Creek HS
Patten Recto, Christopher 17:57.80 Coahulla Creek HS
Ragan, Harrison 17:59.20 Grace Baptist Academy
Hutchins, Eli 17:59.90 Trion
Johnson, Noah 18:08.04 Grace Baptist Academy
Ollis, Gavin 18:08.50 Northwest Whitfield High School
Mares, Jorge 18:09.00 Dalton High School
Garcia, Angel 18:09.86 Southeast Whitfield High School
Underdown, Micah 18:11.17 McMinn County High School
Aguilar, Noah 18:12.80 Southeast Whitfield High School
Stepp, Barrett 18:14.43 Cartersville High School
Hyman, Paul 18:14.73 Cartersville High School
Prater, Zechariah 18:15.05 Fannin County HS
Smith, Hunter 18:21.94 Coahulla Creek HS
Guthrie, Tayven 18:23.00 East Hamilton High School
Bowe, Javan 18:23.00 Walker Valley High School
Saunders, Carson 18:26.69 Walker Valley High School
Wilson, Johnathan 18:28.06 Bremen High School
Sheats, Dalton 18:28.33 Bremen High School
Segoviano, Hector - Daniel 18:33.60 Southeast Whitfield High School
Skinner, Samuel 18:33.85 Bremen High School
Riddell, William 18:35.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
De Castro, Ryan 18:37.00 East Hamilton High School
Crayne, Shamus 18:41.24 McMinn County High School
ESPITIA, Dante 18:42.56 Dalton High School
Santana, German 18:43.00 Dalton High School
Davis, Kale 18:46.00 Ringgold High School
Taylor, Blake 18:46.38 Bremen High School
Mitchell, Hayden 18:47.80 Cartersville High School
Shaw, Eugene 18:48.10 Bremen High School
Price, Brady 18:49.67 Bremen High School
Black, Collin 18:58.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Bussey, Cecil 18:58.60 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Townsend, Josiah 19:04.04 McMinn County High School
Martinez, Salvador 19:04.29 Dalton High School
Morales, Pedro 19:05.41 Southeast Whitfield High School
Passons, Mark 19:08.72 Ooltewah High School
Finley, Ryder 19:09.96 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Chavez, Kevyn 19:10.60 Southeast Whitfield High School
Marler, Will 19:11.00 Walker Valley High School
Avila, Pablo 19:12.30 Southeast Whitfield High School
Schumacher, Easton 19:13.96 McMinn County High School
Cunningham, John Paul 19:16.67 Collegedale Academy
Bloch, Benjamin 19:18.24 Fannin County HS
McDade, Colby 19:19.00 Trion
Henry, Devin 19:21.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Conley, Ryan 19:21.60 East Hamilton High School
Carpenter, Carson 19:22.00 Gordon Lee High School
Jung, Aiden 19:22.22 Collegedale Academy
Campbell, Brett 19:23.00 Walker Valley High School
Brandenburg, Trevor 19:25.59 Notre Dame High School
Coker, Aaron 19:25.70 Coahulla Creek HS
Stallings, Grayson 19:27.73 Heritage HS, Catoosa
PEREZ, Carlos 19:31.00 Dalton High School
Walker, Ryan 19:35.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Callihan, Luke 19:35.90 Fannin County HS
Pullen, Carter 19:37.00 Gordon Lee High School
Hollis, Landon 19:37.70 Coahulla Creek HS
Coleman, Chandler 19:43.71 Collegedale Academy
Tomas, Allan 19:44.00 Dalton High School
Hazell, William 19:44.00 East Hamilton High School
Schalk, Jake 19:49.15 Walker Valley High School
Phelps, Jeremiah 19:49.35 Walker Valley High School
Spake, Preston 19:49.60 Bremen High School
Bell, Jack 19:53.58 Collegedale Academy
Hernandez, Carlos 19:56.80 Trion
Schultz, Triston 19:58.02 Ooltewah High School
Dupree, Jack 19:59.00 Dade County HS
Henry, Maddox 20:01.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Smithers, Bailey 20:04.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Palmer, Jacob 20:04.19 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Mayfield, Braden 20:09.60 McMinn County High School
Varga, Zachary 20:09.75 Notre Dame High School
Miyashiro, Andrew 20:12.07 Collegedale Academy
Ziesmer, Tommy 20:12.34 Collegedale Academy
Stinnett, Caleb 20:12.55 Dade County HS
Ramey, Luke 20:12.66 McMinn County High School
Smartt, Hyrum 20:12.85 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Jungels, Ben 20:14.01 Notre Dame High School
Johnston, Walker 20:15.00 Gordon Lee High School
Stanley, Trey 20:17.90 Coahulla Creek HS
Miller, Brayden 20:18.90 Adairsville High School
Peterson, Jacob 20:24.85 Collegedale Academy
Ridings, Chandler 20:25.00 Ringgold High School
Ballew, Dylan 20:25.00 LaFayette High School
Price, William 20:26.90 Trion
Jabaley, Sam 20:27.10 Fannin County HS
Kyle, James 20:27.90 Fannin County HS
Trejo, Henry 20:30.00 North Murray High School
Rowland, Ayden 20:37.00 Ringgold High School
Castleberry, Justin 20:42.80 Dade County HS
Hamilton, Jacob 20:43.00 LaFayette High School
Bozeman, Griffin 20:51.50 Adairsville High School
Ingram, Eli 20:55.00 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Hanrahan, Nathan 20:57.54 Walker Valley High School
Webb, Nathan 21:00.48 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Underdown, Eli 21:06.19 McMinn County High School
Garcia, Jonathan 21:10.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Goff, Daniel 21:10.00 Dade County HS
Petty, Collin 21:14.22 Grace Baptist Academy
Wilson, Noah 21:14.55 Bremen High School
Moore, Jacob 21:14.81 Notre Dame High School
Klingbeil, David 21:16.18 Collegedale Academy
Loughridge, Carter 21:17.00 Trion
Perez, Francisco 21:19.00 Murray County High School
Hollaway, Alex 21:24.00 LaFayette High School
Favela, Gerardo 21:27.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Gilbert, Sam 21:28.00 East Hamilton High School
Gordy, Hunter 21:31.30 Gordon Lee High School
Kresser, Jaden 21:34.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Chaney, Halen 21:35.00 Dade County HS
Stevens, Kurtis 21:40.00 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Campbell, Riley 21:41.00 North Murray High School
Loizeaux, Samuel 21:42.41 Ooltewah High School
Silvers, Jace 21:43.00 Adairsville High School
Mendez, David 21:43.00 Trion
Kitchens, Avery 21:44.00 North Murray High School
Tarter, Luke 21:48.46 Notre Dame High School
Johnson, Ishmael 21:49.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
McGill, Samuel 21:49.49 Fannin County HS
Brown, Justus 21:51.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Monterroso, Allan 21:51.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Ball, Nathan 21:56.00 LaFayette High School
McLEAN, Kyle 22:01.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Pardue, Kyler 22:01.55 Dade County HS
Faulk, Josh 22:07.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Mayo, John 22:12.00 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Casteneda, Julio 22:12.72 Trion
Kuffrey, Jackson 22:13.30 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Jones, Isaac 22:16.39 Collegedale Academy
Cleek, Ben 22:22.50 Northwest Whitfield High School
Sanford, Scott 22:28.00 LaFayette High School
Moody, Luke 22:36.37 Bremen High School
Erskine, Ian 22:36.84 Collegedale Academy
Wall, Caleb 22:37.00 East Hamilton High School
Lackey, Kaiden 22:42.00 East Hamilton High School
Ramirez, Brandon 22:44.00 Trion
Johnston, Dylan 22:46.00 North Murray High School
Curry, Jaxson 23:06.10 Adairsville High School
Forgey, Reagan 23:13.83 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Jennings, Connor 23:14.60 Trion
Bailey, Andrew 23:26.50 Gordon Lee High School
Heinrich, Zach 23:27.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Tackett, Tyler 23:34.80 Murray County High School
Ellis, Jackson 23:38.00 Gordon Lee High School
Landaverde, Lenny 23:38.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Nielsen, Ben 23:38.12 Ooltewah High School
Young, Eli 23:42.00 North Murray High School
Geer, Kaysen 23:45.00 Gordon Lee High School
Leifer, Phoenix 23:53.00 Fannin County HS
Watson, Lane 23:58.00 North Murray High School
Sanchez, Josue 23:58.23 Northwest Whitfield High School
Teer, Cody 23:58.90 Adairsville High School
Deaux, Nason 23:59.60 Gordon Lee High School
Frazier, Ty 24:02.14 Grace Baptist Academy
Dobbins, Logan 24:04.00 Ringgold High School
Radcliff, Evan 24:12.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Williams, Andrew 24:14.00 Murray County High School
Costelow, Emmanuel 24:21.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Velasquez, Eliezer 24:22.00 North Murray High School
Lara, Fredy 24:23.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Pantoja, Alex 24:33.00 Murray County High School
Garcia, Israel 24:37.00 Murray County High School
Salmon, Houston 25:18.50 Gordon Lee High School
Hudson, Eli 25:26.00 LaFayette High School
Hunt, James 25:52.50 Northwest Whitfield High School
Pannell, Charlie 25:57.00 North Murray High School
Campbell, John 26:01.00 North Murray High School
Barry, Shaun 26:09.00 Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Green, Carson 26:11.00 North Murray High School
Peece, Cooper 26:18.00 Ringgold High School
Casilla, Paulo 30:30.00 Ooltewah High School
Smith, Brady 34:11.30 Fannin County HS
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Varsity Girls 160 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parker, Camryn Coahulla Creek HS
Gray, Ana Ooltewah High School
Jones, Maddie Silverdale Baptist Academy
Jones, Makayla Fannin County HS
Sarameh, Falestine Southeast Whitfield High School
Reeves, Mallory Gordon Lee High School
Lowe, Lilly Coahulla Creek HS
McNair, Kalei Chattooga HS
Goolsby, Jennifer Collegedale Academy
Turner, Ava Silverdale Baptist Academy
Cracknell, Jaclyn Fannin County HS
Hernandez, Melissa Southeast Whitfield High School
Huelskamp, Mariel Notre Dame High School
Stafford, Lilly Gordon Lee High School
Cantrell, Caroline Silverdale Baptist Academy
Vaughn, Kimber Dade County HS
Jasso, Hannie North Murray High School
Callihan, Brysen Fannin County HS
Garcia, Karen Southeast Whitfield High School
Ramirez, Samara Notre Dame High School
Doxey, Carys Silverdale Baptist Academy
Holloway, Lindsey Fannin County HS
Cortes, Jazmin Northwest Whitfield High School
Rivers, Allison Trion
Bandy, Kaylee 19:25.10 Coahulla Creek HS
Wielfaert, Sadie 19:31.77 Walker Valley High School
Chapman, Lyndi 19:38.18 Walker Valley High School
Spinks, McKinsey 20:22.95 Cartersville High School
Nelson, Elizabeth 20:38.92 Cartersville High School
Welch, Sophie 20:53.18 Notre Dame High School
Fields, Bella 21:01.78 Bremen High School
St. John, Zoie 21:12.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Atkins, Trinity 21:20.02 Cartersville High School
Barnes, Willa 21:33.00 East Hamilton High School
Holloway, Carlee 21:34.85 Fannin County HS
Perez, Betsy 21:35.24 Dalton High School
Inman, Savannah 21:42.70 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Saunders, Caroline 21:44.44 Walker Valley High School
Crayne, Tate 21:45.00 McMinn County High School
Pridgen, Sirena 21:45.69 Dalton High School
Boone, Anna Grace 21:45.97 Cartersville High School
Gaines, Meredith 21:46.93 Cartersville High School
Lyon, Lexi 21:54.20 Northwest Whitfield High School
Adcock, Sarah 22:04.00 Dalton High School
Paez, Marlene 22:07.79 Southeast Whitfield High School
Pineda, Camila 22:08.50 Dalton High School
Truelove, Olivia 22:11.77 Grace Baptist Academy
Girard, Kate 22:13.97 Walker Valley High School
Pennington-Brooke, Kaylana 22:16.70 Cartersville High School
Lopez, Karen 22:24.00 Dalton High School
Burroughs, Hannah 22:28.59 Walker Valley High School
Billings, Cierra 22:32.00 Ooltewah High School
Huffstuttler, Adrianna 22:35.00 East Hamilton High School
Todd, Madison 22:37.00 LaFayette High School
Barkley, Brooklynn 22:37.62 Walker Valley High School
Andersen, Price 22:38.00 Dalton High School
Wright, Madison 22:41.28 East Hamilton High School
Thurman, Jaxon 22:42.01 Ooltewah High School
Callahan, Mia 22:44.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Herrera, Samantha 22:46.18 Cartersville High School
Hartman, Haley 22:50.00 Gordon Lee High School
Sweatt, Ella 22:56.56 Bremen High School
Sherwood, Kate 22:59.06 McMinn County High School
Hughes, Kennedy 23:03.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Hernandez, Karla 23:04.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Estes, Alyssa 23:11.60 Trion
Gilstrap, Hayne Jane 23:20.00 LaFayette High School
Rogers, Jaycee 23:23.55 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Young, Anna 23:23.69 Notre Dame High School
Henry, Gwen 23:26.02 Walker Valley High School
Faul, Alexis 23:28.65 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ziesmer, Becky 23:29.06 Collegedale Academy
Viktora, Callie 23:43.00 Adairsville High School
Tate, Addison 23:43.00 Walker Valley High School
Sheats, Danilyn 23:44.18 Bremen High School
Rivas, Stephanie 23:52.00 Dalton High School
Henderson, Emma 23:52.00 Collegedale Academy
Green, Lauren 23:53.00 McMinn County High School
Cosentino, Monica 23:54.30 Fannin County HS
Tabor, Dakota 23:59.00 LaFayette High School
Gonzalez, Marissa 24:00.10 Southeast Whitfield High School
Ratliff, Ashley 24:06.00 McMinn County High School
Schmidt, Rachel 24:13.00 North Murray High School
Shinn, Skyler 24:13.06 East Hamilton High School
Osysko, Audrey 24:13.27 Bremen High School
Huelskamp, Sophia 24:16.33 Notre Dame High School
Aguero, Brittany 24:21.00 LaFayette High School
Kyser, Avery 24:22.00 East Hamilton High School
Terry, Mady 24:22.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Mifflin, Allie 24:22.88 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ball, Natalie 24:23.71 LaFayette High School
Miles, Riley 24:24.52 Walker Valley High School
Muldoon, Brianna 24:35.99 Bremen High School
Henry, Alexis 24:39.45 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Poe, Riley 24:41.00 Ringgold High School
Lathem, Briana 24:46.90 Trion
Fehr, Cora 24:47.10 Gordon Lee High School
Hernandez, Chelsea 24:50.84 Walker Valley High School
Cipich, Kristin 24:55.90 Fannin County HS
Cruz, April 24:59.71 Coahulla Creek HS
Shell, Ashlyn 25:01.61 East Hamilton High School
Robinson, Xiu Xiu 25:09.19 McMinn County High School
Richards, Ginny 25:12.00 Murray County High School
Sulivan, Kinsley 25:14.43 Fannin County HS
Pitts, Raegan 25:16.00 Ringgold High School
Ruiz, Juliana 25:21.60 Southeast Whitfield High School
Semmar, Lina 25:22.45 East Hamilton High School
Dettmering, Merle 25:25.07 McMinn County High School
Bradford, Anna 25:31.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Rendon, Claudeth 25:32.00 Dalton High School
Armas, Izzy 25:36.31 Bremen High School
Perez Pedro, Edith 25:37.00 Murray County High School
McCormick, Camryn 25:43.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Garner, Megan 25:48.24 Bremen High School
Ramirez, Valeria 25:49.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Jones, Shaylee 26:01.50 Fannin County HS
Durham, Kayden 26:05.99 McMinn County High School
Triplett, Addie 26:07.30 Gordon Lee High School
Dominguez, Tania 26:12.30 Southeast Whitfield High School
Brown, Rachel 26:15.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ramirez, Kimberly 26:16.10 Trion
Green, Henley 26:25.70 Northwest Whitfield High School
Melillo, Sydney 26:32.57 Bremen High School
Osorio, Julia 26:33.00 Southeast Whitfield High School
Josephs, Emma 26:34.05 Collegedale Academy
Hoover, Anna 26:41.00 Dade County HS
Keener, Ava 26:41.00 Ringgold High School
Codner, Olivia 26:44.32 Bremen High School
Ajanel, Karen 26:56.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Cortes, Leslie 26:56.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Bennett, Ava 27:15.51 Bremen High School
Mora, Fatima 27:22.00 Coahulla Creek HS
Roy, Anna 27:28.00 Ringgold High School
Doxey, Rhoswen 27:41.12 Silverdale Baptist Academy
Brumfield, Claire 27:43.00 Ringgold High School
Clark, Sadie 27:44.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Goforth, Reagan 27:45.92 McMinn County High School
Evans, Makenna 27:49.00 Gordon Lee High School
Poland, Taylor 27:50.40 Fannin County HS
Hernandez, Daisy 27:54.80 Southeast Whitfield High School
Hayes, Kinsley 27:56.00 McMinn County High School
Manoukian, Stephanie 28:18.99 Collegedale Academy
Nolasco, Cindy 28:20.00 Trion
Clark, Meryl 28:33.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Hargis, Sophia 28:33.00 Northwest Whitfield High School
Lopez, Linda 29:06.00 Murray County High School
Escobar, Juana 29:34.00 North Murray High School
Robenolt, Baylee 30:00.00 Ringgold High School
Walls, Kaley 30:00.61 Collegedale Academy
Paniagua, Giselle 30:36.00 North Murray High School
Lopez, Jennifer 32:41.00 Murray County High School
Snider, Teara 32:46.00 LaFayette High School
Stinnett, Emma 33:12.40 Dade County HS
Jasso, Yaretzy 33:30.00 North Murray High School
Martinez, Keilah 33:40.00 Murray County High School
McDonald, Jesilyn 35:55.00 Dade County HS
Dobbins, Gabrielle 36:57.00 Ringgold High School
Munoz, Melannie 38:03.00 Murray County High School
Prince, McKenzie 38:04.63 Coahulla Creek HS
Hendrix, Alethae 38:50.00 LaFayette High School
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