Titans GAP/PGAP Invitational 2021

Bogart, GA
Hosted by North Oconee
Timing/Results Fast Feet Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Starks, Malaki 10.88 Jefferson High School
Cross, Chance 10.89 North Oconee
Reese, Tre 11.24h Jefferson High School
McDowell, Ethan 11.25 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McGee, Austin 11.28 Athens Academy
Moore, Quinn 11.30 Hart County
Carrs, Kristian 11.30 Jefferson High School
Harrison, Javan 11.33 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Gilbert, Jared 11.38 Morgan County HS
Heard, Jesan 11.41 Oconee County High School
Frye, Dashawn 11.60 Mary Persons
Hawkins, Tre 11.76 Athens Academy
Havis, Miles 11.83 Duluth High School
Butler, Jack 11.83 North Oconee
Brantley, Champ 11.84 Mary Persons
May, Roderick 11.86 Baldwin High School
Dumas, Ty 11.89 Mary Persons
Bradshaw, christian 11.98 Westside, Augusta
Bright, Spencer 12.03 Oconee County High School
Johnson, Jeloni 12.04 Franklin County High School
Stephens, Rodney 12.04 Morgan County HS
Lanier, Luke 12.14 Prince Avenue Christian School
Saeed, Aidan 12.14h Athens Academy
Loudermilk, Tanner 12.24 Oconee County High School
Carey, Brice 12.27 Franklin County High School
Jernigan, Seth 12.31 Prince Avenue Christian School
pasha, sadiqq 12.34 Westside, Augusta
Wilson, Tavaris 12.39 Morgan County HS
Hill, Zach 12.50 Prince Avenue Christian School
Johnson, Gunnar 12.56 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Wells, Antonia 12.60 Duluth High School
Holland, Garrison 12.69 Baldwin High School
Norman, Keylin 13.00h Franklin County High School
Strickland, Aaron 13.90 North Oconee
Trinidad, David 15.00h Duluth High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fick, Jordan 14.96 North Oconee
Ricks Jr., Dexter 15.17 Baldwin High School
Stephenson, Carter 15.24h Jefferson High School
Lizarde Noriega, Omar 16.00 Morgan County HS
Davis, Seth 16.60 Mary Persons
Speed, Chase 16.66 Franklin County High School
Coker, Justin 16.78 Hart County
Greenfield, Jack 16.81 Morgan County HS
Carter, Johnny 17.21 Hart County
Rice, Jackson 17.38 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hickman, Logan 17.43 Mary Persons
Davis, Vermarion 18.00 Jefferson High School
Harrison, Jaden 18.00 Jefferson High School
Howell, Dwayne 19.21 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McDonald, Brock 19.45 Prince Avenue Christian School
Sigala, Samuel 19.88 Franklin County High School
Marley, Ryland 20.89 Athens Academy
Jones, Cameron 24.11 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wachtel, Justin 4:16.37 Mary Persons
Jones, Andrew 4:16.70 North Hall
Brown, Matthew 4:22.46 Hart County
Potts, Davis 4:32.81 North Oconee
Schroeder, Matthew 4:33.78 Jefferson High School
Landrum, Aidan 4:34.85 Oconee County High School
Townes, Jamie 4:36.86 Westside, Augusta
Timberman, Cooper 4:37.82 Oconee County High School
Seuser, Scott 4:39.42 Oconee County High School
Davis, Ben 4:39.91 Jefferson High School
Benner, Zachary 4:47.92 Hart County
Woods, Robbie 4:52.90 Franklin County High School
Dixon, Emanuel 4:56.00 Baldwin High School
Woodall, Brody 4:57.20 Jefferson High School
Dillon, Robbie 4:59.91 Athens Academy
Ziobro, Preston 5:03.89 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dunwody, Weston 5:04.80 Mary Persons
Wilson, Wyatt 5:08.17 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Lange, Brandon 5:08.30 Morgan County HS
Haworth, Holden 5:09.35 Mary Persons
Honeycutt, Matthew 5:09.88 North Oconee
Cook, Elijah 5:13.30 Morgan County HS
Hancock, Bo 5:15 North Oconee
Randall, Jacob 5:22.05 Franklin County High School
Strealy, Jack 5:30.92 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Marshall, Isaiah 5:36.57 Westside, Augusta
McConnell, Will 5:48.10 Franklin County High School
David, Wade 5:53.64 Prince Avenue Christian School
holliman, jakobi 6:14.58 Westside, Augusta
Elayan, Garnett 6:16.04 Prince Avenue Christian School
Frost, Reilly 6:44.01 Morgan County HS
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cross, Chance 22.46 North Oconee
Starks, Malaki 22.48 Jefferson High School
Reed, John Clayton 22.56 Franklin County High School
Davis, Antonio 23.04 Mary Persons
McGuire, Bryan 23.11 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McDowell, Ethan 23.21 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McGee, Austin 23.33 Athens Academy
Reese, Tre 23.42 Jefferson High School
Harrison, Javan 23.51 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Bradshaw, christian 23.66 Westside, Augusta
Britt, Joshua 23.68 Prince Avenue Christian School
Warrington, Eli 23.93 North Oconee
May, Roderick 24.05 Baldwin High School
Hawkins, Tre 24.21 Athens Academy
Moore, Quinn 24.28 Hart County
Brantley, Champ 24.33 Mary Persons
Correll, Travis 24.37 Jefferson High School
McNealy, Jadan 24.43 Baldwin High School
Frye, Dashawn 24.45 Mary Persons
Lanier, Luke 24.48 Prince Avenue Christian School
Norman, Keylin 24.55 Franklin County High School
Havis, Miles 24.74 Duluth High School
Loudermilk, Tanner 24.82 Oconee County High School
Johnson, Jeloni 24.94 Franklin County High School
Saeed, Aidan 24.99 Athens Academy
Jackson, Darius 25.08 Morgan County HS
Broome, Harrison 25.09 Oconee County High School
Jernigan, Seth 25.70 Prince Avenue Christian School
Driver, Adrian 25.70h Westside, Augusta
Scott, Grayson 25.76 Oconee County High School
Edwards, Aijalon 26.00 Morgan County HS
Onigbanjo, PM 26.28 Westside, Augusta
Pasqueletti, Vincent 26.46 North Oconee
Murphy, Takata 26.73 Duluth High School
Cole, Jamarien 27.29 Morgan County HS
Trinidad, David 31.28 Duluth High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fick, Jordan 38.60 North Oconee
Ricks Jr., Dexter 40.48 Baldwin High School
Stephenson, Carter 40.87 Jefferson High School
Roberds, Griffin 41.08 Oconee County High School
Jones, Joshua 41.38 Morgan County HS
Speed, Chase 42.37 Franklin County High School
Carter, Johnny 42.99 Hart County
Bright, Spencer 45.28 Oconee County High School
Davis, Seth 45.63 Mary Persons
Greenfield, Jack 46.04 Morgan County HS
Harrison, Jaden 46.04h Jefferson High School
Hickman, Logan 46.42 Mary Persons
Collins, Cameron 46.93 Westside, Augusta
Hall, Myles 47.88 Duluth High School
Marley, Ryland 47.92 Athens Academy
Holder, R.J. 47.92 Mary Persons
Sigala, Samuel 48.15 Franklin County High School
Hall, Lucas 48.22 Oconee County High School
Mathis, Quaterrian 48.46 Morgan County HS
Howell, Dwayne 51.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dutton, Dominic 51.30 Hart County
Rice, Jackson 51.94 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Williams, Grier Martin 52.53 Athens Academy
Martin, Jackson 52.79 North Oconee
Hollingsworth, Tom 53.00h Athens Academy
Jones, Cameron 55.36 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Robbie 10:12.56 Franklin County High School
Benner, Zachary 10:14.69 Hart County
Graham, Patterson 10:30.48 Oconee County High School
Gibson, Cooper 10:42.82 Jefferson High School
Ferguson, Nate 10:43.19 Jefferson High School
Brush, Brett 10:51.05 Jefferson High School
Ziobro, Preston 10:55.19 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Haworth, Holden 11:03.80 Mary Persons
Honeycutt, Matthew 11:04.40 North Oconee
Kajder, Matthew 11:39.10 North Oconee
Lester, Josiah 11:45.37 Franklin County High School
Dunwody, Weston 11:56.91 Mary Persons
Bourque, Joseph 11:58.03 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Medcalfe, Sean 12:04.87 Westside, Augusta
Marshall, Isaiah 12:40.00 Westside, Augusta
Fowler, Carter 13:00.00 Oconee County High School
Murray, Tyler 13:27.17 Westside, Augusta
Jones, Andrew 9:08.46 North Hall
Wachtel, Justin 9:11.50 Mary Persons
Brown, Matthew 9:30.44 Hart County
Stansell, Jack 9:38.38 Oconee County High School
Scruggs, Jackson 9:55.68 Athens Academy
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Isaiah 1.00 Westside, Augusta
Taylor, Sean 1:02.10 Westside, Augusta
Armstrong, Robert 1:08.03 Morgan County HS
Reed, John Clayton 50.01 Franklin County High School
McGuire, Bryan 51.52 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Warrington, Eli 52.78 North Oconee
Collins, Cameron 52.80 Westside, Augusta
White, Bryson 52.92 Franklin County High School
Goode, Chris 52.92 Franklin County High School
Risner, Cole 53.00h Hart County
Britt, Joshua 53.57 Prince Avenue Christian School
Young, Isaiah 54.20h Duluth High School
Davis, Antonio 54.33 Mary Persons
Granade, Sam 54.44 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hill, Zach 55.00 Prince Avenue Christian School
Sullivan, Rob 55.00 Athens Academy
Abercrombie, Connor 55.05 Jefferson High School
Brezeale, Andrew 55.15 Hart County
Rice, Marquis 55.42 Mary Persons
Skaggs, Robert 55.79 Prince Avenue Christian School
Thomas, Ethan 55.86 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Lerch, J.D. 55.99 North Oconee
Manol, Bo 56.00 Athens Academy
Darden, Preston 56.63 Athens Academy
Porte, Max 56.83 Jefferson High School
McNealy, Jadan 57.17 Baldwin High School
Durocher, Steven 57.29 Oconee County High School
Schriver, Travis 57.74h Jefferson High School
Murphy, Takata 58.41 Duluth High School
Seuser, Andrew 58.50 Oconee County High School
Blair, Nolan 58.73 Mary Persons
Broome, Harrison 58.90 Oconee County High School
Reid, Willie 59.00h Morgan County HS
Wilson, Tavaris 59.00h Morgan County HS
Messori, Nicolo 59.24 North Oconee
Imbesi, Tino 59.85 Duluth High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.79 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 44.03 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 44.22 Morgan County HS
Relay Team A 44.52 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 44.76 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 44.79 Hart County
Relay Team A 45.32 North Oconee
Relay Team A 45.48 Athens Academy
Relay Team A 45.48 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 45.66 Oconee County High School
Relay Team A 45.76 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 45.81 Westside, Augusta
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.98 North Oconee
Relay Team A 3:30.00 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 3:37.26 Hart County
Relay Team A 3:39.12 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 3:39.99 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 3:40.54 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 3:41.75 Oconee County High School
Relay Team A 3:42.90 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 3:43.28 Westside, Augusta
Relay Team A 3:45.70 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 3:47.63 Athens Academy
Relay Team A 3:49.50 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 4:06.70 Morgan County HS
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:12.57 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 8:48.22 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 8:53.47 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 8:55.05 North Oconee
Relay Team A 8:55.37 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 8:56.44 Westside, Augusta
Relay Team A 9:14.24 Morgan County HS
Relay Team A 9:14.45 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 9:48.07 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 9:53.57 Oconee County High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Ryan 1:59.75 Franklin County High School
Townes, Jamie 2:01.11 Westside, Augusta
Schroeder, Matthew 2:02.21 Jefferson High School
Guthrie, Andrew 2:03.66 Oconee County High School
Pearson, Max 2:04.10 North Oconee
Risner, Cole 2:06.22 Hart County
Davis, Ben 2:07.72 Jefferson High School
Andrews, Nicholas 2:07.84 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Brown, Matthew 2:08.85 Hart County
Drury, Clayton 2:11.31 Mary Persons
Dixon, Emanuel 2:11.38 Baldwin High School
Haselden, Everett 2:11.65 Franklin County High School
Lerch, J.D. 2:11.67 North Oconee
Cook, Elijah 2:11.99 Morgan County HS
Duncan, David 2:12.32 North Oconee
Battles, Cole 2:14.30 Mary Persons
Gibson, Cooper 2:14.61 Jefferson High School
Abdallah, Alexander 2:15.05 Duluth High School
Dillon, Robbie 2:15.96 Athens Academy
Knapp, Andrew 2:16.42 Oconee County High School
Marchman, Ethan 2:16.44 Franklin County High School
Gilmore, Amir 2:17.93 Baldwin High School
Brantley, Tyler 2:18.56 Oconee County High School
Lange, Brandon 2:19.60 Morgan County HS
Imbesi, Tino 2:22.61 Duluth High School
Tribble, Grant 2:25.79 Athens Academy
Parker, Jackson 2:27.08 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Elayan, Garnett 2:27.70 Prince Avenue Christian School
Murray, Tyler 2:30.98 Westside, Augusta
Carter, Stephen 2:35.94 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
David, Wade 2:42.39 Prince Avenue Christian School
Frost, Reilly 2:44.81 Morgan County HS
holliman, jakobi 2:45.00h Westside, Augusta
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HS Boys Discus Throw 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paolozzi, Andrew 152-8 Jefferson High School
Cooper, Jacere 141-5 Morgan County HS
Yeager IV, Thomas 139-4 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Reid, Chance 139-0 Morgan County HS
Tyler, Damian 136-3 Hart County
Holt, Johnerio 132-6 Athens Academy
Bostdorff, Jake 132-5 North Oconee
Calloway, Dontae 132-4 North Oconee
Fouch, Trez 128-6 Hart County
Johnson, Stephen 125-8 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Fraley, Omarion 122-7 Baldwin High School
Holland, Garrison 122-6 Baldwin High School
Fouch, Kanye 121-7 Hart County
Hill, Jay 119-1 Jefferson High School
phillips, charles 117-2 Westside, Augusta
Baker, Josh 113-6.5 Franklin County High School
Carey, Brice 111-11 Franklin County High School
Stanley, Boaz 110-2 North Oconee
Stocklinski, Carsen 103-4 Oconee County High School
Ohmsieder, Harrison 103-4 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Tane, Van 101-4 Mary Persons
Rutledge, Keylan 100-4 Franklin County High School
Alford, BO bailey 100-3 Westside, Augusta
Wells, Tanner 100-1 Prince Avenue Christian School
Le, Khoa 99-1 Athens Academy
Stewart, William 98-1 Mary Persons
Weeks, West 95-10 Oconee County High School
Tatum, J'vyon 95-4 Mary Persons
Coile, Conner 94-2 Jefferson High School
Wright, J'Rico 88-7 Athens Academy
Cooper, Jaden 87-2 Morgan County HS
Marable, Jack Durham 86-4 Oconee County High School
Frost, Will 81-10 Prince Avenue Christian School
Shook, Ian 81-7 Prince Avenue Christian School
Umo, Ima 60-11 Westside, Augusta
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HS Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Colzie, Deion 6-8 Athens Academy
Cross, Chance 6-2 North Oconee
Gales, Dalen 6-0 Jefferson High School
Ricks Jr., Dexter 5-10 Baldwin High School
Witcher, David 5-8 Franklin County High School
Braxton, Shawn 5-8 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McDowell, Ethan 5-8 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Dumas, Ty 5-8 Mary Persons
Skaggs, Robert 5-8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hobbs, Ryan 5-8 Oconee County High School
Jones, Jacobi 5-8 Hart County
Brown, Alex 5-6 Mary Persons
Weeks, Whit 5-6 Oconee County High School
Bond, Marshall 5-4 Franklin County High School
Abercrombie, Connor 5-4 Jefferson High School
Melton, Luke 5-4 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Armstrong, Robert 5-4 Morgan County HS
Frazier, Jachin 5-0 Franklin County High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perry, Jordan 22-2.25 Jefferson High School
Hamm, Elijah 22-1.5 Oconee County High School
Ricks Jr., Dexter 21-8.5 Baldwin High School
Jeffreys, William 21-3.5 Morgan County HS
LaGuin, Javier 19-11 Morgan County HS
Jones, Jacobi 19-8 Hart County
Halsey, Jayden 19-3.75 North Oconee
Moore, Quinn 19-3 Hart County
Harrison, Javan 19-2 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Sims Jr, Germaine 19-1.75 Jefferson High School
Brown, Alex 19-0.5 Mary Persons
Goode, Chris 18-10 Franklin County High School
Butler, Jack 18-9.5 North Oconee
Young, Isaiah 18-8.25 Duluth High School
Hawkins, Tre 17-11.25 Athens Academy
Farrar, Sam 17-10.75 Oconee County High School
Sigala, Samuel 17-7 Franklin County High School
Miller, Micah 17-2.5 Oconee County High School
Hall, Myles 17-2 Duluth High School
Alford, Brandon 17-2 Mary Persons
White, Brayden 16-11 Franklin County High School
De Lima, Joel 16-2 Duluth High School
Braxton, Shawn 16-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hickman, Logan 15-10.5 Mary Persons
Hobgood, Andrew 13-8.75 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Boys Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, AJ 15-11 Hart County
Fick, Jordan 15-1.5 North Oconee
Chambers, Drew 12-6 North Oconee
Harris, John 11-6 North Oconee
Carson, Griffin 10-0 Jefferson High School
Henley, Adam 10-0 Jefferson High School
Granade, Sam 10-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Edge, Collin 9-10 Athens Academy
Gilmore, Amir 9-0 Baldwin High School
Campbell, Carter 9-0 Mary Persons
Holder, R.J. 9-0 Mary Persons
Mejia, Daniel 9-0 Duluth High School
Andrews, Nicholas 8-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Cosmano, Ethan 8-6 Jefferson High School
Medcalfe, Sean 8-5 Westside, Augusta
Driver, Adrian 8-2 Westside, Augusta
Parker, Jackson 8-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Gordon, Jack 8-0 Mary Persons
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HS Boys Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paolozzi, Andrew 51-9 Jefferson High School
Merritt, Jay 47-3.5 Hart County
Calloway, Dontae 47-3 North Oconee
Rutledge, Keylan 46-5 Franklin County High School
Cooper, Jacere 46-4 Morgan County HS
Bostdorff, Jake 44-11.5 North Oconee
Holt, Johnerio 44-10 Athens Academy
Stocklinski, Carsen 43-3 Oconee County High School
Brown, Xavier 43-1 Hart County
Tyler, Damian 42-8 Hart County
Holland, Garrison 42-7 Baldwin High School
Solomon, Myles 42-4 Morgan County HS
Stanley, Boaz 41-6.5 North Oconee
Carey, Brice 40-9 Franklin County High School
Alford, BO bailey 40-2 Westside, Augusta
Johnson, Stephen 40-1 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Yeager IV, Thomas 38-9.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Starr, Austin 38-9 Mary Persons
Fraley, Omarion 38-1.5 Baldwin High School
Carson, Guy 38-0 Jefferson High School
Perry, Jordan 38-0 Jefferson High School
Jarrell, Eric 37-3 Mary Persons
Reid, Chance 37-3 Morgan County HS
phillips, charles 36-4 Westside, Augusta
Hailey, Frank 36-3 Oconee County High School
Dawson, charles 36-3 Westside, Augusta
Ohmsieder, Harrison 35-10.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Wells, Tanner 35-9 Prince Avenue Christian School
Wright, J'Rico 34-3.5 Athens Academy
Hughes, Jontavion 34-3.5 Franklin County High School
Le, Khoa 33-1.5 Athens Academy
Goodyear, Mason 33-0 Prince Avenue Christian School
Marable, Jack Durham 32-3 Oconee County High School
Shook, Ian 31-7 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bussey, Gordon 26-10 Duluth High School
Lee, June 22-11.5 Duluth High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Damien 42-5.5 Morgan County HS
Carrs, Kristian 42-4 Jefferson High School
Halsey, Jayden 40-2 North Oconee
Butler, Jack 39-11.75 North Oconee
Onigbanjo, PM 39-6 Westside, Augusta
Coker, Justin 39-4 Hart County
Johnson, Jeloni 38-6.5 Franklin County High School
Alford, Brandon 38-0 Mary Persons
Sims Jr, Germaine 37-9.75 Jefferson High School
Dumas, Ty 37-6 Mary Persons
Brantley, Champ 37-4 Mary Persons
Hobgood, Andrew 32-10.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hollingsworth, Tom 31-8 Athens Academy
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Campbell 12.51 Mary Persons
Ruff, Madison 12.69 Baldwin High School
Vandagriff, Audrey 13.05 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hubbard, Unique 13.11 Morgan County HS
Esco, Kori 13.21 Franklin County High School
Riddle, Reese 13.24 North Oconee
Barkley, Anyana 13.31 Mary Persons
Hayes, Addie 13.34 Oconee County High School
Adams, Jada 13.41 Baldwin High School
Spain, Parker 13.59 Morgan County HS
Baker, America 13.61 North Oconee
Smith, Abigale 13.68 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Brock, Zoe 13.74 Hart County
Burrage, Mikayla 13.74h Jefferson High School
Web, Amaya 13.83 Mary Persons
Harmelink, Jada 13.84 Oconee County High School
Wilmoth, Brooke 13.84 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Gaye, Paris 13.86 Franklin County High School
Tucker, Faith 13.93 Oconee County High School
Jester, Kiera 13.94 Hart County
Chen, Katie 13.95 Duluth High School
Marquez, Popi 14.00 Athens Academy
Roberts, Journey 14.07 Franklin County High School
Ragle, Addison 14.23 Prince Avenue Christian School
Walker, Sarah 14.24 Westside, Augusta
Swindell, Kyla 14.24 Westside, Augusta
Mattox, Angel 14.41 Hart County
Thomas, Anna 14.68 Prince Avenue Christian School
Choates, Ami 14.70h Duluth High School
Wilmoth, Lauren 14.73 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Vaeth, Valerie 14.89 North Oconee
Cross, Annie 15.00h Athens Academy
Hadley, Latyjah 15.50h Duluth High School
Miller, Anna Porter 15.50h Athens Academy
williams, jazmyn 16.33 Westside, Augusta
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Howard, Abbey 15.43 Jefferson High School
Hackworth, Bryce 16.27 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McNeely, Sarah 16.55 North Oconee
Loggins, Josie 16.58 Jefferson High School
Hood, Shaliyah 17.56 North Oconee
Moon, Ava 17.65 Oconee County High School
Menke, Kavya 17.90 Athens Academy
Burton, Molly 17.90 Duluth High School
Knox, Alexus 18.16 Franklin County High School
Robinson, Heaven 18.68 Baldwin High School
Harris, Emily 18.85 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hawkins, Madison 19.07 Oconee County High School
Kitchen, Akia 19.20 Morgan County HS
Colbert, Jacelyn 19.91 North Oconee
Hardy, Ah'Zoria 20.23 Mary Persons
Walker, Alexis 20.33 Hart County
Stone, Amelia 20.92 Mary Persons
Wilson, Zaria 20.98 Mary Persons
Braswell, Sydney 21.45 Oconee County High School
Hart, Joslyn 22.33 Hart County
Burdekin, Lili Kate 22.75 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Law, Katherine 5:11.71 Jefferson High School
Schroeder, Caitlin 5:25.67 Jefferson High School
Powell, Kiley 5:31.26 Jefferson High School
McLanahan, Davis 5:31.77 Athens Academy
Matthews, Sydney 5:33.71 Oconee County High School
Woods, Gracie 5:39.00 Franklin County High School
Mckallip, Ava 5:44.93 Mary Persons
Senyitko, Mia 5:45.86 Oconee County High School
Meeks, Molly 5:47.37 Oconee County High School
Cottrell, EllaRyann 5:47.62 Morgan County HS
Bledsoe, Liv 5:50.30 North Oconee
Morse, Kelsey 5:55 North Oconee
Johnson, Ashley 6:00.17 Baldwin High School
Orman, Georgia 6:05.19 North Oconee
Williams, Jasmine 6:05.41 Baldwin High School
Stembridge, Abbey 6:06.67 Mary Persons
Ward, Kaitlyn 6:07.04 Prince Avenue Christian School
Todd, Leila 6:12.90 Prince Avenue Christian School
Biersmith, Drew 6:22.02 Morgan County HS
Guardado, Tiffany 6:22.49 Duluth High School
Coggins, Emily 6:25.22 Athens Academy
Ballard, Avery 6:29.67 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Delgado, Jackie 6:30.35 Hart County
Goodwin, Jessica 6:36.23 Mary Persons
Rosebrock, Annemarie 6:39.51 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Laird, Elizabeth 6:58.72 Franklin County High School
Bennett, Chloe 6:59.09 Hart County
Breedlove, Annie 7:02.85 Morgan County HS
Sessoms, Jamilah 7:23.58 Baldwin High School
Hawk, Alexanderia 7:57.47 Westside, Augusta
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Campbell 25.97 Mary Persons
Earl, Adriunna 26.05 Hart County
Ruff, Madison 26.11 Baldwin High School
Howard, Abbey 26.88 Jefferson High School
Hayes, Addie 26.98 Oconee County High School
Vandagriff, Audrey 27.43 Prince Avenue Christian School
Esco, Kori 27.59 Franklin County High School
Williams, Ashanti 27.62 Baldwin High School
Barkley, Anyana 27.63 Mary Persons
Lewis, Mekiya 27.80 Duluth High School
Riddle, Reese 27.84 North Oconee
Underwood, Kolby Ann 27.86 North Oconee
Pullin, Pria 27.95 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Canamare, Ava 28.15 Jefferson High School
Rogers, Reagan 28.28 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Walker, Jazmine 28.32 Baldwin High School
Foster, Alana 28.47 Morgan County HS
Moon, Ava 28.55 Oconee County High School
Adjeibi, Akosua 28.55 Duluth High School
Web, Amaya 28.73 Mary Persons
Jester, Kiera 28.80 Hart County
Millwood, Alyssa 28.83 Franklin County High School
Spain, Parker 28.84 Morgan County HS
Miller, Anna Porter 29.43 Athens Academy
Wilmoth, Brooke 29.49 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
DeBord, Olivia 29.58 North Oconee
Mattox, Angel 29.73 Hart County
Swindell, Kyla 29.96 Westside, Augusta
Swingle, Riley 30.01 Oconee County High School
Weaver, Abby 30.04 Prince Avenue Christian School
Marquez, Popi 30.06 Athens Academy
Burrage, Mikayla 30.11 Jefferson High School
Proby, Jazmin 30.18 Morgan County HS
Cross, Annie 30.64h Athens Academy
Gaye, Paris 30.74 Franklin County High School
Armstrong, Karlee 31.16 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hadley, Latyjah 32.10h Duluth High School
Hawk, Alexanderia 34.96 Westside, Augusta
wellington, Tashay 35.04 Westside, Augusta
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ignoffo, Adelena 1:04.42 Morgan County HS
Hart, Joslyn 1:05.61 Hart County
Loggins, Josie 45.94 Jefferson High School
Hackworth, Bryce 47.24 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
McNeely, Sarah 49.29 North Oconee
Robinson, Heaven 49.87 Baldwin High School
Menke, Kavya 50.41 Athens Academy
Crowe, Anna-Joy 50.87 North Oconee
Cummings, Ja'Myah 51.01 Baldwin High School
Tucker, Faith 51.77 Oconee County High School
Knox, Alexus 52.67 Franklin County High School
Harris, Emily 52.68 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Burton, Molly 53.89 Duluth High School
Bennett, Chloe 55.02 Hart County
Wilson, Zaria 55.50 Mary Persons
Johnson, Ashley 55.90 Baldwin High School
Burdekin, Lili Kate 57.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hardy, Ah'Zoria 57.01 Mary Persons
Kitchen, Akia 57.02 Morgan County HS
Mclane, Madison 58.02 Hart County
Stone, Amelia 58.28 Mary Persons
Colbert, Jacelyn 58.32 North Oconee
Walker, Sarah 58.55 Westside, Augusta
Swingle, Riley 59.00 Oconee County High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brodrick, Phoebe 11:12.29 Oconee County High School
Harrison, Sarah 11:35.80 Athens Academy
Powell, Kiley 11:56.93 Jefferson High School
Bowles, Sydney 12:03.48 Jefferson High School
Woods, Gracie 12:10.77 Franklin County High School
Leverett, Maradeth 12:31.24 Mary Persons
Champer, Emma 12:45.50 Oconee County High School
McConnell, Kensley 12:56.72 Oconee County High School
Stembridge, Abbey 13:04.10 Mary Persons
Rubio, Paola 13:14.13 Hart County
Orman, Georgia 13:21.49 North Oconee
Biersmith, Drew 13:29.47 Morgan County HS
Rosebrock, Annemarie 14:00.00 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Causey, Madelyn 14:00.16 Mary Persons
Laird, Elizabeth 14:54.74 Franklin County High School
Delgado, Jackie 15:07.08 Hart County
Breedlove, Annie 15:27.06 Morgan County HS
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Earl, Adriunna 1:00.56 Hart County
Ollendick-Smith, Addison 1:00.84 Athens Academy
Lewis, Mekiya 1:01.36 Duluth High School
Kulniszewski, Olivia 1:01.71 Jefferson High School
Simmons, Amilliana 1:01.92 Baldwin High School
Canamare, Ava 1:02.12 Jefferson High School
Nelson, Sarah 1:02.44 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Rogers, Reagan 1:02.79 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Scandrett, Damarria 1:03.16 Mary Persons
Allen, Courtney 1:03.68 Mary Persons
Adjeibi, Akosua 1:04.46 Duluth High School
Johnson, Amelia 1:04.72 Hart County
Millwood, Alyssa 1:04.87 Franklin County High School
Haselden, Jordis 1:05.00h Franklin County High School
Perkins, Hannah 1:05.11 Jefferson High School
Walker, Sarah 1:05.48 Westside, Augusta
Moon, Annabel 1:05.65 Morgan County HS
Thornton, Nykeisha 1:06.29 Baldwin High School
Boran, Hailey 1:06.47 Oconee County High School
Spain, Peyten 1:06.83 Morgan County HS
Carter, Valasha 1:07.12 Hart County
Dattilio, Isabella 1:07.20 North Oconee
Brown, Madison 1:07.22 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Lavender, Nathalie 1:07.41 Athens Academy
Lee, Sofia 1:07.86 North Oconee
Hetsko, Faith 1:08.14 North Oconee
Allen, Britney 1:08.62 Mary Persons
Brinson, Emory 1:08.68 Prince Avenue Christian School
Park, Kaitlyn 1:09.07 Duluth High School
Weaver, Abby 1:09.33 Prince Avenue Christian School
wellington, Tashay 1:11.00h Westside, Augusta
Todd, Leila 1:12.54 Prince Avenue Christian School
dove hampden, nevada 1:13.48 Westside, Augusta
Farmer, Sierra 1:17.77 Franklin County High School
Dougherty, Mary-Liz 1:30.00h Morgan County HS
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.40 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 50.44 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 50.53 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 50.78 North Oconee
Relay Team B 51.46 Hart County
Relay Team A 51.55 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 51.93 Morgan County HS
Relay Team A 53.41 Oconee County High School
Relay Team A 53.73 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 54.42 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 54.68 Duluth High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:15.57 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 4:16.69 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 4:16.72 North Oconee
Relay Team A 4:19.58 Athens Academy
Relay Team A 4:20.38 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 4:23.02 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 4:25.05 Oconee County High School
Relay Team A 4:25.34 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Relay Team A 4:30.47 Hart County
Relay Team A 4:37.13 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 4:45.16 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 4:48.88 Westside, Augusta
Relay Team A 4:57.92 Morgan County HS
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:38.15 North Oconee
Relay Team A 10:38.56 Jefferson High School
Relay Team A 10:46.71 Oconee County High School
Relay Team A 11:02.12 Mary Persons
Relay Team A 11:04.66 Baldwin High School
Relay Team A 11:17.22 Morgan County HS
Relay Team A 11:42.24 Hart County
Relay Team A 11:51.59 Franklin County High School
Relay Team A 12:26.56 Westside, Augusta
Relay Team A 14:34.14 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ollendick-Smith, Addison 2:19.13 Athens Academy
Law, Katherine 2:19.73 Jefferson High School
Smith, Emily 2:24.37 North Oconee
Schroeder, Caitlin 2:24.65 Jefferson High School
Minter, Lyric 2:25.13 Duluth High School
Mejia, Sabrina 2:29.92 Duluth High School
Cottrell, EllaRyann 2:35.95 Morgan County HS
Rubio, Paola 2:36.45 Hart County
Nelson, Sarah 2:37.56 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
John, Leah 2:38.39 Oconee County High School
Bledsoe, Liv 2:39.22 North Oconee
Mejia, Joy 2:39.38 Duluth High School
Mckallip, Ava 2:39.42 Mary Persons
Hailey, Lauren 2:40.55 Jefferson High School
Simmons, Amilliana 2:41.54 Baldwin High School
Scott, Kyla 2:42.01 North Oconee
Johnson, Ashley 2:43.44 Baldwin High School
Parsons, Allie 2:46.24 Oconee County High School
Cummings, Ja'Myah 2:46.80 Baldwin High School
Coggins, Emily 2:47.85 Athens Academy
Matthews, Mary 2:49.12 Oconee County High School
Wood, Alanna 2:49.28 Mary Persons
Goodwin, Jessica 2:49.78 Mary Persons
Ward, Kaitlyn 2:50.30 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mclane, Madison 2:51.64 Hart County
Brinson, Emory 2:52.44 Prince Avenue Christian School
Moon, Annabel 2:52.59 Morgan County HS
Ballard, Avery 2:56.03 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Crowe, Kadyn 2:57.73 Franklin County High School
Haselden, Jordis 2:58.00h Franklin County High School
Dean, Jocelyn 2:58.39 Franklin County High School
dove hampden, nevada 3:00.08 Westside, Augusta
Todd, Leila 3:00.29 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bennett, Chloe 3:00.94 Hart County
Wilks, Madeline 3:08.33 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hawk, Alexanderia 3:23.11 Westside, Augusta
Long, Hannah 3:36.72 Morgan County HS
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HS Girls Discus Throw 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mann, J'Mya 111-8 Mary Persons
Hailey, Lula 110-5 Oconee County High School
Williams, Jozelyne 109-9 Westside, Augusta
Holcombe, Selah 108-10 Jefferson High School
Sessoms, La’Maya 106-10 Hart County
Hooper, Emma 95-10 Athens Academy
Bauer, Christie-Anne 95-10 Franklin County High School
Heard, Saniya 90-0 Franklin County High School
Ripley, Bella 87-2 North Oconee
Saulsbury, Christa 84-9 Baldwin High School
Hunter, Destiny 84-3 Morgan County HS
Brown, Qua'Nesha 83-1 Mary Persons
Cox, Jamiah 81-9 Morgan County HS
Evans, Princess 81-4 Jefferson High School
Kline, Mae 79-6 Athens Academy
Ruff, Morgan 77-3 Baldwin High School
Mclanahan, Millie 75-6 Athens Academy
Corbett, Yakira 71-7.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Clinkscale, Naidjah 70-2 Hart County
Stierwalt, Kinsey 70-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Waller, Maggie 69-1 Oconee County High School
Johnson, Kayla 62-0 Baldwin High School
Butts, Mary Scott 60-11 North Oconee
Barkhuff, Katjana 60-5 North Oconee
Toles, Hajar 59-10 Mary Persons
williams, braniya 59-0 Westside, Augusta
Woods, Callie 54-5 Oconee County High School
Komba, France 53-4 Duluth High School
Greenfield, Mary Patrick 50-1 Morgan County HS
Farmer, Sheridan 46-8 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Ortiz, Breana 43-0 Duluth High School
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HS Girls High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Earl, Adriunna 5-2 Hart County
Howard, Abbey 5-1 Jefferson High School
Hood, Shaliyah 4-10 North Oconee
Phillips, Maddie 4-10 North Oconee
Mclane, Madison 4-10 Hart County
Thornton, Nykeisha 4-10 Baldwin High School
Rogers, Reagan 4-8 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Walker, Jazmine 4-8 Baldwin High School
Dorsey, Kenya 4-8 Oconee County High School
Crowe, Kadyn 4-6 Franklin County High School
Stierwalt, Kinsey 4-6 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Smith, Addison 4-6 Morgan County HS
Brown, Qua'Nesha 4-6 Mary Persons
Berhanu, Kebbron 4-4 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Morris, Samiya 4-4 Mary Persons
Toles, Hajar 4-2 Mary Persons
Ignoffo, Adelena 4-0 Morgan County HS
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Jazmine 16-10 Baldwin High School
Foster, Alana 16-7 Morgan County HS
Adams, Jada 16-0.25 Baldwin High School
Wade, La'Meysia 15-11 Morgan County HS
Walker, Alexis 15-9.5 Hart County
Ballard, Ka'Zariyah 15-8.5 North Oconee
Benton, Aleah 15-7.75 Jefferson High School
Ruff, Madison 15-6.5 Baldwin High School
Wright, Charlie 14-11.25 North Oconee
Scandrett, Damarria 14-8 Mary Persons
Allen, Britney 14-7.5 Mary Persons
Smith, Abigale 14-5.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Hayes, Addie 14-5 Oconee County High School
Stetter, Kate 14-3 North Oconee
Web, Amaya 14-2 Mary Persons
Harris, Emily 14-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Crowe, Kadyn 13-2 Franklin County High School
Jester, Kiera 13-0.5 Hart County
Wilmoth, Lauren 13-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Vasti, Amonni 13-0 Duluth High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Held, Rhiannon 12-11 North Oconee
Johnson, Amelia 11-2 Hart County
Hackworth, Bryce 9-7 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Kulniszewski, Ella 9-6 Jefferson High School
Kulniszewski, Olivia 9-6 Jefferson High School
Allen, Courtney 9-0 Mary Persons
Arnold, Sadie 8-10 North Oconee
Walker, Laura 8-9 North Oconee
Rice, Ansley 8-6 Jefferson High School
Hale, Annalise 8-4 Oconee County High School
Creedon, Hannah 8-3 Duluth High School
Sessoms, Jamilah 7-6 Baldwin High School
Brown, Madison 7-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Harris, Emily 7-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Stone, Amelia 5-6 Mary Persons
Carrington, Summer 5-0 Mary Persons
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HS Girls Shot Put 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hailey, Lula 36-2 Oconee County High School
Sessoms, La’Maya 35-10 Hart County
Williams, Jozelyne 34-6 Westside, Augusta
Mann, J'Mya 32-11 Mary Persons
williams, braniya 32-7 Westside, Augusta
Evans, Princess 32-6 Jefferson High School
Cox, Jamiah 31-10 Morgan County HS
Smith, Destiny 31-7 Morgan County HS
Heard, Saniya 31-4 Franklin County High School
Corbett, Yakira 31-3 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Butts, Mary Scott 30-9.5 North Oconee
Ruff, Morgan 29-10 Baldwin High School
Shortt, Taylor 29-3.5 Mary Persons
Ripley, Bella 29-2.5 North Oconee
Kline, Mae 28-10 Athens Academy
Clinkscale, Naidjah 27-11 Hart County
Bauer, Christie-Anne 27-9 Franklin County High School
Holcombe, Selah 26-10.5 Jefferson High School
Saulsbury, Christa 26-4 Baldwin High School
Brown, Tylia 25-11 Jefferson High School
Brown, Qua'Nesha 25-10 Mary Persons
Barkhuff, Katjana 25-6 North Oconee
Johnson, Kayla 24-9 Baldwin High School
Vasti, Amonni 24-9 Duluth High School
Woods, Callie 24-7 Oconee County High School
Komba, France 24-1 Duluth High School
Mclanahan, Millie 24-1 Athens Academy
Stierwalt, Kinsey 23-5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Ortiz, Breana 22-2 Duluth High School
Connolly, Eliza 21-0.25 Athens Academy
Waller, Maggie 19-3 Oconee County High School
Farmer, Sheridan 16-4.5 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
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HS Girls Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benton, Aleah 35-5.5 Jefferson High School
Wade, La'Meysia 35-1.5 Morgan County HS
Farmer, Lindsay 33-11 Oconee County High School
Stetter, Kate 33-2.5 North Oconee
Adams, Jada 33-1 Baldwin High School
Martin, Victoria 33-0.5 Baldwin High School
Grubb, Rindy 32-9.5 Jefferson High School
Walker, Alexis 32-7.5 Hart County
Foster, Alana 32-3.5 Morgan County HS
Pullin, Pria 30-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Smith, Abigale 29-0 Trinity Christian - Sharpsburg
Allen, Britney 28-10.5 Mary Persons
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