Bleckley County Clash of the Classes 2020

Cochran, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Mixed 2 Mile Run 302 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patel, Diya South Effingham High School
Harris, Mason Wilcox County HS
Bowen, Johna Bleckley County High School
Mattos, Riley Southeast Bulloch
Clark, Kole West Laurens High School
Harper, Halee South Effingham High School
Davidson, Millie Telfair County HS
Hodges, Kaleb South Effingham High School
Thomas, Ben Wayne County
Woodard, Aarunna Dublin High School
Maghiar, Sara Southeast Bulloch
Powers, Chandler Hawkinsville HS
Ogden, Conner Wayne County
Crawford, Canyon West Laurens High School
Rodriguez, Emily Wilcox County HS
Coriano, Tanika Warner Robins
Contreras, Kaylyn Hawkinsville HS
THompson, Sara Beth Fullington Academy
Cook, Lauren Vidalia Heritage Academy
Owen, Jon-luke Tift Area Academy
Fitzpatrick, Mia South Effingham High School
Tapia, AJ Warner Robins
Hand, Maggie Berrien County HS
Harrell, Josey Vidalia Heritage Academy
Giddens, Emma Berrien County HS
Branch, Kaleb Perry High School
Thomas, William West Laurens High School
Forehand, Madison Wilcox County HS
Cairney, James Bleckley County High School
Lee, Victor Southeast Bulloch
Reeves, Sam West Laurens High School
McBryant, Emma Wilcox County HS
Jayroe, Caleb South Effingham High School
Lockhart, Madison South Effingham High School
Brantley, Cale Treutlen
Myers, Skyler Southeast Bulloch
Miller, Randy Telfair County HS
Howard, Julian South Effingham High School
Prince, Noah Wayne County
McClendon, Jeremiah Dublin High School
Lam, Korben Wilcox County HS
Cruz, Santos Southeast Bulloch
Howard, Kynnadi Warner Robins
Michael, Caleb Hawkinsville HS
Tapley, Samantha West Laurens High School
Carter, Emily Wilcox County HS
Morris, Joshua Bleckley County High School
Carter, Mason Warner Robins
Sandoval, Jackie Berrien County HS
Collins, Bailey Berrien County HS
Joines, Elie Telfair County HS
Garrett, Chase South Effingham High School
Mathis, Sheen Warner Robins
Shirey, Carter Perry High School
Ripley, Melanie South Effingham High School
Cook, Anderson West Laurens High School
Howard, Karley Wilcox County HS
Davis, Kyla Bleckley County High School
Murphy, Eamon Southeast Bulloch
Davis, Keyvian Wilcox County HS
Sticha, Ryan South Effingham High School
Jackson, Millie Telfair County HS
Martinez, Cesar South Effingham High School
Riego, Ayden Wayne County
Howell, Brian Dublin High School
Newsomme, Gabby Southeast Bulloch
Head, Cassidy Hawkinsville HS
Jones, Ayden Wayne County
Smith, Tripp Wilcox County HS
Jaynes, Avery Southeast Bulloch
Woods, Dalvin Warner Robins
Doe, Markesia Hawkinsville HS
Tharpe, Barron Fullington Academy
Branch, Joesph Vidalia Heritage Academy
Haskins, Josey Tift Area Academy
Motes, Caroline South Effingham High School
Alderman, Donnavyn Warner Robins
McCranie, Parks Berrien County HS
Warren, Chason Berrien County HS
Ashley, Marcie Telfair County HS
Clay, Taylor Perry High School
Wease, Ethan West Laurens High School
Layfield, Tristyn Wilcox County HS
Ashley, Landon Bleckley County High School
Howard, Cailan South Effingham High School
Adams, McGregor Southeast Bulloch
Gilbert, Josh Bleckley County High School
Stokes, Janiesia South Effingham High School
Allen, Blaine South Effingham High School
Bassett, Gracie Treutlen
Bennett, Emma Southeast Bulloch
Hardy, Zach South Effingham High School
Mosley, Zaveion Wayne County
DAVIS, ZION Dublin High School
Clements, Haven Wilcox County HS
Mckeithen, Madisen Southeast Bulloch
Coleman, Owen Hawkinsville HS
Wease, Melauna West Laurens High School
Medina, Alberto Warner Robins
Solomon, Andrew Berrien County HS
Reed, Riley Fullington Academy
Meredith, Georgia Vidalia Heritage Academy
Conger, Madison Berrien County HS
Sticha, Sydney South Effingham High School
Golden, Charlie Perry High School
Peters, James Warner Robins
Dodd, Hannah Berrien County HS
Roden, Brooke South Effingham High School
Daniels, Grant West Laurens High School
Johnson, Ella Bleckley County High School
Mountin, Chelsey Perry High School
Lawson, Hunter Southeast Bulloch
Burdick, Matt South Effingham High School
Leggett, Virginia Telfair County HS
Barber, Brianna South Effingham High School
Rooks, Corey Wayne County
Bloodsaw, Nottavious Dublin High School
Sean, Robertson Southeast Bulloch
Sinyard, Chase Hawkinsville HS
Harris, Katelyn South Effingham High School
Failey, Ahlana Wayne County
Davis, Elijah Dublin High School
Bennett, Graham Wilcox County HS
Simpson, James Southeast Bulloch
Resendiz, Christian Warner Robins
Michael, Cole Hawkinsville HS
Mcgregor, Seth Vidalia Heritage Academy
Johnson, Natalie Tift Area Academy
Harper, Dustin Warner Robins
Rebollar, Israel Berrien County HS
Puckett, Jack Vidalia Heritage Academy
Griffin, Adrian Berrien County HS
Gadson, Karistopher South Effingham High School
Davis, Courtney Warner Robins
Preston, Emma Perry High School
Ingram, Aiden West Laurens High School
Moss, Brannen Perry High School
Zahiri, Farinaz Warner Robins
Houston, Hunter Wilcox County HS
Grady, Olivia Southeast Bulloch
Stokes, Makayla South Effingham High School
Edge, Zach Treutlen
McDonald, Lily South Effingham High School
Ingram, Zoey Wayne County
Rozier, Quantez Dublin High School
Yancey, Samantha Southeast Bulloch
Sewell, Cady Hawkinsville HS
Gonzalez, Fernando Warner Robins
Douberly, James Wayne County
Wease, Melana West Laurens High School
Cooper, Drew Warner Robins
Webb, Triston Berrien County HS
Greene, Charlie Fullington Academy
Hagan, Henry Vidalia Heritage Academy
Corkern, Marshall Tift Area Academy
Frazier, Zachary Berrien County HS
Garrant, Marguerite South Effingham High School
Burks, Riley Perry High School
Harper, Maddie Berrien County HS
Ramsey, Logan West Laurens High School
Barnard, Bailee Wilcox County HS
Kitchens, Lauren Bleckley County High School
Lariscy, Lora Southeast Bulloch
Bruce, Karsen Wilcox County HS
Kessler, Isaac South Effingham High School
Michael, McKenzie Hawkinsville HS
Fortson, Cedric Telfair County HS
Hux, Haleigh South Effingham High School
Stenski, Alahna Wayne County
Peacock, Dayshun Dublin High School
O'dowd, Davis Southeast Bulloch
Morar, Rohan South Effingham High School
Duke-Barton, Daniel Wayne County
McRae, Brianna Dublin High School
Bombardier, Jacob Wilcox County HS
Agee, Tasia Warner Robins
Rawls, Tray Hawkinsville HS
Campbell, Hunter Vidalia Heritage Academy
Wilson, Laila Tift Area Academy
Oliver, Maci Wilcox County HS
Garcia, Marco Bleckley County High School
Stephens, Tanner Warner Robins
Carter, John Berrien County HS
Hancock, Whitney Tift Area Academy
Carter, Tai Berrien County HS
Cavinder, Maxwell South Effingham High School
Medina, Jesus Eduardo Warner Robins
Halstead, Riley Perry High School
Mullis, Eden West Laurens High School
Churchwell, Luke 11:10.74 Bleckley County High School
Nash, Will 11:22.86 Warner Robins
Phillips, Tyler 11:42.20 South Effingham High School
Jones, Kson 11:58.97 Bleckley County High School
Mitchner, Terry 12:10.55 Wayne County
Youngblood, Kyle 12:19.50 Bleckley County High School
Kuck, Jesse 12:20.85 Bleckley County High School
Brown, Tucker 12:25.54 West Laurens High School
Rogerson, Brian 12:35.42 Perry High School
Livingston, River 12:54.48 Perry High School
Bruckmair, Kaden 13:06.43 West Laurens High School
Norris, Jamie 13:07.38 Telfair County HS
Burdick, Joey 13:13.70 South Effingham High School
Schofill, Jackson 13:15.46 Perry High School
Crowder, Griffin 13:15.84 Perry High School
Lowery, Evan 13:15.86 West Laurens High School
Bland, Matthew 13:17.12 Bleckley County High School
Crosby, Trent 13:18.02 Bleckley County High School
Van Ness, Gavin 13:19.50 South Effingham High School
Thompson, Clay 13:25.92 Bleckley County High School
Mitchell, Jacob 13:26.82 South Effingham High School
Strickland, Holton 13:27.80 Southeast Bulloch
Youngblood, Emily 13:36.71 Bleckley County High School
Giberson, Brian 13:36.97 Bleckley County High School
Carden, Hunter 13:37.62 Bleckley County High School
Narsing, Christian 13:41.52 Warner Robins
Shaver, Will 13:41.78 Southeast Bulloch
Cook, Shayla 13:41.97 Telfair County HS
Williams, Brandon 13:49.33 West Laurens High School
Gadomski, Alan Mikol 13:50.50 South Effingham High School
Stewart, Colson 13:51.27 Tift Area Academy
Ingram, Tristen 13:55.00 South Effingham High School
Shirey, Will 14:00.19 Perry High School
Bryant, Zack 14:04.58 Bleckley County High School
Smith, Will 14:05.17 Bleckley County High School
Chapman, Dawson 14:18.93 Bleckley County High School
Rowland, Brayden 14:21.01 West Laurens High School
Puckett, Will 14:23.82 Vidalia Heritage Academy
Hall, Christa 14:24.26 Bleckley County High School
Turknett, Peyton 14:24.60 Bleckley County High School
Westra, Abbie 14:24.85 Perry High School
Spires, Cade 14:25.47 West Laurens High School
Baldridge, Christian 14:33.02 Wilcox County HS
Johnson, Austin 14:33.23 West Laurens High School
Proenza, Caleb 14:38.76 Vidalia Heritage Academy
Cairney, Juliet 14:43.61 Bleckley County High School
Giberson, Brianna 14:59.97 Bleckley County High School
Moore, Aiden 15:00.28 Warner Robins
Kahrmann, Josh 15:04.90 West Laurens High School
Ellis, Emma 15:05.52 Perry High School
Savant, Ethan 15:05.69 Bleckley County High School
Sims, Molly 15:06.96 Bleckley County High School
Weaver, Brennen 15:09.10 Telfair County HS
Baggett, Tanner 15:10.36 West Laurens High School
Massey, Alan 15:14.93 Telfair County HS
Kerce, Kayla 15:16.73 Bleckley County High School
Pitts, Gable 15:24.43 Southeast Bulloch
Bell, Zane 15:24.70 South Effingham High School
Barella, Skylar 15:30.21 West Laurens High School
Bryant, Mason 15:30.31 Wilcox County HS
Walker, Ann Catherine 15:31.92 Tift Area Academy
Cook, Carter 15:32.79 Tift Area Academy
Richardson, Caiden 15:35.29 West Laurens High School
Proenza, Rebecca 15:35.69 Vidalia Heritage Academy
Simpson, Piper 15:35.81 Bleckley County High School
Watts, Jalen 15:36.76 Perry High School
Maddox, Georgia 15:37.97 Perry High School
Shifflett, Jorge 15:49.69 Warner Robins
Barefield, Clayton 16:06.20 South Effingham High School
Poppell, Bailey 16:07.00 South Effingham High School
Willlis, Brandon 16:09.72 Telfair County HS
Banuelos, Luise 16:11.66 Wilcox County HS
Feliciano, Angela 16:13.95 Warner Robins
Almand, Zephyrus 16:15.61 Wilcox County HS
Lockamy, Madison 16:19.56 Telfair County HS
Hilliard, Jaidom 16:20.88 Wilcox County HS
Gwynn, McKenna 16:21.74 Southeast Bulloch
Dorman, Chaney 16:23.15 West Laurens High School
Royal, Margaret 16:28.68 Telfair County HS
Graham, Bailie 16:30.86 Telfair County HS
Jackson, Nick 16:35.68 West Laurens High School
Long, Mai Lei 16:36.96 Bleckley County High School
Ryan, Cheyenne 16:37.17 South Effingham High School
Barksdale, Caroline 16:49.12 Tift Area Academy
Thompson, Jonah 16:51.84 Wilcox County HS
Deloach, Summer 17:00.18 Perry High School
Willis, Zuria 17:06.89 Telfair County HS
Lott, Logan 17:20.01 Perry High School
Wilson, Jayden 17:29.00 West Laurens High School
Harper, Jack 17:30.20 Warner Robins
Arrington, Rory 17:44.56 Perry High School
Howard, Jeremius 17:45.46 Telfair County HS
Lee, Nathaniel 17:47.52 Telfair County HS
Blanchett, Claire 18:00.90 West Laurens High School
Perry, Katelan 18:42.07 West Laurens High School
Townsend, Abby 18:53.89 Perry High School
Guadiana, Samantha 18:55.24 Perry High School
Cleghorn, Parker 19:06.80 Tift Area Academy
O'Neal, Julia 19:08.00 Vidalia Heritage Academy
Davis, Ambree 19:30.77 Bleckley County High School
Hill, Emma 19:35.22 Bleckley County High School
Arnold, Sierra 20:21.03 Bleckley County High School
Avila, Natalie 20:34.73 Telfair County HS
White, Amelia 20:36.74 Bleckley County High School
Scott, Will 20:41.74 Bleckley County High School
Garrant, William 21:07.10 South Effingham High School
Ott, Katie 21:11.23 Telfair County HS
Powell, Lauren 21:51.97 Telfair County HS
Harrelson, Lola 22:31.30 Telfair County HS
Wright, Rylee 22:55.30 Telfair County HS
Brock, Kaitlyn 24:03.49 Telfair County HS
Yawn, Rosie Kay 26:02.32 Telfair County HS
Arnold, Breanna 28:52.86 Bleckley County High School
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MS Mixed 2 Mile Run 280 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spires, Alex Telfair County HS
Glaize, Ashley South Effingham High School
Forehand, Micah Wilcox County HS
Drew, Joe Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Mosley, Carter Jones County Middle School
Robbins, Raziel Panthers MS
Carter, Vera Wilcox County HS
Sanchez, Sophia Hawkinsville HS
Phillips, Kate Tift Area Academy
Bowen, Bailey Pulaski MS
Gibson, Javian Jones County Middle School
Floyd, Logan Tift Area Academy
Pecorelli, Andrew Jones County Middle School
Musslewhite, Keira Fullington Academy
McLain, Allison Vidalia Heritage Academy
Sorensen, Eliza Bleckley Co. MS
WALKER, DAWSON Jones County Middle School
Woodard, Kali Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Watkins, Dorian West Laurens Middle School
WOMMACK, CAMRYN Jones County Middle School
Marshall, Tyler Jones County Middle School
Schmittel, Lilly Bleckley Co. MS
LACY, CLAYTON Jones County Middle School
Gato, Woelinam Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Hendley, Paxton Berrien County MS
Wright, Skylar Wilcox County HS
Taylor, Marcoz Pulaski MS
Davis, Kiley Jones County Middle School
Clay, Nathan Panthers MS
Battles, Kaleigh Pulaski MS
Zellner, Sarah Jones County Middle School
Rogers, Kylie Wilcox County HS
Meeks, Lilly Treutlen MS
Dailey, Levi West Laurens Middle School
Akin, Kathryn Fullington Academy
Green, Dylan Vidalia Heritage Academy
Gordon, Avery Jones County Middle School
Stokes, Logan Taylor Road MS
Alligood, Aaron Berrien County MS
Morgan, Meredith Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Stokes III, John South Effingham MS
Pompa, Maycie Bleckley Co. MS
ROBINSON, GAVIN Jones County Middle School
Murphy, Declan Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Coleman, Gunner West Laurens Middle School
Meeler, Garrett Telfair County HS
Stokes III, John South Effingham High School
Stephens, Landon Wilcox County HS
HANNER, LYNDSIE Jones County Middle School
Miller, Baleigh Jones County Middle School
Griner, Bryson Panthers MS
Fore, Annie Wilcox County HS
Contreras, Esteban Pulaski MS
Oller, Hawke Jones County Middle School
Duda, Zack Panthers MS
Hellman, Elijah Tift Area Academy
Smith, Sydney Jones County Middle School
Stevens, Carson Fullington Academy
Todd, Sarah Grace Vidalia Heritage Academy
Perkins, McKenzie Bleckley Co. MS
Childs, Gabrielle Jones County Middle School
Burnham, Ansley Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Mullis, Elinor West Laurens Middle School
KENT, GUNNER Jones County Middle School
Sticha, Ryan South Effingham MS
Conley, Elisabeth Bleckley Co. MS
McCLESKEY, HUNTER Jones County Middle School
Hitchcock, Collan Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Osburn, Keagan West Laurens Middle School
Solomon, Will Berrien County MS
Wright, Jacey Wilcox County HS
Hernandez, Sarah Pulaski MS
Sanchez, Isabella Jones County Middle School
Lyons, Colton Panthers MS
Sticha, Ryan South Effingham High School
Sinyard, Heidi Pulaski MS
Walker, Seth Jones County Middle School
Minner, Amber Treutlen MS
Allen, Dawson Fullington Academy
O'Neal, Pearson Vidalia Heritage Academy
Camp, Logan Bleckley Co. MS
Knowles, Kuper Jones County Middle School
Thomas, Enya Taylor Road MS
Moody, Jake Berrien County MS
Murphy, Reagan Southeast Bulloch Middle School
EVANS, JACKSON Jones County Middle School
Harrell, Jack Bleckley Co. MS
STEINMEYER, LANDON Jones County Middle School
Renz, Lilly Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Waldrep, Ethan West Laurens Middle School
Wright, Bradyn Telfair County HS
Stephens, Brett Wilcox County HS
HOWELL, TAYLOR Jones County Middle School
Arnold, Tripp Jones County Middle School
Lott, Dalton Panthers MS
Whipple, Nadia Wilcox County HS
Nelson, Frances Tift Area Academy
Bell, Brynnon Pulaski MS
Norris, Abigail Jones County Middle School
Singleton, Roxie Panthers MS
Hellman, Joshua Tift Area Academy
Smith, Cale Jones County Middle School
Page, Chuck Vidalia Heritage Academy
Blissett, Cole Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Stevens, Caroline Fullington Academy
Kitchens, Natalie Bleckley Co. MS
Ham, Jackson Jones County Middle School
PERRY, RHETT Jones County Middle School
Glaize, Ashley South Effingham MS
Proffitt, Lily Bleckley Co. MS
MOODY, CAM Jones County Middle School
Bennett, Sarah Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Hester, Nathan West Laurens Middle School
Flowers, Andrew Berrien County MS
Rowland, Memphis South Effingham High School
Hughes, Luke Wilcox County HS
Lee, Robert Pulaski MS
Richards, Kaden Jones County Middle School
Ekey, Alivia Panthers MS
Richardson, Mary Stephen Pulaski MS
Caldwell, Caymin Jones County Middle School
McBryant, Lola Wilcox County HS
Marlowe, Erik Jones County Middle School
Rehberg, Sam Taylor Road MS
Brantley, Camdyn Treutlen MS
Gibson, Carli Fullington Academy
Smith, Chance Vidalia Heritage Academy
Roach, Georgia Berrien County MS
Calloway, Jordan Southeast Bulloch Middle School
GRIFFIN, AYDEN Jones County Middle School
Sullivan, Bailey Bleckley Co. MS
THORNTON, LUKE Jones County Middle School
Rountree, Ella Faith Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Garnto, Kemp West Laurens Middle School
MERCER, CARLY Jones County Middle School
Teague, Sable Jones County Middle School
Williams, Sha'Kristin Telfair County HS
Lamb, Ansley Wilcox County HS
Harper, Bryson Berrien County MS
Henderson, Karlee Wilcox County HS
Romero, Francisco Pulaski MS
Rackley, John Jones County Middle School
Forehand, Peyton Panthers MS
Johns, Cole Vidalia Heritage Academy
Williams, Shaun Jones County Middle School
Edge, Izzy Treutlen MS
Hughes, Chase Fullington Academy
Holder, Drew Jones County Middle School
Echols, Cayden Berrien County MS
Bartels, Hayden Southeast Bulloch Middle School
HURSEY, MORIAH Jones County Middle School
Rowland, Memphis South Effingham MS
Farrell, Lily Bleckley Co. MS
PALMER, LILY Jones County Middle School
Hulst, Zach Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Hicks, JaQuan West Laurens Middle School
Dominy, Briggs 12:37.96 Bleckley Co. MS
Solomon, Brady 12:56.35 Berrien County MS
Gibbs, Ella 13:04.61 Bleckley Co. MS
Bailey, Jude 13:12.00 Tift Area Academy
Tarkington, Jacob 13:17.76 Taylor Road MS
Sirmans, Trey 13:21.42 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Pitts, Garner 13:23.46 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Cruz, Isabelle 13:24.90 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Darsey, Caleb 13:32.96 Bleckley Co. MS
Siadak, Cameron 13:36.72 Bleckley Co. MS
Mosley, Mark 13:44.60 Taylor Road MS
Dykes, Wilson 13:49.00 Bleckley Co. MS
Harris, Maddox 13:55.95 West Laurens Middle School
Miller, Helen 13:56.57 Taylor Road MS
McGaw, Jeremiah 14:01.09 Taylor Road MS
Smith, Zack 14:04.37 West Laurens Middle School
Ceniza, Camille 14:09.20 Taylor Road MS
Graham, Hunter 14:11.00 West Laurens Middle School
Mclaughlin, Jackson 14:13.98 Panthers MS
Herrington, Ava 14:14.55 Bleckley Co. MS
Arnold, Ellen 14:15.63 Bleckley Co. MS
Burnham, Noah 14:17.49 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Rehberg, Jack 14:17.53 Taylor Road MS
Rowe, Logan 14:19.29 Berrien County MS
Hutto, Cody 14:21.50 West Laurens Middle School
Peacock, Zack 14:22.26 Panthers MS
Saussy, Adelie 14:26.60 West Laurens Middle School
Calhoun, Dawson 14:32.41 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
McClain, Audrey 14:34.60 West Laurens Middle School
Cook, Sophie 14:37.26 Telfair County HS
Forehand, Marcus 14:44.11 Wilcox County HS
Street, Ja'Darius 14:44.99 West Laurens Middle School
Dean, Aydan 14:46.09 Berrien County MS
Bolmer, Lance 14:55.04 Berrien County MS
Armstrong, Kayslen 14:55.43 Bleckley Co. MS
Norris, Ryan 15:02.49 Taylor Road MS
Calhoun, Daisy 15:07.47 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Smith, Colby 15:11.90 Berrien County MS
Richardson, Will 15:14.11 Taylor Road MS
Boutwell, Mya 15:17.39 Bleckley Co. MS
Pilgrim, Kiley 15:19.41 Bleckley Co. MS
Harris, Emma 15:22.16 Wilcox County HS
Barksdale, Preston 15:30.18 Tift Area Academy
Singleton, Michael 15:39.88 Panthers MS
Fender, Connor 15:40.60 Berrien County MS
Compton, Sophie 15:46.08 Tift Area Academy
Locke, Nolan 15:48.27 West Laurens Middle School
Johnson, Jay 15:50.78 Bleckley Co. MS
Gato, Elikem 15:59.36 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Newby, Mason 15:59.80 West Laurens Middle School
Devaney, Chase 16:00.64 West Laurens Middle School
Smith, Randy 16:01.33 West Laurens Middle School
Nix, Liza 16:03.86 Berrien County MS
Knox, Nathan 16:12.38 Bleckley Co. MS
Strickland, Emmery 16:19.58 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Singleton, Aidan 16:20.29 Telfair County HS
Herrington, Wyc 16:21.68 Bleckley Co. MS
Morton, Lexi 16:23.05 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Miller, Luke 16:24.20 West Laurens Middle School
Storie, Carly 16:28.55 Panthers MS
Hampton, Luke 16:34.12 Panthers MS
Yearty, Bo 16:34.80 Bleckley Co. MS
Hughes, Rex 16:35.28 Wilcox County HS
Watson, Kate 16:37.70 Berrien County MS
Lynch, Claira 16:38.91 Bleckley Co. MS
Bennett, Gatlin 16:39.53 Wilcox County HS
Pace, Zhyrian 16:40.21 Telfair County HS
Cleghorn, Peyton 16:41.90 Tift Area Academy
Butler, Dawson 16:47.46 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Sandoval, Nataligh 16:53.66 Berrien County MS
Boone, Brayden 16:59.27 Telfair County HS
Garrett, Jek 17:01.27 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Lott, Annsleigh 17:02.36 Berrien County MS
Wooten, Noah 17:03.08 West Laurens Middle School
Rainey, Landon 17:04.40 Berrien County MS
Singleton, Thomas 17:05.83 Panthers MS
Butler, Alli 17:08.90 Berrien County MS
Brock, Kevin 17:19.97 Telfair County HS
Hendricks, Jase 17:30.60 Tift Area Academy
Arseneault, Sarah 17:39.37 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Miller, Carly 17:47.30 Wilcox County HS
Musselwhite, Keira 17:55.74 Hawkinsville HS
Murphy, Hannah Grace 18:00.70 Tift Area Academy
Waters, Jerzee 18:02.33 Bleckley Co. MS
Thomas, Addison 18:02.92 West Laurens Middle School
Bowden, Peyton 18:19.19 Bleckley Co. MS
Golden, Sarah Claire 18:24.86 Panthers MS
Shapiro, Leah 18:26.48 Taylor Road MS
storie, Carson 18:28.59 Panthers MS
Hicks, Grace 18:32.19 Bleckley Co. MS
BETTS, ALLIE 18:48.96 Jones County Middle School
Perry, Rachel 18:56.54 West Laurens Middle School
Totty, Scout 18:56.80 Bleckley Co. MS
Gwynn, Colin 18:58.24 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Byczkoski, Delaney 19:06.91 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Knight, Alyssa 19:11.79 Berrien County MS
Dorman, Darcey 19:12.70 West Laurens Middle School
Satghare, Aditi 19:18.75 Taylor Road MS
Kimbrell, Lindy 19:22.60 Berrien County MS
Patel, Jiya 19:38.66 West Laurens Middle School
Ray, Avery 19:52.09 Berrien County MS
Johnson, Alex 19:55.00 Taylor Road MS
Gordon, Kendall 19:59.18 Pulaski MS
BENNETT, ASHLEY 20:04.14 Jones County Middle School
Powell, Joey 20:35.03 Telfair County HS
Arroyo, Ricardo 20:35.10 Pulaski MS
Adams, Kayla 20:40.22 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Gordon, Kendall 20:41.19 Hawkinsville HS
Howard, Hailey 20:50.24 Wilcox County HS
Deaton, Scarlet 21:17.96 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Sanchez, Sophia 21:32.20 Pulaski MS
Warren, Konner 21:32.56 West Laurens Middle School
Mobley, Ruthie 22:01.30 Tift Area Academy
Corkern, Carmen 22:02.50 Tift Area Academy
Cade, Audrey 22:04.20 Tift Area Academy
Strickland, Dylan 23:13.23 Bleckley Co. MS
Davis, Jaxon 23:35.67 Bleckley Co. MS
Gilbert, Zach 24:06.30 Bleckley Co. MS
White, Hall 25:31.34 Telfair County HS
Norris, Jesse 25:37.01 Telfair County HS
Hood, Jacob 25:39.90 Pulaski MS
Ellis, Spencer 26:27.48 Telfair County HS
Hood, Jacob 26:58.37 Hawkinsville HS
Ellis, Carson 27:14.29 Telfair County HS
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