2019 Coastal Empire Region Track Meet 2019

Guyton, GA

Athlete Entries

Middle School Boys 1,600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Jaden Langston Chapel MS
Williams, Jeramiah Langston Chapel MS
Hallman, Devin 5.24 Effingham County Middle School
Phillips, Tyler 5:21.00h South Effingham MS
O'Dowd, Davis 5:22.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Harper, Dean 5:24 William James Middle School
Sybert, Noah 5:32.00h Richmond Hill
Lloyd, Bryce 5:34 William James Middle School
McMillan, Thomas 5:40.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Moore, Jeremiah 5:44.00h Richmond Hill
Finley, James 6:04 Ebenezer MS
Ryals, Tanner 6:10.00h South Effingham MS
Hall, Noah 6:13 Ebenezer MS
Hutcheson, Kaleb 6:19.88 Effingham County Middle School
Whitfield, Mondrial 6:23.00h Burke County Middle School
Maruca, Michael 6:44.00h Burke County Middle School
Weaver, Christian 6:50 Screven County MS
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Middle School Boys 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovett, Jordan Langston Chapel MS
Johnson, Dexter Langston Chapel MS
Washington Jr., Marcus 11.44 Burke County Middle School
Flagg, James 11.62 William James Middle School
Johnson, AJ 11.75 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Wells, Craison 11.76 William James Middle School
Dorsey, Charlie 11.81 Burke County Middle School
Benton, Aaron 11.87 South Effingham MS
Bacon, Messiah 11.96 Effingham County Middle School
Weickerson, Jah'tavion 12.02 South Effingham MS
Brittain, Elijah 12.04 Ebenezer MS
Singleton, Khalib 12.40 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Evans, Jayden 12.41 Ebenezer MS
Gantt, Zach 12.67 Effingham County Middle School
Jacobs, Javian 12.75 Screven County MS
Taylor, Zac 12.80 Screven County MS
Skinkle, Jack 13.28 Richmond Hill
Enoch, Noah 13.29 Richmond Hill
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Middle School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kitchen, Damari Langston Chapel MS
Lovett, Jordan Langston Chapel MS
Tisby, Caleb 15.21 William James Middle School
Weeks, Nathan 16.66 Burke County Middle School
Taylor, Kyon 16.76 William James Middle School
Kelly, Markel 17.34 Burke County Middle School
Burns, Jeremiah 17:22.00 Screven County MS
Mydell, Justice 18.10 South Effingham MS
Barnaby, Logan 18.15 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Brown, Timothy 18.37 Effingham County Middle School
Smith, Victavious 18.64 South Effingham MS
Biggins, Joshua 19.25 Effingham County Middle School
Tran, Justin 19.75 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Rollins, Kendall 20.34 Richmond Hill
Kelley, Jayden 20.73 Ebenezer MS
McQuiston, Colin 22.13 Ebenezer MS
Sybert, Noah 22.21 Richmond Hill
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Adrae Langston Chapel MS
Smith, Matthew Langston Chapel MS
Flagg, James 23.5 William James Middle School
Donaldson, Damion 24.81 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Weickerson, Jah'tavion 24.90 South Effingham MS
Brittain, Elijah 25.00 Ebenezer MS
Hill, Andrew 25.12 South Effingham MS
Washington Jr., Marcus 25.37 Burke County Middle School
Dorsey, Charlie 25.40 Burke County Middle School
Brown, Timothy 25.43 Effingham County Middle School
Bacon, Messiah 25.59 Effingham County Middle School
Tisby, Caleb 25.62 William James Middle School
Jacobs, Javian 26.15 Screven County MS
Shefton, Jaylen 26.24 Screven County MS
Singleton, Khalib 26.42 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Bliss, Nick 27.03 Richmond Hill
Hall, Rodney 27.65 Ebenezer MS
Hines, Elias 32.80 Richmond Hill
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Adrae Langston Chapel MS
Smith, Matthew Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Boys 3,200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Ryan Langston Chapel MS
Burden, Blake Burke County Middle School
Gregg, CJ 11:14 Richmond Hill
Rich, Memphis 11:16.00 Richmond Hill
Harper, Dean 11:22.00 William James Middle School
O'Dowd, Davis 11:25.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Phillips, Tyler 11:29.00 South Effingham MS
West, John 12:23.42 William James Middle School
Privette, Jensen 12:30.00 South Effingham MS
Kennedy, Avery 12:32.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Kent, Weston 12:45.00 Screven County MS
Gray, Ronderius 13:06.93 Burke County Middle School
Natson, Cameron 13:44.49 Langston Chapel MS
Araujo, Andres 14.07 Effingham County Middle School
Wallace, Seth 14.31 Effingham County Middle School
Kurtz, Tristan 14:24 Ebenezer MS
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Middle School Boys 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Kobe Langston Chapel MS
Wallace, Adrae Langston Chapel MS
Thompson, Ashley 1.00 Effingham County Middle School
Lavant, Zacchaeus 1:00.00 Ebenezer MS
Bliss, Nick 1:00.06 Richmond Hill
Avery, Case 1:00.12 South Effingham MS
Barnaby, Logan 1:01.00 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Omarion, Gregory 1:01.10 Richmond Hill
Jackson, Cayden 1:02.00h Burke County Middle School
Kent, Weston 1:02.00h Screven County MS
Smart, Kemonte 55.02 William James Middle School
Branch, Amari 55.50 Ebenezer MS
Donaldson, Damion 55.84 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Proctor, John 57.31 William James Middle School
McIvory, Jamari 57.37 Effingham County Middle School
Jackson, Demond 58.16 Burke County Middle School
Williams, Austin 59.00 South Effingham MS
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Middle School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team B Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team A 46.04 South Effingham MS
Relay Team A 46.44 William James Middle School
Relay Team B 47.32 William James Middle School
Relay Team A 47.40 Burke County Middle School
Relay Team A 48.28 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team A 48.44 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team B 49.06 South Effingham MS
Relay Team B 50.50 Burke County Middle School
Relay Team A 50:01.00 Screven County MS
Relay Team B 51:05.00 Screven County MS
Relay Team A 51:07.00 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team B 52.32 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team A 53.12 Richmond Hill
Relay Team B 53:40.00 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team B 54.53 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
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Middle School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team B Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team A 3:48.75 William James Middle School
Relay Team A 4.09 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team B 4.30 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team A 4:01.00h South Effingham MS
Relay Team B 4:04.00h South Effingham MS
Relay Team A 4:04.22 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team B 4:05.00h William James Middle School
Relay Team A 4:06.68 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team A 4:09.00h Burke County Middle School
Relay Team B 4:12.00h Burke County Middle School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Richmond Hill
Relay Team B 4:19.12 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team B 4:29.37 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Screven County MS
Relay Team B 4:50.51 Ebenezer MS
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Middle School Boys 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Brycen Langston Chapel MS
Hallman, Devin 2.27 Effingham County Middle School
Hutcheson, Kaleb 2.36 Effingham County Middle School
Gregg, CJ 2:17.00h Richmond Hill
Rich, Memphis 2:26.00h Richmond Hill
Lloyd, Bryce 2:28 William James Middle School
Avery, Case 2:28.00h South Effingham MS
West, John 2:28.95 William James Middle School
Kennedy, Avery 2:29.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Richardson, Jeremy 2:30.00h Burke County Middle School
Williams, Austin 2:31.00h South Effingham MS
McMillan, Thomas 2:35.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Hall, Noah 2:44.00 Ebenezer MS
Moreno, Daniel 2:44.00h Burke County Middle School
Kurtz, Tristan 2:44.66 Ebenezer MS
McFarland, David 2:50.00h Screven County MS
Natson, Cameron 2:50.80 Langston Chapel MS
Kent, Hudson 2:55.00h Screven County MS
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Middle School Boys Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eads, Grant 117-10 Richmond Hill
Harris, Michael 108-0 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Budgett, Jaylen 104-1.5 William James Middle School
Spann, Jaylen 104-0 William James Middle School
Mikell, Terry 102-7 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Smith, Victavious 93-2 South Effingham MS
Fields, Jamari 90-1 South Effingham MS
Smith, Brandon 85-5 Screven County MS
Montgomery, Desmond 81-5 Effingham County Middle School
Lee, Ed 80-8 Screven County MS
Hall, Elijah 78-11.5 Ebenezer MS
McCarr, Keshawn 78-1 Effingham County Middle School
Dunivan, Ian 76-4 Richmond Hill
Johnson, Dexter 69-3 Langston Chapel MS
Chapin, RJ 62-5.5 Ebenezer MS
Burke, Jonathan Burke County Middle School
Prescott, Damion Burke County Middle School
Mills, Zeryk Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flagg, James 5-8 William James Middle School
Taylor, Kyon 5-8 William James Middle School
Mydell, Justice 5-4 South Effingham MS
Williams, Austin 5-4 South Effingham MS
Johnson, AJ 5-4 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Brown, Timothy 5-4 Effingham County Middle School
Scott, Jontavious 5-2 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Gantt, Zach 5-2 Effingham County Middle School
Shefton, Jaylen 5-0 Screven County MS
Kelley, Jayden 4-6 Ebenezer MS
Kurtz, Tristan 4-4 Ebenezer MS
Enoch, Noah Richmond Hill
Reed, Ryan Langston Chapel MS
Kitchen, Damari Langston Chapel MS
Menzie, DJ Richmond Hill
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Middle School Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington Jr., Marcus 18-2 Burke County Middle School
Smart, Kemonte 17-11.5 William James Middle School
Weickerson, Jah'tavion 17-11 South Effingham MS
Burns, Jeremiah 17-1 Screven County MS
Fields, Jamari 17-0 South Effingham MS
Brittain, Elijah 16-10.78 Ebenezer MS
Thompson, Ashley 16-5 Effingham County Middle School
Scott, Jontavious 16-5 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Mack, Syquan 16-3 William James Middle School
Grant, TaCorey 16-2 Screven County MS
Roper, Cameron 15-9 Effingham County Middle School
Donaldson, Damion 15-6.5 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Lavant, Zacchaeus 15-5 Ebenezer MS
McNealy, Will 13-6.3 Richmond Hill
Weeks, Nathan Burke County Middle School
Palmer, Tyreek Langston Chapel MS
Crawford, Johnanthan Langston Chapel MS
Rollins, Kendall Richmond Hill
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Middle School Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, James 41-7 William James Middle School
Harris, Michael 41-0.5 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Bacon, Messiah 40-3 Effingham County Middle School
McMillan, Quintez 39-9.5 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Eads, Grant 36-5 Richmond Hill
Montgomery, Desmond 36-4 Effingham County Middle School
Benton, Aaron 36-2 South Effingham MS
Wright, Jaylen 35-6 William James Middle School
Smith, Justin 34-7 Screven County MS
Johnson, Dexter 33-11.5 Langston Chapel MS
Hall, Elijah 32-5 Ebenezer MS
Lee, Ed 31-7 Screven County MS
Bilenski, Riley 31-3 South Effingham MS
Dunivan, Ian 28-3 Richmond Hill
Hall, Noah 25-2 Ebenezer MS
Cobb, Keshon Burke County Middle School
Grace, Gregory Burke County Middle School
Mills, Zeryk Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tisby, Caleb 38-10 William James Middle School
Johnson, AJ 36-2 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Washington Jr., Marcus 36-0.5 Burke County Middle School
Brinson, Kery 35-9.5 William James Middle School
Avery, Case 34-2 South Effingham MS
Smith, Victavious 33-10 South Effingham MS
Bliss, Nick 32-6 Richmond Hill
Scott, Jontavious 32-6 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Shefton, Jaylen 31-8 Screven County MS
Lavant, Zacchaeus 31-6 Ebenezer MS
Evans, Jayden 30-7 Ebenezer MS
Roberts, Lamar 27-5 Effingham County Middle School
Sybert, Noah 27-2.5 Richmond Hill
Weeks, Nathan Burke County Middle School
Badger, Jamarcus Langston Chapel MS
Reed, Ryan Langston Chapel MS
Pelote, Marquion Effingham County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 1,600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hinely, Sarah 6.47 Effingham County Middle School
Tuttle, Lucy 6:06.55 Richmond Hill
Browne, Riley 6:09.00h South Effingham MS
McKeithen, Madisen 6:14.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Goode, Savannah 6:24.00h Richmond Hill
Hill, SaMya 6:30 Langston Chapel MS
Cruz, Isabelle 6:33.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Fitzpatrick, Mya 6:34.00h South Effingham MS
Garafola, Emily 6:36.54 Ebenezer MS
Deal, Caroline 6:38.00h William James Middle School
Proctor, Maggie 6:40 William James Middle School
Vazquez, Michelle 6:44.00 Ebenezer MS
Roberts, Shelby 7.20 Effingham County Middle School
Jones, Ashanti 7:05.50 Screven County MS
Woullard, Saniyah 7:54 Langston Chapel MS
Murray, Susanna 8:45.48 Burke County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawrence, Jayla 12.65 Richmond Hill
Perkins, Taylor 13.04 South Effingham MS
Webb, Dy' Mon 13.26 Burke County Middle School
Nunnally, Jay'Meria 13.26 William James Middle School
Brown, Shaleijah 13.43 William James Middle School
Dickerson, Kashayla 13.66 Ebenezer MS
Littles, Ainsleigh 13.72 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Herrington, Lailonna 13.79 Langston Chapel MS
Studstill, Keniyah 13.86 Langston Chapel MS
Gilbert, Taylor 13.93 Richmond Hill
Stovall, Keanna 13.96 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Williams, Briana 14.03 South Effingham MS
Williams, Anaysia 14.32 Effingham County Middle School
Curry, Zariah 14.45 Effingham County Middle School
Mercier, Aniya 14.50 Ebenezer MS
Jackson, Olivia 15.35 Screven County MS
Schlegel, Shannon 15.37 Burke County Middle School
McDonough, Mikayla 15.90 Screven County MS
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawrence, Jayla 17.16 Richmond Hill
Thames, Delanie 17.25 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Danker, Bailey 17.91 Screven County MS
Bentley, Ashlee 18.07 Screven County MS
Fowler, Emily 18.80 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Avery, Daisy 18.92 Richmond Hill
Walker, Shalaiya 18:53 Langston Chapel MS
Motes, Caroline 19.19 South Effingham MS
Lin, Chloe 19.19 Ebenezer MS
Lamb, Riley 19.28 William James Middle School
Stovall, Zaylin 19:08 Langston Chapel MS
Curry, Zariah 20.28 Effingham County Middle School
Byrd, Valencia 20.29 Ebenezer MS
Blythe, Sydney 21.06 William James Middle School
Davis, Julia 21.07 Effingham County Middle School
Hall, Parker 21.39 South Effingham MS
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Payne, Kendra 26.9 William James Middle School
Webb, Dy' Mon 27.96 Burke County Middle School
Littles, Ainsleigh 28.00 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Nunnally, Jay'Meria 28.27 William James Middle School
Perkins, Taylor 28.74 South Effingham MS
Hood, Addison 28.84 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Scott, Alailah 29.31 Screven County MS
Sandoval, Jastin 29.45 Richmond Hill
Spendiff, Riley 29.62 South Effingham MS
Studstill, Keniyah 29.63 Langston Chapel MS
Herrington, Lailonna 29.66 Langston Chapel MS
Jackson, Olivia 30.20 Screven County MS
Gupton, Ke'Yanna 31.02 Richmond Hill
Mercier, Aniya 31.14 Ebenezer MS
Harding, Elajah 31.31 Ebenezer MS
Curry, Zariah 31.67 Effingham County Middle School
Lanier, Kennedi 32.13 Effingham County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Reya' Langston Chapel MS
Carswell, Cassidy Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Girls 3,200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Goode, Savannah 13:29.00 Richmond Hill
Carter, Callie 13:33.00 William James Middle School
Deal, Caroline 13:36.00 William James Middle School
Pierson, Emma 13:46.00 South Effingham MS
McKeithen, Madisen 13:49.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Cleveland, Elise 13:51 Langston Chapel MS
Tolbert, Briana 14:00.00 Richmond Hill
Lariscy, Lora 14:02.02 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Stewart, Alaysha 14:14.00 Screven County MS
Barber, Brianna 14:37.00 South Effingham MS
Hilton, Shelby 15:03.00 Ebenezer MS
Withers, Inga 15:34.00 Burke County Middle School
Davis, Julia 16.07 Effingham County Middle School
Arnsdorff, Sadie Grace 16:02.03 Ebenezer MS
Roberts, Shelby 17.05 Effingham County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lavant, Trinity Langston Chapel MS
Foskey, Victoria 1.08 Effingham County Middle School
Skinner, Bricelyn 1.14 Effingham County Middle School
Payne, Kendra 1:02.42 William James Middle School
Webb, Akira 1:04.66 Richmond Hill
Spendiff, Riley 1:05.26 South Effingham MS
Washington, A'shari 1:05.40 Langston Chapel MS
Stewart, Alaysha 1:06.62 Screven County MS
Brown, Jada 1:06.92 Richmond Hill
Kendziorski, Bailey 1:07.28 South Effingham MS
Gibson, Terrece 1:08.5 William James Middle School
Myers, Skyler 1:09.02 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Ball, Amyia 1:10.00 Screven County MS
Morgan, Abigail 1:10.40 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Harding, Elajah 1:12 Ebenezer MS
Bell, Aalaya 1:18 Ebenezer MS
Bloomstrom, Maliah 1:23.00 Burke County Middle School
Schlegel, Shannon 1:23.03 Burke County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:03.57 Screven County MS
Relay Team A 53.56 South Effingham MS
Relay Team A 53.78 William James Middle School
Relay Team A 53.95 Richmond Hill
Relay Team B 55.61 South Effingham MS
Relay Team A 55.70 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team A 55.72 Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team A 56.13 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team B 56.65 Richmond Hill
Relay Team B 56.69 William James Middle School
Relay Team A 57.04 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team B 57.19 Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team B 57.24 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team B 58.60 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team A 58:09.00 Burke County Middle School
Relay Team B 58:38.00 Burke County Middle School
Relay Team A 59.07 Screven County MS
Relay Team B 59.45 Ebenezer MS
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Middle School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team A 4.55 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team A 4:33.00h Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 4:38.00h William James Middle School
Relay Team A 4:39.00h South Effingham MS
Relay Team B 4:45.00h William James Middle School
Relay Team B 4:49.54 Richmond Hill
Relay Team A 4:53.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team B 4:56.00h South Effingham MS
Relay Team A 4:56.09 Screven County MS
Relay Team B 5.18 Effingham County Middle School
Relay Team B 5:03.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Relay Team A 5:04.73 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team A 5:06.93 Langston Chapel MS
Relay Team B 5:30.01 Screven County MS
Relay Team B 5:31.70 Ebenezer MS
Relay Team A 5:48.04 Burke County Middle School
Relay Team B 5:52.00h Burke County Middle School
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Middle School Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tuttle, Lucy 2:38.00h Richmond Hill
Browne, Riley 2:42.00h South Effingham MS
Lavant, Trinity 2:43 Langston Chapel MS
Kessler, Braeden 2:44.00h South Effingham MS
Delos Reyes, Jade 2:48.00h Richmond Hill
Myers, Skyler 2:54.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Proctor, Maggie 2:58 William James Middle School
Scarboro, Laylah 2:58 Langston Chapel MS
Mercier, Aniya 2:59 Ebenezer MS
Carter, Callie 2:59.00h William James Middle School
Hinely, Sarah 3.12 Effingham County Middle School
Cruz, Isabelle 3:00.01 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Moore, Amber 3:02.00 Screven County MS
Curd, Jada 3:05.00h Burke County Middle School
Roberson, CeCe 3:06.00 Screven County MS
Lakes, McKenzie 3:07.00h Burke County Middle School
Vazquez, Michelle 3:08 Ebenezer MS
Roberts, Shelby 5.00 Effingham County Middle School
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Middle School Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lonon, Aaliyah 87-4 William James Middle School
Swan, Indiyah 75-0 Burke County Middle School
Cannady, Abby 67-6 William James Middle School
McNally, Lacey 67-3 South Effingham MS
McNally, Jayce 63-1 South Effingham MS
Mcneil, Clarissa 63-1 Ebenezer MS
Jones, Keira 62-4 Richmond Hill
Powell, Jamianee 61-4 Langston Chapel MS
Perez, Liannus 60-0 Burke County Middle School
Barton, Victoria 59-1 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Maruca, Haleigh 57-10 Ebenezer MS
Roberson, Asia 57-2 Screven County MS
Deal, Raegan 56-6 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Hunter, Diona 54-7 Effingham County Middle School
Pierce, Tamia 52-5 Screven County MS
Foskey, Megan 52-5 Effingham County Middle School
Webb, Akira 50-4 Richmond Hill
Lanier, Krystalyn Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Littles, Ainsleigh 4-8 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Ergle, Kenzy 4-6 South Effingham MS
Hood, Addison 4-5 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
West, Katie 4-4 South Effingham MS
Williams, Anaysia 4-4 Effingham County Middle School
Maruca, Haleigh 4-4 Ebenezer MS
Avery, Daisy 4-2 Richmond Hill
Lonon, Aaliyah 4-2 William James Middle School
Lamb, Riley 4-2 William James Middle School
Cunningham, Brianna 4-2 Burke County Middle School
Jones, Keira 4-0 Richmond Hill
Hinely, Sarah 4-0 Effingham County Middle School
Jones, Arieonna Langston Chapel MS
Stovall, Zaylin Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spendiff, Riley 16-9.5 South Effingham MS
West, Katie 14-10.5 South Effingham MS
Thames, Delanie 14-10.25 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Stovall, Keanna 14-4 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Payne, Kendra 14-2.25 William James Middle School
Tyler, Ta'myia 13-11.5 Screven County MS
Mercer, Chalanta 13-8.5 William James Middle School
Brown, Jada 13-1.34 Richmond Hill
Brown, Katie 12-10.75 Ebenezer MS
Avery, Daisy 12-10 Richmond Hill
Bentley, Ashlee 12-9 Screven County MS
Lanier, Kennedi 11-8 Effingham County Middle School
King, Kailyn 11-8 Ebenezer MS
Skinner, Bricelyn 11-4 Effingham County Middle School
Washington, A'shari Langston Chapel MS
Walker, Shalaiya Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cannady, Abby 34-5 William James Middle School
Lonon, Aaliyah 33-8 William James Middle School
Mcneil, Clarissa 30-4 Ebenezer MS
Maruca, Haleigh 28-8.5 Ebenezer MS
Tuttle, Lucy 28-6 Richmond Hill
Deal, Raegan 28-2 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Odom, Ava 28-2 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Roberson, Asia 26-9 Screven County MS
Brown, Jada 26-6 Richmond Hill
McNally, Lacey 26-5 South Effingham MS
Hunter, Diona 26-3 Effingham County Middle School
Decker, hannah 25-8 South Effingham MS
Liggins, Mariah 25-3 Screven County MS
Foskey, Megan 24-5 Effingham County Middle School
Roberson, Glorhianna 21-2.75 Burke County Middle School
Pinckney, Haleigh 19-4.5 Langston Chapel MS
Jenkins, Keyondra 19-0 Burke County Middle School
Powell, Jamianee Langston Chapel MS
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Middle School Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thames, Delanie 32-1.25 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Stovall, Keanna 30-3 Southeast Bulloch Middle School
Thompson, emily 28-4 South Effingham MS
Lamb, Riley 28-0 William James Middle School
Williams, Anaysia 27-9 Effingham County Middle School
Jones, ella 27-5 South Effingham MS
Tyler, Ta'myia 27-1.75 Screven County MS
Spann, Josiah 27-0 William James Middle School
Byrd, Valencia 25-8.5 Ebenezer MS
Webb, Saylor 25-7 Ebenezer MS
Webb, Akira 25-4.5 Richmond Hill
Bentley, Ashlee 25-0 Screven County MS
Curry, Shaliyah 23-6 Effingham County Middle School
Johnson, Samantha Richmond Hill
Stovall, Zaylin Langston Chapel MS
Washington, A'shari Langston Chapel MS
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