Region 1-AAA Championship 2018

Cordele, GA

Region 1-AAA Championship 2018 vs GHSA Region 1-AAA Championship 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +3 52 49
Overall Average +45.72 24:05.67 23:19.94
1st-10th Place +12.66 19:18.01 19:05.35
1st-25th Place +5.15 20:49.00 20:43.85
1st-50th Place +44.77 23:36.71 22:51.95
1st-100th Place +1:05.77 12:31.75 11:25.97
Common Athletes -- -- 27
Ran Faster -7 10 17
Ran Season Best 5 21 16
Average Time +21.76 22:47.58 22:25.82
Median Time +7.44 22:11.59 22:04.15
Middle 80% Times +23.56 22:51.84 22:28.28
Top 10% Times +9.25 18:25.18 18:15.93
Top 25% Times +32.53 19:21.27 18:48.74
Top 50% Times +19.39 20:19.63 20:00.24
Bottom 50% Times +22.58 23:37.85 23:15.27
Bottom 25% Times +16.12 26:41.53 26:25.41
Bottom 10% Times +21.17 28:08.20 27:47.02
Average Difference +21.76 -- --
Median Difference +4.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +23.80 -- --
Top 10% Difference +3.49 -- --
Top 50% Difference +16.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +15.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference +16.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +25.38 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +19.30 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +21.17 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Thomas Rischar Crisp County +1:11.82 18:29.11 17:17.29
Nicholas Wagoner Crisp County -58.32 17:52.18 18:50.50
Zyterrious Hudson Crisp County +2:11.22 20:51.23 18:40.01
Jackson Johnson Cook County High School -3.02 18:54.25 18:57.27
Eric Bohannon Crisp County +1:23.98 20:23.47 18:59.49
Kevin Richmond Crisp County +19.03 19:24.83 19:05.80
Branden Bass Monroe Comprehensive High School +1:29.89 21:20.71 19:50.82
Mandela Nelson Monroe Comprehensive High School +2.66 20:08.42 20:05.76
Will O'Quinn Cook County High School -4.62 20:19.77 20:24.39
Ignacio Arredondo Cook County High School -1:34.74 20:20.31 21:55.05
Zalen Timmons Worth County HS -8.80 20:53.11 21:01.91
Brianna Zupko Worth County HS +45.87 22:04.53 21:18.66
Luke Paramore Worth County HS -42.82 21:21.33 22:04.15
Marcus Cowart Monroe Comprehensive High School +2:45.91 24:18.23 21:32.32
Tom Daughtrey Cook County High School +4.70 22:11.59 22:06.89
Camielle Milledge Monroe Comprehensive High School -1.54 23:22.27 23:23.81
Haley Kendrick Crisp County +59.22 24:36.34 23:37.12
Nia Harris Monroe Comprehensive High School -0.30 23:47.41 23:47.71
Catiannya Smith Cook County High School +17.77 24:07.80 23:50.03
Litzy Juarez Cook County High School +1.66 23:52.08 23:50.42
David Singletary Worth County HS +32.05 24:31.41 23:59.36
Tkesia Mitchell Monroe Comprehensive High School -1:04.03 25:04.01 26:08.04
Brittany Ware Crisp County +53.93 26:34.02 25:40.09
Maggie Gregory Cook County High School +22.46 26:11.75 25:49.29
Caitlin Davis Cook County High School +2:28.72 29:22.51 26:53.79
Jordan Lawson Crisp County +10.09 27:15.91 27:05.82
Emma Brazel Crisp County -1:35.29 27:46.17 29:21.46