Here we've got Keayari Lee from North Atlanta for a senior spotlight moment:
What are your high school PR's so far?
400: 46.15
What are your college plans, if you have them figured out?
Go to the SEC and win the Championship in the 800m, become a true freshman and all SEC runner. Then go to the national championships and the 800m there to become a national champ, also become a bowerman award winner. sign pro after one year.
What's your most memorable race or race you're most proud of?
When I ran in Texas A&M and won both the 800 and 400, double.
What has been your biggest challenge in high school or what has been the hardest obstacle to overcome?
To have confidence going into my races, and trying to overcome that fear because anything can happen in a race. So I be a little nervous.
What is your typical warm up routine and/or weight room routine like?
To listen to music first, get a two lap run in but run the straight and walk the curves. Then I work on stretching my lower body to get that part activated. Once that happens I will work on the top but I take my time on each stretch from bottom to top. Takes me almost 45mins to warm up
What do you think is the biggest part of training that has helped you achieve success?
Stretching, I say that because If I feel like I haven't stretch enough I'm not gonna do as good as I wanted to and having the support of my mom or dad because they are the world to me and I do this for them and I love to see the smiles on their faces.
What is your all time favorite workout?
It's calls the ladder and we do, 500, 300, 200 100, and all out 400. 500 is at 1:04 pace 300 is at 36 or faster pace, 200 no slower then 24 pace and 100 no slower then 12.1 pace with 4 mins rest in between. The 400 is all me to see where I'm at in the end.
What is your least favorite or hardest workout?
Literally hill repeats I really don't like those lol
400m hills 300m hill 200m hills 100m hills.
Who do you have to thank for your success?
My Lord and savior Jesus Christ and My family and church family and my coach.
Who do you look up to the most in your event?
My mom and dad because they work really hard even when the don't feel like doing stuff they do it anyway. They give me a lot of advice on how to approach each situation and when I do make those mistakes they are here to pick me back up. When I have a meet they always try to make it even if they are tired from work or didn't get any sleep or if they have to go to work, they still make time for me.
What gets you pumped up for a training session or race?
My music and Dad cause he like to tell jokes before my races.
What is your favorite food and/or movie and/or TV show and/or song?
Chicken Alfredo, my favorite movie is love and basketball and song is back to the moon by gunna
What will you miss the most about high school?
The experience to socialize and meet all type of kids from different parts of the country and seeing we all have the same dreams and just having fun traveling.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Take those risks. It's okay to be scared. I know some things seem scary but they're not. Take that opportunity and run with it, take that obstacle and overcome it. Take that challenge and beat it. I promise you God got you and Mom and Dad right there by your side. Don't worry you got this!