Here we've got Madeline Cooper from Drew Charter for a senior spotlight moment:
What are your high school PRs so far?
100m: 11.59
100mh: 13.33
60m: 7.39
60mh: 8.45
What are your college plans, if you have them figured out?
I plan to run track at the University of Georgia and major in Business
What's your most memorable race or race you're most proud of?
My most memorable race was the 2024 USATF Junior Olympics, when I ran a national record of 13.33 (previously run by Alia Armstong) and became a national champion.
What has been your biggest challenge in high school or what has been the hardest obstacle to overcome?
Having to continuously change from club track coaching to high school track coaching. During the indoor season, I run with my track club, and after indoor nationals, I run with my high school, and I run with them until state. Then I go back with my club team and run summer track.
What is your typical warm-up routine and/or weight room routine like?
Warm-up routine:
Every Practice, my team and I warm up for about 45 minutes. It typically consists of jogging, skipping, sprinting, lunges, jumps, and many dynamic stretches.
What do you think is the biggest part of training that has helped you achieve success?
Either all the hurdle and block work or being in the weight room.
What is your all-time favorite workout?
My all-time favorite workout is compressed hurdles, where the hurdles are a meter closer than normal and feel a lot faster. This works on getting my trail leg down quicker.
What is your least favorite or hardest workout?
My absolute least favorite workout is 300m repeats
Who do you have to thank for your success?
I would like to thank all my amazing coaches at Saphire Track Club, my hurdles coaches Coach Jones, and Coach Boone. Without them, I would've not developed my abilities. I would also like to thank my parents for driving me to practices and meets and providing me with everything I need to succeed in this sport.
Who do you look up to the most in your event?
I look up to Masai Russel the most when it comes to hurdles. When It comes to sprints I look up to my cousin, Aleia Hobbs.
What gets you pumped up for a training session or race?
To get pumped up before a race, I put on my headphones while I warm up and I listen to music.
What is your favorite food and/or movie and/or TV show and/or song?
My favorite food is Tacos, more specifically Birria Tacos
What will you miss the most about high school?
I think out of everything about high school I will miss being coached by my club coaches the absolute most. They have been my coaches since I was 11, and it will be a lot different than what I'm used to.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to just keep working, cherish this time, and that my time is eventually going to come.