Chapel Hill All-Comers Invitational 2025

Douglasville, GA

Meet Information


2025 Chapel Hill All-Comers Invite

Visit our website for maps of our campus other meet info.

Meet / School Address:  Chapel Hill High School, 4899 Chapel Hill Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135

Admission: Spectators Pay HERE.  

Concessions:  Chick-Fil-A biscuits, Coffee Truck, Hermana's Italian Ice, burgers, hot dogs, and a variety of drinks and snacks will be available throughout the day.  Card and Cash accepted
Our Track: 6 Lanes, 2 Long/Triple Jump Pits, 1 High Jump, 1 Discus Ring, 1 Shot Ring, and 1 Pole Vault Pit.  
EntriesTeams may enter unlimited entries in field events and individual running events. In the 4x1, 4x2, and 4x4, teams will be limited to 3 teams per school.  In the 4 x 800, 2 teams per school.  **There will be NO 3200m race.

2025 Chapel Hill All-Comers Event Schedule

9:10 AM Coaches Meeting (Center of Football Field.)

9:30 AM Field Events Begin: First attempt will be measured.  Everything else will need to meet a minimum listed below.

  • Boys: Discus, Long Jump
  • Girls: Shot Put, Triple, High Jump
  • Pole Vault Girls, then Boys beginning at 7'0"
Minimums and Opening Heights (Coaches running event may vary these amounts.): 

  • Pole Vault -         Girls 5'-0" / Boys 7'-0"
  • Discus -               Girls 30' / Boys 60'
  • Shot -                   Girls 15' / Boys 25'
  • Triple Jump -       Girls 30' / Boys 38'
  • Long Jump -        Girls 13' / Boys 17'
  • High Jump -        Girls 4'0" / Boys 5'0"
10:30 AM Field Events: 
  • Boys: Shot Put, Triple Jump, High Jump
  • Girls: Discus, Long Jump

10:45 AM:    100m /110m hurdles (Girls then Boys)

11:30 AM:    4 x 800m Relay (Girls then Boys)

12:00 Noon:  First Call for 100m will be at the start of the 4x800 relay.  (Rolling Schedule)  (Girls race first.  Boys second.)

  • 100m
  • 4 x 200m relay
  • 1600m
  • 4 x 100m relay
  • 400m
  • 300m hurdles
  • 800m
  • 200m
  • 4 x 400m relay

Drop off:  Buses may drop kids off at the stadium then park in the Bus Parking by the school. Warmups will be behind the home side stadium and the parking lot area also behind home side.

Packet Pickup:  Coaches will pick up info packets behind the Home Stands . Meal tickets for breakfast and lunch will be given for Coaches Only at Packet Pickup.
Check-Ins for Athletes: Field event athletes must check in to their field events at the event sites.
Athletes in RUNNING events will check-in behind the Home Side Bleachers at the Check-In Table before last call! Hip numbers will be given at the Check-In Table.
If runners miss check-in, they will not run.
Coaches...Tell your athletes to get to the Check-In Table and check in ASAP. We all want to get home at a reasonable time. Prep your athletes ahead of time, ESPECIALLY your new runners.
Awards:  We will do announcements of awards and coaches can pick up awards at the press box after the meet.
Tents:  NO tents on the field or behind the Home Side bleachers. Please place your team in the stands on either side. Please avoid putting tents directly in front of the press box. If you have a huge tent and way too much stuff, you can setup on the Away Side against the fence.

Pole Vault:  Do not forget your Pole Vault Verification form if you have vaulters.  It must be filled out AND It MUST be signed by your Principal AND Athletic Director.  
Payment:  Entry fee $250 with both girls and boys together. If you bring just boys or just girls it should be $125.   Please make checks out to Chapel Hill High Panther Club.  Checks can be mailed to:  C/O Jasmin Ellis:  4899 Chapel Hill Rd Douglasville, Ga 30135.