GHSA 5A - Region 5 2024

Atlanta, GA
Hosted by Midtown
Timing/Results First Call Timing

Athlete Entries

5-AAAAA Boys 1,600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boayue, Nyan Tri Cities
Pullen, Jacob 4:27.47 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Johnson, Solomon 4:29.03 Chapel Hill High School
Herlihy, Finn 4:30.43 Chapel Hill High School
Herlihy, William 4:31.61 Chapel Hill High School
Zimmerman, James 4:35.42 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Collier, Cameron 4:37.68 Midtown
Finlayson, Samuel 4:44.17 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Ellen, Will 4:48.02 Midtown
Fowler, Jaun 4:50.11 Mays High School
Goncher, Harrison 4:54.69 Midtown
Davison, Brandon 4:59.28 Mays High School
Mason, Bradley 5:04.45 Creekside
Stowers, Bo 5:05.54 Villa Rica
Griffin, Lamar 5:06.01 Banneker
Mason, Dylan 5:06.13 Creekside
Mahone, Emanuel 5:15.72 Mays High School
Koomson, Seth 5:23.13 Villa Rica
Dennis, Jayden 5:24.23 Villa Rica
Gates, Jeremiah 5:24.79 Lithia Springs
Anderson, Maurice 5:25.48 Creekside
Albritton, Ace 5:29.59 Banneker
Myles, Marquis 5:33.75 Banneker
Barnes, Josiah 6:23.61 Tri Cities
Wilson, Carter 6:40.24 Lithia Springs
Russell, Roosey 7:35.65 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Boys 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Stephan 10.78 Chapel Hill High School
McCrary, Ricky 10.93 Creekside
Stephens Neal, Kaleb 10.94 Villa Rica
Dickinson, Vaughn 10.97 Chapel Hill High School
Shedrick, Leroygo 11.02 Lithia Springs
Fuller, Randy 11.04 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Fuller, Jeremiah 11.06 Villa Rica
White, Kentrell 11.06 Midtown
Allen, Kelian 11.13 Banneker
McCrary, Roderick 11.20 Creekside
Postell, Santonio 11.20 Maynard H. Jackson High School
McCrary, Jabreel 11.31 Mays High School
Aker, Kaleb 11.39 Villa Rica
Williams, Sean 11.39 Creekside
Smith, Mikel 11.40 Banneker
Moore, Teontrae 11.44 Mays High School
Carter, Varyreise 11.56 Chapel Hill High School
Reese, Jayveon 11.56 Lithia Springs
Wilkinson, David 11.62 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Calvin, Darius 11.62 Tri Cities
Philpot, Dominick 11.65 Mays High School
Graham, Reggie 11.69 Midtown
Mitchell, Kaden 11.71 Lithia Springs
Carmichael, Mickel 11.73 Tri Cities
Daniel, Oujean 11.74 Tri Cities
Miles, Jeremiah 11.91 Midtown
Stuckey, Leshawn 11.91 Banneker
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5-AAAAA Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Corey Maynard H. Jackson High School
Vicks, Kenaz 14.67 Villa Rica
Gray, Kevon 14.97 Creekside
Tigner, Kenari 15.01 Midtown
Daniels, Zachery 15.36 Villa Rica
Gary, Dwayne 15.89 Creekside
White, Tavion 16.29 Lithia Springs
Williams, Shawn 16.30 Lithia Springs
Williams, Devon 16.41 Banneker
Taylor, Ashton 16.46 Villa Rica
Nugent, Jayden 16.49 Chapel Hill High School
Bryant, Jayden 16.73 Lithia Springs
Bell, Javis 17.03 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Adamson, Javian 17.71 Creekside
Gardner, Khalil 18.09 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Jones, Demarco 19.01 Mays High School
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5-AAAAA Boys 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benson, Abram Villa Rica
Mitchell, Stephan 21.68 Chapel Hill High School
Nombre, Isaiah 21.80 Creekside
Smith, Rashad 21.81 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Blackman, Xzavian 22.15 Midtown
Stephens Neal, Kaleb 22.47 Villa Rica
Williams, David 22.48 Chapel Hill High School
Dickinson, Vaughn 22.60 Chapel Hill High School
Andrews, Javonte 22.66 Banneker
Gilliam, Kenyon 22.80 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Shedrick, Leroygo L.J 23.15 Lithia Springs
Smith, Mikel 23.22 Banneker
Philpot, Dominick 23.22 Mays High School
White, Kentrell 23.22 Midtown
Postell, Santonio 23.23 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Allen, Kelian 23.36 Banneker
Williams, Sean 23.54 Creekside
Moore, Teontrae 23.75 Mays High School
Paul, Eric 23.77 Creekside
Taylor, Jeremiah 23.77 Villa Rica
Calvin, Darius 23.78 Tri Cities
Johnson, Mekhai 23.78 Lithia Springs
Mitchell, Kaden 23.82 Lithia Springs
Pruitt, Joseph 23.85 Tri Cities
Miles, Jeremiah 23.98 Midtown
Barron, Antavion 24.38 Mays High School
Stillman, Octavious 25.11 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 3,200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellen, Will Midtown
Truitt, Romello Mays High School
Hogan, Jonas 10:01.51 Maynard H. Jackson High School
sanders, Everett 10:20.21 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cruz-Johnson, Marlon 10:33.71 Chapel Hill High School
Prater, Tony 10:53.39 Creekside
Davison, Brandon 10:56.69 Mays High School
Hebeler, Zachary 11:10.73 Midtown
Dennis, Jayden 11:22.80 Villa Rica
Henry, Jakaryi 11:33.30 Mays High School
Raven, David 11:46.22 Banneker
Anderson, Maurice 11:52.43 Creekside
Gates, Jeremiah 12:37.98 Lithia Springs
Russell, Roosey 12:57.38 Lithia Springs
Wilson, Carter 16:00.25 Lithia Springs
Pullen, Jacob 9:25.14 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Collier, Cameron 9:40.40 Midtown
Herlihy, Finn 9:45.73 Chapel Hill High School
Herlihy, William 9:48.58 Chapel Hill High School
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5-AAAAA Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, Ashton Villa Rica
Blackman, Xzavian 39.49 Midtown
Vicks, Kenaz 39.89 Villa Rica
Gray, Kevon 40.16 Creekside
Tigner, Kenari 40.89 Midtown
Nugent, Jayden 41.30 Chapel Hill High School
Bryant, Jayden 41.31 Lithia Springs
Coppock, Clayton 41.57 Mays High School
Bell, Javis 42.47 Maynard H. Jackson High School
White, Tavion 42.64 Lithia Springs
Daniels, Zachery 42.73 Villa Rica
Gardner, Khalil 42.83 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Gelsey, Avery 43.12 Creekside
Fort, Jeremiah 43.86 Creekside
Mattox, Bryce 43.89 Midtown
Williams, Shawn 44.17 Lithia Springs
White, Corey 44.63 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Hayes, Cairo 44.66 Chapel Hill High School
Johnson, Malik 46.76 Banneker
Jones, Demarco 46.93 Mays High School
Duffy, Julious 48.00 Banneker
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5-AAAAA Boys 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Jakaryi Mays High School
Spearman, Seth 1:00.44 Tri Cities
Smith, Rashad 48.66 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Blackman, Xzavian 48.87 Midtown
Williams, David 50.21 Chapel Hill High School
Wright, Rashad 50.47 Chapel Hill High School
Coppock, Clayton 50.65 Mays High School
Nombre, Isaiah 50.71 Creekside
Andrews, Javonte 51.01 Banneker
Ingram, Enoch 51.02 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Huffman, Elijah 51.47 Midtown
Thompson, Jackson 51.62 Chapel Hill High School
Harper, Fenix 52.19 Creekside
Paul, Eric 52.19 Creekside
Hightower, Eric 52.22 Lithia Springs
Gilliam, Kenyon 52.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Johnson, Bryce 53.18 Villa Rica
Tate, Mario 53.25 Lithia Springs
Johnson, Mekhai 53.26 Lithia Springs
Pruitt, Joseph 54.03 Tri Cities
Saxby, Joshua 54.07 Villa Rica
Gates, Tavares 55.31 Banneker
Myles, Devon 55.73 Banneker
Sardin, William 56.18 Midtown
Truitt, Romello 56.67 Mays High School
Faircloth, Cass 58.19 Villa Rica
Daniel, Oujean 58.75 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.03 Creekside
Relay Team A 42.41 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 42.89 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 43.23 Midtown
Relay Team A 43.50 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 43.71 Mays High School
Relay Team A 43.76 Banneker
Relay Team A 43.94 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 45.29 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:28.30 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:28.52 Creekside
Relay Team A 1:29.40 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 1:29.73 Midtown
Relay Team A 1:31.34 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 1:32.12 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 1:33.53 Mays High School
Relay Team A 1:35.15 Banneker
Relay Team A 1:35.23 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:23.45 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:24.27 Creekside
Relay Team A 3:27.16 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 3:28.36 Midtown
Relay Team A 3:30.26 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 3:35.43 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 3:38.53 Banneker
Relay Team A 3:43.78 Mays High School
Relay Team A 3:50.60 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:10.74 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 8:22.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 8:55.63 Midtown
Relay Team A 8:55.67 Creekside
Relay Team A 8:58.76 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 9:05.69 Banneker
Relay Team A 9:06.25 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 9:06.41 Mays High School
Relay Team A 9:30.20 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morel, Rohan Midtown
Johnson, Solomon 1:58.05 Chapel Hill High School
Wright, Rashad 2:00.07 Chapel Hill High School
Zimmerman, James 2:02.49 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Wright, Rashawn 2:02.78 Chapel Hill High School
Rouse, Branch 2:05.14 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Fowler, Jaun 2:06.71 Mays High School
Finlayson, Samuel 2:07.34 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Mason, Bradley 2:07.99 Creekside
Gates, Tavares 2:08.57 Banneker
Cofield, Elijah 2:11.82 Banneker
Downs, Dexter 2:12.01 Midtown
Hightower, Eric 2:12.28 Lithia Springs
Davison, Brandon 2:14.21 Mays High School
Gelsey, Andre 2:14.41 Creekside
Griffin, Lamar 2:14.43 Banneker
Johnson, Kamari 2:15.24 Mays High School
Stowers, Bo 2:15.28 Villa Rica
Williams, Dries 2:15.82 Midtown
Koomson, Seth 2:16.71 Villa Rica
Gates, Jeremiah 2:17.23 Lithia Springs
Hudson, Malcolm 2:17.24 Villa Rica
Clark, Jihad 2:17.25 Tri Cities
Mason, Dylan 2:18.59 Creekside
Gachoya, Brenan 2:20.60 Lithia Springs
Hoffman, Kishon 2:24.22 Tri Cities
Barnes, Josiah 2:43.68 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Boys Discus 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Alex 169-1 Lithia Springs
Moore, Cameron 150-1 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Teal, Alex 133-9 Chapel Hill High School
Collins, Grant 130-3 Lithia Springs
Carlisle, Donte 128-8 Villa Rica
Cooper, Akeem 127-1 Midtown
Vohun, Braddock 121-0 Villa Rica
Gilbert, Breylen 121-0 Creekside
Cousin, Drason 117-8 Villa Rica
Cunningham, Chance 114-7 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lindabury, Ryan 108-0 Midtown
Odie, Dacorie 107-8 Chapel Hill High School
Horton-Holmes, Caleb 103-0 Creekside
Glenn, Jeremiah 101-2 Lithia Springs
Taylor, James 100-1 Chapel Hill High School
Smith, Joseph 92-11 Midtown
Moore, Teontrae 90-0 Mays High School
Hudson, Mario Banneker
DeVaughn, Isaiah Banneker
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5-AAAAA Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Devon 6-4 Banneker
Mays, KyDen 6-4 Chapel Hill High School
Barrett, Justin 6-0 Creekside
Glenn, Jaiden 5-10 Chapel Hill High School
Strickland, Jordan 5-8 Creekside
Johnson, Jamauri 5-6 Villa Rica
Smith, Daimon 5-6 Villa Rica
Sow, Ibrahim 5-6 Creekside
Boateng, Agya 5-6 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Williams, Shawn 5-4 Lithia Springs
Drummond, Dezmond 5-4 Villa Rica
Rawls, Mike 5-4 Banneker
Driver, Artaii 5-4 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Chism, Elijah 5-4 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Onwumelu, Chizulum 5-0 Lithia Springs
White, Tavion 5-0 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Jaylon 22-8 Chapel Hill High School
Wilkinson, David 22-2 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Mcdowell, Jayvian 21-9 Lithia Springs
Tigner, Kenari 21-6.5 Midtown
Terrell, Travis 21-5 Creekside
Williams, Devon 21-3 Banneker
Coppock, Clayton 21-0 Mays High School
Terry, Jaiden 20-9.5 Villa Rica
George, Myles 20-8.25 Villa Rica
Barnes, Devon 20-2 Villa Rica
Watkins, Cassius 20-1.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Burch, Cadence 20-1 Creekside
Buxton, Joshua 19-1.75 Midtown
Hunte, Josiah 19-1.25 Chapel Hill High School
Stillman, Octavious 18-7 Tri Cities
Johnson, Kamari 17-9.75 Mays High School
Johnson, Malik 17-7.5 Banneker
Chism, Elijah 17-7 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Williams, Noah 15-9 Midtown
Murphy, Jaden Chapel Hill High School
Ray, Elijah Creekside
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5-AAAAA Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butts, Charlie 13-0 Chapel Hill High School
Lau, Cameron 12-6 Midtown
Cruz-Johnson, Marlon 11-6 Chapel Hill High School
Hayes, Cairo 11-6 Chapel Hill High School
Miller, Jacobie 11-0 Villa Rica
Florence, Jadon 9-6 Lithia Springs
Stewart, Ellis 9-1 Midtown
Sims, Ahmir 9-0 Villa Rica
Vestering, Brayden 8-2 Villa Rica
White, Mikell 7-6 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Boys Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Alex 58-1 Lithia Springs
Moore, Cameron 47-7 Maynard H. Jackson High School
DeVaughn, Isaiah 44-9 Banneker
Perdue, Soloman 44-2 Chapel Hill High School
Collins, Grant 43-9 Lithia Springs
Willaims, Brian 43-3 Creekside
Vohun, Braddock 42-3 Villa Rica
Radford, Jace 42-1 Villa Rica
Hudson, Mario 41-5.5 Banneker
Moore, Teontrea 41-5 Mays High School
Cousin, Drason 41-2 Villa Rica
Teal, Ayden 40-7 Chapel Hill High School
Ball, Cory 40-1.25 Midtown
Cunningham, Chance 39-9 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Taylor, James 37-3 Chapel Hill High School
Cooper, Akeem 37-2 Midtown
Smith, Joseph 36-0 Midtown
Glenn, Jeremiah 34-2.25 Lithia Springs
Johnson, Kamari 25-10 Mays High School
Cardentey, Super Creekside
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5-AAAAA Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Devon 46-8 Banneker
Terry, Jaiden 43-5.5 Villa Rica
Mcdowell, Jayvian 43-3 Lithia Springs
Taylor, Ashton 42-11 Villa Rica
Buxton, Joshua 42-8.25 Midtown
Barnes, Devon 42-6.75 Villa Rica
Gary, Dwayne 41-8 Creekside
Strickland, Jordan 40-10 Creekside
Boateng, Agya 40-9.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Murphy, Jaden 40-6.5 Chapel Hill High School
Driver, Artaii 40-5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Barrett, Justin 40-0 Creekside
Chism, Elijah 37-11 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Williams, Noah 37-4.5 Midtown
McCrary, Jabreel 36-5 Mays High School
Hoffman, Kishon 34-7 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls 1,600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Algarin, Faryn Chapel Hill High School
Danser, Grace 5:16.04 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Whiteside, Tasleemah 6:14.56 Lithia Springs
Kresge, Myla 6:16.92 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Wagner, Isabella 6:26.88 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Taylor, Charrese 6:30.10 Tri Cities
Saxton, Jayla 6:31.39 Mays High School
Marra, Carmela 6:51.44 Midtown
Zizzi, Sienna 6:58.76 Midtown
Fleming, Sharee 6:58.80 Chapel Hill High School
Sinitiere, Ivy 6:59.50 Midtown
May, Rebecca 7:21.90 Villa Rica
Wilson, Shea 7:22.84 Chapel Hill High School
Todd, Joyia 7:29.11 Mays High School
Tate, Shanice 8:18.18 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Girls 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Shamiya Banneker
Meriweather, Kaseiana 11.87 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Jenkins, Destiny 11.99 Lithia Springs
Whyte, Ebony 12.17 Banneker
Shedrick, Nevaeh 12.19 Lithia Springs
Frazier, Zikeela 12.48 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Mahone, Sakera 12.50 Mays High School
Tillie, Braylin 12.78 Villa Rica
Williams, Makenzie 12.84 Creekside
Freeman, TyOnna 12.97 Creekside
Judge, Amaya 12.98 Creekside
Watkins, Siri 13.00 Tri Cities
Essex, Leila 13.23 Lithia Springs
Elliott, Roniya 13.23 Villa Rica
Dean, Shanyla 13.24 Villa Rica
Davis, Janai 13.24 Chapel Hill High School
Wright, Ahlana 13.25 Mays High School
Williams, Faith 13.32 Chapel Hill High School
Lambert, Kimora 13.53 Mays High School
Tyson, Kyra 13.55 Banneker
Gary, Tjae 13.58 Midtown
Dinkins, Mackenzie 13.73 Chapel Hill High School
Gibson, Alana 14.42 Midtown
Francis, Leona 14.71 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniels, Taylor 15.02 Lithia Springs
Grant, Gabrielle 15.98 Villa Rica
Pare-Bryant, Tanaysha 16.02 Creekside
Strickland, Lauryn 16.30 Midtown
Roberts, Emanni 16.32 Lithia Springs
Jones, Justice 16.37 Chapel Hill High School
Burton, DeAsia 16.47 Midtown
Brown, Chasity 16.98 Mays High School
Sams, Malia 17.02 Villa Rica
Mennefield, Egypt 17.26 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Mulkey, Ja'Nya 17.91 Mays High School
Lee, Syniah 18.41 Creekside
Odle, Ainsley 18.52 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Dixon, Taniya 18.75 Creekside
McBride, Oluwakerri 18.82 Tri Cities
Turner, Kristian 18.85 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Onwumelu, Nneka 18.91 Lithia Springs
Moore, Za'Naya 19.21 Villa Rica
Depestre, Amaia 20.42 Midtown
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5-AAAAA Girls 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Chasity Mays High School
Montgomery, Calaya Lithia Springs
Jenkins, Destiny 24.53 Lithia Springs
Meriweather, Kaseiana 24.71 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Whyte, Ebony 24.79 Banneker
Frazier, Zikeela 25.29 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Moore, Liza 25.46 Creekside
Chism, Kobi 25.70 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Shedrick, Nevaeh 25.77 Lithia Springs
Mahone, Sakera 26.38 Mays High School
Walker, Jayla 26.53 Banneker
Tillie, Braylin 26.53 Villa Rica
Carpenter, Ja'Niah 26.89 Chapel Hill High School
Williams, Makenzie 26.97 Creekside
Moore, Faith 27.07 Chapel Hill High School
Dennis, Kaley 27.37 Villa Rica
Berry, Samyah 27.61 Tri Cities
Desouza, Angel 27.65 Villa Rica
Tyson, Kyra 27.85 Banneker
Harvey, Kiana 28.11 Creekside
Williams, Faith 28.35 Chapel Hill High School
Wright, Ahlana 28.48 Mays High School
Gary, Tjae 29.19 Midtown
Handspike, Chase 29.29 Midtown
Binon, Ja'Niah 29.41 Tri Cities
Hou-Morris, Maya 30.68 Midtown
Byars, Samiyah 31.91 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls 3,200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Danser, Grace 11:40.92 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Kresge, Myla 13:29.90 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Wagner, Isabella 14:15.08 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Marra, Carmela 14:49.27 Midtown
Berry, Lydia 15:33.91 Midtown
Seinberg, Dylan 15:42.49 Midtown
Wilson, Shea 15:56.40 Chapel Hill High School
Tate, Shanice 17:50.66 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sims, Laura 1:17.37 Tri Cities
Daniels, Taylor 44.50 Lithia Springs
Strickland, Lauryn 47.61 Midtown
Moore, Faith 48.12 Chapel Hill High School
Freeman, TyOnna 48.27 Creekside
Pare-Bryant, Tanaysha 48.92 Creekside
Burton, DeAsia 49.19 Midtown
Lastie, Shalea 49.66 Banneker
Grant, Gabrielle 50.25 Villa Rica
Mulkey, Ja'Nya 50.97 Mays High School
Jones, Justice 51.16 Chapel Hill High School
Mennefield, Egypt 51.19 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Sams, Malia 51.41 Villa Rica
Moore, India 51.44 Chapel Hill High School
Turner, Kristian 51.46 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Dixon, Taniya 51.61 Creekside
Flemming, Lauren 53.69 Lithia Springs
Brown, Chasity 54.23 Mays High School
Depestre, Amaia 54.86 Midtown
Onwumelu, Nneka 55.57 Lithia Springs
Bell, Avery 56.97 Villa Rica
Odle, Ainsley 57.10 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Ward, Kaniya 57.64 Banneker
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5-AAAAA Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pitts, Mikeryia 1:00.43 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Walker, Jayla 1:00.68 Banneker
Owens, Jordan JoJo 1:01.46 Chapel Hill High School
Lisbon, Grace 1:01.54 Midtown
McDowell, Jasmine 1:01.87 Lithia Springs
Carpenter, Ja'Niah 1:01.89 Chapel Hill High School
Amobi, Dora 1:03.31 Chapel Hill High School
Bray, Courtney 1:03.40 Villa Rica
Taylor, Alexandria 1:04.59 Midtown
Benton, Emari 1:05.16 Tri Cities
Saxton, Jayla 1:05.26 Mays High School
John, Kyllie 1:05.45 Creekside
Michelle, Jacy 1:05.66 Creekside
Crawley, Nikylah 1:05.85 Lithia Springs
Humes, Rukiya 1:06.35 Villa Rica
Guynes, Journey 1:07.15 Midtown
Byrd, Zaria 1:08.15 Tri Cities
Bradford, Sammi 1:09.39 Villa Rica
Clemons, Kamaya 1:09.65 Mays High School
Barnes, Zuri 1:10.64 Tri Cities
Todd, Joyia 1:10.65 Mays High School
Moore, Liza 57.45 Creekside
Chism, Kobi 58.52 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Nails, Dasia 58.64 Lithia Springs
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5-AAAAA Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.31 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 47.66 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 48.84 Creekside
Relay Team A 49.77 Mays High School
Relay Team A 49.92 Banneker
Relay Team A 50.66 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 51.31 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 52.18 Midtown
Relay Team A 53.59 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:39.50 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 1:39.76 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 1:43.78 Creekside
Relay Team A 1:44.88 Banneker
Relay Team A 1:47.29 Midtown
Relay Team A 1:48.72 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 1:51.00 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 1:51.48 Mays High School
Relay Team A 1:55.63 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:01.89 Lithia Springs
Relay Team A 4:06.05 Banneker
Relay Team A 4:09.77 Creekside
Relay Team A 4:16.32 Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 4:23.45 Midtown
Relay Team A 4:34.00 Villa Rica
Relay Team A 4:40.39 Tri Cities
Relay Team A 4:49.31 Mays High School
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5-AAAAA Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mays High School
Relay Team A Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 10:07.79 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 10:45.79 Midtown
Relay Team A 10:50.37 Creekside
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5-AAAAA Girls 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Algarin, Faryn Chapel Hill High School
Rallu, Maya Midtown
Danser, Grace 2:23.29 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Owens, Jordan JoJo 2:30.82 Chapel Hill High School
Bryant, Taylor 2:31.30 Banneker
Barton, Cate 2:31.47 Midtown
Watts, Alexia 2:32.33 Maynard H. Jackson High School
McDowell, Jasmine 2:38.51 Lithia Springs
Saxton, Jayla 2:39.42 Mays High School
Williams, Chamiya 2:40.16 Banneker
Jones-Fife, A'lonnie 2:40.94 Creekside
Nino, Ashley 2:45.01 Chapel Hill High School
Knight, Dylan 2:47.58 Midtown
Williams, Kennedy 2:47.68 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Taylor, Charrese 2:47.73 Tri Cities
Whiteside, Tasleemah 2:50.23 Lithia Springs
Malone, Taillieur 2:53.74 Villa Rica
John, Kyllie 2:56.40 Creekside
Todd, Joyia 2:57.53 Mays High School
Dunbar, Amari 3:07.51 Creekside
Lewis, Domonique 3:12.93 Mays High School
Barnes, Zuri 3:19.40 Tri Cities
May, Rebecca 3:26.36 Villa Rica
Pinkney, Makayla 3:51.83 Tri Cities
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5-AAAAA Girls Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arnold, Jakayla 123-2 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Sewell, Jasmin 113-7 Chapel Hill High School
Glowacki, Grace 109-3 Chapel Hill High School
Martin, Aasiyah 94-3 Villa Rica
Roberson, Tia 92-10 Mays High School
Tillie, Braylin 88-1.5 Villa Rica
Flemming, Lauren 85-7 Lithia Springs
Isom, Keyana 78-9 Lithia Springs
Bryant, Jaylin 76-6 Lithia Springs
Yancey, Montana 74-10 Villa Rica
Cooper, Taylor 72-3 Chapel Hill High School
Koher, Parker 72-0 Midtown
Burns, Naimah 68-11 Midtown
Hunt, Aubrey 61-5 Mays High School
Stratford, Jone't 52-6 Mays High School
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5-AAAAA Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevens, Amelia 5-2 Midtown
Jones, Justice 5-2 Chapel Hill High School
Daniels, Taylor 5-0 Lithia Springs
Lisbon, Grace 5-0 Midtown
Amobi, Dora 5-0 Chapel Hill High School
Robinson, Krishaiya 4-10 Villa Rica
Desouza, Angel 4-10 Villa Rica
McDowell, Jasmine 4-8 Lithia Springs
McGhee, Zury 4-8 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Harvey, Kiana 4-8 Creekside
Simms, Destiny 4-6 Midtown
Dunbar, Amari 4-6 Creekside
Hunter, Sydnee 4-6 Creekside
Essex, Leila 4-4 Lithia Springs
Moore, Za'Naya Villa Rica
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5-AAAAA Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Kamryn 17-5.5 Chapel Hill High School
Roberts, Emanni 17-1.5 Lithia Springs
Judge, Amaya 17-1 Creekside
Stanford, Jada 16-8 Midtown
Mahone, Sakera 16-6 Mays High School
McGhee, Zury 15-7 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Taylor, Charrese 15-5.25 Tri Cities
Hunter, Sydnee 15-4.5 Creekside
Dean, Shanyla 15-4.25 Villa Rica
Johnson, Rhythm 15-1 Villa Rica
Crawley, Nikylah 15-1 Lithia Springs
Wright, Ahlana 14-10.5 Mays High School
Sams, Malia 14-6 Villa Rica
Thorpe, Acayo 14-3 Chapel Hill High School
Dennis, C'india 14-2 Creekside
Ward, Kaniya 13-8 Banneker
Thompson, Za'Khiyah 13-8 Chapel Hill High School
Odle, Ainsley 13-7 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lambert, Kimora 11-6 Mays High School
Robichaux, Jakira 10-2 Banneker
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5-AAAAA Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cent, Sydney 11-1 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Jones, Alexis 8-6 Villa Rica
Jurkovic, Nadia 8-1 Midtown
Nino, Ashley 8-0 Chapel Hill High School
Crowe, Mackinzy 7-6 Villa Rica
Wilson, Shea 6-0 Chapel Hill High School
Fleming, Sharee 6-0 Chapel Hill High School
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5-AAAAA Girls Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arnold, Jakayla 37-1 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Roberson, Tia 35-2 Mays High School
Yancey, Montana 34-11 Villa Rica
Johnson, Trinity 34-3.5 Banneker
Sewell, Jasmin 33-7 Chapel Hill High School
St Juste, Eyana 31-6 Chapel Hill High School
Richmond, Cheyenne 31-0 Banneker
Lewis, Briaiah 30-6.5 Midtown
Glowacki, Grace 29-11 Chapel Hill High School
Stewart, Kyla 29-8 Midtown
Rutledge, Jonylah 29-1.75 Villa Rica
Flemming, Lauren 28-10 Lithia Springs
Pringle, Esme 27-11 Lithia Springs
Stratford, Jone't 27-7 Mays High School
Price, Addison 27-4 Villa Rica
Connally, Asher 27-1 Banneker
Bryant, Jaylin 25-6 Lithia Springs
Burns, Naimah 24-4 Midtown
Hunt, Aubrey 23-9.5 Mays High School
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5-AAAAA Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Kamryn 38-7 Chapel Hill High School
Stanford, Jada 36-10.75 Midtown
Roberts, Emanni 36-6 Lithia Springs
Grant, Gabrielle 35-8 Villa Rica
Burton, DeAsia 34-6 Midtown
Moore, Lia 33-6.5 Creekside
McGhee, Zury 33-5.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Crawley, Nikylah 31-8.5 Lithia Springs
Johnson, Rhythm 31-8 Villa Rica
McKeehan, Ariana 31-5 Chapel Hill High School
Dean, Shanyla 31-3.5 Villa Rica
Thorpe, Acayo 29-3 Chapel Hill High School
Odle, Ainsley 28-6.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Todd, Joyia Mays High School
Lastie, Shalea Banneker
Kleckley, Elise Mays High School
Harvey, Kiana Creekside
Hunter, Sydnee Creekside
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