2024 9th Annual Hoya 2 Mile Invitational 2024

Acworth, Ga

Meet Information

HHS XC Booster Club W-9 Form

2024 Box Assignments

2024 Course Map

The High School Meet is Completely Full, there will be no waitlist.

The MS Meet has 4 spots still available

If you did not attend in 2023 and would like to be placed on the Waitlist, please email Jason Scott at hoyarelay@hotmail.com

Note: Team Tents have moved out into the middle of the course

Parents/Spectators ARE NOT allowed at the Finish Line during ANY of the races.  This is to ensure we can begin the next race on time.

Bus Parking: Buses will park off-site in one of 2 locations.  Drop off in gravel parking lot, then head to the school of your choice:

  • Allatoona HS - 3300 Dallas Acworth HW, Acworth GA 30101
  • Durham MS - 2891 Mars Hill Rd, Acworth GA 30101

Entry Fee:

  • $250 per High School Team.
  • $125 per Middle School Team

This includes 100% of your boys and girls. Entry fees pay for medals, Police, toilets and timing.


Please let your parents and fans know that we will be charging a $10 per car parking donation. This donation will be split with the host school and SORBA which is a mountain biking group that rides on the trails. The money collected by SORBA will be used to help maintain the property that we are able to run on.


Medals will be handed out in the Finish Chute. See below for # of medals per race. No team awards.

Please make checks payable and send to:

Harrison Cross Country Booster Club

PO Box 801449

Acworth, GA 30101


Friday August 16th - Middle School Races:

  • 7:00pm Middle School Girls (Top 10 medals)
  • 7:30pm Middle School Boys (Top 10 Medals)

Saturday August 17th - High School Races:

  • 7:20amGirls 17:16 and Slower(Top 5 medals)

  • 7:40amBoys 14:00 and Slower(Top 5 medals)
  • 8:00am Girls 15:00 to 17:15(Top 5 Medals)
  • 8:20amBoys 12:16 to 13:59 (Top 5 Medals)
  • 8:40am Girls 14:59and Faster(Top 10 Medals)
  • 9:00am Boys 12:15 and Faster (Top 10 Medals)

We will do our very best to stay on this time schedule. In order for all of the athletes to have a decent temperature to run in, we need to stay ready for the next race.

If the attending teams wish to use it as a team time trial, that is fine. There are no team awards or scoring.

Coaches, please do your very best to place the athletes in the appropriate race.

Please do not purposefully place an athlete in a race when you know they are faster or slower than the appropriate finish time range.

For more information or entry password, please contact Jason Scott hoyarelay@hotmail.com