Cobb County JV Championship 2024

Marietta, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
May, Marlon Campbell High School
Scott, Nalin 11.08 Kennesaw Mountain
White, Nicco 11.26 Sprayberry High School
Speed, Malikai 11.27 Walton High School
Easley, Sebastian 11.34 North Cobb High School
James, Jaidan 11.46 McEachern High School
Hulbert, Ian 11.54 Sprayberry High School
Higgins, Walt 11.57 Kennesaw Mountain
Wooten, Preston 11.57 Pebblebrook High School
Gillis, Jayden 11.57 Sprayberry High School
Slorahn, Brayden 11.58 Pope High School
Pressley, LeKeith 11.63 Hillgrove
hatter, jerry 11.65 Wheeler High School
Adams, Jordan 11.67 Marietta High School
Marcano, Sadiq 11.68 Hillgrove
Willis, Zachery 11.69 Osborne High School
Alterman, Ethan 11.69 Pope High School
Pittman, Calvin 11.70 McEachern High School
Franklin, Jeremy 11.73 Osborne High School
Massey, Xavier 11.75 Hillgrove
Martin, Willis 11.76 Harrison High School
Epling, Corey 11.78 Lassiter High School
Casey, Va'Sean 11.79 Marietta High School
Carson, Ethann 11.79 Allatoona HS
Bazarsky, Cooper 11.81 North Cobb Christian
Matthews, Brayden 11.82 Campbell High School
Combay, Jowell 11.86 Harrison High School
Cowser, Rj 11.87 Harrison High School
Cook, Caleb 11.88 Marietta High School
Thompson, Noriaga 11.88 Walton High School
Stevens, Denim 11.90 North Cobb Christian
Bethune, Parker 11.91 Walton High School
Booker, Auvalli 11.94 Campbell High School
Liz, Adyn 12.07 Kennesaw Mountain
Salas, Sebastian 12.09 Kell High School
Woods, Christian 12.11 North Cobb High School
Willis, Zane 12.12 Osborne High School
Billinger, Robert 12.13 Pebblebrook High School
Green, Kennedy 12.16 Pebblebrook High School
Yap, Aydrien 12.22 South Cobb
McCoy, Aiden 12.32 Lassiter High School
Browning, Matthew 12.35 Walker
Dennis, Elijah 12.38 Walker
Blaylock , Amir 12.42 Wheeler High School
Lucas, Braeden 12.43 Lassiter High School
Watts, Harry 12.44 Pope High School
Orton, Jake 12.45 North Cobb Christian
Babb, Dillon 12.47 Kell High School
Odinjor, Michael 12.49 Allatoona HS
kendrick, greg 12.52 Wheeler High School
Gutierrez, Jeremiah 12.57 Allatoona HS
Scott, Christian 12.64 Walker
Darden III, Eric 12.77 Kell High School
Williams, Robert 12.83 North Cobb High School
Belle, Jonathan 12.91 South Cobb
Harley, Bryson 13.05 South Cobb
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Troutman, Jarkeis Sprayberry High School
Pittman, Calvin 16.19 McEachern High School
Geday, Gabriel 16.95 Allatoona HS
Stillwell , Jaxin 17.26 Allatoona HS
Renfroe, David 17.79 North Cobb High School
Spear, Elijah 18.00 Pebblebrook High School
Rudd, David 18.59 Harrison High School
stuart , davin 18.69 Wheeler High School
Land, Malik 18.94 Wheeler High School
Thomas, Cooper 19.02 Pope High School
McCoy, Barrett 19.26 Lassiter High School
Voltaire, Noah 19.72 Kennesaw Mountain
Marchman, Andre 20.35 Sprayberry High School
Passarella, Max 21.09 Walker
Day, Logan 21.43 Harrison High School
Cosentino, Matthew 21.62 Harrison High School
Onuoha, Victor 22.60 Kennesaw Mountain
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anyanwu, Joshua McEachern High School
Kamau, Joseph South Cobb
Omaro, Dubem South Cobb
Judge, Jake 4:35.08 Lassiter High School
Burke, Andy 4:40.69 Harrison High School
Wicks, Mason 4:43.76 Walton High School
Collins, Charlie 4:49.27 Marietta High School
Tucker, Max 4:49.86 Walton High School
Ivutin, Max 4:51.00 Walton High School
Perry, Michael 4:51.04 North Cobb Christian
Williams, Kaleb 4:51.91 Pope High School
Maloney, Rowen 4:52.71 Pope High School
Villanueva, Micah 4:53.05 Lassiter High School
Lewis, Peyton 4:53.64 North Cobb High School
Miller, Evan 4:54.52 Allatoona HS
Smith, Josiah 4:54.95 Allatoona HS
Cloud, Bert 4:55.20 Pope High School
Lynch, Garrett 4:56.29 Sprayberry High School
Holmgren, Carter 4:57.02 Harrison High School
Micheletto, Jackson 4:59.68 Marietta High School
Chugh, Krish 5:01.38 Wheeler High School
Franck, Ty 5:03.33 Lassiter High School
Denny, Davis 5:04.60 Marietta High School
Follis, Lawson 5:10.32 Harrison High School
Allison, Logan 5:10.76 Kennesaw Mountain
Englund, Anthony 5:12.31 Allatoona HS
Odom, Matthew 5:12.87 Hillgrove
Bridges, Eric 5:18.73 McEachern High School
Blanc, Colin 5:23.49 Kell High School
Cloutier, Benjamin 5:23.58 Kennesaw Mountain
Parker, Aiden 5:24.04 Sprayberry High School
Hodges, Matthew 5:24.14 Hillgrove
Perkins, Dorian 5:27.69 South Cobb
Hardy, Mekhi 5:28.50 North Cobb High School
Jaramillo, Alex 5:28.75 Wheeler High School
Githinji, Ethan 5:30.51 North Cobb High School
Perez, Kevin 5:30.54 Osborne High School
Ellison, Luke 5:31.08 North Cobb Christian
Hercules-Paredes, Gerson 5:36.77 Osborne High School
Chisamore, Jake 5:37.94 Kennesaw Mountain
Andrews, Hayden 5:40.86 Hillgrove
Diaz, Jacob 5:41.82 Osborne High School
Kidd, Jackson 5:50.24 North Cobb Christian
Shamsid-Deen, Elyjah 6:00.68 McEachern High School
Mujaahid, Mustafah 6:01.90 Sprayberry High School
Wilridge, Zion 6:02.96 Pebblebrook High School
Dennis, Kingston 6:08.03 Wheeler High School
McCarthy, Eramonn 6:12.80 Kell High School
Cook, Aayrn 6:17.37 Pebblebrook High School
Plyler, James 6:20.16 Campbell High School
Poppe, William 6:30.28 Campbell High School
Richardson, Dylan 7:03.58 Campbell High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marcano, Sadiq Hillgrove
Donaldson, Caleb Campbell High School
King, Ezra 22.79 Osborne High School
White, Nicco 22.84 Sprayberry High School
Easley, Sebastian 23.17 North Cobb High School
Wooten, Preston 23.33 Pebblebrook High School
Massey, Xavier 23.60 Hillgrove
Casey, Va'Sean 23.66 Marietta High School
Hulbert, Ian 23.67 Sprayberry High School
James, Jaidan 23.71 McEachern High School
Combay, Jowell 23.76 Harrison High School
Gillis, Jayden 23.84 Sprayberry High School
Alterman, Ethan 23.93 Pope High School
Speed, Malikai 23.94 Walton High School
Bethune, Parker 23.98 Walton High School
McBride, Aidan 24.01 Wheeler High School
Martin, Willis 24.12 Harrison High School
Adams, Jordan 24.14 Marietta High School
Lewis, Kobe 24.19 Kennesaw Mountain
Carson, Ethann 24.22 Allatoona HS
Billinger, Robert 24.26 Pebblebrook High School
Bazarsky, Cooper 24.26 North Cobb Christian
Franklin, Jeremy 24.27 Osborne High School
Gordon, Kaden 24.32 Allatoona HS
Smith, Jack 24.34 Walton High School
Traster, Matthew 24.41 Harrison High School
Foster, LaVontae 24.48 McEachern High School
Raby, James 24.48 South Cobb
Rayford, Nathan 24.52 McEachern High School
Linton, Patrick 24.54 Pope High School
Bauer, Shayne 24.67 Kell High School
Salas, Sebastian 24.69 Kell High School
Swain, Christian 24.71 Wheeler High School
Barr, Aiden 24.77 South Cobb
Rawls, Qwynton 24.78 Marietta High School
kendrick, greg 24.86 Wheeler High School
Pressley, LeKeith 24.90 Hillgrove
Booker, Auvalli 24.92 Campbell High School
Downie, Eric-Anthony 25.03 Allatoona HS
Yap, Aydrien 25.04 South Cobb
Huggins, DJ 25.05 North Cobb Christian
Epling, Corey 25.20 Lassiter High School
Taiwo, Pelumi 25.26 Osborne High School
Ramsey, Luke 25.38 Kennesaw Mountain
Freeman, Jaise 25.39 North Cobb High School
Cole, Christian 25.42 Lassiter High School
Scott, Christian 25.55 Walker
Wotiz, Brody 25.65 Pope High School
Orton, Jake 25.66 North Cobb Christian
Darden III, Eric 25.77 Kell High School
Dennis, Elijah 25.79 Walker
McCoy, Aiden 25.86 Lassiter High School
Hodges, Gavin 25.90 Kennesaw Mountain
Browning, Matthew 25.97 Walker
Parchment, Jamar 26.31 North Cobb High School
White, Dean 26.41 Pebblebrook High School
Faulcon, Michael 28.56 Campbell High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marchman, Andre Sprayberry High School
Pittman, Calvin 42.78 McEachern High School
McBride, Aidan 43.16 Wheeler High School
Ghioto, Sam 43.85 Walton High School
Geday, Gabriel 43.96 Allatoona HS
Stillwell , Jaxin 44.33 Allatoona HS
stuart , davin 45.53 Wheeler High School
Spear, Elijah 45.79 Pebblebrook High School
Ross, Martavious 46.31 Marietta High School
Voltaire, Noah 47.12 Kennesaw Mountain
Land, Malik 47.33 Wheeler High School
Renfroe, David 47.91 North Cobb High School
Thomas, Cooper 48.51 Pope High School
Ndong, Ousman 49.07 Harrison High School
Hubbard, Jerel 49.17 North Cobb Christian
Rudd, David 49.25 Harrison High School
Troutman, Jarkeis 50.54 Sprayberry High School
Onuoha, Victor 56.25 Kennesaw Mountain
Cosentino, Matthew 58.99 Harrison High School
Cole, Kyngston 59.70 Pebblebrook High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perkins, Dorian South Cobb
Sontay, Billy Osborne High School
Denny, Davis Marietta High School
Burke, Andy 10:04.81 Harrison High School
Wicks, Mason 10:16.47 Walton High School
Judge, Jake 10:22.23 Lassiter High School
Villanueva, Micah 10:24.25 Lassiter High School
Perry, Michael 10:32.12 North Cobb Christian
Collins, Charlie 10:38.74 Marietta High School
Micheletto, Jackson 10:45.79 Marietta High School
Lynch, Garrett 10:48.56 Sprayberry High School
Smith, Josiah 10:48.68 Allatoona HS
Lewis, Peyton 10:51.46 North Cobb High School
Williams, Kaleb 10:56.65 Pope High School
Maloney, Rowen 10:58.31 Pope High School
Holmgren, Carter 10:58.61 Harrison High School
Franck, Ty 10:59.59 Lassiter High School
Follis, Lawson 11:00.70 Harrison High School
Miller, Evan 11:02.99 Allatoona HS
Chugh, Krish 11:05.54 Wheeler High School
Patel, Ayan 11:07.43 Walton High School
Worosilo, Ryan 11:07.91 North Cobb Christian
Englund, Anthony 11:09.06 Allatoona HS
Deal, Ryan 11:11.32 Wheeler High School
Kiser, Griffin 11:13.22 Pope High School
Lyon, Maddox 11:15.01 Walton High School
Arevalo, Evan 11:31.52 Hillgrove
Ellison, Luke 11:34.00 North Cobb Christian
Peterson, Lars 11:40.38 Wheeler High School
Odom, Matthew 11:46.71 Hillgrove
Chopin, Kayden 11:50.43 Hillgrove
Omoteso, Tobi 12:06.62 North Cobb High School
Perez, Kevin 12:16.27 Osborne High School
Johnson, Gerald 12:16.78 Campbell High School
Cloutier, Benjamin 12:20.12 Kennesaw Mountain
Chatham, Lucas 12:36.72 Kennesaw Mountain
Diaz, Jacob 12:42.55 Osborne High School
Messer, Waylon 13:01.06 Campbell High School
Chisamore, Jake 13:39.14 Kennesaw Mountain
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Funchess, James Sprayberry High School
Mishra, Marley 1:00.86 Walker
Widenman, Noah 1:01.23 Sprayberry High School
Williams, Malachi 1:01.34 Campbell High School
Flaherty, Ronan 1:03.04 Walker
Herr, Jason 1:03.33 North Cobb Christian
Crider, Roman 1:03.65 Marietta High School
Bonja, Joseph 1:05.90 Kennesaw Mountain
Chatman, Chris 1:07.67 Walker
Manry, John 1:10.06 Sprayberry High School
Greenlee, Lance 51.21 Kennesaw Mountain
Moultrie, Gavin 51.34 Hillgrove
King, Ezra 51.59 Osborne High School
Koger, Joaquin 52.27 Walton High School
Bauer, Shayne 52.94 Kell High School
King, Armon 53.04 McEachern High School
Gordon, Kaden 53.33 Allatoona HS
Smith, Tyler 53.37 Allatoona HS
Ortega, Landon 53.87 Allatoona HS
Yancey, Malcolm 53.99 Kell High School
Veasy, Japhet 54.36 Walton High School
Woods, Christian 54.55 North Cobb High School
Bush, Jeremiah 54.60 Marietta High School
Milton , Rashean 54.69 Wheeler High School
Phillips, Enoch 55.02 Marietta High School
Rayford, Nathan 55.04 McEachern High School
Baldwin, Tyler 55.13 McEachern High School
Swain, Christian 55.49 Wheeler High School
Bernard, Nehemiah 55.59 Hillgrove
Williams, Dylan 55.79 Harrison High School
Raby, James 55.98 South Cobb
Cole, Christian 56.65 Lassiter High School
Bursey, Gavin 56.76 Walton High School
Fort, Jeremy 56.78 Campbell High School
Nbgobu, Baridoo 57.06 Campbell High School
Ndong, Ousman 57.08 Harrison High School
Naylor , Anthony 57.35 Wheeler High School
Ibi, Rukevwe 57.44 Harrison High School
Miller, Mark 57.47 Pope High School
Carr, Noel 57.60 Lassiter High School
Forte, Malcom 57.63 Lassiter High School
Lopes, Carlos 57.97 Kell High School
Hutchison, Jack 58.00h Pope High School
Stento, Macallan 58.44 Pope High School
Barfield, Collin 58.98 North Cobb Christian
Scott, Gabriel 59.24 Hillgrove
Hawk, Clayton 59.24 Kennesaw Mountain
Barr, Aiden 59.39 South Cobb
Hubbard, Jerel 59.51 North Cobb Christian
Wattley-Pugh, kevin 59.69 South Cobb
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 42.54 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 42.93 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 43.08 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 44.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 44.71 North Cobb Christian
Relay Team A 45.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Osborne High School
Relay Team A 45.20 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 45.50h Walton High School
Relay Team A 45.58 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 46.53 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 46.58 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 48.18 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 49.02 South Cobb
Relay Team A 49.37 Lassiter High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:26.85 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 1:28.32 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 1:29.01 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 1:29.68 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:31.70 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 1:32.15 Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:33.10 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 1:34.53 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 1:35.00h North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 1:35.00h Walton High School
Relay Team A 1:35.48 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:36.50h Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:37.42 South Cobb
Relay Team A 1:38.40h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 1:47.64 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Lassiter High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 3:20.34 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 3:25.75 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 3:29.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 3:30.38 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 3:32.00h Walton High School
Relay Team A 3:34.81 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 3:35.28 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 3:39.25 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 3:41.59 South Cobb
Relay Team A 3:42.34 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 3:43.66 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Harrison High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wheeler High School
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 11:30.64 North Cobb Christian
Relay Team A 8:17.69 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 8:42.40 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 8:43.51 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 8:45.64 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 8:59.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 9:05.00h Walton High School
Relay Team A 9:11.15 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 9:39.00h Harrison High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Manry, John Sprayberry High School
Judge, Jake 2:00.15 Lassiter High School
Ojo, Joshua 2:07.20 Marietta High School
Tucker, Max 2:08.93 Walton High School
Abbott, Nathan 2:10.23 Walton High School
Villanueva, Micah 2:10.25 Lassiter High School
Deal, Ryan 2:10.92 Wheeler High School
Ivutin, Max 2:11.49 Walton High School
Cloud, Bert 2:11.62 Pope High School
King, Armon 2:12.02 McEachern High School
Carr, Noel 2:12.20 Lassiter High School
Kiser, Griffin 2:14.48 Pope High School
Taylor, Gabriel 2:16.51 Allatoona HS
Schroer, Aaron 2:16.53 Harrison High School
Palmer-Addy, Jamaiis 2:16.56 Campbell High School
Allison, Logan 2:16.98 Kennesaw Mountain
Manzano, Richie 2:18.20 Allatoona HS
Ngugi, Jed 2:18.71 North Cobb High School
Adenuga, Emmanuel 2:18.97 Kennesaw Mountain
Omoteso, Tobi 2:18.97 North Cobb High School
Hardy, Xavier 2:19.25 Campbell High School
Jordan, Anthony 2:19.47 McEachern High School
Wattley-Pugh, kevin 2:19.90 South Cobb
Duggar, Jonah 2:20.32 Allatoona HS
Yancey, Malcolm 2:20.95 Kell High School
Hitchins, Grady 2:22.65 Marietta High School
Warren, Robert 2:22.94 Marietta High School
Bell, Owen 2:23.37 Harrison High School
Wilridge, Zion 2:23.53 Pebblebrook High School
Parker, Aiden 2:23.67 Sprayberry High School
Perkins, Dorian 2:24.04 South Cobb
Youngberg, Holden 2:24.85 Harrison High School
Mujaahid, Mustafah 2:27.00 Sprayberry High School
Cook, Aayrn 2:27.12 Pebblebrook High School
Decourte, Julian 2:27.90 Campbell High School
Hercules-Paredes, Gerson 2:27.94 Osborne High School
McCollough , Patrick 2:28.06 Wheeler High School
Sargent, Riley 2:30.12 North Cobb Christian
Casimir, Keyshawn 2:30.53 McEachern High School
Bossak, Gavin 2:31.11 Wheeler High School
Saini, Ishaan 2:31.90 Kennesaw Mountain
Sontay, Billy 2:32.21 Osborne High School
Long, Doug 2:32.34 North Cobb Christian
Ford, Dylan 2:32.69 Hillgrove
Peters, Creighton 2:32.84 Pope High School
Johnson, Cruz 2:33.18 North Cobb High School
Duty, Chris 2:33.32 Kell High School
Rios, Julian 2:33.98 Hillgrove
Kidd, Jackson 2:34.62 North Cobb Christian
Mishra, Marley 2:40.53 Walker
Hamilton, Jackson 2:41.44 Walker
Gamble, Ian 2:42.22 Osborne High School
Omaro, Dubem 2:46.41 South Cobb
Chatman, Chris 2:55.35 Walker
Matthews, Alex 3:00.00h Hillgrove
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Boys Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pegues, Sekai 120-6 McEachern High School
Wright, Ashton 120-3 Sprayberry High School
Benjamin, Henry 118-3 Osborne High School
Lynch, Luke 116-9 Walton High School
McAdoo, Oscar 109-2 Harrison High School
Scholl, John 98-2 Harrison High School
Doss, Jason 93-10 McEachern High School
Mashariki-Davis, A'Ghani 92-2 Marietta High School
Jordan, Kingston 89-8.5 McEachern High School
McAbee, Ethan 89-5 Harrison High School
Clarke, Gabe 85-2 Sprayberry High School
Toney, Jayden 84-11 Wheeler High School
Nicula, Christian 84-10 Marietta High School
Couey, Nathan 82-3 Sprayberry High School
Fleurinord , Donovan 81-9 Kell High School
Reida, Andrew 81-3 Pope High School
Besse, Knox 79-8.5 Allatoona HS
Jones, Michael Avery 79-3 Wheeler High School
Henson, Michael 77-4 Lassiter High School
Kelley, Jackson 76-8 Allatoona HS
Feltaught, Connor 76-7.5 North Cobb Christian
Patterson, Michael 76-5 North Cobb Christian
Holder, Jermaine 76-1 Pebblebrook High School
Yap, Dabriel 75-0 South Cobb
Sever, Will 73-6 North Cobb Christian
De Los Rios, Daian 72-0 Marietta High School
Hamilton, Jackson 71-7 Walker
Virant, Cooper 70-8 Walton High School
Dupree, Echo 69-5 Allatoona HS
Mwati, Corey 69-4.5 Osborne High School
Lauderdale, Jeremy 67-11.5 Osborne High School
Wattley-Pugh, kevin 67-4 South Cobb
Candies Jr., Martavius 67-2 Kell High School
Horton, Lucas 66-6 Walton High School
Duke, Xavier 66-0 North Cobb High School
Rivers, Daryl 64-6.5 Pebblebrook High School
Bone, Micah 59-8 Kennesaw Mountain
Cole, Amir 45-9 North Cobb High School
Kamau, Joseph South Cobb
Parker , Richard Wheeler High School
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Boys High Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrepy, Anthony 5-9 Harrison High School
Slorahn, Brayden 5-8 Pope High School
Grimes, Elijah 5-6 Pope High School
Foster, LaVontae 5-4 McEachern High School
Pruitt, Mason 5-4 Walton High School
Wiggins, Tyler 5-4 Kennesaw Mountain
Flaherty, Ronan 5-2 Walker
Pruet, Hall 5-2 Walton High School
Truman, Austin 5-0 Allatoona HS
Downie, Eric-Anthony 5-0 Allatoona HS
Julien, Kevin 5-0 Walton High School
Trice, Carbin 4-10 Harrison High School
Gragg, Trevian 4-10 North Cobb High School
Rosa, Brian 4-9 Lassiter High School
Attard, Levi 4-8 North Cobb Christian
Elmore, Emmett 4-6 Lassiter High School
Seaman, Mitch 4-6 Lassiter High School
Heard, Jayden 4-6 Marietta High School
Hafzalla, Nader 4-2 Pope High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
Troutman, Jarkeis Sprayberry High School
Tillmon, Evan Harrison High School
Peters, Marcus South Cobb
James , Amare Wheeler High School
Broomes , Zyiear Wheeler High School
Belle, Jonathan South Cobb
Nickerson, Edris Sprayberry High School
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Boys Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Odiase, Jesumatosan 21-6.5 North Cobb High School
Lewis, Kobe 20-8.5 Kennesaw Mountain
James, Jaidan 20-5 McEachern High School
Jones, Justin 20-3.5 Hillgrove
Huggins, DJ 19-8 North Cobb Christian
Slorahn, Brayden 19-6 Pope High School
Grant, Maximus 19-4.75 Allatoona HS
Hudson, Robert 19-3 McEachern High School
Pittman, Calvin 19-2 McEachern High School
Combay, Jowell 19-1 Harrison High School
Lopes, Carlos 18-4.25 Kell High School
Attard, Levi 18-2.5 North Cobb Christian
Barr, Aiden 18-2.5 South Cobb
Rawls, Qwynton 18-0 Marietta High School
Voltaire, Noah 17-10.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Motino, William 17-8 Allatoona HS
Smith, Tyler 17-7 Allatoona HS
Hutchison, Jack 17-7 Pope High School
Anyokwu, Demi 17-6.5 Walton High School
stuart , davin 17-5.5 Wheeler High School
Ngome, Carlson 17-5 South Cobb
Passarella, Max 17-3 Walker
Jackson, Jaden 16-11 Kennesaw Mountain
Land, Malik 16-10.25 Wheeler High School
Cook, Caleb 16-9 Marietta High School
Pickett, Preston 16-7 Kell High School
hatter, jerry 16-6 Wheeler High School
Miller, Mark 16-6 Pope High School
Giles, Ej 16-4 Walker
Geralds, Eric 16-1 Harrison High School
Dege, Jacob 15-11 Walker
Pruitt, Mason 15-8 Walton High School
Forte, Malcom 15-0 Lassiter High School
Molineaux , Kamdon 15-0 Kell High School
Parker, Devan 12-3.5 North Cobb Christian
Marchman, Andre Sprayberry High School
Thompson, Naitwan Sprayberry High School
Rudd, David Harrison High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
Capurs, Austin Hillgrove
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Boys Pole Vault 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stringham, Andrew 11-0 Allatoona HS
Strong, Nygel 10-2 Allatoona HS
Ross, Martavious 9-6 Marietta High School
Zollinger, Will 9-2 Walton High School
Phillips, Enoch 9-1 Marietta High School
Browning, Matthew 9-0 Walker
Simitses, Matthew 9-0 Walton High School
Martin, Brady 8-10 Pope High School
Stillwell , Jaxin 8-6 Allatoona HS
Thomas, Cooper 8-6 Pope High School
Sargent, Riley 8-6 North Cobb Christian
Moeun, Kevin 8-0 Osborne High School
Fournier, Asher 8-0 Wheeler High School
Hurley, Bo 8-0 Marietta High School
Chisamore, Ben 7-8 Kennesaw Mountain
Kafaei, Armin 7-6 Walton High School
Soto-Williams, Eden Osborne High School
Myers, Greyson Campbell High School
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Boys Shot Put 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamin, Henry 46-2 Osborne High School
Candies Jr., Martavius 42-3 Kell High School
Wright, Ashton 41-10 Sprayberry High School
Clarke, Gabe 39-8 Sprayberry High School
Doss, Jason 39-5 McEachern High School
Nicula, Christian 37-8 Marietta High School
Lynch, Luke 37-3.5 Walton High School
Pegues, Sekai 36-11 McEachern High School
Garcia, Daniel 36-11 Harrison High School
Feltaught, Connor 36-6 North Cobb Christian
Patterson, Michael 36-2 North Cobb Christian
Rivers, Daryl 34-5 Pebblebrook High School
Wilson, Tyler 33-10 Walton High School
Jordan, Kingston 32-8 McEachern High School
McAdoo, Oscar 32-2 Harrison High School
Kelley, Jackson 32-0 Allatoona HS
Couey, Nathan 31-6.5 Sprayberry High School
Duke, Xavier 31-4 North Cobb High School
Holder, Jermaine 31-1 Pebblebrook High School
Jones, Michael Avery 31-0 Wheeler High School
Mashariki-Davis, A'Ghani 31-0 Marietta High School
Toney, Jayden 30-9 Wheeler High School
Smith , Donovan 30-7 Wheeler High School
Reida, Andrew 30-6.5 Pope High School
Besse, Knox 30-5 Allatoona HS
Virant, Cooper 29-6 Walton High School
Edwards, Amir 28-4 Walker
Yap, Dabriel 28-2.5 South Cobb
Mwati, Corey 28-1 Osborne High School
Wall, Nicholas 28-0 Harrison High School
Stafford, Daniel 27-2 Allatoona HS
De Los Rios, Daian 26-5 Marietta High School
Knolton, Jaylen 26-4 South Cobb
Hamilton, Jackson 25-5 Walker
Henson, Michael 24-11.25 Lassiter High School
Lauderdale, Jeremy 24-10 Osborne High School
Fleurinord , Donovan 24-5 Kell High School
Bone, Micah 23-1.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Sever, Will 22-6 North Cobb Christian
Cole, Amir 22-0 North Cobb High School
Kamau, Joseph South Cobb
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Boys Triple Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higgins, Walt 41-9 Kennesaw Mountain
Jones, Justin 40-7 Hillgrove
McBride, Aidan 40-3 Wheeler High School
Navarro, Aidan 39-6.5 Allatoona HS
Lopes, Carlos 38-11.75 Kell High School
Linton, Patrick 38-8 Pope High School
Capurs, Austin 38-1.5 Hillgrove
Garrepy, Anthony 37-9.75 Harrison High School
Freeman, Jaise 37-6.25 North Cobb High School
Geday, Gabriel 36-11 Allatoona HS
Combay, Jowell 36-8.5 Harrison High School
Barfield, Collin 36-8.25 North Cobb Christian
Veasy, Japhet 35-8 Walton High School
Onyeani, Kamsi 35-5 North Cobb High School
Orton, Jake 34-3 North Cobb Christian
Geralds, Eric 33-8 Harrison High School
Irozuru, Owen 33-2 McEachern High School
Harrell, Mateo 32-6 North Cobb Christian
Owens, Alijah 31-11 McEachern High School
Talley, Alexander 31-4 McEachern High School
Thompson, Naitwan Sprayberry High School
Marchman, Andre Sprayberry High School
Belle, Jonathan South Cobb
Peters, Marcus South Cobb
Milton , Rashean Wheeler High School
Grimes, Elijah Pope High School
Edmonds, Jorden Sprayberry High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emenalo, Jada South Cobb
Washington, Jordyn 12.70 Sprayberry High School
Hester, Savanna 13.06 Campbell High School
Carson, Ava 13.19 Sprayberry High School
Riley, Naeemah 13.23 Pebblebrook High School
Bowens, Chloe 13.25 Harrison High School
hedgeman, ayanna 13.30 Wheeler High School
Stembridge, Lyric 13.37 Sprayberry High School
Edwards, Kiylan 13.43 Harrison High School
Caldwell, Blakely 13.43 Walton High School
Hewitt, Anna Beth 13.46 Lassiter High School
Wright, Kaela 13.46 Osborne High School
Sims, Maleah 13.52 Hillgrove
Ojehe, Daniella 13.55 Campbell High School
Jones, Ja'Laila 13.56 Osborne High School
Powell, Ella 13.57 Walton High School
Jones, London 13.67 South Cobb
Huggins, Jordyn 13.69 North Cobb Christian
Francis, Nya 13.69 Kennesaw Mountain
Love, Kennedi 13.75 Hillgrove
Nice, Gabrielle 13.90 Walton High School
Boyd Ghani, Aiyana 13.92 South Cobb
Ferguson, Zariyah 13.92 Osborne High School
Carson, Shaniya 13.93 Hillgrove
Jones, Jakaila 13.96 Lassiter High School
Beck, Peyton 13.98 Lassiter High School
Carlisle, Madison 14.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Mcghee, Samauri 14.07 Kell High School
Poindexter, Kennedy 14.08 Allatoona HS
Muldrow, Dior 14.09 Kennesaw Mountain
Gammage, Jhori 14.12 Pebblebrook High School
Curtis, Justice 14.12 McEachern High School
Palma, Anna 14.18 Allatoona HS
Harvey, Lynden 14.30h Pope High School
Edwards, Jaedyn 14.32 Campbell High School
Carter, Euriah 14.33 Allatoona HS
Knighton, Kaidyn 14.41 McEachern High School
kindle, leilani 14.43 Wheeler High School
Dallavale, Victoria 14.45 Pope High School
Dabney, Tamia 14.50 Kell High School
Gregoire, Hannah 14.60 North Cobb High School
Dowdell, Tiera 14.70 Marietta High School
Shaheed, Chloe 14.81 Kell High School
White, Aziya 14.92 McEachern High School
Rosen, Annabelle 15.15 Walker
Merkel, Sydney 15.21 Pope High School
Stringfellow, Mareka 15.52 Wheeler High School
Turnipseed, Erynn 15.73 Walker
Hashem, Emilie 15.83 Walker
Barnwell, Faith 16.18 Marietta High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Laylah Sprayberry High School
Pitts, Jayah Sprayberry High School
Stembridge, Lyric Sprayberry High School
Parajuli, Priya 17.84 Kennesaw Mountain
Gordon, Rain 18.58 Pebblebrook High School
Luchenbill, Samantha 19.04 Walton High School
Pruitt, Nickeal 19.49 Harrison High School
Ekaniyere, Prosperity 19.58 Pebblebrook High School
Campos-Nodari, Lylah 19.64 Marietta High School
Bellamy , Amelia 20.06 Allatoona HS
Hunt, Ja'Niya 20.29 Kennesaw Mountain
Robinson, NeJaiya 20.78 Osborne High School
Cisse, Youmane 20.92 Harrison High School
Robinson, Azjani 20.92 Osborne High School
Bonilla, Nicole 21.00 Walton High School
Kamson, RK 21.48 Kennesaw Mountain
Triesenberg, Ella 21.89 Allatoona HS
Sanders, Shekinah 21.92 Pebblebrook High School
Blevins, Aggie 22.08 Allatoona HS
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campos, Alexa Walker
Cummings, Chloe 5:33.67 Lassiter High School
Wilson, Isabel 5:33.86 Harrison High School
Teilhet, Maddie 5:35.93 Walton High School
Davis, Hazel 5:38.03 Marietta High School
Schumaker, Paige 5:38.69 Allatoona HS
Liwani, Simi 5:39.72 Pope High School
Rutledge, Julia 5:43.23 Walton High School
Strong, Harper 5:47.99 Walton High School
Paine, Reagan 5:49.16 Allatoona HS
Hughes, Maddie 5:51.24 Harrison High School
Morris, Sophie 5:54.94 Pope High School
McClelland, Liv 5:55.47 Harrison High School
Miller, Caroline 5:56.81 Lassiter High School
Blackmon, Avery 5:59.71 Pope High School
Gross, Abby Jane 6:05.40 Marietta High School
Hall, Natalie 6:07.54 Hillgrove
Walburn, Morgan 6:07.69 Hillgrove
Alef, Ellie 6:09.65 Allatoona HS
Stutz, Kaiti 6:24.05 Lassiter High School
Siller, Eliana 6:31.22 North Cobb Christian
Houlroyd, Madalyn 6:32.73 Campbell High School
Parra, Lily 6:35.68 Campbell High School
Muse, Lauren 6:37.58 Marietta High School
Thorpe, Elayeh 6:37.98 Pebblebrook High School
Garcia-Emily, Cecilia 6:42.30 Campbell High School
Brisbane, Mariah 6:42.56 North Cobb High School
Powell, Anna 6:46.38 North Cobb Christian
Gilbert, Hannah 6:47.55 North Cobb Christian
Costello, Addison 6:51.35 Hillgrove
Benefield, Laila 6:56.03 South Cobb
Wade, Jade 7:01.73 Kell High School
Crouch, Charlotte 7:08.26 Wheeler High School
Baghel, Moksha 7:08.62 Wheeler High School
Tolbert, Kennedi 7:08.85 North Cobb High School
Amah, Grace 7:13.25 North Cobb High School
Sandoval, Cindy 7:27.17 Osborne High School
Hurley, Ashtyn 7:28.31 Kennesaw Mountain
Baar, Vivian 7:30.41 Kennesaw Mountain
Sparks, Anna 7:34.43 Kell High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hipps, Harlem McEachern High School
Hester, Savanna 25.80 Campbell High School
Washington, Jordyn 26.13 Sprayberry High School
Gibson, De'syre 26.56 Pebblebrook High School
Young, Caroline 26.95 Lassiter High School
Bowick, Jaya 27.20 Harrison High School
Huggins, Jordyn 27.52 North Cobb Christian
Powell, Ella 27.63 Walton High School
Emenalo, Jada 27.64 South Cobb
Okeke, Ava 27.73 Kennesaw Mountain
Caldwell, Blakely 27.74 Walton High School
Edwards, Kiylan 27.78 Harrison High School
Riley, Naeemah 27.80 Pebblebrook High School
Darbo, Binta 27.87 Osborne High School
Tate, Mackenzie 27.94 Wheeler High School
Carson, Ava 27.97 Sprayberry High School
Rogers, Katherine 28.10 Walton High School
Wright, Kaela 28.21 Osborne High School
Stembridge, Lyric 28.30 Sprayberry High School
Curtis, Justice 28.44 McEachern High School
Ojehe, Daniella 28.65 Campbell High School
Kalra, Olivia 28.68 Harrison High School
Jones, London 28.68 South Cobb
Obasuyi, Abieyuwa 28.70 Marietta High School
Carson, Shaniya 28.82 Hillgrove
McCall, Shelby 28.85 Hillgrove
hedgeman, ayanna 28.93 Wheeler High School
Edwards, Maleah 28.97 Kell High School
Smith, Karmen 29.05 Allatoona HS
cawley, jaaliyah 29.11 Wheeler High School
Knighton, Kaidyn 29.11 McEachern High School
Jones, Ja'Laila 29.41 Osborne High School
Coleman, Paris 29.46 South Cobb
Hewitt, Anna Beth 29.61 Lassiter High School
Knight, Amiyah 29.62 Marietta High School
Green, Ameliah 29.70 North Cobb High School
Williams, Madison 29.88 Kennesaw Mountain
Gammage, Jhori 29.91 Pebblebrook High School
Mathis, Brianna 29.93 Hillgrove
Hooker, Taylor 29.97 Kell High School
Müller, Catarina 30.04 Lassiter High School
Hepburn, Jaylah 30.11 North Cobb High School
Carter, Euriah 30.17 Allatoona HS
Poindexter, Kennedy 30.28 Allatoona HS
Mcghee, Samauri 30.43 Kell High School
Hayden, Aspen 30.55 Campbell High School
Dallavale, Victoria 30.63 Pope High School
Gregoire, Hannah 31.16 North Cobb High School
Totten, Olivia 31.71 Pope High School
Rosen, Annabelle 32.31 Walker
Turnipseed, Erynn 33.04 Walker
Hashem, Emilie 33.10 Walker
Bacon, Caleigh 34.21 Pope High School
Kayitale, Kendra 34.58 Kennesaw Mountain
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Laylah Sprayberry High School
Mullins, Marley Sprayberry High School
Coleman, Paris South Cobb
McEachin, Brooklyn Sprayberry High School
Blevins, Aggie 1:00.32 Allatoona HS
Sanders, Shekinah 1:02.85 Pebblebrook High School
Marshall, Moriyah 46.87 Harrison High School
Gordon, Rain 53.80 Pebblebrook High School
Owen, Lily Kate 54.95 Harrison High School
Harvey, Lynden 54.99 Pope High School
Ekaniyere, Prosperity 55.30 Pebblebrook High School
Triesenberg, Ella 57.05 Allatoona HS
Robinson, Azjani 57.50 Osborne High School
Theiss, Zuri 57.54 Harrison High School
Bonilla, Nicole 58.08 Walton High School
Campos-Nodari, Lylah 58.52 Marietta High School
Bellamy , Amelia 59.18 Allatoona HS
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wells, Emma North Cobb High School
Sandoval, Cindy Osborne High School
Brisbane, Mariah North Cobb High School
Homier, Jordan North Cobb High School
Cummings, Chloe 11:54.00 Lassiter High School
Davis, Hazel 12:17.97 Marietta High School
Teilhet, Maddie 12:35.79 Walton High School
Walburn, Morgan 12:40.94 Hillgrove
Paine, Reagan 12:44.96 Allatoona HS
Hughes, Maddie 12:45.11 Harrison High School
Wilson, Isabel 12:46.62 Harrison High School
Reeves, Peyton 12:47.46 Harrison High School
Morris, Sophie 12:48.67 Pope High School
Gross, Abby Jane 12:51.74 Marietta High School
Cuddapah, Seena 12:54.97 Walton High School
Strong, Harper 12:55.39 Walton High School
Alef, Ellie 13:11.32 Allatoona HS
Young, Annabelle 13:29.43 Campbell High School
Hall, Natalie 13:30.23 Hillgrove
Dickson, Kaylee 13:53.77 Campbell High School
Bruder, Ansley 14:03.18 Pope High School
Parra, Lily 14:05.56 Campbell High School
Oldham, Audrey 14:09.62 Lassiter High School
Ritchie, Rena 14:13.88 Allatoona HS
Gilbert, Hannah 14:16.72 North Cobb Christian
Campos, Alexa 14:19.25 Walker
Muse, Lauren 14:21.70 Marietta High School
Villanueva, Maggie 14:28.20 Lassiter High School
Zaki, Nellie 14:53.34 Pope High School
Siller, Eliana 15:00.00 North Cobb Christian
Baghel, Moksha 15:34.98 Wheeler High School
Crouch, Charlotte 15:36.56 Wheeler High School
Fitzpatrick, Sarah 16:01.23 North Cobb Christian
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McEachin, Brooklyn Sprayberry High School
Ngana, Sifa Kennesaw Mountain
Davis, Laylah Sprayberry High School
Hester, Savanna 1:00.51 Campbell High School
Gibson, De'syre 1:01.69 Pebblebrook High School
Fludd, Shanoire' 1:01.77 Campbell High School
Huggins, Jordyn 1:02.21 North Cobb Christian
Hipps, Harlem 1:03.11 McEachern High School
Rogers, Katherine 1:03.11 Walton High School
Mullins, Marley 1:03.34 Sprayberry High School
Bowick, Jaya 1:03.86 Harrison High School
Akram, Maya 1:03.97 Walton High School
lucas, ryan 1:04.34 Wheeler High School
Tate, Mackenzie 1:04.55 Wheeler High School
Young, Caroline 1:04.76 Lassiter High School
Curtis, Justice 1:04.87 McEachern High School
Awoleye, Oluwatoyosi 1:05.14 South Cobb
Miller, Gabrielle 1:05.26 Osborne High School
Maselle, Victoria 1:05.90 Walton High School
cawley, jaaliyah 1:06.07 Wheeler High School
Dotch, Amari 1:07.32 Hillgrove
Swint, Madison 1:07.67 South Cobb
Miller, Caroline 1:07.72 Lassiter High School
Peden, Johanna 1:08.87 Kell High School
Springer, Nylah 1:09.51 South Cobb
Duncan, Angelique 1:09.76 Hillgrove
Kim, Carissa 1:09.97 Pope High School
Ozemoya, Daniella 1:10.23 Allatoona HS
Traore, Oumou 1:10.67 Osborne High School
Merkel, Sydney 1:11.34 Pope High School
Thompson, Neveah 1:11.57 Campbell High School
Nickell, Christa 1:12.12 North Cobb Christian
Yeun, Thao 1:12.86 Hillgrove
Rosen, Annabelle 1:13.24 Walker
Horn, Nyla 1:13.54 Kennesaw Mountain
Rogers, Mylee 1:13.76 Kennesaw Mountain
Shareef, Jaida 1:15.31 Allatoona HS
Shaheed, Chloe 1:17.09 Kell High School
Lopez , Diana 1:17.38 Allatoona HS
Powers, Leilani 1:17.80 Pope High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.05 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 50.96 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 51.26 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 51.28 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 52.27 Walton High School
Relay Team A 52.68 South Cobb
Relay Team A 52.72 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 53.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 53.63 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 54.47 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 54.60h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 54.62 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 54.67 Campbell High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:44.51 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:46.19 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:51.33 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 1:51.59 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:52.68 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 1:56.42 South Cobb
Relay Team A 1:56.97 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 1:59.25 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Walton High School
Relay Team A 2:35.12 Lassiter High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 4:11.00h Walton High School
Relay Team A 4:20.55 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 4:32.58 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 4:35.83 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 4:49:03. Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:51.63 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 5:07.55 South Cobb
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 10:45.00 Walton High School
Relay Team A 11:24.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 11:25.37 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 11:54.61 Pope High School
Relay Team A 12:23.00 North Cobb Christian
Relay Team A 13:00.00 Hillgrove
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Girls 800 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sparks, Anna Kell High School
Awoleye, Oluwatoyosi South Cobb
Ponce, Janet 2:24.08 Campbell High School
Troupe, Kennedy 2:32.17 Harrison High School
Schumaker, Paige 2:33.07 Allatoona HS
Odelowo, Ebun 2:35.67 Campbell High School
Rutledge, Julia 2:36.52 Walton High School
Liwani, Simi 2:36.52 Pope High School
Theiss, Zuri 2:36.59 Harrison High School
Blackmon, Avery 2:37.87 Pope High School
Murphy, Erin 2:39.00h Harrison High School
Tummala, Aaruhya 2:40.73 Walton High School
Manus, Mary Kate 2:41.15 Walton High School
Thorpe, Elayeh 2:42.97 Pebblebrook High School
lucas, ryan 2:43.70 Wheeler High School
Miller, Caroline 2:43.79 Lassiter High School
Ozemoya, Daniella 2:46.47 Allatoona HS
Murrell, Mary Caroline 2:46.66 Marietta High School
Adams, Claire 2:48.40 Lassiter High School
Almeda, Fallon 2:52.69 Lassiter High School
Beal, Sophia 2:53.93 Wheeler High School
Wells, Emma 2:55.21 North Cobb High School
Homier, Jordan 2:55.35 North Cobb High School
Bruder, Ansley 2:57.96 Pope High School
Campos, Alexa 3:02.50 Walker
Ridenour , Sara 3:03.18 Allatoona HS
Leddy, Cate 3:03.39 Hillgrove
Norris, Madison 3:04.69 Campbell High School
Peden, Johanna 3:04.71 Kell High School
Sandoval, Cindy 3:05.13 Osborne High School
Parks, Orion 3:05.80 Marietta High School
Loveland, Emma Sue 3:06.64 North Cobb Christian
Wade, Jade 3:07.24 Kell High School
Merchant, Elle 3:10.00h Hillgrove
Powell, Anna 3:10.56 North Cobb Christian
Benefield, Laila 3:12.19 South Cobb
Gahan, Mya 3:17.30 Hillgrove
Taylor, Lena 3:20.63 North Cobb High School
Baar, Vivian 3:25.16 Kennesaw Mountain
Davis, Lexie 3:28.21 North Cobb Christian
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Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Luchenbill, Samantha 96-3 Walton High School
Poindexter, Khamiyah 72-6.5 Osborne High School
Zachery, Shilom 72-2 Marietta High School
Daley, Kenique 72-1 Hillgrove
McCall, Maliyah 69-5 McEachern High School
Amos, Jay'va 67-9 Hillgrove
Abdul Addarr, Awteeyah 64-1 McEachern High School
McAllister, Brenda 61-4 Pope High School
Louis, Abbiata 61-0 Osborne High School
Okojie, Jasmine 60-10 North Cobb High School
McCree, Jazzmyn 59-9 Osborne High School
Lewis, Freedom 59-5 Pope High School
Jackline, Elizabeth 54-5 Allatoona HS
Taylor, Morgan 54-2 Harrison High School
Mandani, Kylee 54-1 Kennesaw Mountain
Spaeth , Addison 51-10 Allatoona HS
Evans, Mollie 51-7 Walton High School
kindle, leilani 49-11 Wheeler High School
Dellihue, Morgan 47-9 Hillgrove
Barry, Jordan 45-8 Pope High School
Lavin, Hailey 41-10 Sprayberry High School
walker , emani 38-9 Wheeler High School
Elamin, Oula Sprayberry High School
Davis, Jaliyah Marietta High School
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kopriva, Claire 4-9 Lassiter High School
Harvey, Lynden 4-8 Pope High School
Swint, Madison 4-6 South Cobb
Darbo, Binta 4-6 Osborne High School
Cipperly, Claire 4-6 Walton High School
Duncan, Angelique 4-6 Hillgrove
Fallaw, Kate 4-4 Walton High School
Sewell, Alissa 4-2 McEachern High School
Thomas, Stephanie 4-0 Allatoona HS
Gregory, Kaitlyn Lassiter High School
Gregory, Samantha Lassiter High School
Agard, Kya Sprayberry High School
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Girls Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mullins, Marley 17-6.75 Sprayberry High School
Young, Caroline 17-0 Lassiter High School
Emenalo, Jada 16-0.75 South Cobb
Boyd Ghani, Aiyana 15-6 South Cobb
hedgeman, ayanna 15-5.75 Wheeler High School
Ojehe, Daniella 15-4.5 Campbell High School
Nice, Gabrielle 15-3.5 Walton High School
McCall, Shelby 14-11.5 Hillgrove
Luchenbill, Samantha 14-8 Walton High School
Ferguson, Zariyah 14-6.5 Osborne High School
Soris, Gabriella 14-6 McEachern High School
Hepburn, Jaylah 14-5 North Cobb High School
Coleman, Paris 14-3.5 South Cobb
Robinson, Azjorya 14-2.5 Osborne High School
Palma, Anna 14-1.5 Allatoona HS
Edwards, Jaedyn 14-1 Campbell High School
Traore, Oumou 14-0.5 Osborne High School
Malone, Elisa 13-7.75 Marietta High School
Muldrow, Dior 13-3.75 Kennesaw Mountain
Thompson, Neveah 13-3.5 Campbell High School
Green, Ameliah 13-2.5 North Cobb High School
Campos-Nodari, Lylah 13-1.5 Marietta High School
Curtis, Justice 12-11 McEachern High School
Thomas, Stephanie 12-10 Allatoona HS
Smith, Karmen 12-7 Allatoona HS
Wojciechowski, Sophia 12-4 Harrison High School
Gregory, Kaitlyn 12-3 Lassiter High School
Turnipseed, Erynn 12-2.5 Walker
Rosen, Annabelle 12-2.5 Walker
Karki, Anika 11-9.5 Walton High School
Carson, Chloe 9-1 Harrison High School
Pitts, Jayah Sprayberry High School
Brown, Ryan Sprayberry High School
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Girls Pole Vault 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Okeke, Ava 10-3 Kennesaw Mountain
Parajuli, Priya 8-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Miller, Gabrielle 8-0 Osborne High School
Gepfert, Sophie 7-8 Allatoona HS
Seiling, Ava 7-8 Walton High School
Smith, Charlotte 7-8 Walton High School
Gangu, Sanah 7-6 North Cobb High School
Fallaw, Kate 7-2 Walton High School
Robinson, Azjani 7-0 Osborne High School
Thomas, Stephanie 6-8 Allatoona HS
Kim, Carissa 6-8 Pope High School
Rogers, Mylee 6-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Kuzma, Ansley 6-2 Pope High School
Gregory, Kaitlyn 6-0 Lassiter High School
Hajjar, Lillian 6-0 Harrison High School
Durham, Emily 6-0 Harrison High School
Amos, Isabella 5-6 Harrison High School
Fife, Cara 5-0 Pope High School
Gregory, Samantha Lassiter High School
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Girls Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis, Freedom 28-0 Pope High School
Zachery, Shilom 27-6.5 Marietta High School
Jackline, Elizabeth 26-3.5 Allatoona HS
Evans, Mollie 25-2 Walton High School
Abdul Addarr, Awteeyah 25-1 McEachern High School
Davis, Jaliyah 25-0 Marietta High School
Scott, Kayelyn 23-6 North Cobb High School
Spaeth , Addison 23-5 Allatoona HS
McCall, Maliyah 23-3 McEachern High School
Okojie, Jasmine 23-1 North Cobb High School
kindle, leilani 22-10 Wheeler High School
Barry, Jordan 22-5.5 Pope High School
Taylor, Morgan 22-5 Harrison High School
McAllister, Brenda 22-1 Pope High School
Poindexter, Khamiyah 21-6 Osborne High School
Daley, Kenique 21-6 Hillgrove
Lavin, Hailey 21-3.25 Sprayberry High School
walker , emani 21-3 Wheeler High School
Amos, Jay'va 20-11 Hillgrove
Adeleye, Glorious 20-5 Campbell High School
Reddick, Aniya 20-2 Osborne High School
McCree, Jazzmyn 20-0 Osborne High School
Dellihue, Morgan 18-9 Hillgrove
Leaks, Jala Sprayberry High School
Elamin, Oula Sprayberry High School
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Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marshall, Moriyah 36-2.25 Harrison High School
Boyd Ghani, Aiyana 33-3 South Cobb
Nice, Gabrielle 32-8 Walton High School
Luchenbill, Samantha 31-9.5 Walton High School
Obasuyi, Abieyuwa 30-10 Marietta High School
Traore, Oumou 30-2 Osborne High School
Soris, Gabriella 30-0 McEachern High School
Smith, Karmen 27-8 Allatoona HS
Bellamy , Amelia 26-10 Allatoona HS
Palma, Anna 25-5.5 Allatoona HS
Barnes, Karington Sprayberry High School
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