GHSA 6A - Region 6 2022

Canton, GA
Hosted by Creekview
Timing/Results Olympia Resources

GHSA 6A - Region 6 2022 vs GHSA 6A - Region 6 JV 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +124 300 176
Overall Average -43.33 22:51.55 23:34.88
1st-10th Place -1:44.58 16:32.97 18:17.55
1st-25th Place -1:41.30 17:10.64 18:51.94
1st-50th Place -1:36.27 17:53.64 19:29.91
1st-100th Place -2:01.82 18:54.11 20:55.93
Common Athletes -- -- 76
Ran Faster -22 27 49
Ran Season Best -26 8 34
Average Time +55.26 23:55.18 22:59.92
Median Time +29.97 23:32.20 23:02.23
Middle 80% Times +55.08 23:42.00 22:46.93
Top 10% Times +42.66 19:15.79 18:33.13
Top 25% Times +50.99 20:08.18 19:17.18
Top 50% Times +47.69 21:17.28 20:29.60
Bottom 50% Times +1:02.84 26:33.07 25:30.24
Bottom 25% Times +57.48 28:20.06 27:22.58
Bottom 10% Times +1:01.28 30:41.34 29:40.06
Average Difference +55.26 -- --
Median Difference -1:24.07 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:01.56 -- --
Top 10% Difference +3.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.37 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.37 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:11.15 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:13.45 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +41.68 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tucker Saladin Creekview +4:01.47 22:01.20 17:59.73
John Merrill Williams Creekview +36.85 18:50.20 18:13.35
Landon Duval Creekview +4:29.33 22:49.70 18:20.37
Gabriel Garnica River Ridge HS +1:17.82 19:50.40 18:32.58
Tripp Bagwell Creekview +1:46.36 20:20.50 18:34.14
Nate Spivey River Ridge HS -2.54 18:40.80 18:43.34
Adam Berwald Etowah -1:03.27 18:43.40 19:46.67
Robert McCrary Woodstock High School +37.92 19:32.70 18:54.78
Kayin Kier Woodstock High School +1:23.76 20:30.50 19:06.74
Austin Hand Creekview -27.14 19:13.30 19:40.44
Adriel Ontibon Etowah +1:36.91 20:52.60 19:15.69
Emmanuel Loredo River Ridge HS +1:35.79 21:11.00 19:35.21
Kevin Hackett Woodstock High School -25.86 19:37.80 20:03.66
Connor Pearson Etowah -1:00.98 19:42.30 20:43.28
Henry Gilmore Creekview +1:25.95 21:10.10 19:44.15
Cole Villano River Ridge HS -2.03 19:45.80 19:47.83
Isaiah Gawronski Allatoona HS +1:14.30 21:04.00 19:49.70
Alex Nino River Ridge HS +1:02.48 21:05.80 20:03.32
Ethan Keenem River Ridge HS +1:55.11 21:58.60 20:03.49
Tyler Grund River Ridge HS +1:22.09 21:33.40 20:11.31
Carter Luckett River Ridge HS +2:53.28 23:04.60 20:11.32
Josiah Smith Allatoona HS +32.17 20:59.30 20:27.13
Evan O'Connor Etowah +1:34.17 22:06.30 20:32.13
Edgar Ramirez Rome High School -39.01 20:46.30 21:25.31
Will Dieteze River Ridge HS -56.80 20:48.90 21:45.70
Nathaniel Willoughby Creekview -4.82 21:00.70 21:05.52
Trenton Jolley Woodstock High School +2:51.44 23:54.40 21:02.96
EJ Oliver Rome High School +3.77 21:18.50 21:14.73
Surya Narasimhan River Ridge HS +1:23.41 22:48.10 21:24.69
Parker Beary River Ridge HS -56.82 21:47.40 22:44.22
Tyler Stacy Creekview +1:09.08 22:59.40 21:50.32
Sara Allen Etowah -48.65 21:53.80 22:42.45
Tristan Blake Allatoona HS +3:06.40 25:11.00 22:04.60
Adam Elghonemy Woodstock High School +2:22.30 24:34.00 22:11.70
Madeleine Blanchard Etowah -1:24.07 22:25.50 23:49.57
Roger Wilson Etowah +25.95 22:55.90 22:29.95
McKenna Lamp Creekview +24.07 23:03.50 22:39.43
Alex Allen Etowah +3:22.01 26:05.10 22:43.09
Alena Ezell Etowah -10.54 22:49.10 22:59.64
Ela Suszek Creekview +3:39.77 26:42.00 23:02.23
Alin Kiingati Creekview +2:14.27 25:21.80 23:07.53
Ava D'Ambrosio Sequoyah High School -25.20 23:08.40 23:33.60
Taylor Kallbreier Etowah +45.19 23:53.70 23:08.51
Georgia Purvis Etowah -25.99 23:09.90 23:35.89
Gabe DeLashmutt Sequoyah High School +1:39.64 24:50.50 23:10.86
Walker Spell Creekview +1:06.84 24:23.80 23:16.96
Lia Foley River Ridge HS -25.57 23:17.00 23:42.57
Madelyn Bouchard Etowah +1:58.52 25:18.10 23:19.58
David Matta River Ridge HS -0.90 23:32.20 23:33.10
Jacob Slocum Rome High School +3:03.48 26:35.80 23:32.32
Alex Cousins River Ridge HS +3:15.60 26:52.60 23:37.00
Owen Cook Sequoyah High School +1:07.23 24:50.30 23:43.07
Maddi Reno Sequoyah High School +2:12.09 26:07.50 23:55.41
Kendall Lee Etowah -23.31 23:55.80 24:19.11
Isabella Eastabrooks Creekview +2:10.37 26:09.30 23:58.93
Jenna Blake River Ridge HS +3:20.38 27:25.70 24:05.32
Sloane McGhee Sequoyah High School +30.11 24:58.60 24:28.49
Kayla Murphy Sequoyah High School +15.04 24:51.30 24:36.26
Connor Meadows Allatoona HS -9.32 24:44.90 24:54.22
Reese Nickels Etowah -19.74 24:50.00 25:09.74
Sarah McClure Creekview +46.29 25:40.10 24:53.81
Shelby Rice Etowah -1:58.10 24:54.70 26:52.80
Maria Liska River Ridge HS +2:25.14 27:27.00 25:01.86
Claire Woods Creekview -3:23.32 25:16.40 28:39.72
Samantha Mize River Ridge HS +1:11.85 26:30.20 25:18.35
Mary Kate Kennedy Rome High School -12.59 25:34.10 25:46.69
Ella Sawyer Etowah +49.27 26:57.30 26:08.03
Lashmi Rodriguez Rome High School -22.50 26:33.30 26:55.80
Allyn Fahring Creekview -1:19.28 26:59.50 28:18.78
Marie Fallon River Ridge HS +6.79 27:17.80 27:11.01
Valentina Krizek River Ridge HS +8:04.08 35:38.40 27:34.32
Jazlynn Bailey Etowah -1:41.05 27:45.50 29:26.55
Callie Schmidt River Ridge HS +4:44.12 33:40.00 28:55.88
Ixchel Avila Etowah +1:46.37 30:47.70 29:01.33
Samantha Warnken River Ridge HS -2:55.39 29:20.70 32:16.09
Alexis Richardson Etowah +17.93 33:25.70 33:07.77