When registering for the Varsity division, you will be prompted with two events for each gender; "Boys/Girls 5000 Meter Run" and "Boys/Girls Alternates". Please declare your Top 7 Runners in the "Boys/Girls 5000 Meter Run" events and up to 5 Alternates in the "Boys/Girls Alternates" events. If you have any questions, please reach out to registration@milesplit.com for assistance.
Coaches, please note that the runners you place in the Boys/Girls 5000 Meter Run and Boys/Girls Alternate events are the Varsity and subVarsity for the State Meet should you qualify as individuals or a team.This is where GHSA is pulling athlete information.
The rest of your teams will race under the JV Unlimited Boys or Girls Sections. Your 5 Alternates will not need to register again, but they will race in the JV Unlimited race on 10/21.