Meet Information
2022 Boys and Girls Region 3-AAAAA Track & Field Meet Schedule
Date: Thursday, April 28th, 2022 (Saturday, April 30th, 2022 Rain Date)
Participating Schools: Banneker, Creekside, Drew, Forest Park, Jonesboro, Mundys Mill, Tri-Cities, Woodward Academy
Location: Woodward Academy Tim Hamling Track Complex
1425 Cambridge Avenue
College Park, GA 30337
(Please use this address to take you to our track. Keep in mind that our track is not in the same location as our football stadium. Further parking instructions for buses to follow.)
Boys and Girls Schedule of Events
Please note that this meet schedule closely follows the one-day Sectional Meet schedule in order to prepare athletes for that one-day qualifying meet.
Please Register on under GA Region 3-AAAAA. Registration will close on 4/26 at 10 PM. At that point, the only changes that can be made must be 1 for 1. All athletes must be registered on the GHSA MIS site to be added. There will be NO re-seeding.
All times, distances, and heights submitted will be verified usingga.milesplit.comfor seeding. If a time, distance, or height cannot be verified, the athlete or relay team will be moved into the slower heat (running) or into the 1st flight (field events). All times must be FAT. Hand-held times are not accepted. By using this process we will eliminate any time, distance, or height submitted that has not been achieved during the 2022 spring season, thereby creating a fair and accurate seeding of our region Meet.
We will run one heat each per gender of the 1600 and 3200. These three races will all begin with a waterfall start.
There will be two heats (if necessary) for each of the lane races. We will run them as sections vs. time with the first of the two heats being the slower-seeded heat. PLEASE
NOTE: individuals and relay teams may score out of either heat.
9:00 AM:Coaches Meeting
9:30 AM: 1600 Meter Run (1 heat of Girls; 1 heat of Boys; Waterfall Start)
9:30 AM:Field Events
1 flight per event in PV and HJ, seeded worst to best
2 flights per event in LJ, TJ, SP, and D, seeded worst to best.
3 Preliminary jumps or throws per contestant.
Top 9 preliminary jumps or throws advance to finals in the Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, and Discus. Athletes will receive 3 more attempts. Any of the 6 attempts may win the event.
Girls and Boys Long Jump followed by Girls and Boys Triple Jump
Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump
Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys Pole Vault
Girls Shot Put followed by Boys Shot Put
Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus
11:00 AM-1:30 PM: Lunch Break
1:45 PM: Coaches Meeting
2:00 PM:Remainder of the Running Events Begin
Running Events
2:25 100H/110H
2:45 100
3:05 4x200
3:25 3200 Girls
3:45 4x100
4:05 400
4:25 300h
4:45 800
5:05 200
5:25 3200 Boys
5:45 4x400
Important Reminder:
Monday, April 25th 2022: Coaches go to GHSA Affiliate website ( to enter your teams for the Boys and Girls Region Meet. DEADLINE: 8:00pm. After the deadline of 9:00pm, Monday, April 25, 2022: NO Additions may be made to your entries. ONLY Scratches and Substitutions may be made on MEET DAY.
Meet Duties
Discus- Woodward Academy
Pole Vault- Woodward Academy
Shot Put- Tri-Cities
Long Jump- (Girls) Jonesboro, (Boys) Bannaker
Triple Jump- (Girls) Creekside, (Boys) Mundys Mill
High Jump- (Girls) Drew, (Boys) Forest Park
Exchange Zones
Zone 1 Creekside, Jonesboro
Zone 2 Banneker, Drew
Zone 1- Woodward, Forest Park
Zone 2- Tri-Cities, Mundys Mill
Zone 3- Drew, Creekside
BreakPoint- Woodward
Buses should drop off at the following address.
Tim Hamilng Track Complex
1425 Cambridge Ave
College Park, Georgia 30337
Buses can then park on Rugby Circle in between the Track and the Tennis Court
-We will abide by all GHSA rules. This means no electronic devices on the infield and uniforms must be according to code.
- Keep athletes that are not competing off the infield as much as possible. (Especially while the discus is taking place)
- The warm-up area will be in the grass behind the scoreboard. (26 and 27 on the attached map)
- Please enter and exit the track from the South end entrance (This is the side opposite the timing booth)
- Check-in Tent is Located at the South end of the Stadium behind the start of the 100m runway
- Please remind your athletes and fans to stay off the wall near the finish line
- Please avoid parking on the street. Parking is available in the lower school lot next to the baseball field and at the football stadium (P3 and P4 on the attached map)
-Team Tents can be set up on the grass and on top of the Hill beside the tennis grandstands. No Tents will be allowed inside the fence to the track or in the bleachers.
-Breakfast and Lunch for Coaches will be provided at 8:45 AM (Breakfast) and 12PM (Lunch)
Thanks and we look forward to hosting you! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at or 404-862-9682