Flying Biscuit Cafe Invitational 2022

Bogart, GA
Hosted by North Oconee
Timing/Results Fast Feet Timing

Flying Biscuit Cafe Invitational 2022 vs Flying Biscuit Cafe HS Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -250 343 593
Overall Average -1:57.18 23:03.80 25:00.98
1st-10th Place +4.38 17:10.07 17:05.69
1st-25th Place +2.04 17:40.56 17:38.52
1st-50th Place +2.59 18:17.43 18:14.84
1st-100th Place +2.82 19:03.97 19:01.15
Common Athletes -- -- 124
Ran Faster -30 47 77
Ran Season Best -- 2 2
Average Time +15.78 23:00.16 22:44.38
Median Time +28.20 22:43.99 22:15.79
Middle 80% Times +16.94 22:49.15 22:32.21
Top 10% Times +23.50 17:48.04 17:24.54
Top 25% Times +17.40 18:39.34 18:21.94
Top 50% Times +12.43 19:54.98 19:42.55
Bottom 50% Times +19.13 26:05.33 25:46.20
Bottom 25% Times +11.24 28:20.22 28:08.98
Bottom 10% Times +7.06 30:31.05 30:23.99
Average Difference +15.78 -- --
Median Difference +1:07.47 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +16.17 -- --
Top 10% Difference +15.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference +8.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference +14.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference +8.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +23.23 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +7.09 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +17.12 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ben Davis Jefferson High School +42.57 17:16.29 16:33.72
Cooper Timberman Oconee County High School -14.89 16:40.42 16:55.31
Bryant Young North Hall +43.87 17:36.19 16:52.32
Jaycob Wagner North Hall +50.21 17:54.53 17:04.32
James Daniel Clarke Central +30.85 17:44.73 17:13.88
Patterson Graham Oconee County High School +27.99 17:44.32 17:16.33
Brock Brush Jefferson High School +55.91 18:14.18 17:18.27
Austin Click Jefferson High School +3.45 17:23.49 17:20.04
Garrison Lee Jefferson High School +5.42 17:54.22 17:48.80
Noah Scheuer Oconee County High School +1:49.28 19:40.78 17:51.50
Hunter Ecker North Oconee +46.14 18:41.41 17:55.27
Ryan Marshall Clarke Central +50.14 18:49.13 17:58.99
Eli Chaffin Chestatee -33.71 18:02.87 18:36.58
Walter Hequembourg Athens Academy +28.95 18:39.25 18:10.30
Cj Jeffords Jefferson High School +1:59.98 20:12.14 18:12.16
Robbie Woods Franklin County High School -21.83 18:12.78 18:34.61
Braydon Lane Hart County +4.26 18:22.17 18:17.91
Nate Harris Hart County -20.84 18:18.37 18:39.21
Noah Kilpatrick Clarke Central +1:40.67 20:03.11 18:22.44
Lawson Waye Prince Avenue Christian School +11.08 18:37.55 18:26.47
Alex Brannon White County High School -35.58 18:47.90 19:23.48
Brennan Mullis Oconee County High School +1:41.14 20:32.64 18:51.50
Clodagh O'Bryant North Hall -45.33 19:01.77 19:47.10
Cameron Kazienko Jefferson High School -24.06 19:02.55 19:26.61
Champ Blose Oconee County High School -3.26 19:11.13 19:14.39
Joshua Ivey Madison County HS +4:39.51 23:58.11 19:18.60
Hayden Glover North Hall +4.34 19:23.51 19:19.17
Ben Hardman Franklin County High School -2:28.68 19:24.78 21:53.46
Aiden Pickett White County High School +3.73 19:29.92 19:26.19
Spencer Hostetter Oconee County High School -18.78 19:27.07 19:45.85
Nathan Ibarra Chestatee -48.51 19:30.69 20:19.20
Weston Haney Bethlehem Christian +2:17.82 21:51.05 19:33.23
Colt Kennedy Madison County HS -1:32.72 19:35.76 21:08.48
Javon Johnson Madison County HS -25.77 19:40.65 20:06.42
Tom Hollingsworth Athens Academy +20.92 20:07.17 19:46.25
Elijah Neal Madison County HS +1:11.66 20:58.08 19:46.42
Bryce Paramore Athens Academy +2:05.23 21:51.75 19:46.52
Henry Garrard Athens Academy +1:40.92 21:29.86 19:48.94
Charlie Walton Athens Academy +1:13.25 21:04.03 19:50.78
Nathan Taylor Walnut Grove HS -43.75 19:52.97 20:36.72
Wyatt Pilgrim White County High School -2:14.86 19:58.11 22:12.97
Harper Rowell Clarke Central -10.20 19:58.17 20:08.37
Dylan Johns Jefferson High School -29.47 19:59.72 20:29.19
Avery Stewart White County High School +1:25.16 21:45.40 20:20.24
Will Jarzen Walnut Grove HS -25.99 20:23.35 20:49.34
Jacob Arnest North Oconee -11.83 20:36.91 20:48.74
Jonathan Smith Chestatee +27.60 21:04.65 20:37.05
Abi Moore North Hall +36.35 21:15.45 20:39.10
Harleigh Smith North Hall -29.89 20:41.32 21:11.21
Tate Cooper North Hall -2:33.51 20:41.53 23:15.04
Christopher Myers Walnut Grove HS +6.87 20:52.31 20:45.44
Kellice Young North Hall -54.07 20:47.35 21:41.42
Ryland Marley Athens Academy -1:29.15 20:52.80 22:21.95
Daniel Durling Westminster Christian Academy +1:57.57 23:14.01 21:16.44
Timothy Furlow Prince Avenue Christian School -21.25 21:24.08 21:45.33
Gael Valente Morgan County HS -23.44 21:26.03 21:49.47
Damian Childress Hart County +3.35 21:38.56 21:35.21
Caroline Bull Chestatee -46.21 21:39.82 22:26.03
Adelaide Ellis Athens Academy +2.51 21:44.38 21:41.87
Zachary Simmons Hart County +2:20.49 24:04.68 21:44.19
CJ Paine Morgan County HS +56.35 22:45.57 21:49.22
Hannah Schroeder Jefferson High School +1:07.47 23:00.16 21:52.69
Kody Garcia Chestatee -1:07.23 21:52.74 22:59.97
Preston Mitchell Prince Avenue Christian School +2:45.93 24:39.24 21:53.31
Eli Bates Westminster Christian Academy -1:32.24 21:56.71 23:28.95
Mary Matthews Oconee County High School +1:06.63 23:04.43 21:57.80
Stephen Buffa Westminster Christian Academy -20.50 22:11.69 22:32.19
Lily Kate Morgan North Hall +2:17.71 24:29.51 22:11.80
Emma Windham White County High School +1:13.82 23:29.61 22:15.79
Aidan Hanson North Hall +34.61 22:53.85 22:19.24
Lily Janning Jefferson High School +3:16.95 25:44.21 22:27.26
Kaiden Carter Hart County +45.28 23:13.17 22:27.89
Ellen Patterson Oconee County High School +26.25 22:59.47 22:33.22
Molly Smith Athens Academy +9.44 22:43.69 22:34.25
Margalit Mauricio Athens Academy +2:00.55 24:38.49 22:37.94
Megan Hightower Franklin County High School -1:14.90 22:43.12 23:58.02
Brenna Garrett Morgan County HS -3:46.19 22:43.99 26:30.18
Will McConnell Franklin County High School +32.70 23:18.90 22:46.20
Izzy Wintermantel Chestatee +25.87 23:12.57 22:46.70
Ella Edwards North Hall +1:05.93 23:55.19 22:49.26
MaKayla Jones North Hall -1:11.96 22:49.78 24:01.74
Lauren Hailey Jefferson High School +1:28.98 24:24.84 22:55.86
Jack Gentry Bethlehem Christian +28.90 23:36.33 23:07.43
Audrey Waters North Oconee +13.17 23:24.24 23:11.07
Ashlyn Smith Prince Avenue Christian School -1:30.27 23:11.46 24:41.73
Ali Moore North Hall +25.47 24:08.10 23:42.63
Lily Gaddy Jefferson High School +3.74 23:46.37 23:42.63
Ellie Beedle Westminster Christian Academy -52.11 24:02.38 24:54.49
Riley Ramsey Clarke Central +48.44 25:08.79 24:20.35
Colin Fernandez White County High School +5.66 24:30.42 24:24.76
Sophie Rohani Clarke Central +2:16.96 26:42.48 24:25.52
Kearsen Self North Oconee +1:28.82 25:56.62 24:27.80
Ansley Hovater Westminster Christian Academy -1:07.61 24:47.23 25:54.84
Cadence Keese Oconee County High School -42.06 24:58.10 25:40.16
Sarah Bowling Chestatee +25.76 25:32.63 25:06.87
Naomi Bledsoe Prince Avenue Christian School -44.92 25:14.29 25:59.21
Melody Blomberg Hart County -1:55.79 25:20.70 27:16.49
Annslee Mitchell Westminster Christian Academy +1:31.03 26:54.62 25:23.59
Nora Canalis North Oconee +26.45 25:57.39 25:30.94
Megan Palmer North Oconee +46.72 26:25.13 25:38.41
Susan Nunez Chestatee -1:42.22 25:48.81 27:31.03
Jocelyn Dean Franklin County High School -1:33.23 25:49.52 27:22.75
Ella Hodges Franklin County High School +47.88 26:44.56 25:56.68
Aubrey Barnett Walnut Grove HS +38.20 27:01.66 26:23.46
Reese McPherson Morgan County HS +34.39 26:58.84 26:24.45
Taylor Pruitt Madison County HS +43.51 27:09.86 26:26.35
Addie Harper Morgan County HS +16.44 26:43.17 26:26.73
Ashlyn Chafin Walnut Grove HS +46.71 27:16.83 26:30.12
Mary Grace Watson Madison County HS +1:04.38 28:13.53 27:09.15
Isabelle Stephens Westminster Christian Academy +2:01.49 29:17.63 27:16.14
Cate Stroud Madison County HS +3:11.77 30:41.03 27:29.26
Camille Attaway Clarke Central +3:20.64 31:00.50 27:39.86
Lucia Trujillo-Limas Franklin County High School +1:49.21 29:38.91 27:49.70
Chloe Bennett Hart County -41.46 28:03.83 28:45.29
Madison McKee Morgan County HS +28.41 28:47.59 28:19.18
Katelyn McClain Hart County -1:28.76 28:39.37 30:08.13
Ailynn Irwin Clarke Central -33.92 28:56.07 29:29.99
Nicole Whaley Hart County -1:13.06 29:11.09 30:24.15
Gabi Timms Prince Avenue Christian School -2:08.85 29:13.29 31:22.14
Lily Kate Holder Walnut Grove HS +33.57 31:02.24 30:28.67
Christina Casey Walnut Grove HS +23.33 31:18.31 30:54.98
Kadyn Crowe Franklin County High School -1:39.49 32:04.70 33:44.19
Kimberly Cortez Clarke Central +17.06 32:46.42 32:29.36
Audrey St. Onge Clarke Central -50.40 32:45.88 33:36.28