Wesleyan School Varsity Meet #5 2022

Norcross, GA

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 1,600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Packard, Riley West Hall High School
Maguire, Shaw 4:42.28 Duluth High School
Hazeem, Danial 4:54.56 Duluth High School
Davidson, Nicholas 4:57.13 West Hall High School
Mast, Jonathan 5:06.29 West Hall High School
Phillips, Miles 5:07.63 Lovett
Dixon, Peter 5:11.47 Duluth High School
Moore, Wood 5:12.73 Wesleyan School
Rodriguez, Ernesto 5:20.58 West Hall High School
Wasmuth, Henry 5:23.33 Wesleyan School
Smith, Perritt 5:24.23 Lovett
Fornasiero, Christopher 5:31.62 Lovett
Araujo, Brando 5:32.10 West Hall High School
Heup, Matthew 5:40.81 Wesleyan School
Portillo, Jose 5:41.16 West Hall High School
Avellaneda, Samuel 5:45.72 Duluth High School
O'Shields, Brendan 5:45.75 Wesleyan School
Cousins, Luca 5:46.87 Lovett
John, Kaleb 5:56.43 Wesleyan School
Gan, Zachary 6:04.98 Wesleyan School
Russell, Noah 6:20.55 Wesleyan School
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High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Mason Duluth High School
Tang, Ming Duluth High School
Wiley, Jaden 11.48 Duluth High School
Spencer, Ronovan 11.48 Duluth High School
Hemphill, MiKyle 11.63 West Hall High School
Fagan, Jaylen 11.77 West Hall High School
Havis, Miles 11.77 Duluth High School
McCray, Blake 11.80 West Hall High School
Kwon, Corban 12.02 Wesleyan School
Woocher, Charlie 12.22 Lovett
Cooper II, Christopher 12.30 Lovett
Ratliff, Lonnie 12.34 Duluth High School
Jackson, Malachi 12.38 McNair High School
Morris, Christian 12.42 Duluth High School
Rivers III, Quintin 12.50 Duluth High School
Wilson, Rex 12.52 Lovett
Ibezi-Enendu, Priest 12.54 Duluth High School
Miller, Anthony 12.58 Duluth High School
Packard, Riley 12.66 West Hall High School
Clark, Brady 12.72 West Hall High School
George, Michael 12.72 Duluth High School
Woocher, Graham 12.76 Lovett
Trinidad, David 12.80 Duluth High School
Blackwell, Tilil 12.87 West Hall High School
Herren, Ahmad 12.90 McNair High School
Neloms, Charquez 12.92 Duluth High School
Daniels, Pierce 13.02 Lovett
Parker, Chase 13.02 Duluth High School
Lackey, Marcus 13.06 Duluth High School
Zuniga, Jaret 13.10 West Hall High School
Golden, Terrell 13.10 Duluth High School
Varner, Reuben 13.20 Duluth High School
Abdallah, Austin 13.23 Lovett
Hidalgo, Avian 13.32 Duluth High School
Vu, Jason 13.52 Duluth High School
Dessin, Erick 13.77 Wesleyan School
Thompson, Jack 13.89 Lovett
Deveault, Alex 13.93 Lovett
Foldevi, Hawken 14.25 Duluth High School
Staton, KC 14.48 West Hall High School
Worgo, Conner 14.49 Wesleyan School
Young, Taran 14.50 Wesleyan School
Riley, Blane 14.56 West Hall High School
Cleveland, Miles 14.60 Wesleyan School
Pittman, Joseph 15.76 West Hall High School
Yang, Samuel 16.10h Lovett
Shrivastava, Rohan 16.54 Lovett
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Legault, Noah 16.86 West Hall High School
Ward, Demarco 17.54 Duluth High School
Aliou, Aboubakar 17.87 West Hall High School
Vinson, Addison 18.28 West Hall High School
Small, Malachiah 18.95 Duluth High School
Mayo, Andy 20.63 West Hall High School
Pittman, Jacob 21.01 West Hall High School
Mussak, Andrew 24.46 Duluth High School
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Golden, Terrell Duluth High School
Davidson, Nicholas West Hall High School
Mast, Jonathan West Hall High School
Simon, Justin Duluth High School
Havis, Miles 23.94 Duluth High School
Stukes, Sadler 23.98 Lovett
Wiley, Jaden 24.13 Duluth High School
Spencer, Ronovan 24.22 Duluth High School
Williams, Sedarian 24.45 McNair High School
McCray, Blake 24.49 West Hall High School
Weidle, Paul 24.51 Wesleyan School
Hemphill, MiKyle 24.70 West Hall High School
Anderson, Ethan 24.79 West Hall High School
Townes, Kalil 24.84 Lovett
Woocher, Charlie 25.16 Lovett
Carnegie, William 25.92 Lovett
Neloms, Charquez 25.96 Duluth High School
Rivers III, Quintin 26.00 Duluth High School
Sears, Keenan 26.06 Wesleyan School
Cooper II, Christopher 26.11 Lovett
Lakha, Ishaan 26.13 Lovett
Aurelia, Jack 26.20 Wesleyan School
Kennedy, Will 26.27 Wesleyan School
Wilmont, Jacquez 26.31 McNair High School
Small, Malachiah 26.37 Duluth High School
Woocher, Graham 26.55 Lovett
Zuniga, Jaret 26.64 West Hall High School
Wilson, Rex 26.98 Lovett
Lewis, Ethan 27.01 Wesleyan School
George, Michael 27.09 Duluth High School
Wright, Kyle 27.37 Lovett
Cleveland, Miles 27.44 Wesleyan School
Hackney, Kai 27.57 Lovett
Varner, Reuben 27.61 Duluth High School
Lackey, Marcus 27.65 Duluth High School
Abdallah, Austin 27.71 Lovett
Thompson, Jack 27.77 Lovett
Parker, Chase 27.79 Duluth High School
McCord, Hank 27.97 Lovett
Daniels, Pierce 28.29 Lovett
Greentree, Walker 28.58 Lovett
Tang, Ming 28.61 Duluth High School
King, Joshua 28.63 Duluth High School
Deveault, Alex 28.77 Lovett
Worgo, Conner 28.82 Wesleyan School
Dessin, Erick 29.28 Wesleyan School
Wise, Isaiah 29.39 McNair High School
Vu, Jason 29.58 Duluth High School
Nguyen, Alex 29.99 Duluth High School
Ehlers, Sam 30.01 Lovett
Johnson, Khalil 30.16 McNair High School
Abrams, Dylon 30.16 McNair High School
Young, Taran 30.68 Wesleyan School
Riley, Blane 31.39 West Hall High School
Staton, KC 32.05 West Hall High School
Yang, Samuel 34.01 Lovett
Shrivastava, Rohan 35.02 Lovett
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High School Boys 3,200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Ernesto 11:57.63 West Hall High School
Araujo, Brando 14:10.89 West Hall High School
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mussak, Andrew 1:02.24 Duluth High School
Legault, Noah 43.35 West Hall High School
Aliou, Aboubakar 45.75 West Hall High School
Frett, Talen 45.93 Lovett
Mejia, Daniel 46.30 Duluth High School
Vinson, Addison 46.85 West Hall High School
Asevedo, Michael 48.55 West Hall High School
Pittman, Jacob 48.79 West Hall High School
Ehlers, Sam 51.00h Lovett
Mitchell, Harrison 51.01 Lovett
Sheley, Colin 51.02 Lovett
Simmons, Jeremiah 51.13 Wesleyan School
Hidalgo, Avian 51.94 Duluth High School
Mayo, Andy 52.45 West Hall High School
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Malayeri, Stefano Duluth High School
Kshirsagar, Abhinav Duluth High School
Wright, Kyle 1:00.80 Lovett
Smith, Preston 1:00.90 West Hall High School
Cain, Ryan 1:01.45 Lovett
Greentree, Walker 1:01.68 Lovett
Aurelia, Jack 1:01.77 Wesleyan School
McCord, Hank 1:02.01 Lovett
Abdallah, Andrew 1:06.37 Duluth High School
Alvez-El, Yusef 1:06.89 Duluth High School
Wise, Isaiah 1:08.25 McNair High School
Henderson, Tyrone 1:09.07 McNair High School
Smith, Rashod 1:10.09 McNair High School
Abdallah, Alexander 52.53 Duluth High School
Wallace, Luke 53.48 Lovett
Madden, Wilson 54.50h Lovett
Brunson, Joden 54.93 Duluth High School
Sharpless, Michael 55.78 Duluth High School
Salinas, Mauricio 55.89 Duluth High School
Smith, Mason 56.18 Duluth High School
Fagan, Jaylen 56.48 West Hall High School
Jones, Shepard 56.54 Wesleyan School
DeBow, Trent 56.65 Wesleyan School
Daniel, Tyler 56.85 West Hall High School
Allen, Keyvan 56.88 West Hall High School
Murphy, Takata 57.39 Duluth High School
Case, Brice 57.85 McNair High School
Clark, Brady 58.41 West Hall High School
Jackson, Malachi 58.50 McNair High School
Kennedy, Will 58.59 Wesleyan School
Hackney, Kai 59.15 Lovett
Owens, Ethan 59.31 Duluth High School
Lakha, Ishaan 59.42 Lovett
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 45.16 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 45.16 Duluth High School
Relay Team B 45.16 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 45.22 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 46.68 Wesleyan School
Relay Team A 47.28 Lovett
Relay Team A 47.77 McNair High School
Relay Team B 48.22 West Hall High School
Relay Team B 50.00h Wesleyan School
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:33.96 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 1:33.96 Duluth High School
Relay Team B 1:33.96 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 1:35.10 Lovett
Relay Team B 1:38.36 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 1:42.46 McNair High School
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 3:41.40 Lovett
Relay Team A 3:42.73 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 3:45.07 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 3:53.00h Lovett
Relay Team B 3:58.73 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 4:13.96 McNair High School
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alvez-El, Yusef Duluth High School
Hazeem, Danial Duluth High School
Avellaneda, Samuel Duluth High School
McDaniel, Stafford 2:01.08 Wesleyan School
Clark, Stephen 2:02.49 West Hall High School
Madden, Wilson 2:03.25 Lovett
Hicks, Henry 2:03.86 Lovett
Cook, Andrew 2:09.15 Wesleyan School
Anderson, Ethan 2:14.34 West Hall High School
Maguire, Shaw 2:16.07 Duluth High School
Dixon, Peter 2:16.82 Duluth High School
Black, Emory 2:18.29 Lovett
Menachery, Kiran 2:19.78 Lovett
Daniel, Tyler 2:21.46 West Hall High School
Phillips, Miles 2:21.55 Lovett
Salinas, Mauricio 2:22.14 Duluth High School
Fornasiero, Christopher 2:22.19 Lovett
Owens, Ethan 2:23.36 Duluth High School
Gan, Zachary 2:27.30 Wesleyan School
O'Shields, Brendan 2:31.57 Wesleyan School
Smith, Perritt 2:33.70 Lovett
Malayeri, Stefano 2:34.40 Duluth High School
Kshirsagar, Abhinav 2:37.03 Duluth High School
Cousins, Luca 2:41.08 Lovett
Castillo, Brandon 2:48.89 West Hall High School
Case, Brice 2:53.69 McNair High School
Henderson, Tyrone 2:54.32 McNair High School
Lott, Omari 2:55.59 McNair High School
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High School Boys Discus 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Packard, Riley 118-4 West Hall High School
Holmes, Brandon 111-11.5 Lovett
Bailey, Connor 107-8 West Hall High School
Blackwell, Tilil 107-1 West Hall High School
Wahl, James 105-5 Lovett
Simmons, Jeremiah 103-5 Wesleyan School
Claxton, Noah 99-11.5 Lovett
Hedgemon, Theodore 95-0 Lovett
Fuller, Will 92-7 Wesleyan School
Muller, Jesse 89-2 West Hall High School
Cain, Ryan 80-6 Lovett
Liebenberg, Philip 79-3 Wesleyan School
Tucker, Ben 78-9 Lovett
Degenkolb, Holt 78-4 Lovett
Jamieson, Joshua 78-3 Duluth High School
Boland, Kieran 67-4 Lovett
Russell, Noah 62-1 Wesleyan School
Farris, Reginald 60-11 Duluth High School
Worgo, Conner 59-0 Wesleyan School
Statham, Tytres 58-4 West Hall High School
Alemjrodo, Sherman 56-5 McNair High School
George, Michael 56-2 Duluth High School
Frederick, Isaiah 55-9 McNair High School
Gonzalez, Adrian 55-4 West Hall High School
Bussey, Gordon 51-10 Duluth High School
Crawley, Jordan 46-6 McNair High School
Childs, Antonio 40-9 McNair High School
Harris, Spencer 40-6 McNair High School
Dennis, D'Sean 38-9 McNair High School
Clark, Andrew 34-0 West Hall High School
Kennedy, Will Wesleyan School
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High School Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zelnak, William 6-0 Lovett
Legault, Noah 5-8 West Hall High School
Asevedo, Michael 5-6 West Hall High School
Mitchell, Harrison 5-4 Lovett
Allen, Keyvan 5-4 West Hall High School
Cook, Andrew 5-4 Wesleyan School
Kennedy, Will 5-4 Wesleyan School
Menachery, Kiran 5-2 Lovett
Abdallah, Austin 5-2 Lovett
Jones, Shepard 5-2 Wesleyan School
Gan, Zachary 5-2 Wesleyan School
Sparks, David Duluth High School
Lin, Jiayao Duluth High School
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High School Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stukes, Sadler 20-7 Lovett
Vincent, Jermaine 20-5 West Hall High School
White, Jaden 19-7 West Hall High School
Jackson, Malachi 18-11.5 McNair High School
Williams, Sedarian 18-2 McNair High School
Small, Malachiah 17-10.75 Duluth High School
Carnegie, William 17-10 Lovett
Grey, Jason 17-8.5 Duluth High School
Sheley, Colin 17-4 Lovett
Lin, Jiayao 16-9.75 Duluth High School
Greentree, Walker 15-5 Lovett
Lewis, Ethan 15-4 Wesleyan School
Aurelia, Jack 14-5.5 Wesleyan School
Sparks, David 14-4.25 Duluth High School
Hidalgo, Avian 14-0.25 Duluth High School
Sparks, Spencer 12-1.25 Duluth High School
Herren, Ahmad 8-10.5 McNair High School
Daniel, Tyler West Hall High School
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High School Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weidle, Paul 11-0 Wesleyan School
Mejia, Daniel 9-6 Duluth High School
Kam, Kyle 7-6 Duluth High School
King, Joshua 7-6 Duluth High School
Nguyen, Alex 7-6 Duluth High School
Alvez-El, Yusef 7-0 Duluth High School
Abdallah, Andrew 6-0 Duluth High School
Mussak, Andrew 6-0 Duluth High School
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High School Boys Shot Put 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blackwell, Tilil 44-0 West Hall High School
Wahl, James 43-4 Lovett
Claxton, Noah 42-11.5 Lovett
Fuller, Will 38-3.75 Wesleyan School
Greentree, MJ 37-10.75 Lovett
Holmes, Brandon 37-8.75 Lovett
Miller, Anthony 37-8 Duluth High School
Frederick, Isaiah 35-3 McNair High School
Mann, Daniel 35-2 Lovett
Stimmel, WIlliam 35-2 Lovett
Hedgemon, Theodore 33-10 Lovett
Bailey, Connor 33-10 West Hall High School
Simmons, Jeremiah 33-1 Wesleyan School
Patel, Ethan 32-9 Lovett
Tucker, Ben 32-6 Lovett
Degenkolb, Holt 32-3 Lovett
Sears, Keenan 31-7 Wesleyan School
Liebenberg, Philip 31-3 Wesleyan School
Bussey, Gordon 29-7 Duluth High School
Childs, Antonio 29-6 McNair High School
Boland, Kieran 29-2 Lovett
Jamieson, Joshua 28-11 Duluth High School
Farris, Reginald 28-10.5 Duluth High School
Adams, Jack 28-6 Lovett
Russell, Noah 28-4 Wesleyan School
Johnson, Evans 28-3.5 McNair High School
Grey, Jason 27-8 Duluth High School
Dennis, D'Sean 26-7 McNair High School
George, Michael 26-4 Duluth High School
Muller, Jesse 25-4 West Hall High School
Worgo, Conner 25-3 Wesleyan School
Gonzalez, Adrian 24-10 West Hall High School
Phillips, Tyler 24-0 Lovett
Statham, Tytres 23-2 West Hall High School
Crawley, Jordan 22-11 McNair High School
Clark, Andrew 21-3.5 West Hall High School
Harris, Spencer 21-1 McNair High School
Dunn, Lewis Lovett
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High School Boys Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Shepard 37-9 Wesleyan School
Sheley, Colin 37-4 Lovett
Carnegie, William 36-2.5 Lovett
Allen, Keyvan 35-7 West Hall High School
Wright, Kyle 35-3.25 Lovett
Cain, Ryan Lovett
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High School Girls 1,600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bush, Julie Anne 5:28.59 Wesleyan School
McSweeney, Anne 5:41.31 Wesleyan School
Voss, Ansley 5:44.89 Wesleyan School
O'Shields, Kate 5:48.28 Wesleyan School
Glover, Abigail 5:54.69 Wesleyan School
Ketron, Emily 5:55.46 Lovett
Turner, Sarah 6:08.03 Lovett
Kelly, Danielle 6:10.00 Wesleyan School
Guardado, Tiffany 6:14.12 Duluth High School
Yates, Caroline 6:18.97 Wesleyan School
Gilliland, Celia 6:26.84 Lovett
Lambert, Marisa 6:28.74 Wesleyan School
Langenbeck, Annie 6:32.52 Wesleyan School
Fow, Anna 6:36.11 Lovett
Tapp, Ansley 6:37.26 Wesleyan School
Smith, Ellie 6:38.19 Lovett
Valleda, Xitally 6:38.24 West Hall High School
Doss, Amelia 6:38.47 Wesleyan School
King, Chloe 6:39.84 Wesleyan School
Salud, Emily 6:45.28 West Hall High School
Grady, Tanner 6:46.45 Lovett
Lewis, Laurie 6:52.80 Wesleyan School
Callahan, Jules 7:02.58 Wesleyan School
Garcia, Amy 8:07.35 West Hall High School
Svetz, Ali 8:10.30 West Hall High School
Olguin, Angela 8:29.70 West Hall High School
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 67 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ayuk-Takem, Gabriella West Hall High School
Hutson, Baylee West Hall High School
Hill, Piper West Hall High School
Allmon, Malia 12.72 Lovett
Gibson, Destyni 13.12 Duluth High School
Durant, Aziyah 13.35 Duluth High School
Afobunor, Comforter 13.76 Wesleyan School
Chen, Katie 13.95 Duluth High School
Clayton, Kei'Asia 14.05 McNair High School
Wilson, Jashonti 14.09 McNair High School
Smith, Ivey 14.12 Lovett
Victor, Xaria 14.12 McNair High School
Savage, Hailey 14.13 Lovett
Marlow, Sarai 14.18 Duluth High School
Smiley, Kendall 14.22 Duluth High School
Friedman, Lindsay 14.35 Wesleyan School
Wilkenloh, Ramsey 14.45 Wesleyan School
Patterson, Phallen 14.47 Lovett
Milam, Macie 14.48 Wesleyan School
Brok, Gisella 14.62 Lovett
Tatum, Rylie 14.63 Lovett
Bowman, Noelle 14.69 Lovett
Anderson, Emma Grace 14.72 Wesleyan School
Green, Jessiah 14.73 Duluth High School
Okeke, Muna 14.73 Wesleyan School
Jackson, Kyra 14.78 West Hall High School
Jones, Chloe 14.78 Duluth High School
Venkatesan, Annie 14.82 Wesleyan School
Anderson, Sophia 14.84 Duluth High School
Calahan, Claire 14.89 Lovett
Nelson, Lauren 14.93 Wesleyan School
Bowman, Annabelle 14.94 Lovett
Richardson, Kyla 14.96 Wesleyan School
Ayuk-Takem, Bri-anna 15.00h West Hall High School
Ashley, Kamia 15.01 McNair High School
Brown, Caroline 15.02 Lovett
McClinton, Victoria 15.07 Lovett
Kifle, Beza 15.14 Lovett
Hayer, Tanvi 15.14 Wesleyan School
Andrews, Nari 15.28 Wesleyan School
Roche, Kathryn 15.28 Lovett
Shin, Junie 15.32 Wesleyan School
Seligman, Kathryn 15.34 Wesleyan School
Leeming, Katie 15.40 Wesleyan School
Miller, Evans 15.47 Wesleyan School
Wright-Longbridge, Cheniah 15.48 Wesleyan School
Bono, Jasmine 15.51 Wesleyan School
Magbagbeola, Arianna 15.53 Duluth High School
Jordan, Kimberly 15.57 West Hall High School
Stewart, Caroline 15.60 Wesleyan School
Liu, Caroline 15.60 Lovett
DeNapoli, Isabella 15.74 Lovett
Colegrove, Savannah 15.90 Wesleyan School
Nixon, Kendall 15.94 Lovett
Brown, Caitlyn 15.95 Lovett
Grant, Nyaa 16.22 Wesleyan School
Browder, Harris 16.42 Wesleyan School
Wade, Trinity 16.52 Duluth High School
Ademola, Jesutofunmi 16.53 Duluth High School
Rivera, Jordan 16.55 Duluth High School
Eberhardt, Andrea 16.82 Duluth High School
Riley, Ireland 17.03 Wesleyan School
Rahman, Eva 17.08 Wesleyan School
Hernandez, Bianca 17.09 Duluth High School
Yesu, Haymi 17.36 Wesleyan School
Walker, Londyn 17.64 Wesleyan School
Dejene, Dina 17.64 Wesleyan School
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ojanuga, Sade 16.03 Wesleyan School
Sanders, Nea 16.76 Wesleyan School
Hall, Tia 17.58 Wesleyan School
Wright, Taylor 19.27 Lovett
Jones, Megan 19.35 Lovett
Simmons, Saria 19.67 Duluth High School
Doss, Audrey 20.15 Wesleyan School
Samp, Anna Marie 20.77 Lovett
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 58 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asumah, Andrea West Hall High School
Eberhardt, Andrea Duluth High School
Rich, Kihanna West Hall High School
Allmon, Malia 26.40 Lovett
Durant, Aziyah 27.42 Duluth High School
Gibson, Destyni 27.70 Duluth High School
Adjeibi, Akosua 28.29 Duluth High School
Hall, Tia 28.80 Wesleyan School
Chen, Katie 29.28 Duluth High School
Clayton, Kei'Asia 29.52 McNair High School
Maddox, Jamia 29.64 West Hall High School
Butler, To'niyah 29.69 McNair High School
Shaffer, Sophia 29.78 Wesleyan School
Kemp, Riley 29.89 Lovett
Wright, Taylor 29.94 Lovett
Patterson, Phallen 29.95 Lovett
Smiley, Kendall 29.99 Duluth High School
Simmons, Saria 30.12 Duluth High School
Friedman, Lindsay 30.14 Wesleyan School
Jones, Megan 30.18 Lovett
Potter, Johanna 30.23 Wesleyan School
Smith, Ivey 30.25 Lovett
Tatum, Rylie 30.27 Lovett
Bowman, Daley 30.38 Lovett
Neely, Vinay 30.40 Lovett
Bowman, Noelle 30.51 Lovett
Bermudez, Andrea 30.56 West Hall High School
Bowman, Annabelle 30.64 Lovett
Vaughn, Ann Thomas 30.93 Lovett
Brok, Gisella 31.07 Lovett
Doss, Audrey 31.25 Wesleyan School
Savage, Hailey 31.26 Lovett
Samp, Anna Marie 31.29 Lovett
Jones, Chloe 31.44 Duluth High School
Calahan, Claire 31.50 Lovett
Marlow, Sarai 31.55 Duluth High School
Andrews, Nari 31.65 Wesleyan School
Ayuk-Takem, Bri-anna 32.08 West Hall High School
McClinton, Victoria 32.13 Lovett
Morton, Celia 32.13 Lovett
Green, Jessiah 32.14 Duluth High School
Richardson, Kyla 32.19 Wesleyan School
Nixon, Kendall 32.31 Lovett
Okeke, Muna 32.43 Wesleyan School
Magbagbeola, Arianna 32.46 Duluth High School
Rivera, Jordan 32.51 Duluth High School
Jackson, Kyra 32.65 West Hall High School
Roche, Kathryn 32.73 Lovett
Liu, Caroline 33.30 Lovett
DeNapoli, Isabella 33.69 Lovett
Kifle, Beza 33.70 Lovett
Hutson, Baylee 33.83 West Hall High School
Brown, Caitlyn 33.84 Lovett
Brown, Caroline 34.72 Lovett
Wade, Trinity 35.65 Duluth High School
Ademola, Jesutofunmi 35.67 Duluth High School
Cornett, Mary Dudley 36.71 Lovett
Hernandez, Bianca 36.95 Duluth High School
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High School Girls 3,200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Park, Kaitlyn Duluth High School
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanders, Nea 45.84 Wesleyan School
Gore, Ana 50.92 Lovett
Ojanuga, Sade 55.26 Wesleyan School
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Piper West Hall High School
Ayuk-Takem, Gabriella West Hall High School
Branch, Jessica West Hall High School
Adjeibi, Akosua 1:03.06 Duluth High School
Maddox, Jamia 1:06.76 West Hall High School
Kemp, Riley 1:07.22 Lovett
Potter, Johanna 1:08.32 Wesleyan School
Neely, Vinay 1:08.64 Lovett
Bowman, Daley 1:09.80 Lovett
Clayton, Kei'Asia 1:10.63 McNair High School
Williams, Avery 1:10.64 Wesleyan School
Butler, To'niyah 1:15.50 McNair High School
Friedman, Ella 1:16.84 Lovett
Asumah, Andrea 1:18.63 West Hall High School
Williams, Jada 1:27.72 McNair High School
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team E 1:01.21 Wesleyan School
Relay Team F 1:02.45 Wesleyan School
Relay Team G 1:03.45 Wesleyan School
Relay Team H 1:05.98 Wesleyan School
Relay Team A 53.21 Wesleyan School
Relay Team A 54.08 Duluth High School
Relay Team B 54.08 Duluth High School
Relay Team C 54.08 Duluth High School
Relay Team B 55.46 Wesleyan School
Relay Team C 57.34 Wesleyan School
Relay Team A 59.06 McNair High School
Relay Team D 59.23 Wesleyan School
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.87 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 1:55.53 Lovett
Relay Team A 2:06.04 West Hall High School
Relay Team A 2:08.09 McNair High School
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:17.55 Duluth High School
Relay Team A 4:19.72 Wesleyan School
Relay Team A 4:38.30 Lovett
Relay Team A 5:47.38 West Hall High School
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zuniga, Heidi West Hall High School
Mejia, Sabrina 2:23.41 Duluth High School
Villa, Sophie 2:33.26 Wesleyan School
Archer, Kendrick 2:34.48 Wesleyan School
Brubaker, Kyra 2:35.04 Wesleyan School
Mejia, Joy 2:36.35 Duluth High School
Murphy, Eva 2:40.00 Wesleyan School
Ketron, Emily 2:41.21 Lovett
Turner, Sarah 2:45.02 Lovett
Marsh, Amelia 2:46.77 Wesleyan School
Louthan, Palmer 2:47.29 Wesleyan School
Bush, Kaki 2:47.71 Wesleyan School
Smith, Ellie 2:52.28 Lovett
Guardado, Tiffany 2:57.05 Duluth High School
Friedman, Ella 2:57.59 Lovett
Gilliland, Celia 2:57.89 Lovett
Fow, Anna 2:59.33 Lovett
Grady, Tanner 3:00.26 Lovett
Salud, Emily 3:04.83 West Hall High School
Valleda, Xitally 3:09.44 West Hall High School
Branch, Jessica 3:29.07 West Hall High School
Svetz, Ali 3:53.10 West Hall High School
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High School Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington, Imani 126-3 Wesleyan School
Elizarraraz, Janelle 92-0 West Hall High School
Vohs, Addie 77-0 Lovett
Ohde, Allie 71-10 Lovett
Pinson, Carolena 69-6 Wesleyan School
Gore, Ana 68-6 Lovett
Broussad, Neena 66-4 Duluth High School
Komba, France 66-0.5 Duluth High School
Choates, Ami 62-6 Duluth High School
Victor, Xaria 58-5.5 McNair High School
Burell, Macie 56-7 West Hall High School
Fortner, Laila 55-10 Duluth High School
Ortiz, Breana 54-7.5 Duluth High School
Morris, Khalelah 54-0 Duluth High School
Davis, Desiree 53-6 Wesleyan School
Potter, Johanna 53-5 Wesleyan School
Walker, Londyn 51-6 Wesleyan School
Zuniga, Heidi 47-11 West Hall High School
McWilliams, Aaralyn 44-1 McNair High School
Brown-Coleman, Aaliyah 42-2 McNair High School
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High School Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ojanuga, Sade 5-3 Wesleyan School
Vaughn, Ann Thomas 4-8 Lovett
Wilkenloh, Ramsey 4-6 Wesleyan School
Farmer, Shaniya 4-4 Duluth High School
Morton, Celia 4-0 Lovett
Cornett, Mary Dudley Lovett
Jackson, Kyra West Hall High School
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High School Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clayton, Kei'Asia 15-8.5 McNair High School
Jones, Megan 14-8 Lovett
Friedman, Lindsay 14-5 Wesleyan School
Williams, Avery 13-10 Wesleyan School
Farmer, Shaniya 13-6.5 Duluth High School
Choates, Ami 13-5 Duluth High School
Butler, To'niyah 13-5 McNair High School
Colegrove, Savannah 13-5 Wesleyan School
Green, Jessiah 13-4.5 Duluth High School
Williams, Jada 12-6 McNair High School
Seligman, Kathryn 12-5 Wesleyan School
Zavitz, Kailey 12-2.5 Wesleyan School
Milam, Macie 12-1 Wesleyan School
Jones, Chloe 11-8 Duluth High School
Leeming, Katie 11-8 Wesleyan School
Shin, Junie 10-10 Wesleyan School
Stewart, Caroline 10-8.5 Wesleyan School
Magbagbeola, Arianna 10-2 Duluth High School
Dejene, Dina 7-5.5 Wesleyan School
Yesu, Haymi 5-2 Wesleyan School
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High School Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelly, Danielle 8-6 Wesleyan School
Creedon, Hannah 8-3 Duluth High School
Shaffer, Sophia 7-0 Wesleyan School
Anderson, Emma Grace 7-0 Wesleyan School
Mejia, Joy 5-6 Duluth High School
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High School Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington, Imani 41-9.75 Wesleyan School
Victor, Xaria 28-2 McNair High School
Choates, Ami 27-9 Duluth High School
Ohde, Allie 27-3 Lovett
Rich, Kihanna 27-3 West Hall High School
Fortner, Laila 27-2 Duluth High School
Gore, Ana 26-10 Lovett
Davis, Desiree 26-3 Wesleyan School
Komba, France 24-11 Duluth High School
Pinson, Carolena 24-8.5 Wesleyan School
Walker, Londyn 24-7.5 Wesleyan School
Vohs, Addie 24-5 Lovett
Zuniga, Heidi 23-3 West Hall High School
Burell, Macie 23-0 West Hall High School
Ortiz, Breana 22-9 Duluth High School
Elizarraraz, Janelle 22-0 West Hall High School
Broussad, Neena 20-11 Duluth High School
Morris, Khalelah 20-10 Duluth High School
Brown-Coleman, Aaliyah 19-10 McNair High School
McWilliams, Aaralyn 17-10 McNair High School
Brown, Caitlyn Lovett
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High School Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanders, Nea 36-10 Wesleyan School
Ojanuga, Sade 36-8 Wesleyan School
Smith, Ivey 30-10.5 Lovett
Shaffer, Sophia 30-2 Wesleyan School
Tatum, Rylie 28-1 Lovett
Bermudez, Andrea 27-7.5 West Hall High School
Maddox, Jamia West Hall High School
Rich, Kihanna West Hall High School
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