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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/26/2021 08:58 PM
Battle of the Blue Ridge - 3/26/2021
Habersham Central High School
Event 1 Girls High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Allison, Riley Union County 4-06.00 4-10.00 10
2 Earl, Adriunna Hart County 5-01.00 4-10.00 8
3 Shirley, Julianne Tallulah Fal 4-06.00 4-08.00 6
4 McClane, Madison Hart County 4-10.00 4-06.00 5
5 Byers, Katie Union County 4-04.00 4-06.00 4
6 Southards, Ellie Rabun County 4-05.00 4-06.00 3
7 Crowe, Kadyn Franklin Cou 4-04.00 4-06.00 2
8 Gallegos, Selene East Hall HS 4-08.00 4-04.00 1
9 Bantaum, Jazky Habersham Ce 4-06.00 4-02.00
-- Young, Rakiyah Stephens Co. NH
-- Voss, Skyler Habersham Ce 4-00.00 DNS
-- Blackwell, Keriah East Hall HS DNS
-- Murdock, Macy Tallulah Fal 4-06.00 DNS
-- Carter, My'Angel Stephens Co. 4-06.00 SCR
Event 2 Boys High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Respress, Simeon Tallulah Fal 6-04.00 6-02.00 10
2 Cooper, Luke Habersham Ce 6-02.00 6-00.00 8
3 Simmons, Issac Habersham Ce 6-00.00 5-08.00 6
4 Perry, Zhy Stephens Co. 5-08.00 5-06.00 5
5 Coker, Justin Hart County 5-06.00 4
6 Morris, Jackson Commerce 5-06.00 5-04.00 3
7 Abercrombie, Kanon Union County 5-02.00 5-04.00 2
8 Bond, Marshall Franklin Cou 5-02.00 5-04.00 1
9 Moore, Blair Tallulah Fal 5-02.00 5-02.00
10 Griggs, Daniel Union County 4-10.00 5-00.00
11 Harley, Will Commerce 5-00.00 5-00.00
12 Holcomb, Darius East Hall HS 5-02.00 5-00.00
-- Witcher, David Franklin Cou 5-08.00 DNS
-- Scott, Aaron Stephens Co. 5-08.00 DNS
-- Curry, JC Hart County 6-02.00 SCR
Event 3 Girls Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Johnson, Amelia Hart County 11-00.00 10-08.00 10
2 Massey, Lauren Commerce 9-00.00 8-06.00 8
3 Wright, Molly Jo Rabun County 7-08.00 8-00.00 6
4 Mazarky, Molly Rabun County 7-00.00 7-00.00 5
5 Brightwell, Shelby Tallulah Fal 6-06.00 6-00.00 4
-- Dean, Makiah East Hall HS NH
-- Hart, Joslyn Hart County 6-00.00 DNS
-- Phasavang, Allie Tallulah Fal 6-00.00 DNS
Event 4 Boys Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Johnson, AJ Hart County 15-11.00 15-05.00 10
2 Bourlet, Grey Tallulah Fal 13-01.00 13-00.00 8
3 Frias, Aidan Rabun County 10-00.00 12-06.00 6
4 Corbett, Kale Tallulah Fal 9-00.00 9-06.00 5
5 Wheeler, Connor Habersham Ce 8-06.00 9-00.00 4
6 Flagherty, Sam Rabun County 10-00.00 8-06.00 3
7 Guest, Samuel Habersham Ce 9-00.00 7-00.00 2
8 Dean, Micah East Hall HS 8-00.00 7-00.00 1
-- Smith, Chandler Hart County 14-00.00 DNS
Event 5 Girls Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ladd, Lucy Tallulah Fal 15-06.00 15-08.00 10
2 Walker, Alexis Hart County 15-05.00 15-01.00 8
3 Eades, Nana Stephens Co. 14-08.50 14-10.00 6
4 Mayweather, A'Niya Stephens Co. 14-05.00 14-09.50 5
5 Turner, Kiley Rabun County 15-04.00 14-03.00 4
6 Millwood, Alyssa Franklin Cou 14-05.00 14-02.00 3
7 Ibeh, Lois Tallulah Fal 13-06.50 13-10.50 2
8 Quezada, Abigail East Hall HS 13-03.00 13-08.00 1
9 McCombs, Mia Union County 14-02.00 13-05.00
10 Copous, Kailyn East Hall HS 12-09.00 13-03.00
11 Dooley, Amayah Habersham Ce 13-06.25 13-02.50
12 Silver, Karaline Union County 12-07.00 13-02.25
13 Jester, Kiera Hart County 13-00.00 12-04.00
14 Loudermilk, Tabatha Rabun County 13-01.50 12-01.00
15 Bramlett, Sophie Habersham Ce 11-02.00 11-08.00
-- Freeman, Krystal Franklin Cou 13-05.00 DNS
Event 6 Boys Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Respress, Simeon Tallulah Fal 21-02.50 21-11.00 10
2 Brown, Sammy Commerce 20-05.00 20-03.00 8
3 Carter, Gamarion Stephens Co. 21-11.00 20-01.00 6
4 Hill, Ashton Habersham Ce 20-00.00 19-07.00 5
5 Heaton, Garrett Habersham Ce 20-00.00 19-02.50 4
6 Curry, JC Hart County 20-09.50 18-10.50 3
7 Goode, Chris Franklin Cou 18-06.50 18-10.00 2
8 Thomas, Riley Union County 19-01.00 18-02.00 1
9 Loonubon, Dallas Tallulah Fal 18-00.00
10 Abercrombie, Kanon Union County 19-01.50 17-09.50
11 Dunbar, Creed Commerce 17-00.00 17-01.00
12 Clarke, Ethan Rabun County 19-00.00 16-11.50
13 Moore, Quinn Hart County 18-10.00 14-04.00
-- Sigala, Samuel Franklin Cou 17-07.00 ND
-- Murchison, Bryson Stephens Co. 19-10.50 ND
-- Shockley, Andrew East Hall HS 18-05.25 DNS
-- Hughes, Kyle East Hall HS 16-04.25 DNS
-- Cody, Charlie Tallulah Fal 18-06.50 SCR
Event 7 Girls Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Walker, Alexis Hart County 31-11.00 31-11.00 10
2 Mayweather, A'Niya Stephens Co. 31-10.50 31-02.00 8
3 Bell, Dariyah Stephens Co. 31-04.00 31-01.00 6
4 Dooley, Amayah Habersham Ce 30-01.00 30-10.00 5
5 Copous, Cadence East Hall HS 30-05.00 30-06.00 4
6 Allison, Riley Union County 29-07.00 30-00.50 3
7 Webb, Delaney Rabun County 28-04.00 28-01.00 2
8 Dean, Makiah East Hall HS 28-04.00 28-01.00 1
9 Silver, Karaline Union County 28-09.50 27-11.00
10 Hayes, Cassidy Tallulah Fal 26-03.00 27-09.00
11 Bantaum, Jazky Habersham Ce 27-09.50 27-01.00
12 Brightwell, Shelby Tallulah Fal 29-04.00 24-09.00
Event 8 Boys Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Murchison, Bryson Stephens Co. 39-09.50 41-03.00 10
2 Perry, Zhy Stephens Co. 40-10.00 41-00.00 8
3 Heaton, Garrett Habersham Ce 42-00.00 41-00.00 6
4 Morris, Jackson Commerce 40-06.50 38-01.00 5
5 Johnson, Jeloni Franklin Cou 38-06.50 37-04.00 4
6 Wooten, Justin Rabun County 38-01.50 36-10.00 3
7 Coker, Justin Hart County 39-04.00 36-01.50 2
8 Elder, Ethan East Hall HS 35-04.00 35-03.00 1
9 Thomas, Riley Union County 36-05.50 35-02.00
10 Wright, Trace Union County 37-04.50 34-03.50
11 Woodard, Hogan Rabun County 32-03.00 34-01.50
12 Amankwah, Nana Tallulah Fal 34-04.50 33-05.00
13 Reames, Jesse Tallulah Fal 31-00.50 31-02.00
-- Wilson, Jonah Habersham Ce 35-03.00 ND
-- Rayton, Damajo Hart County 36-03.50 DNS
-- Shook, Logan East Hall HS 29-00.00 DNS
Event 9 Girls Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Southards, Ellie Rabun County 96-05 96-01 10
2 Sessoms, La'Maya Hart County 104-11 94-05 8
3 Jordan, Brooklyn Rabun County 88-01 90-02 6
4 Pike, Landrey Habersham Ce 94-00 89-10 5
5 Bauer, Christie-Anne Franklin Cou 95-10 89-00 4
6 Heard, Saniya Franklin Cou 85-05
7 Whitney, Shelby Union County 71-06 79-10 3
8 Ramey, Marina Franklin Cou 73-03 79-07 2
9 Blackburn, Brooke Habersham Ce 79-07 76-10 1
10 Romanos Gracia, Alba Tallulah Fal 64-10 69-07
11 Queen, Trinity Union County 71-06 66-05
12 Pursley, Lorin Commerce 76-09 66-00
13 Walker, Samara Stephens Co. 86-07 65-03
14 Clinkscale, Naidjah Hart County 70-02 61-11
15 Fields, Masiey Commerce 58-09 53-02
16 Hester, Jaecey East Hall HS 41-10 48-11
17 Chapa, Miranda Tallulah Fal 55-02 48-10
18 reyes, daniela East Hall HS 34-08 46-03
Event 10 Boys Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Tyler, Damian Hart County 136-03 130-06 10
2 McClary, Isaiah East Hall HS 09-10.50 118-07 8
3 Underwood, Noah Union County 17-03.75 117-03 6
4 Fouch, Trez Hart County 123-10 116-06 5
5 Fouch, Kanye Hart County 115-10
6 Chosewood, Brad Habersham Ce 127-08 112-02 4
7 Carey, Brice Franklin Cou 111-11 3
8 Gaddis, Mason Commerce 108-11 107-10 2
9 Maxwell, Aaron Stephens Co. 113-10 106-10 1
10 Rutledge, Keylan Franklin Cou 100-04
11 Greenwood, Parker Rabun County 124-05 99-07
12 Behrends, Parker Habersham Ce 108-02 96-03
13 Thompson, Chris Rabun County 92-01 94-08
14 Ketch, George Tallulah Fal 91-06 92-05
15 Epps, Ethan Commerce 91-03
16 Sullivan, Kalik Stephens Co. 103-04 88-02
17 Ketch, Sam Tallulah Fal 78-01 85-01
-- McBride, Tyler Union County 89-01 ND
-- Baker, Josh Franklin Cou 113-05 ND
-- Hughes, Jontavion Franklin Cou 88-01 SCR
-- Stilley, Wesley Commerce 117-08 SCR
Event 11 Girls Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Walker, Samara Stephens Co. 37-11.00 36-06.50 10
2 Pike, Landrey Habersham Ce 34-02.00 35-10.00 8
3 Sessoms, La'Maya Hart County 33-10.00 35-06.50 6
4 Southards, Ellie Rabun County 30-09.00 33-06.50 5
5 Pursley, Lorin Commerce 30-03.00 32-06.50 4
6 Heard, Saniya Franklin Cou 30-02.00 31-04.00 3
7 Jordan, Brooklyn Rabun County 29-07.00 31-00.50 2
8 Romanos Gracia, Alba Tallulah Fal 25-05.00 29-09.00 1
9 Blackburn, Brooke Habersham Ce 28-08.00 29-06.00
10 West, Gracie Commerce 25-08.00 28-08.00
11 Clinkscale, Naidjah Hart County 27-00.00 27-11.00
12 Queen, Trinity Union County 27-01.00 27-10.00
13 Whitney, Shelby Union County 25-02.00 25-00.50
14 Ramey, Marina Franklin Cou 24-06.50
15 Brown, Sanoda Stephens Co. 24-07.00 22-04.00
16 reyes, daniela East Hall HS 16-05.00 21-08.00
17 Chapa, Miranda Tallulah Fal 17-03.00 20-06.00
18 Hester, Jaecey East Hall HS 19-10.50 20-03.00
-- Gaines, Sydnei Franklin Cou 21-06.00 SCR
Event 12 Boys Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Merritt, J Hart County 47-03.50 10
2 Chosewood, Brad Habersham Ce 44-07.50 46-08.00 8
3 Behrends, Parker Habersham Ce 43-11.00 44-08.00 6
4 Rutledge, Keylan Franklin Cou 46-05.00 43-05.50 5
5 Burns, Elijah Commerce 43-02.00 41-09.00 4
6 Tyler, Damian Hart County 42-02.00 41-03.00 3
7 Underwood, Noah Union County 41-09.50 40-11.50 2
8 Martin, Quanah Stephens Co. 40-03.50 40-04.00 1
9 McClary, Isaiah East Hall HS 35-07.00 40-01.00
10 Greenwood, Parker Rabun County 38-09.50 39-11.00
11 Burns, Jahari Stephens Co. 39-07.00 39-10.00
12 Carey, Brice Franklin Cou 40-09.00 38-04.00
13 Gaddis, Mason Commerce 41-03.50 37-09.50
14 Grimmett, Turner Rabun County 37-08.00 37-06.00
15 Ketch, Sam Tallulah Fal 36-07.50 35-10.50
16 Hughes, Kyle East Hall HS 35-08.00 35-02.00
17 Ketch, George Tallulah Fal 35-07.50 33-11.00
18 McBride, Tyler Union County 33-02.00 31-08.00
-- Brown, Xavier Hart County 39-11.50 SCR
Event 13 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Rabun County 'A' 12:15.00 11:53.01 10
1) Mazarky, Molly 2) Balderas, Vanessa
3) Greene, Riley 4) Gergeni, Christina
5) Merino, Kirsten 6)
2 East Hall HS 'A' 12:25.72 12:02.89 8
1) Dean, Makiah 2) Cabrera, Leslie
3) Copous, Kailyn 4) Rosa, Gaby
3 Hart County 'A' 11:42.24 12:05.15 6
1) Delgado, Jackie 2) Bennett, Chloe
3) Rubio, Paola 4) Hill, Viktoria
4 Union County HS 'A' 12:02.29 12:41.25 4
5 Franklin County High School 'A' 14:00.00 12:55.79 3
1) Crowe, Kadyn 2) Dean, Jocelyn
3) Farmer, Sierra 4) Laird, Elizabeth
6 Habersham Central High School 'A' 14:19.26 14:50.88 5
1) Hain, Dream 2) Alderman, Arianna
3) Ramirez, Rocio 4) Rios, Carla
5) Lee, Angela 6)
Event 14 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Hart County 'A' 8:37.17 8:41.23 10
2 Tallulah Falls 'A' 10:14.18 9:01.35 8
1) Corbett, Kale 2) Bailey, Walker
3) Xiong, Zhigao Henrry 4) Prince, Evan
5) Kelly, Collin 6) Shadburn, Jackson
3 Commerce 'A' 9:22.74 9:07.51 6
1) Flint, Bryson 2) Morris, JJ
3) Zelaya, Josh 4) Martin, Brandon
4 Franklin County High School 'A' 8:53.47 9:11.60 5
5 Union County HS 'A' 9:05.12 9:13.67 4
6 Habersham Central High School 'A' 9:39.08 9:23.38 3
1) Martin, Ryan 2) Thaxton, Aiden
3) Queriapo, Jose 4) Hernandez, Justin
5) Vega, Jose 6)
7 Stephens Co. 'A' 9:55.00 9:35.01 2
1) Fessler, Bobby 2) Sanders, Grady
3) Jones, Styles 4) Griffin, Braden
8 Rabun County 'A' 9:20.00 9:51.52 1
1) Zafra, Andrew 2) Burrell, Chan
3) Deslich, Hayden 4) Word, Wyatt
9 East Hall HS 'A' 10:34.67 10:56.88
1) Dean, Micah 2) Shook, Logan
3) Prado, Cesar 4) Delgado, Giovani
Event 20 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Stephens Co. 'A' 51.88 50.48 2 10
1) Eades, Nana 2) Carter, My'Angel
3) Howard, KiKi 4) Wortman, Brianna
2 Hart County 'A' 52.58 51.46 2 8
1) Johnson, Amelia 2) Jester, Kiera
3) Brock, Zoe 4) Earl, Adriunna
3 Franklin County High School 'A' 53.08 51.55 2 6
1) Gaye, Paris 2) Knox, Alexus
3) Freeman, Krystal 4) Millwood, Alyssa
5) Esco, Kori 6)
4 Union County HS 'A' 55.01 53.87 2 5
5 Rabun County 'A' 55.50 54.64 2 4
1) Loudermilk, Tabatha 2) Turner, Kiley
3) Webb, Delaney 4) Southards, Ellie
5) Greene, Riley 6)
6 Tallulah Falls 'A' 56.98 55.02 2 3
1) Ibeh, Lois 2) Ladd, Lucy
3) Murdock, Macy 4) Shirley, Julianne
7 Commerce 'A' 55.00 55.73 2 2
1) Class, Ally 2) Bell, Paden
3) Hill, Callie 4) Fields, Masiey
8 Habersham Central High School 'A' 56.58 57.02 2 1
1) Wojeczko, Amber 2) Billingsley, Alayna
3) Dooley, Amayah 4) Johnson, Julia
-- East Hall HS 'A' 1:03.36 DNS 1
1) Jackson, Mya 2) Harrison, Maleah
3) Gallegos, Selene 4) Quezada, Abigail
Event 21 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Stephens Co. 'A' 43.96 43.07 2 10
1) Hayes, KP 2) Hightower, Javian
3) Fleming, Vadole 4) Carter, Gamarion
5) Perry, Zhy 6)
2 Commerce 'A' 44.79 44.65 2 8
1) Brown, Sammy 2) Dunbar, Creed
3) Garnto, Trey 4) Martin, Dreylan
3 Hart County 'A' 44.96 44.79 2 6
1) Coker, Justin 2) Moore, Quinn
3) Smith, Chandler 4) Rayton, Damajo
4 Union County HS 'A' 46.75 45.39 2 5
5 Tallulah Falls 'A' 47.06 45.40 2 4
1) Moore, Blair 2) Respress, Simeon
3) Corbett, Kale 4) Bourlet, Grey
6 Franklin County High School 'A' 47.06 45.48 2 3
1) Speed, Chase 2) Johnson, Jeloni
3) Carey, Brice 4) Goode, Chris
7 Habersham Central High School 'A' 46.33 46.33 2 2
1) Wheeler, Connor 2) Hill, Ashton
3) Young, Cameron 4) Jenkins, Evan
8 Rabun County 'A' 46.50 47.39 2 1
1) Grimmett, Turner 2) Clarke, Ethan
3) Woodard, Hogan 4) Smith, Hayden
5) Wooten, Justin 6)
-- East Hall HS 'A' 52.63 DNS 1
1) Gray, Shaun 2) Holcomb, Darius
3) Elder, Ethan 4) McClary, Isaiah
Event 22 Girls 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Woods, Gracie Franklin Cou 5:40.33 5:43.25 10
2 Alexander, Lucia Tallulah Fal 5:50.07 5:53.44 8
3 Gregory, Hana Union County 6:15.55 6:10.89 6
4 Wright, Molly Jo Rabun County 6:19.51 6:13.87 5
5 Ball, Caroline Tallulah Fal 6:24.66 6:18.60 4
6 Oldham, Kate Stephens Co. 6:39.42 6:26.77 3
7 Payne, Natalie Union County 6:40.49 6:54.84 2
8 Solorzano, Yecenia East Hall HS 6:35.79 6:54.91 1
9 Moore, Lindsay Stephens Co. 6:45.22 6:57.25
10 Delgado, Jackie Hart County 6:30.35 7:00.19
11 Bennett, Chloe Hart County 6:59.09 7:12.61
12 Laird, Elizabeth Franklin Cou 6:58.72 7:27.19
-- Balderas, Vanessa Rabun County 6:50.00 DNS
-- Alderman, Arianna Habersham Ce 7:56.97 DNS
-- Rosa, Gaby East Hall HS 7:04.00 DNS
-- Ramirez, Rocio Habersham Ce 8:01.36 DNS
Event 23 Boys 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Prince, Evan Tallulah Fal 4:30.29 4:30.63 10
2 Martin, Brandon Commerce 4:35.65 4:31.32 8
3 Hartzog, Hunter Union County 4:38.21 4:37.14 6
4 Woods, Robbie Franklin Cou 4:57.31 4:52.90 5
5 Peters, Zachary Hart County 4:57.31 4:53.63 4
6 Sanders, Grady Stephens Co. 5:07.80 4:56.46 3
7 Xiong, Zhigao Henrry Tallulah Fal 5:10.40 5:05.65 2
8 Thaxton, Aiden Habersham Ce 5:09.91 5:06.54 1
9 Payne, Hunter Union County 5:14.40 5:13.07
10 Queriapo, Jose Habersham Ce 5:13.31 5:13.91
11 Lester, Josiah Franklin Cou 5:18.59
12 Zafra, Andrew Rabun County 5:25.00 5:20.22
13 Word, Wyatt Rabun County 5:13.70 5:20.53
14 Fessler, Bobby Stephens Co. 5:25.65 5:23.29
15 Mclure, Peyton Commerce 5:17.00 5:23.31
16 Maldonado, Ivan East Hall HS 5:41.27 5:50.07
17 Delgado, Giovani East Hall HS 5:57.11
-- Brown, Matthew Hart County 4:22.46 DNS
-- Prado, Cesar East Hall HS 5:50.00 SCR
-- McConnell, Will Franklin Cou 5:48.10 SCR
Event 26 Girls 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Bell, Paden Commerce 1:02.89 1:02.69 2 10
2 Johnson, Amelia Hart County 1:04.72 1:05.05 2 8
3 Millwood, Alyssa Franklin Cou 1:06.31 1:05.72 2 6
4 Long, Hannah Union County 1:08.00 1:05.85 2 5
5 Lee, Angela Habersham Ce 1:07.23 1:06.44 2 4
6 Mitchell, Molly Tallulah Fal 1:08.08 1:07.16 2 3
7 Phasavang, Allie Tallulah Fal 1:07.79 1 2
8 Quezada, Abigail East Hall HS 1:10.34 1:08.05 1 1
9 Walker, Alexis Hart County 1:12.00 1:09.18 1
10 Wojeczko, Amber Habersham Ce 1:04.37 1:11.54 2
11 Brey, Allie Union County 1:06.76 1:11.81 2
12 Mayweather, A'Niya Stephens Co. 1:11.19 1:12.94 1
13 Cabrera, Leslie East Hall HS 1:17.57 1:15.25 1
-- Hill, Callie Commerce 1:15.14 DNS 1
-- Freeman, Krystal Franklin Cou 1:12.64 DNS 1
-- Lopez, Kiera Stephens Co. 1:09.00 DNS 1
-- Shirley, Julianne Tallulah Fal 1:08.79 SCR
Event 27 Boys 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Heaton, Garrett Habersham Ce 51.62 50.84 2 10
2 Haselden, Everett Franklin Cou 53.15 52.89 2 8
3 Rotko, Zander Union County 53.72 53.16 2 6
4 Griffin, Braden Stephens Co. 55.62 54.13 2 5
5 Moore, Blair Tallulah Fal 55.21 54.45 2 4
6 Brezeale, Andrew Hart County 56.13 55.32 1 3
7 Guild, Brady Union County 56.77 57.02 1 2
8 Elder, Ethan East Hall HS 58.13 57.34 1 1
9 Morris, Jackson Commerce 56.81 57.42 1
10 Brown, Tyler Tallulah Fal 58.08 1
11 White, Brayden Franklin Cou 59.32 58.87 1
12 Wilson, Jonah Habersham Ce 59.20 58.98 1
13 Dean, Micah East Hall HS 1:00.03 59.31 1
-- Rayton, Damajo Hart County 53.78 DNS 2
-- Murchison, Bryson Stephens Co. 53.52 DNS 2
-- Frias, Aidan Rabun County 56.10 DNS 2
-- Cody, Charlie Tallulah Fal 56.46 SCR
Event 28 Girls 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Wortman, Brianna Stephens Co. 13.25 13.28 2 10
2 Esco, Kori Franklin Cou 13.21 13.38 2 8
3 Ladd, Lucy Tallulah Fal 14.98 13.73 1 6
4 Sisum, Lexi Union County 13.45 13.88 2 5
5 Brock, Zoe Hart County 13.75 13.89 2 4
6 Gaye, Paris Franklin Cou 13.86 13.91 2 3
7 Johnson, Julia Habersham Ce 14.29 14.00 1 2 13.996
8 Jackson, Mya East Hall HS 13.68 14.00 2 1 13.997
9 Class, Ally Commerce 14.70 14.06 1
10 Jester, Kiera Hart County 13.94 14.40 2
11 Ibeh, Lois Tallulah Fal 14.20 14.42 1
12 McCombs, Mia Union County 14.18 14.44 1
13 Dooley, Amayah Habersham Ce 14.47 14.69 1
14 Howard, KiKi Stephens Co. 13.36 16.06 2
-- Cheng, Lily Commerce 18.74 DNS 1
-- Harrison, Maleah East Hall HS 14.76 DNS 1
Event 29 Boys 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Carter, Gamarion Stephens Co. 11.12 10.93 3 10
2 Reed, John Clayton Franklin Cou 11.51 11.46 3 8
3 Moore, Quinn Hart County 11.30 11.54 3 6
4 Stepps, Elliot Union County 11.72 11.71 3 5
5 Jenkins, Evan Habersham Ce 11.65 11.77 3 4
6 Hayes, KP Stephens Co. 11.77 11.82 3 3
7 Jones, Ryan Franklin Cou 11.81 11.99 2 2
8 Holcomb, Darius East Hall HS 12.06 12.04 2 1
9 Dunbar, Creed Commerce 12.03 12.32 2
10 Clarke, Ethan Rabun County 12.06 12.36 2
11 Williams, Cade Habersham Ce 12.12 12.37 2
12 Thomas, Riley Union County 12.28 12.53 1
13 Woodard, Hogan Rabun County 12.13 12.91 1
14 Loonubon, Dallas Tallulah Fal 12.90 12.93 1
-- Martin, Dreylan Commerce 11.62 DNS 3
-- Respress, Simeon Tallulah Fal 11.95 DNS 2
-- Gray, Shaun East Hall HS DNS 2
-- Smith, Chandler Hart County 11.15 DNS 3
-- Shockley, Andrew East Hall HS 11.90 SCR
Event 30 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Turner, Kiley Rabun County 17.56 17.42 2 10
2 Murdock, Macy Tallulah Fal 17.84 17.47 2 8
3 Webb, Delaney Rabun County 17.74 18.24 2 6
4 Johnson, Julia Habersham Ce 19.17 18.78 2 5
5 Knox, Alexus Franklin Cou 18.16 18.81 2 4
6 Long, Hannah Union County 20.10 19.23 2 3
7 Silver, Karaline Union County 21.19 20.45 2 2
8 Cleveland, Amaya Stephens Co. 21.67 20.79 1 1
9 Copous, Kailyn East Hall HS 22.47 21.24 1
10 Fraser-Tarpley, Aubrey Stephens Co. 21.37 22.25 2
-- Brown, Sydney East Hall HS 24.03 DNS 1
Event 31 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Bourlet, Grey Tallulah Fal 14.97 15.62 2 10
2 Garnto, Trey Commerce 16.66 16.25 2 8
3 Grimmett, Turner Rabun County 16.04 16.63 2 6
4 Wooten, Justin Rabun County 16.89 16.84 2 5
5 Speed, Chase Franklin Cou 16.66 17.26 2 4
6 Coker, Justin Hart County 16.78 17.65 2 3
7 Carter, Johnny Hart County 17.36 17.89 2 2
8 Sigala, Samuel Franklin Cou 20.75 19.88 1 1
9 Gosnell, Tanner Habersham Ce 20.34 20.03 1
10 Perry, Zhy Stephens Co. 21.17 1
11 Cain, Eli Habersham Ce 21.24 21.19 1
12 Wallace, Damon Union County 21.04 21.76 1
13 Miller, Luke Union County 23.35 22.69 1
-- Shook, Logan East Hall HS 20.00 DNS 2
-- Scott, Aaron Stephens Co. 20.49 SCR
Event 32 Girls 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Alexander, Lucia Tallulah Fal 2:40.34 2:37.89 10
2 Gregory, Hana Union County 2:37.94 2:38.34 8
3 Bell, Paden Commerce 2:35.27 2:40.16 6
4 Rubio, Paola Hart County 2:36.45 2:41.13 5
5 Neal, Kailyn Tallulah Fal 2:58.00 2:49.35 4
6 Gergeni, Christina Rabun County 2:48.27 2:53.33 3
7 McClane, Madison Hart County 2:51.64 2:53.54 2
8 Greene, Riley Rabun County 2:56.00 2:58.51 1
9 Chambers, Campbell Union County 3:11.61 2:58.87
10 Crowe, Kadyn Franklin Cou 3:01.08 2:59.37
11 Dean, Jocelyn Franklin Cou 3:02.67 3:00.56
12 Brown, Sydney East Hall HS 3:14.80 3:04.76
13 Moore, Lindsay Stephens Co. 3:23.88 3:09.96
14 Hain, Dream Habersham Ce 3:14.99 3:14.79
-- Negrete, Lupe East Hall HS 3:05.20 DNS
-- Lopez, Kiera Stephens Co. 3:10.17 DNS
-- Lee, Angela Habersham Ce 2:58.84 DNS
Event 33 Boys 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Hartzog, Hunter Union County 2:02.81 2:05.24 10
2 Risner, Cole Hart County 2:07.50 2:06.22 8
3 Martinez, Diego Hart County 2:02.66 2:08.49 6
4 Bailey, Walker Tallulah Fal 2:10.92 5
5 Rotko, Zander Union County 2:10.00 2:14.42 4
6 Morris, JJ Commerce 2:08.80 2:14.86 3
7 Sanders, Grady Stephens Co. 2:22.09 2:16.70 2
8 White, Bryson Franklin Cou 2:20.30 2:17.13 1
9 Word, Wyatt Rabun County 2:14.00 2:17.65
10 Marchman, Ethan Franklin Cou 2:19.97 2:17.78
11 Thaxton, Aiden Habersham Ce 2:20.47 2:18.22
12 Zafra, Andrew Rabun County 2:19.00 2:19.25
13 Flint, Bryson Commerce 2:19.92 2:21.42
14 Kelly, Collin Tallulah Fal 2:21.49 2:21.66
15 Griffin, Braden Stephens Co. 2:26.58 2:25.70
16 Hernandez, Justin Habersham Ce 2:28.40 2:34.18
17 Shook, Logan East Hall HS 2:40.84 2:42.71
-- Dean, Micah East Hall HS 2:40.00 DNS
-- Corbett, Kale Tallulah Fal 2:23.67 SCR
Event 34 Girls 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Earl, Adriunna Hart County 26.17 26.19 3 10
2 Wortman, Brianna Stephens Co. 27.22 27.52 3 8
3 Eades, Nana Stephens Co. 28.31 29.01 3 6
4 Sisum, Lexi Union County 28.49 29.10 3 5
5 Class, Ally Commerce 30.06 29.24 2 4
6 Ibeh, Lois Tallulah Fal 29.67 29.51 3 3
7 Gallegos, Selene East Hall HS 29.68 29.60 3 2
8 Phasavang, Allie Tallulah Fal 29.67 2 1
9 Loudermilk, Tabatha Rabun County 29.60 29.73 3
10 Voss, Skyler Habersham Ce 30.25 29.85 2
11 Mattox, Angel Hart County 29.73 30.52 3
12 Byers, Katie Union County 30.48 30.73 2
13 Quezada, Abigail East Hall HS 32.89 30.86 1
14 Wojeczko, Amber Habersham Ce 30.15 31.30 2
15 Farmer, Sierra Franklin Cou 34.76 34.85 1
-- Freeman, Krystal Franklin Cou 30.22 DNS 2
-- Hill, Callie Commerce 31.92 DNS 1
-- Romanos Gracia, Alba Tallulah Fal 30.90 SCR
Event 35 Boys 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Reed, John Clayton Franklin Cou 22.56 22.95 3 10
2 Brown, Sammy Commerce 23.47 22.97 3 8
3 Stepps, Elliot Union County 23.98 23.80 3 6
4 Holcomb, Darius East Hall HS 25.24 24.04 2 5
5 Hill, Ashton Habersham Ce 24.15 24.05 3 4
6 Moore, Quinn Hart County 24.28 24.52 3 3
7 Smith, Hayden Rabun County 24.84 24.61 2 2
8 Wright, Trace Union County 28.09 24.71 1 1
9 Fleming, Vadole Stephens Co. 25.11 25.09 2
10 Perry, Zhy Stephens Co. 25.76 25.20 2
11 Gray, Shaun East Hall HS 25.39 3
12 Jenkins, Evan Habersham Ce 24.48 25.45 2
13 Brown, Tyler Tallulah Fal 26.50 25.95 1
14 Brewer, Clayton Rabun County 26.20 26.20 1
15 Loonubon, Dallas Tallulah Fal 26.62 2
16 Martin, Dreylan Commerce 23.47 28.42 3
-- Witcher, David Franklin Cou 25.97 DNS 2
-- Respress, Simeon Tallulah Fal 24.78 SCR
-- Smith, Chandler Hart County 22.83 SCR
-- Shockley, Andrew East Hall HS 23.97 SCR
Event 36 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Murdock, Macy Tallulah Fal 49.41 48.53 2 10
2 Turner, Kiley Rabun County 52.20 51.39 2 8
3 Johnson, Julia Habersham Ce 54.54 53.09 2 6
4 Jones, Linley Union County 54.70 53.87 2 5
5 Knox, Alexus Franklin Cou 52.67 54.29 2 4
6 Bennett, Chloe Hart County 55.68 55.02 2 3
7 Brey, Allie Union County 54.77 58.55 2 2
8 Copous, Cadence East Hall HS 58.36 58.75 1 1
9 Webb, Delaney Rabun County 1:00.74 59.35 1
10 Cleveland, Amaya Stephens Co. 1:03.15 1:06.13 1
11 Hart, Joslyn Hart County 1:05.61 1:06.33 1
-- Voss, Skyler Habersham Ce 55.35 DNS 2
-- Copous, Kailyn East Hall HS 1:02.91 DNS 1
-- Fraser-Tarpley, Aubrey Stephens Co. 1:06.74 DNS 1
Event 37 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Bourlet, Grey Tallulah Fal 40.67 41.49 2 10
2 Garnto, Trey Commerce 42.62 41.70 2 8
3 Speed, Chase Franklin Cou 42.37 42.45 2 6
4 Wooten, Justin Rabun County 43.64 42.53 2 5
5 Carter, Johnny Hart County 43.17 43.59 2 4
6 Elder, Ethan East Hall HS 48.29 47.21 2 3
7 Sigala, Samuel Franklin Cou 48.45 48.15 2 2
8 Hooks, Kaden Habersham Ce 50.79 49.76 1 1
9 Atkinson, Gavin Tallulah Fal 51.31 49.81 1
10 Miller, Luke Union County 50.33 50.40 2
11 Dutton, Dominic Hart County 52.90 51.30 1 51.291
12 Gosnell, Tanner Habersham Ce 54.36 51.30 1 51.292
13 Wallace, Damon Union County 55.59 52.70 1
-- Bradley, Nick Rabun County 50.91 DNS 1
-- Scott, Aaron Stephens Co. 53.12 DNS 1
Event 39 Girls 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Woods, Gracie Franklin Cou 12:31.65 12:40.46 10
2 Alexander, Lucia Tallulah Fal 12:44.70 12:40.86 8
3 Wright, Molly Jo Rabun County 13:49.78 13:49.65 6
4 Oldham, Kate Stephens Co. 14:10.81 14:20.35 5
5 Payne, Natalie Union County 14:55.89 14:50.17 4
6 Solorzano, Yecenia East Hall HS 16:00.00 15:12.46 3
7 Reid, Rachel Union County 15:53.36 16:03.33 2
-- Moore, Lindsay Stephens Co. 14:59.03 DNS
-- Negrete, Lupe East Hall HS 15:01.19 DNS
-- Delgado, Jackie Hart County 15:07.08 DNS
-- Neal, Kailyn Tallulah Fal 13:49.00 DNS
-- Rubio, Paola Hart County 13:14.13 DNS
Event 40 Boys 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Brown, Matthew Hart County 9:44.90 9:30.44 10
2 Kivett, Andrew Habersham Ce 11:01.31 9:40.65 8
3 Martin, Brandon Commerce 9:29.78 10:21.62 6
4 Peters, Zachary Hart County 10:43.73 10:30.94 5
5 Woods, Robbie Franklin Cou 10:37.01 10:32.65 4
6 Gambrell, Luke Union County 10:20.33 10:34.28 3
7 Martin, Ryan Habersham Ce 10:52.85 10:57.99 2
8 Sanders, Grady Stephens Co. 11:01.92 10:58.41 1
9 Bailey, Walker Tallulah Fal 11:28.45 11:23.44
10 Payne, Hunter Union County 11:35.31 11:23.69
11 Lester, Josiah Franklin Cou 12:24.25 11:59.86
12 Mclure, Peyton Commerce 11:15.00 12:15.01
13 Xiong, Zhigao Henrry Tallulah Fal 11:26.01 12:31.11
14 Maldonado, Ivan East Hall HS 14:00.00 12:38.69
15 Burrell, Chan Rabun County 13:11.86 12:39.55
16 Delgado, Giovani East Hall HS 14:00.00 13:12.82
17 Deslich, Hayden Rabun County 13:38.60 13:32.58
-- Jones, Styles Stephens Co. 14:25.48 DNF
Event 41 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Tallulah Falls 'A' 4:29.70 4:24.50 10
1) Ladd, Lucy 2) Phasavang, Allie
3) Shirley, Julianne 4) Murdock, Macy
2 Hart County 'A' 4:31.44 4:30.47 8
1) McClane, Madison 2) Johnson, Amelia
3) Rubio, Paola 4) Walker, Alexis
3 Rabun County 'A' 5:08.04 4:41.87 6
1) Gergeni, Christina 2) Loudermilk, Tabatha
3) Turner, Kiley 4) Southards, Ellie
5) Greene, Riley 6)
4 Union County HS 'A' 4:46.03 4:42.56 5
5 East Hall HS 'A' 4:49.33 4:47.85 4
1) Cabrera, Leslie 2) Copous, Cadence
3) Brown, Sydney 4) Dean, Makiah
6 Habersham Central High School 'A' 5:02.35 5:01.56 3
1) Lee, Angela 2) Arpke, Chaise
3) Owenby, Alexis 4) Wojeczko, Amber
-- Franklin County High School 'A' 4:41.99 DNS
-- Stephens Co. 'A' 5:10.55 DNS
1) Lopez, Kiera 2) Carter, My'Angel
3) Howard, KiKi 4) Mayweather, A'Niya
5) Eades, Nana 6)
Event 42 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Franklin County High School 'A' 3:32.16 3:30.00 2 10
1) Haselden, Everett 2) Jones, Ryan
3) Goode, Chris 4) Reed, John Clayton
5) White, Bryson 6) Woods, Robbie
2 Habersham Central High School 'A' 3:38.89 3:35.81 2 8
1) Heaton, Garrett 2) Wilson, Noah
3) Tatum, Hadyn 4) Kivett, Andrew
3 Hart County 'A' 3:39.66 3:37.26 2 6
1) Brezeale, Andrew 2) Martinez, Diego
3) Risner, Cole 4) Rayton, Damajo
4 Union County HS 'A' 3:41.55 3:39.96 2 5
5 Commerce 'A' 3:44.22 3:42.03 2 4
1) Brown, Sammy 2) Morris, JJ
3) Morris, Jackson 4) Garnto, Trey
6 Tallulah Falls 'A' 3:36.71 3:43.37 2 3
1) Moore, Blair 2) Corbett, Kale
3) Kelly, Collin 4) Xiong, Zhigao Henrry
7 East Hall HS 'A' 4:01.72 3:52.78 2 2
1) Gray, Shaun 2) Dean, Micah
3) Holcomb, Darius 4) Elder, Ethan
8 Rabun County 'A' 3:48.19 3:55.77 2 1
1) Clarke, Ethan 2) Smith, Hayden
3) Wooten, Justin 4) Frias, Aidan
5) Woodard, Hogan 6)
-- Stephens Co. 'A' DNS 1
1) Griffin, Braden 2) Fessler, Bobby
3) Sanders, Grady 4) Murchison, Bryson
Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
1) Hart County 109 2) Tallulah Falls 103
3) Rabun County 102 4) Union County HS 83
5) Stephens Co. 78 6) Franklin County High Scho 68
7) Habersham Central High Sch 45 8) Commerce 34
9) East Hall HS 28
Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
1) Hart County 123 2) Habersham Central High Sc 96
3) Tallulah Falls 89 4) Franklin County High Scho 84
5) Commerce 81 6) Union County HS 68
7) Stephens Co. 67 8) Rabun County 33
9) East Hall HS 22