Cass/Cartersville Invitational 2020

Cartersville, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys JV 181 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trebilcock, Hayden Roswell High School
Medina, Alejandro Roswell High School
Velasaquez, Marvel Cartersville High School
Stewart, Gabriel Harrison High School
Cole, Jude Pope High School
Chatman, CJ Cass High School
Harris, Giovanni Douglas County
Andrews-Lawson, Joseph Roswell High School
Vosejpka, Max Cass High School
Sheahan, Connor 17:38.19 Pope High School
Carpet, Alex 17:54.27 Roswell High School
Cross, Michael 18:02.50 Pope High School
Burke, Jackson 18:04.13 Harrison High School
Hanlon, Sean 18:09.40 Pope High School
Van Order, Ian 18:11.30 Woodland
Grinage, Colin 18:16.21 Cartersville High School
Connelly, Ben 18:18.99 Harrison High School
Smith, Slade 18:19.13 Harrison High School
Beville, Parker 18:22.20 Pope High School
Grubb, Will 18:22.66 Harrison High School
Lucas, Owen 18:24.00 Harrison High School
Bell, Devin 18:25.41 Hillgrove
Vrolijk, Alex 18:27.80 Roswell High School
Murray, William 18:33.42 Pope High School
Phillips, Jacob 18:35.90 Pope High School
Hyman, Paul 18:38.38 Cartersville High School
Prindle, Bailey 18:43.60 Pope High School
Ervin, Will 18:44.73 Hillgrove
House, Matthew 18:45.98 Roswell High School
Molina-Castro, Marcello 18:49.83 Douglas County
Rodman, Micah 18:51.37 Roswell High School
Young, Timothy 18:54.95 Pope High School
Oberman, Charles 19:04.90 Pope High School
Wark, Cooper 19:05.30 Pope High School
Davie, Carter 19:06.37 Pope High School
Shephard, Gabe 19:07.13 Woodland
Lewis, Brayden 19:09.06 Roswell High School
Stone, Henry 19:10.60 Pope High School
Boyle, Thomas 19:13.41 Harrison High School
Michels, Andrew 19:14.90 Pope High School
Johnson, Ryan 19:16.57 Cartersville High School
Hernandez-Santos, Omar 19:17.10 Cartersville High School
Godbee, Peyton 19:17.30 Harrison High School
Leatherwood, Trey 19:18.23 Hillgrove
Unglo, Luke 19:24.91 Roswell High School
Stoddard, Ian 19:26.60 Pope High School
Wolfe, Timothy 19:27.27 Harrison High School
Ashmead, Collin 19:27.47 Roswell High School
Deprey, Moe 19:29.35 Pope High School
Bowling, James 19:32.00 Pope High School
Throckmorton, Lawson 19:33.00 Pope High School
Luce, Levi 19:33.22 Roswell High School
Crenshaw, Malachi 19:34.15 Roswell High School
Marcuzzi, Mick 19:35.00 Pope High School
Ehrhardt, Michael 19:36.06 Roswell High School
Dennis, Donovan 19:37.54 Cartersville High School
Adams, Jacob 19:39.33 Douglas County
Diaz, Lucas 19:39.60 Pope High School
Burns, Harrison 19:40.18 Roswell High School
Vosburgh, Malachi 19:41.11 Cartersville High School
Gotham, Ben 19:41.30 Roswell High School
Mabry, Chad 19:42.20 Harrison High School
Smith, Simon 19:45.65 Roswell High School
Pope, Ben 19:47.85 Roswell High School
Mitchell, William 19:49.50 Harrison High School
Sacchetta, Sam 19:51.10 Hillgrove
Aehl, John 19:53.90 Roswell High School
Kinoshita, Seth 19:53.91 Roswell High School
Stowers, Parker 19:54.13 Roswell High School
DeCamp, Dylan 19:55.76 Roswell High School
Jordan, Jaret 19:57.48 Harrison High School
McSwain, Landon 20:03.64 Woodland
DeSantis, Keegan 20:09.22 Hillgrove
Mann, Ashton 20:13.07 Harrison High School
Casteel, Mason 20:15.46 Harrison High School
Weir, Logan 20:16.49 Harrison High School
Bek, Brendan 20:16.53 Hillgrove
Montoya, Cole 20:17.88 Hillgrove
Guglielmo, James 20:20.96 Roswell High School
Marcuzzi, Jake 20:22.20 Pope High School
Larsen, Noah 20:22.86 Harrison High School
Webster, Donovan 20:25.86 Harrison High School
Clark, Noah 20:30.90 Pope High School
Meese, Braeden 20:31.14 Harrison High School
Koontz, Knox 20:34.28 Woodland
Pina, Daniel 20:37.16 Cartersville High School
Petcu, Bryce 20:40.60 Pope High School
Isla, Aiden 20:40.70 Pope High School
Owen, Tyler 20:43.23 Pope High School
McDonald, Nate 20:47.04 Cartersville High School
Clayton, Adam 20:50.66 Roswell High School
Morgan, Hunter 20:51.20 Pope High School
Crowder, Cainen 20:52.44 Cartersville High School
Kindt, Sawyer 20:56.58 Hillgrove
Bruening, Jackson 21:00.35 Hillgrove
Murrieta, Michael 21:01.00 Roswell High School
Strydom, Johnathan 21:03.39 Pope High School
Ellsworth, Kyle 21:03.92 Hillgrove
Argay, Jack 21:04.00 Roswell High School
Dodsworth, Charles 21:07.00 Pope High School
Trowbridge, Richard 21:07.60 Pope High School
West, Colby 21:08.92 Pope High School
Glaser, Reed 21:10.30 Pope High School
Lanier, Hance 21:10.90 Pope High School
Follis, Landon 21:11.74 Harrison High School
Hay, John 21:13.40 Pope High School
Byrd, Samuel 21:18.23 Douglas County
Brown, Malik 21:19.94 Hillgrove
Tribick, Will 21:22.91 Roswell High School
Sanford, Gabriel 21:24.55 Pope High School
Ballentine, Landen 21:24.60 Hillgrove
Ballentine, Luke 21:25.57 Hillgrove
Hanson, Clark 21:26.02 Harrison High School
Shvartman, Joshua 21:30.47 Hillgrove
Kiser, Sam 21:31.90 Pope High School
Davis, Matthew 21:33.19 Harrison High School
Wood, Duncan 21:35.97 Hillgrove
Morris, Jack 21:37.20 Pope High School
Gray, Jaden 21:37.43 Hillgrove
Stone, Matt 21:38.58 Roswell High School
Taff, Owen 21:40.64 Cartersville High School
Watson, Eric 21:47.26 Pope High School
Schmidt, Mark 21:54.10 Pope High School
Peterson, Evan 21:58.02 Harrison High School
Slack, Henry 22:15.02 Roswell High School
Arnott, Dylan 22:16.33 Hillgrove
Purify, Gavin 22:19.96 Hillgrove
Driscoll, Graham 22:27.52 Pope High School
Corcoran, Jack 22:28.43 Cartersville High School
Wideman, Andrew 22:31.30 Pope High School
Makadia, Sahil 22:33.13 Harrison High School
Roby, Sam 22:38.28 Roswell High School
Greene, Rigdon 22:42.75 Pope High School
Baptiste, Jaylen 22:47.04 Douglas County
Baesman, Connor 22:53.40 Hillgrove
Parker, Austin 22:53.63 Woodland
Jadav, Ronak 22:56.20 Pope High School
Misirly, Andrew 22:56.69 Roswell High School
Elrod, Bryson 23:02.00 Cass High School
Wood, Tommy 23:06.84 Pope High School
Bass, Andrew 23:10.26 Harrison High School
Shepard, Graham 23:19.35 Roswell High School
Forlines, Stuart 23:27.30 Roswell High School
Andre, Jeremy 23:30.70 Pope High School
Meyer, Nicholas 23:30.95 Roswell High School
Hay, Thomas 23:32.50 Pope High School
Jung, Ryan 23:33.70 Pope High School
Turley, Ryan 23:46.93 Cass High School
Black, Dylan 23:48.73 Harrison High School
Allmaras, Matthew 23:49.10 Pope High School
Baer, Noah 23:49.54 Woodland
Shepard, Reid 23:54.30 Roswell High School
Marinko, Kyle 24:08.20 Pope High School
Aquarian, Aldon 24:09.68 Cass High School
Walters, Chandler 24:15.78 Pope High School
Young, Nathanael 24:16.70 Pope High School
Hazenberg, Matt 24:22.80 Pope High School
Urquhart, Harri 24:38.78 Harrison High School
Cohen, Ben 24:39.04 Pope High School
Smith, Watson 24:40.10 Pope High School
Urquhart, Andrew 24:55.01 Harrison High School
Wolfe, Kaleb 24:59.67 Cartersville High School
Crowell, Nicholas 25:06.20 Pope High School
Kitchens, Ben 25:06.74 Harrison High School
Lang, Darren 25:16.80 Hillgrove
Wickham, Jack 25:29.33 Pope High School
Hidgon, Cael 25:31.81 Woodland
Harwell, Jackson 25:34.02 Cartersville High School
hembree, bailey 25:35.68 Cass High School
Parker, Justin 25:42.18 Woodland
DAvis, Zachary 26:13.40 Pope High School
Schnurr, Jake 26:28.82 Pope High School
Rouhizad, Alex 26:40.82 Roswell High School
Sullivan, Ase 26:49.90 Pope High School
Munroe, Parker 26:51.30 Pope High School
Linard, Matthew 27:00.58 Harrison High School
Keith, Brice 27:17.50 Cass High School
Hamilton, Charles 27:18.70 Pope High School
Schultz, Lucas 28:34.48 Hillgrove
Van Herik, Luke 29:07.22 Harrison High School
Carmon, James 31:07.75 Harrison High School
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Boys varsity 5000 Meter Run 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reeves, Cole Adairsville High School
Kier, Micah Douglas County
Silvers, Jace Adairsville High School
Cruz Perez, Jimmy Douglas County
Tatum, Gavin Adairsville High School
Forsyth, Andy Woodland
Teer, Cody Adairsville High School
Betanzos, Michael Adairsville High School
Hendrix, Chase Cass High School
Pelchat, Chris Adairsville High School
krotz, Kyle Douglas County
Archer, Bill 16:18.85 Cartersville High School
Pizzuti, Zane 16:42.39 Pope High School
Parnes, Michael 16:48.85 Roswell High School
Brenneman, Benny 16:50.40 Pope High School
Jones, Tyler 16:51.35 Woodland
Bollwerk, Patrick 16:58.64 Woodland
Stowers, Drew 17:04.10 Roswell High School
Roberts, Owen 17:04.92 Roswell High School
Booth, Levi 17:05.22 Cartersville High School
Wright, William 17:14.00 Pope High School
Spohn, Carter 17:14.30 Pope High School
Wark, Alec 17:17.40 Pope High School
McCann, Colin 17:22.85 Cartersville High School
O'Shaughnessy, Paxton 17:24.40 Pope High School
Forsyth, John 17:25.63 Woodland
Chappell, McKinley 17:26.63 Woodland
Peters, Sam 17:30.37 Cartersville High School
Lovings, Henry 17:33.83 Roswell High School
Hicks, Jackson 17:37.61 Douglas County
Glaze, Andrew 17:37.92 Cass High School
Gilliard, Justin 17:37.92 Douglas County
Wilson, Banks 17:38.77 Cartersville High School
Wilson, Matthew 17:49.35 Cartersville High School
Laushey, Davis 17:49.60 Pope High School
Gage, Carson 17:58.41 Cartersville High School
Chappell, Kameron 18:04.18 Woodland
Patel, Prem 18:32.30 Cass High School
Tanturri, Kain 18:32.49 Woodland
Gearhart, Critton 18:34.28 Cass High School
Molina-Castro, Marcello 18:49.83 Douglas County
Unglo, Luke 19:24.91 Roswell High School
Wright, Jake 19:30.80 Cass High School
Luce, Levi 19:33.22 Roswell High School
Ehrhardt, Michael 19:36.06 Roswell High School
Juarez, Alex 20:32.80 Adairsville High School
Pierce, Adam 21:11.75 Cass High School
Turley, Ryan 22:08.00 Cass High School
Riley, Scott 23:16.70 Douglas County
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Girls JV 123 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Olsen, Addy Harrison High School
MacArthur, Macey Roswell High School
Singer, Gabryelle Douglas County
Drawdy, Olivia Harrison High School
Reddock, Danica Hillgrove
Johnson, Miranda Harrison High School
Jeong, Andrea Pope High School
Takeuchi, Emi Douglas County
Ellis, Elizabeth 19:56.35 Hillgrove
Vogt, Laura 20:22.26 Hillgrove
Boatner, Erica 20:59.53 Woodland
Tyler, Cadence 21:00.45 Hillgrove
Carlson, Lexie 21:10.61 Harrison High School
Margate, Sarah 21:48.79 Harrison High School
Gillespie, Ainsley 22:06.91 Roswell High School
Soroka, Veronica 22:07.78 Roswell High School
Dufresne, Laura 22:08.01 Hillgrove
Beno, Rachael 22:14.35 Hillgrove
Williamson, Angel 22:15.60 Cass High School
Pate, Cathryn 22:16.63 Roswell High School
Rolen, Jenna 22:21.38 Hillgrove
Brooks, Yolanda 22:24.86 Hillgrove
Barron, Elise 22:24.90 Hillgrove
Gillespie, Gabby 22:35.52 Roswell High School
Collins, Kaylen 22:45.11 Pope High School
Jordan, Emma 22:45.49 Pope High School
Fragala, Kylie 22:52.18 Pope High School
DeStefano, Sofia 22:52.60 Pope High School
Zeigler, Sadie 22:55.70 Roswell High School
Valdez, Maria 22:58.05 Harrison High School
Karpinski, Alice 22:59.80 Pope High School
DeLara, Nina 23:10.57 Roswell High School
Ramsey, Maddie 23:19.78 Harrison High School
Payne, Anna 23:24.65 Woodland
Botellho, Izzy 23:24.80 Roswell High School
Green, Brooke 23:25.71 Pope High School
Smith, Savannah 23:27.42 Harrison High School
Camara, Mary Kate 23:59.80 Woodland
Afshani, Kaylie 24:07.60 Pope High School
Phillips, Caroline 24:19.07 Roswell High School
Quick, Briah 24:19.52 Hillgrove
Patrohay, Marissa 24:28.30 Harrison High School
Williams, Molly 24:32.72 Woodland
Corya, Molly 24:33.40 Pope High School
Holbert, Mallory 24:43.00 Roswell High School
Zukowsky, Jessica 24:50.02 Cass High School
Acosta, Kamaya 25:03.64 Hillgrove
Sullivan, Lexington 25:07.70 Pope High School
Yahn, Caroline 25:08.80 Pope High School
Spivey, Lauren 25:24.70 Hillgrove
Zambrano, Valeria 25:34.76 Hillgrove
Peters, Olivia 25:39.62 Pope High School
Glass, Kennedy 25:41.30 Hillgrove
Whitfield, Morgan 25:46.09 Hillgrove
Klatt, Grace 25:46.10 Pope High School
Ervie, Kayla 25:47.00 Hillgrove
Adams, Paige 25:49.04 Harrison High School
Lassiter, Brooke 25:51.40 Pope High School
Stone, Adley 26:00.50 Pope High School
Moss, Addison 26:03.90 Pope High School
Keiser, Jenna 26:18.00 Roswell High School
Diaz, Kameron 26:19.11 Woodland
Burke, Grace 26:19.17 Harrison High School
Woods, Sarah 26:23.58 Harrison High School
Kovacic, Kathryn 26:37.00 Woodland
Burns, Faith 26:42.80 Harrison High School
Green, Rachel 26:52.07 Pope High School
Fertig, Audrey 26:55.70 Pope High School
Jennings, Audrey 27:14.58 Roswell High School
Andrews, Kaia 27:22.10 Roswell High School
Lewandowski, Darby 27:23.53 Pope High School
Astorga, Maeve 27:33.00 Pope High School
Hess, Alexandria 27:35.90 Pope High School
Hauenstein, Anna 27:37.00 Pope High School
Billingsley, Ava 27:37.58 Hillgrove
Shirley, Jordan 27:40.70 Pope High School
Misirly, Leah 27:41.29 Roswell High School
Walker, Morgan 27:44.10 Cartersville High School
McCuan, Addison 27:52.64 Hillgrove
Motes, Bailee 28:01.45 Woodland
Hall, Lainey 28:01.53 Harrison High School
Worthan, Rileigh 28:03.28 Cartersville High School
Turner, Josie 28:04.65 Cartersville High School
Hale, Scarlett 28:05.00 Cass High School
Schmidt, Kristina 28:06.80 Pope High School
Pacheco, Yuleidy 28:07.70 Cartersville High School
Floccari, Mia 28:10.60 Pope High School
Thurmond, Layla 28:13.14 Hillgrove
Medlin, Addison 28:22.74 Harrison High School
Hanson, Katherine 28:28.38 Harrison High School
Yahn, Victoria 28:31.10 Pope High School
Hagler, Shelby 28:34.31 Hillgrove
Monday, Ellie 28:34.62 Harrison High School
Oloyede, Nire 28:38.01 Pope High School
Watkins, Ann Macon 28:42.30 Pope High School
Kang, Laura 28:49.40 Pope High School
Ngugi, Sarah 29:00.71 Harrison High School
Rolen, Brooke 29:08.50 Hillgrove
Martinez, Mariza 29:34.23 Cass High School
Cruz, Jocelyn 29:56.72 Cass High School
Hoban, Caroline 30:16.00 Roswell High School
Bitterman, Lily 30:16.44 Roswell High School
Pruitt, Gracie 30:23.88 Cartersville High School
Iswaisi-Collado, Yasmina 30:37.97 Pope High School
Pohill, Caroline 31:02.98 Roswell High School
Chandna, Yuvi 31:28.50 Pope High School
Peters, Charlotte 31:31.60 Pope High School
Pashual, Meghan 31:37.10 Pope High School
Greve, Ainsley 31:40.69 Roswell High School
Medlin, Olivia 31:58.52 Harrison High School
Cumming, Cate 32:09.68 Harrison High School
Rhodes, Sydney 32:13.27 Cartersville High School
Davis, Nicole 32:26.08 Cass High School
Musheno, Kate 32:59.72 Harrison High School
Smith, Marley 33:16.98 Roswell High School
Hanson, Sarah 33:25.54 Harrison High School
Sapp, Amelia 33:35.03 Roswell High School
Garcia, Reyna 33:37.81 Cass High School
Rex, Sabrina 34:16.00 Roswell High School
brock, jordan 34:22.54 Cass High School
Lowery, Mikayla 35:33.91 Cartersville High School
Hartbank, Olivia 35:47.17 Cass High School
Newton, Hannah 37:15.55 Roswell High School
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Girls varsity 5000 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Madison Douglas County
Wells, Kayrie Adairsville High School
Moore, Rylan Douglas County
Brown, Brittany Douglas County
Viktora, Callie Adairsville High School
Chandler, Elizabeth Douglas County
Branson, Belle Douglas County
Sanchez Perez, Jessica Douglas County
Evans, Rylee 18:24.95 Woodland
Spinks, McKinsey 20:22.95 Cartersville High School
Connelly, Reese 20:23.97 Hillgrove
Bowles, Marlee 20:33.97 Woodland
Ornelas, Mariana 20:37.11 Roswell High School
Thayer, Danielle 20:39.68 Woodland
Moreno, Ilka 21:00.30 Roswell High School
Juhn, Sarah 21:14.10 Pope High School
Atkins, Trinity 21:20.02 Cartersville High School
Segars, Emma 21:21.80 Woodland
Futrell, Claudia 21:21.98 Pope High School
Allison, Samantha 21:39.86 Pope High School
Greer, Anna 21:45.60 Pope High School
Berry, Olivia 21:52.79 Woodland
Gaskin, Madeline 22:03.00 Pope High School
Soroka, Veronica 22:07.78 Roswell High School
Mccurry, Emma 22:07.99 Pope High School
Peyton, Kathryn 22:09.08 Roswell High School
Terry, Alice 22:09.51 Cartersville High School
Nay, Katie 22:09.70 Roswell High School
Nelson, Elizabeth 22:20.77 Cartersville High School
Bower, Cassie 22:22.80 Pope High School
Bollwerk, Erin 22:40.69 Woodland
Mueller-Hill, Gemma 22:47.30 Roswell High School
Gaines, Meredith 23:44.68 Cartersville High School
Schultz, Megan 24:10.16 Woodland
Herrera, Samantha 24:19.69 Cartersville High School
Holbert, Mallory 24:43.00 Roswell High School
Smith, Grace 25:08.54 Cartersville High School
Paul, Annie 28:39.87 Douglas County
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