Cookies 'n Quotes 2020

Tallulah Falls, GA

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 5,000 Meter Run 98 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ricci, Vincent Commerce
Cross, Ayden Stephens Co.
Arellano, Edgar Johnson HS
Cantrell, Levi Franklin County High School
Moore, Blair Tallulah Falls
Sofield, Drew Towns County HS
Shaw, Brit Tallulah Falls
Long, Logan White County High School
Pressley, Zane Stephens Co.
Gomez, Cesar Johnson HS
Lord, Cayden Commerce
Wilkinson, Gavin Stephens Co.
Zuluaga, Mateo Johnson HS
Burkhart, Micah Stephens Co.
Speed, Chase Franklin County High School
Shaw, Tate Tallulah Falls
Watts, John Towns County HS
Cody, Charlie Tallulah Falls
Ball, Austin Tallulah Falls
Flaherty, Sam Rabun County
Jordan, Dawson Stephens Co.
Camacho, Sergio Johnson HS
Willet, Carter Stephens Co.
Arteaga, David Johnson HS
Willis, Eli Stephens Co.
Racic, Mirko Tallulah Falls
Britton, Grant Rabun County
Kinsey, Tucker Stephens Co.
Blankenship, Adrian Johnson HS
McConnell, Will Franklin County High School
Jackson, Josh Tallulah Falls
Rickman, Henry Tallulah Falls
Judice, Jackson White County High School
Anderson, Cohen Stephens Co.
Prince, Evan 16:14.70 Tallulah Falls
Martin, Brandon 16:16.16 Commerce
Morris, JJ 17:27.00 Commerce
Brown, Jenson 17:36.73 Towns County HS
King, Liam 17:52.33 Towns County HS
Sanders, Grady 17:55.50 Stephens Co.
Duncan, River 18:07.30 Stephens Co.
Ricci, Dominic 18:17.29 Commerce
Bourlet, Grey 18:23.20 Tallulah Falls
Coolidge, Zachary 18:38.40 Franklin County High School
Quijada, Luis 19:06.09 Towns County HS
Woods, Robbie 19:13.00 Franklin County High School
Madera, Sebastian 19:27.10 Johnson HS
Morgan, Kade 19:28.15 Commerce
Bradley, Nick 19:30.66 Rabun County
Petty, Steven 19:33.80 White County High School
Viehweg, Matthew 19:41.26 Stephens Co.
Zelaya, Josh 19:47.56 Commerce
Yeamons, Mason 19:53.51 Towns County HS
Gearing, Cole 19:57.86 White County High School
Lovelace, Jordan 20:06.27 Towns County HS
Xiong, Zhigao Henrry 20:14.20 Tallulah Falls
Kelly, Collin 20:17.60 Tallulah Falls
Jones, Hendley 20:22.24 Prince Avenue Christian School
Thompson, Matthew 20:22.33 Prince Avenue Christian School
Reed, John Clayton 20:45.11 Franklin County High School
Markham, Curtis 20:47.33 Towns County HS
Mazarky, Ethan 21:04.00 Rabun County
Bailey, Walker 21:06.41 Tallulah Falls
Cross, Ethan 21:10.19 Stephens Co.
Mullis, Chaz 21:11.30 Tallulah Falls
McClure, Peyton 21:14.70 Commerce
Wanner, Ethan 21:19.79 Tallulah Falls
Lester, Josiah 21:23.38 Franklin County High School
Murchison, Bryson 21:25.60 Stephens Co.
Zafra, Andrew 21:26.10 Rabun County
Navarro, Yahir 21:26.26 Commerce
Wilkinson, Griffin 21:28.10 Stephens Co.
Jones, Austin 21:29.20 Stephens Co.
Brooks, Canon 21:31.70 Tallulah Falls
Sims, Eli 21:33.74 Tallulah Falls
Snyder, Daniel 21:42.16 Franklin County High School
Randall, Jacob 21:45.77 Franklin County High School
Melton, Hayden 22:11.76 Prince Avenue Christian School
Burrell, Chan 22:15.30 Rabun County
Pascucelli, Andrew 22:28.48 Commerce
Ott, Navy 22:36.50 Stephens Co.
Augustine, Colton 22:46.70 Tallulah Falls
Churchwell, Wyatt 23:13.83 White County High School
Grimsley, Jay 23:14.88 Towns County HS
Ward, Huntley 23:36.70 Stephens Co.
Bradley, Elliott 23:41.80 Rabun County
David, Wade 23:55.90 Prince Avenue Christian School
Trujillo, Victor 23:56.04 Franklin County High School
Bell, Daniel 23:57.50 Prince Avenue Christian School
McKissack, Britt 24:55.50 Rabun County
Jones, Styles 25:12.70 Stephens Co.
Griffin, Braden 25:20.95 Stephens Co.
Mitchell, Jackson 26:04.16 Prince Avenue Christian School
Gibson, Devon 26:42.10 Stephens Co.
Gutierrez, Hector 26:50.10 Johnson HS
Hodges, Blake 26:51.47 Franklin County High School
Cassidy, Logan 28:53.13 Commerce
Peacock, Robbie 28:54.79 Towns County HS
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High School Girls 5,000 Meter Run 72 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prince, Dani Tallulah Falls
Balderas, Vanessa Rabun County
Moore, Lindsay Stephens Co.
Allen, Kristina Johnson HS
Strickland, Madison Stephens Co.
Antonio, Catherine Johnson HS
Chapa, Miranda Tallulah Falls
Hood, Lucy Rabun County
See, Marijane Johnson HS
Hawkins, Carson Commerce
Merino, Kirsten Rabun County
Perez, Gris Stephens Co.
Bahnsen, Magill Prince Avenue Christian School
Parral, Evelyn Johnson HS
Pierson, Morgan Towns County HS
Ball, Caroline Tallulah Falls
King, Katie Prince Avenue Christian School
Wynne, Anna Commerce
Mazarky, Molly Rabun County
Oldham, Ella Stephens Co.
Weaver, Abby Prince Avenue Christian School
Chesser, Jenna Tallulah Falls
Durden, Lydia White County High School
Kirby, Callie Johnson HS
Vasquez, Itzia Rabun County
Burkhart, Abby Stephens Co.
Baldwin, Ella Prince Avenue Christian School
Woods, Gracie 20:26.80 Franklin County High School
Bell, Paden 20:56.52 Commerce
Alexander, Lucia 21:19.80 Tallulah Falls
Shiver, Olivia 22:18.63 Prince Avenue Christian School
Witherspoon, Grace 22:28.88 Stephens Co.
Coleman, Elizabeth 22:34.40 Prince Avenue Christian School
McGinn, Brittan 22:41.03 Prince Avenue Christian School
Wright, Molly Jo 22:44.00 Rabun County
Simpkins, Sallie 23:09.48 Prince Avenue Christian School
Williams, Olivia 23:16.10 Franklin County High School
Markham, Alison 23:20.15 Towns County HS
Bailey, Haylie 23:41.59 White County High School
Trotter, Kate 23:54.00 Tallulah Falls
Jackson, Emma 23:56.20 Tallulah Falls
Webb, Delaney 24:13.80 Rabun County
Vazquez, Ermay 24:27.31 Commerce
Taylor, Jayden 24:29.86 Towns County HS
Gergeni, Christina 24:36.40 Rabun County
Hicks, Bailey 24:45.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Bazya 24:47.29 Towns County HS
Frias, Leonela 24:54.90 Rabun County
Pittman, Debbie 25:13.40 Prince Avenue Christian School
Ward, Kaitlyn 25:20.45 Prince Avenue Christian School
English, Rachel 25:28.21 Commerce
Martinez-Gonzalez, Ashley 25:37.60 Johnson HS
Johnson, Emily 25:52.96 Johnson HS
Crowe, Kadyn 25:58.31 Franklin County High School
Lavelle, Kyra 26:14.66 White County High School
Scully, Erin 26:26.90 Franklin County High School
English, Hannah 26:35.39 Commerce
Peacock, Kayla 26:53.46 Towns County HS
Hart, Angel 27:15.90 Commerce
Greene, Riley 27:22.00 Rabun County
Chica, Sophia 27:36.20 Johnson HS
Davidson, Lydia 27:44.56 White County High School
Keown, Carrie 27:51.37 Stephens Co.
Quijada, Gali 27:59.35 Towns County HS
Laird, Elizabeth 28:47.48 Franklin County High School
House, Akacia 29:52.52 Stephens Co.
Robinson, Riley 30:17.55 White County High School
Dominguez, Dalia 30:28.16 Rabun County
Hamby, Lorelai 31:10.59 Stephens Co.
Holt, Melissa 31:41.53 Prince Avenue Christian School
Tootle, Ansley 32:15.57 Commerce
Martinez, Jadira 33:31.50 Johnson HS
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Middle School Boys 3,000 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swilley, Reid Prince Avenue Christian School
Armstrong, Connor White County MS
Merino, Nick Rabun County
Boman, David White County MS
Coggins, Caden Towns County MS
Durham, John Towns County MS
Roberts, Roman Tallulah Falls MS
Davis, Tucker Commerce
Pilgrim, Wyatt White County MS
Stewart, Avery White County MS
Ford, Judah Towns County MS
Conner, Eli Rabun County
Lander, Josh Tallulah Falls MS
Fountain, Wyatt Tallulah Falls MS
Mullis, Sawyer Commerce
Herrera, Angel White County MS
Askea, Gus Towns County MS
Gresham, Brock Rabun County
Sosebee, Daylen Towns County MS
Spink, Conner Tallulah Falls MS
English, David Commerce
Oliver, Luke White County MS
Spivey, Noah Prince Avenue Christian School
Mundy, Hayden White County MS
McNabb, Eli Towns County MS
Watts, Emmit Rabun County
Freeman, Brayden Tallulah Falls MS
Truluck, James Commerce
Dixon, Riordan Prince Avenue Christian School
Pierce, Carter White County MS
Brautigan, Mason Rabun County
Pruitt, John David White County MS
Hardin, Emory Towns County MS
Crane, Colton Rabun County
Wright, Ti'Quavious Tallulah Falls MS
Kimbrell, Luke Commerce
Gerrell, Jt White County MS
Bard, Jason Tallulah Falls MS
McGinn, Michael Prince Avenue Christian School
Brannon, Alex White County MS
Flaherty, Sean Rabun County
Calhoun, Gabe Towns County MS
Brown, Leyton Towns County MS
Cox, Will Commerce
Freeman, Bryson Tallulah Falls MS
Kafsky, Clay Tallulah Falls MS
Smith, Caleb Prince Avenue Christian School
Rodriguez, Eppi White County MS
Glenn, Zach White County MS
Sosebee, Bryce Towns County MS
Ramey, Cannon Rabun County
Simmons, Gavin Tallulah Falls MS
Broome, Daryl Tallulah Falls MS
Merlos, Steven Commerce
Milner, Sage 10:17.60 Prince Avenue Christian School
Furlow, Timothy 12:38.34 Prince Avenue Christian School
Florence, Owen 13:06.65 Prince Avenue Christian School
Cortez, Ryan 13:30.69 Prince Avenue Christian School
Jackson, Gabriel 13:50.12 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mitchell, Preston 14:38.65 Prince Avenue Christian School
Yeomans, Gabe 15:20.45 Towns County MS
Pickett, Aiden 16:23.57 White County MS
Hicks, Bennett 16:25.83 Prince Avenue Christian School
Rouse, Jonas 16:29.64 Towns County MS
Wallace, Jaxson 16:43.38 Prince Avenue Christian School
Lovell, Jesse 16:47.33 White County MS
Nalley, Chauncey 17:07.78 Rabun County
Whalen, Jack 17:11.60 Prince Avenue Christian School
Blackwell, Dalton 18:51.40 Tallulah Falls MS
Pierson, Mason 18:58.81 Towns County MS
Harper, Griffin 19:45.16 White County MS
Harris, Charlie 20:49.34 Tallulah Falls MS
Fernandez, Colin 21:43.13 White County MS
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Middle School Girls 3,000 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Olivia Tallulah Falls MS
Trusty, Holly Rabun County
Addis, McKenzie White County MS
Hardin, Ansleigh Towns County MS
Whitmire, Lindsay Rabun County
Shoemaker, Emily Tallulah Falls MS
Morrow, Emma White County MS
Childers, Rylie Rabun County
Haynie, Sadie White County MS
Hancock, Jadyn Towns County MS
McGugan, Haylen Tallulah Falls MS
Keim, Avery Tallulah Falls MS
English, Sarah Commerce
Allison, Matelyn White County MS
Peacock, Christine Towns County MS
Morgan, Lainey Rabun County
Tatum, Adelaide Tallulah Falls MS
Bailey, Allison Tallulah Falls MS
Hernandez, Elizabeth Rabun County
Smith, Julia White County MS
Durham, Mary Lee Towns County MS
Thompson, Hannah Rabun County
Miller, Lizita Tallulah Falls MS
Prince, Megan Tallulah Falls MS
Lopez, Melanie Commerce
Baker, Chloe White County MS
Smith, Kya Towns County MS
Kilby, Danielle Rabun County
Ernst, Amari Tallulah Falls MS
Bonner, Olivia Tallulah Falls MS
Crowe, Holly Rabun County
Evans, Madison White County MS
Walls, Kaitlyn Towns County MS
Coley, Jaylinn Rabun County
Rickman, Molly Tallulah Falls MS
Rodriguez, Andrea Commerce
Black, Ella White County MS
Watson, Ava Rabun County
Windham, Emma White County MS
Kafsky, Laurel Blake Tallulah Falls MS
Bowen, Kinsley 12:34.80 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Ashlyn 12:59.65 Prince Avenue Christian School
Kelley, Francis 13:57.16 Prince Avenue Christian School
Chesser, Josie 14:20.20 Tallulah Falls MS
Conner, Coley 14:27.43 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Grace 15:24.44 Prince Avenue Christian School
Griffis, Carsyn 16:22.74 Tallulah Falls MS
Hudson, Hadleigh 16:43.57 Prince Avenue Christian School
Cochran, Savannah 18:11.05 Prince Avenue Christian School
Lawler, Caitlyn 19:19.70 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bowyer, Katanna 19:58.39 Rabun County
Marshall, Jasmyn 20:03.82 Tallulah Falls MS
Egerton, Mae 22:06.93 White County MS
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