Gordon Lee home meet #1 2020

Chickamauga, Ga

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lathan, Douglas Dade County HS
Howell, Aiden Heritage HS, Catoosa
Askew, Penn Gordon Lee High School
Ownbey, Wesley Dade County HS
Martin, Jackson Heritage HS, Catoosa
Zwiger, Jacob LaFayette High School
McCrary, Paxton Heritage HS, Catoosa
Eldridge, Ryan 11.64 Gordon Lee High School
Clements, Jamario 11.69 LaFayette High School
Casteel, Coleby 11.83 Gordon Lee High School
Taylor, Trey 12.00 LaFayette High School
Bing, Drake 12.04 LaFayette High School
Powell, Antwaun 12.54 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Henson, Robert 12.98 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Brandon Heritage HS, Catoosa
Williams, Evan LaFayette High School
Lovell, Noah 20.44 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Thompson, Colby 21.77 LaFayette High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Ryan Heritage HS, Catoosa
Wilson, Jack LaFayette High School
Black, Collin Heritage HS, Catoosa
Goff, Daniel Dade County HS
Napier, Rob Gordon Lee High School
Dupree, Jack Dade County HS
Henderson, Devin 4:55.81 LaFayette High School
Lee, Jake 4:56.01 Gordon Lee High School
Chandler, Gavin 5:15.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Breeden, Andy 5:27.54 Dade County HS
Perea, Josh 5:31.69 LaFayette High School
Carpenter, Carson 5:39.00 Gordon Lee High School
Pullen, Carter 5:43.00 Gordon Lee High School
Justice, Davis 5:44.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stinnett, Caleb 5:53.00 Dade County HS
Sanford, Steven 5:54.00 LaFayette High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McRoberts, Christopher LaFayette High School
McCrary, Paxton Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ownbey, Wesley Dade County HS
Henderson, Gage LaFayette High School
Washburn, Jonathan Heritage HS, Catoosa
Williams, Evan LaFayette High School
Martin, Jackson Heritage HS, Catoosa
Lathan, Douglas Dade County HS
Evans, Cameron 23.57 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Clements, Jamario 24.28 LaFayette High School
Eldridge, Ryan 24.31 Gordon Lee High School
Casteel, Coleby 25.01 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Brandon Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hill, Tanner LaFayette High School
Lovell, Noah 49.64 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Askew, Penn 50.37 Gordon Lee High School
Thompson, Colby 51.34 LaFayette High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dupree, Jack Dade County HS
Walker, Ryan Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stinnett, Caleb Dade County HS
Goff, Daniel Dade County HS
Napier, Rob Gordon Lee High School
Lee, Jake 10:18.96 Gordon Lee High School
Chandler, Gavin 10:45.42 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Henderson, Devin 11:05.13 LaFayette High School
Breeden, Andy 11:16.11 Dade County HS
Justice, Davis 11:58.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Carpenter, Carson 12:26.00 Gordon Lee High School
Krajeskiy, Jake 12:44.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Sanford, Steven 12:45.00 LaFayette High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryant, Isaiah Heritage HS, Catoosa
Henderson, Gage LaFayette High School
Black, Griffin Heritage HS, Catoosa
McRoberts, Christopher LaFayette High School
Lee, Justin Heritage HS, Catoosa
Jackson, Crandale 1:00.09 LaFayette High School
Ellis, Jackson 1:03.10 Gordon Lee High School
Evans, Cameron 53.36 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Turnipseed, Braxton 55.98 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LaFayette High School
Relay Team B Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team B LaFayette High School
Relay Team A Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team B 46.98 Gordon Lee High School
Relay Team A 46.98 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Dade County HS
Relay Team A Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team A LaFayette High School
Relay Team B Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Gordon Lee High School
Relay Team B 4:35.00 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bryant, Isaiah Heritage HS, Catoosa
Wilson, Jack LaFayette High School
Black, Collin Heritage HS, Catoosa
Blansit, Andrew Dade County HS
Perea, Josh 2:12.98 LaFayette High School
Hodges, Noah 2:15.09 Dade County HS
Black, Griffin 2:34.00 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Pullen, Carter 2:37.00 Gordon Lee High School
Geer, Kaysen 3:02.00 Gordon Lee High School
Lewis, Colby 3:11.00 Gordon Lee High School
Bowers, Joey 3:30.00 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wales, Jay 107-4.5 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fisher, Jessee 101-5 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Prince, Eli 100-2.5 LaFayette High School
Washburn, Jonathan 86-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Eldridge, Reece 65-6 Gordon Lee High School
Wells, Sam 50-0 Gordon Lee High School
Dotson, Nolan 46-2 Gordon Lee High School
Ownbey, Wesley Dade County HS
Hodges, Dylan Heritage HS, Catoosa
Priddy, Xavier LaFayette High School
Hughes, Chase LaFayette High School
Jackson, Ricky LaFayette High School
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HS Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Napier, Rob 6-0 Gordon Lee High School
Black, Griffin 5-4.5 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Howard, Christian 5-4 Gordon Lee High School
Lathan, Douglas Dade County HS
Black, JD Heritage HS, Catoosa
Brown, Harrison Heritage HS, Catoosa
Martin, Jackson Heritage HS, Catoosa
Zwiger, Jacob LaFayette High School
Williams, Evan LaFayette High School
Wilson, Jack LaFayette High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Cameron 20-0.75 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stephens, Hunter 18-8 Gordon Lee High School
Jacobs, Brady 18-8 Gordon Lee High School
Taylor, Trey 17-9 LaFayette High School
Turnipseed, Braxton 16-5 Gordon Lee High School
Blansit, Andrew Dade County HS
Breeden, Andy Dade County HS
McCrary, Paxton Heritage HS, Catoosa
Lee, Justin Heritage HS, Catoosa
Zwiger, Jacob LaFayette High School
Williams, Evan LaFayette High School
Stockert, Ely LaFayette High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Casteel, Coleby 10-0 Gordon Lee High School
Helton, Levi 8-6 Gordon Lee High School
Bing, Drake 8-0 LaFayette High School
Thompson, Colby 8-0 LaFayette High School
Eldridge, Ryan Gordon Lee High School
Bailey, Chandler Heritage HS, Catoosa
Jones, Will Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hill, Tanner LaFayette High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washburn, Jonathan 43-9 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Wells, Sam 35-6.5 Gordon Lee High School
Fisher, Jessee 32-9 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Priddy, Xavier 31-11 LaFayette High School
Eldridge, Reece 28-10 Gordon Lee High School
Dotson, Nolan 26-1 Gordon Lee High School
Ownbey, Wesley Dade County HS
Wales, Jay Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hodges, Dylan Heritage HS, Catoosa
Prince, Eli LaFayette High School
Jackson, Ricky LaFayette High School
Hughes, Chase LaFayette High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bing, Drake 39-0 LaFayette High School
Phillips, Jared 38-2 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hodges, Noah 37-7 Dade County HS
Stephens, Hunter 34-8.5 Gordon Lee High School
Powell, Antwaun 33-8 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Thompson, Colby 33-2 LaFayette High School
Howell, Aiden 33-0 Heritage HS, Catoosa
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Imani LaFayette High School
Burt, Bailey Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ray, Sarah LaFayette High School
Spurlock, Carley LaFayette High School
Dearing, Olivia LaFayette High School
Tierce, Olivia Dade County HS
Ford, Akeera 13.16 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Burton, Zauren 13.44 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Dunfee, Abbey 13.72 Gordon Lee High School
Chrnalogar, Maclain 13.90 Gordon Lee High School
Shirley, Riley 14.04 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Howard, Kaylie Heritage HS, Catoosa
Rogers, Tanner LaFayette High School
Poss, Breanna LaFayette High School
Sturdivant, Addison 16.00 Gordon Lee High School
Murray, Gracie 16.48 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hunley, Taylor 18.12 Gordon Lee High School
Ray, Sarah 19.69 LaFayette High School
Lee, Arilyn 22.23 Gordon Lee High School
Perry, Elizabeth 22.24 LaFayette High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hendrix, Alethea LaFayette High School
Branson, Bella Dade County HS
Mifflin, Allie Heritage HS, Catoosa
Gilstrap, Hayne Jane LaFayette High School
O'Neal, Gracie 5:14.27 Gordon Lee High School
Craft, Allison 5:52.31 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Dearing, Hannah 6:25.43 LaFayette High School
Ball, Natalie 6:40.88 LaFayette High School
Mayberry, Madison 6:44.10 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Imani LaFayette High School
Tierce, Olivia Dade County HS
Massey, Kenna LaFayette High School
Ford, Akeera Heritage HS, Catoosa
Dearing, Olivia LaFayette High School
Washington, Johnae LaFayette High School
Shirley, Riley Gordon Lee High School
Dunfee, Abbey 28.64 Gordon Lee High School
Burton, Zauren 29.22 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Burt, Bailey 29.89 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Phillips, Emma 30.47 Gordon Lee High School
Williams, Rayne 33.70 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Jillian LaFayette High School
Poss, Breanna LaFayette High School
Howard, Kaylie Heritage HS, Catoosa
Rogers, Tanner LaFayette High School
Sturdivant, Addison 47.36 Gordon Lee High School
Murray, Gracie 48.92 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hunley, Taylor 53.55 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguero, Brittany LaFayette High School
O'Neal, Gracie 11:04.86 Gordon Lee High School
Craft, Allison 12:28.54 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Dearing, Hannah 13:55.96 LaFayette High School
Mayberry, Madison 14:11.02 Gordon Lee High School
Ball, Natalie 14:48.00 LaFayette High School
Perkins, Elisabeth 19:05.97 LaFayette High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dendy, Ansley Gordon Lee High School
Washington, Johnae LaFayette High School
Cooper, Natashia LaFayette High School
Fowler, Kristen 1:01.62 Dade County HS
Spurlock, Carley 1:04.99 LaFayette High School
Mccoy, Gracey 1:08.25 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Burton, Zandy 1:08.32 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fehr, Cora 1:15.11 Gordon Lee High School
McDonald, Sophia 1:16.97 Gordon Lee High School
Gary, Alyssa 1:17.00 LaFayette High School
Lockhart, Sarah 1:36.00 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A LaFayette High School
Relay Team B LaFayette High School
Relay Team A Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team A 54.76 Gordon Lee High School
Relay Team B 54.76 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Heritage HS, Catoosa
Relay Team A LaFayette High School
Relay Team B LaFayette High School
Relay Team B 4:45.00 Gordon Lee High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilstrap, Hayne Jane LaFayette High School
Roberts, Mk Gordon Lee High School
Mifflin, Allie Heritage HS, Catoosa
Branson, Bella Dade County HS
Mccoy, Gracey Heritage HS, Catoosa
Aguero, Brittany LaFayette High School
Burton, Zandy 2:48.09 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Easley, Morgyn 2:53.73 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cooper, Natashia 3:58.00 LaFayette High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Arilyn 105-4 Gordon Lee High School
McCrary, Mariah 98-3 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Coleman, Tayler 95-7 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Scott, Abby 82-10 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Roberts, Mk 75-11 Gordon Lee High School
Evans, Makenna 66-3 Gordon Lee High School
Garner, Jasmine 60-4 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ludy, Aaliyah 49-3 LaFayette High School
Norris, Bailey 26-10 Gordon Lee High School
Kaitlyn, Stinnett Dade County HS
Phillips, Kendyl Dade County HS
Ramirez, Lexie LaFayette High School
Marsh, Haidyn LaFayette High School
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HS Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Kaylee 5-5 Gordon Lee High School
Burton, Zauren 5-2.25 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Sturdivant, Addison 5-0 Gordon Lee High School
Burton, Zandy 4-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Morgan, Jillian 4-6 LaFayette High School
Ray, Sarah 4-6 LaFayette High School
Fowler, Kristen Dade County HS
Stoker, Makenzie Gordon Lee High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ford, Akeera 14-10.75 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fowler, Kristen 13-11.5 Dade County HS
Shirley, Riley 13-10.5 Gordon Lee High School
Dunfee, Abbey 12-11 Gordon Lee High School
Howard, Brylei 11-8 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Williams, Rayne 11-4.5 Gordon Lee High School
Murray, Gracie Heritage HS, Catoosa
Higdon, Payton Heritage HS, Catoosa
Gary, Alyssa LaFayette High School
Rogers, Tanner LaFayette High School
Turnipseed, Georgia LaFayette High School
Cook, Imani LaFayette High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Kaylee 10-9 Gordon Lee High School
Mayberry, Madison 9-0 Gordon Lee High School
Justice, Erin 6-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Monroe, Paige Heritage HS, Catoosa
Perry, Elizabeth LaFayette High School
Rogers, Tanner LaFayette High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Arilyn 38-6 Gordon Lee High School
Williams, Kazmin 28-6 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Coleman, Tayler 27-10 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Scott, Abby 25-11 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Roberts, Mk 25-9 Gordon Lee High School
Ludy, Aaliyah 25-5.5 LaFayette High School
Garner, Jasmine 25-2 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Norris, Bailey 16-6 Gordon Lee High School
Kaitlyn, Stinnett Dade County HS
Phillips, Kendyl Dade County HS
Ramirez, Lexie LaFayette High School
Marsh, Haidyn LaFayette High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Underwood, Asia 34-2 Gordon Lee High School
Hunley, Taylor 30-7 Gordon Lee High School
Mccoy, Gracey 30-0 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Gary, Alyssa 29-3 LaFayette High School
McCrary, Mariah 28-6.5 Heritage HS, Catoosa
Rogers, Tanner LaFayette High School
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