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Fast Break Challenge: NGXCL Meet #4 2019
Oct 10, 2019
Heritage-Catoosa HS
Ringgold, GA
Hosted by
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Carpet Capital Running Club
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JV Boys
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Varsity Girls
JV Boys
133 entries
Defalco, Jack
Coahulla Creek HS
Parrish, Taylor
LaFayette High School
Knox, Kingston
East Hamilton High School
Aulerich, Jacob
Bradley Central High School
Mendez, Kevin
Rector, Patton
Coahulla Creek HS
Duncan, William
Baylor School
Traucht, Jordan
McMinn County High School
Velic, Hason
Ringgold High School
Adams, Jackson
Cartersville High School
Hurtado, Jose
Dalton High School
Perez Frias, Alexander
Cartersville High School
Tracy, Peter
Murrell, Dillon
Polk Co. High School
Couch, Logan
Black, Griffin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Brennan, Jackson
Cartersville High School
Huggins, Caleb
Northwest Whitfield High School
Sandoval, Noey
Coahulla Creek HS
Hollaway, Alex
LaFayette High School
Clure, Benjamin
Coahulla Creek HS
Dozier, Lee
Baylor School
Hall, Trevor
McMinn County High School
Dobbins, Logan
Ringgold High School
Prince, Eli
LaFayette High School
Pina, Daniel
Cartersville High School
Gravett, Caden
McMinn County High School
McCann, Carter
Ringgold High School
Corcoran, Jack
Cartersville High School
Yarbrough, Wesley
Dalton High School
Fransisco, Alonzo
Bickford, Jaxon
Coahulla Creek HS
Baldivid, Bodee
Northwest Whitfield High School
Bates, Birch
Polk Co. High School
Gifford, Sean
Nelson, Eli
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Walker, Seth
Cartersville High School
Dupree, Jack
Dade County HS
Leal, Gabriel
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ross, Clay
Cartersville High School
Moore, Samuel
Coahulla Creek HS
Reed, Logan
LaFayette High School
Turner, Isaac
Bradley Central High School
Torres, Bryan
Coahulla Creek HS
Gallien, Luke
Baylor School
Malone, Preston
McMinn County High School
Garibavic, Eldin
Ringgold High School
Alvarez, Ivan
Cartersville High School
Huynh, Tony
Dalton High School
Richards, Bryce
Cartersville High School
Burgess, Hunter
Polk Co. High School
Kernea, David
Albright, Landon
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cribb, Riley
Cartersville High School
Sanchez, Abel
Northwest Whitfield High School
Scott, Darren
LaFayette High School
Carpenter, Camden
Cartersville High School
Goodwin, Beau
Coahulla Creek HS
Seymour, Kibby
Baylor School
Martin, Ryan
Ringgold High School
Jackson, Allen
LaFayette High School
Taff, Owen
Cartersville High School
Frerichs, Jaxon
Bradley Central High School
Diaz, Gayler
Phillips, Noah
Coahulla Creek HS
Goins, Logan
McMinn County High School
Lay, Andy
Ringgold High School
Gage, Carson
Cartersville High School
Ortiz, Eddie
Dalton High School
Summey, Will
Northwest Whitfield High School
O'toole, Garron
Dennis, Donovan
Cartersville High School
Clark, Ethan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ridley, Tucker
Christian Heritage School
Wilson, Matthew
Cartersville High School
Regalado, Steven
Coahulla Creek HS
Shadwick, Jacob
LaFayette High School
Hernandez, Raul
Coahulla Creek HS
Murphy, Burke
Baylor School
Green, Demetrius
McMinn County High School
Keener, Gage
Ringgold High School
Hernandez-Santos, Omar
Cartersville High School
Maldonado, Charlie
Dalton High School
Brown, Charles
McMinn County High School
George, Caleb
Ringgold High School
Toviave, Evans
Cartersville High School
Raza, Shawn
Collegedale Academy
Vasquez, Versain
Johnson, Landen
Polk Co. High School
Schaublin, Matthew
Burchard, Steven
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Nelson, Cole
Cartersville High School
Upchurch, Nick
Northwest Whitfield High School
McBryar, Jackson
Dade County HS
Dabbs, Austen
Cartersville High School
Roche, Liam
Coahulla Creek HS
Conner, Garrison
Baylor School
Murray, Julian
LaFayette High School
Rollins, Parker
Bradley Central High School
Wilson, Blayne
Amos, Dylan
Coahulla Creek HS
Ramey, Luke
McMinn County High School
Velic, Harris
Ringgold High School
Hyman, Paul
Cartersville High School
Calzada, Eber
Dalton High School
Sanchez, Josue
Northwest Whitfield High School
Ponce, David
Grinage, Colin
Cartersville High School
Dykes, Justice
Polk Co. High School
Merrill, Christian
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Avila, Andre
Christian Heritage School
Borkowsky, Wyatt
Cartersville High School
Medoza, Diego
Coahulla Creek HS
Harding, Jathan
LaFayette High School
Patel, Manush
Coahulla Creek HS
Zhang, Tony
Baylor School
Toombs, Malik
McMinn County High School
Davidson, Blake
Ringgold High School
Milian, Ulysses
Cartersville High School
Ortiz, Osvaldo
Dalton High School
Newman, Bryson
McMinn County High School
Maynor, Maddux
Ringgold High School
Wilson, Banks
Cartersville High School
Jones, Isaac
Collegedale Academy
Brock, Bowden
Emerson, Stacy
Polk Co. High School
Bain, Camden
Krajesky, Brayden
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Noble, Jake
Cartersville High School
Payne, Joshua
Northwest Whitfield High School
White, David
Dade County HS
Kelley, Will
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Graves, Jake
Cartersville High School
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JV Girls
69 entries
Garcia, Yatsari
Southeast Whitfield High School
Barlow, Ava
Northwest Whitfield High School
Nesmith, Annie
LaFayette High School
Stafford, Kaitlyn
Polk Co. High School
Mashburn, Casey
Dalton High School
Pippenger, Marguerite
Baylor School
Weyman, Rebekah
Christian Heritage School
Walker, Morgan
Cartersville High School
Hill, Lauren
Baylor School
Hammontree, Harmony
Coahulla Creek HS
Burroughs, Hannah
McMinn County High School
Herrera, Samantha
Cartersville High School
Soto, Sara
Southeast Whitfield High School
Baldivid, Jacee
Northwest Whitfield High School
Cooper, Natashia
LaFayette High School
Murdock, Riley
Baylor School
Liner, Ashlyn
McMinn County High School
Santos, Destiny
Cartersville High School
Ortiz, Lluvia
Dalton High School
Williams, Catharine
Baylor School
Gilstrap, Madison
Cartersville High School
Ojeda, Melanie
Southeast Whitfield High School
Thompson, Kristina
Northwest Whitfield High School
Snodgrass, Justice
Polk Co. High School
M, Summer
LaFayette High School
Fox, Caroline
Dalton High School
Dupre, Mikala
Baylor School
Zhang, Shirley
Baylor School
Lopez, Evelyn
Coahulla Creek HS
Hayes, Kinsley
McMinn County High School
Duong, Linda
Cartersville High School
Bearden, Jade
Southeast Whitfield High School
Maciel, Emelie
Southeast Whitfield High School
Aguero, Brittany
LaFayette High School
Farr, Courtney
Polk Co. High School
Forato, Natalia
Baylor School
Smart, Amber
McMinn County High School
Ballard, Anna
Dade County HS
Hold, Madison
Cartersville High School
Phelan, Ainsleigh
Dalton High School
Perry, Maddie
Baylor School
Pruitt, Gracie
Cartersville High School
Hernandez, Joanna
Southeast Whitfield High School
Green, Markia
East Hamilton High School
Roberts, Lauren
Northwest Whitfield High School
Sarah Engl, Matelyn
Polk Co. High School
Perkins, Elisabeth
LaFayette High School
Raj, Riya
Cartersville High School
Imsand, Caroline
Baylor School
Montero, Aitana
McMinn County High School
Balderas, Melanie
Cartersville High School
Hines, Alexys
Southeast Whitfield High School
Rodriguez, Valerie
Southeast Whitfield High School
Missldine, Breana
LaFayette High School
Long, Aubrey
Polk Co. High School
Liu, Jade
Baylor School
McConkey, Emily
McMinn County High School
Bailey, Karisa
Cartersville High School
Daniell, Kate
Dalton High School
McGinness, Charlotte
Baylor School
Worthan, Rileigh
Cartersville High School
Aguilar, Melissa
Southeast Whitfield High School
Roberts, Lilly
Northwest Whitfield High School
Rogers, Bianca
LaFayette High School
Perez Frias, Jennifer
Cartersville High School
Jacobo, Karen
Dalton High School
Oliver, Sarah Kathryn
Baylor School
Bishop, Kate
Cartersville High School
Lozano, Eslendy
Southeast Whitfield High School
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Varsity Boys
187 entries
McCann, Colin
Cartersville High School
Fann, Rian
Bledsoe Co. High School
Stinnett, Caleb
Dade County HS
Aguilar, Noah
Southeast Whitfield High School
Sanford, Steven
LaFayette High School
Brinkley, Christopher
East Hamilton High School
Falls, Brayden
Bradley Central High School
Medina, Anthony
Dalton High School
Marlow, Zane
Collegedale Academy
Brown, Dawson
Smith, Hunter
Coahulla Creek HS
Gartman, Silas
Baylor School
Black, Carson
McMinn County High School
Leon, Jacob
Ringgold High School
Bell, Jack
Collegedale Academy
Cook, Michael
Helle, Connor
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Martin, Jaxson
Ooltewah High School
Alas, Mack
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Speights, Jacob
Polk Co. High School
Brown, Joseph
Bussey, Cecil
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stegall, Sidney
Cartersville High School
Lino, Mauricio
Northwest Whitfield High School
Shackelford, Luke
Heritage HS, Catoosa
DiMisa, Jack
Notre Dame High School
Pardue, Kade
Dade County HS
Walling, Jaedyn
Van Buren County High School
Tharpe, Garrett
Bledsoe Co. High School
Vega, Juan
Southeast Whitfield High School
Breeden, Andy
Dade County HS
Conley, Ryan
East Hamilton High School
Kibble, Grant
Bradley Central High School
Gartman, Jack
Baylor School
Henderson, Devin
LaFayette High School
Smith, Chris
Southeast Whitfield High School
Rosas, Isai
Dalton High School
Klingbeil, Jonathan
Collegedale Academy
McDade, Colby
Marsh, Sean
Coahulla Creek HS
Goodin, Sam
McMinn County High School
Morris, Brandon
Ringgold High School
Weaver, Isaiah
Ooltewah High School
Gooden, Michael
Van Buren County High School
Hopper, Joey
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Espy, Jerrell
Polk Co. High School
Holden, Henry
Brown, Will
Christian Heritage School
Bastien, Jacob
Ooltewah High School
Tomsic, Sebastian
Northwest Whitfield High School
Voyles, Will
Martinez, Juan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Booth, Levi
Cartersville High School
Wagner, Caleb
Bledsoe Co. High School
Owings, Sage
Chattooga HS
Goff, Daniel
Dade County HS
Ayabar, Javier
Southeast Whitfield High School
Jackson, Crandale
LaFayette High School
Brinkley, Matthew
East Hamilton High School
Davenport, Carter
Bradley Central High School
Bowers, Tyler
McMinn County High School
Dau, Ajack
Ringgold High School
Landaverde, Alfonso
Dalton High School
Cunningham, John Paul
Collegedale Academy
Chillel, Brayan
Stamper, Andrew
Coahulla Creek HS
MacMillan, Sam
Baylor School
Erskine, Ian
Collegedale Academy
Bernardo, Armando
Hughes, Garrett
Coahulla Creek HS
Wright, Levi
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Nielsen, Ben
Ooltewah High School
Hernandez, Luis
Dalton High School
Menham, Charlie
Notre Dame High School
Clark, Aiden
Dade County HS
Rodriguez, Alan
Van Buren County High School
Kincer, Paul
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Trew, Wes
Polk Co. High School
Cole, Matthew
Justice, Davis
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Whitmore, Mason
Northwest Whitfield High School
Lewis, Joel
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cook, Dj
Bledsoe Co. High School
Castleberry, Justin
Dade County HS
Holligan, Blake
East Hamilton High School
Florence, Max
Cartersville High School
Salaices, Axel
Southeast Whitfield High School
Hamm, William
Baylor School
Long, Andrew
LaFayette High School
Barnes, Evin
Bradley Central High School
Bastien, Blake
Ooltewah High School
Garcia, Anthony
Dalton High School
LaCroix, Joshua
Collegedale Academy
Price, William
Germain, AJ
Coahulla Creek HS
Schumacher, Easton
McMinn County High School
Rowland, Ayden
Ringgold High School
Walker, AJ
Sartin, Gauge
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Acker, Elijah
Van Buren County High School
Wilson, Cade
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Shell, Shane
Polk Co. High School
Parker, Garrett
Casilla, Paulo
Ooltewah High School
Green, Kelson
Northwest Whitfield High School
Rios, Alex
Cartersville High School
Simmons, Dakota
Bledsoe Co. High School
Drawdy, Colin
Chattooga HS
Johnson, Braden
Dade County HS
Burroughs, Ben
Grace Baptist Academy
Garcia, Angel
Southeast Whitfield High School
Henderson, Gage
LaFayette High School
Farmer, Andrew
East Hamilton High School
West, Kurt
Bradley Central High School
Campbell, Xian
Baylor School
Mares, Jorge
Dalton High School
Triana, Mateo
Southeast Whitfield High School
Edwards, Devin
Coahulla Creek HS
Houghton, Johnny
Collegedale Academy
Bruce, Josiah
Rape, Tanner
Coahulla Creek HS
Ward, Taygan
McMinn County High School
Santiago, Joseph
Ringgold High School
Passons, Mark
Ooltewah High School
Hutchinson, David
Dalton High School
Sanborn, Colton
Notre Dame High School
Gooden, Matthew
Van Buren County High School
Dorsey, Andrew
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Adams, Jonah
Polk Co. High School
Sam, Dickson
Walker, Ryan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Farmer, Bryce
Christian Heritage School
Gray, Easton
Northwest Whitfield High School
Waldrop, Will
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Keener, William
Bledsoe Co. High School
Dupree, Drake
Dade County HS
Farren, Vin
East Hamilton High School
Archer, Bill
Cartersville High School
Herrera, Anthony
Southeast Whitfield High School
Allan, Bowen
Baylor School
Perea, Josh
LaFayette High School
Finnell, Lucas
Bradley Central High School
Soria, Victor
Dalton High School
Ziesmer, Tommy
Collegedale Academy
Casteneda, Julio
Henry, Devin
Coahulla Creek HS
Underdown, Micah
McMinn County High School
Davis, Kale
Ringgold High School
Holt, Ian
Polk Co. High School
Baker, Beau
Black, Collin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Kuhlman, Daniel
Collegedale Academy
Hogg, Rory
Fitzsimmons, Rowan
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Schmelzer, Kevin
Johnson, Cade
Ooltewah High School
Perez, Justin
Northwest Whitfield High School
Peters, Sam
Cartersville High School
Davenport, Jared
Chattooga HS
Mayo, Javier
Dade County HS
Skiles, Brandon
Van Buren County High School
Lopez, Adislado
Southeast Whitfield High School
Wilson, Jack
LaFayette High School
Hodges, Noah
Dade County HS
Holligan, Kollin
East Hamilton High School
Henley, Titan
Bradley Central High School
Coley, Alex
Baylor School
Capello, Jordan
LaFayette High School
McKeehan, Simon
Dalton High School
Morales, Pedro
Southeast Whitfield High School
Gallegley, Harris
Coahulla Creek HS
Jung, Aiden
Collegedale Academy
Tercero, Adoni
Hollis, Lane
Coahulla Creek HS
Ingram, Cason
McMinn County High School
Simpson-Rister, Dylan
Ringgold High School
Steffenhagen, Kaden
Ooltewah High School
Beltran, Jose
Dalton High School
Huelskamp, Stephen
Notre Dame High School
Fettig, Micah
Van Buren County High School
Fitzsimmons, Finn
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
England, James
Polk Co. High School
Gifford, Sean
Zhang, Kevin
Christian Heritage School
merryman, aaron
Ooltewah High School
Blair, Jacob
Northwest Whitfield High School
Chandler, Gavin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
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Varsity Girls
116 entries
Kingery, Kelsey
Anderson-Barrera, Rosa
Baylor School
Beck, Carlie
McMinn County High School
Poe, Riley
Ringgold High School
Terry, Alice
Cartersville High School
King, Maddie
Dalton High School
Herren, Hannah
Collegedale Academy
Bautista, Rosie
Miller, Sarah
Ooltewah High School
Guess, Lindsey
Northwest Whitfield High School
Mccoy, Gracey
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Wilson, Megan
LaFayette High School
Young, Mady
Van Buren County High School
Atkins, Trinity
Cartersville High School
Perez, Betsy
Dalton High School
Reed, Julian
Bledsoe Co. High School
Rosser, Hannah
Baylor School
Offutt, Emily
McMinn County High School
Sumner, Margelen
Martinez, Veronica
Dalton High School
Deane, Trinity
Faul, Alexis
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Lewing, Kaleigh
Ooltewah High School
Green, Henley
Northwest Whitfield High School
Henderson, Emma
Collegedale Academy
Milliron, Taylor
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Delaney, Maia
Notre Dame High School
Watson, Caitlyn
LaFayette High School
Lucas, Marlee
Bledsoe Co. High School
Chalamaneeporn, Pare
Coahulla Creek HS
Mitchell, Emma
Dalton High School
James, Ava
Baylor School
Ratliff, Ashley
McMinn County High School
Roy, Elli Grace
Ringgold High School
Borski, Piper
East Hamilton High School
Kelly, Trista
Cartersville High School
Menezes, Larissa
Collegedale Academy
Mendez, Liza
Blanchard, Olivia
Boren, Macie
Howard, Kalei
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hartman, Laurel
Ooltewah High School
Baker, Jordan
Northwest Whitfield High School
Gilst, Hayne
LaFayette High School
Rutledge, Sarah
Baylor School
Traucht, Leslie
McMinn County High School
Spinks, McKinsey
Cartersville High School
Mashburn, Kelly
Dalton High School
Blakenship, Haven
Bledsoe Co. High School
Coley, Ella
Coahulla Creek HS
Price, Savannah
Brazzell, Autumn
McMinn County High School
Meraz, Mayra
Dalton High School
Lane, Audrey
Collegedale Academy
Finch, Sydney
Swanson, Annie
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cortes, Leslie
Northwest Whitfield High School
Long, Megan
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Craft, Allison
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hale, Hallie
Bledsoe Co. High School
Cruz, April
Coahulla Creek HS
Huelskamp, Sophia
Notre Dame High School
Haggard, Zoe
LaFayette High School
Cross, Ashtyn
Bradley Central High School
Magana, Andrea
Dalton High School
Pippenger, Janie
Baylor School
Offutt, Claire
McMinn County High School
Robenolt, Baylee
Ringgold High School
Ngugi, Monica
Cartersville High School
Cooper, Emma
Voyles, Cate
Scott, Mary
Tennyson, Emma
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Heil, Trinity
Ooltewah High School
Martinez, Jailyne
Northwest Whitfield High School
Hatch, Li Li
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Johnson, Addison
Baylor School
MacIsaac, Ceilidh
McMinn County High School
Dearing, Hannah
LaFayette High School
Rangel, Esmeralda
Dalton High School
Simmons, Kaylea
Bledsoe Co. High School
Mayfield, Kathryn
Coahulla Creek HS
Broome, Kaylie
Blackledge, Cecilia
McMinn County High School
McCann, Jersey
Ringgold High School
Munoz, Metztli
Cartersville High School
Dominguez, Giselle
Dalton High School
Reams, Brooke
Collegedale Academy
McBee, Riley
Mifflin, Allie
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Cox, Aubrey
Northwest Whitfield High School
Bridenstine, Chloe
Ooltewah High School
Meyeners, Macie
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Woody, Emily
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hughes, Kennedy
Coahulla Creek HS
Hendrix, Alethea
LaFayette High School
Ragland, Chloe
Van Buren County High School
Meeks, Shelby
Bradley Central High School
Lopez, Karen
Dalton High School
Campbell, Jessica
Bledsoe Co. High School
Davis, Emmy
Baylor School
Lopez, Rosie
McMinn County High School
Pitts, Raegan
Ringgold High School
Betancourt, Jaxiry
Cartersville High School
Truelove, Olivia
Grace Baptist Academy
Dong, Hannah
Scott, Emily
Callahan, Mia
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Purcell, Madelyn
Ooltewah High School
Gates, Emily
Northwest Whitfield High School
Cooper, Lily
Chatt. School for the Arts & Sci
Myers, Ellie
Baylor School
Crayne, Tate
McMinn County High School
McClure, Hope
LaFayette High School
Bryant, Cailyn
Bledsoe Co. High School
Bandy, Kaylee
Coahulla Creek HS
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