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Heritage 5-Star Stride: NGXCL Meet #1 2019
Sep 7, 2019
Heritage High School
Ringgold, GA
Hosted by
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Carpet Capital Running Club
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JV Boys
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Varsity Girls
JV Boys
137 entries
Gordon, Augustus
Southeast Whitfield High School
Moore, Samuel
Coahulla Creek HS
Ortiz, Osvaldo
Dalton High School
Adkins, Jaydon
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Rector, Patton
Coahulla Creek HS
Martin, Ryan
Ringgold High School
Tate, Fisher
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Pierce, Robert
Walker Valley High School
Gifford, Sean
Nicodemus, Joshua
Walker Valley High School
Hernandez, Luis
Dalton High School
Lay, Andy
Ringgold High School
Brock, Bowden
Toombs, Malik
McMinn County High School
Soto, Joshua
Southeast Whitfield High School
Moore, Jacob
Notre Dame High School
Deaux, Nason
Gordon Lee High School
Merrill, Christian
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Goins, Logan
McMinn County High School
Ontivarios, Edwin
Southeast Whitfield High School
Reed, Logan
LaFayette High School
Ayabar, Javier
Southeast Whitfield High School
Duke, Alex
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Clure, Benjamin
Coahulla Creek HS
Knox, Kingston
East Hamilton High School
Phillips, Noah
Coahulla Creek HS
Garibavic, Eldin
Ringgold High School
Ingram, Eli
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Campbell, Brett
Walker Valley High School
Huynh, Tony
Dalton High School
Shell, Shane
Polk Co. High School
Chillel, Brayan
George, Caleb
Ringgold High School
Kernea, David
Krajeskiy, Jake
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Nowell, Evan
Notre Dame High School
Ayers, Aiden
Adairsville High School
Krajesky, Brayden
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Malone, Preston
McMinn County High School
Rochin, Carlos
Southeast Whitfield High School
Brown, Charles
McMinn County High School
Henderson, Elijah
Southeast Whitfield High School
Prince, Eli
LaFayette High School
Regalado, Steven
Coahulla Creek HS
Leonard, Hennesey
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Torres, Bryan
Coahulla Creek HS
O'toole, Garron
Robinson, Wyatt
Walker Valley High School
Medina, Anthony
Dalton High School
Velic, Harris
Ringgold High School
dodd, kevin
Polk Co. High School
Diaz, Gayler
Lehman, Korbin
McMinn County High School
Williams, Thomas
Southeast Whitfield High School
Tarter, Luke
Notre Dame High School
Albright, Landon
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fairbanks, Blake
McMinn County High School
Quintero, Michael
Southeast Whitfield High School
Shadwick, Jacob
LaFayette High School
Barajas, Leo
Southeast Whitfield High School
Kimsey, Jessie
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Roche, Liam
Coahulla Creek HS
Farren, Vin
East Hamilton High School
Commons, Gavin
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Amos, Dylan
Coahulla Creek HS
Davidson, Blake
Ringgold High School
Jenkins, Cooper
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Pippenger, Luke
Walker Valley High School
Landaverde, Alfonso
Dalton High School
Burgess, Hunter
Polk Co. High School
Mendez, Kevin
Maynor, Maddux
Ringgold High School
Schaublin, Matthew
Leal, Gabriel
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Fillauer, George
Notre Dame High School
Henry, Owen
Adairsville High School
Nelson, Eli
Heritage HS, Catoosa
McNabb, Garrett
McMinn County High School
Segoviano, Hector - Daniel
Southeast Whitfield High School
Newman, Bryson
McMinn County High School
Hernandez, Adolfo
Southeast Whitfield High School
Jackson, Allen
LaFayette High School
Medoza, Diego
Coahulla Creek HS
Creswell, Abram
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Hernandez, Raul
Coahulla Creek HS
Trejo, Eleazar
Southeast Whitfield High School
Velic, Hason
Ringgold High School
Ponce, David
Webb, Nathan
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Wilson, Colin
Walker Valley High School
Ortiz, Eddie
Dalton High School
Jenkins, kameron
Polk Co. High School
McDade, Colby
Shinn, Jeremy
Notre Dame High School
Martinez, Juan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ramey, Luke
McMinn County High School
Ramirez, Diego
Southeast Whitfield High School
Harding, Jathan
LaFayette High School
Diaz, Juan
Southeast Whitfield High School
Defalco, Jack
Coahulla Creek HS
Maldonado, Charlie
Dalton High School
Heinrich, Zach
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Germain, AJ
Coahulla Creek HS
Dobbins, Logan
Ringgold High School
Smith, Christian
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Ruckman, Brenden
Walker Valley High School
Jur, Arthur
Walker Valley High School
Davis, Kale
Ringgold High School
Bain, Camden
Clark, Ethan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Schumacher, Justin
Notre Dame High School
Padjett, Elijah
Adairsville High School
Walker, Ryan
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Green, Demetrius
McMinn County High School
Smith, Antonio
Southeast Whitfield High School
Gravett, Caden
McMinn County High School
Johnston, Walker
Gordon Lee High School
Mora, Jesus
Southeast Whitfield High School
Parrish, Taylor
LaFayette High School
Sandoval, Noey
Coahulla Creek HS
Lara, Kevin
Southeast Whitfield High School
Hughes, Eric
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Patel, Manush
Coahulla Creek HS
Bickford, Jaxon
Coahulla Creek HS
Dau, Ajack
Ringgold High School
Tracy, Peter
Hammel, Bing
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Garrett, Cam
Walker Valley High School
Calzada, Eber
Dalton High School
Murrell, Dillon
Polk Co. High School
Wilson, Blayne
Couch, Logan
Lee, Justin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Traucht, Jordan
McMinn County High School
Ramos, Bryan Lucas
Southeast Whitfield High School
Hollaway, Alex
LaFayette High School
Kelley, Will
Heritage HS, Catoosa
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JV Girls
49 entries
Watson, Leah
Walker Valley High School
Patel, Shaili
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Bautista, Rosie
Green, Markia
East Hamilton High School
McConkey, Emily
McMinn County High School
Armer, Shelby
Polk Co. High School
Cooper, Natashia
LaFayette High School
Pridgen, Sirena
Dalton High School
Vargas, Inara
Coahulla Creek HS
Ramirez, Brenda
Dalton High School
Firestone, Audrey
Walker Valley High School
Williams, Alexis
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Snodgrass, Justice
Polk Co. High School
Nesmith, Annie
LaFayette High School
Daniell, Kate
Dalton High School
Martinez, Veronica
Dalton High School
Ohaver, Stevie
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Burroughs, Hannah
McMinn County High School
Long, Aubrey
Polk Co. High School
Aguero, Brittany
LaFayette High School
Lopez, Evelyn
Coahulla Creek HS
Jacobo, Karen
Dalton High School
Henry, Gwen
Walker Valley High School
Liner, Ashlyn
McMinn County High School
M, Summer
LaFayette High School
Manahan, Lindsay
Dalton High School
Perkins, Elisabeth
LaFayette High School
King, Maddie
Dalton High School
Jones, Starr
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Saunders, Caroline
Walker Valley High School
Hayes, Kinsley
McMinn County High School
Moats, Katherine
Polk Co. High School
Missldine, Breana
LaFayette High School
Ortiz, Lluvia
Dalton High School
Zaragoza, April
Walker Valley High School
Pollard, Jessica
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Holliday, Emmy
East Hamilton High School
Smart, Amber
McMinn County High School
Farr, Courtney
Polk Co. High School
Rogers, Bianca
LaFayette High School
Mashburn, Casey
Dalton High School
Hammontree, Harmony
Coahulla Creek HS
Mitchell, Emma
Dalton High School
Pasinechka, Cvetanka
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Garrett, Larkin
Walker Valley High School
Swanson, Annie
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stafford, Kaitlyn
Polk Co. High School
Rowlls, Morgan
LaFayette High School
Phelan, Ainsleigh
Dalton High School
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Varsity Boys
156 entries
Lee, Jake
Gordon Lee High School
Scott, Darren
LaFayette High School
Black, Griffin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Menham, Charlie
Notre Dame High School
Weaver, Isaiah
Ooltewah High School
Owings, Sage
Chattooga HS
Farmer, Andrew
East Hamilton High School
Vega, Juan
Southeast Whitfield High School
Long, Andrew
LaFayette High School
Finley, Ryder
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Morales, Pedro
Southeast Whitfield High School
Lofty, Gabe
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Edwards, Devin
Coahulla Creek HS
Espy, Jerrell
Polk Co. High School
Hutchinson, David
Dalton High School
Hughes, Garrett
Coahulla Creek HS
Morris, Brandon
Ringgold High School
Parker, Garrett
Bernardo, Armando
Sims, Kolbi
North Murray High School
Voyles, Will
Schumacher, Easton
McMinn County High School
Dykes, Justice
Polk Co. High School
Black, Collin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Sanborn, Colton
Notre Dame High School
Crane, Evan
Adairsville High School
Henderson, Gage
LaFayette High School
Shackelford, Luke
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Casilla, Paulo
Ooltewah High School
Vaughn, Guage
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Aguilar, Noah
Southeast Whitfield High School
Lansford, Tyler
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Carroll, Chase
Walker Valley High School
Soria, Victor
Dalton High School
Ware, Trey
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Henry, Devin
Coahulla Creek HS
Adams, Jonah
Polk Co. High School
Price, William
Santiago, Joseph
Ringgold High School
Cole, Matthew
Brown, Will
Christian Heritage School
Goodwin, Ian
Gordon Lee High School
Ward, Taygan
McMinn County High School
Burchard, Steven
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Stump, River
Notre Dame High School
Hogg, Rory
Hickey, Nick
North Murray High School
Underwood, Chance
Ooltewah High School
Perea, Josh
LaFayette High School
Drawdy, Colin
Chattooga HS
Holligan, Kollin
East Hamilton High School
Rico-Rico, Johnathan
Southeast Whitfield High School
Cordes, Seth
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Smith, Chris
Southeast Whitfield High School
Brock, Bryce
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Gallegley, Harris
Coahulla Creek HS
Marler, Will
Walker Valley High School
Beltran, Jose
Dalton High School
Rape, Tanner
Coahulla Creek HS
Rowland, Ayden
Ringgold High School
Schmelzer, Kevin
Bruce, Josiah
Johnston, Dylan
North Murray High School
Walker, AJ
Underdown, Micah
McMinn County High School
Holt, Ian
Polk Co. High School
Bussey, Cecil
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Shramko, Joseph
Notre Dame High School
Juarez, Alex
Adairsville High School
Murray, Julian
LaFayette High School
Lewis, Joel
Heritage HS, Catoosa
DiMisa, Jack
Notre Dame High School
Nielsen, Ben
Ooltewah High School
Brinkley, Christopher
East Hamilton High School
Garcia, Angel
Southeast Whitfield High School
Capello, Jordan
LaFayette High School
Placer, Gabe
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Lannom, Camron
Walker Valley High School
Mares, Jorge
Dalton High School
Brown, Justus
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Smith, Hunter
Coahulla Creek HS
Burrows, Luke
Polk Co. High School
Casteneda, Julio
Dau, Dau
Ringgold High School
Holden, Henry
Ridley, Tucker
Christian Heritage School
Carpenter, Carson
Gordon Lee High School
Ingram, Cason
McMinn County High School
Chandler, Gavin
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Schumacher, Jacob
Notre Dame High School
Cook, Michael
Luna, David
North Murray High School
Sanford, Steven
LaFayette High School
Grey, Matthew
Chattooga HS
Conley, Ryan
East Hamilton High School
Salaices, Axel
Southeast Whitfield High School
Davis, Austin
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Goodwin, Beau
Coahulla Creek HS
Davis, Jackson
Walker Valley High School
Rosas, Isai
Dalton High School
Arrellano, Blake
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Hollis, Lane
Coahulla Creek HS
Leon, Jacob
Ringgold High School
Williams, Joash
Kennedy, Kollin
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Huelskamp, Stephen
Notre Dame High School
Brown, Cooper
Adairsville High School
Fransisco, Alonzo
Johnston, Tanner
North Murray High School
Baker, Beau
Farmer, Bryce
Christian Heritage School
Black, Carson
McMinn County High School
Speights, Jacob
Polk Co. High School
Justice, Davis
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Wilson, Jack
LaFayette High School
Waldrop, Will
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Flasch, Max
Notre Dame High School
Passons, Mark
Ooltewah High School
Jarrett, Griffin
Chattooga HS
Brinkley, Matthew
East Hamilton High School
Lopez, Adislado
Southeast Whitfield High School
Henderson, Devin
LaFayette High School
Lehman, Carson
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Triana, Mateo
Southeast Whitfield High School
McKeehan, Simon
Dalton High School
Duncan, Alexander
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Stamper, Andrew
Coahulla Creek HS
England, James
Polk Co. High School
Brown, Dawson
Simpson-Rister, Dylan
Ringgold High School
Leroux, Garrett
Campbell, John
North Murray High School
Goodin, Sam
McMinn County High School
Sartin, Gauge
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Varga, Zachary
Notre Dame High School
Vasquez, Versain
Jackson, Crandale
LaFayette High School
Davenport, Jared
Chattooga HS
Holligan, Blake
East Hamilton High School
Walker, Bryceton
Ooltewah High School
Herrera, Anthony
Southeast Whitfield High School
Phy, Ethan
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Hines, Carter
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Saunders, Carson
Walker Valley High School
Garcia, Anthony
Dalton High School
Malone, Cameron
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe
Marsh, Sean
Coahulla Creek HS
Keener, Gage
Ringgold High School
Parker, Kyle
Notre Dame High School
Barnett, Andy
Adairsville High School
Tercero, Adoni
Escobar, Pascual
North Murray High School
Brown, Joseph
Zhang, Kevin
Christian Heritage School
Bowers, Tyler
McMinn County High School
Trew, Wes
Polk Co. High School
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Varsity Girls
90 entries
Rangel, Esmeralda
Dalton High School
Deane, Trinity
Faul, Alexis
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Lopez, Rosie
McMinn County High School
Cooper, Emma
Welch, Sophie
Notre Dame High School
Craft, Allison
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Hartman, Laurel
Ooltewah High School
Ball, Natalie
LaFayette High School
Jones, Lydia
Coahulla Creek HS
Lopez, Karen
Dalton High School
Pitts, Raegan
Ringgold High School
Blanchard, Olivia
Nicely, Anna
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Broome, Kaylie
Boren, Macie
Crayne, Tate
McMinn County High School
Howard, Kalei
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Beck, Carlie
McMinn County High School
Chalamaneeporn, Pare
Coahulla Creek HS
Delaney, Maia
Notre Dame High School
Davis, Lauren
North Murray High School
Rodgers, Olivia
Gordon Lee High School
Dearing, Hannah
LaFayette High School
Gilst, Hayne
LaFayette High School
Meraz, Mayra
Dalton High School
Poe, Riley
Ringgold High School
Finch, Sydney
Riggs, Katie
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Judd, Sydney
Walker Valley High School
Howard, Brylei
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Offutt, Emily
McMinn County High School
Dong, Hannah
Huelskamp, Sophia
Notre Dame High School
Woody, Emily
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Purcell, Madelyn
Ooltewah High School
Underwood, Asia
Gordon Lee High School
Haggard, Zoe
LaFayette High School
Coley, Ella
Coahulla Creek HS
Perez, Betsy
Dalton High School
Thompson, Katieann
Rogers, Jaycee
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Kingery, Kelsey
Scott, Mary
Tennyson, Emma
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Ratliff, Ashley
McMinn County High School
Cruz, April
Coahulla Creek HS
Alvarado, Elisa
Notre Dame High School
Caldwell, Katelyn
North Murray High School
Williams, Rayne
Gordon Lee High School
McClure, Hope
LaFayette High School
Bridenstine, Chloe
Ooltewah High School
Dominguez, Giselle
Dalton High School
Roy, Elli Grace
Ringgold High School
Thomas, Colleen
Conley, Hannah
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Mifflin, Allie
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Traucht, Leslie
McMinn County High School
Sumner, Margelen
Mccoy, Gracey
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Brazzell, Autumn
McMinn County High School
Lewing, Kaleigh
Ooltewah High School
Hartman, Haley
Gordon Lee High School
Hendrix, Alethea
LaFayette High School
Mayfield, Kathryn
Coahulla Creek HS
Mashburn, Kelly
Dalton High School
Voyles, Cate
Steffey, Abby
Silverdale Baptist Academy
Scott, Emily
Callahan, Mia
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Offutt, Claire
McMinn County High School
Mendez, Liza
Young, Anna
Notre Dame High School
Philips, Destiny
North Murray High School
Fehr, Cora
Gordon Lee High School
Watson, Caitlyn
LaFayette High School
Miller, Sarah
Ooltewah High School
Magana, Andrea
Dalton High School
Robenolt, Baylee
Ringgold High School
McBee, Riley
Lam, Elle
Silverdale Baptist Academy
MacIsaac, Ceilidh
McMinn County High School
Price, Savannah
Easley, Morgyn
Heritage HS, Catoosa
Blackledge, Cecilia
McMinn County High School
Bandy, Kaylee
Coahulla Creek HS
Todd, Annamarie
Notre Dame High School
Amason, Kristen
Ooltewah High School
Eldridge, Emilie
Gordon Lee High School
Wilson, Megan
LaFayette High School
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