Region 8-AAAAAA Championships 2019

Winder, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys JV 5000M Run 122 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kornfield, Willhelm Winder-Barrow HS
Mendez, Gerson Gainesville High School
Morgenroth, Matt Dacula
Davie, James Lanier HS
Rodriquez, Erik Winder-Barrow HS
Mejia, Wilber Gainesville High School
Smith, Aiden Winder-Barrow HS
Allgood, Graylon Gainesville High School
Jia, Eric Dacula
Murphy, Sean Lanier HS
Doran, Eli Habersham Central High School
Freeman, Andrew Apalachee
Barefoot, CJ Dacula
Williams, Charlie Habersham Central High School
Carr, Temple Habersham Central High School
Wooten, Andrew Winder-Barrow HS
Hernandez, Carlos Gainesville High School
Futter, Jack Dacula
Benitez, Joey Gainesville High School
Vega, Eduardo Lanier HS
Smith, Jacob Winder-Barrow HS
Sioleski, Tyler Lanier HS
Tucux, Kevin Winder-Barrow HS
Andrade, Alan Gainesville High School
McAlaxender, Aiden Dacula
Rivera, Richard Gainesville High School
Reina, Tommy Apalachee
Beltran, Andrew Dacula
Cook, Elijah Lanier HS
Hernandez, Anthony Habersham Central High School
Kellogg, Lee Apalachee
Mobley, Mims Dacula
Reed, Jackson Habersham Central High School
Pacheco, Alan Gainesville High School
Loebel, Carter Winder-Barrow HS
Agborsangaya, Ebot Gainesville High School
Morris, Michael Dacula
Ervin, Jimmy Lanier HS
Parker, Mason Winder-Barrow HS
Bejar, Raul Gainesville High School
Bussa, Ryan Winder-Barrow HS
Pintado-Flores, Alexander Gainesville High School
McMurray, Jaylan Dacula
Chavajay, Thomas Lanier HS
Rodriguez, Sergio Gainesville High School
Valle, Michael Apalachee
Brown, Isaac Dacula
Burlison, Braxton Lanier HS
Culpepper, Jesse Habersham Central High School
Chambers, Cayden Habersham Central High School
Proffitt, Conner Gainesville High School
Enriquez, Carlos Dacula
Hunt, Joseph Winder-Barrow HS
Sweeney, Logan Gainesville High School
Marcelo, Jonathan Lanier HS
Aquilar, Jose Lanier HS
Lo, Justin Winder-Barrow HS
Cavazos, Kendice Gainesville High School
Makarevic, Edvin Dacula
Garcia, Jose Gainesville High School
Manco, Drue Apalachee
Brown, Tyson Dacula
Pauleon, Gabriel Lanier HS
Phongsavnh, Dominic Habersham Central High School
Caldera-Sanchez, Alexander Apalachee
Walker, Nick Dacula
Smith, Hawk Habersham Central High School
Nabor, Diego Gainesville High School
Sample, Riley Winder-Barrow HS
Massey, Jeremiah Gainesville High School
Nash, Warren Dacula
Gomez, Bruce Lanier HS
Boyd, Noah Winder-Barrow HS
Ewers, George Henry Gainesville High School
Hernandez, Daniel Winder-Barrow HS
Corona, Gilberto Gainesville High School
Crabb, Greg Dacula
Liu, Oscar Lanier HS
Mosqueda, Alexander Gainesville High School
Byrd, Jeremiah Apalachee
Allen, Bernel Dacula
Strader, Thomas Lanier HS
Hernandez, Justin Habersham Central High School
Ticas, Diego Dacula
Ferguson, Ben Habersham Central High School
Miller, Ben Gainesville High School
Edwards, Alex Apalachee
Jackson, Brody Winder-Barrow HS
Segovia, Jonathan Gainesville High School
Draper, Teague Lanier HS
Kelsey, Devin Dacula
Farris, Tyler Dacula
Cook, Ben Lanier HS
Mendieta, Humberto Winder-Barrow HS
Collins, Nigel Gainesville High School
Martinez, Kevin Winder-Barrow HS
Alejo, Eric Gainesville High School
Pichetto, Urban Dacula
Acevedo, Jacob Lanier HS
Wade, Cody Habersham Central High School
Szendel, Jordan Apalachee
Oliver, Jarod Dacula
Barnette, Jeb Habersham Central High School
Enciana, Jimmy Winder-Barrow HS
Arellano, Cesar Gainesville High School
Blomgren, Daniel Dacula
Osbaldo, Zamora Lanier HS
Laird, Daniel "Cowboy" Winder-Barrow HS
Moreno-Wren, Marcos Gainesville High School
Johnson, Emarion Winder-Barrow HS
Serrano, Richard Gainesville High School
French, Connor Dacula
Bivins, Parker Lanier HS
Maldonado, Kenneth Gainesville High School
Couch, Brady Apalachee
Lancheros, Juan Dacula
Jeevanayagam, Luke Lanier HS
Grady, Jacob Habersham Central High School
Kelsey, Elliot Dacula
Hamilton, Danny Habersham Central High School
Clay, Noah Gainesville High School
Zapata, Ivan Apalachee
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Girls JV 5000M Run 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Tris Apalachee
Taylor, Cyarre Dacula
Rodriguez, Madelyn Lanier HS
Ogden, Rebecca Dacula
McCusker, Alexandria Gainesville High School
Fernandez, Nicole Apalachee
Robles, Yuliana Gainesville High School
Silva, Katie Apalachee
Rodriguez, Raquel Lanier HS
Duarte, Karen Gainesville High School
Heiderscheit, Ava Dacula
Stiltner, Beth Lanier HS
Patel, Sunena Apalachee
Helderschelt, Maggie Dacula
Escamilla, Valery Gainesville High School
Reynolds, Ella Habersham Central High School
Godina, Leah Gainesville High School
Avina-Ramirez, Brisa Apalachee
Medina, Areli Gainesville High School
Ervin, Natalie Lanier HS
De Santiago, Janet Apalachee
Freeman, Abigail Dacula
Herrera, Jessica Lanier HS
Hogsett, Jaxtyn Apalachee
Virani, Shivani Dacula
Bravo, Emily Gainesville High School
Penaloza, Lizbeth Gainesville High School
Gross, Joanna Apalachee
Thurmond, Aimee Habersham Central High School
Romera, Elsa Lanier HS
Sorrells, Haley Gainesville High School
Lopez, Izzy Lanier HS
Sanchez, Xochitl Apalachee
Fortune, McKeely Dacula
Mejia, Kayleen Gainesville High School
Gonzalez, Erica Habersham Central High School
Silva, Ami Gainesville High School
Castillo, Sheydi Apalachee
Martinez, Cynthia Gainesville High School
Lin, Chelsea Lanier HS
Davis, Tanea Apalachee
Medina, Kaylee Dacula
Kring, Lauren Lanier HS
Lawler, Candice Apalachee
Stephens, Alix Dacula
Bonilla, Michelle Gainesville High School
Hernandez, Valeria Habersham Central High School
Montoya, Alicia Gainesville High School
Turner, Morgan Apalachee
Cruz, Johana Gainesville High School
Mani, Faith Lanier HS
Smith, Savannah Apalachee
Purgason, Grayce Dacula
Lopez, Citlaly Gainesville High School
Davis, Maria Apalachee
Romero, Leslie Gainesville High School
Roginski, Jessica Apalachee
Perez, Diana Lanier HS
Banda, Fatima Gainesville High School
Bass, Logan Dacula
Makowsky, Allison Lanier HS
Martinez, Heidi Apalachee
Floyd, Lily Dacula
Acosta, Ashley Gainesville High School
Hernandez, Juanita Habersham Central High School
Calderon, Kimberly Gainesville High School
Castillo, Kerimme Apalachee
Medina, Anahi Gainesville High School
Dickens, Jenna Lanier HS
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High School Boys 5,000 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chastain, Daniel Habersham Central High School
Blakey, Jacob Lanier HS
Capelle, Walker Dacula
Ionashku, Joshua Winder-Barrow HS
Cervantes, Jasen Apalachee
Casteneda, Eduardo Gainesville High School
Martin, Ryan Habersham Central High School
Toole, Ian Lanier HS
Sigman, Austin Apalachee
De La Reza, O'Jacques Winder-Barrow HS
Gallagher, Danial Gainesville High School
Butcher, Ben Dacula
Foster, Kyle Lanier HS
Kivett, Andrew Habersham Central High School
Maddox, Sam Apalachee
Ayer, Mason Winder-Barrow HS
Savage, Sebastian Dacula
Jessup, John Gainesville High School
Talavera Jimenez, Brian Habersham Central High School
Phillips, Nicholas Lanier HS
Sigman, Luke Apalachee
Kehoe, Kyle Winder-Barrow HS
Ayala, Aiden Gainesville High School
Squires, Hayden Dacula
Watts, Jacob Habersham Central High School
Cranor, Luke Lanier HS
Morales, Adrian Apalachee
Kehoe, Ryan Winder-Barrow HS
Nunez, Johnny Gainesville High School
Jenney, Tyler Dacula
Hotard, Thomas Habersham Central High School
Desai, Bhaven Lanier HS
Parada-Rubio, Christopher Steven Winder-Barrow HS
Lee, Gavin Gainesville High School
Ellington, Kevin Apalachee
Tandoh, Mcdonald Dacula
Mills, Rucker Habersham Central High School
Lynch, Gavin Lanier HS
Holbrook, Thomas Apalachee
Gaddy, Brian Winder-Barrow HS
Marshall, Donangelo Gainesville High School
Aaron, Ford Dacula
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High School Girls 5,000 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sosa, Ashley Gainesville High School
Bowman, Makayla Lanier HS
Cash, Lillian Winder-Barrow HS
Calderon, Emily Gainesville High School
Pinela, Jade Apalachee
Vidal, Natalia Dacula
Conzo, Ericka Lanier HS
Webb, Callie Winder-Barrow HS
Hauff, Ashley Apalachee
Rawson, Brinley Dacula
Vlassis, Avery Gainesville High School
Seid, Sara Lanier HS
Pineda, Allison Gainesville High School
Hardigree, Valerie Winder-Barrow HS
Bugg, Abigail Apalachee
Beltran, Stephanie Dacula
Willis, Alyssa Lanier HS
Rogers, Matilee Winder-Barrow HS
Bello, Dayshabelle Apalachee
Carrera, Samantha Dacula
Thompson, Ashley Gainesville High School
Kress, Katie Lanier HS
McWhorter, Sadie Winder-Barrow HS
Zapata, Abigail Apalachee
Rodney, Karsyn Dacula
Ruiz, Anna Gainesville High School
Rodriguez, Annette Lanier HS
Smolarsky, Samantha Dacula
Black, Lauren Winder-Barrow HS
Penado, Jessica Gainesville High School
Nunez-Paredes, Chelsea Apalachee
Chamberlin, Emily Lanier HS
Morgan, Rachel Winder-Barrow HS
Akin, Averie Apalachee
Makarevic, Sarah Dacula
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