Cobb County Cross Country Championships 2019

Acworth, Ga

Cobb County Cross Country Championships 2019 vs Cobb County Championships 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +53 692 639
Overall Average +12.33 23:07.11 22:54.77
1st-10th Place -0.52 16:06.24 16:06.76
1st-25th Place +13.22 16:48.24 16:35.02
1st-50th Place +21.97 17:26.99 17:05.02
1st-100th Place +27.37 18:09.65 17:42.28
Common Athletes -- -- 77
Ran Faster -45 16 61
Ran Season Best -15 4 19
Average Time +1:48.40 23:07.14 21:18.74
Median Time +54.15 22:08.03 21:13.88
Middle 80% Times +1:37.80 22:42.49 21:04.69
Top 10% Times +1:41.51 18:13.21 16:31.70
Top 25% Times +1:58.53 19:23.19 17:24.66
Top 50% Times +1:47.42 20:24.38 18:36.96
Bottom 50% Times +1:46.60 25:14.34 23:27.75
Bottom 25% Times +2:14.05 28:13.28 25:59.24
Bottom 10% Times +3:17.99 31:48.07 28:30.07
Average Difference +1:48.40 -- --
Median Difference +16.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:22.42 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:20.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:35.56 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:30.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:35.56 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:58.89 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:47.06 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +5:58.43 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Benny Brenneman Pope High School +3:12.49 19:05.06 15:52.57
Kenyele Brown Walton High School +2:09.12 18:12.99 16:03.87
Jared Fortenberry Marietta High School +42.78 16:49.69 16:06.91
Carter Spohn Pope High School +1:22.92 17:47.70 16:24.78
William Wright Pope High School +3:11.90 19:48.04 16:36.14
Beau Baker Hillgrove +5:13.18 22:07.36 16:54.18
Connor Migliore Hillgrove +53.22 17:57.06 17:03.84
Jack Thompson Hillgrove +4:10.30 21:21.58 17:11.28
Will Ervin Hillgrove +4:08.63 21:24.16 17:15.53
Paxton O'Shaughnessy Pope High School +1:06.17 18:29.53 17:23.36
Thomas Boyle Harrison High School +2:50.52 20:15.96 17:25.44
Noah Larsen Harrison High School +3:25.88 21:00.71 17:34.83
Noah Yates Hillgrove +1:08.44 18:52.29 17:43.85
Jack Ready Walton High School +1:46.79 19:40.26 17:53.47
Varish Varakantam Wheeler High School +2:22.29 20:21.40 17:59.11
Lawson Throckmorton Pope High School +1:51.14 19:56.77 18:05.63
Preston Leeuwenburg Lassiter High School +9.51 18:31.33 18:21.82
Greyson Coker Allatoona HS +1:00.37 19:29.10 18:28.73
Lidia Longo Harrison High School +3:35.40 22:28.80 18:53.40
Donovan Webster Harrison High School +2:22.39 21:16.79 18:54.40
Kristal McQueen Marietta High School +2:35.07 21:35.79 19:00.72
Neil O'Hegarty Campbell High School +1:55.27 21:03.55 19:08.28
Moe Deprey Pope High School +1:47.70 20:57.54 19:09.84
Reese Terza Hillgrove +3:48.28 23:03.38 19:15.10
Carter Davie Pope High School +1:43.88 21:06.47 19:22.59
Charlotte Dunn Pope High School -36.36 19:25.65 20:02.01
Tanner Hale North Cobb Christian +1:57.12 21:24.39 19:27.27
Cooper Wark Pope High School +1:34.35 21:14.27 19:39.92
Cecilia Hensel Allatoona HS +4:13.82 23:55.39 19:41.57
Kate Curtis Harrison High School +51.00 20:38.71 19:47.71
Sam Sacchetta Hillgrove +57.05 20:51.15 19:54.10
Hailey Bradley Lassiter High School +5:06.53 25:04.95 19:58.42
Elizabeth Shaylor North Cobb Christian +1:31.98 21:30.67 19:58.69
Gabriela Osornio Hillgrove +1:14.84 21:24.47 20:09.63
Jonathan Pan Campbell High School -11.88 20:10.23 20:22.11
Nikhil Shah Walton High School +1:44.60 21:58.46 20:13.86
Kelsey Grass Allatoona HS -50.56 20:23.32 21:13.88
Arden Keeter Walton High School +53.49 21:33.69 20:40.20
Campbell Guynn Harrison High School +1:32.03 22:14.28 20:42.25
Abigail Curtin Allatoona HS -22.63 21:15.49 21:38.12
Ellary Hackworth Harrison High School -8.63 21:16.55 21:25.18
Lexie Carlson Harrison High School -2:14.67 21:17.98 23:32.65
Javion Hambrick Osborne High School +4:36.32 25:56.03 21:19.71
Knyesha Slocumb Campbell High School +1:43.66 23:09.84 21:26.18
Carolina Hubbs Allatoona HS +2:15.76 23:44.29 21:28.53
Brady King Kell High School +7:27.07 29:02.17 21:35.10
Luke Gleichweit Kell High School +7:25.29 29:04.36 21:39.07
Emery Dembski Campbell High School +33.72 22:16.71 21:42.99
Kylie Fragala Pope High School +2:34.78 24:20.49 21:45.71
Logan Carr Wheeler High School +2:42.93 24:39.49 21:56.56
Kylee Geveke Harrison High School +24.75 22:22.32 21:57.57
Kristanna Garner North Cobb Christian +1:36.71 23:36.20 21:59.49
Sahil Makadia Harrison High School +1:46.07 23:46.74 22:00.67
Adam Anulewicz Campbell High School +16.70 22:20.07 22:03.37
Ally Sigler Allatoona HS -19.74 22:06.50 22:26.24
Brighton Moore Kell High School -1:59.51 22:08.03 24:07.54
Hawthorne Brown Wheeler High School +6:59.40 29:36.67 22:37.27
Anna Magee Allatoona HS +1:29.84 24:27.34 22:57.50
Barrett Wilson Harrison High School -2:33.45 23:04.25 25:37.70
Alyssa Mcfarlan Allatoona HS +1:02.39 24:20.51 23:18.12
Jeremy Cruz-Villeda Osborne High School +4:35.43 27:54.86 23:19.43
Adie Henderson Campbell High School +29.84 23:49.72 23:19.88
Natalia Parfenov Walton High School +2:04.66 25:36.23 23:31.57
Will Kramer Wheeler High School -1:25.36 23:33.77 24:59.13
Pooja Kanyadan Wheeler High School -3:03.08 23:40.52 26:43.60
Elana Darsey Kell High School +1:27.64 25:10.61 23:42.97
Emma Jordan Pope High School -26.34 24:06.40 24:32.74
Matthew Mullis Wheeler High School +9:18.97 33:26.33 24:07.36
Grace Moor Lassiter High School +2:03.08 27:08.82 25:05.74
Kaitlyn Bailey Kell High School -28.92 25:18.55 25:47.47
Madeline Griffith Campbell High School +57.16 26:58.82 26:01.66
Brooke Martin Harrison High School -1:05.70 26:06.94 27:12.64
Paige Adams Harrison High School -1:26.49 26:26.29 27:52.78
Yuvi Chandna Pope High School +5:55.76 32:23.49 26:27.73
Elise Gildea Campbell High School +16.07 27:07.10 26:51.03
Fernada Herrera-Candanedo Kell High School +7:32.53 36:26.03 28:53.50
Salma Nunez Osborne High School -1:27.04 36:30.61 37:57.65