Into the Trail 2019

Locust Grove, GA

Meet Information

Green line is the start line and does a 800 meter loop around softball field and then does one big loop.

Blue Line is the second loop

Red line is the Final stretch to the finish

Entry limit to the first 25 teams

Locust Grove High School Wildcat XC is proud to host its 3rd Into the Trail Invitationa. Our moderate course is 100% natural terrain, with approximately 1 - 1 miles of trails through our woods.

Race Times:

8:00 am Varsity Girls 5K (Limit 10)

8:40 am Varsity Boys 5K (Limit 10)

9:20 am Open Girls 5K (Unlimited entries)

10:00 am Open Boys 5K (Unlimited entries)

Awards: Varsity awards Top 3 teams in each Varsity race will be awarded trophies and top 20 finishers in each varsity race will be awarded medals. Open awards Top 20 finishers in each Open race will be awarded medals in the chute.

Entry Deadline and Payment Information:

The entry fee is $100 individual Varsity team or $200 for Both Varsity Teams. JV entries are free with varsity entries.

Entries will be done online at

Entry deadline is August 15th, 2018.

Concessions will be available.

Customizable T-Shirts on site by EagleSportz.

Send Payments to:

Dale Smith

Locust Grove High School

3275 South Ola Road

Locust Grove, GA 30248

Make checks payable to: Locust Grove High School Cross Country Team

Please make payments prior to the race, or contact Coach Smith about race day payment.

You may contact Coach Dale Smith, for more information.


FROM I-75 - Exit 212 Bill Gardner Pkwy. Turn east and travel .5 miles to GA Hwy 42 / US Hwy 23. Turn right (South) and travel .4 miles to Peeksville road. Turn left (East) and travel 3 miles to South Ola Road. Turn right (South) and travel .3 miles to the middle school entrance (past the baseball stadium). There is a bus parking next to the stadium (at the middle school).