Harrier Harvest - Tallulah Falls School 2019

Tallulah Falls, GA

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 5,000 Meter Run 212 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hardin, Ethan Loganville HS
Knoop, Vitaly Riverside Military Academy
Espinoza, David East Hall HS
Ramsey, Bryan Lakeview Academy
Valladares, Bryan Oglethorpe County HS
Fulford, Eli Towns County HS
Marriott, Andrew The Cottage School
Ruiz, Froy East Hall HS
Carter Cooper, John Lakeview Academy
Zheng, Haolin Clarence Tallulah Falls
Little, Josh Franklin County High School
Dlugokinski, Jack Fannin County HS
Reed, John Clayton Franklin County High School
Tesfaye, Ani Loganville HS
Mote, Josh Riverside Military Academy
Lovelace, Jordan Towns County HS
Helm, Nicholas The Cottage School
Morgan, Kade Commerce
Brooks, Canon Tallulah Falls
Ortiz, Isai Chestatee
Radcliff, Adam Riverside Military Academy
McKissack, Britt Rabun County
Kelly, Collin Tallulah Falls
Wolf, Grant Loganville HS
leach, seth Rabun County
Frost, Clay Oglethorpe County HS
Roberston, Blake Loganville HS
Lappin, Alex Pinecrest Academy
Torres Cruz, Jonathan Chestatee
Guerra, Alejandro Riverside Military Academy
Jenrette, Brody East Hall HS
Marcero, Isaac Lakeview Academy
Lair, Drew Pinecrest Academy
Smith, Austin Fannin County HS
Thomas, Benjamin The Cottage School
Mejia, Angel East Hall HS
Stewart, Henry Lakeview Academy
Tuck, Chayton Oglethorpe County HS
Sang, Jingyi Jason Tallulah Falls
Lester, Josiah Franklin County High School
Mares, Hernan Fannin County HS
Rouse, Lane Towns County HS
Michaud, Camden The Cottage School
Belmont, Miles Loganville HS
Pombo, Alex Riverside Military Academy
Tyler, Ryan Towns County HS
Hendrickson, Shane The Cottage School
Cassidy, Logan Commerce
Corbett, Kale Tallulah Falls
Haley, Adam Franklin County High School
Lynch, Henry Pinecrest Academy
Buendia, Jose Chestatee
Bradley, Elliott Rabun County
Clouatre, Chathan Tallulah Falls
Mayfield, Malik Oglethorpe County HS
Bell, Brayden Loganville HS
Ortiz, Alberto Rabun County
Mata, Dante Pinecrest Academy
Romero-Vallejo, Jesus Chestatee
Hudson, Joseph Riverside Military Academy
Gilreath, Garrett Oglethorpe County HS
Boyett, Brandon Loganville HS
Daniel, Robert Riverside Military Academy
Delgado, Pedro East Hall HS
Vetter, Grey Lakeview Academy
Ashe, Cody Towns County HS
Byman, Daniel The Cottage School
Turcios, Chris East Hall HS
Sumner, Satchel Lakeview Academy
Trujillo, Victor Franklin County High School
Head, Corbin Fannin County HS
Snyder, Daniel Franklin County High School
Lovell, Adam Loganville HS
Peacock, Robbie Towns County HS
Dunbar, Nathan The Cottage School
McClure, Peyton Commerce
He, Junyi Rick Tallulah Falls
Rocha, Aaron Chestatee
Groves, Kyler Riverside Military Academy
Couvaras, Dino The Cottage School
Morris, JJ Commerce
Mullis, Chaz Tallulah Falls
Osgood, Koby Loganville HS
Burrell, Chan Rabun County
Smith, Russell Oglethorpe County HS
Greene, William Loganville HS
Jackman, Jude Pinecrest Academy
Contreras, Jonathan Chestatee
Brown, Christopher Riverside Military Academy
Laguna, David East Hall HS
Chapman, Carson Lakeview Academy
VanDerBlom, Peter Pinecrest Academy
Dawson, Jack Loganville HS
Ware, Bryce Fannin County HS
Cool, Hunter The Cottage School
Mejia, Kevin East Hall HS
reddy, mani Lakeview Academy
Frankel, Zachery Oglethorpe County HS
Sims, Emery Tallulah Falls
Hodges, Blake Franklin County High School
Whitaker, Lucas Fannin County HS
Yeamons, Mason Towns County HS
Osgood, Grant The Cottage School
Tripp, David Franklin County High School
Dunn, Eric Loganville HS
Crafford, Charles Riverside Military Academy
Quijada, Luis Towns County HS
Janyska, Michael The Cottage School
Hernandez, Demarco Commerce
Wang, Zi Tallulah Falls
Gaddis, Luke Chestatee
Palmer, Evans Rabun County
Wanner, Ethan Tallulah Falls
Farmer, Grayson Loganville HS
Garcia, Lazero Rabun County
Frain, Patrick Pinecrest Academy
Free, Luke Chestatee
Alliya, Adomu Riverside Military Academy
McGarity, Luke Oglethorpe County HS
McGee, Collin Loganville HS
Lindsay, Cooper Riverside Military Academy
Moreno, Will East Hall HS
Webb, Griffin Lakeview Academy
Jabaley, Sam Fannin County HS
Green, Dren Towns County HS
Smith, Braden The Cottage School
Hernandez, Alan East Hall HS
Kubiak, Jack Lakeview Academy
Strickland, JT Franklin County High School
Graham, Blaine Oglethorpe County HS
Prince, Evan Tallulah Falls
Woods, Robbie Franklin County High School
Phillips, Jesse Loganville HS
Barrett, Peyton Towns County HS
Hogg, Alex The Cottage School
Pascucelli, Andrew Commerce
Vasquez, Edgar Chestatee
Ismail, Hamdy Riverside Military Academy
Smith, Nicholas The Cottage School
Martin, Brandon Commerce
Sims, Eli Tallulah Falls
Jeffrey, Travis Loganville HS
Zafra, Andrew Rabun County
Geiger, Chris Tallulah Falls
Oglesby, Peyton Oglethorpe County HS
Kisor, Jacob Loganville HS
Johnson, Michael Pinecrest Academy
Grater, Gavin Chestatee
Cudemous, Alan Riverside Military Academy
Catarino, Gonsalo East Hall HS
Lynden, Michael Lakeview Academy
Caraballo, Diego Pinecrest Academy
Sekowski, Austen Loganville HS
Barahona, Ruben Riverside Military Academy
Prado, Cesar East Hall HS
Harris, Jones Lakeview Academy
Kort, Austin Oglethorpe County HS
Jue, Matthew Lakeview Academy
Xiong, Zhigao Henrry Tallulah Falls
Randall, Jacob Franklin County High School
Lynch, Hayden Fannin County HS
Markham, Curtis Towns County HS
Daugherty, Nicholas The Cottage School
Coolidge, Zachary Franklin County High School
Hang, Timothy Loganville HS
Okingo, Andrew Riverside Military Academy
King, Liam Towns County HS
Conroy, William The Cottage School
Zelaya, Josh Commerce
Bailey, Walker Tallulah Falls
Brooks, Caden Chestatee
Palmer, Gaberiel Rabun County
Cheng, Haokun David Tallulah Falls
Sekowski, Trenton Loganville HS
Bradley, Nick Rabun County
Metz, Mark Pinecrest Academy
Pruitt, Hugh Chestatee
Brown, Glen Riverside Military Academy
Tompkins, Rainy Oglethorpe County HS
Tesfaye, Athanasius Loganville HS
Kieffer, Ryan Pinecrest Academy
Alcerreca, Luis Riverside Military Academy
Goff, Isaiah East Hall HS
Pethel, Max Lakeview Academy
Leymeister, Nick Fannin County HS
Joiner, Elijah The Cottage School
Lara, Edwin East Hall HS
Gaur, Garv Lakeview Academy
Grier, Lane Oglethorpe County HS
Sang, Jingan Jerry Tallulah Falls
Damroze, Dylan Franklin County High School
Jones, Jacob Fannin County HS
Brown, Jenson Towns County HS
Kinard, Cal The Cottage School
Navarro, Yahir Commerce
Thigpen, James Riverside Military Academy
Smith, Blythe Towns County HS
Orsini, Larry The Cottage School
Ricci, Dominic Commerce
Augustine, Colton Tallulah Falls
Burton, Keaton Franklin County High School
Meredith, Orion Loganville HS
Luong, Simon Pinecrest Academy
Mazarky, Ethan Rabun County
Bourlet, Grey Tallulah Falls
King, Bryson Oglethorpe County HS
Ford, Nathan Loganville HS
Fisher, Peyton Rabun County
Herbert, James Pinecrest Academy
Grater, Garrett Chestatee
Erickson, Austin Riverside Military Academy
Parker, Chance East Hall HS
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High School Girls 5,000 Meter Run 119 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Melgarejo, Amaranta Rabun County
Sanchez-Mejorad, Larissa Pinecrest Academy
Davila, Amy Chestatee
Peacock, Maggie Tallulah Falls
Wadsworth, Lizzie Oglethorpe County HS
Walden, Chloe Loganville HS
Hall, Mckenna Loganville HS
Poland, Taylor Fannin County HS
Nivens, Annie Lakeview Academy
Akins, Olivia Fannin County HS
Markham, Alison Towns County HS
Marriott, Grace The Cottage School
Bell, Paden Commerce
Clark, Stephanie Franklin County High School
Alexander, Lucia Tallulah Falls
Woods, Gracie Franklin County High School
Greene, Riley Rabun County
Vazquez, Ermay Commerce
Cliche, Hailey Chestatee
Bolemon, Callie Loganville HS
Piron, Becca Pinecrest Academy
Hernandez, Leslie Chestatee
Alexander, Sophie Tallulah Falls
Child, Maddy Lakeview Academy
Tompkins, Lourdes Oglethorpe County HS
Dawson, Abigail Loganville HS
Solorzano, Yecenia East Hall HS
Dunn, Carrington Loganville HS
Arvidson, Ana Fannin County HS
Abboud, Maggie Lakeview Academy
Quijada, Gali Towns County HS
English, Hannah Commerce
Williams, Olivia Franklin County High School
Arvidson, Abbey Fannin County HS
Woerner, Lucy Rabun County
Lueder, Camille Pinecrest Academy
Graham, McKenna Chestatee
Trotter, Kate Tallulah Falls
Gomez, Dennis Chestatee
Booth, Jaden Oglethorpe County HS
Byrd, Keighley Loganville HS
Allred, Averi Loganville HS
Cosentino, Monica Fannin County HS
Davis, Quinn Lakeview Academy
Sosebee, Hannah Fannin County HS
Taylor, Jayden Towns County HS
Kanaday, Lindy Lakeview Academy
Roland, Jennifer Franklin County High School
Ewing, Cheyenne Chestatee
Murdock, Macy Tallulah Falls
Godfrey, Lexi Franklin County High School
Wright, Molly Jo Rabun County
English, Rachel Commerce
Lueder, Brigette Pinecrest Academy
Duarte, Perla Chestatee
Smith, Laurel Tallulah Falls
Corbin, Sidney Lakeview Academy
Wadsworth, Katie Oglethorpe County HS
Jessup, Laura Loganville HS
Martinez, Zion East Hall HS
Turner, Diana Loganville HS
Rosas, Samantha Fannin County HS
Towles, Maddy Lakeview Academy
Ballew, Rose Fannin County HS
Smith, Bazya Towns County HS
Abercrombie, Kyndel The Cottage School
Tootle, Ansley Commerce
Osorio, Keila Commerce
Swancey, Jean Franklin County High School
Whitson, Maria Tallulah Falls
Gergeni, Christina Rabun County
Luong, Mandy Pinecrest Academy
Perez, Estephanie Chestatee
Martinez, Erica Chestatee
Herbert, Jailin Loganville HS
Masters, Madison Loganville HS
Jones, Erin Fannin County HS
Reddy, Pavani Lakeview Academy
White, Emma Fannin County HS
Osborn, Alexis Towns County HS
Nivens, Sara Lakeview Academy
Crowe, Kadyn Franklin County High School
Lopez, Jeovana Commerce
Sailers, Christa Chestatee
Scully, Erin Franklin County High School
Blalock, Trea Rabun County
Jarrard, Christin Rabun County
Meeks, Mary Pinecrest Academy
Belmarez, Dayna Chestatee
Jackson, Emma Tallulah Falls
Negrete, Lupe East Hall HS
Williams, Maddie Oglethorpe County HS
Matthews, Alexiya Loganville HS
Olson, Lexington Loganville HS
Lillard, Anabelle Fannin County HS
Harris, Lily Lakeview Academy
Sullivan, Kinsley Fannin County HS
Peacock, Kayla Towns County HS
Nebel, Alexandra The Cottage School
Hart, Angel Commerce
Vazquez, Yami Commerce
Laird, Elizabeth Franklin County High School
Herrera, Sophie Tallulah Falls
Webb, Delaney Rabun County
Salter, Lily Chestatee
Tran, Claire Pinecrest Academy
Galvez, Gabby Chestatee
Edwards, Sarah Tallulah Falls
Taylor, Chenice Loganville HS
Child, Abby Lakeview Academy
Nimmons, Madison Oglethorpe County HS
Bulla, Sarah Loganville HS
Coad, Emmalee Loganville HS
Turner, Lyndsay Fannin County HS
Cobb, Virginia Lakeview Academy
Brinson, Macy Towns County HS
Allen, Karis Commerce
Vasquez, Perla Chestatee
Brown, Claudia Franklin County High School
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