Meet Information
4/7/19: Warpath 2019 information will be released shortly. Thanks for your patience.
We will accept the first 30 High School and 20 Middle School teams to register on Milesplit. After 30 HS teams/20 MS teams have registered, we will begin a wait list. We do not accept unattached runners at Warpath.
Call us if you have any questions!!
25th Annual Cherokee Warpath 5K Invitational
Please check the appropriate blank(s) and make sure all information is correct.
ALL Teams: Middle School, Junior Varsity Boys and Girls, Varsity Boys and Girls ($200.00) ____
ALL High School Teams: Junior Varsity Boys and Girls and Varsity Boys and Girls ($150.00) ____
M.S. Girls ($30.00) ____ JV Girls ($50.00) ____ Varsity Girls ($50.00) ____
M.S. Boys ($30.00) ____ JV Boys ($50.00) ____ Varsity Boys ($50.00) ____
School Name: ____________________________________
School Address: __________________________________
City: __________________________
State : _________
Coach's names: _________________________________________ (Head)
_________________________________________ (Assistant)
Return to:
Cherokee HS Cross Country
c/o Rebekah Gay
930 Marietta Highway Canton, GA 30114
Please make checks payable to "Cherokee Warriors XC Booster Club".
Please send payment promptly and make sure checks are in by Friday, September 6, 2019.
This is the schedule we will follow. We feel it will help the meet run smoothly.
Races will start promptly as scheduled:
Packet Pickup - 7:00am
VARSITY GIRLS (Top 7 runners) - 8:00am
VARSITY BOYS (Top 7 runners) - 8:35am
JV Girls (Next 10 runners) - 9:00am
JV Boys (Next 10 runners) - 9:45am
OPEN Girls (unlimited JV) - 10:15am
OPEN Boys (unlimited JV) - 11:00am
Middle School Girls - 11:45am
Middle School Boys - 12:00pm
Coach Rebekah Gay Cherokee High School
o Make checks payable to CHSXC Booster Club and mail checks to Cherokee High School C/O Rebekah Gay 930 Marietta Highway, Canton, GA 30114
o Register all runners through
- Top 7 runners will run Varsity.
- Next 10 runners will run the JV race.
- All rest will run the open JV race.
- Scoring will be done by Olympia Resources.
All runners will be bibbed and chipped, please make sure that runners turn their chips back in at the end of the race.
A $20 per chip fee will be charged to any school that fails to return all chips.
o Top 3 teams in the Boys and Girls Varsity races will receive trophies.
The Top team the Boys and Girls Middle School races will receive a trophy
o Top 20 varsity male and top 20 varsity female runners will receive place medals at the awards ceremony.
o Top 10 boys and top 10 girls in all other High School races will receive medals in chute.
Top 10 boys and top 10 girls in the Middle School races will receive medals at the awards ceremony
Race Day Information
o An USA Track and Field Official will be present to oversee start and finishing of all races, uniform compliance and will have final decision over all competition rule judgments.
This year we are proud to announce that we have a USATF Measured Course!
o Team packet pick up at head tent close to Finish. Boxes will be pre-drawn and written on packet.
o Admission: $5.00 per adult and $3.00 for students.
o Warpath T-Shirts will be available for purchase.
o Concessions will be available for purchase.
o Canton Fire department will be onsite to provide emergency care.
o All tents should be set up outside of gravel loop path.
o Vehicles will not be permitted in the course area.
o Please remind spectators and timers that the gravel path is the course and they should not lean into the course. They need to stay on the grass areas and that when crossing the course they need to be cognizant of competing runners.
No Pets are allowed in Boling Park.