This week marks the final installment of the MS ROWs. All of the athletes honored this week will be competing to be Individual Champions. This week, Jonathan Jenkins from Newroc Rockets and Sophia West of Paideia are the 'chosen ones' Next week, each of the Individual Champs in the Large and Small School races will be the 'Middle School Runners of the Year' !

Top Finishers in the Girls Championship race

Top 50 or so finishers in the JV Mixed Race, Includes top 7-8 MS Girls
It was another hot day in October as 14 schools converged upon Athens Christian School to race at the Ga.MileSplit MS 3K Challenge. Over 300 runners participated, 50 medals, 2 top performance awards and 6 team Cups were handed out to deserving athletes for many what would be their final race of the XC season. Other top teams used the event as a warmup race for the State MS meet in Cochran 10 days from now. Kudos to the Athens Christian coaches for directing the meet, setting up the course, handling parking and presenting awards, namely Coach Cummings and his daughter Coach Reddish, Coach Fowler and his helpers and Fast Feet Timing. Pictured are the Athens Academy MS Girls Champs! All Images by Bruce Taylor
The Ga.MileSplit MS Challenge was founded by Fast Feet Timing to provide MS programs and Individuals (including homeschoolers) a place to compete in friendly, but good competition.14 of the top Middle School and club teams in the area will gather Wednesday at Athens Christian School and compete at the 2nd Annual Ga.MileSplit MS 3K Challenge. In mid-May the venue had to be moved to ACS later in the season due to availability at NOHS and timing obligations to other events. Next season, the event will probably be back in Bogart.. ACS had a hill loop re-added to the course (that had to be removed for NEGA as it was too muddy with recent downpours) making it more challenging and a wheeled 3K.