Meet Information
$100.00 entry B&G or $50.00 per Gender Made out to Alpharetta High T&F AttN: Answa Merine
For questions Email
Coaches Meeting at 3:50 PM on the football field near the timing system.
Field Events start at 4:00 PM
4:00 Boy's/Girl's Long Jump ( Currently 1 Pit )
4:00 Girls High Jump, Boys Shot, Girl's Disc, Boy's PV
4:45 Boy's High Jump Girls Shot, G/B Triple Jump, Boy's Disc, Girl's PV
Rolling Start begins at 5:30 P.M. (girls followed by boys)
100/110m Hurdles
4x200m Relay
1600m (waterfall start)
4x100m Relay
300m Hurdles
800m (dual-alley start)
800m (dual-alley start)
4x400m Relay