The Titans Relays 2010 2010

Duluth HS, Ga

Revised Results

Licensed to Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License
                                                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/3/2010
                         Titan Relays 2010 - 3/3/2010                          
                             Northview High School                             
Event 1  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Redan High School  'A'                                50.68   1 
     1) Dyess, Tanisha 12               2) Glover, Lamesha 12             
     3) Green, Charisma 9               4) Gray, Crystal 9                
  2 Duluth High School  'A'                               52.61   1 
     1) Thomas, Maya 11                 2) Willliams, Deja 12             
     3) Janifer, Kala 11                4) Jones, Joi --                  
  3 Northview High School  'A'                            53.32   1 
     1) Bush, Jasmine 11                2) James, Janai 10                
     3) Stanback, Kristyn 10            4) Cunningham, Kathleen 10        
  4 North Springs  'A'                                    54.94   1 
  5 Collins Hill High School  'B'                        x57.46   2 
  6 Collins Hill High School  'A'                         57.73   1 
  7 North Springs  'B'                                   x59.02   2 
  8 Northview High School  'C'                           x59.96   2 
     1) Robertson, Tory 11              2) Utesch, Clara 9                
     3) Mashburn, Lizzy 12              4) Martin, Paley 10               
 -- Northview High School  'B'                              DNF   1 
     1) Park, Christine 12              2) Anderson, Tatiana 10           
     3) Robertson, Morgan 12            4) Weisman, Sydney 10             
Event 2  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Redan High School  'A'                                44.57   1 
     1) Whitehead, Cordell 12           2) Sims, Jamar 10                 
     3) Howard, Kadeemah 11             4) Reid, Deion 9                  
  2 Duluth High School  'A'                               45.89   1 
     1) Randle, Mattew --               2) Enyenihi, Henry --             
     3) McGehee, Alec --                4) Miller, Dyarius 12             
  3 Northview High School  'A'                            46.31   1 
     1) Shelton, Jack 12                2) Carr, Charlie 11               
     3) Dunn, Jared 12                  4) McCalla, Brandon 12            
  4 Redan High School  'B'                               x46.68   2 
     1) Philpot, James 10               2) Moore, Dennis 12               
     3) Sibley, Keshawn 9               4) Trapp, Raymond 9               
  5 Duluth High School  'B'                              x47.24   2 
     1) Dang, John 10                   2) Akinyeye, Femi --              
     3) Campbell, Myles --              4) Young, Jabril --               
  6 Northview High School  'B'                           x47.32   2 
     1) Cheng, Kevin 11                 2) Iwasaki, Chris 11              
     3) Womack, Christian 12            4) Singletary, Stephan 10         
  7 North Springs  'A'                                    47.33   1 
  8 Collins Hill High School  'A'                         47.99   1 
  9 Northview High School  'C'                           x48.16   2 
     1) House, Kenneth 10               2) Sadler, Cameron 10             
     3) Shaw, Brandon 10                4) Gideon, Justin 11              
 10 Collins Hill High School  'B'                        x48.52   1 
Event 3  Girls Distance Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 North Springs  'A'                                 13:58.85  
  2 Northview High School  'A'                         14:02.12  
     1) Hall, Emily 11                  2) Keen, Joanna 10                
     3) Meyer, Steph --                 4) Oconner, Katiee --             
  3 Redan High School  'A'                             15:41.83  
  4 Collins Hill High School  'A'                      15:43.18  
Event 4  Boys Distance Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Northview High School  'A'                         11:53.79  
     1) Tomas, Enrique 12               2) Thompson, Ben 12               
     3) Salter, Caleb 11                4) Clarke, Hunter 11              
  2 Duluth High School  'A'                            12:15.87  
     1) Reeves, Tyler 10                2) Basinger, Alex 10              
     3) House, Robert --                4) McGehee, Alec --               
  3 Collins Hill High School  'A'                      12:44.89  
  4 Northview High School  'B'                        x12:45.41  
     1) Rakhit, Shayan 12               2) Ellis, Kyle 11                 
     3) Stewart, Hunter 10              4) Marynak, Michael 11            
  5 Redan High School  'A'                             12:53.02  
     1) Turner, Eric 11                 2) Fisher, Travis 11              
     3) Henderson, Nolan 11             4) Long, Jermaine 11              
  6 Northview High School  'C'                        x13:23.41  
     1) Beppler, Eric 9                 2) Smith, Santul 9                
     3) Kouba, Jakob 11                 4) Khapun, Alex 12                
  7 Collins Hill High School  'B'                     x13:30.43  
Event 5  Girls 1600 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              4:34.48  
  2 Duluth High School  'A'                             4:56.39  
     1) Thomas, Maya 11                 2) Willliams, Deja 12             
     3) Janifer, Kala 11                4) Jones, Joi --                  
  3 Northview High School  'A'                          4:58.01  
     1) Barks, Susan 12                 2) Lewis, Brittany 11             
     3) Robertson, Morgan 12            4) Iawasaki, Kather --            
  4 North Springs  'A'                                  5:14.30  
  5 Northview High School  'B'                         x5:15.32  
     1) Huh, Jean 11                    2) Zhou, Youme 10                 
     3) Allen, Imon 10                  4) Tseng, Willa 10                
  6 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       5:26.45  
Event 6  Boys 1600 Sprint Medley
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              3:51.78   1 
     1) Whitehead, Cordell 12           2) Sims, Jamar 10                 
     3) Crowder, Antrevious 12          4) Trapp, Raymond 9               
  2 Duluth High School  'B'                            x3:54.31   2 
     1) Enyenihi, Henry --              2) Moshglani, Bijan --            
     3) Young, Jabril --                4) Levy, Dominique --             
  3 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       4:09.20   1 
  4 Redan High School  'B'                             x4:14.16   2 
  5 Duluth High School  'A'                             4:21.21   1 
     1) Dang, John 10                   2) House, Robert --               
     3) Akinyeye, Femi --               4) Campbell, Myles --             
  6 North Springs  'A'                                  4:21.74   1 
  7 Northview High School  'A'                          4:38.52   1 
     1) O'Connor, Jack 12               2) Lee, Ssac 10                   
     3) Laforge, Ben 9                  4) Ho, Joe 10                     
  8 Collins Hill High School  'B'                      x4:43.44   2 
  9 Northview High School  'B'                         x5:03.59   2 
     1) Haida, Raiza 11                 2) Bandali, Adil 9                
     3) Schink, Kevin 12                4) Bantug, Derek 9                
Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Northview High School  'A'                         11:09.96  
     1) Hall, Emily 11                  2) Keen, Joanna 10                
     3) O'Connor, Katie E 10            4) O'Conner, Katie --             
  2 Redan High School  'A'                             11:45.78  
  3 Collins Hill High School  'A'                      12:53.53  
  4 Northview High School  'B'                        x13:41.54  
     1) Didier, Stephanie 12            2) Zhou, Youme 10                 
     3) Wills, Caitlin 9                4) Rivera, Kristin 10             
Event 8  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Northview High School  'A'                          9:22.67  
     1) Tomas, Enrique 12               2) Thompson, Ben 12               
     3) Clarke, Hunter 11               4) Salter, Caleb 11               
  2 Redan High School  'A'                              9:34.81  
     1) Turner, Eric 11                 2) Fisher, Travis 11              
     3) Neequaye, Niikotey 11           4) Henderson, Nolan 11            
  3 Duluth High School  'A'                             9:53.63  
     1) Reeves, Tyler 10                2) Basinger, Alex 10              
     3) Dang, John 10                   4) House, Robert --               
  4 Northview High School  'B'                        x10:02.99  
     1) Goldin, Carson 11               2) Stewart, Hunter 10             
     3) Theroux, Chris 11               4) Hamami, Faris 12               
  5 Collins Hill High School  'A'                      10:04.20  
  6 Collins Hill High School  'B'                     x10:08.05  
Event 9  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              1:47.87   1 
  2 Redan High School  'B'                             x1:51.84   1 
  3 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       2:00.94   1 
  4 Northview High School  'A'                          2:04.22   1 
     1) Barks, Susan 12                 2) Utesch, Clara 9                
     3) Robertson, Victoria 11          4) Mashburn, Lizzy 12             
  5 North Springs  'A'                                  2:04.26   1 
  6 Duluth High School  'A'                             2:09.12   1 
     1) Bowman, Jamcie 11               2) Choi, Jenni --                 
     3) Etori, Miyu --                  4) Higgins, Demichia --           
  7 Northview High School  'B'                         x2:11.66   2 
     1) Hsu, Grace 9                    2) An, Cathy 9                    
     3) Drake, Kelsey 9                 4) Khan, Samin 9                  
  8 Duluth High School  'B'                            x2:19.68   2 
     1) Mattos, Mercedes --             2) Pope-Pettis, Briana --         
     3) Covington, Kayla --             4) Choi, Tiffany --               
  9 Northview High School  'C'                         x2:34.60   2 
     1) Nguyen, Anh 10                  2) Banaee, Atoosa 10              
     3) Matsumura, Ayaka 10             4) Martin, Paley 10               
Event 10  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              1:36.87   1 
     1) Whitehead, Cordell 12           2) Howard, Kadeemah 11            
     3) Reid, Deion 9                   4) Moore, Dennis 12               
  2 Redan High School  'B'                             x1:38.42   1 
     1) Sims, Jamar 10                  2) Howard, Troy 10                
     3) Sibley, Keshawn 9               4) Trapp, Raymond 9               
  3 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       1:40.97   1 
  4 Duluth High School  'A'                             1:41.16   1 
     1) Akinyeye, Femi --               2) Campbell, Myles --             
     3) Enyenihi, Henry --              4) Young, Jabril --               
  5 Northview High School  'B'                         x1:41.52   2 
     1) Shelton, Jack 12                2) Singletary, Stephan 10         
     3) Fedrick, Trey 10                4) C, Spencer --                  
  6 Northview High School  'C'                         x1:42.15   2 
     1) Meng, Kevin 12                  2) Hooper, Ben 11                 
     3) Hovey, Drew 11                  4) Wood, Jay 10                   
  7 Northview High School  'A'                          1:42.89   1 
     1) Pujari, Aditya 11               2) Cheng, Kevin 11                
     3) Sadler, Cameron 10              4) Maharath, Dominique 10         
  8 Collins Hill High School  'B'                      x1:47.49   2 
  9 Duluth High School  'B'                            x1:48.17   2 
     1) Allen, Trevon --                2) Bratts, Morris --              
     3) Stewart, Michael --             4)                                
Event 11  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              4:21.96  
  2 Northview High School  'A'                          4:30.34  
     1) Bush, Jasmine 11                2) James, Janai 10                
     3) Stanback, Kristyn 10            4) Cunningham, Kathleen 10        
  3 Duluth High School  'A'                             4:37.60  
     1) Thomas, Maya 11                 2) Willliams, Deja 12             
     3) Janifer, Kala 11                4) Jones, Joi --                  
  4 Redan High School  'B'                             x4:46.92  
  5 Northview High School  'B'                         x4:49.73  
     1) Park, Christine 12              2) McMichael, Erin 11             
     3) Anderson, Tatiana 10            4) Lewis, Brittany 11             
  6 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       5:12.66  
  7 Duluth High School  'B'                            x5:18.28  
     1) Donaldson, Afrika --            2) Etori, Miyu --                 
     3) Higgins, Demichia --            4) Hodges, Riche --               
Event 12  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Redan High School  'A'                              3:41.27  
     1) Sims, Jamar 10                  2) Howard, Kadeemah 11            
     3) Crowder, Antrevious 12          4) Posley, Drake 10               
  2 Northview High School  'A'                          3:44.89  
     1) Carr, Charlie 11                2) Dunn, Jared 12                 
     3) Iwasaki, Chris 11               4) Ruege, Zach 11                 
  3 Duluth High School  'A'                             3:45.87  
     1) Randle, Mattew --               2) House, Robert --               
     3) McGehee, Alec --                4) Miller, Dyarius 12             
  4 Northview High School  'B'                         x4:01.60  
     1) Dutta, Mishall 11               2) Lee, Kenny 12                  
     3) Shaw, Brandon 10                4) Womack, Christian 12           
  5 Redan High School  'B'                             x4:07.13  
     1) Reid, Deion 9                   2) Johnson, Jovan 11              
     3) Long, Jermaine 11               4) Trapp, Raymond 9               
  6 Collins Hill High School  'A'                       4:08.58  
  7 Collins Hill High School  'B'                      x4:16.15  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 6 Events Scored
    1) Redan High School           42        2) Northview High School      32   
    3) Duluth High School          16        4) Collins Hill High School   14   
    4) North Springs               14                                           
                     Men - Team Rankings - 6 Events Scored
    1) Redan High School           40        2) Northview High School      28   
    2) Duluth High School          28        4) Collins Hill High School   20   
    5) North Springs                4