Gwinnett County Championships 2024

Conyers, GA

Gwinnett County Championships 2024 vs Gwinnett County Championships 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +6 780 774
Overall Average +56.76 25:21.64 24:24.88
1st-10th Place -1.21 16:33.86 16:35.06
1st-25th Place -0.18 16:58.08 16:58.26
1st-50th Place +8.91 17:30.42 17:21.51
1st-100th Place +19.61 18:18.79 17:59.18
Common Athletes -- -- 167
Ran Faster 109 138 29
Ran Season Best 9 13 4
Average Time -2:06.67 22:10.55 24:17.22
Median Time -2:01.97 21:06.43 23:08.40
Middle 80% Times -2:06.87 21:41.65 23:48.52
Top 10% Times -1:03.01 16:59.47 18:02.48
Top 25% Times -1:17.06 17:45.72 19:02.78
Top 50% Times -1:42.25 18:48.00 20:30.24
Bottom 50% Times -2:29.58 25:17.26 27:46.84
Bottom 25% Times -3:05.22 28:08.22 31:13.43
Bottom 10% Times -3:14.35 31:28.47 34:42.82
Average Difference -2:06.67 -- --
Median Difference -57.18 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:57.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference -54.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:26.85 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:01.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:26.85 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:45.66 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:04.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:26.56 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jameson Pifer Collins Hill High School -28.92 15:58.68 16:27.60
Haydn Hermansen North Gwinnett -18.05 16:21.55 16:39.60
Alexander Thompson Brookwood -26.73 16:31.57 16:58.30
Austin Jugenheimer Dacula -56.72 16:34.58 17:31.30
Aaron Littleton Mill Creek High School -1:51.97 16:34.73 18:26.70
Anderson Mathias Hebron Christian -1:48.19 16:44.11 18:32.30
Tyler Cloer Mill Creek High School -2:22.16 16:47.14 19:09.30
Alex Sotomayor Perez Brookwood -1:32.80 16:59.60 18:32.40
Mintasinot Zawudie Shiloh High School +11.71 17:12.61 17:00.90
Jacob Davis Archer HS -1:36.78 17:06.12 18:42.90
Alex Beasley North Gwinnett -1:50.24 17:10.26 19:00.50
John Goodwin Norcross High School -1:14.92 17:15.78 18:30.70
Daniel Bell Archer HS -1:07.52 17:18.98 18:26.50
Moses Adams Archer HS -1:45.13 17:30.27 19:15.40
Zeno Goss Archer HS -4:17.69 17:30.41 21:48.10
James Hales Buford High School -41.23 17:37.17 18:18.40
Dain Jacobazzi Mill Creek High School -5:53.44 17:37.46 23:30.90
Quin White Parkview High School -1:34.87 17:40.23 19:15.10
Blake Schroder Brookwood -1:26.01 17:42.69 19:08.70
Scott Morton North Gwinnett +1:57.59 19:44.19 17:46.60
Brandon Bell Archer HS -2:07.02 17:50.48 19:57.50
Caleb Tsehaye Brookwood -3:03.94 17:51.26 20:55.20
Emmett Andrews North Gwinnett -2:01.81 17:52.49 19:54.30
Sage Brooks-Hakim Brookwood -2:36.94 17:52.56 20:29.50
Spencer Fusillo Brookwood -5:15.78 17:53.62 23:09.40
Christian Henderson Duluth High School -19.38 17:54.02 18:13.40
Eli Matthes Buford High School -1:35.50 17:58.70 19:34.20
Jacob Sloan Providence Christian Academy -41.77 18:04.23 18:46.00
Will Brubaker North Gwinnett -3:00.05 18:04.55 21:04.60
Ellis Johnson North Gwinnett -1:33.76 18:15.34 19:49.10
Christopher Cerwinka Brookwood -2:04.79 18:16.91 20:21.70
Alexander Ethridge Brookwood -2:27.50 18:18.00 20:45.50
Daniel Park Mill Creek High School -1:06.57 18:26.03 19:32.60
Trey Hutchison Dacula -1:58.02 18:32.38 20:30.40
Jason Bredemann North Gwinnett -2:25.88 18:35.32 21:01.20
Sean Weeks Peachtree Ridge High School -2:03.13 18:36.17 20:39.30
Nathan Caldwell Mill Creek High School -7:33.49 18:38.61 26:12.10
Mauricio Salinas Duluth High School -8.68 18:40.42 18:49.10
David Hutkowski Mill Creek High School -26.87 18:41.53 19:08.40
Timothy Reed Archer HS -1:10.25 18:46.35 19:56.60
Greyling Boers Peachtree Ridge High School -4:54.72 18:48.78 23:43.50
Evelyn Schlitz Mill Creek High School -52.96 18:51.64 19:44.60
Matthew Kirk Hebron Christian -3:00.99 18:56.91 21:57.90
Dalton Wilson Peachtree Ridge High School -1:04.24 18:56.96 20:01.20
John Paul George Norcross High School -20.45 18:58.05 19:18.50
Ethan Wu North Gwinnett -41.78 18:58.52 19:40.30
Ethan Atkinson Burnett Seckinger High School -3:23.59 18:58.71 22:22.30
Tristen Lowell Dacula -2:28.95 18:58.85 21:27.80
Wally Vasquez Peachtree Ridge High School +20.09 19:19.59 18:59.50
Talib Simpson Brookwood -2:39.51 19:00.79 21:40.30
Elias Giguere Brookwood -1:51.98 19:02.52 20:54.50
Tristan Maxwell North Gwinnett -30.18 19:08.42 19:38.60
Kamal Sanders Shiloh High School -7:30.02 19:11.78 26:41.80
Carter Gracek Buford High School -3:33.48 19:12.12 22:45.60
Harel Parson Peachtree Ridge High School -1:44.57 19:13.43 20:58.00
Jakob Guerrero North Gwinnett -2:45.41 19:14.39 21:59.80
Alexander Zachman Buford High School -7.98 19:18.62 19:26.60
Samuel Avellaneda Duluth High School -1:16.10 19:21.00 20:37.10
Oustin Mendoza Alvarez Meadowcreek HS -2:50.34 19:22.06 22:12.40
Ryan Middleton Brookwood -4:32.20 19:28.10 24:00.30
Preyat Patel Peachtree Ridge High School -3:39.25 19:29.35 23:08.60
Adolfo Ortiz Central Gwinnett -2:54.41 19:33.19 22:27.60
Aaron Pae Parkview High School -2:57.33 19:33.67 22:31.00
Ayden Raffield Parkview High School +18.95 20:01.15 19:42.20
Hudson McCullogh Brookwood -1:12.92 19:46.18 20:59.10
Ava Layson Brookwood -3:11.87 19:48.63 23:00.50
Davis Kelsey Collins Hill High School -19.12 19:49.48 20:08.60
Noah Bosler Brookwood -2:34.64 19:49.86 22:24.50
Finley Maguire Duluth High School -1:45.81 19:51.69 21:37.50
Hayden Gaffey Dacula +2:08.38 22:01.88 19:53.50
Ivory Perkins Archer HS -2:18.76 19:53.54 22:12.30
Marcus Hill Shiloh High School -5:26.82 20:00.28 25:27.10
Seth Hataway Mountain View HS -2:47.50 20:12.70 23:00.20
Kingston Martin Brookwood -4:37.00 20:12.90 24:49.90
Aurora Streleckis North Gwinnett -58.92 20:26.38 21:25.30
Ethan Colodny North Gwinnett -2:38.79 20:32.41 23:11.20
Aspen Goss Archer HS -1:14.43 20:46.57 22:01.00
Caroline Smith North Gwinnett -40.98 20:52.82 21:33.80
Elkin Regina Norcross High School -0.05 20:55.15 20:55.20
Yonathan Lakew Collins Hill High School -1:55.33 20:55.77 22:51.10
Ethan Bissell Mill Creek High School -1:14.74 20:59.46 22:14.20
Curtis Ridgeway Buford High School -3.82 21:00.88 21:04.70
Grayson Sowter North Gwinnett -6:33.24 21:01.96 27:35.20
Lilly Kate Cropp Mill Creek High School -3:22.50 21:03.20 24:25.70
Ethan Ching Brookwood -6:21.17 21:06.43 27:27.60
Brandon Lester Norcross High School -39.68 21:12.82 21:52.50
Kauli Smalls Archer HS +47.18 22:01.38 21:14.20
Brian Gravitt Seckinger High School -4:52.78 21:15.22 26:08.00
Abby Tillman Brookwood -43.37 21:49.93 22:33.30
Jacob Bell Archer HS -1:03.70 21:51.70 22:55.40
Heath Bryson Mill Creek High School -7:51.66 22:01.84 29:53.50
Owen Magers Seckinger High School +18.57 22:24.27 22:05.70
David Mendez Meadowcreek HS +1:06.57 23:19.27 22:12.70
Abdou Djermakoye Collins Hill High School -1:19.12 22:18.38 23:37.50
John Mountjoy Mill Creek High School -5:26.84 22:19.26 27:46.10
Camron Brown Brookwood -2:09.08 22:20.62 24:29.70
Elliann McIntosh Central Gwinnett -1:35.66 22:21.04 23:56.70
Gavin Dunker Hebron Christian -25.36 22:21.54 22:46.90
Ava Steger North Gwinnett -57.18 22:21.82 23:19.00
Lindsay Buchanan Hebron Christian -46.91 22:27.69 23:14.60
Kylie Dommert Norcross High School +1:54.92 24:22.92 22:28.00
Bella Meyer North Gwinnett +54.43 23:25.53 22:31.10
Tyler Blakey Peachtree Ridge High School -2:38.74 22:34.06 25:12.80
Alexander Cerwinka Brookwood -12:41.51 22:34.79 35:16.30
Natalie Vasquez Mill Creek High School +7.48 22:46.58 22:39.10
Mahmoud Elbeiti Parkview High School -14:27.79 22:39.51 37:07.30
Jackson Fenchak Brookwood -45.93 22:42.67 23:28.60
Chris Cherian Brookwood -11:20.75 22:47.05 34:07.80
William Fernandez Berkmar High School -6:10.62 22:52.88 29:03.50
Denise Jimenez Norcross High School -4:26.99 22:55.41 27:22.40
Brinley Mooney North Gwinnett +32.66 23:38.76 23:06.10
Brendan Ching Brookwood -5:07.79 23:08.31 28:16.10
Samuel Jennings Buford High School +1:34.47 24:42.87 23:08.40
Brooklynn Abercrombie Brookwood -1:34.65 23:13.75 24:48.40
Nichole Chen Peachtree Ridge High School -2:49.30 23:16.90 26:06.20
Cameron Bell Brookwood +1:39.04 24:59.04 23:20.00
Emma Tillman Brookwood -33.61 23:37.59 24:11.20
Mariska Susanto Peachtree Ridge High School +16.35 23:57.95 23:41.60
Andrew Tep Collins Hill High School -4:22.21 23:46.89 28:09.10
Reneya Jimenez Archer HS -7:28.21 23:48.09 31:16.30
Trinity Blakey Peachtree Ridge High School -3:11.23 23:55.97 27:07.20
Ananias Williams Archer HS -4:54.58 23:59.12 28:53.70
Ethan Port Brookwood -5:36.31 24:10.09 29:46.40
Isabella Traykova North Gwinnett -5:31.38 24:16.62 29:48.00
Simran Patwardhan North Gwinnett +55.02 25:16.02 24:21.00
Colin Nicoara North Gwinnett -6:19.30 24:25.50 30:44.80
Trinity Iverson Providence Christian Academy -1:07.17 24:26.93 25:34.10
Joselin Lopez Peachtree Ridge High School -20.21 24:32.19 24:52.40
Holly Spake Brookwood +15.76 25:04.76 24:49.00
Katya Jastrzebski North Gwinnett -2:26.42 24:53.28 27:19.70
Emory Curry Buford High School -2:06.89 24:56.11 27:03.00
Danielle Fairchild Peachtree Ridge High School -37.03 25:02.57 25:39.60
Daniela Plata Buford High School +47.74 25:58.94 25:11.20
Alexa Jimenez Peachtree Ridge High School -2:14.14 25:13.16 27:27.30
Mia Stripling Mountain View HS +1:05.40 26:20.00 25:14.60
Lucy Wakefield Mill Creek High School +34.19 25:56.09 25:21.90
Amelia Dyar Mill Creek High School +19.62 25:42.02 25:22.40
Kaylin Jackson Archer HS -2:29.30 25:28.20 27:57.50
Alison Balbuena Duluth High School +1:23.61 26:55.21 25:31.60
Juliet Leatherbarrow Mountain View HS +3.99 25:36.89 25:32.90
Cheyann Bartlett Grayson High School -52.42 25:44.68 26:37.10
Emmy Queen Mill Creek High School -2:17.95 25:48.95 28:06.90
Dustin Mendez-Perez Berkmar High School -2:58.21 25:54.39 28:52.60
Jacqueline Lopez Sandoval Meadowcreek HS -1:15.78 25:58.12 27:13.90
Sebastian Mendez-Freitez Mountain View HS -4:06.63 26:04.67 30:11.30
Marjorie Santiesteban-Pizarro Brookwood -2:19.40 26:07.20 28:26.60
Will Jenneman Buford High School +45.50 27:06.80 26:21.30
Amor James Brookwood +1:11.50 27:34.10 26:22.60
Sarah Williamson Archer HS -3:22.32 26:48.38 30:10.70
Mark Monroe South Gwinnett -1:51.65 27:30.15 29:21.80
Chloe Jones Duluth High School -1:15.91 27:32.69 28:48.60
Zion Powell Archer HS -4:16.11 27:56.79 32:12.90
Hailey Hopkins Hebron Christian +3:24.49 31:27.49 28:03.00
Nevaeh Sullivan Meadowcreek HS -3:38.84 28:21.96 32:00.80
Brayan Lopez Vail Meadowcreek HS -5:17.87 28:40.33 33:58.20
Aliza Charania Brookwood -2:42.97 29:20.23 32:03.20
Gabrielle Conger Duluth High School -5:03.54 29:52.66 34:56.20
Jessica Park Duluth High School -1:00.17 30:00.23 31:00.40
Stefani Frandsen Brookwood +3:09.65 33:53.15 30:43.50
Aniya Anderson Dacula -6:50.25 30:54.95 37:45.20
Grace Anderson Mountain View HS -5.07 31:44.73 31:49.80
Tu(Jenny) Hong Mountain View HS +2:02.40 33:53.20 31:50.80
Courtney Frandsen Brookwood -4.85 31:53.85 31:58.70
Samantha Barrera-Morales Norcross High School +11.27 32:37.37 32:26.10
Jenny Vo Meadowcreek HS -5:28.43 32:32.37 38:00.80
Abby Bennett Duluth High School -6:32.38 33:48.92 40:21.30
Jackeline Morales-Zavala Meadowcreek HS -2:24.55 40:31.75 42:56.30