84 Middle School Athletic Conference Championship 2024

Thomasville, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Andrew Pine Grove Middle School
Travis, Timothy Lowndes MS
Perkins, La'Derrick Washington MS
Simpson, Alex Lowndes MS
Andrews, Deandra 11.59 Thomas County Middle School
Bell, Derrick 11.63 Washington MS
Denson, Ja'Mari 11.92 Bainbridge Middle School
Brown, Joshua 11.93 Lowndes MS
Williams, Detavius 11.96 Thomas County Middle School
Thomas, Kaevon 12.13 Hahira MS
Brown, Blair 12.36 Hahira MS
Martin, Theo 12.40 Thomas County Middle School
Gurley, Noah 12.55 Washington MS
Jones, Caden 12.60 Bainbridge Middle School
McCoy, Albert 12.87 Bainbridge Middle School
Roman, Malik 12.89 Hahira MS
Metcalf, Jayden 12.92 Pine Grove Middle School
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Copeland, Rj Lowndes MS
Thomas, Zurion Pine Grove Middle School
Taylor, Michael 14.13 Bainbridge Middle School
Hawkins, Corey 14.78 Bainbridge Middle School
Sawyer, Demarion 14.92 Thomas County Middle School
Murphy, Polo 15.11 Lowndes MS
Bush, Ty'Kendrian 16.26 Thomas County Middle School
Gray, Jeremiah 16.43 Lowndes MS
McCoy, Albert 16.49 Bainbridge Middle School
Jones, Ja'Quavion 16.62 Washington MS
Rawls, Antwon 16.64 Pine Grove Middle School
Guion, Tyson 17.15 Thomas County Middle School
Thomas, Malachi 17.22 Pine Grove Middle School
Kasen Turner, Kasen 18.32 Hahira MS
Johnson, Kalel 18.93 Hahira MS
Clark, Jaylin 20.17 Washington MS
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Simeon Lowndes MS
Molisee, Luke Washington MS
Mancil, Nick Thomas County Middle School
Shelly, Max 5:19.64 Hahira MS
Thurston, River 5:21.99 Pine Grove Middle School
Chick, Andrew 5:27.98 Hahira MS
Sweet, Jaden 5:34.26 Bainbridge Middle School
Dennard, Holten 5:34.85 Thomas County Middle School
Triston Coats, Tristian 5:39.90 Hahira MS
Glass, Josh 5:42.66 Thomas County Middle School
Haney, Saun 5:44.30 Thomas County Middle School
Mancil, Braxton 5:51.88 Thomas County Middle School
Stephens, Connor 5:53.67 Thomas County Middle School
Drummer, Issac 5:54.27 Bainbridge Middle School
Santos, Josias 5:56.73 Lowndes MS
Ross, Bryson 5:57.41 Thomas County Middle School
Beach, Ashton 5:59.52 Thomas County Middle School
Thurston, Gage 6:14.34 Pine Grove Middle School
Godwin, Shawn 6:15.42 Pine Grove Middle School
Holder, C J 6:16.18 Lowndes MS
Anderson, Kaleb 6:27.95 Bainbridge Middle School
Uyeno, Gabriel 6:28.78 Hahira MS
Sirmans, Kamren 6:30.73 Hahira MS
Harrell, Timothy 6:48.76 Washington MS
Solomon, Leander 7:02.07 Washington MS
Drawdy, Chris 7:09.20 Lowndes MS
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Travis, Timothy Lowndes MS
Thomas, Zurion Pine Grove Middle School
Malik Roman, Malik Hahira MS
Stokes, Christian Lowndes MS
Andrews, Deandra 24.12 Thomas County Middle School
Denson, Ja'Mari 24.53 Bainbridge Middle School
Bell, Derrick 24.53 Washington MS
Thomas, Otis 24.59 Hahira MS
Williams, Detavius 24.69 Thomas County Middle School
Copeland, Rj 24.94 Lowndes MS
Brown, Blair 25.12 Hahira MS
Taylor, Michael 25.65 Bainbridge Middle School
Gurley, Noah 25.87 Washington MS
McGregor, Makel 25.94 Bainbridge Middle School
Clark, Jayden 26.01 Thomas County Middle School
Metcalf, Jayden 27.01 Pine Grove Middle School
Bogan, Brandon 27.54 Washington MS
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kasen Turner, Kasen Hahira MS
Scruggs, Andre Pine Grove Middle School
Levitodis, Max 1:00.18 Pine Grove Middle School
Murphy, Polo 1:00.55 Lowndes MS
Stephens, Connor 1:00.69 Thomas County Middle School
Glass, Josh 1:01.34 Thomas County Middle School
James, Dakota 1:01.60 Bainbridge Middle School
Johnson, Triston 1:02.00 Washington MS
Sweet, Jaylen 1:02.00h Bainbridge Middle School
Kelly, Jakaden 1:02.33 Washington MS
Rawlins, Iraj 1:02.38 Hahira MS
Stokes, Christian 1:02.59 Lowndes MS
Solomon, Leander 1:05.26 Washington MS
strickland, caleb 58.11 Pine Grove Middle School
McGregor, Makel 58.58 Bainbridge Middle School
Demps, Niles 58:32.00 Lowndes MS
Henson, Miguel 59.55 Thomas County Middle School
Daniels, Kingston 59.79 Hahira MS
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.26 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 46.37 Lowndes MS
Relay Team B 46.37 Lowndes MS
Relay Team B 46.61 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team A 46.61 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team B 47.87 Hahira MS
Relay Team A 47.87 Hahira MS
Relay Team B 48.26 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 48.62 Pine Grove Middle School
Relay Team A 48.89 Washington MS
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:00.47 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 4:02.10 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team B 4:02.10 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team B 4:04.11 Pine Grove Middle School
Relay Team A 4:04.11 Pine Grove Middle School
Relay Team B 4:05.47 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 4:09.94 Lowndes MS
Relay Team B 4:09.94 Lowndes MS
Relay Team A 4:13.05 Hahira MS
Relay Team A 4:22.32 Washington MS
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Boys 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Zurion Pine Grove Middle School
Harrell, Nate Lowndes MS
Clark, Jaylin Washington MS
Godwin, Shawn Pine Grove Middle School
McQuade, Liam Hahira MS
Jackson, Kamarri Lowndes MS
Nolley, Josh Pine Grove Middle School
Johnson, Kalel 2:21.11 Hahira MS
Thurston, River 2:23.64 Pine Grove Middle School
Stephens, Connor 2:24.13 Thomas County Middle School
Sweet, Jaden 2:25.02 Bainbridge Middle School
Shelly, Max 2:25.11 Hahira MS
Glass, Josh 2:29.20 Thomas County Middle School
Haney, Saun 2:29.68 Thomas County Middle School
Drummer, Issac 2:33.15 Bainbridge Middle School
Holder, C J 2:33.30 Lowndes MS
Triston Coats, Tristian 2:34.92 Hahira MS
Anderson, Kaleb 2:34.97 Bainbridge Middle School
Beach, Ashton 2:35.40 Thomas County Middle School
Chick, Andrew 2:38.55 Hahira MS
Santos, Josias 2:39.33 Lowndes MS
Herring, Kendle 2:42.21 Thomas County Middle School
Thurston, Guage 2:44.03 Pine Grove Middle School
Anderson, Simeon 2:45.67 Lowndes MS
Molisee, Luke 2:47.74 Washington MS
Solomon, Leander 2:51.75 Washington MS
Smith, Cooper 2:51.82 Hahira MS
Harrell, Timothy 2:52.89 Washington MS
Banks, Lakevian 2:54.56 Thomas County Middle School
Johnson, Triston 3:00.16 Washington MS
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Boys Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lary, Calix 98-9 Pine Grove Middle School
Monroe, Davis 89-8 Hahira MS
Hawkins, Riley 85-5.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Watson, Peyton 85-3 Pine Grove Middle School
Spence, Ian 83-2 Washington MS
Kelly, Kevion 81-6 Bainbridge Middle School
Brown, Javarious 79-10 Washington MS
Alejason Castor, Jason 78-1 Hahira MS
Allen, Kayden 77-9 Lowndes MS
Johnson, Ta'Maurius 73-2.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Johnson, Tyland 70-4 Thomas County Middle School
Davis, Ziggy 69-0 Washington MS
Williams, Zack Thomas County Middle School
Jahari Carter, jahrira Hahira MS
Williams, Shawn Pine Grove Middle School
Sherman , Jailen Lowndes MS
Brooks, Jayden Lowndes MS
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Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Andrew 5-2 Pine Grove Middle School
Scruggs, Andre 5-0 Pine Grove Middle School
Jones, Caden 5-0 Bainbridge Middle School
Brooks, Trey 4-9 Thomas County Middle School
Coleman, Carson 4-9 Thomas County Middle School
Hawkins, Corey 4-9 Bainbridge Middle School
Jones, Ja'Quavion 4-7 Washington MS
Daniels, Kingston 4-7 Hahira MS
Coleman, DJ 4-6 Thomas County Middle School
Sheldon Moore, Sheldon 4-5 Hahira MS
McCoy, Albert 4-5 Bainbridge Middle School
Brown, Joshua Lowndes MS
Murphy, Polo Lowndes MS
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Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelly, Kevion 19-2.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Andrews, Deandra 19-0.5 Thomas County Middle School
Denson, Ja'Mari 19-0 Bainbridge Middle School
Copeland, Rj 18-2 Lowndes MS
Thomas, Kaevon 17-10 Hahira MS
Roman, Malik 17-8 Hahira MS
Jones, Caden 17-3 Bainbridge Middle School
Brown, Joshua 17-3 Lowndes MS
Sawyer, Demarion 16-1 Thomas County Middle School
Bogan, Brandon 15-9.5 Washington MS
Smith, Andrew 15-6.5 Pine Grove Middle School
Baker, Camden 15-5.5 Thomas County Middle School
Scruggs, Andre 15-2 Pine Grove Middle School
Jones, Ja'Quavion 14-10 Washington MS
Bell, Derrick Washington MS
Simpson, Alex Lowndes MS
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Boys Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Tomaj 40-5 Lowndes MS
Monroe, Davis 38-6 Hahira MS
Johnson, Tyland 37-4 Thomas County Middle School
Brooks, Jayden 37-0 Lowndes MS
Wtason, Payton 36-3 Pine Grove Middle School
Brown, Javarious 34-8 Washington MS
Alejason Castor, Jason 34-5 Hahira MS
Spence, Ian 33-3 Washington MS
Issac, Christian 31-10.25 Washington MS
Johnson, Ta'Maurius 31-4.75 Bainbridge Middle School
Kelly, Kevion 30-3.75 Bainbridge Middle School
Williams, Shawn 29-2 Pine Grove Middle School
Horton, Hayden 27-6 Hahira MS
Williams, Zack 26-0.25 Thomas County Middle School
Hawkins, Riley 24-0 Bainbridge Middle School
Coleman, Carson 23-9 Thomas County Middle School
Flowers, Tyee Pine Grove Middle School
Mitchell, Ronnie Lowndes MS
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Boys Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Trey 36-11 Thomas County Middle School
Kelly, Kevion 36-9 Bainbridge Middle School
Coleman, DJ 35-7.5 Thomas County Middle School
Smith, Kaden 35-1.5 Bainbridge Middle School
McCoy, Albert 33-5 Bainbridge Middle School
Bogan, Brandon 31-3 Washington MS
Perkins, La'Derrick 31-0.5 Washington MS
Williams, Zack 30-8 Thomas County Middle School
Gurley, Noah Washington MS
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Kaelynn 12.62 Hahira MS
Walker, Journee 12.67 Thomas County Middle School
Menard, leah 13.05 Pine Grove Middle School
Thomas, Malaysia 13.27 Washington MS
Patterson, Jer'siyah 13.42 Thomas County Middle School
King, Aniya 13.48 Washington MS
Jackson, Neveah 13.62 Hahira MS
Williams, Jayani 13.63 Washington MS
Barnes, Ra'Kiyah 13.74 Thomas County Middle School
Jackson, Kamiyah 13.74 Lowndes MS
Fluitt, Ayahana 13.89 Bainbridge Middle School
Anderson, Haley 13.91 Bainbridge Middle School
Brown, Ericka 14.13 Pine Grove Middle School
Eafford, Alyssa 14.19 Bainbridge Middle School
Dionna Jackson, Dionna 15.17 Hahira MS
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cherry, Zylah Lowndes MS
Carter, Kaelynn Hahira MS
Bullu[s, Zaharya 16.28 Pine Grove Middle School
Laniah, Bright 18.09 Pine Grove Middle School
Anderson, Ashanti 18.55 Thomas County Middle School
James, Danaisha 19.36 Bainbridge Middle School
Clark, Zariah 19.89 Thomas County Middle School
Scott, Janiyah 20.12 Bainbridge Middle School
Hill, Chiara 20.53 Washington MS
Felder, Ariyah 20.57 Washington MS
Hayes, Malorie 21.11 Thomas County Middle School
Hudson, Hayden 21.15 Washington MS
Williams, Ja'Kayla 21.31 Bainbridge Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McClain, Lucy Hahira MS
Diamon, Alyssa Hahira MS
Gray, Amellia Hahira MS
Deola, Emalyn Pine Grove Middle School
Washington, Kennedy Pine Grove Middle School
Hall, Tully Pine Grove Middle School
Garcia, Mia 6:24.06 Pine Grove Middle School
Strickland, Karsyn 6:27.85 Pine Grove Middle School
Chambers, Lydia 6:31.80 Hahira MS
Patel, Pari 6:39.91 Hahira MS
Smith, Carrington 6:50.04 Bainbridge Middle School
Thompson, Emalyn 6:58.32 Thomas County Middle School
Mancil, Chloe 7:01.89 Thomas County Middle School
Coldwell, Reese 7:08.42 Hahira MS
Stutler, Rayna 7:12.70 Bainbridge Middle School
Morimoto, Karriah 7:28.99 Lowndes MS
Teadon, Cameron 7:43.94 Thomas County Middle School
Deters, Breil 7:47.55 Pine Grove Middle School
Crawford, Morgan 7:56.86 Washington MS
Velasques, Joseline 8:05.85 Thomas County Middle School
Floyd, Emma 8:13.50 Thomas County Middle School
Wynn, Julianne 8:15.16 Thomas County Middle School
Castillejos, Jahnell 8:20.33 Washington MS
McMillian, Katherine 8:22.95 Lowndes MS
Pyles, Madi 8:23.94 Washington MS
Swatts, Haley 8:31.40 Bainbridge Middle School
Delgado, Kayla 9:11.09 Lowndes MS
Graham, Kiilynn 9:52.38 Washington MS
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Kaelynn Hahira MS
Bullu[s, Zaharya Pine Grove Middle School
Menard, leah 26.39 Pine Grove Middle School
Walker, Journee 26.82 Thomas County Middle School
Patterson, Jer'siyah 27.93 Thomas County Middle School
Hawkins, Kennedy 27.97 Bainbridge Middle School
Williams, Jayani 28.07 Washington MS
Jackson, Neveah 28.19 Hahira MS
Thomas, Malaysia 28.28 Washington MS
Anderson, Haley 28.49 Bainbridge Middle School
King, Aniya 28.54 Washington MS
Jackson, Kamiyah 28.77 Lowndes MS
Brown, Ericka 28.89 Pine Grove Middle School
Cason, A'Ziyah 29.44 Thomas County Middle School
Mitchell, Za'Nari 29.98 Lowndes MS
McCray, Makayla 32.87 Bainbridge Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caroline Smith, Caroline Hahira MS
Adams, Makaela Pine Grove Middle School
Warren, Annyson 1:04.17 Pine Grove Middle School
Hawkins, Kennedy 1:04.76 Bainbridge Middle School
Myles, Zy'Ronnie 1:07.30 Thomas County Middle School
Sessions, Wynter 1:09.00 Thomas County Middle School
McCray, Makayla 1:09.48 Bainbridge Middle School
Woods, Mikah 1:09.56 Pine Grove Middle School
Frazier, Harmony 1:11.50 Washington MS
Bowdry, Kanari 1:11.78 Thomas County Middle School
Young, Trinity 1:13.99 Lowndes MS
James, Danaisha 1:16.09 Bainbridge Middle School
Felder, Ariyah 1:16.14 Washington MS
Bratcher, Arianna 1:16.46 Hahira MS
Mays, Kaleijah 1:17.34 Washington MS
Clark, Zameara 1:21.75 Lowndes MS
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.06 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team A 52.56 Pine Grove Middle School
Relay Team A 53.93 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 54.04 Washington MS
Relay Team B 54.04 Washington MS
Relay Team A 54.80 Hahira MS
Relay Team B 54.87 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team B 56.00 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team A 57.30 Lowndes MS
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:39.78 Pine Grove Middle School
Relay Team A 4:46.67 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team B 4:52.53 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team A 4:52.53 Thomas County Middle School
Relay Team B 4:55.67 Bainbridge Middle School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Washington MS
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Washington MS
Relay Team A 5:31.80 Lowndes MS
Relay Team A 5:37.31 Hahira MS
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Girls 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coldwell, Reese Hahira MS
Morimoto, Karriah Lowndes MS
Elliot, Shakima Pine Grove Middle School
Deola, Emalyn Pine Grove Middle School
Warren, Annyson 2:47.02 Pine Grove Middle School
Strickland, Karsyn 2:52.18 Pine Grove Middle School
Mancil, Chloe 2:56.66 Thomas County Middle School
Chambers, Lydia 2:58.27 Hahira MS
Garcia, Mia 2:58.70 Pine Grove Middle School
Stutler, Rayna 3:02.23 Bainbridge Middle School
Hall, Tully 3:02.56 Pine Grove Middle School
Mays, Kaleijah 3:04.75 Washington MS
Patel, Pari 3:06.12 Hahira MS
Smith, Carrington 3:08.54 Bainbridge Middle School
Thompson, Emalyn 3:13.54 Thomas County Middle School
McClain, Lucy 3:19.60 Hahira MS
Gray, Amellia 3:21.49 Hahira MS
Teadon, Cameron 3:21.70 Thomas County Middle School
McMillian, Katherine 3:22.45 Lowndes MS
Floyd, Emma 3:22.89 Thomas County Middle School
Pyles, Madi 3:22.92 Washington MS
Crawford, Morgan 3:23.25 Washington MS
Diamon, Alyssa 3:24.79 Hahira MS
Bell, Endea 3:26.92 Washington MS
Wynn, Julianne 3:28.50 Thomas County Middle School
Castillejos, Jahnell 3:33.35 Washington MS
Bradshaw, Amelia 3:34.69 Thomas County Middle School
Delgado, Kayla 3:47.62 Lowndes MS
Owens, Whitney 3:48.41 Bainbridge Middle School
Graham, Kiilynn 4:00.76 Washington MS
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Girls Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cherry, Zylah 80-0 Lowndes MS
Robinson, Taylor 64-10 Washington MS
Vanessa Roberts, Vanessa 63-0 Hahira MS
Taylor, Olivia 62-1 Thomas County Middle School
Harris, Carleigh 60-0 Pine Grove Middle School
Fluitt, Ayahana 59-9 Bainbridge Middle School
Knight, Zariyah 59-8 Thomas County Middle School
Major, Zariah 56-10.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Intzin-Ramirez, Angelly 56-6 Hahira MS
Chukes, Shanya 48-10 Bainbridge Middle School
Phillips, Aaliyah 48-6.25 Thomas County Middle School
Anderson, Mikael 45-7 Washington MS
Weaver, Brooklyn 39-2 Washington MS
Scott, Tristen 33-5 Pine Grove Middle School
Morris, Beth Pine Grove Middle School
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Girls High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Mikah 5-0 Pine Grove Middle School
Hollis, Alivia 4-10 Pine Grove Middle School
Bowdry, Kanari 4-8 Thomas County Middle School
Keaton, Lyric 4-4 Bainbridge Middle School
Fluitt, Ayahana 4-3 Bainbridge Middle School
Smith, Michelle 4-2 Bainbridge Middle School
Germaine, Meghan 4-0 Thomas County Middle School
Hudson, Hayden Washington MS
Sessions, Wynter Thomas County Middle School
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Girls Long Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laniah, Bright 14-11 Pine Grove Middle School
James, Danaisha 14-8.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Thomas, Malaysia 14-6 Washington MS
Anderson, Haley 14-2 Bainbridge Middle School
Jackson, Neveah 13-3 Hahira MS
Patterson, Jer'siyah 13-2.75 Thomas County Middle School
Keaton, Lyric 13-2 Bainbridge Middle School
Paytee, Malayah 13-1 Washington MS
Frazier, Harmony 13-0.75 Washington MS
Adams, Makaela 12-7 Pine Grove Middle School
Barnes, Ra'Kiyah 12-5 Thomas County Middle School
Dionna Jackson, Dionna 11-1 Hahira MS
Reese, Jaslynn Thomas County Middle School
Mitchell, Za'Nari Lowndes MS
Young, Trinity Lowndes MS
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Girls Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Carleigh 33-3 Pine Grove Middle School
Cherry, Zylah 31-1 Lowndes MS
Morris, Beth 29-4 Pine Grove Middle School
Fluitt, Ayahana 28-4 Bainbridge Middle School
Major, Zariah 27-9 Bainbridge Middle School
Chukes, Shanya 27-0 Bainbridge Middle School
Taylor, Olivia 26-5 Thomas County Middle School
Phillips, Aaliyah 24-2 Thomas County Middle School
Thompson, Morgan 23-10 Washington MS
Knight, Zariyah 23-8.75 Thomas County Middle School
Intzin-Ramirez, Angelly 23-8 Hahira MS
Anderson, Mikael 22-5 Washington MS
Weaver, Brooklyn 21-7 Washington MS
Vanessa Roberts, Vanessa 21-7 Hahira MS
Scott, Tristen Pine Grove Middle School
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Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Ja'Niyah 24-4 Washington MS
Rykard, Trinty 23-5.5 Bainbridge Middle School
Keaton, Lyric 23-1.5 Bainbridge Middle School
King, Aniya 22-7 Washington MS
Walden, Lauryn 22-6.5 Thomas County Middle School
Germaine, Meghan 22-4 Thomas County Middle School
Felder, Ariyah Washington MS
Cosby, A'rihanna Bainbridge Middle School
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