MBMS Home Meet 2024

Bogart, GA
Timing/Results Fast Feet Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willis, Collier Malcom Bridge MS
Wall, Ryan 11.98 Malcom Bridge MS
McGraw, Cooper 12.35 Dove Creek Middle School
Griffin, Kaleb 12.51 Richard B. Russell MS
Kurtz, Roberto 12.88 Oconee County MS
Fisher, Jackson 12.91 Dove Creek Middle School
Harris, Skylan 13.04 Richard B. Russell MS
Cartey, Colton 13.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Patterson, Griffin 13.20 Oconee County MS
Mathis, Sheedrick 13.27 Dove Creek Middle School
Bowman, Jeff 13.32 Buford MS
Allred, Benton 13.62 Malcom Bridge MS
Goss, Levi 13.86 Oconee County MS
Tiller, Mason 13.88 Oconee County MS
Powell, Broadus 13.95 Dove Creek Middle School
Johnson, William 14.00 Buford MS
Sims, Bryson 14.03 Jefferson Middle School
Harbin, Jayden 14.51 Buford MS
Witt-Bemid, Richard "Magnus" 14.74 Sirius Athletics
Aguayo, Anthony 14.78 Jefferson Middle School
Thomas, Hayden 14.88 Jefferson Middle School
Thoms, Carson 14.94 Malcom Bridge MS
Appling, Brendon 15.03 Buford MS
Dyer, Micah 15.29 Jefferson Middle School
Mesquita de Andrade, Marcos 15.38 Sirius Athletics
Lakes, Harlem 15.41 Sirius Athletics
Gilbert, Aaiden 15.61 Richard B. Russell MS
Hammond, Marcus 15.85 Richard B. Russell MS
Brewer, Harrison 16.17 Sirius Athletics
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emerson, Isaac 15.71 Oconee County MS
Bailey, Kaleb 17.72 Oconee County MS
White, Collin 18.18 Dove Creek Middle School
Beasley, Robert 18.24 Malcom Bridge MS
Mark, Zachary 18.32 Dove Creek Middle School
Wood, Charles 18.81 Dove Creek Middle School
McDowell, Lucas 18.96 Richard B. Russell MS
McCarthy, William 19.32 Malcom Bridge MS
Rhinehart, Samuel 20.18 Richard B. Russell MS
Melton, Tripp 20.38 Dove Creek Middle School
Allen, Isaac 21.17 Malcom Bridge MS
Pitts, Wesley 21.25 Malcom Bridge MS
Hunter, Cavario 21.42 Richard B. Russell MS
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mulamoottil, Jayden Sirius Athletics
Dunn, Jace 5:05.72 Sirius Athletics
Steele, Max 5:20.24 Buford MS
Dixon, Micah 5:22.14 Oconee County MS
Burrell, Luke 5:24.59 Dove Creek Middle School
Ramsey, Isaac 5:39.86 Sirius Athletics
Jones, Teddy 5:41.48 Buford MS
Bauerle, Wellington 5:41.50 Sirius Athletics
Robertson, Jack 5:43.31 Dove Creek Middle School
McCullough, Nolan 5:48.76 Oconee County MS
Creech, Macaulay 5:49.23 Malcom Bridge MS
Robertson, Sam 5:49.73 Dove Creek Middle School
Lunceford, Hunter 5:50.92 Sirius Athletics
McGinn, Michael 5:53.11 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bradley, Aston 5:56.49 Jefferson Middle School
Stephens, Duncan 5:56.98 Jefferson Middle School
Allen, Beau 5:57.94 Richard B. Russell MS
Campbell, Spencer 6:03.75 Malcom Bridge MS
Turff, Hudson 6:04.47 Oconee County MS
Pham, Matthew 6:06.76 Buford MS
Riddle, Ryder 6:08.56 Dove Creek Middle School
Warden, Jack 6:10.28 Jefferson Middle School
O' Hara, Phillip 6:11.70 Jefferson Middle School
Dougherty, Connor 6:16.16 Oconee County MS
Kelley, Baylin 6:16.86 Jefferson Middle School
Morgan, Jack 6:17.79 Malcom Bridge MS
Curry, Hunter 6:21.95 Buford MS
Moore, Chase 6:25.41 Jefferson Middle School
Whitworth, Hollis 6:30.53 Jefferson Middle School
Foley, Jacob 6:31.24 Jefferson Middle School
Smith, Addai 6:33.15 Richard B. Russell MS
Taylor, Christopher 6:34.01 Buford MS
Tang, Terrence 6:34.64 Malcom Bridge MS
Kirchoff, Zaxtyn 6:36.66 Buford MS
Brown, Brantlee 6:40.52 Richard B. Russell MS
Cooper, Timothy 6:42.73 Oconee County MS
Palmer, Christian 6:43.20 Buford MS
Briscoe, Carter 6:45.00 Oconee County MS
Dann, Boaz 7:10.34 Sirius Athletics
Evans, Ethan 7:15.84 Jefferson Middle School
White, Noah 7:29.81 Jefferson Middle School
Harbour, Robert 7:51.89 Sirius Athletics
Horne, Charlie 8:28.76 Sirius Athletics
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brice, Ja'siah Malcom Bridge MS
Wall, Ryan 24.54 Malcom Bridge MS
Benton, Brooks 25.37 Dove Creek Middle School
Barnes, Landon 25.40 Oconee County MS
McGraw, Cooper 25.48 Dove Creek Middle School
Griffin, Kaleb 25.79 Richard B. Russell MS
Rushton, Declan 26.38 Malcom Bridge MS
Key, Roddy 26.60 Richard B. Russell MS
Thoms, Carson 26.80 Malcom Bridge MS
Thornton, Hunter 26.90 Oconee County MS
Cartey, Colton 27.10 Prince Avenue Christian School
Harris, Skylan 27.32 Richard B. Russell MS
Whyte, Carson 27.47 Buford MS
Kelly, Bryce 27.87 Oconee County MS
Goss, Levi 28.08 Oconee County MS
McDowell, Lucas 28.68 Richard B. Russell MS
Choe, Nathaniel 28.76 Buford MS
Allen Jr., Everett 28.84 Buford MS
Gates, Jordan 28.97 Buford MS
Gonzalez, Brandon 30.27 Jefferson Middle School
McKee, Caden 31.02 Dove Creek Middle School
Stanley, Cameron 31.46 Jefferson Middle School
Witt-Bemid, Richard "Magnus" 31.65 Sirius Athletics
Mesquita de Andrade, Marcos 31.70 Sirius Athletics
Kavanaugh, Beckett 31.99 Dove Creek Middle School
Ethan, Fellows 32.32 Sirius Athletics
Gooch, Austin 33.80 Jefferson Middle School
Lakes, Harlem 33.94 Sirius Athletics
Wright, Ej 36.63 Jefferson Middle School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abate, Elionaye 12:17.41 Oconee County MS
Blose, Dayton 12:25.00 Oconee County MS
Jones, Teddy 12:36.67 Buford MS
Lunceford, Hunter 13:10 Sirius Athletics
Curry, Hunter 13:34.71 Buford MS
Pruitt, Logan 14:12.46 Richard B. Russell MS
Lucas, Brody 14:30.61 Dove Creek Middle School
Kinnaird, Zach 14:52.61 Malcom Bridge MS
Higginbotham, Ryan 14:57.32 Malcom Bridge MS
Hill, Miles 15:04.68 Malcom Bridge MS
Moore, Ashton 20:55.58 Richard B. Russell MS
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hodge, Weston Sirius Athletics
Green, Kian Jefferson Middle School
Adkinsson, Marlin Malcom Bridge MS
McGahee, Owen Malcom Bridge MS
Woodson, Liam Buford MS
Battle, Emmanuel Jefferson Middle School
Garrick, Tashan 1:01.62 Richard B. Russell MS
Okoth, Bellon 1:01.75 Oconee County MS
Zhai, Tony 1:02.78 Dove Creek Middle School
White, Collin 1:04.02 Dove Creek Middle School
Norton, Sawyer 1:04.22 Malcom Bridge MS
Coleman, Carter 1:04.78 Buford MS
Williams, Dean 1:05.31 Buford MS
Schirmer, Henry 1:05.68 Malcom Bridge MS
Dunn, Jace 1:06.50 Sirius Athletics
Boose, Noah 1:06.64 Jefferson Middle School
Lee, Carson 1:07.83 Buford MS
Jenkins, Avery 1:08.46 Richard B. Russell MS
Ethan, Fellows 1:09.38 Sirius Athletics
Brown, Chris 1:13.79 Richard B. Russell MS
Dougherty, Connor 1:18.00 Oconee County MS
McCullough, Nolan 1:18.00 Oconee County MS
Hill, Jesse 1:34.85 Jefferson Middle School
White, Keegan 56.08 Dove Creek Middle School
Benton, Brooks 56.72 Dove Creek Middle School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.36 Buford MS
Relay Team B 47.36 Buford MS
Relay Team A 47.58 Jefferson Middle School
Relay Team A 48.47 Oconee County MS
Relay Team A 48.57 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team B 48.57 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team A 49.05 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team B 49.05 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team A 49.21 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team B 49.21 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team B 50.47 Oconee County MS
Relay Team A 55.94 Sirius Athletics
Relay Team B 55.94 Sirius Athletics
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:59.60 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team B 3:59.60 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team A 4:00.79 Buford MS
Relay Team B 4:00.79 Buford MS
Relay Team A 4:11.93 Jefferson Middle School
Relay Team A 4:19.39 Oconee County MS
Relay Team B 4:23.53 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team A 4:23.53 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team B 4:23.57 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team A 4:23.57 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team B 4:28.39 Oconee County MS
Relay Team B 5:42.32 Sirius Athletics
Relay Team A 5:42.32 Sirius Athletics
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Boys 800 Meter Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hodge, Weston Sirius Athletics
Hill, Miles Malcom Bridge MS
Moore, Chase Jefferson Middle School
Mulamoottil, Jayden Sirius Athletics
Wardlow, Max Dove Creek Middle School
Holland, Harris Malcom Bridge MS
Thompson, Brayden 2:18.59 Buford MS
Burrell, Luke 2:18.99 Dove Creek Middle School
Dunn, Jace 2:19.26 Sirius Athletics
Steele, Max 2:22.79 Buford MS
Hultquist, Slayden 2:25.70 Buford MS
Philmon, Tyler 2:30.87 Malcom Bridge MS
Wood, Charles 2:31.35 Dove Creek Middle School
Dixon, Micah 2:31.75 Oconee County MS
Cabezas, Mateo 2:33.05 Buford MS
Campbell, Spencer 2:33.31 Malcom Bridge MS
Yarbrough, Kaio 2:40.45 Buford MS
Bolding, Levi 2:42.48 Oconee County MS
Creech, Macaulay 2:43.32 Malcom Bridge MS
O' Hara, Phillip 2:44.60 Jefferson Middle School
Pham, Matthew 2:46.42 Buford MS
Kelley, Baylin 2:46.61 Jefferson Middle School
Xiong, Eric 2:46.64 Richard B. Russell MS
Bradley, Aston 2:48.36 Jefferson Middle School
Kirchoff, Zaxtyn 2:49.00 Buford MS
Pitts, Wesley 2:49.75 Malcom Bridge MS
Crabbe, Mason 2:50.20 Buford MS
Foley, Jacob 2:51.02 Jefferson Middle School
Stephens, Duncan 2:51.73 Jefferson Middle School
Whitworth, Hollis 2:53.99 Jefferson Middle School
Morgan, Jack 2:54.36 Malcom Bridge MS
Taylor, Christopher 2:57.11 Buford MS
Warden, Jack 2:58.03 Jefferson Middle School
Armour, Davis 2:58.25 Oconee County MS
Kavanaugh, Beckett 2:59.70 Dove Creek Middle School
Palmer, Christian 3:01.92 Buford MS
Bauerle, Wellington 3:05.10 Sirius Athletics
Coleman, Reid 3:06.34 Oconee County MS
Tang, Terrence 3:07.67 Malcom Bridge MS
Jessup, Clay 3:07.71 Richard B. Russell MS
Paulson, Michael 3:10.62 Richard B. Russell MS
Evans, Ethan 3:10.86 Jefferson Middle School
White, Noah 3:11.54 Jefferson Middle School
Rice, Brantley 3:12.46 Dove Creek Middle School
Dann, Boaz 3:24.69 Sirius Athletics
Howard, Samuel 3:25.82 Dove Creek Middle School
Horne, Charlie 3:49.56 Sirius Athletics
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Boys Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Severson, Dawson 102-4 Oconee County MS
Kallatsa, Alden 87-5 Malcom Bridge MS
Cessna, Branden 83-4 Buford MS
King, Clayton 82-11 Dove Creek Middle School
Campbell, Spencer 80-4 Malcom Bridge MS
Lowery, William 77-6 Richard B. Russell MS
Ericson, Dylan 77-3 Dove Creek Middle School
Colli, Skyler 77-3 Jefferson Middle School
Marable, John David 76-10 Oconee County MS
Griffin, Zaikir 76-0 Oconee County MS
Norton, Sawyer 72-10 Malcom Bridge MS
Landry, Dereck 70-5 Richard B. Russell MS
Tiller, Mason 70-0 Oconee County MS
Burrell, Beau 66-10 Dove Creek Middle School
Powell, Broadus 61-10 Dove Creek Middle School
Gurley, Hudson 60-2 Malcom Bridge MS
Kearmy, Liam 59-5 Buford MS
Archer, Raiden 57-3 Jefferson Middle School
Appling, Brendon 57-0 Buford MS
Mobley, Blake 54-3 Buford MS
Duron, Cruze 53-4 Jefferson Middle School
Dann, Boaz 49-6 Sirius Athletics
McDonald, Charlie 46-4 Jefferson Middle School
Harbour, Robert 39-11 Sirius Athletics
Horne, Charlie 26-11 Sirius Athletics
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Emerson, Isaac 5-2 Oconee County MS
Allred, Benton 5-2 Malcom Bridge MS
Wilcox, Trent 5-0 Buford MS
Mathis, Sheedrick 5-0 Dove Creek Middle School
Rushton, Declan 5-0 Malcom Bridge MS
Griffin, Kaleb 4-8 Richard B. Russell MS
Steele, Max 4-8 Buford MS
Bailey, Kaleb 4-6 Oconee County MS
Gurley, Hudson 4-4 Malcom Bridge MS
Millington, Kyle 4-3 Dove Creek Middle School
Wardlow, Max 4-2 Dove Creek Middle School
Mesquita de Andrade, Marcos 3-6 Sirius Athletics
Garrick, Tashan Richard B. Russell MS
McDowell, Lucas Richard B. Russell MS
Sullivan, Caleb Buford MS
Melton, Tripp Dove Creek Middle School
Hill, Miles Malcom Bridge MS
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Boys Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McGraw, Cooper 18-11.5 Dove Creek Middle School
Womack, Nicholas 17-10 Dove Creek Middle School
Wall, Ryan 17-10 Malcom Bridge MS
Barnes, Landon 17-2 Oconee County MS
Key, Roddy 16-10 Richard B. Russell MS
Kelly, Bryce 15-11 Oconee County MS
Sams, Jake 15-0 Dove Creek Middle School
Patterson, Griffin 15-0 Oconee County MS
Wells, Jett 14-10 Malcom Bridge MS
Thompson, Stone 14-8.25 Buford MS
Williams, Dean 14-6 Buford MS
McCarthy, William 14-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Page, Connor 13-10 Oconee County MS
Lee, Carson 13-1 Buford MS
Witt-Bemid, Richard "Magnus" 12-3 Sirius Athletics
Millington, Kyle 11-9 Dove Creek Middle School
Lunceford, Hunter 11-2 Sirius Athletics
Brewer, Harrison 9-2.75 Sirius Athletics
Thoms, Carson Malcom Bridge MS
Mulamoottil, Jayden Sirius Athletics
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Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Jaxson 37-6 Richard B. Russell MS
Lowery, William 36-4 Richard B. Russell MS
Kallatsa, Alden 35-8 Malcom Bridge MS
King, Clayton 35-5 Dove Creek Middle School
Marable, John David 35-1 Oconee County MS
Cessna, Branden 33-11 Buford MS
Severson, Dawson 33-5 Oconee County MS
Ericson, Dylan 32-10 Dove Creek Middle School
Griffin, Zaikir 30-11 Oconee County MS
Smith, Jermaine 30-8 Malcom Bridge MS
Kearmy, Liam 29-6 Buford MS
Burrell, Beau 27-2 Dove Creek Middle School
Colli, Skyler 25-8 Jefferson Middle School
Roland, Caleb 25-0 Oconee County MS
McDonald, Charlie 22-1 Jefferson Middle School
Mobley, Blake 21-8 Buford MS
Rolader, Will 18-9.5 Jefferson Middle School
Archer, Raiden 18-0.5 Jefferson Middle School
Appling, Brendon Buford MS
Powell, Broadus Dove Creek Middle School
Beasley, Robert Malcom Bridge MS
Morris, Wes Malcom Bridge MS
Harbour, Robert Sirius Athletics
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Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Key, Roddy 36-6 Richard B. Russell MS
Harris, Skylan 35-1 Richard B. Russell MS
Thornton, Hunter 33-1.5 Oconee County MS
Wells, Jett 32-8 Malcom Bridge MS
Kurtz, Roberto 32-8 Oconee County MS
Botham, Emerson 32-4 Buford MS
Thompson, Stone 31-6.5 Buford MS
Melton, Tripp 31-1 Dove Creek Middle School
Cann, Braxton 30-8 Dove Creek Middle School
Sams, Jake 29-7 Dove Creek Middle School
Willis, Collier 28-8 Malcom Bridge MS
Brice, Ja'siah 27-6 Malcom Bridge MS
Barrow, Carter 27-2 Dove Creek Middle School
Pierce, Wyatt 24-6 Malcom Bridge MS
Gilbert, Aaiden 24-3.5 Richard B. Russell MS
Taylor, Benjamin Oconee County MS
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baird, Annie Malcom Bridge MS
Perlotte, Adelyn Buford MS
Newman, Riley Buford MS
Howard, Parker Oconee County MS
Poe, Tatum 13.36 Malcom Bridge MS
Wilson, Patricia 13.51 Sirius Athletics
Fowler, Lila 13.65 Oconee County MS
Kelley, Jenna 13.99 Oconee County MS
Smoot, Isabel 14.09 Dove Creek Middle School
Onigbanjo, Trinity 14.16 Prince Avenue Christian School
Greear, Annalee 14.17 Dove Creek Middle School
Abbott, Emma Kate 14.31 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Carsyn 14.41 Richard B. Russell MS
Mendez, Jadali 14.58 Oconee County MS
Fellows, Naomi 14.70 Sirius Athletics
Limbert, Leighton 14.71 Malcom Bridge MS
Carroll, Maddie 14.84 Richard B. Russell MS
Usry, Ayn 15.00 Prince Avenue Christian School
Vickers, Ari 15.06 Richard B. Russell MS
Rios, Ashton 15.19 Dove Creek Middle School
Kondos, Abrielle 15.22 Malcom Bridge MS
Fellows, Mya 15.33 Sirius Athletics
Butler, Kionna 15.34 Richard B. Russell MS
Lue, Jazzlyn 15.71 Jefferson Middle School
Falohun, Crestina 15.76 Buford MS
Southworth, Sophia 15.83 Jefferson Middle School
Fisher, Ella Kaitlin 15.98 Buford MS
Hooper, Vera 16.07 Sirius Athletics
Henderson, Macey 16.12 Dove Creek Middle School
Hogan, Cooper 16.66 Prince Avenue Christian School
Stephens, Shamya 16.93 Jefferson Middle School
Ivester, Mia 17.05 Jefferson Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Day, Lexie Oconee County MS
Boroski, Charlotte Sirius Athletics
Hooper, Vera Sirius Athletics
Plattner, Eleanor 18.53 Oconee County MS
Sims, Jaylynn 19.02 Richard B. Russell MS
Miller, Bella 19.09 Oconee County MS
Bryant, Bailey 19.14 Malcom Bridge MS
Butler, Kionna 19.52 Richard B. Russell MS
Clinton, Kerrigan 20.02 Richard B. Russell MS
Rosser, Gabby 20.29 Dove Creek Middle School
Henderson, Macey 21.09 Dove Creek Middle School
Noble, Abby 21.14 Malcom Bridge MS
Blume, Jasmine 21.21 Malcom Bridge MS
Rosser, Addison 21.24 Dove Creek Middle School
Moore, Merideth 21.53 Richard B. Russell MS
Register, Quinn 22.94 Malcom Bridge MS
Brice, Marley 22.96 Dove Creek Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Lyla Jefferson Middle School
Blume, Jasmine Malcom Bridge MS
Whitmire, Lily Jefferson Middle School
McCartney, Maggie Oconee County MS
Wood, Mary Jo 6:09.77 Oconee County MS
Trent, Chloe 6:17.57 Malcom Bridge MS
Nunnaly, Chelsea 6:19.91 Jefferson Middle School
Tudor, Alexis 6:19.94 Buford MS
Chini, Jessica 6:29.34 Buford MS
Nordholz, Maye 6:30.08 Buford MS
Park, Olivia 6:35.13 Buford MS
Saraf, Ria 6:35.55 Sirius Athletics
Dann, Evelyn 6:39.55 Sirius Athletics
Avinger, Vanessa 6:43.38 Malcom Bridge MS
Dibling, Ava 6:44.69 Prince Avenue Christian School
Frederiksen, Rayna 6:48.44 Dove Creek Middle School
Stennes, Sofie 6:49.37 Dove Creek Middle School
Webb, Marian 6:50.14 Richard B. Russell MS
Weiglein, Bailey 6:50.78 Oconee County MS
McIlvenna, Imogen 6:52.64 Richard B. Russell MS
Vidal-Celedon, Melissa 6:53.10 Richard B. Russell MS
Kaiser, Paige 7:00.45 Dove Creek Middle School
Heusser, Caroline 7:06.54 Oconee County MS
Bettis, Laiken 7:11.81 Oconee County MS
Cumbus, Laurel 7:12.17 Oconee County MS
Rubio, Alyssa 7:12.22 Malcom Bridge MS
Hall, Kaylin 7:14.79 Jefferson Middle School
McIlvenna, Isla 7:16.97 Richard B. Russell MS
Brown, Aubrey 7:19.36 Oconee County MS
Mundy, Jillian 7:20.83 Jefferson Middle School
Degnen, Sarah Vi 7:26.55 Dove Creek Middle School
Peckrul, Kendall 7:27.97 Jefferson Middle School
Lasley, Quinn 7:40.82 Dove Creek Middle School
deDufour, Emerson 7:45.65 Sirius Athletics
Walker, Hannah 8:08.06 Dove Creek Middle School
Stephens, Christy 9:47.05 Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendenhall, Sierra Malcom Bridge MS
Howard, Parker Oconee County MS
Hale, Chloe Dove Creek Middle School
Davis, Jillian Prince Avenue Christian School
Adair, Katie Malcom Bridge MS
Wilson, Patricia 28.36 Sirius Athletics
Fowler, Lila 28.89 Oconee County MS
Onigbanjo, Trinity 29.73 Prince Avenue Christian School
Miller, Bella 30.23 Oconee County MS
Cole, Emerie 30.25 Malcom Bridge MS
Fritsch, Mackenzie 30.33 Buford MS
Fellows, Naomi 30.44 Sirius Athletics
Benson, Kristina 30.66 Dove Creek Middle School
Daeley, Paige 30.89 Malcom Bridge MS
Usry, Ayn 30.96 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mendez, Jadali 31.02 Oconee County MS
Clinton, Kerrigan 31.36 Richard B. Russell MS
Rackley, Ella 31.44 Buford MS
Butler, Kionna 32.13 Richard B. Russell MS
Abbott, Emma Kate 32.32 Prince Avenue Christian School
Webb, Ella 32.55 Richard B. Russell MS
Lasley, Presley 33.24 Dove Creek Middle School
Fellows, Mya 33.36 Sirius Athletics
Bowman, Casyn 33.48 Buford MS
Hunt, Lily 33.56 Jefferson Middle School
Hunnicutt, Ella 34.05 Jefferson Middle School
Piche, Kayley 34.21 Jefferson Middle School
Boroski, Charlotte 34.42 Sirius Athletics
Peak, Coreece 34.91 Richard B. Russell MS
Ferrero, Adalina 35.54 Jefferson Middle School
Logan, Sara 35.81 Buford MS
Armstrong, Ansley 37.08 Dove Creek Middle School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Lex Oconee County MS
West, Kyleigh Richard B. Russell MS
Tudor, Alexis 13:48.38 Buford MS
Nordholz, Maye 13:54.95 Buford MS
Sherard, Ruthie 14:06.71 Oconee County MS
Chestnut, Hannah 14:57.56 Dove Creek Middle School
Blume, Jasmine 15:11.11 Malcom Bridge MS
Rubio, Alyssa 15:14.21 Malcom Bridge MS
Smith, Kaylen 15:34.90 Dove Creek Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fellows, Mya Sirius Athletics
Madden, Caroline Jefferson Middle School
Fellows, Naomi Sirius Athletics
Bailey, Kiersten Buford MS
Limbert, Leighton Malcom Bridge MS
Reeves, Bella Jefferson Middle School
Setchel, Mackenzie 1:05.73 Malcom Bridge MS
David, Ella 1:07.52 Oconee County MS
Lewis, Piper 1:08.75 Richard B. Russell MS
McGuirt, Cora 1:08.89 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bailey-El Bey, Akyraah 1:09.37 Buford MS
White, Maggie 1:09.46 Dove Creek Middle School
Credille, Collins 1:10.70 Oconee County MS
McGlohon, Ella 1:10.93 Oconee County MS
Freeman, Haley 1:11.16 Buford MS
Vidal-Celedon, Melissa 1:11.28 Richard B. Russell MS
Guest, Sara Beth 1:12.50 Oconee County MS
Smith, Mia 1:13.00 Malcom Bridge MS
Waldrop, Allie 1:13.44 Malcom Bridge MS
Boroski, Caroline 1:13.78 Sirius Athletics
Rosser, Gabby 1:14.53 Dove Creek Middle School
Adams, Lee'Ora 1:16.68 Jefferson Middle School
McCray, Kinley 1:17.53 Dove Creek Middle School
Vanderford, Reagan 1:17.71 Richard B. Russell MS
Poole, Kloei 1:17.94 Buford MS
Collinsworth, Klayton 1:18.48 Jefferson Middle School
Stange, Eva 1:19.40 Dove Creek Middle School
Hodge, Elizabeth 1:24.64 Sirius Athletics
Hogan, Cooper 1:24.96 Prince Avenue Christian School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:04.68 Sirius Athletics
Relay Team B 1:04.68 Sirius Athletics
Relay Team B 52.46 Buford MS
Relay Team A 52.46 Buford MS
Relay Team A 53.19 Jefferson Middle School
Relay Team A 53.26 Oconee County MS
Relay Team B 53.26 Oconee County MS
Relay Team A 55.52 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team B 55.52 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team A 56.43 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team B 56.43 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team A 57.20 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team B 57.20 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team A 58.00h Prince Avenue Christian School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:44.03 Jefferson Middle School
Relay Team A 4:56.56 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team B 4:56.56 Malcom Bridge MS
Relay Team A 4:57.31 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team B 4:57.31 Richard B. Russell MS
Relay Team A 4:59.86 Buford MS
Relay Team B 5:00.86 Buford MS
Relay Team B 5:03.37 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team A 5:03.37 Dove Creek Middle School
Relay Team A 5:10.87 Oconee County MS
Relay Team B 5:17.87 Oconee County MS
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team B 5:22.70 Sirius Athletics
Relay Team A 5:22.70 Sirius Athletics
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Girls 800 Meter Run 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beauchamp, Olivia Jefferson Middle School
McIlvenna, Isla Richard B. Russell MS
Saraf, Ria Sirius Athletics
Avery, Amy Malcom Bridge MS
Johnson, Lex Oconee County MS
Whitmire, Lily Jefferson Middle School
Boroski, Caroline Sirius Athletics
Ryczek, Haley 2:31.92 Buford MS
McGuirt, Cora 2:45.64 Prince Avenue Christian School
Lindstrom, Harper 2:50.19 Malcom Bridge MS
Nunnaly, Chelsea 2:54.77 Jefferson Middle School
Trent, Chloe 2:56.05 Malcom Bridge MS
Chini, Jessica 2:56.41 Buford MS
Park, Olivia 3:02.09 Buford MS
Kaiser, Paige 3:03.24 Dove Creek Middle School
Dann, Minnie 3:04.38 Sirius Athletics
Dibling, Ava 3:05.51 Prince Avenue Christian School
Blackwell, Ava 3:05.90 Dove Creek Middle School
Hall, Kaylin 3:06.61 Jefferson Middle School
Webb, Marian 3:07.53 Richard B. Russell MS
Vidal-Celedon, Melissa 3:08.38 Richard B. Russell MS
Staniszewski, Lily 3:08.96 Dove Creek Middle School
McIlvenna, Imogen 3:09.21 Richard B. Russell MS
Brown, Aubrey 3:10.32 Oconee County MS
Manders, Eliza 3:11.14 Jefferson Middle School
Mundy, Jillian 3:12.56 Jefferson Middle School
Brice, Marley 3:12.67 Dove Creek Middle School
Frederiksen, Rayna 3:13.49 Dove Creek Middle School
Shoemaker, Caroline 3:13.56 Oconee County MS
Dann, Evelyn 3:14.74 Sirius Athletics
Chestnut, Hannah 3:14.89 Dove Creek Middle School
Irvin, Ella 3:15.36 Malcom Bridge MS
Smith, Kaylen 3:15.88 Dove Creek Middle School
Cumbus, Laurel 3:16.91 Oconee County MS
Heusser, Caroline 3:17.85 Oconee County MS
Rubio, Alyssa 3:17.88 Malcom Bridge MS
Hodge, Elizabeth 3:18.64 Sirius Athletics
Foster, Lyla 3:20.08 Jefferson Middle School
Lee, Mia 3:21.23 Richard B. Russell MS
Celedon, Melanie 3:23.06 Richard B. Russell MS
deDufour, Emerson 3:31.97 Sirius Athletics
Peckrul, Kendall 3:35.37 Jefferson Middle School
Lasley, Quinn 3:44.21 Dove Creek Middle School
Walker, Hannah 3:50.22 Dove Creek Middle School
Stephens, Christy 4:43.60 Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Aryeana 79-1 Richard B. Russell MS
Canius-Baptiste, Esther 65-0 Richard B. Russell MS
Mustard, Hannah 64-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Wade, Kamyah 60-10 Oconee County MS
York, Elizabeth 54-8 Oconee County MS
Gilley, Audrey 53-7 Dove Creek Middle School
Kilzi, Blayne 52-2 Oconee County MS
Clinton, Kerrigan 49-9 Richard B. Russell MS
Moore, Maddie 47-9 Jefferson Middle School
Geddings, Teagan 46-0 Dove Creek Middle School
Daniel, Sydney 44-9 Malcom Bridge MS
Lasley, Presley 35-11 Dove Creek Middle School
Avery, Amy 34-2 Malcom Bridge MS
Daniels, Kenzly 23-8 Jefferson Middle School
Rios, Ashton Dove Creek Middle School
Hayes, Kylie Jefferson Middle School
Adair, Katie Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Setchel, Mackenzie 4-10 Malcom Bridge MS
Lewis, Piper 4-4 Richard B. Russell MS
Smoot, Isabel 4-4 Dove Creek Middle School
Hale, Chloe 4-3 Dove Creek Middle School
Perlotte, Adelyn 4-2 Buford MS
David, Ella 4-2 Oconee County MS
Smith, Mia 4-2 Malcom Bridge MS
McCray, Kinley 4-1 Dove Creek Middle School
Armstrong, Ansley 4-0 Dove Creek Middle School
McGlohon, Ella 4-0 Oconee County MS
Dann, Evelyn 4-0 Sirius Athletics
Strickland, Amy Richard B. Russell MS
Hurd, Madison Buford MS
Noble, Abby Malcom Bridge MS
Stewart, Ansley Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Day, Lexie 15-2 Oconee County MS
Wilson, Patricia 14-8.75 Sirius Athletics
Kelley, Jenna 13-10 Oconee County MS
Vickers, Ari 13-0 Richard B. Russell MS
Mathurin, Gracelyn 12-11 Dove Creek Middle School
Smith, Carsyn 12-9 Richard B. Russell MS
Davis, Jillian 12-8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Kondos, Abrielle 12-8 Malcom Bridge MS
Medina, Mya 12-6 Richard B. Russell MS
Hooper, Vera 11-10 Sirius Athletics
Newman, Riley 11-9 Buford MS
Sims, Jaylynn 11-6 Richard B. Russell MS
Saraf, Ria 11-4.25 Sirius Athletics
Frederiksen, Danika 11-4 Dove Creek Middle School
Fisher, Ella Kaitlin 10-11 Buford MS
Geddings, Teagan 10-7 Dove Creek Middle School
Hodge, Elizabeth 9-2.5 Sirius Athletics
Hogan, Cooper 8-0 Prince Avenue Christian School
White, Maggie Dove Creek Middle School
Credille, Collins Oconee County MS
Mendez, Jadali Oconee County MS
Burt-Weeks, Madeline Malcom Bridge MS
Ferguson, Allie Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Avery, Amy 34-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Canius-Baptiste, Esther 33-7 Richard B. Russell MS
Mustard, Hannah 33-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Stewart, Ansley 33-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Gilley, Audrey 31-9 Dove Creek Middle School
Rios, Ashton 31-5 Dove Creek Middle School
Harris, Aryeana 28-6 Richard B. Russell MS
York, Elizabeth 27-3 Oconee County MS
Kilzi, Blayne 25-8 Oconee County MS
Wade, Kamyah 23-4 Oconee County MS
Mathurin, Gracelyn 21-11.5 Dove Creek Middle School
Hayes, Kylie 21-5 Jefferson Middle School
Geddings, Teagan 20-4.5 Dove Creek Middle School
Daniels, Kenzly 19-11 Jefferson Middle School
Hunter, Mariona 18-3 Richard B. Russell MS
Moore, Maddie Jefferson Middle School
Adair, Katie Malcom Bridge MS
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Girls Triple Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wunn, Arabella 30-10 Buford MS
Ferguson, Allie 30-9 Malcom Bridge MS
Greear, Annalee 30-1.5 Dove Creek Middle School
Fowler, Lila 30-1.5 Oconee County MS
Manders, Lila 29-7.25 Buford MS
Malone, AnnMcRae 28-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Weaver, Taliyah 28-1 Buford MS
Vickers, Ari 27-4.5 Richard B. Russell MS
Plattner, Eleanor 26-7 Oconee County MS
Peak, Coreece 26-5.5 Richard B. Russell MS
Butler, Kionna 26-4 Richard B. Russell MS
Bouton, Mia 26-3.25 Buford MS
Blackwell, Ava 26-2 Dove Creek Middle School
Roldan, Kyleigh 25-3 Malcom Bridge MS
Benson, Kristina 24-7 Dove Creek Middle School
Stange, Eva 23-10 Dove Creek Middle School
Day, Lexie Oconee County MS
Baird, Annie Malcom Bridge MS
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