Cobb County Championships 2024

Powder Springs, GA

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Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spencer, Keyawn 10.68 Pebblebrook High School
Nash, Ryan 10.71 Kennesaw Mountain
Robinson, Marcus 10.72 Pebblebrook High School
McCrary, Tyson 10.75 Walton High School
Williams, Mehkai 10.77 Sprayberry High School
Pratikakis, Manoli 10.80 Lassiter High School
Valdry, Jeremiah 10.85 Hillgrove
Poole, Tyson 10.86 Walton High School
Williams, Ja'ree 10.90 McEachern High School
Frederick, Will 10.92 Marietta High School
Green, Tyriq 10.98 Kell High School
Broussard, Ja'Von 10.98 Wheeler High School
Butler, Peyton 11.03 Campbell High School
Banks, Drewmell 11.05 McEachern High School
Owens, Cameron 11.08 North Cobb High School
Barolette, Devin 11.08 Kennesaw Mountain
Yeary, Cameron 11.12 Pebblebrook High School
Belfield, Jacob 11.13 North Cobb High School
Romain, Marcus 11.13 Wheeler High School
Gibson, Chase 11.14 Hillgrove
Thigpen, Sabien 11.16 Lassiter High School
Jordan, Jayden 11.18 Hillgrove
Young, Andrew 11.22 Kennesaw Mountain
Williams, Aiden 11.23 Sprayberry High School
Grenion, Donovan 11.25 Osborne High School
Bradley, Joshua 11.31 Pope High School
Johanson, Hayden 11.31 Harrison High School
Wilson, Justin 11.38 Wheeler High School
Newkirk, Aden 11.38 Marietta High School
Alexander, Josiah 11.39 North Cobb High School
Frye, Jayden 11.43 McEachern High School
Overton, Andrew 11.44 Mount Paran Christian School
Nwigwe, David 11.47 Marietta High School
Wells, Christian 11.49 Harrison High School
Gipson , Quinterrius 11.49 Kell High School
Mitchell, Justin 11.51 Kell High School
Robertson, Daniel 11.53 Pope High School
Steele, Gavin 11.54 Mount Paran Christian School
Dison, Will 11.59 Pope High School
Miles, Victor 11.68 Campbell High School
Stack, Bryce 11.69 Allatoona HS
Sterling, Tristan 11.70 Mount Paran Christian School
Hayes, Nekele 11.73 Campbell High School
Swann, Casey 11.77 Walton High School
Walker, Anthony 11.78 Allatoona HS
Pitts Jr., Jason 11.79 Sprayberry High School
Pardieu, Martin 12.07 Allatoona HS
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Emory Campbell High School
James, Daniel 14.25 McEachern High School
Reddick, Jorden 14.47 Marietta High School
Williams, Marcus 15.43 Sprayberry High School
Stevens, Hank 15.49 Mount Paran Christian School
Crum, Immanuel 15.50 McEachern High School
Session, Shemarr 15.54 Wheeler High School
Simon, Triston 15.58 Allatoona HS
Jackson, Brandyn 15.63 Lassiter High School
Smith, Triston 15.64 Marietta High School
Ironna, Divine 15.89 Hillgrove
Brinson, Shane 15.89 Hillgrove
Arey, Tristan 16.07 McEachern High School
Garcia, Travis 16.20 Lassiter High School
Carson, Nick 16.20 Marietta High School
Njoroge, Ethan 16.38 Lassiter High School
Bentley, Jeffery 16.47 Campbell High School
Abdul-Malik, Jabaar 16.65 Harrison High School
Floyd, Jaden 16.77 Hillgrove
Sandy, Cj 17.14 Pope High School
Carroll, Michael 17.17 Campbell High School
Bartel, Riley 17.93 Sprayberry High School
Thomason, Charlie 18.04 Walton High School
Rudd, David 18.59 Harrison High School
Combs, Nigel 18.60 Pope High School
Anyokwu, Moyo 18.98 Walton High School
Jenkins Dennis, Caleb 19.43 Allatoona HS
Yancey, Martin 19.88 Kell High School
Aniagor, Daniel 20.71 South Cobb
Sriram, Adith 21.76 Walton High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Nehemiah Pebblebrook High School
Minecci, Joseph 4:18.78 Walton High School
Huggins, Clint 4:20.85 Harrison High School
Maloney, Dermot 4:20.99 Pope High School
Comstock, Riley 4:25.69 Harrison High School
Grundmeyer, Evan 4:28.52 Marietta High School
Fournier, Chase 4:32.83 Wheeler High School
Templin, Noah 4:33.54 Harrison High School
Ramirez, Ruben 4:37.10 Mount Paran Christian School
Lu, Samuel 4:38.62 Walton High School
Smith, Shipley 4:39.68 Mount Paran Christian School
Isaacs, Daniel 4:43.34 Pope High School
Rose, Shane 4:43.81 Walton High School
Smith, Keenan 4:44.07 Marietta High School
Fortenberry, Lucas 4:48.78 Marietta High School
Vick, Walter 4:51.89 Allatoona HS
Shepherd, John 4:52.11 Hillgrove
Price, Jackson 4:54.52 Hillgrove
Quintero, Zach 4:55.48 Lassiter High School
Martinez, Kevin 4:56.77 Campbell High School
Howren, Samuel 5:00.07 Allatoona HS
Alef, Jackson 5:00.65 Allatoona HS
Balzuweit, Jack 5:02.02 Campbell High School
Hernandez, Adrian 5:03.79 McEachern High School
Kindt, Sawyer 5:03.85 Hillgrove
Uriostegui, Israel 5:08.11 Campbell High School
Shields, Nicolas 5:11.69 Kennesaw Mountain
Gooden, Daniel 5:16.14 McEachern High School
Gomez, Jonah 5:17.03 Osborne High School
Skow, Lawrence 5:18.13 Kell High School
Jones, Michael 5:21.79 Mount Paran Christian School
Majors, Jasean 5:26.69 McEachern High School
Love, Robert 5:35.91 Wheeler High School
Smith, Ryan 5:39.60 Pope High School
Esparza, Christopher 5:44.24 Osborne High School
Washington, Zachary 5:52.54 Kell High School
Ponce, Moshe 6:38.79 Osborne High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Marcus 21.68 Pebblebrook High School
Spencer, Keyawn 21.73 Pebblebrook High School
Nash, Ryan 21.77 Kennesaw Mountain
Valdry, Jeremiah 21.80 Hillgrove
McCrary, Tyson 21.83 Walton High School
Green, Tyriq 21.94 Kell High School
Session, Shemarr 21.99 Wheeler High School
Williams, Mehkai 22.01 Sprayberry High School
Young, Andrew 22.16 Kennesaw Mountain
Poole, Tyson 22.27 Walton High School
Jordan, Jayden 22.27 Hillgrove
Riddick, Ephraim 22.38 Wheeler High School
Banks, Drewmell 22.42 McEachern High School
Butler, Peyton 22.44 Campbell High School
Echols Jr, Robert 22.45 McEachern High School
Barolette, Devin 22.45 Kennesaw Mountain
Jackson, Kaleb 22.46 Hillgrove
Carson, Gabriel 22.52 Allatoona HS
Williams, Ja'ree 22.66 McEachern High School
Broussard, Ja'Von 22.66 Wheeler High School
Pratikakis, Manoli 22.83 Lassiter High School
Williams, Aiden 22.88 Sprayberry High School
Laudat, Philmon 22.98 Osborne High School
Connors, Jackson 23.02 Harrison High School
Yeary, Cameron 23.04 Pebblebrook High School
Owens, Cameron 23.05 North Cobb High School
Grenion, Donovan 23.10h Osborne High School
Newkirk, Aden 23.41 Marietta High School
Nwigwe, David 23.45 Marietta High School
Burns, Seth 23.47 Allatoona HS
Johanson, Hayden 23.50 Harrison High School
Adams, Kamoni 23.51 Kell High School
Hayes, Nekele 23.51 Campbell High School
Miles, Victor 23.57 Campbell High School
Baptiste, Cameron 23.58 Osborne High School
Williams, Nasir 23.68 Marietta High School
Thomas, Derian 23.79 Kell High School
Sterling, Tristan 23.87 Mount Paran Christian School
Bradley, Joshua 23.88 Pope High School
Lampley, Lewis Jordan 23.89 Walton High School
Sparks, Ahmed 23.90 Lassiter High School
Steele, Gavin 23.94 Mount Paran Christian School
Thompson, Enzo 24.02 Pope High School
Dison, Will 24.21 Pope High School
Cotton, Jeremiah 24.25 South Cobb
Benefield, KJ 24.35 Mount Paran Christian School
Pardieu, Joshua 24.68 Allatoona HS
Harmon, Micah 25.24 Sprayberry High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Emory Campbell High School
Williams, Marcus 15.43 Sprayberry High School
James, Daniel 38.60 McEachern High School
Reddick, Jorden 39.73 Marietta High School
Arey, Tristan 39.92 McEachern High School
Ironna, Divine 40.04 Hillgrove
Carroll, Michael 40.71 Campbell High School
Smith, Triston 41.09 Marietta High School
Crum, Immanuel 41.29 McEachern High School
Session, Shemarr 41.87 Wheeler High School
Bentley, Jeffery 42.20 Campbell High School
Thomason, Charlie 42.80 Walton High School
Fleurinord , Stephan 42.88 Kell High School
Howard, Rhett 43.25 Allatoona HS
Simon, Triston 43.41 Allatoona HS
Carson, Nick 43.59 Marietta High School
Sandy, Cj 43.83 Pope High School
Floyd, Jaden 43.90 Hillgrove
Brinson, Shane 44.02 Hillgrove
Stevens, Hank 44.23 Mount Paran Christian School
Anyokwu, Moyo 44.24 Walton High School
Bartel, Riley 44.76 Sprayberry High School
Tushabe, Alex 45.82 Pope High School
Yancey, Martin 46.31 Kell High School
Combs, Nigel 48.00h Pope High School
Afe, Emmanuel 48.04 South Cobb
Sriram, Adith 49.56 Walton High School
Jenkins Dennis, Caleb 51.32 Allatoona HS
Aniagor, Daniel 52.10 South Cobb
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Ruben Mount Paran Christian School
Brooks, Joseph 10:01.39 Hillgrove
Fortenberry, Lucas 10:02.20 Marietta High School
Smith, Keenan 10:04.43 Marietta High School
Goud, Vivek 10:08.14 Walton High School
Lu, Samuel 10:10.26 Walton High School
Gurley, Parker 10:13.40 Harrison High School
Osornio, Luis 10:40.07 Hillgrove
McKee, Nathan 10:42.04 Kennesaw Mountain
Alef, Jackson 10:43.56 Allatoona HS
Martinez, Kevin 10:52.21 Campbell High School
Balzuweit, Jack 11:03.21 Campbell High School
Melvin, Journey 11:16.41 Kell High School
Nash, Sean 11:16.94 Campbell High School
Gomez, Jonah 11:21.25 Osborne High School
Shields, Nicolas 11:24.41 Kennesaw Mountain
Anderson, Khari 11:25.11 Allatoona HS
Ballentine, Eli 11:25.83 Hillgrove
Jones, Michael 11:40.51 Mount Paran Christian School
Tyler, Will 12:26.70 Kennesaw Mountain
Love, Robert 12:36.34 Wheeler High School
Esparza, Christopher 12:58.15 Osborne High School
Minecci, Joseph 9:14.85 Walton High School
Maloney, Dermot 9:28.43 Pope High School
Comstock, Riley 9:38.24 Harrison High School
Huggins, Clint 9:38.83 Harrison High School
Grundmeyer, Evan 9:46.09 Marietta High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Echols Jr, Robert 49.54 McEachern High School
Robinson, Marcus 49.71 Pebblebrook High School
Calhoun, Tre'Vaughn 49.81 Wheeler High School
Carson, Gabriel 50.03 Allatoona HS
Riddick, Ephraim 50.14 Wheeler High School
Wells, Xavier 50.79 McEachern High School
Laudat, Philmon 50.87 Osborne High School
Adenuga, Godsfavor 51.18 Kennesaw Mountain
Carter, Miles 51.28 Harrison High School
Williams, Cameren 51.42 Kennesaw Mountain
Baptiste, Cameron 51.51 Osborne High School
Character, Myles 51.54 McEachern High School
Oliver, Joseph 51.56 Wheeler High School
Riley, Jaylin 52.07 Hillgrove
Wyche, Kalen 52.27 Pebblebrook High School
Hines, Destyn 52.61 Marietta High School
Washington, Justin 52.73 Sprayberry High School
Darby, Miles 52.84 Marietta High School
Bailey, Jordan 52.88 Campbell High School
Davis, Kristopher 52.99 Osborne High School
Pittman, Michael 53.01 Pebblebrook High School
Mbugua, James 53.14 North Cobb High School
Benton, William 53.20 Kell High School
Gawronski, Isaiah 53.21 Allatoona HS
Bauer, Shayne 53.30 Kell High School
Arogundade , Justin 53.40 Kell High School
Cotton, Jeremiah 53.45 South Cobb
Wells, Carter 53.68 Pope High School
Ponchot, Huxley 53.68 Pope High School
Meierdierks, Luke 53.79 Walton High School
Ezeobi, Ebuka 53.80 North Cobb High School
Crowder, Jackson 53.98 Campbell High School
Gilmore, Nehemiah 54.05 Hillgrove
Benefield, KJ 54.06 Mount Paran Christian School
Mbanya, Emmanuel 54.19 Marietta High School
Lampley, Lewis Jordan 54.41 Walton High School
Karanja, Benjamin 54.78 Allatoona HS
Boetig, Andrew 55.43 Harrison High School
Oladejo, Rodwan 55.49 South Cobb
Afe, Emmanuel 55.95 South Cobb
Hall-El, Malik 56.10 Sprayberry High School
Russell, Jaden 56.16 Sprayberry High School
Mason, Gabriel 56.83 Kennesaw Mountain
Sesay, Noah 57.29 Campbell High School
Thompson, Enzo 57.36 Pope High School
Mack, Damiyon 57.83 Harrison High School
Maddox, Johnitheyn 58.06 Hillgrove
Swann, Casey 58.40 Walton High School
Scott, James 58.50 Mount Paran Christian School
Odom, Tyler 58.54 Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 42.13 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 42.54 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 42.60 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 42.73 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 42.88 Kell High School
Relay Team A 42.93 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 42.97 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 43.06 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 43.08 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 43.91 Mount Paran Christian School
Relay Team A 44.14 Pope High School
Relay Team A 44.58 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 44.59 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 44.87 Walton High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:28.32 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 1:28.35 Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 1:29.01 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 1:29.68 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:29.68 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 1:30.45 Walton High School
Relay Team A 1:30.74 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:31.03 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 1:31.17 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 1:31.37 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:32.37 Mount Paran Christian School
Relay Team A 1:33.10 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 1:33.65 Kell High School
Relay Team A 1:33.92 Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:37.12 Osborne High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:24.91 Walton High School
Relay Team A 3:25.28 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 3:25.75 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 3:25.87 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 3:26.11 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 3:28.00h Wheeler High School
Relay Team A 3:30.38 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 3:32.63 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 3:33.80 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 3:34.81 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 3:36.11 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 3:37.04 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 3:39.37 Pope High School
Relay Team A 3:41.25 Kell High School
Relay Team A 3:41.55 Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kell High School
Relay Team A Mount Paran Christian School
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A Wheeler High School
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 8:10.63 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 8:15.14 Walton High School
Relay Team A 8:25.55 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 8:25.60 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 8:38.06 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 8:40.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 8:42.40 Osborne High School
Relay Team A 8:43.51 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 8:49.72 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 8:54.21 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 9:00.73 South Cobb
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brownlee, Bryce 1:56.49 Harrison High School
Swingley, Grayson 1:57.19 Harrison High School
Williams, Cameren 2:00.31 Kennesaw Mountain
Brooks, Joseph 2:00.73 Hillgrove
Albano, Alex 2:01.42 Harrison High School
Fournier, Chase 2:01.60 Wheeler High School
Smith, Shipley 2:01.84 Mount Paran Christian School
Irby, Jalen 2:03.17 Pebblebrook High School
Sommer, Jacob 2:03.20 Walton High School
Isaacs, Daniel 2:03.48 Pope High School
Gankofskie, Matthew 2:03.61 Kell High School
Creary, Caleb 2:03.94 Campbell High School
Ned, Amari 2:04.02 Pebblebrook High School
Estep, Kameron 2:04.25 McEachern High School
Bailey, Sawyer 2:05.74 Walton High School
Krishnamurthy, Oliver 2:06.27 Walton High School
Howren, Samuel 2:08.07 Allatoona HS
III, Larry Paul 2:08.53 Wheeler High School
Alcide, Giovani 2:08.68 McEachern High School
Glover, Cedric 2:08.91 Pebblebrook High School
Biwott, Isaiah 2:09.06 Kennesaw Mountain
Lewis, Namond 2:09.34 Campbell High School
Vick, Walter 2:09.48 Allatoona HS
Gray, Jaden 2:09.61 Hillgrove
Owens, Wesley 2:09.64 McEachern High School
Holcomb, Carter 2:11.40 Kell High School
Tucker, Ja'Von 2:12.00h Wheeler High School
Oladejo, Rodwan 2:13.53 South Cobb
Uriostegui, Israel 2:14.22 Campbell High School
Federman, Jim 2:15.63 Kell High School
Ibe, Uchenna 2:17.02 South Cobb
Kindt, Sawyer 2:18.15 Hillgrove
Magee, William 2:18.49 Allatoona HS
Merriweather, Justice 2:20.25 South Cobb
Hamilton, David 2:23.54 Mount Paran Christian School
Smith, Ryan 2:26.79 Pope High School
Low, Ari 2:28.06 Pope High School
Gomez, Jonah 2:28.08 Osborne High School
Barbito, Andrew 2:30.90 Mount Paran Christian School
Esparza, Christopher 2:33.84 Osborne High School
Spivey, Kevin 2:42.06 Sprayberry High School
Sonko, Adama 2:49.43 Osborne High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Inan, Omer 150-7 Walton High School
Glymph, Alex 147-1 Marietta High School
Toney, Demary 144-0 Marietta High School
Gatewood, Herman 139-3 Kennesaw Mountain
Sinon, Justin 137-7 McEachern High School
Hall, Jaydan 131-7 McEachern High School
Hardnett, Jeremy 129-9 McEachern High School
Pastorino, Frank 127-0 Marietta High School
Smith, Brice 126-9 Sprayberry High School
Holbrook, Chase 123-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Brown, Nathaniel 121-5 Hillgrove
Harmon, Zachary 119-9 Allatoona HS
Espino, Lukas 119-8 Allatoona HS
Cox, William 119-0 Walton High School
Collier, Vaylin 117-3 Kell High School
Yarber, Shamar 110-5 Wheeler High School
Harmon, Carson 107-11 Mount Paran Christian School
Canup, Carson 107-5 Harrison High School
Mondesire, Alan 107-2 Kennesaw Mountain
Howard, Alex 107-2 Allatoona HS
Jenkins-Burns, Aiden 106-2 Campbell High School
Osorio, Jhon 104-6 Harrison High School
Smith, Joseph 103-11 Campbell High School
Enman, August 102-2 Harrison High School
Thomas, Zayden 97-11 Sprayberry High School
Giwa, David 95-8 Sprayberry High School
McInnis, Kobe 94-0 Wheeler High School
Loggins, Samuel 94-0 Walton High School
Alexander, Xavier 92-10 Hillgrove
Cobbs , Averil 92-0 Wheeler High School
Jones, Caleb 90-4 Osborne High School
Green, Wheeler 89-6 Mount Paran Christian School
Wilson, Dayton 89-2.5 Osborne High School
Stevenson, Andrers 88-0 Lassiter High School
Khaja, Rohaan 87-2 Lassiter High School
Stephens, Taylor 85-7 Mount Paran Christian School
Lynch, Andrew 84-3 Pope High School
Edmond, Darian 83-11 Kell High School
Lynch, Connor 80-2 Pope High School
Freer, Austin 79-5 Kell High School
Morrone, Giovanni 75-1 Pope High School
Brown, Aasir 69-10.5 Pebblebrook High School
Whitaker, Colin 57-1 Lassiter High School
Brown , Brice Hillgrove
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HS Boys High Jump 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adenuga, Godsfavor 6-4 Kennesaw Mountain
Crowder, Jackson 6-4 Campbell High School
Abdul-Malik, Jabaar 6-2 Harrison High School
Stevens, Hank 6-2 Mount Paran Christian School
Bey, Russell 6-0 Marietta High School
German, Stanton 6-0 Pope High School
Ezeobi, Ebuka 6-0 North Cobb High School
Robertson, Emory 6-0 Campbell High School
Carter, Miles 5-10 Harrison High School
Arey, Tristan 5-10 McEachern High School
Benton, William 5-10 Kell High School
Gutzmer, Jared 5-10 Pope High School
Rouse, Brayden 5-10 Kell High School
Bentley, Jeffery 5-10 Campbell High School
Williams III, Arthur 5-10 Pebblebrook High School
Weems, Hakeem 5-10 Osborne High School
Lawrence, Nick 5-10 Kennesaw Mountain
Ingram, Kiyante' 5-8 McEachern High School
Tucker, Ja'Von 5-8 Wheeler High School
Abedi, Parsa 5-8 Pope High School
Riley, Jaylin 5-8 Hillgrove
Washington, George 5-8 Pebblebrook High School
Young, Malachi 5-8 Wheeler High School
James , Amare 5-8 Wheeler High School
Padgett, Clay 5-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Simon, Triston 5-6 Allatoona HS
Karanja, Benjamin 5-6 Allatoona HS
Gilmore, Nehemiah 5-6 Hillgrove
Hill, Noah 5-6 North Cobb High School
Coleman, Kaleb 5-6 Marietta High School
James, Elisha 5-4 McEachern High School
Metellus, Elijah 5-2 Marietta High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bowen, Coleson 17-93 Sprayberry High School
Abdul-Malik, Jabaar 23-5 Harrison High School
Frederick, Will 23-2 Marietta High School
Saboor, Marqavious 22-11.5 Kell High School
Dodd, Brandon 22-7 Kennesaw Mountain
Garcia, Sean 22-2.5 Hillgrove
Frye, Jayden 22-2 McEachern High School
James, Daniel 21-10 McEachern High School
Odiase, Jesumatosan 21-6.50 North Cobb High School
Wilson, Justin 21-4 Wheeler High School
Lopez-Ledbetter, Carlos 21-3.50 North Cobb High School
Onyirimba, Nnadozie 21-2.25 McEachern High School
Adenuga, Godsfavor 21-1.5 Kennesaw Mountain
George, Jaden 21-0 Kell High School
Tushabe, Alex 20-11 Pope High School
Hines, Destyn 20-10 Marietta High School
Brown, Demetrius 20-9 Sprayberry High School
Calhoun, Tre'Vaughn 20-7.5 Wheeler High School
Griffin, Davis 20-7 Pope High School
German, Stanton 20-6.25 Pope High School
Crowder, Jackson 20-3.75 Campbell High School
Darby, Miles 20-2.75 Marietta High School
Charles, Quinton 20-2.5 Harrison High School
Laudat, Philmon 20-2.5 Osborne High School
Pitts Jr., Jason 20-1.50 Sprayberry High School
Nix, Kemari 20-1 Kell High School
Garcia, Travis 19-11 Lassiter High School
Stack, Bryce 19-7.5 Allatoona HS
Chapman, Derren 19-5 North Cobb High School
Byers, Gavin 19-5 Hillgrove
Young, Malachi 19-4.75 Wheeler High School
Pardieu, Joshua 19-3.5 Allatoona HS
Njoroge, Ethan 19-3 Lassiter High School
Cotton, Jeremiah 19-2.5 South Cobb
Jackson, Brandyn 19-2 Lassiter High School
Ford, Colin 19-1.5 Hillgrove
Vincent, Derrick 18-10 Kennesaw Mountain
Oladejo, Rodwan 18-7 South Cobb
Tidwell, Nico 18-3.75 Allatoona HS
Aniagor, Daniel 18-2 South Cobb
Binion, Dillon 17-8.5 Mount Paran Christian School
Davis, Elijah 16-4.5 Campbell High School
Tolbert, Chazaray 16-2.75 Campbell High School
Sterling, Tristan Mount Paran Christian School
Williams III, Arthur Pebblebrook High School
Washington, George Pebblebrook High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frederick, Will 16-0 Marietta High School
Burns, Seth 15-6 Allatoona HS
Thiewes, Shea 14-3 North Cobb High School
Ziolo, Aiden 13-9 Walton High School
Ruddell, Chapman 13-6 Harrison High School
Morrison, Stephen 12-6 Hillgrove
Anyokwu, Moyo 12-0 Walton High School
Basile, Scott 12-0 Pope High School
Kennard, Riley 11-6 North Cobb High School
Wright, Chase 11-0 McEachern High School
Tripp, Isaiah 10-9 Marietta High School
Melson, Connor 10-6 Pope High School
Grant, Jamichael 10-0 Osborne High School
Todd, Teron 10-0 Osborne High School
Gerenyi, Jonathan 10-0 Allatoona HS
Clark, Logan 10-0 Pope High School
Lumpkin, Harrison 10-0 Harrison High School
Olaribigbe, Daniel 9-6 Marietta High School
Bamert, Joseph 9-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Parker, Luke 9-0 Harrison High School
Vandegriff, Kegan 9-0 Allatoona HS
Brown, Caleb 9-0 Mount Paran Christian School
Christian, Alexander 8-6 Walton High School
Williams, Eli 8-6 Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Boys Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ugokwe, Lota 53-4 Walton High School
Inan, Omer 51-7.5 Walton High School
Gatewood, Herman 48-9.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Sinon, Justin 47-4 McEachern High School
Toney, Demary 46-7 Marietta High School
Pruet, Hudson 46-0 Walton High School
Espino, Lukas 45-8 Allatoona HS
Hall, Jaydan 45-7 McEachern High School
Wilson, Dayton 45-4 Osborne High School
Hardnett, Jeremy 44-0 McEachern High School
McInnis, Kobe 43-10.25 Wheeler High School
Gnagy, Jaden 43-10 Harrison High School
Smith, Brice 43-7.5 Sprayberry High School
Wilson, Bryce 42-5 North Cobb High School
Collier, Vaylin 42-2.5 Kell High School
Holbrook, Chase 41-2 Kennesaw Mountain
Pastorino, Frank 40-8 Marietta High School
Yarber, Shamar 40-7.5 Wheeler High School
Johnson, Jason 40-2 Marietta High School
Alexander, Xavier 40-1 Hillgrove
Morrone, Giovanni 39-0 Pope High School
Brown, Nathaniel 38-4.5 Hillgrove
Stephens, Anderson 38-2 Lassiter High School
Howard, Alex 38-1 Allatoona HS
Parham, Will 37-11 Mount Paran Christian School
Szczepkowski, Andrew 37-10 Harrison High School
Wray, Caleb 37-6 Campbell High School
Osorio, Jhon 37-4 Harrison High School
Gipson , Quinterrius 37-2 Kell High School
Jenkins-Burns, Aiden 36-11.5 Campbell High School
Blackwell, Addison 36-10 Allatoona HS
Rosado, Brandon 36-10 Mount Paran Christian School
Woodcock, Dylan 36-2 Pope High School
Perren, Brent 35-6 Mount Paran Christian School
Mondesire, Alan 34-11.9 Kennesaw Mountain
Jones, Caleb 34-1 Osborne High School
Freer, Austin 34-1 Kell High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 34-1 Wheeler High School
Miles-Threat, Maddox 33-9 Pope High School
O'Brien, Aidan 33-7 Lassiter High School
Thomas, Zayden 32-11 Sprayberry High School
Brown, Aasir 32-1 Pebblebrook High School
Giwa, David 28-5.5 Sprayberry High School
Whitaker, Colin 26-8 Lassiter High School
Brown , Brice Hillgrove
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HS Boys Triple Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Saboor, Marqavious 47-6 Kell High School
Stuart, Femi 47-5 Walton High School
Onyirimba, Nnadozie 45-10.5 McEachern High School
Calhoun, Tre'Vaughn 45-2 Wheeler High School
Jackson, Brandyn 43-6 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jared 43-4 Pope High School
Brown, Austin 43-0 McEachern High School
Dodd, Brandon 42-8.25 Kennesaw Mountain
Williams, Nasir 42-2.5 Marietta High School
George, Jaden 42-2.5 Kell High School
Beckles, Alexander 42-0 North Cobb High School
Vincent, Derrick 41-8.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Stevens, Hank 41-4.5 Mount Paran Christian School
Tucker, Ja'Von 40-10 Wheeler High School
Benders, Jaden 40-9 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jelani 40-9 Pope High School
Nix, Kemari 40-5.25 Kell High School
Lopez-Ledbetter, Carlos 40-3 North Cobb High School
Iloka, Christian 40-2.25 Kennesaw Mountain
Flemister, Keith 40-1 McEachern High School
Maddox, Johnitheyn 39-10 Hillgrove
Tidwell, Nico 39-10 Allatoona HS
Mbanya, Emmanuel 39-8.25 Marietta High School
Charles, Quinton 39-8 Harrison High School
Abedi, Parsa 39-4 Pope High School
Solomon, Jamine 38-2.75 Marietta High School
Chege, J 38-2 Lassiter High School
Pitts Jr., Jason 38-0.5 Sprayberry High School
Jones, Justin 37-7 Hillgrove
Young, Malachi 37-1 Wheeler High School
Coaxum, Marquis 37-0 Hillgrove
Timothy, Oluwatimilehin 36-5 Allatoona HS
Bowen, Coleson 35-3 Sprayberry High School
Brown, Demetrius Sprayberry High School
Pardieu, Joshua Allatoona HS
Washington, George Pebblebrook High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Ryan 11.44 Hillgrove
Beaumont, Keira 11.58 North Cobb High School
Igwilo, Somto 11.63 Walton High School
Garrett, Amare 11.79 Hillgrove
Turner, Noa 12.13 Pebblebrook High School
Mbadinga, Eliana 12.26 North Cobb High School
Gordon, Morgan 12.29 Hillgrove
Burrus, Brynna 12.57 Kell High School
James, Alexia 12.67 North Cobb High School
Tillman, Mariah 12.73 Campbell High School
Quammie, Marley 12.73 Marietta High School
Wilson, Carlie 12.76 Allatoona HS
Byrd, Aniyah 12.78 Marietta High School
Roberts, Sarai 12.86 Pebblebrook High School
Jernigan, Peyton 12.90 Kell High School
Opene, Chiamaka 12.91 McEachern High School
Washington, Jordyn 12.92 Sprayberry High School
Lane, Kalaysia 12.94 McEachern High School
Abernathy, Kyndal 12.96 Mount Paran Christian School
Ehima, Neriah 13.00 Harrison High School
Young, Caroline 13.21 Lassiter High School
Payton, Saniya 13.29 Wheeler High School
Garrett, Kayla 13.39 Kennesaw Mountain
Lucas, Zo 13.44 Lassiter High School
Thompson, Kennedy 13.47 Sprayberry High School
Collins, Addison 13.56 Pope High School
Johnson, Cecilia 13.56 Lassiter High School
Jackson, London 13.61 South Cobb
Gaye, Leah 13.70 Pope High School
Armstrong, Abigail 13.75 Walton High School
Bolden, Ava 13.84 Campbell High School
Brown, Makayla 13.93 Campbell High School
Storr, Kate 13.99 Pope High School
Roberts, Maya 14.20 Mount Paran Christian School
Cook, Nevaeha 14.21 Sprayberry High School
Lila, Kaylin 14.42 Allatoona HS
Brown, Alyssa 14.70 Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robinson, Jasmine 14.11 North Cobb High School
Nettles, Sydney 14.32 Campbell High School
Lee, Diaman 14.90 McEachern High School
Whalen, Grace 15.12 Lassiter High School
Harris, Natalie 15.17 Harrison High School
Morse, Madison 15.30 Hillgrove
Boyd, Kiyah 15.67 McEachern High School
Bayiha, Lelia 15.90 Hillgrove
Woodall, Lauren 15.96 Pope High School
Covington, Hayden 16.59 Kennesaw Mountain
Hendrix-Williams, Mackenzie 16.69 Walton High School
Simister, Zoe 16.70 Mount Paran Christian School
Parker, Tyler 17.07 Walton High School
Scales, Avery 17.16 Pope High School
Alao, Eunice 17.60 McEachern High School
Zeo, Lauryn 17.89 Allatoona HS
Yancey , Erin 19.05 Kell High School
Jackson, London 19.05 South Cobb
Paris, Amani 19.87 Kell High School
Norouzinia, Sara 20.04 Lassiter High School
Moore, Mackenzie 20.20 Marietta High School
Brown, Alayah 20.24 Kell High School
Patel, Syra 20.29 Pope High School
Williams, Zariyah 20.72 Kennesaw Mountain
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nesmith, Mary 4:56.35 Marietta High School
McGarity, Samantha 5:09.00h Harrison High School
Jones, Maddie 5:09.72 Marietta High School
Hart, Nora 5:10.09 Marietta High School
Old, Mallory 5:16.15 Walton High School
Brooks, Yolanda 5:18.01 Hillgrove
Hutchinson, Josie 5:18.36 Pope High School
Frink, Destinee 5:19.21 South Cobb
Dunn, Aislynn 5:25.00h Pope High School
Ellis, Adelaide 5:25.18 Hillgrove
Betton, Julia 5:29.21 Walton High School
Delgado, Nicole 5:30.95 Walton High School
Hohl, Emily 5:32.98 Allatoona HS
Shanklin, Emma 5:33.38 Kell High School
Hicks, Ahna 5:34.43 Pope High School
Hall, Isabelle 5:39.01 Hillgrove
Brunson, Olivia 5:42.53 Kennesaw Mountain
Lapierre, Genevieve 5:49.94 Harrison High School
Smith, Campbell 5:57.79 Mount Paran Christian School
Ponce, Janet 5:59.30 Campbell High School
Smith, Grace 6:09.30 Allatoona HS
Dickson, Kaylee 6:09.76 Campbell High School
Gonzalez, Cassandra 6:17.86 Campbell High School
Ruppel, Camryn 6:26.48 Mount Paran Christian School
Clancy, Caroline 6:27.03 Mount Paran Christian School
Collins, Ava 7:29.61 Kell High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Ryan 23.04 Hillgrove
Igwilo, Somto 23.56 Walton High School
Garrett, Amare 24.52 Hillgrove
Harris, Natalie 24.99 Harrison High School
Williams, Yasmine 25.14 McEachern High School
Robinson, Jasmine 25.28 North Cobb High School
Brown, Camille 25.45 Marietta High School
Turner, Noa 25.55 Pebblebrook High School
Rose, Dominique 25.93 McEachern High School
Scales, Lane 26.02 Pope High School
Lacivita, Ella Grace 26.05 Mount Paran Christian School
Washington, Jordyn 26.13 Sprayberry High School
Gordon, Morgan 26.13 Hillgrove
Young, Caroline 26.19 Lassiter High School
Jernigan, Peyton 26.56 Kell High School
Green, Kendal 26.66 Allatoona HS
Lane, Kalaysia 26.70 McEachern High School
Economopoulos, Anna 26.87 Kell High School
Gibson, De'syre 26.95 Pebblebrook High School
Latham, Audrey 26.99 Walton High School
Getahun, Naomi 27.04 Pope High School
Payton, Saniya 27.13 Wheeler High School
Garrett, Kayla 27.26 Kennesaw Mountain
Bryant, Caroline 27.44 Marietta High School
Tillman, Mariah 27.52 Campbell High School
Wilson, Carlie 27.61 Allatoona HS
Hendrix-Williams, Mackenzie 27.63 Walton High School
Ehima, Neriah 27.71 Harrison High School
Darrisaw, Caylin 27.81 Sprayberry High School
Onibokin, Simi 28.14 Mount Paran Christian School
Thompson, Kennedy 28.24 Sprayberry High School
Or, Shira 28.46 Lassiter High School
Rasmusson, Rubi 28.52 Pope High School
Jackson, London 28.77 South Cobb
Bolden, Ava 29.00 Campbell High School
Roberts, Maya 29.75 Mount Paran Christian School
Smith, Lauryn 29.80 Kell High School
Brown, Olivia 32.01 Campbell High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Covington, Hayden Kennesaw Mountain
Robinson, Jasmine 41.21 North Cobb High School
Nettles, Sydney 43.99 Campbell High School
Boyd, Kiyah 44.03 McEachern High School
Morse, Madison 46.02 Hillgrove
Woodall, Lauren 46.52 Pope High School
Sacus, Kaylan 47.31 Hillgrove
Bayiha, Lelia 47.42 Hillgrove
Hendrix-Williams, Mackenzie 47.96 Walton High School
Alao, Eunice 48.97 McEachern High School
Scales, Avery 50.15 Pope High School
Davis, Caliyah 50.19 McEachern High School
Patel, Syra 50.36 Pope High School
Byrd, Aniyah 51.26 Marietta High School
Moore, Mackenzie 51.33 Marietta High School
Simister, Zoe 52.00 Mount Paran Christian School
Parker, Tyler 52.55 Walton High School
Brown, Alayah 55.05 Kell High School
Betton, Lucinda 55.45 Walton High School
Jackson, London 56.64 South Cobb
Shropshire, Dani 56.80 Kell High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nesmith, Mary 10:43.86 Marietta High School
Jones, Maddie 11:00.19 Marietta High School
Hart, Nora 11:01.65 Marietta High School
McGarity, Samantha 11:08.00 Harrison High School
Delgado, Daniela 11:18.48 Walton High School
Hutchinson, Josie 11:29.00 Pope High School
Dunn, Aislynn 11:35.10 Pope High School
Betton, Julia 11:40.87 Walton High School
Old, Mallory 11:41.35 Walton High School
Frink, Destinee 11:54.50 South Cobb
Hall, Isabelle 12:08.82 Hillgrove
Quinto, Ava 12:27.57 Harrison High School
Briceno, Mary 12:46.70 Hillgrove
Hicks, Ahna 12:52.52 Pope High School
Lapierre, Genevieve 12:53.94 Harrison High School
Smith, Grace 13:05.16 Allatoona HS
Glass, Kennedy 13:57.73 Hillgrove
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Olivia Campbell High School
Mullins, Marley Sprayberry High School
Green, Kendal 1:00.54 Allatoona HS
Economopoulos, Anna 1:00.77 Kell High School
Hanson, Madison 1:03.04 Hillgrove
Senior, Kyann 1:03.09 Marietta High School
Papst, Hannah 1:03.34 Walton High School
Kopach, Julianne 1:03.81 Pope High School
Millman, Abigail 1:03.93 Hillgrove
Darrisaw, Caylin 1:04.13 Sprayberry High School
Bernot, Ramona 1:04.57 Pope High School
Young, Caroline 1:04.70 Lassiter High School
Price, Amira 1:06.19 Hillgrove
Odom, Gabrielle 1:07.68 Campbell High School
Roberts, Maya 1:09.04 Mount Paran Christian School
Burke, Eva 1:09.84 Harrison High School
Given, Chole 1:15.48 Sprayberry High School
Williams, Yasmine 55.90 McEachern High School
Brown, Camille 58.09 Marietta High School
Rose, Dominique 58.79 McEachern High School
Latham, Audrey 58.85 Walton High School
Burrus, Brynna 58.91 Kell High School
Sagi, Aditi 59.16 Walton High School
Fragala, Kelsey 59.29 Pope High School
Booker, Miley 59.63 Kell High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.63 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 47.65 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 49.67 Kell High School
Relay Team A 49.86 Pope High School
Relay Team A 50.05 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 50.44 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 51.16 Mount Paran Christian School
Relay Team A 52.27 Walton High School
Relay Team A 52.28 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 52.47 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 52.82 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 54.20 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 54.42 Campbell High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.25 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 1:43.28 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 1:44.92 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:45.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:45.24 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 1:46.19 Pebblebrook High School
Relay Team A 1:46.39 Walton High School
Relay Team A 1:47.90 Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 1:49.74 Mount Paran Christian School
Relay Team A 1:52.44 Kell High School
Relay Team A 1:57.05 Campbell High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Sprayberry High School
Relay Team A 4:04.65 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 4:05.38 Walton High School
Relay Team A 4:07.35 McEachern High School
Relay Team A 4:07.53 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 4:13.85 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 4:14.18 Pope High School
Relay Team A 4:15.57 Kell High School
Relay Team A 4:18.07 North Cobb High School
Relay Team A 4:47.88 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 5:19.20 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 5:33.41 Pebblebrook High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:08.62 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 10:12.65 Pope High School
Relay Team A 10:13.31 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 10:43.14 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 11:00.70 Campbell High School
Relay Team A 9:49.42 Walton High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Awoleye, Oluwatosin 2:06.15 South Cobb
Nesmith, Mary 2:11.75 Marietta High School
Brooks, Yolanda 2:18.86 Hillgrove
Degboe, Angelique 2:19.60 McEachern High School
Dunn, Aislynn 2:20.66 Pope High School
McVicker, Brooklyn 2:23.09 Marietta High School
Old, Mallory 2:23.66 Walton High School
Jones, Maddie 2:23.66 Marietta High School
Villamar, Angelina 2:24.36 Harrison High School
Frink, Destinee 2:25.50 South Cobb
Delgado, Nicole 2:25.66 Walton High School
Hohl, Emily 2:26.06 Allatoona HS
Brown, Talia 2:27.16 Hillgrove
Ellis, Adelaide 2:27.71 Hillgrove
Khan, Zara 2:31.29 Campbell High School
Troupe, Madisson 2:33.12 Harrison High School
Quinto, Ava 2:33.83 Harrison High School
Ponce, Janet 2:33.85 Campbell High School
Ware, Jamison 2:33.93 Campbell High School
Brunson, Olivia 2:42.11 Kennesaw Mountain
Smith, Campbell 2:46.38 Mount Paran Christian School
Hooker, Taylor 2:50.33 Kell High School
Beal, Sophia 2:53.93 Wheeler High School
Ruppel, Camryn 2:55.23 Mount Paran Christian School
Clancy, Caroline 2:55.45 Mount Paran Christian School
Osunlalu, Tobe 2:55.49 Kell High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abrams, Alayna 119-6 Marietta High School
Inan, Ayla 116-8 Walton High School
Anyanwu, Blessing 116-7 McEachern High School
Melson, Audrey 96-2 Pope High School
King, A'mari 92-11 Marietta High School
Holloman, Ciara 92-5 Pope High School
Edler, Julia 91-11 Walton High School
Steinlight, Ava 86-0 Harrison High School
Craig, LaTressa 83-0 Osborne High School
Boykin, Mikaili 78-7 McEachern High School
Funderburke, Lea 78-0 Walton High School
MacLaurin, Presley 77-9 Kennesaw Mountain
Cook, Ryann 76-11 Hillgrove
Bennett, Tylah 76-3 McEachern High School
Suttles, Shayna 74-11 Mount Paran Christian School
Jackson, Annaya 71-4 Hillgrove
Ekin, Efezino 70-8 Pebblebrook High School
Henson, Rakaira 69-11 Osborne High School
Gantt, Neveah 69-5 Pebblebrook High School
Wright, Dymond 69-4 Campbell High School
Melvin, Riley 66-1 Kell High School
Desouza, Sandra 65-2 Osborne High School
Reid, Alyssa 65-0 Hillgrove
Day, Kyndra 63-7 Marietta High School
Ramos, Victoria 59-4 Wheeler High School
Uribe, Alexandria 59-0 Pope High School
Beigh, Lauren 58-1 Allatoona HS
Causby, Laura Grace 56-0 Allatoona HS
Chico, Dayneliz 55-10 Allatoona HS
Taylor, Morgan 54-2 Harrison High School
Agoda, Joy 53-4.5 Pebblebrook High School
Pigozzi, Bianca 51-6 Kell High School
Jamison, Zion Sprayberry High School
Adkins, Savanna Kell High School
Bowling , Piper Lassiter High School
Hunt , Keyonna Wheeler High School
Horton , Zevonie Wheeler High School
Thornton, Hailey Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ward, Audrey 5-4 North Cobb High School
Eubank, Sarah 5-2 Walton High School
Lee, Diaman 5-0 McEachern High School
Thomas, Laila 5-0 Hillgrove
Townsend, Raeya 5-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Kaba, Mariam 4-10 McEachern High School
Deese, Kennedy 4-10 Kell High School
Scales, Avery 4-10 Pope High School
Turnbull, Eva 4-10 Walton High School
Ware, Jailyn 4-8 Harrison High School
Ezegbo, Adaeze 4-8 Hillgrove
Moss, Maggie 4-6 Pope High School
Senior, Kyann 4-4 Marietta High School
Bowman, Kate 4-2 Mount Paran Christian School
Boulware, Andrianna Sprayberry High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Morgan 18-7.25 Hillgrove
Robinson, Jasmine 18-6 North Cobb High School
Harris, Natalie 17-11 Harrison High School
Scales, Lane 17-9 Pope High School
Williams, Laila-Hope 17-3.5 Marietta High School
Lee, Diaman 17-2.5 McEachern High School
Green, Kendal 16-10.75 Allatoona HS
Casimir, Zedrina 16-7.25 McEachern High School
Ware, Jailyn 16-7 Harrison High School
Gaye, Leah 16-6.5 Pope High School
Massey, Kaitlyn 16-2 Hillgrove
Getahun, Naomi 16-1.5 Pope High School
Townsend, Raeya 15-9.75 Kennesaw Mountain
Griffin, Skylar 15-9 Pebblebrook High School
Riley, Kortlyn 15-8.25 North Cobb High School
Sims, Elaja 15-7 McEachern High School
Fields, Lauren 15-3 Marietta High School
Dowling, Aniya 15-2.25 Harrison High School
Yancey , Erin 15-1.5 Kell High School
Payton, Saniya 14-10.5 Wheeler High School
Woodham, Cassidy 14-7 Kennesaw Mountain
Johnson, Cecilia 14-2 Lassiter High School
Bowling , Piper 13-4 Lassiter High School
Smith, Lauryn 12-11 Kell High School
Jamison, Zion 12-10.5 Sprayberry High School
Schloss, Zakiya 12-10.5 North Cobb High School
Brown, Alayah 12-10 Kell High School
Thompson, Kennedy 12-9 Sprayberry High School
Roberts, Maya Mount Paran Christian School
Brown, Olivia Campbell High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acker, Julia 11-4 Pope High School
Woodham, Cassidy 11-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Carter, Maggie 10-6 Marietta High School
Magaw, Lindsey 10-6 Allatoona HS
Shultz, Hazel 10-3 Allatoona HS
Gutman, Zoe 9-6 Pope High School
Thai, Ava 9-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Kunst, Kate 9-0 North Cobb High School
Moody, Hendley 9-0 Harrison High School
Sims, Caitlin 9-0 Pope High School
Pruitt, Elizabeth 8-6 Walton High School
Houser/ Blauvelt, Maleea 8-3 Allatoona HS
Haigh, Gabi 8-0 North Cobb High School
Oyelere, Joella 7-9 Walton High School
Rolen, Brooke 7-6 Hillgrove
Mirth, Emily 7-0 Harrison High School
Long, Kaylee 7-0 Harrison High School
Ferary, Siena 7-0 Mount Paran Christian School
Easterling, Ahje 6-6 Walton High School
Ngigi, Njeri 6-6 Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Girls Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abrams, Alayna 41-6.75 Marietta High School
Tracey, Keeva 38-3.5 Walton High School
Suttles, Shayna 34-1.5 Mount Paran Christian School
Anyanwu, Blessing 34-0.5 McEachern High School
Ivory, Lariyah 34-0.5 Marietta High School
Holloman, Ciara 33-11 Pope High School
Edler, Julia 33-5.5 Walton High School
Inan, Ayla 32-0.5 Walton High School
Henson, Rakaira 31-11 Osborne High School
Boykin, Mikaili 31-6 McEachern High School
Sims, Elaja 30-5 McEachern High School
Day, Kyndra 29-8.5 Marietta High School
Melson, Audrey 29-8 Pope High School
MacLaurin, Presley 29-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Desouza, Sandra 29-0 Osborne High School
Cook, Ryann 28-7 Hillgrove
Ekin, Efezino 27-2 Pebblebrook High School
Ramos, Victoria 26-7.5 Wheeler High School
Gantt, Neveah 26-3 Pebblebrook High School
Craig, LaTressa 26-0 Osborne High School
Melvin, Riley 25-6 Kell High School
Reid, Alyssa 25-3.5 Hillgrove
Beigh, Lauren 24-7.5 Allatoona HS
Taylor, Morgan 24-3 Harrison High School
Bowling , Piper 24-2 Lassiter High School
Causby, Laura Grace 23-10 Allatoona HS
Wright, Dymond 23-4 Campbell High School
Agoda, Joy 23-2 Pebblebrook High School
Uribe, Alexandria 23-0.5 Pope High School
Chico, Dayneliz 21-9 Allatoona HS
Adkins, Savanna 21-1 Kell High School
Jackson, Annaya 20-4.5 Hillgrove
Pigozzi, Bianca 18-11 Kell High School
Jamison, Zion Sprayberry High School
Horton , Zevonie Wheeler High School
Hunt , Keyonna Wheeler High School
Thornton, Hailey Mount Paran Christian School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nettles, Sydney 39-2.75 Campbell High School
Ware, Jailyn 37-0 Harrison High School
Evans, Kiara 36-1 Lassiter High School
Alao, Eunice 35-6.5 McEachern High School
Blanks, Megan 35-4 McEachern High School
Williams, Laila-Hope 35-1 Marietta High School
Sagi, Aditi 34-0 Walton High School
Riley, Kortlyn 33-11 North Cobb High School
Sacus, Kaylan 33-11 Hillgrove
Johnson, Cecilia 33-5.25 Lassiter High School
Kopach, Julianne 33-2 Pope High School
Griffin, Skylar 32-6 Pebblebrook High School
Patel, Syra 32-5 Pope High School
Gutman, Zoe 32-4.25 Pope High School
Turnbull, Eva 32-0.75 Walton High School
Magaw, Lindsey 32-0 Allatoona HS
Millman, Abigail 31-2.5 Hillgrove
Fields, Lauren 31-0 Marietta High School
Williams, Aenrieta 30-9.5 McEachern High School
Dowling, Aniya 30-3.5 Harrison High School
Yancey , Erin 30-1.5 Kell High School
Thomas, Laila 29-6 Hillgrove
Smith, Lauryn 29-4 Kell High School
Roberts, Maya 28-10 Mount Paran Christian School
Marshall-Watts, Jasmine 28-2 Kell High School
Schloss, Zakiya 28-2 North Cobb High School
Jamison, Zion Sprayberry High School
Thompson, Kennedy Sprayberry High School
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