SIAC Cross Country Championships 2023

Macon, GA

SIAC Cross Country Championships 2023 vs 2021 SIAC Cross Country Championships 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +18 85 67
Overall Average +1:11.39 28:13.32 27:01.93
1st-10th Place +40.51 21:46.75 21:06.24
1st-25th Place +48.96 23:07.00 22:18.04
1st-50th Place -2.86 24:41.13 24:44.00
1st-100th Place +5:52.63 23:59.33 18:06.69
Common Athletes -- -- 12
Ran Faster -2 5 7
Ran Season Best -4 5 9
Average Time +1:24.53 27:52.18 26:27.65
Median Time -47.80 25:47.20 26:35.00
Middle 80% Times +1:32.25 29:01.82 27:29.57
Top 10% Times +45.90 22:03.95 21:18.05
Top 25% Times +1:01.50 22:25.97 21:24.47
Top 50% Times +10.67 23:39.82 23:29.15
Bottom 50% Times +2:38.38 32:04.53 29:26.15
Bottom 25% Times +6:53.57 38:00.53 31:06.97
Bottom 10% Times +9:24.75 41:20.85 31:56.10
Average Difference +1:24.53 -- --
Median Difference +12.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:32.25 -- --
Top 10% Difference +45.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference +28.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:46.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference +28.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:21.05 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +6:53.57 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +11:16.55 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jane Kiborus Benedict College +39.90 21:39.10 20:59.20
Zenay Rhaney Albany State University +51.90 22:28.80 21:36.90
Claire Morgan Spring Hill College +3:47.90 25:25.20 21:37.30
Montana Williams Fort Valley State University -2:40.10 23:10.00 25:50.10
Kapri Dawkind Central State University -4:49.30 24:07.30 28:56.60
Lydia Kosgei Benedict College +1:26.70 25:51.30 24:24.60
Jaylin Bradshaw Central State University -1:18.30 25:08.50 26:26.80
Shakeria Freeman Clark Atlanta University -1:57.20 25:47.20 27:44.40
Naomi Andrews Clark Atlanta University +12.10 26:47.10 26:35.00
Nadia Alexander Lane College +10:24.60 39:53.30 29:28.70
Trinidy Craft Lane College +12:08.50 42:48.40 30:39.90
Jaysha Bell Kentucky State University -1:52.40 31:19.90 33:12.30