Friday Night Lights in Rome 2024

Rome, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carey, Antwion 10.71 Rome High School
Harris, Tae 10.72 Cedartown
Gardner, Demarcus 10.74 Cedartown
Jordan, Cedric 10.91 Therrell
Cofer, Dion 11.10 Therrell
McGinty, Anthony 11.19 Therrell
Newkirk, Aden 11.20 Marietta High School
Seagraves, Kaviaus 11.27 Rome High School
Reddick, Jorden 11.30h Marietta High School
Floyd, Matthew 11.31 Homewood HS
Bridges, Ahmad 11.40 Therrell
Temple, Brooke 11.47 Darlington School
Harmon, Jaedon 11.47 Rome High School
Nwigwe, David 11.47 Marietta High School
Kunczewski, Sammy 11.48 Darlington School
Jackson, Nakia 11.54 Therrell
Berry, Tarrence 11.58 Marietta High School
Baisden, Torey 11.61 Therrell
Felton, Tomon 11.66 Homewood HS
Thomaston, Quron 11.68 Therrell
McClendon, Quentorion 11.73 Therrell
Fife, Chris 11.75 Pepperell High School
Crear, Aj 11.77 Homewood HS
Olaribigbe, Daniel 11.79 Marietta High School
Worfford, Shauntavious 11.81 Rome High School
Branch, Emori 11.82 Rome High School
Hardeman, Jeremiah 11.82 Therrell
Richards, Elijah 11.86 Rome High School
Long, Bryon 11.86 Homewood HS
Shoemaker, Judd 11.90h Prince Avenue Christian School
Foster, Hysunn 11.96 Rome High School
Thornton, Kanyon 12.00 Rome High School
Garrett, Kendyn 12.13 Rome High School
Price, Jaquveon 12.13 Cedartown
Barnes, McCain 12.19 Pepperell High School
Curry, Turner 12.20 Rome High School
Elston, Marquez 12.29 Rome High School
Butts, Joseph 12.36 Rome High School
Sullivan, Dadrian 12.55 Therrell
Dumas, Otis 12.56 Rome High School
Coleman, Ashton 12.65 Prince Avenue Christian School
Cassell, Jayvon 12.68 Rome High School
Barnes, Levi 12.77 Rome High School
Mead, Mason 12.77 Rome High School
Curtis, Brandon 12.88 Rome High School
Bonds, Colby 13.59 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rohrer, Slate 14.58 Homewood HS
Winston, Javian 14.83 Rome High School
White, Zaire 15.13 Homewood HS
Turner, Astin 15.42 Cedartown
Smith, Triston 15.50 Marietta High School
Carson, Nick 16.20 Marietta High School
Kent, Rohon 16.22 Cedartown
Jones, Hayden 16.92 Pepperell High School
Hayes, Jaylen 17.11 Therrell
Ellison, Connor 17.18 Darlington School
Bennett, Robbie 17.44 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Tristan 19.15 Rome High School
Meeler, Gage 19.31 Pepperell High School
Burge, Caleb 20.14 Cedartown
Yebe, Salife 20.94 Therrell
Barkley, Zayden 21.13 Pepperell High School
Bennett, Trey 23.14 Prince Avenue Christian School
Scott, Charles 23.42 Rome High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Laird, Foster 4:31.85 Homewood HS
Davis, Isaiah 4:32.70 Homewood HS
Guzman, Uriel 4:42.00 Cedartown
Sun, Daniel 4:49.56 Cedartown
Rogers, Harrison 4:49.80 Bleckley County High School
Harrell, Jack 4:51.08 Bleckley County High School
Guzman, Oscar 4:54.54 Cedartown
Martinez, Andy 5:02.25 Rome High School
Bushnell, Bo 5:02.48 Rome High School
McGuirt, Tison 5:05.43 Prince Avenue Christian School
Loarca-Garcia, Juan 5:05.51 Rome High School
Bernstein, Nate 5:08.94 Homewood HS
Rios-Campos, Michael 5:11.33 Rome High School
Chapman, Soren 5:13.24 Darlington School
Kosedag, Atlas 5:16.77 Darlington School
Mitchell, Preston 5:18.60 Prince Avenue Christian School
Arnold, Seth 5:21.82 Bleckley County High School
Rutledge, Anthony 5:22.73 Bleckley County High School
Adderley, Jade 5:28.28 Darlington School
Ojo, Joshua 5:31.29 Marietta High School
Chambliss, Cam 5:31.55 Therrell
Woodard, John 5:32.80 Bleckley County High School
Garvin, Walt 5:47.14 Bleckley County High School
Mason, James 5:48.30 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hicks, Bennett 5:48.72 Prince Avenue Christian School
Diallo, Abdoulaye 5:49.49 Therrell
Burns, Toby 5:53.89 Darlington School
Krause, Colin 5:57.73 Rome High School
Terpening, Lincoln 6:00.00h Pepperell High School
Watson, Aidan 6:39.13 Pepperell High School
Hampton, Noah 7:02.78 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Tae 22.55 Cedartown
Newkirk, Aden 22.57 Marietta High School
Lignell, Link 22.58 Darlington School
Carey, Antwion 22.73 Rome High School
Kunczewski, Sammy 22.76 Darlington School
Gardner, Demarcus 22.85 Cedartown
Temple, Brooke 22.86 Darlington School
Camara, Muhammad 22.97 Homewood HS
Lofton, Carmello 23.07 Therrell
Womack, Joseph 23.08 Darlington School
Baisden, Torey 23.19 Therrell
Glover, Malikhi 23.25 Rome High School
Nwigwe, David 23.45 Marietta High School
Casey, Va'Sean 23.66 Marietta High School
Adams-Gibson, Jaylen 23.67 Rome High School
Crear, Aj 23.77 Homewood HS
Seagraves, Kaviaus 23.82 Rome High School
Brown, Carmelo 23.84 Pepperell High School
Long, Bryon 23.93 Homewood HS
Berry, Tarrence 23.99 Marietta High School
Casey, Anthony 24.11 Marietta High School
Worfford, Shauntavious 24.18 Rome High School
Jackson, Nakia 24.19 Therrell
Thomaston, Quron 24.28 Therrell
Schealer, Matthew 24.50 Therrell
Richards, Elijah 24.54 Rome High School
Garrett, Kendyn 24.59 Rome High School
Branch, Emori 24.92 Rome High School
Foster, Hysunn 25.23 Rome High School
Coleman, Ashton 25.25 Prince Avenue Christian School
Shoemaker, Judd 25.36 Prince Avenue Christian School
Barnes, McCain 25.43 Pepperell High School
Rogers, Tyler 25.46 Pepperell High School
Sullivan, Dadrian 25.60 Therrell
Dumas, Otis 25.75 Rome High School
Cassell, Jayvon 25.88 Rome High School
Watkins, Tymarcus 25.91 Rome High School
Butts, Joseph 26.34 Rome High School
Curtis, Brandon 26.40 Rome High School
Barnes, Levi 26.78 Rome High School
Bonds, Colby 28.97 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rohrer, Slate 38.53 Homewood HS
Reddick, Jorden 38.77 Marietta High School
Cofer, Dion 40.93 Therrell
Turner, Astin 41.00 Cedartown
Smith, Triston 41.10 Marietta High School
White, Zaire 41.50 Homewood HS
Bennett, Robbie 42.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bennett, Trey 43.06 Prince Avenue Christian School
Winston, Javian 43.36 Rome High School
Carson, Nick 43.59 Marietta High School
Jackson, David 43.64 Therrell
Kent, Rohan 44.69 Cedartown
Childress, Luke 44.69 Prince Avenue Christian School
Johnson, Chris 45.19 Cedartown
Hayes, Jaylen 46.48 Therrell
Jensen, Erik 46.92 Pepperell High School
Jones, Hayden 47.93 Pepperell High School
Gardhigh, Corey 47.93 Rome High School
Ellison, Connor 48.14 Darlington School
Barkley, Zayden 49.02 Pepperell High School
Smith, Tristan 49.07 Rome High School
Meeler, Gage 49.90 Pepperell High School
Scott, Charles 51.88 Rome High School
Yebe, Salife 52.79 Therrell
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parsa, Hayes 10:15.13 Darlington School
Parsa, Aiden 10:31.03 Darlington School
Richardson, Pete 10:45.00 Homewood HS
Kimani, Zach 10:50.34 Darlington School
Bagwell, Ethan 10:50.79 Homewood HS
Bushnell, Bo 10:59.42 Rome High School
Donahue, Lee 11:02.41 Darlington School
Martinez, Andy 11:05.04 Rome High School
McGuirt, Tison 11:13.83 Prince Avenue Christian School
Loarca-Garcia, Juan 11:26.54 Rome High School
Maldonado, Marcos 12:06.00 Pepperell High School
Terpening, Lincoln 12:26.69 Pepperell High School
Hicks, Bennett 12:40.90 Prince Avenue Christian School
Harlow, Braylon 13:00.00 Cedartown
Grundmeyer, Evan 9:54.12 Marietta High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lignell, Link 50.25 Darlington School
Bussey, Colvin 50.61 Homewood HS
Camara, Muhammad 50.61 Homewood HS
Womack, Joseph 50.83 Darlington School
Fowlkes, Robert 51.23 Homewood HS
Adams-Gibson, Jaylen 51.72 Rome High School
Jordan, Cedric 52.22 Therrell
McClendon, Quentorion 52.65 Therrell
Glover, Malikhi 52.66 Rome High School
Lofton, Carmello 53.15 Therrell
Dockery, Courtney 53.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bridges, Ahmad 53.15 Therrell
Bentley, Parker 53.88 Cedartown
Price, Jeremy 54.15 Pepperell High School
Mbanya, Emmanuel 54.19 Marietta High School
Schealer, Matthew 54.59 Therrell
Moten, Cory 55.39 Pepperell High School
Casey, Va'Sean 55.40h Marietta High School
Casey, Anthony 55.47 Marietta High School
Walker, Levi 55.82 Pepperell High School
Jones, Cameron 55.90 Pepperell High School
Branch, Emori 56.25 Rome High School
Coleman, Ashton 56.37 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hardeman, Jeremiah 56.50 Therrell
Ross, Martavious 57.52 Marietta High School
Logan, Ajani 57.57 Cedartown
Howard, Martavious 58.69 Cedartown
Watkins, Tymarcus 59.08 Rome High School
Carson, Ryan 59.76 Prince Avenue Christian School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.20 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 42.33 Rome High School
Relay Team A 42.74 Cedartown
Relay Team A 42.88 Therrell
Relay Team A 43.85 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 43.87 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 45.24 Pepperell High School
Relay Team B 45.33 Rome High School
Relay Team B 49.80h Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:30.39 Therrell
Relay Team A 1:30.65 Rome High School
Relay Team A 1:31.37 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:31.40 Darlington School
Relay Team A 1:32.61 Cedartown
Relay Team A 1:36.40 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 1:37.77 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:24.85 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 3:30.38 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 3:31.67 Therrell
Relay Team B 3:31.67 Therrell
Relay Team A 3:35.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 3:36.26 Rome High School
Relay Team A 3:43.15 Cedartown
Relay Team A 3:50.47 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:17.69 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 8:19.40 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 8:27.79 Darlington School
Relay Team A 8:57.92 Pepperell High School
Relay Team A 9:09.17 Cedartown
Relay Team A 9:30.76 Bleckley County High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrett, Ryder 2:00.84 Bleckley County High School
Guzman, Uriel 2:03.33 Cedartown
Natarella, Anthony 2:03.89 Darlington School
Touray, Bangally 2:05.39 Therrell
Bagwell, Ethan 2:06.39 Homewood HS
Sun, Daniel 2:08.91 Cedartown
Guzman, Oscar 2:09.24 Cedartown
Rogers, Harrison 2:10.59 Bleckley County High School
Lockwood, Landon 2:12.00h Pepperell High School
Strickland, Brendan 2:12.66 Rome High School
Dockery, Courtney 2:12.80 Prince Avenue Christian School
Rios-Campos, Michael 2:13.39 Rome High School
Richardson, Pete 2:14.23 Homewood HS
Harrell, Jack 2:14.91 Bleckley County High School
Mitchell, Preston 2:15.32 Prince Avenue Christian School
Martinez, Andy 2:16.17 Rome High School
Maldonado, Marcos 2:17.25 Pepperell High School
Adderley, Jade 2:19.46 Darlington School
Bernstein, Nate 2:22.43 Homewood HS
Rutledge, Anthony 2:23.26 Bleckley County High School
Arnold, Seth 2:24.46 Bleckley County High School
Carson, Ryan 2:25.27 Prince Avenue Christian School
Meeler, Austin 2:25.82 Pepperell High School
Chambliss, Cam 2:27.30 Therrell
Washington, Chance 2:27.99 Cedartown
Chapman, Soren 2:28.22 Darlington School
Burns, Toby 2:28.85 Darlington School
Donahue, Lee 2:29.16 Darlington School
Weeks, Caden 2:30.06 Therrell
Harlow, Braylon 2:32.10 Cedartown
Terpening, Lincoln 2:32.64 Pepperell High School
Diallo, Abdoulaye 2:34.29 Therrell
Pu Serrano, Bryan 2:42.60 Rome High School
Garvin, Walt 2:42.70 Bleckley County High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toney, Demary 150-7 Marietta High School
Glymph, Alex 147-1 Marietta High School
Gibbons, Michael 133-1 Cedartown
Slaton Parker, Cesar 132-3 Rome High School
Pastorino, Frank 127-0 Marietta High School
Goggans, Eliot 124-5 Pepperell High School
Prim, Myles 124-1 Homewood HS
Atha, Jake 121-6 Prince Avenue Christian School
Jensen, Erik 118-5 Pepperell High School
Walker, Tj 118-3 Cedartown
Ovalle, Eric 116-9 Marietta High School
Skaggs, Steven 114-8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Khalil, Isak 112-4.5 Homewood HS
Owen, Peyton 110-1 Pepperell High School
Wheat, Hayden 105-0 Pepperell High School
Green, Chad 104-2 Cedartown
McClinic, Terrence 99-9 Rome High School
Vasquez, Daniel 95-0 Marietta High School
Jackson, David 92-10 Therrell
Ray, Will 92-8 Homewood HS
Byington, William 92-0 Rome High School
Dukes, Daniel 87-5 Therrell
Boyd, Dontavious 86-6 Rome High School
Wright, Gary 85-10 Rome High School
Comer, Logan 83-3 Pepperell High School
Sapp, Stephen 83-2 Pepperell High School
Hardeman, Jeremiah 83-1 Therrell
Hewitt, Tyler 75-1 Rome High School
De Los Rios, Daian 67-4 Marietta High School
Alexander , Rylan 64-7 Therrell
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HS Boys High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Hayden 6-4 Pepperell High School
Cothron, Quinlan 6-2.25 Cedartown
Martin, John 6-1 Homewood HS
Dent, Gabriel 6-0 Homewood HS
Woolridge, Michael 6-0 Therrell
Bey, Russell 5-10 Marietta High School
Childress, Luke 5-8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Johnson, Garner 5-8 Homewood HS
Peasley, Zane 5-8 Cedartown
Fife, Chris 5-6 Pepperell High School
Coleman, Kaleb 5-6 Marietta High School
Worfford, Shauntavious 5-4 Rome High School
Elston, Marquez 5-4 Rome High School
Watkins, Tymarcus 5-4 Rome High School
Yebe, Salife 5-2 Therrell
Watson, Aidan 5-2 Pepperell High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Reonte 22-1 Cedartown
Esslinger, John 20-10 Homewood HS
Gardner, Demarcus 20-9.5 Cedartown
Felton, Tomon 20-7.75 Homewood HS
Bennett, Robbie 20-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Musser, Ben 20-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Martin, John 19-11 Homewood HS
McGinty, Anthony 19-11 Therrell
Daniel, DeKaylon 19-11 Rome High School
Ray, Will 19-8 Homewood HS
Hester, Nicholas 19-6 Rome High School
Jackson, David 19-5.25 Therrell
Gordon, Ge'Nas 19-5 Rome High School
Jones, Hayden 19-2 Pepperell High School
Fife, Chris 19-1.5 Pepperell High School
Dorsey, Jocobe 18-9 Cedartown
Smith, Daveon 18-8.5 Cedartown
Gardhigh, Corey 18-8 Rome High School
Barkley, Zayden 18-5 Pepperell High School
Thornton, Kanyon 18-4.5 Rome High School
Sullivan, Dadrian 17-11.5 Therrell
Moten, Cory 17-10 Pepperell High School
Cook, Caleb 16-9 Marietta High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frederick, Will 15-3 Marietta High School
Lignell, Link 14-0 Darlington School
Allen, Elliott 13-6 Homewood HS
Villareal, Xavier 12-7 Rome High School
Curry, Turner 11-7 Rome High School
Duggan, Noah 11-6 Darlington School
Molnar, Whit 10-6 Darlington School
Olaribigbe, Daniel 9-6 Marietta High School
Camp, Grayson 8-6 Cedartown
Weeks, Caden 8-0 Therrell
Yebe, Salife 8-0 Therrell
Mead, Mason 8-0 Rome High School
Ross, Martavious 8-0 Marietta High School
Richarson, Kelly 7-6 Cedartown
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HS Boys Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Jarvis 49-6.5 Rome High School
Terrell, Justin 49-6 Rome High School
Toney, Demary 49-1 Marietta High School
Gibbons, Michael 48-11.5 Cedartown
Diamond, Jakoby 43-9.5 Cedartown
Haselrig, Daethan 43-9 Rome High School
Atha, Jake 43-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Goggans, Eliot 43-0 Pepperell High School
Jensen, Erik 42-4 Pepperell High School
Pastorino, Frank 41-4 Marietta High School
Prim, Myles 41-1 Homewood HS
Owen, Peyton 40-7 Pepperell High School
Johnson, Jason 40-2 Marietta High School
Ovalle, Eric 40-1.5 Marietta High School
Christian, Noah 39-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Smith, Sam 39-4 Cedartown
Patrick, Marvin 37-8 Homewood HS
Darnell, Trust 37-7.5 Homewood HS
Burnett, Gavin 37-5 Pepperell High School
Floyd, Matthew 37-4 Homewood HS
Glymph, Alex 36-8 Marietta High School
Williams, Jamiel 36-2 Rome High School
Wheat, Hayden 34-11 Pepperell High School
Prince, Gabe 34-7.5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Thompson, Ean 34-7 Pepperell High School
Williams, Jazz 33-3 Rome High School
Dukes, Daniel 32-10 Therrell
Alexander , Rylan 32-10 Therrell
Vasquez, Daniel 29-7 Marietta High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Reonte 43-11 Cedartown
Camara, Muhammad 43-0.25 Homewood HS
Esslinger, John 42-5.5 Homewood HS
Hester, Nicholas 41-11 Rome High School
Ellison, Connor 41-8 Darlington School
Womack, Joseph 41-7 Darlington School
Dockery, Courtney 41-6 Prince Avenue Christian School
Jackson, Nakia 40-11.5 Therrell
Barkley, Zayden 40-6 Pepperell High School
Winston, Javian 40-0 Rome High School
Gordon, Ge'Nas 39-8.5 Rome High School
Mbanya, Emmanuel 39-8.25 Marietta High School
Jackson, David 38-10.5 Therrell
Thornton, Kanyon 38-9 Rome High School
Ray, Will 38-6 Homewood HS
Bennett, Trey 37-2.5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Johnson, Chris 36-4 Cedartown
Tinney, Chason 35-3 Pepperell High School
Barnes, McCain 35-2 Pepperell High School
Hayes, Jaylen 34-8.5 Therrell
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duffie, Rhimani 12.07 Booker T. Washington
Harris, Amarushakur 12.17 Booker T. Washington
Vandagriff, Audrey 12.23 Prince Avenue Christian School
Barnes, Gabriana 12.33 Booker T. Washington
Whitfield, Simone 12.33 Therrell
Hicks, Samya 12.69 Booker T. Washington
Williams, Laila-Hope 12.89 Marietta High School
Brown, Camille 12.90h Marietta High School
Maxwell, Christionna 12.91 Rome High School
Smith, Hannah 13.24 Pepperell High School
Griffin, Alexis 13.24 Rome High School
Leming, Kylie 13.25 Coosa HS
Boozer, Kenzlei 13.25 Cedartown
Polk, Jaela 13.26 Homewood HS
Seymore, Yana 13.30 Rome High School
Mitchell, Cloey 13.37 Pepperell High School
Chadha, Keely 13.37 Homewood HS
Triplett, Rihanna 13.72 Marietta High School
Prince, Mollie 13.73 Prince Avenue Christian School
Whatley, Jnoria 13.81 Rome High School
Joseph, Caila 13.91 Marietta High School
Potts, Jaliyah 13.93 Rome High School
Rivo, Marielle 13.94 Pepperell High School
Dupree, Tiana 13.95 Pepperell High School
Dixon, Presley 13.97 Darlington School
Bryant, Kiersten 13.98 Homewood HS
Hendrix, Lillian 14.14 Pepperell High School
Lord, Taylor 14.14 Prince Avenue Christian School
Byrd, Deandra 14.44 Therrell
Lee, Amari 14.45 Therrell
Wilder, Jakyla 14.47 Pepperell High School
Hunter, Grace 14.48 Rome High School
Borders, DeJah-lee 14.59 Rome High School
Burdette, Shantel 14.73 Pepperell High School
Brown-Sailor, Amirah 14.89 Therrell
Jett, Cori 15.36 Rome High School
Powers, Jaila 16.04 Pepperell High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hight, Mackenzie 15.54 Rome High School
Winston, Miya 15.62 Rome High School
Shropshire, Evie 17.33 Darlington School
Bates, Lezlie 17.72 Cedartown
Washington, Aidan 18.00 Prince Avenue Christian School
Eggers, Ally 18.46 Prince Avenue Christian School
Thacker, Jenelle 18.68 Therrell
Hann, Emma 18.87 Pepperell High School
Moore, Mackenzie 19.01 Marietta High School
Fields, Kaitlan 19.12 Cedartown
Redwine, Cachiya 20.21 Rome High School
Newberry, Lillie 20.37 Pepperell High School
Winston, Jerne 20.42 Rome High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Levering, Emma Brooke 5:08.45 Homewood HS
Lynch, Claira 5:19.80 Bleckley County High School
Farrell, Lily 5:20.27 Bleckley County High School
Wooddell, Elise 5:20.34 Rome High School
Wilder, Caroline 5:31.45 Homewood HS
Zinn, Bailey 5:33.93 Homewood HS
Cook, Alishia 5:42.89 Coosa HS
McWilliams, Marin 5:46.07 Homewood HS
Kemper, Sarah 5:52.19 Homewood HS
Sanders, Kelsey 6:17.14 Bleckley County High School
Sorensen, Eliza 6:18.34 Bleckley County High School
Butler, Charlee 6:23.32 Rome High School
Segura, Laura 6:26.00 Cedartown
Ahumada-Lartundo, Sophia 6:28.32 Rome High School
Ward, Lyla 6:34.93 Prince Avenue Christian School
Espino, Lizvel 6:35.48 Rome High School
Wesley, Helen 6:36.85 Cedartown
Mendez, Sherri 6:49.03 Cedartown
Esqueda, Vanesa 6:58.64 Pepperell High School
Clark, Cordie 7:12.69 Rome High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Camille 25.41 Marietta High School
Vandagriff, Audrey 25.62 Prince Avenue Christian School
Whitfield, Simone 25.66 Therrell
Maxwell, Christionna 26.53 Rome High School
Ellis, Christa 26.73 Rome High School
Williams, Laila-Hope 27.20h Marietta High School
Christian, Ava 27.77 Cedartown
Polk, Jaela 27.99 Homewood HS
Ross, Maggie 28.00 Prince Avenue Christian School
Chadha, Keely 28.02 Homewood HS
Fields, Aniya 28.25 Rome High School
Dixon, Presley 28.55 Darlington School
Edwards, Jaida 28.63 Rome High School
Bryant, Kiersten 28.66 Homewood HS
Leming, Kylie 28.68 Coosa HS
Griffin, Alexis 28.73 Rome High School
Smith, Hannah 28.81 Pepperell High School
McDonald, Savannah 28.92 Homewood HS
Prince, Mollie 29.06 Prince Avenue Christian School
Brown, Zanarie 29.21 Rome High School
Lord, Taylor 29.22 Prince Avenue Christian School
Mitchell, Cloey 29.25 Pepperell High School
Triplett, Rihanna 29.35 Marietta High School
Joseph, Caila 29.57 Marietta High School
Whatley, Jnoria 29.62 Rome High School
Byrd, Deandra 29.77 Therrell
Lee, Amari 30.15 Therrell
Jennings, Izabella 30.31 Rome High School
Plant, Caroline 30.48 Rome High School
Potts, Jaliyah 30.54 Rome High School
Hendrix, Lillian 30.69 Pepperell High School
Veliz, Gracie 30.74 Pepperell High School
Owens, Dyamond 31.35 Rome High School
Brown-Sailor, Amirah 32.36 Therrell
Carey, Raziah 32.61 Rome High School
Simpson, KaShae 32.72 Rome High School
McCluskey, Ja'Niyah 32.94 Rome High School
McCluskey, Laniyah 37.72 Rome High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Newberry, Lillie 1:01.78 Pepperell High School
Alford, Madeline 48.61 Homewood HS
Moore, Mackenzie 48.98 Marietta High School
Shropshire, Evie 49.46 Darlington School
Washington, Aidan 49.59 Prince Avenue Christian School
McElroy, Ada 51.46 Homewood HS
Eggers, Ally 51.95 Prince Avenue Christian School
Bates, Lezlie 54.15 Cedartown
Thacker, Jenelle 54.99 Therrell
Law, Aniyah 56.28 Cedartown
Hann, Emma 57.36 Pepperell High School
Redwine, Cachiya 58.00 Rome High School
Winston, Jerne 58.00 Rome High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Alishia 12:24.90 Coosa HS
Wesley, Helen 14:20.00 Cedartown
Thomas, Ella 15:13.39 Prince Avenue Christian School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hight, Mackenzie 1:00.06 Rome High School
Alford, Madeline 1:00.85 Homewood HS
Williams, Laila-Hope 1:01.00h Marietta High School
Whitfield, Simone 1:01.01 Therrell
Ross, Maggie 1:02.60 Prince Avenue Christian School
Hunt, Emma 1:02.79 Darlington School
McDonald, Savannah 1:03.26 Homewood HS
Armstead, Caeten 1:03.34 Homewood HS
McElroy, Ada 1:03.94 Homewood HS
Hopkins, Lucia 1:04.37 Homewood HS
Tanner, Rachel 1:04.53 Cedartown
Edwards, Olivia 1:04.53 Pepperell High School
Fields, Aniya 1:06.15 Rome High School
Warren, Charlotte 1:07.34 Prince Avenue Christian School
Woolridge, Mariah 1:07.56 Therrell
Philo, Emma 1:07.81 Prince Avenue Christian School
Simmons, Nakai 1:08.12 Therrell
Dupree, Tiana 1:08.42 Pepperell High School
Pace, Kendal 1:09.58 Cedartown
Knaak, Nora 1:09.63 Darlington School
Ekey, Sarah 1:10.00h Pepperell High School
Bridges, Rylynn 1:11.85 Cedartown
O'Neal, Maeve 1:12.66 Rome High School
Glanton, Tavaree' 1:14.07 Rome High School
Hughes, Sally 1:14.09 Cedartown
Nicholson, Ja'nayah 1:14.65 Cedartown
Plant, Caroline 1:15.02 Rome High School
Watkins, Chasiti 1:15.44 Rome High School
Freeman, Chole' 1:22.92 Therrell
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 50.74 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 51.31 Rome High School
Relay Team A 51.46 Cedartown
Relay Team A 53.53 Pepperell High School
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:44.92 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:46.64 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 1:47.99 Rome High School
Relay Team A 1:52.72 Cedartown
Relay Team A 1:54.18 Pepperell High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:14.56 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 4:21.12 Rome High School
Relay Team A 4:24.86 Prince Avenue Christian School
Relay Team A 4:36.00 Cedartown
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 10:33.00 Bleckley County High School
Relay Team A 12:11.57 Cedartown
Relay Team A 12:29.15 Prince Avenue Christian School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Levering, Emma Brooke 2:19.06 Homewood HS
Wooddell, Elise 2:25.91 Rome High School
Farrell, Lily 2:28.20 Bleckley County High School
Lynch, Claira 2:28.80 Bleckley County High School
Totty, Scout 2:33.95 Bleckley County High School
Hopkins, Lucia 2:43.85 Homewood HS
Arroyo, Lynda 2:45.74 Rome High School
Woolridge, Mariah 2:47.25 Therrell
Ward, Lyla 2:48.17 Prince Avenue Christian School
Warren, Charlotte 2:48.24 Prince Avenue Christian School
Butler, Charlee 2:50.36 Rome High School
Segura, Laura 2:51.64 Cedartown
Sanders, Kelsey 2:52.41 Bleckley County High School
Sorensen, Eliza 2:55.52 Bleckley County High School
Mendez, Sherri 2:57.00 Cedartown
Simmons, Nakai 2:58.16 Therrell
Esqueda, Vanesa 2:59.12 Pepperell High School
Wesley, Helen 3:00.39 Cedartown
Espino, Lizvel 3:13.53 Rome High School
Ulloa-Ruvalcaba, Brandy 3:18.39 Rome High School
Freeman, Chole' 3:30.22 Therrell
Newberry, Lillie 3:33.82 Pepperell High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lalaian, Emily 106-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Abrams, Alayna 105-8 Marietta High School
De Sousa, Gianna 98-5 Marietta High School
King, A'mari 93-2 Marietta High School
Essalah, Layla 89-9 Homewood HS
Jones, Sam 83-6 Pepperell High School
Walker, Ky'ara 74-9 Homewood HS
Day, Kyndra 74-6.5 Marietta High School
Golf, Josie 72-7 Prince Avenue Christian School
Paul, Mckenzie 71-4 Prince Avenue Christian School
Ivory, Lariyah 69-2 Marietta High School
Curtis, Krystia 68-6 Rome High School
Brumfield-Penson, Irelle 63-2 Cedartown
Allen, Aubrey 61-10 Pepperell High School
Stocks, Bre'lynn 58-7 Cedartown
Ferrell, Callie 55-7 Therrell
Fleming, Haley 55-5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Evans, Sanaa 53-7 Pepperell High School
Simmons, Heaven 53-2 Therrell
Browder, Ariella 46-3 Cedartown
Dykes, Carnegie 38-11 Therrell
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HS Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sadler, Ryan 5-0 Marietta High School
Edwards, Jaida 5-0 Rome High School
Hight, Mackenzie 5-0 Rome High School
Shropshire, Evie 4-10 Darlington School
Brown, Camille 4-10 Marietta High School
Ware, Asia 4-8.25 Cedartown
Philo, Emma 4-6 Prince Avenue Christian School
Dupree, Tiana 4-6 Pepperell High School
Brown-Sailor, Amirah 4-2 Therrell
Lee, Amari 4-2 Therrell
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winston, Miya 18-4.5 Rome High School
Whitfield, Simone 16-4 Therrell
Moore, Mackenzie 15-9.5 Marietta High School
Longoria, Hannah Grace 15-9 Homewood HS
Benham, Camryce 15-5 Cedartown
Dupree, Tiana 15-1 Pepperell High School
Finley, Collman 14-9.5 Homewood HS
Fields, Kaitlan 14-7.5 Cedartown
Rivo, Marielle 14-2.5 Pepperell High School
Washington, Janashia 13-11 Cedartown
Rodriguez, Zyleigh 13-11 Cedartown
Fortson, Ma'eva 13-10.75 Homewood HS
Prince, Mollie 13-10.5 Prince Avenue Christian School
Ware, Asia 13-10 Cedartown
Bodrick, Amaridasia 13-7.5 Rome High School
Simmons, Nakai 13-6.5 Therrell
Borders, DeJah-lee 13-3 Rome High School
Lord, Taylor 13-0 Prince Avenue Christian School
Tribble, Kensleigh 12-7 Rome High School
Hendrix, Lillian 12-6 Pepperell High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Delk, Eloise 9-10 Homewood HS
Jennings, Izabella 8-0 Rome High School
Bodrick, Amaridasia 7-0 Rome High School
Lord, Taylor 6-6 Prince Avenue Christian School
Ward, Lyla 5-0 Prince Avenue Christian School
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abrams, Alayna 41-1.5 Marietta High School
Ivory, Lariyah 35-1 Marietta High School
Essalah, Layla 33-5.5 Homewood HS
Jones, Sam 31-4 Pepperell High School
Day, Kyndra 29-8.5 Marietta High School
Lalaian, Emily 29-2 Prince Avenue Christian School
Allen, Aubrey 28-9 Pepperell High School
Evans, Sanaa 28-2 Pepperell High School
Golf, Josie 27-8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Walker, Ky'ara 27-7 Homewood HS
King, A'mari 27-0.5 Marietta High School
Brumfield-Penson, Irelle 27-0 Cedartown
Paul, Mckenzie 26-6.5 Prince Avenue Christian School
De Sousa, Gianna 24-11.5 Marietta High School
Simmons, Heaven 24-9 Therrell
Stocks, Bre'lynn 23-8.5 Cedartown
Ferrell, Callie 22-7 Therrell
Fleming, Haley 22-5.8 Prince Avenue Christian School
Dykes, Carnegie 22-2 Therrell
Browder, Ariella 20-9 Cedartown
Curtis, Krystia 20-5 Rome High School
Lee, Amari 18-0 Therrell
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Winston, Miya 37-6 Rome High School
Alford, Madeline 34-10 Homewood HS
Hunt, Emma 32-5.5 Darlington School
Smith, Hannah 32-0 Pepperell High School
Longoria, Hannah Grace 31-9.5 Homewood HS
Simmons, Nakai 31-9 Therrell
Knaak, Nora 31-7.75 Darlington School
Armstead, Caeten 31-6.25 Homewood HS
Dixon, Presley 31-2.5 Darlington School
Fields, Kaitlan 30-11 Cedartown
Washington, Janashia 30-4.5 Cedartown
Rodriguez, Zyleigh 29-2.5 Cedartown
Brown-Sailor, Amirah 28-11.5 Therrell
Fortson, Ma'eva 28-9.5 Homewood HS
Finley, Collman 28-8.25 Homewood HS
Woolridge, Mariah 27-3.5 Therrell
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